Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, December 06, 1854, Image 1

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BY D. E. UEKl), & CO.
FAxtort and Fro;riffor,
Hi.titifw, rnroi.A cot?TV, hsss-assa
TEH MS. One enpv one yes. M Of) one
opy nil months, ft 00 invamablt i ad
rt"rt. JET" paper will be disc nntimied rnt at
the discretion of the proprietors, until all ar
rearsges sre psid.
J"oreeh square of twelve lines or less,
first insertion, ft 00
Raeh subsequent insertion, M
On square three mvnths, "00.
On Tlri Month, rf
On square twelve months. ...I'm
One qnsrter of a column twet months, Snnn
Ore half column twelve months, 3" on
One column twelve months, SO no
cards of eicht lines, vesrtr. Son
i th'ee months. ?O0
Administrators and FrecntA' notices, 5 00
thf. of NF.vrPArrns.
I. Subscribers who do nnt five ep'e notice
ta the eon'rarr. are ennsidered as wishing to
eontirnie their ihe sintions.
5. !f mhsrrthe.-s the rliseeriTimisnee of
the irpapr. the publisher may continue to send
them until nil rferer- pl.
1. If subscribers neplect or ree o taVe
their papers frcn 'he nffice to which ther re
directed, thev r held rennn:M until th
base settled the bill and ordered the paper rts
4. If enWriWs remove to o'herr1sres with.
t Inform'ne the f,ihliher, nd the psner is
snt to the former direction, they are held re-
S. The O'tsits bsredeided thst refiisinet"
take a puperfrom. the office, or removin? and
iesvine it. uncalled for, it prima facia evidence
f intentional fraud.
S-ihscrnWa will 'herefn nndertsnd i
1. That their nsners wiM he enMinued after
th expiration of the Iwe for which they paid,
atit otherwise nrdo'-H.
t. That no paper will hd:rontiniied iiti'llMI
arrarares are paid up to the time t which the
aotire is given, unless we are satisfied thtit the
tMhseriher is worthless.
3. That whn the paper, thronch the fault of
a etthsrriher. bi been suffered to eve'run the
time, the rist and most convenient way in
remit one dollar for anoth" ix months, with
direction! todinrontinnest the end of thattime.
Thie direction will, in nil r aea, he noted upon
enrbooki, and if not attended to ihall he our
Ism "
4th.The U. S. Conts have also repeatdly
derided thut a Poi-t-Master who' neglects to
perform ht dntr of tvm reaaonahlt notie,
as required hr the Tost-OfTire Department, tf
the nesieet of a person to take from the oflice,
n'wor addrsd to him. rend' I'ost
Msstor liable to the publisher for the tub.ierip
t;nn price
" business directory.
I. M. BF.VVr.T.
list orend a hnerilinir lioue et Tielleview.
for the aeronmodntion of rei:"lir hoarders, and
occasional visitors, who. he will take iloa'ire
ia maVmr as r.imfortnble as lies in hi power.
Belleview, Nebraska. oct 5 '.VI
W. K. KNGMSir.
XTF.COTIATOU, Collector. General Lml
ll Agent. Co'intellor at Law, Jlc, Ilc.
Belleview. Nebraska. -
Ilavinr an experience of 17 rears i the Ter
ritory, will pay prompt attention to all com
anunicatioiis, post paid, in regard to the Ter-
riiory. ate.. c.
VST Office Pear the Government buiid:n;
asd in rear of P. A. Parpy's baiikine house. .
Belleview City, Nebraska. July I S. 1S54.
Land Agent, Surveyer artd. Engineer, Belle
lew, Nebraska. nl-ly
uroiiGK 1IK1'M-:U,
Attorriey and Counsellor at Law, St. Mary,
Mills County, lowa. v amrJl-ly
' G. W. WALLACK, !
Physician and Surgeon, respectfully tenders
bis profetsional services to the citicna of Si.
Mary and vicinity. Oltlce two miles north-
west of St. Mary, on ths Musqtuto creek.
Topographical F-ngineer, tenders his profes
sional services to the citizens of 81. Mary and
vicinity a burveyor and biigiueer in all its va
ricties. ODice U) P. A. Sarpy's store, corner of
Gregory street. au ji-iy
General Land Acents, St. Mrv, Mills County
Iowa. Will attend to the purchase and sale of
real estate, the psilecting of tales, paying tax
s. Ac.. Ac.
Farming land and village Iota, ta iu:t
tmiuiasers, on hand, for sale cheap, and on
rsasonaois icrsus. luas. r.. niiou.i
L. 11. KIX.NF.Y.
n43-tf ' JOSEPH GKEEN.
Keg Creek, Mills Co., luwa. The pruprie
tors vl tins mill in'.e" lo keep luinner or all
descriptions constantly on haml also to nip
ply all special orders for lumber at short no
ice, rur cmn. , m jiu
ri HE subscriber having located h'msclf at
X bt. Mary is prepared to ex 'cute orders of
every diecriptioa of Plain, Fancy, siid Orna
Bietiial Puiiitior. hiirns puinted. li ttered and
glided in the most approved style, and in the
neatest, manner. i'iroiia(rn mipccuuiijr .
licited. O.'fice. at H. Mvers, Frnt Street, bt
ht. Mary, teept. tT, ".
' V. A. NARl'V,
Wholesale and (""lumuiiion Merchant, dealer
lo Dry tfO)d, Harirvare, y iinun f , (.Uas
ar, Groceries, Drugs, Medicines, Ijiaks and
stationery, corner of Maui and Gregory streets,
aug Ji-iyw
Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Surveyor,
Office at the Mors er ireeiit, sUrmey, A to
bt. Mary, Mills o., lia. Aug. 5, ft.
astou uuusr..
riHE subsciiber has just opened this new ani!
J. commodious building for the reception of
Iks travenuz public, anil solicits suaie of pub
lie favor. Tiomnt and eflicient attention wil
be paid to all who may favor him with iheir
I atronag. His fable ivill It sunpiied with the
tt the mt.kel allnrns. A em urn-'ie is ui
taeh ed to the premise. W. EXGELL.
(St. Msry, ios, nur. 15, 'M uV-tl
Original Dottrj.
We nrc ineltterl to the Rev. Wm.
Hamilton, of the Otoe? nirl Omalm Mis
sion, for tlic orijr'mnl n;l lenntiful pnrm
we pn!!isn to-day. ' Mr. llnmiltnn Imvinp
hern employed in the Tnriinn mission aer
vice in Nebrln dnrinjr tlio last fifteen
years is n inlimntcly nccjiinintcd with
the interrntinp mihject presented, ns he is
with tlie harrnoniotis nnmhera in which it
is exhibited to the render.
I berd, or seemed to h'ar, a plaintive etrain, '
As onee J aat retired in some lone spot
And liafninp. thoupht I heard a voice complain,
But much of what it said ia now forpnt,
It eeetned to one tnourninr hard hia lot.
And from all lov'd ort earth waa far away
Oppressed at bart, with fertile steps besought
Yon ihady rock; beside it kneeled to pray,
Then riin. mid hia grief, I thought, I heard
him aay :
"All driola-te I stand! no friend! no homrt
No place of rt, no shelter for my head,
Lat of the Redmen, o'er the earth I roam.
Through fores's itreams by some strange
fancy led;
The clear blue heavens rr.y tent, the earth
my bed
Each day I search one like myself to find,
But cannot, for my kindred all arc dead,
And f, an orphan lone, am left behind,
Cheerless, and fhelterleia, the sport of ev'ry
"My eyes, w'.th lonping, seek to rest on one
Vhose heart hnd blood are kindred to my own'
But those, triumphant race have run,
And in their turn but reaped what they had
Long, ere the Falcf ace was to m anhood grown ,
1 Tiey were the monarchs of this Western world,
But now, they sleep in silence I alone
Stlil linger. Down to death the rest ware
While o'er their graves float Freedom's fairest
Cag unfurled.
A bn. dred winterj rest upon my head,
Now white ai win'.ei 's snow on Mono's brow,
A hundred summer from my sight have fled,
And left it dim, and I am ready now,
Tbe last, and strongi-st of my race to bow
ty head to peisiva nilnn to my fate
For no one eotnforts mo. er tells me how,'
Or where to find totim foiul congenial inatr;
All seem the poor forsaken Indian t:l! to iiatk
0'ir fathers saw the wh"n he f! d,
A lonely cxil", o'er tbe vast blue de if j
He looked like one returning from the dau
Ml.e or.e amlenej funi his lonr cobl le
They pitied hiln. tin y told hltn not to weep;
i . I
Their arrows caught for him the fleMing deer.
Unknown, they nourished him, who now doth
The daik browed Indian from his home so dear,
Till o'er his gisve there's tione to drop auc
tion's tear.
"Once as the stars in number, row we're fwj
Disas hath wasted us, diseases brought
By those whom fondly t our hearts we drew,
And through our kindness their diseases
Now i d and lonely ia the Redman's lot,
The pitied stranger pities not in turn,
Too dearly have we sad experience bought,
Since in their bosoms fiercer passions burn,
Which make them from their hearts their fel
low-creatures spurn.
"Their hsnds are many, nd whers'r they pleaae,
They lay thoe hands ou stream and land
scape wide;
Ca'l them their own of right, by firm d cree,
Giv'n to themselves the saints and tears de
Shed by the lonely orphan by bis side) '
But Time's kind band wiil wipe those tears
F.ia long the last poor Indian will have died;
Some whisp'ring spirit, seems, me thinks, to say,
Why dost thou, lonely one, to come to us d . lay.'
'Th'ishas it ever been. By Gozan's stream,
We hung our harps that gats L inno.iio is
Nor since that fatal day, could the sweet 'heme,
We sung so oft ou Zion's Hill, be found.
Those songs have ceased, songs once so much
When Israel's Chieftain led In holier strain,
Ad listning multitudes were gathered round
Tbe victim, which, by Heaven's appointment
Foreshadowed One to come, who would not die
in vain.
"Our eyes weredim w ith watching, but we saw
No Prince, like him who led our tribes of
Wbo gave from Sinai's Mount, that holy law,
Which all our present miseries foretold;
One, wbo like him the future could unfold,
Whose voire we we i e lo hear, whose word obey.
So long Me waited for him, but behold
He comes not to redeem us, still we pray,
Though far from Zioti's Mount, we pass our
tinu away.
"But it was just in Him to cast us ofT,
Wboe temple on Mount Zion we forsook,
Wbosi holy ord'nances we mi da a scoff,
And turned from what was written In his
Now ou lli at Sacred Poll ws may not look;
'Tisloit, and for long years we could no, find
It sneuH sorcj judsnt dire bitl nature
While vis ons sirs-gi oft p&st b'fore the mind,
H'vpe gleam-i expires and O, whit a tad wreck
"Our prophets all hats died; our srs goae
God seems in anrerto have shut his ear
And still that day, they spoke of. does nut dawn,
That One comes not, "lioie voice we were to
O'er earth our tribes were scattered far and
Forgotten too tbnt Il'st we once enjoyed,
New Moons nd Sabbaths, to the soulsodearj
O, from tbe Truth, how have wa been decoyed,
Until Time's wasting hand hath all our tribes
"No; there was one lht did not God forsake,
That lingor'd sit ill wh'n we wers led away
That tribe did not of Bethel's ain partake,
They to Jehovah did not cease to pray,
And He protected 'them, he was their stay.
The rest were driven far on exiled land,
Unpitied, unprotected. Sad that day,
When for our sins, we from ths Promised land
Were carried by th fierce Assyrion band.
. i .'..'..1111
"But whether now on Zion's Mount they dwell,
Or quench their thirst at Kidrons gentle brook.
Or draw their water yet from Jacob's Well,
Or if thy gtill preserve God's Holy Book.
Or He doth on them with compassion look,
I longtoknow. Perhaps their Shiloh's com",
And reigns their King while we who first
His temple, have been doom'd on earth to roam,
Without a guide or friend far from our much
loved home.
"O, sad and bleeding is my stricken heart,
For earth encloses what on earth -"as d;r,
All that is left, are dregs of keenest kUart,
Dark! d solate b' hind! before all fear.
Longrincc is dried ths fountain, wheiiC! the
Would fall, at tinvs upon my sunburnt cheek.
The voice of love I never more shall hear,'
Since I am last on earth, and old, and weak,
My heart so troublea that I can no longer spenk.'
Thus the lone Indian sang, then sat him down
In silent anguish, for be could no more
The thought eudure, that he too should go down
As all his tribes, so peeled, had dune before,
Unrared for by the J'alefacr ti iumphed o'er,
By these he sheltered When the s'.ortn was wild,
His limbs waxed feeble, and his aspect wore
No longer that sweet smile, at when a child
Spnitingon Trial's banks, he all bis cares Be
Harkl Heard'st thou that deep sigh? Dow still
be lie; .
: li s heart so full of life has ceased to beat.
Humbled before his conqueror he dies
And yields his form submissive at his feet
No kindred spirit could he ever nie-t,
Since in the narrow cell his race was laid;
ror did a friendly smile this tone one greet
His love, to othors shown, was ill-repaid,
llodiid alone, heart-broken, by fjlsu fricuds
I woke, K was a dream; ih'.-re yet is hope
I cried, Ol Christian, haste to rescue those
Who linger still by stream on mount tin top,
Nor think them now, as erst, your deadly foes,
Lone, desolate and sad the Redman goes,
From place to plac, pursurd by the same hand
That sliuuld have rescued him from all his
And led him to a fairer, better lanj.
Haste then to help, for now on ruins blink they
As i.i in a lc'ter, if the p.ip r is small
and we have much to write, we write
closer, so let tis learn to economise and
improve the remainitip moments in life.
Corre;pon.ieEce of the Palladium,
New York, Nov. 10, 1854.
We are just emerging from the excite
mcnt of one of the most xtrnordinnry
M!i;ical contests, tlmt ever occurred in
litis Stute. There wussn army, or rathor
a lmlf a dozen armies of candidates in ihe
field, i.nd the returns f "killed, wounded
and uiistiing," ure awful.
The official figures are not jet announc
ed, but it may be set down us certain, tha'
Morulio Seymour, the Soft-shell and Li-quor-dculfrs
Candidate, is re-elected Go
vernor, and llint Fernando Wood, who was
on the s. me ticket, is M.iyor elect of this
Ci'y. The Lieutenant (io ernursliip is
yet in doubt, but the probability i", thai
R iymond, Whig, is elected, still the vo'i
i close, mill it may be, that the iinuiuriiil
Scroeis Briiidier General GuViivu
Scnrgs ("I'LcrLiis what a nmne,' ) i
Ludlow, ihe Soft Candidate, has won ilu
prize. , As fur us tlx returns have coint
in, the three ure nearly neck mid neck.
The Lrgisluture will be Whig, by a round
majority, and morethun two-thirds of the
Congressional deWation ditto. There i
scarcely a corpora! guard of Nebruski
men elected in the S:ule. In our common
council, the Reformers and Whigs will
have a decided majority.
The Know-Nothinsr vote has ainnzed
every body, although there was some oj
posi:ion in their ranks, to Mr. J. V. ILr
ker, the Know-Nothing Candidate for
Mayor, he received about 17 500 votes
and comes within about 200 voles of being
elected. His party claim that he has uc-
tually a plurality, and that lie has been do
fcatcj by the rscalily of certain inspec
tors of election, iu one or two of the
strong 'fortijn' wards. Some ten llious
and Know-No lihigs assembled in the l'ark
last evening, and passed resolutions to thai
eff-'ct. After the meeting had adjourned
a portion of the crowd formed in columi
and m irched up. Hroadwuy, with music
light aihl bunners. Th proosi'i sura
1 ill iU
bored about five thousand men.
The election here, was unusually quiet.
the friends of the liquor dealers being too
hard at work, and having too tough a Jdj
before them, to spend any time in fighting.
The friends of 'license,' increibm rs i:
inny seem, drank very sparingly during
the utrucrtrle.
At Willi imslnirg, there was riol and
murder. The deput she ifTs were attack
ed by the Irish, and one of them, named
William Henry II; rrison, a respectable
citizen, was so fearfully injured about th-
head, that he died on Wednesday. Mr.
Silk worth, another depu'y, wns seriously
injured, and Mr. John II. Smilh, a fire
man, in endeavoring, to rescue the t-flicers
fixm the mob, h. J his skull fractured, anu
will probably die. List evening, the
Know-Nothings assembled ul Williams
burg, in great force, wi.h the evident in
tention of nvenging ihese outrages; bu!.
ihrough the exertions of the M ivnr, and
of Mr. Andrews, one of the E Iiior's of
the New York Courier and Enquirer,
bloodshed was prevented. An ullick was
however made, upon the Roman Caiholic
Churches of St. I'eler and St. Paul, and
some dam ige done lo the exteriors of the
buildings, The presence of a s' rung body
oi ci iz ;n soldiers, alone prevenlcd the
burning of bo:h edifices. I fear, that the
end is not yet.
We have hud two murders, and three
attempts to murder in this city, since the
date of my last letter. On Saturday even
ing, a policeman, named David Gourlay.
was stabbed throtig't the lungs, by John it.
II. ilmes, u Candidate fur A Merman in the
first ward. II jlutes was ut'.tinp iug to
rescue some of his rowdy cons' Kuents from
the i-ustody or the oiTiclth, and was seized
by Goiirlny, when he inflicted three a:abs
upon the unfortunate m m, one of which,
proved almost immediately fatal. A coro
ner's jury have found a vt-rdic'. tquivalen
to wilful murder, against Hjim.'s, wl j i
now iu iho Tombs.
O.i the s.imu evening, (Saturday,) o
vol i ri ir Irishman, of the name of Pttrick
Quiun, was killed by the thrust of a knife,
in the hands of a boy of seventeen, named
Edward Allen. It seems that a drunken
fellow, who was with 1 lie lad, slugered
ag..inst Quiun, and a sculTli ensued be
tween ihcin, during which, Allen stabled
Q'tmu to the heart, and :n ide off. lie has
not yet been taken.
One of A rdio's boats have been pick
ed up empty, by the suhooner, Lilly Dale,
and another was also seen in the distance
also etnp'y.
The case of Chas. A. Pevere'y, indie -
ed for having uUtmp'.cJ lo burn his ware
house ou Front S.reut, Horn 3 nun. lis ago.
is now going ou in ihe Court of Sessio.i.
The bunk failures of the Wost, ere
a'.inir aereat tens itio'i in Wall street.
Gov. Seymour has appointed the 30lh
insl., for Thanksgiving. He is doublleas
thankful for his re-el tc; ion.
The markets are dull. There has been
a deoline of 1212 cents per barrel, on
flour and Mess Pork, since Wednesday.
Indian Corn is also u triilo lower. Collou
about the same.
Dr. D. Jayne, of Philadelphia, the
great udverticcriMid Pateul Medicine m. in,
is a Caudi bite for the Uni.eJ Suites Sen
ate from Peiinsjlvanii.
At iho Uni.ed Sate Iliei.ahort
imc since, was flopping a colored boy.
named William Marcey, whose extraordi
nary ma liein.ilical powers have greutly
asliinished all who have wi nesscd hisde
ti ons raiijiis. He will add up columuii
of figures any leng h, divide uny given
sum, inuhiply millions by thousands, vi h-
in live minuies of the time lite figures are
given lo him, and wi ll stith exactness, us
to render i t truly wonderful, leslerday
noon, iu presence of a pariy of genllc
men, he added u column of figures eight in
line, and lOS lines, in. king the sum to ut
of severul millions, in about six minutes.
The feat wus so astounding, and apparent
ly incredible, that severul of the par y
;ook off their coats, an 1, dividing ihe gum.
went to work and in two hours after the)
commenced, produced identically the s.une
answer. Toe boj- is not qui.e xtventeen
years of fgej he cannot read nor write
and in every other branch of an Englieh
education, is en'iiely deficien'. His pa
rents reside iu Kentucky, near Lauisville
Cincinnati Gazette.
Those who speak wi-hout reflsc'.ion of
ten remember their own words afterwards
with sorrow.
Difficulties are whetstones to sharpen
our memory.
That is true philosophy which teaches
us t make the bi of w-hst ws have
Some years ego, when Chicago was in
its infancy, n stranger look up his qunr
Icrsntthe principhl ho'el, and inscribed
Ids name on the register, as '-Mr. J
or St. Louis." For several dys he re
tnniited there, engaged in transnctine the
business which had brought him to the
place, nn.1 from his exceedingly plain dress
manners, and general appearance, attract
ed but litile attention.
Scon Mr. , wi'S suddenly seized
vi:h illness, during which, ho was sadly
neglected by his host; and '.he servants,
taking iheir tone from the muster of the
house, It Tt him lo hift for himself, is In
best could. Thus matters went on, till
one morning, he was found past prnyuig
for. His papers were then examined, -tha
ihe sad intelligence might be corrmimiiuat
ed to his friendx; when, to the surprise ol
nil, lie wns found to be one of the wealthi
est men in the western country.
Arrangements were accordingly made
for the funeral; but, before the last rites
were performed, the tulject came to life
rgain, havii g been the vi'itiin of crtalep
sy, ins'ead of the grim King of Terrors,
All were overjoyed at his fortunate es
ci'pe from so dread! ul a fate, and from
lhat time, were profuse in their expres
sions of solicitude, eliciied, however, ii
we m.iy be judges, by "documentary evi
deuce, rather than by uny personal regard.
At length, some one ventured to ask
how thines appeared to him while in his
tranr-e; to which he thus replied:
"I thought I had rome to the river of
death, where I met an angel, who handed
me a jewel to serve as a pass to the other
side. On gi ing this to the ferry man, 1
received from him unnlher, which carried
me forward another sli ge in my journey
Going on thus for several sti ges, receiv
ing at the termination of each, a ticket for
ihe succeeding one, I ul last reached the
gate ol lite neaveniy u v. anere
found St. Peter, who opened, the door at
my summons, pipe in mouth, seated by a
small table, on which stood a goodly mug
of steaming hot whisky toddy.
'Good morning, sir," said lie, very po
litely. : ...
"Good morning, St. Peter," said I
Who are you, sir?" naked he, turning
over the leaves of a huge leger.
'My name is J."
"Very good, kiit where did you liv
down below?"
"1 lived at St. Louis, in' iIms S'.ate ol
Missouri." '
Very well, sir; and now tell me where
you died."
"I died t.t Chicago, in Illinois.'
"Chicago!" sii l he, shaking his head
"there is no such plnce. sir."
I brg your pardon, St. Peter, but hav
you a map of the United Stales here?"
"Yes, sir."
"Allow me to look at it."
"Certainly, sir."
Willi lhat, he Landed down a sp'endid
alias, and I pointed out to him Chicago on
ihe map.
All right, sir.,' said he, after a mo
ment's pause, "it is there, sure enough, so
walk in sir; but I'll be bltst, if you'l
ihe fir t person that have ever come ht:t
from thf.t place."
Thus ended Mr. J.'s account of his
transition sl.le, and no more questions
were asked. Spirit of tht Timet.
Ancient Inhabitants or Nicsau.
On the Upper Missouri, there exis's a I
tract of hind known by the name of the
Mauvdiset Terres. or Had Lmd;atone
lime, probably iho bottom of an Immense
lake, in which, perished thousands of ani
mals having no representative on eanh.
ll appears lhat the waters of this pond
were removed in sane convulsion of na
ture, and the sediment lit its bottom became
indurated. The portion of the surface
bus excavated, forms a valley of VO
miles in length by 30 in width. There-
mains of animals, which lived and breath
ed long before the advent of m..n upon ihe
earth, arc here found in such abundance,
i.s to form oTil is tract, an immense ceme
tery of verlebrata. The bones are said
lo be completely petrified, and their cavi
ties filled wi.h ftilicioits niiilltr. They are
preserved in various degrees of inlfgri y
some being beauiii'iiMy perfect, and oilier
Two remarkable species of rhinocero:,
the first ever found in America, were dis
covered here, and also a panther, smaller
than the present vaiiety and likewise s
number of strange animals wi.h long
mevns, unlike hpj thing which man ever
saw alive. We know then, lhat there
were once individuals in Nebraska, cs en
rious end S'rangely alutped, and pugua
clous, as any squatter " hich the present
rush of mri'jritiari will carry thi'her.
VOL. 1.NO. 19.
rorAF.iTT. .
"If the nnble Lord means hv popularity that
t)lause bestowed by after aire on eood atitf ,
virtuous actions, I haite I0115 hren struggling
in that race, to w hat purpose, all-try in time ,
can alone t'eterniiiie. Hut if the noble Lord, .'
means that mushroom popularity which is rais'. '
ed without merit, and lost without a crime, L
is much mistaken in his opinion." ' '
The two rmu.iigs of oj ularitj lui j
ilistinguished ly Lord Mansfield are still '
recognized. Essenl hilly, 'and with refer
nice to motives, the two meanings are '
world-wide iptrt, Outwt.rdlytleir maiu-
festations are cxcredirgly like. Nfver,
in the history of the world, lias a country ,
xisttd, trording such a field for ppu,
an y i s our own. Exceptional instances ;
f great pfpulari:y ntlending remarkuble--
persons, have txis'etl tn almost every 1
couniiy; but in no ether f ounlry or age,
have so inary persons of every genera- ,
lion pussed .immediately under the publie
eye. Wi.h tis, th.e public man ll ' Indeed
public man. His acts ere known and
ci mmented on, by vast numbers rf sharps t
shighted people; anJ thus opinions iri v.i
formed, and being formed, they aro open- ,z .
ly expressed. .!
T many public men, the consciounes
of this exposure to public animadversion, -
is a source of constant anxiety,- and U' ,
would be a subject for amusing comment,' ;
lo note the various manifestations of this. )
anxiety, but we wish now lo present uni ?i
0 her phase of the sul jecti - ; ' . , . , ..;
Populari y, Wi.h us, should, be gooU . ,s
it should be desirable. It implies . appro-' ,4
vol by the people, and where the people Jvj
are intelligent and good, their approval is
a crowning glory. It is the voice of God, ......
saying lo the faithful servant 'Well done.' . .,
Justice to the American people and to our . -,-
own convictions, requires, us to affirm, ;
hat there is no sure road to popularity
here, mid now, ft to do right. Expedi-,
ency is continually appealing to the AmerU, ....
can slatesman with tempting suggestions ,
but if he listen to them he is in danger; if y
he follow them, ho is sure to ink. , KJ ; ,
Many of our public, inert do so it is
' . M.I I 1
true; but how last do uu, suen rise ana r
sink, and pass away. Fuw, cotoparative-; r
ly. effect ft permanent lodgment in. tbe ep ,,
proving judgment and effec'ions of the" u?
people:, and Uiose who do, . seera indebted
for their success far more to their rnoral -(
than to their inielicctii;,l , power. Tlief ?
American people ure more tolerant of an
error of the judgment, thnti of no obliqui-
y of principle. Tlie ilipl-nnatist's Code
which regarded a history os worse than si r
crime, has 1:0 place wiih them. They dt' ,
mand houtsty: i.nd wi.efi assured by thtf
uniform result of repeated trials, lhat ihty
have found ii in a public man, they cher
ish him in their heart of hearts. ' ' f '"'
It is delightful at this point of time, tj
contemplate the career of Andrew Jacksom ('
No man was ever surrounded by circuiri-'
stances more strongly tempting to expedi
ency, by opposition more powerful and! '
persevering, by 'political combinations',
more imposing. But he never comprrw
miscd. He never sought to ma'ie lerrh
lor himself, or his principles, or his party.-
AnJ yet no man of modern limes, certain- "
ly no statesman, has enjoyed a stronger of l'
more sustained populari y. Il'lay in th .
entire assurance which he was a'jla i if
give to tlif peop'e, of his honesfy and ldl
firmness of prit ciple. Tney knew, that
in every possible emergency be dared to '
Jo right.
This is a lesson winch should not ie lost -
sr. 1 SS . S ' - t
upon us. it snouiu not ie iosi upon msr
nblic men who now feck the favor of v
ihe people. It should not be lost uprrn'
those who cherish the principles of lite" 1
republic: 11 party, tnd who dniie to self if
.gain ui.i e.l and marching gloriously for
ward, conquering and to conquer.'" To
old spirit of the pro pie is not dead, not
he old honesty, nor the old tnthusit-sui, J
But they cannot be rallied by 'political irs
tiers and tricksters. Let but the man step 1
forward, able und willing to doM-hctti'
Tight, ind the people will rally sroiitidt
iiin. Even now, uilses from the depth'
of ihe popular heart, a cry, like the propiw 8
el's of old : ' '
"Set ye tip s standard in tha land!" - '
SiNCt'LAR Lxraissioir.
have a singular me. hod of i:j.icaiing
themselves. One paper for instance, suys'
that, "The St. Louis Company,' at Iowa
Hill have struck $20 to the pi. a in their'
diggings!" . . '
Al the same time, it docs net commnui-'
cute a fact of no less iinpnrtniue naiuelyj '
whether or not the "20" struck back!
2 , . .
J A Yankee in Iowa, has just taught
ducks to swim ju hot water, and wii!t
such success, that ihr y h y boiled Cjrs. (
Who says thi$ is not en age of improve-
men.! " "
2The cure of hi! th-j il: n l wrong f
tha cares an I sorrow, and tho crimes of .
humanity, lis in llut oue laOe word