Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, October 25, 1854, Image 4

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    I .....
mmmi . f, ---
( 1
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C 1 1 .- . .
i If
c1 H t it .i i I u i ,( 1
Hi ( ni K
i . i
winrr v.
r.u -
t'lf! l!
i i i i!i
prt'-siou wiucli in iv I'O cm.: 1 'cu-, h, is -.'out .iSr-'d.l, l'i.'! it toii
irt, except un..l'?r certuu s-ciiie '
oii.lilions. When I lit prairie soJ
is fir-.t broken, it is usual, anl lias
generally been s- since the settle
ment of the country, to ohLii". a
crop of; b'lt us cultivation
proceeds on tne sanu: l.', this
crop is displace.. 1 !iy other. In
lime districts of North west,
ii') attempt at w licit is now uv-i le
-vith tli.j eu'eptijn of t!i,;t sown
in tie spring. In other!, on whnt
are called WiiiU: Oak i?ai reu-, the
t-rop is regarded as tolerably safe,
though even then it is attended
wi'ih nuny failures.
We havu just seen a field of
sixty acres of winter wheat, on
upl.uid prairie, which according tu
present apnearances, raut
' 1
from thirty to forty bushels pcrj
acre. The laud has been in cuiti- !
n i I
vai:on loaneen years, ana is pre
cisely such as is usually condemn
ed for this crop. It has neve
been manured, although it 'n trear
ted with rotation. Its owner has
annually obtained such a crop for
four years past ever since be
lias adopted his present cour.-e of
-iiltiire; and firmly maintains that
the highest upland prairies will
not only produce this crop, but
that it is t'i-2 beit land we have for
it; being as s'jre to five a full a ield
;very year as of Indian corn, r-ro-ided
always it is rightly treated.
In proof of this, he oilers the fact
open to fill, of bis own success
under preciselv the circvmsti-ncc s
Ahere others universally fail. Tliei
owner of this wheut field is Mr.
C. Patterson, of Mcllenry co.,
111. Sliould tlio ease turn out ac
cording to present appearances, it
is undoubtedly worth looking in
to; sines if winter wheat can be
fjrown on our open prairie lands
with as much certainty as other
crops, a boundless source of Avealth
is open to the fanning public.
Prairie Farmer, Chicago.
farmers, of Aberdeen, Scotlind,
are said to practice the following
method of curing their butter,
Avhich gives it a great superiority
over that of their neighbors:
"Take two quarts of the best
common salt, one ounce of sugar,
and one ounce of common saltpe
tre; take one cuace of this com
position for one pound of butter,
Avork it well into the mass, and
!o eit for use. The butter cured
Avithtliis mixture appears of a rich
marrowy renbistency and 1'ue col
or, tin! never acp.ires a brittle
hardness nor tastes salty. Dr.
Anderson says: I have eaten but
ter cured Avith above composition
that has been kept for three years
ind it sweet as at first. It
must be noted, however, that but
ter thus cured require to stand
three Aveeks or a month before it is
used. If it is sooner opened the
salts are not safjciently blended
Avith it? and sometimes the cool
ness of the nitre will Le perceiv
ed, Avhk h totally disappears after-
Salt foh Hay. Hay mny of
ten be much improved by the ap
plication of salt, when it is pat in
the mow or stack. Cattle Aviil
often tat a poor article greedily
merely on this account. .Such hay
is often much improved in quality
without silt would
be injurious to the health of stock,
is made healthful by salt.
It is nevertheless an important
point to apply the right quantity;
had injury is often done by too
free an application. A safe rule
will be to note how much salt in
animal will consume if free ly sup
plied with it, Avhile eatii;g a ton of
hay. It Aill be found that this
quantity amII not be far from four
quarts; and thi will be about as
much as sliould Le tpphej to one
ton of hay.
Cur bushes that yoi wish to
destroy in the summer, and they
will bleed freely and die.
Last "week 0O,0t)i) lbs. of
wool told at Columbus, O., at 2")
tu 'JO per pound.
u . i : r : 5 i i t c 1 1 o r r
TiMD.r :'s
" HI I '1 V ' '
. M 't '
II l'
S.MM'V r.M.U.M..
:.-. I Jt '" 1 M .. ;
ii :i 'i ... I : :;' . I
.. w...,. i , ,. v. r..
.i. t o -,v -i i-r ih.; r.t'.-i
"I. I"m ;i. "
:; ('KlT;v x. ).,
-:iv -in i t,.;i M
.!. S'i
I I .
. S . I-H.'.
'.: 31-1 v"
, rmiirr i'f
cnli-t tlltll"
. .. P V
(::.-. i !.
n 1 CuM'Uirv.
i .
1 1. r. r.f.NNr.TT,
V : , i : , - V nn.l Co niMlii.r iit I.nw. an 1 p:!i.::t
hi ei,;in -oi v. vSIl 'i::r'ii-' ii. t! "i v:li !'!'
J:v! .,.. )i!ii.-N. l-w a. V .11 i.i..m.'
.A !
i . i .
I . 1
t t r t'o'n i
;hi I I.v
: :tl -1 v "
rn r
I i
. sr::rj'.i'.
!! ,!..! S I --' I .IV 'i-J ) -.. f "vj
'Kir! I.i all riil I a in l;
J.ncilt M'i'i'', or.!! H"'T '
-i-c. if.srSi-
!. . I i.
iin;i:;,: ! y :
O'! en
White". "
I I f j
1 V"
A H.'l. 1 11' C
I. l'l1
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.f I ;
I'n'iii'.'l'lCiU'li'T!) of l.l'fl 'l ill"!
u i I 1 1: ; i t ji.cCo ir. '
!n v .i 1. I" l. 1 :
""anTLT.iam ci'ia-u'.i.o.
., ,ii,i c,i 1 1 1 -1 1 . s- at i.w,c;:
I'll Wll'l
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t i..v.v.oMtVn.'"'i
A 1 1" :i-v a:
I. . f bnVi:f
t. (i
AM. MCA!. NoI'lC!
.T-V.. U.'l.l I ''I. W.' llil
1 1
ilU'.il HI t
l.i'AU. ll.
pi. '.(". ll:
... r i'ii -v. '.f t!.-i,w.m.i. .At:i!
I j i : i i '" -'iv I ' iU ! i:i
.1 len i.'"i Ins l-i'il. ii.rinl ni -wu '-
nit l l U vir.dii
vie :ln! V. 1 1 i ii.
Ail ll. ii 1 r' 'i i
I-. ii - li'. J
t,i rrl-.'Vr J:
i'jv"' I. M . r. .
!m: ii.'ln
: a't ;i !'
111 I- 'Ii
"fi ,tt-:s
". -I'.'" 1 1
I -.
u ill,
f ,.
1 1
" YiiTiTiiiiT s. i:.Mi:it.
AVmot. v h . i.r C ' W ,
Mvi.n o Jl ,'.-
Jit w ' it in W.i" AV (1;
S'. I..V;s, M
I I .SSf, ) P
v. f1!.- .sf .
l'i --l
;. ) ".
Si IN S.
n il ,! r -J.-!.
l I .11 ( 'i'1'i i
fi i
i-i.i i or; il
W i, ii,'
i i. u;r'
I in
a. LiAKi.wr.i i..
A..i si.
a-1 .-ly
TMiMAN, KOii'.'t. t ()..
,'"i-i'Hlii iM' l i. Iln tli- rw. u !i.. V--i
i:i ii".rpri' . 1 4. . !n'i iiii 1 l.iii iif
f Pl'i' 'I'.-
r.ii'ii.ii-v'ii K'l'l I'.'r'A,
M.'irl.air.J, l.s
.N'eiUl l'i. ::! if ''t. SI . I.. iii-. M.i.
Onii:.n iiM-nis, i M. Ii'ii ai;i:i,
Kkro. Riii.s, Jr. Ami in i; bi-UTin.i.r..
a -lv
.V ."')., l.fl i'f li Mn'J'iii a!.1.
f;;:!fV, M.'C:i
( li'.ni si if. t
I.n'iii, M-i ; I
am! eiiry Jv-
fi'l ..lillll .I'l l .-. f ' Mil'.'!-, M.
ill' !. ! i.f S'. . ! il.'iriii'-- IJ.iiliis
r . I 1 1 of M.Ii'. .
aiir I '-liiii
w.M. jr.ssop k soxs.
"iTii-ltl ;.1".. w iff li'i'iv, ill :l Main, -r,r!icr
of .Moi'fiia ptii-ft. SI. JjimU. S! tl ui' ml
t -
sfrip'Ufi' i;i -'nrf', or iiii'ii.rt "1 to m ii r, on llif
!-"5t 1.;rii.. U-tiiii H. HLAlill WI'.LL, A;'..
j. f. c).i.sTh:k.& co ,
AVI10 W'-i.le rel ill ! .' Icr in j; ..t. at 'l
''.o,s, of ail kind, No. 1 ji ilain stn ft. lit.
Louis, M.j. aprli-ly
W. HA.VO.M it CO.
T ra'r.fii.'l.-irt'rs of Out
J L l"V WnilK, s i''!.
r! n 'I in a !:.! Siiri t-
- Oivit !' ., I.,r
Sti-ain Lii-iu ai.d IJ -t 1 1 .f i .e.-. 11: f e. Iiini' iiTi l
Cni nil'", So In t ;.ner;.t .r- :n: ! l' i ir a i fire
vi:ii iili.lull kiiiiof Clipper K't l . Wfl!;iii'l
C.'iijlern i''iii;w .mil eyery ot in' ,i r! ii le in '.ii. i,
linn of Ji i-iii il,.",' ii!- !:t.iif..c iir atnl
Uvp cori-1 it ii I v on liainl 1lii: M. I.o'iis nrfmii in
( Ili'Kihir Mir. e-i. fiit.ti!f t'or S!e 'I.I li lit' 1 1-
( !olli-:-e or ot I..T - ;ii'i est a 111 .-li.neiii in ul
in a eo'i'l an- wi.rkin.inliK nrinin'r, a i.,I nut of
i;o.'i.l J il.i! .mi i;il inalei'.ai; ami i f i 'tU r-rt
-i,'f. Ail I.;'.il i f J'i '.'.. .11 on i.i I. -I. v li"ie--lc
ji.fl T.-tiii!. .No. L' tli Miiii n'tci-f, s(nitii-.'iMt cor
ner of Ctifi i v, M. i.o lis. Jl i, ipil i- lin
Tlie Erttiali darwi-Kes aiilLiackwood'e
Llovai-h FrciT & Co.. X. V'r', corP inuc
In'.-ii tin- follow '.!:' H .!i-'ii I'eri.niii-ali. :
Tii; i.i!.iii i i. rt"ily l.i i iiw ( C'oi.iC. vjtive.)
The f..lii.!ni; l;!i ll,. view ( Vni;r.)
Tne .Noitl, Unl.-l, Ui-vifA fFive riniirli.)
The We.-.tiin:-tiT r.i'. ie.v (UtWruX.)
tStkckwoo i I-uiii!o:'!i Magazii.r (Tury.)
'1 i.e jiifseni rnucai iiieul hnruf.-iii
M i'l ri'i. l. r l!ie-f put. lira: loll nnm lali v inirr
i:tiii!' (iti'ii-.y tli year . Tli.iy will oei ii
j,y it liini'.le i.'ioiiifi h.-'ween !l, i,a.i : y ri!!, ii
new iteit,;, Fi tc "i'' iwi. iiinl ityii.i; m
morii ol tlifpresfiit ii.nly join -ial. tii pon
del on T' .in., fjf the f ul rn ! J; or .an, written li
fer lb iWi;ir inlerel k l exfitfinent of the
ijent poiili. U.I even!" of the time s'.il have
pa,.--".! away. It is In the-e e, ii' i.cals
n ii.iei i.ii:-', looli for ti'.f only r. .ly int. II. u"
t.lft aii'l r.-' Ii tory or rnrint MT'ils, tel
dt t o'li. in a'laii.oii to tliei i1 v i-ll e.tiih!i!ie. I t
nary, tiieoli.irii al, anil tru-ut iiir i ll racter, we
ii''.; I iie.'u Lpon tiie couie leraliun of the reailing
Ai . ant" i ieiit.4 are in fnt're fur th receipt
i'f edi Iv blin-l- fi o n III III i ih pnhi i-lif I . by
whleh :e a fj? to pi jc all our Jt.-pi ini
in the han't.- i f hi.lfiOril'erii aSont as M.uu a,
they can he i .nnlil.e.l v . h i i.e i'oieif a ci'if.
Al'iioiiii i.'iiw.l! itnol.ea v ty iai om ay
on ff ir pa rt, He shall C'u.l life to ini noii I if pe
iioilicaisat he j::ie low rln a hereidore.
: l'i r aim.
I'or ar.y on of the four Pe-, ;e , tji l'1'
Kor any two of the lour H view 5 I li
K .r iiy tl.m- of li." four ji'.-w.. 7 na
I'orall foi r of the lli nmi, K (HI
I'or If 'ark wooii's M .'a .li e, 3 Ml
l or Islaekwooit ain!t: ii-p 1.. vipv s, 'J 'Kl
I'or lilai'kw'no'l ftii. i thef.oir Kyi..wj, 10 W
Just, r.rrheii, jnr ft'c "ner Jl 'riw.irc, ft
On M.;li: s'rtcl, .V. .Mury.
V'i7.i-: iii. rni'jjT.'inM can now fi'n? a
I f ii-1 snpp'v of t'rf !i (Jrocrrii.-s. Voy isiin,
Dry fi'el lLr Uy ..i t , l.ii.Ii i! v v: n
l i) (-n-iip for ram. ii.'JT-if
A ' iv.S ta t f or al a I ,i rhen i h
, I ....' for al f heap.
M'CkUl.LS k CO
I I""'
, w. r.
t V I M
I I. S- i
N.i. I I. S. r mi I S... si.
.11. ' 'Jii . 1 I i , i
- ik ki;t i.ixi:.
r '
r e
,', I'll K
.-.ii ! r .
I V!(. I ,
l.i ; -
i i ;
ir I':
ii. 1 1
i H II ' H. . 1 1 .
I ( 1 1 . A K
' i
f.;.n -h-1 i'. -.
. V im i. in.
Tr..-;,!...i- -
V. I.: ;. I.V I' :'ii ;
.! ,. ; t I P'. M..
,ll 1". K. M. I
I . .! ;
ii,,- a!i ili r
Ui,r:, a S'. .1
j.r I ll'l'l C'l.l
r mm hi it'
of t!i: In:". T
J.s. H.
..:,! v II f -in 1 lir.flfL Alt
'M.I' I.IM.'i SU L-r.- to
!. i . ii ; St. !,i"n i n i v I n'
I .1 ii; I 'I' ( lV ' IT! 1 ll'IH I IV
-iitniT III 1' i- . J. I vln h.'
li a;, I (' iiiih ;I lli'ii!'-. c.innerl.
-v s;:tr :.;;.! i-.. Ii.
n.f 1 f .r Tifi'ty.
.I 'i: ,1'if :iri 1 tl" tr;u .-I -Iv
ir.'.'i thi 'fi inniiriifv
ii i iL:'it- nil.! t..i ..i::.'
Will III"!''
J..-. ;!).
ii ;i.'-lv
With !' it a f'".v liu'ra .'c'l'iiiiivi ;i Si.
I'. A. sKi'V, A:"it,
M. M u v. Ii u.i.
1 I .
i.'.' i -
I i'1
-i ; "" i
. Ii
..i tu ! i
i vi i. I".
-iti.ii'l f"
tll'T Pl'i
!l' I V. i
I J A ' ' K . '" ' ' :
ir..'.!'.!'. -' '.'I 1
I i h'l'.V !'1M
rr I 1 11
r I lie i r '
v tl
! a'. 'I i
t.i'li ii! pr 1 I i
p.jM'..l !' !!:.
1 J'
r .aiohai'l" ' ' '"
Cli .'. W l"i K '.) it'll . Vi
n.. .....
F. r t'rS r,;i: 'i- U) :. .vii.-.1
P. A
r. u. i S' j,
. i I . ii. !., No
. V.: ii "i. .1. 'iiiN . i. A.:
I i.i It, ",i i '.. t. V t
r r,i. r:..v!;u,.i. .; s. t ;
III.: : 1 a Ui.-r Ci... .!'.
. '-'
i. i I '
:l r.
I,, '.v
'ii l.
..n v t
ii, t'l.i'
(. Hi
A!'!'. Jr..
I'.-S. !.Y.
r;:-iv l. .1 s
(j) :,5 Tl; : IT '..l.rM'1'...i .:. '
- i I 1 ili I I'V 11 in ). i!lt "I
t.iiti- f..u- i:i -i- ''.v.iil' a 1. 1 rr.
.'. :'': ,
v. I.' nil-,
'iv I' ir -ii.
1,1 !".... ,'V
I:;-, ''"'ii i - s;nj,
iicli.ii .it ui Knit,
s !i:i'l r-liMii'if ry
( II ll' lit t i f 11!.,- .
,:,! J'.T- !K U'i .lill'p
f ii'-n li.-1 t'i .-'.y
l lli'ii ll linger iin I he'!
Sl.ii. le .ti.1 I Irinii:. iitiil
li in In ! ' I .i i' tS'.-y h .
Tt'.'v- tietter t'if:'i-"ii
ii i.i-!. ! in tlie'.r I.i.. ' .
yli fi. ii'i'l (! l I-.;.- i l:l ,
tl-.. m i-'in !. I -1 i-i '-.''
iiin-t" it I'm- in'- ii
'I i.t. pi i'-i-t tint
!: wi-iiiiit!! i li'iji
Sl'ifk. ' lor 1 s.'i I i" Iri'.v
- 1 irni-.'.f.l t l all
' If If- will I'f s-
v, in 1 o:. -y
i, t j li:e b'ux
p! t'i I -ill ill, I l-.l!.-li ':" til.' I'
Their lie "Tip' ie Cni !.,
n ;i..y i .r ..-l i -. ei v. an ! v i'i '
! ! -;'i'--:'-"-- "''"
he 1 1 to I o e, r il in Mil
ill . i i. poll, ill: ! v :ll v
tit t .1. - - i" ' : (.r p;..t.ts.
lii i.', i I' l l pi.m'ii,.- -h . l' I
Iv. to p'i vi:t ' i ; - . ; r t ' i -1 " : " f 'it f .r t ii-liii-
I:- (ill uii.'i ili'i'ii'-r in lore U'.nt.-r
Aii ..ler hy l. ii'l ti-i '.!.! ho & i-i
S . I.O ' - I',
ai-ri:-1 v JOHN S'ni'.HsriN'
-,t ol
: i ui.
1 (
i-'.iJ.iLiI luJn.i.iL)
A-.rn.T r.7.:i;
il". t-:.:y:ily..f I "rr-:- .Afe l-eii.i iii.-l I'm p
i hi i- K'lO'.vi .-"if... r. I hy t. - v'.
l'i iii;-v!'. ... :'!. Apt :i -'i' li, I ".'., i' iii,1-,' 'u .lite-'
tie ev I - f - j. i, v n. i.i.-! rn ii .1 ;-,i :-i - -n -
'i 1 lie p'.'lllf Wfil lei.'it.,'.- I ' ,'u , I , . I (i. -t liif in'.il -i.i, - ctnioil or w .l! ini! .
i-.'ij.liii'ol. !..'! i!i u" 1 : e.i th 1. 1 :i'i:.-l ; i u,, J0'.V'A!;, liiMi: "5 1 I'l i; ! . .;,
I.; tin.i; only lii o'A'.i lor iu vmy ii -. if-, ii
: ;,e '-i rl .iii i- ,.e i ! i- i .-wr .ii. l A -c
il .-. hi i 1 . . I f 'i' lil'.' , r.ini' l' i.! I v i . i. o. nil. . ..
I' '-(tl-e p,.lni.aL''' I ! I hi ill I'l.ete-i.
T'- ,.'fw- i 'i -1 : t 1 1 1 ij i 1:1 - : if i- . -r. : 1 1 " i I
V 1'
. I.-') WAV
'..m'KI.i; ;
'. I - o -!( i ' .
hi Li s.i'.pIj
;;oi) i'.
:e'l i.i
riM'Mi s hi e ii'"i
l.i I in in '1 ir ; i in.- u iii
lor every li.s'- iM. II, .:l o
(tilt. May.
1. ,- oi ihu- of Ih" T' m.'ei.t.
,loil I:. I'OW.W'.
I'.-i lent of ti.e .'iii.ei -i y. an 1 H--.i
l eu ' m..i: i,: -.-1 I '--p.-1
1!" n !)' et,ary ai. 1 O;!,:-.-, .No.
M. . J'h . la I. i 'ih 11. He pt
M. 1).
I of t;..
I.-. AiX'.,
..'I. 1
P- A FiAj-I,
ll'idfmalf. h'rt'iil on l Vit,nni unn .V. r
ciut, of vVtiin mid (jrrgi i'y
xli(U. Sf. .V iri.
HA5 i ' nri-io-l iinl now hafir -'i V-
' ')i Iai i'-' a- -oi tulnt of .."'i-i-'i- ! i.j... i:, a : I, -e
1ii3 'nl i n'.- l to ! ." want- "f ail rla,-ei m I ..:
new j'. l thriv i'i; roiiii.iii'ilt. , v, S.i h he e-.,i, v
a ? rh ap H.-i ri'i li.M!r.-e I eif-A Ii -re !ii!i -. i n
!;i" M uri . II ;mn is hn'v h.-. n k- i... -t"l
hv mi ex fi -i i.'ui'e I pcri'h,' -er, ih if'e: ,
r eii-i e nee to I ne i:i; c oil-., no- a 'el w.iit -i of n.i
c I i --i of neiiler iii a ti.-w en iii'rv. J-. h' -i
lii.l eei.tieiifli, ih I ! en at. 1 yu i:h, all can i..
Klip; I.r 1. Call ?.!,.! for yo-ii .!. II
4t-n. runeiriN if the fi.ll-r.vii au.i.i.',' a i'i. ,1
niai:y o h.-r aitii'le. hee.iiin it no x en hi;.--ate:
AtriOliJ tiH dry UOi .ls luay he f l'lli.l W iiie.-;
an. I sa-.'.neU clothn, t.V'. i-. r,.-i,-
!il" -e, lilr-i'V. ll.,nlo-!. 1" !, VI l,l!i., p;ry i.i, !
Il l", (.':i-ill:a,- i! i l-i. Col'.'.U J O-...-, ;i..1.-iivi
aii'l lOiirf mtr. hli-n-he I iiini iiu'ih iii-he.'; h! n
ai . I w lote iii . 5 i i rj f , OMiahi.r. bvjuck.i.e;, hick
ory. rh-.( lis, iX.C.
a m y r,i"if!,
A hmt ful a-:-irii.i'il of fiticy prints of
ew-ry v t iely of h' y le aii'l . it'e, n. iatn,
liuii-i, t.u.ej aljijiii'a, hoiri'iii..nn, bi.nh.iN
el!e, Mi;:wN, Ki a:f. ban iKt rehi.-ti, crijx-, win
I. li, t.i;'lli";H, nthon, Kr.
A w. !! eterleil to-k of IS'iinii i-r. J'iiU ,i t Win
ter Clothing, Cisitii.-4 in p,ut of inn; lire-.,
roatii, pat, Iii in''! let-j glo iron I Hummer rlo h
in. of u.l lU.-cr.phun-j anj J,ej .- i ioilii. J f'.r
fill i"iJ winter u-e.
Al-o hirta, knit fl.iiitiel driwer an l ii!i,i.'i
ihii t.i, noeiii, A.C Men'a an i br.ys' hat a.iJ
Capof vaiiollgi f y'l.uh. ipia I. tie:!, ami prieet,
liout-i a:vl bIi-ii -, t.iirk an i I'.io, p'.ilne 1 hiol
Ijupol vheil of evn V ileei il tiun, lor nu n WOI.I..II,
a.ii ciiiliil e.'.' ui..'.
Crnc cries.
Cruiheil, clarif.f'l, loaf ani brown s-israr, rno
!iie, -y r. ii i-ioia- i, co! :.:!, j rup, s iperior
ten, Jiio ui.,1 Java 'oiii e, us, (, pep
per, ir.vr, '.i. i-iiiii.ii.-i'.ii, .,(;,! gih fit.
i,iitrie.:s, miomIs, toh ncu, i.-iii:,, pipes, :jii;i;
can i.e,, v.!.. gar, pi
i, J-ej-pcr-iauiie, i.c.
A l irp aioHnirnt of Hour nf virion ciaM-
l.n uiel l-i n-e-; corn tu.-il ami ail llie va. .oin
pr .. i. t of ll.u f irm an. I .,:!., l,Hi-:, -.J
li it, ki in dt.eil apple., jk- irhe. cut i -'iit, ra in.n.
ii.'. IIUilliAI.1.. S;oe-iot" Vai i.liiS pat
lor i-ii , Urn ' ami heat.r r .otf:, :oie-p,pe ai-J
iilhrjws, Intrfc unit fuiiail iron kettle., fryin?
piii xki.ifi-t, lianu-iio..?., (l,o.eli anil t
in.'.'iu.e f'i"-ks, hy f-)i ' -, th. , nhn ! i a n i
-ij ilc.i, 1" an-I traee e!l j ii.-,, x. l.;:ln:iiei.-,
pineal, iii.n a1. 'I tc-l, tiiios,, toll-,
-J A J, kii-VI i ami f'.l ki, II. . kft kl!:e, I 10'-,
i. i' Is a, nl i-rev .. iloor I, a niilen, k i.o'h, l.-'.-t
V. 'I .mvakk. A g i.,-r'.i.e ,t Jjpt
for br.'i--. h'i'.il .iiC--.. tt'iiiin H'a-li-tuh,
Miit. r paiis, ninl ami .mi- yy a.-i:ho;xr U.
hum I . N'if-i ather, li.iri.f--. h .il.hi i , ow
hiife. k'.p k.iis, calf skint, Iniiiis an-I ioon .-).
Sid lie,, h i.ll.'S, hil'eis, larri.Hs, riieit..i s,
f.. Ily-'.imi --. .ir. villi? l :.e, ri.llai'n, h !"k-'t.ip-,
i-i t i ?, I I .m!-hriiif ., i .-. .Mrim in . A', n
.11 1 a.i linei.t of iin '.i.'iiies for filers, t.-. er
'.:i' .'. -'ii' . 'ai the eoiiiinoii cojuoiaiuN of the
c.Mtfory. ('..o'x', '--, S -ppei-yioii'it. hra;
i:.l Jaiie' pilln, If itmne, i-.o,i.:, ami vai-.m
kiii'U of .iin-.ilaiit., unri.iy..' , liiiimfitB rnl
other articl.-i i,n-.-s.,,.ry fur the kick an-I t.kf i
nli,t. fin 4i-l,
BI."i'J KR and h.-ri wii.ii,b.f which th
hihr t pro will b pal I in or guv4$
8r-v A. Frglitlt ea IeVic Jif-rr,
r '
4 a I i
). .'.
'VI i
.1 .
I I-
( ,i
tv. N.
i ...ii .i
i!r- ci
i.i ;
: l .
I. n.
li. In
iv, C in
. i1 ,i r i
M ! du v .
, r ! i .
'it l'.liiM ll S',i
'I 'i
i i.r
' , ;i n
in l'i,
.. i . t
l. all
l-v !,.
1. 1
in.' .-'In' i. i
I: i rh
m-i i.r s
ui, i,. i.iti-
;i In tl o ii
( .up
!r- ('.
:: 1)
i.f -.v'
i . 1, .
r I' .':. .
! f "-i
v. i i:,,r.
n l. rn: i
in llio
:ici iii'i
i ' 1. 1 I t.i
p.'i-, tii
U,.,., I, (
l.i.T. Kl I'i.'V
r i ' 1 . i ' -,,,i .ii
I , li 'HI l i , i
ii..l. I; i u"
r I !vN I
V ' '
..... .. i :,i t;
!.-;. a -.'I '.vjirr,
.in, I
h-' i
i 1 .1
, i r,
. 'i.
1 t
O "I
: . ill.
.. .! ".I
rn'i ii r I
r, v.
r'H;i i rer
1 fine tint
l-M ' of I'..-
f .,lv -i I.
( i.-i
Si ir, v. P
.i.i ..
i ;e,! (. .m i
i. :'Ul-'.c
T-'t'r. s.,,.
P-. I-.-. -.1
!i P.,-, tVs!(
verv r-'-it oi
hy p -1 r .('-.- i ,. ii
i ' or .!:."". i
. the C, ,1 '.
.1 It-
' I H iii -
1; i. fn. a n! ,.ll i'i. I wi
I y ' ! . i - :i" iiini S' . i -:. i i i I i c .-. -i-ii
Iv I. il f.ll .. -he -I ii II I I:"
S" , ; .... , .... (';! i .,Vi I ; ..... fn ,
the h! i . I ,. ,. I -h . ' o-.t ili'i
'I ii.i-i .,1 I':'- ' e!y an, I hy i :i
i iin! . - .' i"ii r r' i ii ;i 1 I '
Viii'.rsTinx m.-;-
-i !i- l i i in-, i i-' I; in , Ii i- ,-. :
i V.
re-l w lii. ii . . - iii
:i U'I c;i ,1 . s !li- n-i-i"'
i.-li t
'"I, i.r
..i... li.-.
n one h i
1. '
'. 11--1
p. re t,i il,;-i .t li..; f
'i:i ! S.iri iiiiiril! i.
i'l", .
ll f .T
romp! iliiU with- "i! I. em
I! 1 1 1. 1. M
Dr H.l -Ir : 1 .-- ,..!.,:e
w I ii t'if- .-eaf.t -l(T,- .
i .i s
: r'.f
. i ri '
i- no, I
p'iiin li
I.V .li i-
e p.'r:;i i -,- s ii-.i ;i -i ,1 : e I' ii; on ,l'
viiii o it n I ! iiup-M i! ;i ml f.
llH I! .lec-lfnul;-. If I ill the . Vti
raun- of K'n- iini!: ,;r, a
! h i-ir-i vi Iri-'i
in, v. iiieh nr." the
1 MV-llin.' of I i.e
t Kiu-r ri'iu. In", some'.!
lier; this en'.iri'lv en; ln ,
I. L'
V. t--
rary n
l.'K t
1 1 tin in.
I 'on t-in vt. ,sd A'rst.KM. Pit y?f
.UrltllMI 1 III; II I. '..'!', I il. I X I,f
C'lfiKfini'in f n n il-s i s.
Dr. I, i-.te.-iy .-, I . ! ne ami Sir
hi -! i . ie,!v I", i f lliM-n'f l. 'J'h
li'.riiiii I'
fieil iei "
e l
r ol
.:!' r.-.J I" tl
it lue-el V
the II I on... !,-!
i i-.v - fnl ei n of t
ii.r. I vir iieii p.
an I ve::f --.I 'km
o:',l r r i-ie i -'-l.
ii. -'i : ... i ii -' .
in iv I n'" i :.'
i i- i'f t
,',-, o-r-i- ni- i by ).--! i- irial
"iii'li n i' " i t" -j : I
i. '. '. I cir 'tie .i '..--' l.i- I of
, i . in'.t.-r !,... - lie. ,, . i1.
ii' I . iii.i.. -t i . . i i i: :. I -.' -.: s.
v., r, of ?ee.M hirv -V-i
i-f no ml'fi- hoM i";ii
!,h"'.V 1.1 i, or l.o.v ,!, , ,) ,
;',. it -'! in,. f I,. 1, ,;. ,.v--!')!
tl.'- : -: i tu a '. i- '!'
I irst .'. I'.-r I 'lei;: in the
l:.-,l:ni.riii1 of the filanj-,
r.u- e : ,:
!e.l in !!i,- i-v'e;.,.
i..- I th" i n "i a:: ! r.-M
jn 'I -' I I .-i lii iin : ii
, ii. 'li riio;;t 1;
" (o.t or t if ior in ii
'" j t'n IS', i.e.- Joi-i''
" i r. no- I ,-. i) in j per
I ii'ii l', Ilo-lf', I'ailH II:
t tl"- o-.iy s.ili- an-I .ire
.i' who have rc.ifi.i lo
i their hliei.l, ether her
itn V u-l o i rhl to ifi-
ey imp
iti ,1.
i ii ii
In f--
ie rnl' rii"; t'ne
f:.le, a t'i. y may tt.e.fhy ,o only
i i '.,:,- r, e s .. j . i.i-t the .! :,je- ; inii..
: . I . r titu ie, Ifit-.'-iii lheecr
1 ' a !; 'i t I i. -ilihy i il'v, Jt call
; '-,' i- '- r.4, i.-.' .'.h -r s.A, Will, !',e ni'i-t
I - il.-'y.
"i '-ii i I a- ui-1 li F li I nvv: Hi. or, i a
lui :
l,!i!iy(l'l.i',M faofk y (.a ..i.
AM 1.1 V IH to VI II 41 1 VI.
I)r J'-. e lo.l -i.e ami Sai liii.fill
b.'-t a ,1 .-liiiy 'i:lra.-t that ouht In he u
ll the
-.1. 1 It
forme I
;h. -e ci't'ipl.i'ti' , th iij.-iiii-iue hii
in .-I .. ' f : .li r r-i'i-',
Ia i r ia' ie cii'i c uivey an a ie juiite hie-,
if. ii. -'I , i'i- ii-fl .-i'u.o.l mir.ieiiiii.js i-li in;-.-
V. lillll i-. l!'i I ii-e.l by t tie? .!-..' of I).-. I."l'e;'.v".
Jo.pln: a 1,. I Si i i.i pai ai!.i, in the i! M-,;n-.i. iletiili-
tnt.-'l ilinl m'i.iI 'ei eil liei VUiK ',( 111. H'lli-tller
hr.'k" li .wii by rm r--.., K eak by n jture. or iinp i-
1 i 'l . ,- . ;i; k lo--.-, I he nntrui-.- ami r. 1 1 M-1 otL'a-
iii.iii..ii i at I'lirn rehi ::i e.i. levived ale! built
I i r .... of iralia, Nervous h' a lache.
ljit of riifinoi v, ( ieiieral 1'r.i.Htration, Xei vnu-i-
ne-". yei .,,'.,. Ihiiti iii the Ai'rvi-t of tne I ace
ate i ti.e various tratu of nervous alb e'ion-, it
w ,11 pi .. ! i,-e a cure in an an'oiihihin sleut
Hun-. J i 4i e'i.-i-t of t .H ilie.htiiie ito 'i ve p'-r-''.'Tiii
ht I' l'i-f to the 1'1'fn r, ami to le !,.:e I,e
halteifil and ileh l.t ttfd conaliluiion to il5iin-
tiiie iieait.ti and l atir.
TO Till: LAD1F.S.
I.i: !ie'if pale couiiilex ,on and riin-.uiniive
h ai.u Jul li at are ih-hilit iiej from any of
l',e oht net loll i tic;. lent to Iii.; -e x , ueh n ob-
lf't'.oii or p iinl'. I .oil, I' Alhiis
r Whit'-, (I!I bilkue.--.; als-i, exeelve (low
f the M-'li-ei, llalini.'ie-", 4li:., ran he resto-ed
ny t uo'ot two prthnv I ,..-.!,., of Or. J-.a.-t-arly
'i Iodine inl Sat -iipuiilla, to l.looni an I
Kor. ll i fjr 'he hv-t remed ,' ever di.-eoi r r-
.i lor weakly iihihlieii, ti,d tucli a have bad
humor to li.I plea.-!.t I.V y re.njily take It.
It iiiit:idiiiteiy re-toien the appel.te, ireiimji.
atiu color, .xo.ui'i"; can t.e inoie. hiipjirii.iuir
firm ii t i v:i:ora t ins :!'ee on tl,.. Ii iman fiaun-.
l'ciiions jll w ' ih.;. .-.s u;..i i..4i'ij... h. Uk-
in l.'r. I. i ti . I , 'i lii.l .i. : j .- a . , p., r.i, a, ai j
'Wi ll b' COMie ol..,i! and f III l 1 n .y U.fler '
IIS itiftU' It illllue l.illely folinu-racta the
nnrvii'ii'i-a . f ih" f'.l.Jih; f . ami:.
Ok. II v.riu v'k Ioiiinj: vh ,- n.i a r i:ii.i. it
Wuvi:i.n;i. 1't ki i it a ur the lii oon.
It in v. ry ple.m-nt to th last. Bid in more
i'o!;::enli iited, be.n' nl rotifer, hi tter and be-ipei
t ii .i rt any o'lier tin .lu-ine iu ii.n... l'aiu.lien who
hav e no .1 tli art. i I.j aie I.e. er w iliii. to ht
Witiiout il. Taken in the early gta'ea, it is a
jure of alime-t ary oji. tn-n of ili.
a -4-.
CV"AkforI)r. K.lerly'g Iodine and Sar
fa'ui ilia an I take t...t'iln.' i 1-e.
1'rii'P t!l per buttle, or six" hotliei for fiv.
A llhtlal d.scount J.ia.ln to W hole.-aie Jiur
chn ' .
(,'vKor nil at Dr. Mast, i Iv's I'amilv ATedi
cii.e .-.tore, fi.inl h-ea.Vi -oi i,n-f Thud atnl ( hi -l.i!
-'le.ts, 't. I.o.ii, Alu. Ai-oby I'. A. Sarpy,
hr M try, lo a, a., i by 'ii a't-.n in in.-,! ... nit -j;.-i.-ei.illy
in Hie V. ,t.
Dil. r.AsrilKI.V'S I T.VKR AM) A J L K
Js warranled to . ui Ai:" and Kcvr, Dumb
Au ie, Chills tiiid IVwr, lntennitant and li.-.
not! ant I e-. . r, an-1 all th variom foriui of I c
vrrs Iii 'J-'.'.t 1 1 ti,u WkI ! !
'111'-. i;iulir reni'dy ha :iovy ben before
the p Mi.! t a u em, a:,, ! it -4 in,.' 1 1., .t lime i.hout
'I w n. i v-n n. 1'noi mi It., r ilia
have h.-.-n k.ihl uiid in i: ,'auc has it f illi-d
to ell.-i t a p..!iioiia..t I'ljie, far as Jiejul liom,
or to fie eMi-i" i-ati-faelioii to the purch.o-i-r.
Il is w ir'ente i to cine all casi-n, or the Jnoi.i-v
Will he 11 f liliihi-l. JX no m ,n, Woi.-o.n or clnl.l
oh r w ,ti liii- iliMrtr..,.n ili.rt a-.-, w hi-n a rfure
It mi d V ii i,l ban I.
ji.-au ine ie-'i'u..nv In. in John li'l. r At I o.
Kv vi ll I , III.. Oi t. 'J l, I
J)r. t'a.te.-ly h.r: V e tuhe ,, a, .re in Ha'
il.' V.v l.ale p in ha. I 'Jt hi. 1 1 .M-f Jour
l'.".r an 1 A.":,- I.i'ier, an.) ,d,,. ,,,1,1 the s.,.t.
tuour p itron:-, and that it hn i-lfi-1 t. d apeiint-I.i-ul
i-i i mi n nf, -y c !-'. Wr have no Id i.iaily
all the vat i,)i.. jif -'lii-ii:? l ,r a' ie ami fever, hut
n.'ii- h is tr.yen s ii-'i .at.,' on as your
Jleverand A.!u K tier. AV L. 'n-ie it is th
ko-t nicitciii now before t he ol'iI ie.
Rijiiieesifiiljr, Jttlt ii- 'rtk(.
i i ;.
1 '. I-
i 1 . r-
1 n H ili
.' .1 ..' I
.,1. .1, y ,
' i' 111'
V'i 11' I'
I, ,!:'.'
. I . ,
.! .: .'
I. v.
. u ) f
! t
i'ir I
, i r
..I c
I ; i
.' :ilii
,11 ! h
I 1 I :"'.'
-. '" li '. i ,.r a ' -"
m i:! I .1
li.ul 'I-
.I' !'. 'I ail m' w li ''h l".il-1. I
.,.n;.. nf V".ir I'""l ' n..'. an 1 !" l'"i" M.-'
. I .) . -' ,i : i t i f ; I . ii' u ,i i i.; I ''I I '
"i.i ' , ' , i '. i ' , I L'in.1 Iii' l '. 'll wi if
. i i ' Ui : 'i I 'i. i i; rt n !; n . :t
!: ( ' f .1 1 . u i' i. .1 ...i i
v ii , a ; i , '.
. I i l.o CJ-'
li .
I S. Criir:.i.
,;fi,il siioitly.
i'. ; . I iv. u in' ri i"-,r i
.ri,i wi.l IlKi.r I ii :'i Iv.
V. !'.. A k I' ir 1i . t ,i!rrl vN I'i'Vit .n 1 A
Kill, ". an I tilxf in) ntlnT. Hii'l v 'i hi" r fr.
A lilifial il r.i.inl iimi!'" tu ivlin"' i!.' iIitp.
t'i i l j ' ii..':". i.r s I, it'.V J..f .
I'., i P.- al Dr. I", i-t. riyV r.uii'lv M.l'i'iir
SUf r .r.,'r nf Tliinl .''.ml ClK-vint stri ft' St.
I. .'in. I'lul'vl'. A.S.'ij.v. SU M.r. nn.1 by
if a 1 it i in in1 I if 'lir ci'tii't n' I V in I li" w-t.
Oil. I. s i l iil.VS l 'i Mil! MiT. A SVUFP.
I'll.- .
a pie. -i-lit, i
i t. IV. i)r-. it.
I f " i. I
re. ii--, v I or
.'.I .M.iiVn
,i,.'. r.o:.-.
-f I.' !!''. l'i
-:. li'-
l-h .11:1 V
X of inf i ii i
I'l in '!' S'
I "
1 ; . i ir nn.i ( 'rv hi,' of i nl' i ii i.-, ,-. i ui i.jr .. ii ii -
, i ' I I - "I I I.f !.... -.
. f th- n .-t ."U' i";,', i
: ' :'.. r.i inn i -v . :!' r, ! to i !,,
. fp !
r f'T
the li
n o' iii f.t tl,- ', i-i 1 .If r . 1,111
i of the
le worlhy
I.I I'.l'iin-
i, m
i.f III
l-m -mi
1 1
'h .'til-1 liov. elu anil I he oiil Hill
1 1 ;i i r, nii.h-iire for tit ii.i.! ( 'h"if i .1
t s -i ii-." ('.mi la'nt, .v.) i'l the ,' -r.i
r "!" I "io n I roe i 'fn ne-.
1 . -l-'r 1 1 'i. I'ii.i iliii'i Svrui. .'wi'hieit r-
rrpi ton .
e : ;,i- i-o
of i!
i!i.!-lfr..r.iv Mfl,-
.1. -f'l. II I
ii'.i'.'V i'l
r.llL''-t tev
mli.-.U of f in-lii -. of
I. I... ,i h ue ... i it
'ir.wt.v i:i it fai or.
tl." I',- .' i
ami h'-ir t!
Ih ,,-, .'.'ie. m!i p.-r l-ottle.
l'.,r file lit Ih-. I'. .r'."ly' f-irr,ily At- i.-iti
St..-1-. r-u m-r of Third uiid ('h.wiut tif.-l St.
I.oiii-, al'by I'. A. Sarpy, an I by (lealori! in
;n" !:'-!" '. tali V in III" ivi'il.
in';, i: ts pr;;i.v's v r.riAtiFrr.'K.
I . i, .-..t ii- ., f.,r ll;-i lit-i.; Worn, ?. from
('.;:: i .
T I" If . -.,. !-,,.;( !, ", ( -ll ;if lirili"
kti.nui l-.rl Li' iviininl nf in.'ii I f'Tin child
ren ii 1 ir. I . iu i '. '-' V.-i m.i''..' -.
I'ar. nts itiiu truurilan h:r. .1: I in chi-roiif
'hi' 1 1 . ;i, - .'ii' hi nj'iii i-i, i. ''lily I he Mi;, plum
of -,vo- in i'i '!.";!" rh t. an ,,4 , ..n a sv nip i ml. i-ate '.he i , t r'-seneo, t hey ihould a ! ifiie
reviit p. tin- ii-. of Dr. r.i.sti'rly'H Vernofi.e.
At..-.' elill h"'i ihe lio'ii Wi.rmi than all other
il-sr i -e-i. an I a mure im-ie i aide oh if rt can tvar-i-ely
be iiuae'iii d tlnn a child s'life: ii,? under
ti.e or. Ilu try yruii'iris of w.v iiii. I'.irenl. ini-U
tht'i; Vol l.ot blame Voir .e if your
rhifV-'i ,ii-'. li. -.t y ni -i ! ." u-f !)r. Ha -t-Vly's
Vi rr.. f in tin,? Th'. Acriml':.-'. wiil if
move . cry ; ci nf wcrt'i f otu the sj -letn
ifi fc X or .-."!:! huur al'i-r lahen.
I'i ii-e 'J.'i i i-i's J ' r !i,."li..
I'or sa'i at li. Ili-tfli's T-'amilv A'-lcini-
l-ti,'"'', f," it h-ea it rurnor of Ti,i:,l a.-, I t'lf-'liut
-,;reet. St. I.o iin. ai.o l,y )'. A S.tri.y.S . Mary
am! hy ih lie -,s i.i lo.-.iic. ni . fumi-rul! .u tie wot.
). KASTI'.iir.V'S I' .MX Kii.r.i u.
for I'ir r ito ii'.' i;.-u:' -, S p. .: i.i'. Won,..'!.
T "it'l Aril', ('ohe, (.',-li;i..-.4 or n;..i .::.4, c ;'.'-
I. I. I i 4- i'-': , iiif-'uln--1,, I1,, i-'i iu the
S . ma. n ami bowel, ami l h.-r-ver thi-e is
I'.ni'. il i- a ty and -.; lain r ne.
Tn .- M liciueh... inore Ciitr,. i -r a'l
t'-. tiiativ other ever iiiveule I. It is n lioth
In'. ut oily and !-'.x 1- rl,: I i y, an I i',i so .Itilu-: i!'.
I.Ti. tl!"l.-;s.4.-:ty ("it by Ihe iii. f.' I er. iiih-l I. :l -
i'..' Ih. i.e.' ei !:tia'.ii,-' ir,i;is in a !' w iimiu
'.. . lu a word, it is a I'ain Ki.-iib.
X'i hull, i .e family or p'-.y-v ian l,ot'!.I I e
wi!!-.. .t it. it hai I e. n n-,. I by 1 it . i-a ml of I'.i
li,!.,-: a-: i r. ;.!! :b!e. '. , milie) in i!.
I.mi'ii. m. I all p. t'-.o'itii-e it t.i tno-t Sj ccdy ar.d
li ii i tui-l Curative they hnve ever u..(d.
Ii i II vTi m i 's I'm - K i i.t. i'. u
i b'-V'.i.d ..II .1 i il.l ' he mo.-t e. i t.t in r.-im- !y ever
.1 . ii. ! f.-r i'a'iis in the M-.iturli. 1'ji'ns in
t if I ". B e.i-t, P.-e'i rind l.'.r.ii. It i. uli'.h'i
i' ':-i :.(.! i'm f i,- f ..'.. D.nrth'i a. C'luii-tii
! .r '..!. I ..'i,t:'s (hd..-, V iif! in t'ie S:,, at-',
ii.d II
, 111 sje'.isia, S.I...' Til. o
ache. ,Vf.
taction- "') tiii: rriM.ic.
Kiwhi-'if I in .Ti'-i .'i CiHivrinrins.
The out v '.'iii; if.' and real Ihiin K.ll.ri -rr-p-ire
1 ev !'i-ti fly hy Dr. I'.ii' Vriy, the nil
proprietor. 'I i e i lo.- e ni iiitt i f.-its and un'ta
tfili ahiniid. Tnet -',,fe l.e --e to a-L for Dr.
Ilasie: l y "j I'aui Killer, and take no olher, iinl
you are ii,f...
Trme ci'i'i p-r bot-.-; fi i bo'tls f,,- fjit.
For vale at Dr. Ka-'erly's 1'iriiily M" I. cine
.store, ku'il ii-eil ciiri.n of 7'iiitd and Chennt
t recti. SI. I.uis, alo by 1'. A. Saipy ft. Maiy
and hy dealers in ined ieir.e pi-nei ally in the west.
l"or the cure of ('o i.'hs, CoiJ.. A -lhaiii, Con-
in t.on, U; one h.l is. Spit: ,n f of liii ,od Tain
in th.. Side end
i caM,
lltuiisy Whooiiiiii!
Co'i-h, an.! all iioi
u of ti.e Luii"- and
t 1.. -I.
Aiiio : a!! the ci lebr.ited rieriediet for Dlsea-
of the 1, t-Noa and I'll r.T, none si-un to be
ineeliiis with uuch yiiicim and to ji?r s'li h en
tire satisfaction to all. as
ok. cai;ti;k's couch iialsam.
Tbii valuable remedy in f.nreiy Vetretahlr in
it peif.-dly h uiiih s in all its
(i-iitlitii'i, ai.d,ia tiilhl and pl.i. n-tit as the most
lleiiea'e cordial. 1 1 is X er v Hm! hilit ai.lhral-
ini; la t he? I.nn, and is eu-ry "h.-ie bi-knowl-I
Iced by I)ruu'-'i-ls, I'liysn-arn, uml all who
have iimiU ,t to be the louat r.dect ial Curative
Xr dlsea-e incident to our climate is so r.'ii
versal. and at the time so fatal, as I'u!
moiiury Cotisumptioii. Thin awful
in ps over the I and as a 1) .troyine; An;-'.,
h.yil,", low i ii j hi, ol..-et alid f ai.eii of uiir I ul.e.
Mili-i-; ot t..e y.i"'iar Hi:d ! o!. are auniially
biii 1 1.' ! lo the tomb by this d. i-.itlt ul iiatioiil
('skCkH'Tivr I'.katiik! fl"ware .f ni-c
pallialiv.-ine.l.cii.e.i. The .,.',i,.. t of nea.-iy alt
Lite ii.eilicii.. now oiff ie. ..r direm.K of the
l.iii;'s, istoieli.-ve tiii l not to cure. Su li i
tii.t the case with Dr. ('.liter's Couch lialsalu.
In co!.l and co icns, y hich aie the In si sytnp
t iiiis of consuinplioii. it is (lie luosf lvaent
and "'Ih. ai uo' reinedy that en. poibiy tiene .
Ill eiu.l'iifll. -i COIisullipliOI. l! iom beeil lis. d Willi
peifi-et and trnnii bant sucves, when
eiioufiit ph)li bad (,'iven up a II hope ai
vain. Soconli I, t,t is the uoprii1or of ils pow
er to cuie Tnhfrcuio'is ( oiisiiii.,tiou, t;at he
kolicit.s a tii.J in the worst of ra-os.
m'ittim; of ih.ooi).
Tliis frightful "i iiiptuni .f coiinu.'iiplion i
spee.lily checked atnl pvi yei.led !iy thi n .e ol
Dr. Clot. I 'a Co l"h liaNulli. whl.h he..U the
ait. 4 ted liiemhrji.e, ri'luoxes the ii.cipienl fub.-,--t
', and e t'.o e lital ors-ins, Uie,
t j a ko-aiid and h.-il'hy cond i' ion.
Splttiii? of r.lood i.lw-jy it uiin s from a ten-dfin-y
to tiiberi.-uluuii ,Ji, a,;, ;,;,(! if no! cli. ek. d
at tba outset, w til i.,,oi,er or I iter in
da:h. A t,i i ton w ho rais -i blood once w III
ra.-e blood b.'Iii ut.L-k a j.iop.-r curatiK u tin
tncdiu'i ly einplfvel.
I' M X I X tmi: Si OK,
.""I I '
i n, ins i, ivai ij!"iu ol consumption a
re fr-oii mllainaiion of the luni or l.i, into ane
Called the I'ii'iia, or from In j.-ji-h a I u'le et iotis
of the air pa-.-;ii;i I.i i- I hi-r i u.-e it i a very
ilaif rn, i , iml.iation cf divas'-. It p. event,
full ;! fu-e hte.-t hiiii.-, aiil yy.-ar away thi-
iia'u: .il s: .ei.f th of 1m ,i t. m. The cnuse of
II. to ; .' . ;ii i-houl.l he t "ui, iv.-, ut tlu e, ami
ii'.-lhii.'- can ios ,.b! y i:!l- ft that idoi-ct no sis-.-d-
il v a I.., i,.. in,' i -a- 1 1. I ' :. ri. r'. i '. .. .1. i'l.,.,
i.ijll ljal.all.
wnli it Is ii'wiis ..f ai.'!.il,it.n y iifit elii.jls
on tin; cons' 'tni u ii.
1.1 V CK COMM. Al T.
Inci's.-s i f c--i,Miii,,ii.,u n,e J.i,.r is al.vays
TT.u.e or .-s atl.-i-U-.l. nj al -o the spl.-n,. plena
I i small int. ,1. in, lheid.- t of Dr. Litter's
( '.'.'il llalsam in d i-eas, f !,t l.iy.r, jc.
iail if it L of an ub n I ' i:, is diiart and
pawarfTil. lif t .: f t Lia. saval-
wi'rr.rt coi cn.
'i I' V IT I'l.llll llU'Il n (71 - Ui o! i
I i;u .lnh in n I"! i.f lie.illh
r;.. l,
! I..-
C lied
:.' the use of Dr. (,'r
a .i ill-, til". 4! . n nd
thiiu; i' , ri-.iri-
Ji I '.a I - tin. It
s the n hole hie
t .III'I
I'.-, a . I
t p"
Ite.V lnr
tn it. s Hi blood
lu. j, i "io ii.i. uc re.
t i T lb 1 .; . . r, spiff ii and oilier l.m
i,. I the .l.i.. ilne oil.'. in s, and l in nun
to ti.e iv-ii s-id r-nanrialr 1 vsti:i.
H oi.t-li ii,. litih.-n'ty f brrilfiiti", Larh
Ji.,1 f'liiiy rx peitoi iitn.n, with nil nllier
-yuijiiomsc.'.-i'ii !,y an n'!n tiotiof theairt ih
eailinj ft oin lii. th; - i at to the ii,e, are directly
iiid peci,'.i -ily aili-ctfd ai,.! i-uic'i by t i ui
if Dt. Cartel 's ( 'iiui.'li Balsam. Tli i iiavcry
painful, in iriin: ami iniuriu'ii crunpUinl,
ai A ays ha n piiArrfnl i'U.d. Iiry to int'ajii tni
fiiften tlu'J.uiifs Httd thei ehy iinl uc th woret
f. rm of puliniui iry disrati. Ho warn! ia
tune, ye Hlilii led, bod rn.jil.iy t b i tluabi
ri-ini'-l V ,
r.viMifTor. vriox
I'rei. I'vpri tura'ion ia the mint iinpoi'itit .
ret to be obtain".! in ail attempts to run du
lse of the he! and niiit'. I li -ci'ipli whti
's o distif s:tip i citniily th result of a dmrt
10 evp it,-:, ami inlnrij a foul liittt clu'.i
i'i th air p-i'- in -!, il will cintiui: tu irrttata
l'u m. inliraiif and prcvi,l,ea ron..h. Cutichiitp
.. an '!"' nipt to lli.f.i oil lhi matter, ami
p. i in- ai I 'll i.-:n' r. in-.'. Inah.iity to i-p-.'o.iitetn
the latter k:a0e of co , i.uj.tioa
ni thr e.ius of ..-ai h.
(' AUTKIf.TOlT.Tr II M,i AAf.
is thr crpt i x pec torn nt. It (hit mar
bid and lii-ici.v.' in i' t r in the nir aisitt;ei eha
ires it from a t'ticlc ir'u'.inrui s sjiil':.itir to a
tlini h.irinle4 fl ,i,, and thrown it o.T witU tba
irreatet p o ,ih.. :, :. to the p:(t ient. Theiaia
i.o bet'rr inedi.-ine in the world if in aipscta
rant qualities alone he considered.
Tor riinpl or spa- ,., ,!i.j n.''',iina thriiaa
I rtter rejm rly than Dr. (."ait.-r'j (l iticli li.iltam
Tins th.-tre-sii-e; i',isr:ie uhirh altnwat
ev. yCi-i.-j ei-e, y.el,!, to tit all powerful in-
11 n-iire i.l III detent remedy as readily at any
other form of p.-clornl flismkr,
should be fippliel wild Dr. Carter' Cooyh
M-i!'-tc, to be iiv.l i- ti,e fully slaves of Conjlik;
"ini, r-;..TTir.' ! r Morel, I'.m in the SkIc ind
I tll-st,
iironr lull, JJifiicully e.f Hreaibitir.
Swe-ils, Astl'imi, Influniz.-), Whoopii.e
t'.f!h, and s"-(u (.'roi.n. and Ihe-ebv rrumtir.
act the coiiHiimpli ve tendei..-y wlncli ni produ
ce I by our ever i-l.mat,,.
Ih iee Trial hnti.. '.'., rents per bo! lie; larj
'ties, yi i,.--r b i:!e, or si holt le. for t.Y
Tor sale at Dr. Ilas-e.-ly'. 'miiy Meilirin
stoic, Miu'li-c.-t coiner nf Third and Cliejmil'
s'rie!, ,S'. Louis. bir by 1'. A. Sarpy, kl.
Alary, in 1 be !.-rr. Im s in medicines tr.u,ertiy
ill the West.
apr 12-1 y
,.... ! '..v. . Jl. :. ,ZT3
l or ll.e euie of I.iier Conij.laiii", Dyspeptla,
.liu'uiire, J:iliii't-.!,r-4.s, I.oM of Apprti'.
II-ot . lie, Cost ivenesn, Oen.
1 1 I il.ty, .rvi,-i-:ir,. ati'l all iiaea an
ii ; from a disotdiue I.iver, or Diejtion ! !
'I l.e.e hitters po -,' t.-maikahlciiu ii;nratit!
Streff-'hi.innaml . s'.-.r-i'n-r pioprrttes, win, tin e ai d vi;;or to the !),,;. vve Ordain, and
irr-ke !;i"in mvaiu .1 f.,r
Ltvi: Cnvmivr, jAi;vt.trr, Difrfkia.
And i-ll rt'.er il,v..-..s r.iv finm a diaiir'4
t.i'o of siomach,- boweis, att 1 liver y. hic
t.'iiil to il. b iita'r or w -.'ken the fi .n.
Cannot be to highly t i.rsoat
sub l irt'r Willi a -;or,lere- I.I V I'll or I.idii:ei
! on. Lies of Appetite, Xervom lirilalio
1 1" i.l.nh. . I tab! tu.-il 'ostvrnet, (,nei al Dthi
Ittv, ni da variety of C'ompiainti winch it it
i-i i i' uh'e to ('. sc. ihe.
If there are nle.eik in S!. Lonii, tby ara
a lvis. d to try these Hitters.
l'rire fsic.";.! 1 v.t!..,or six hottlej fr tft?5.
IVr sale at D-. Has;, rly'.s I'aniiiy Mi.licina
S ore, cnriter of 'J'liird n l Chesnut lreet. St.
Loin, .",!-. Alsohy 1'. A. harpy St. Marv,
aid by di'al.u s iii Ine'lirlries, genrraltv In tlia
We,:. apr'12-ly
A .fe I,.,. I re
tain cuie for (.ouoirhoa
ST' I'M ir. . ,-m:l
W. akne
and all d.i-rni.k
r t ' ir fii i.iti.l (l.i..ans.
Tli i.s p' -puliir f.i.d ipei ihe remedy is now af
feic! iu t.i'? ati'.icted and w ar: ciited lo PUi all
r: s. s of (ii.i, or. I, .p i, ( ;er t, S' 1 1 1 1 1. 1 es, Sen, in I
Vi'caWnc . and .11 I s. ai-i" jot" the (ici.ital Ot;ana
in a lev day s. This infalluh: remedy hit
Hin d ihotis i ..Is upon tl' ian is from ll(e hvnda
of M.u i tle-s Q ir ri.s. if not fiom a piematiiia
fi ne. In of iiileclion, Dr. lljkei'a Spa
cilu; i the only sale and i ire remedy. It iavyrf
Ureeiihle to the t.istr, rtealei no preeeptabla
U'.r, an 1 may be nsi'd by persons of eittier
w .in ii tire seerccy Without lecard to diet, h in
ili .1 in e from bu ii.-ss or Me.iiral Adviserfaa
plain d.rertioiis for ue accompany the medirina
K '-ailer have you a pi ivate dineaj.ei' Do not ne
'.l ift It. D.'lay is ilat.erou. With Dr. lia
km Spcciiii: you can rure yonmrlf, and thna
ju t enl nil exposin e. This medicine will j eed.
ilv uiid elfertually cure ihe in -t virulent caa
( f Secret Diseases, ami eradicate every particl
t.f ii fi-ctioustnalt'-r fiom Ihesy-stem. ami restoia
thepatient t.i a peitect ffateof healtu and purity,
l'i ice, tail oO per bottle.
I'or sale at Dr. Cat-tnly Faniily Medieifa
St.ire, south-east eornr-r of Third ai.4 C'hesnut
.'i(ei , St. Ixmis, AIo. Also by I'. A. Harpy,
I t. Mary,, and by ih-ilvn in lnedicinaa
Ceueraiiy in tlie West. apr 1-ly
" r . s S'.-; t
A vabiiible remedy for stipprcssion of the Mea
ses, Wll.tes, Painful Menstruation, linpoien
cy or liarn tine, s, Sallow Comjdexioti, llead
a. he, Dinif-s, U cakneas of the net t, au4
all .iis.-a-es which from a derangement
of tile functions of nature.
The most perfect, kafe and iiifaljinhla remedy
for the m e of all tiios disease! of fenialas, ar
ieilot fiom v.ei.kiiiss or d lulity, ft ! obMiurtiot
in ih. -exual i,: iruin", mii ii as iriegularor up-pie-od
of Ihe M. use., Fluor Al'iua or White
l alliiiff of the Womb, llcadarhe, Frightful
D.cjii,. A c, caused by C.-Jd", t hei ked perkji'i. a
tioiif, encrri.-k, over-excileii.riit, A.C., ia
t'eveial ladies in the city w ho have suH'eraa1
for many veais with the uhoie complaints, a.ift
have eiiiplo) ed our most etiiinent physiriai
Without kin resi, have used Dr. Iloujiei's I a
mala Cordial, and hay been apeedily afd pr
inaiiently cun-J by itsuse. If there ara autler
ers hi HI. Loui., they can rely upon Dr. Hoop
er's li male liordial as a af-, jileaseut and a-ft-ctiial
I'i ice SI per b u't'e, or six hollies for ".
lor i at Di . Kasterly't Family Medicloa
S'.oie, i . iierof Third and Cheauul streets, 8t.
I.o ii, Mo. Also by I'. A. .Sarpy, St. Mrr.
and by dealeis in inrdicities generally in tba
West. pr 12-ly
Dr. Coolt'i Majic Ilair Oil.
For the pre-ervatioh, beauty, growth, aai
retoratii.n of thi,- Ilair.
Jt has Ions I'""' lei ft peraons troukltJ
w .tii t ill, bai h, ion uly hair, to procure aa a
tielewhu h would at one render the hair oft,
lin-ly and beautiful. Tb luoat peifcct aa
admirable aitille eer dikrovered for that pur
pis is Dr. Cook's AlaRit Hir Oil.
'1 his Oil ps.-i.eti! th muiutet pores, fiy
ii,' tliediy and w I'.herll'i buihs i.ew lit aac
vi:;or, openii.ft the capillaries, kfifiens, juesersaa
lieaiiiii-.-s ' tieiilhns the hair, Ju events tl
f.oiii falling oil', n-ii.'iHi the dandruff, and turns
ra;; u d hair inio Iii :t li is suiooiii, glu'
and waty. Jt is a liu Ue I ly all to b tba great
est ihteti'inn of tin. ae for beautifying th
and rct.dern it ps tuiiirient.
Is a ai ie: b ai t.icle. and iliould be found ut U
tinle! of every lady who values th flossy ao4
bfau'.l'ul at'Oiarance of "tha Oowirl ricjl1
ai,4 the w nihil. k curl."
I'i u , i eri.ia j.r Lotll.
Fur als at Dr. Fas'erly's Family. Mdici
Store, corner f 'I'hiiJ and Cbesnut itrts !
Conn, Mo. AIo by 1'. A. barpy, St. Mff
a'. I tr Jaalss s iu aaasially
Ut.' aprl5
i '
s I
i. 1
f i
f !
. t N
, avJ asv.
-- -1 . , ,
UtaU rTswt
4M flMSIXl
.liC'it aarallf l it-t
JL ... .
- t "