Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, August 30, 1854, Image 2

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    NERKANk A i ALI, A DH'.M.
. .
hi'.LLKVlEW t-il'V, t. K H U A 3 K A .
U l.H I-.) ; i , Al'..r. 1 l-l.
V. H. Pllecr, T, ,1., ,,, , I ; ; v;
t.n.-'l, ii! N- el sfr. t . V, . II. j
"d I'.t-
L'.'iin 1.
H'V N v'l '. -.v Y t',1 . .
('. I-. i .-, ... V.'. lu". C:a:., .v C... 1
d- ld,:.i.
1.. M M i!i mi .V C i i".l lil.itl
lou a.
A. I). J '. TV '.!.. C a .'i i C tv. N, !
Dr. M. II. ( I i.k. . In . i -I. i ('.!.
Mi i. ll. i i i. . 1- J . H. 11. i i-.v (' .'. N
V i 11 k .1 .
II. I)-. I .I:',-. .! -,.. K .CI!;. V'
.1. I'. M -..-1 i .v l' . . vl . .'. r 1; : v .. ,
hr.!, ,.
I'. M.. IV. .M ... I "'it 1'." r. - i -I.
Ms. II. 1'. l".vn-'. N hr i-i-.i I it, . , !
1,1. ;..iu. t. f. S. A., C a
I.ri- anile. .V iii i-k s.
- .a.
t'ul t
I.!. Heath, r. h. A., Conn im
ti'jrin v, .N : i . i.
f V..' M .Mi.t 'i.i', tr. IV".: - nt C
Tiiu. I an.,, r. ,V- k.s-,'-. i
( v'lni ,v Co; ', i! i: I. n, hu
tViiti.-n Cr-cs.e. K Cedar lh.
I i ;i
P'-st M HUT, I (Ht !).' M 'ill. . 1,1'A 1.
Ahi;.i-iiii Mill, Kii"..iqi:.i. Inn
ll.i 'i. A. I'. vVahi:ii'..n Ctv.
It. t
II. !.. 'Ihmn- li.uWll. M I'V-vi'l". I '.;...
J ;i ; I H it a.'.'. I . 1 .-"I . Nm-'diiiiiji'iiii. Ma-i
J.ilm C lh e-l. Cornimiict.jn. M.!-,-1.
M. K. .-'.it. Oitaiva. Ii'.
Sll.l 'I'll H. IIII'IISC, .V V.
H. I'. H-m-i, (;i.-i v ...!. ..ui
li. T-. h .I'!.. !. M .iv. .i
The soil df Niil-rajki is r.mirkitily rirli;
l'ini; cnnip.isr il 'if y.rry mar!, crJioiiite cf 1
f.s.o ilhnv clav, inif iihim il willi a mdiiII pur
1inn nf pxcfpiiirr: fine white .ai,l, wli.rli
criinliincil with the alotc r'.i:;f.;.N, firm i
ijuiclc, li'ht an I ji !i ..!; T-tl:nr to the
ii.rnsc ilihivial iic;"i.,ti'. in this counti y. The j
oil i remarkably iiiiiform in its iptalily an i
nlp,:llln('',. ThonsaiiiiS t'f acrr. in & s.h::ii'
limlv tn.iy he jiloweil f'r, ainl n : . li'.
il.tirt the uliirliti st ili !!'; n:-n Wt .vr.n t!i-
fjrrnw. rvrrpi tltt r i 1 rurWul l'!t.:rv.;r.
Tli? only dirirrtftt-c ilisfrriialilt; in thu enm
positiuii of the consols in !iat ari"
Irnru the action uf the raitis ami win 1, carry
ing a portion of Ihe dark sni 1 from the liiu'l.i'r
v the lower poi tinii i f onr in.ilulatiiitr IuimN.
Th've inlliieiH't'-i, "lu' in their dpi ra
tion, are gradually end continually cit. at in,'
th. '.surrounding depression-, ami char.-i. :' the j T!li, hllUt:uu was estah',i,hed hy the I'res face of IU country. I Lvtertan Board ,.f Koreit;ti Missions, for the
in: i.iai.jiu lam i-;iipiiMi,K u,e i.i ei .11
I ev,'eeii the nvcm and the hlu!f' diii-r ill
some rescect l r-ein :i,e pel tioti alreaily
-Oescrili.-d. Ihe holtoms are an alluvial ... -
posile bavin'' a lai"er adi iii
.-., - ...I i .fi i:..,. -ri...... i.,.,. .
ie reruart, r-hly pr.-d'acti've, and odnpti 1 e.'ih. r
to a et or dry sea- on. itie f.l le-.u;; ricii. '
h;h t and poms, ahsoihs a lar-o nmo-.nt cf
ivvater in a t hort tune, so tin t crops ure rarely ! j
ver injured by Mnndmg wat,.-.. On y a hoi j I,.stili-tic.i, ami that the Pre.hvterian Church,
tune , needed after a ran, to dry t!,e gr.,,d ; touhich it b.donu-, design to eon-.ert it irL, ,
itncei.t the plow or hoe. In ; ma.-;,i:i, c,,t Colle-e am) Theolot-ical Ir.Vitu
tMC nf drouth, the po.-ositv of the mil fx- ( . t , . ,,,., ... ., .... , ..
... , ,. , , ,, , ,. ! l''' '"r i-'.'r-'t I erntory of .Nebraska. This
cilitates the return of the imnsturj to the i ,,,,,,, ... ,,i... i , .
I 15 aj'ojett worthy of bein? carried into cxe
iirfacp, throiii'h the force of cai.ilhary at-, r,, , . . . ,
. . . a i. .. c Kion at ari early day, and which vve confident-
traction, induced by the action of tin; drouth i jy tni; w;ij )0 (,,, e
upon the surface Wo think we exn .afe'y j nuei Miu by nature to been,.,, the
tissert, fat no coi...t!ry ,ui th .;, ,!s ca- 1,,,,)J,()Ij o carr!i(:(; ftf ,
jincity t eti liire a severe d-ou'h unh.rf.e.1, tt. CD,a.wc; , v,.h,,..'-. . Ti,ti.,i;.,,ii.'s
or that would suder less hy an excess if rain. sr.. il,.,.,,.-,! i , i , '
J , a.c ii.s.inen io sprin.' and aiiume a rank in
The soil of tlnx.ntry ptssesse every reip.l- I ;.,. wori i r i,r, i , ,. .
... , ! , , . i..(. wor,.i o leirn.n and reli-ion commeiiBU-
f.te .piality for the prod ic'.ion of every cla,s of j r4tc ;,.,,, i..,1,),)rt.IIlCe ,w o! -,u d
"ffirm nri.l tr.wl,i,l TV". I, ! iui u n fnfl . .i ..... J 9
" "o'"' ' i"""1'--Mine
we hiiow , inai w neai, rye, corn, nariey, oais, j
iieari.s, peas, flax, hemp, potatoes, turnips
(pumpkins, s.piashes and melons, yield an ahui
slant return tor the labor bestowed ujen them.
We are natisifu d that the same amount of lah ir
dirvoted t the production of my of the abovt
articles, would produce as great a crop, and
if as pood a quality s caa lec produced in any
other part cf iVorth America. Wc ive rai.-.-'J
beets in o'.'j garden without fallt.5 uy
t.xtraordinary pains with them, that weighed
sipwaids of eifiht pounds, tainips liken if,
.weighing an upial aLiount. Cairots and
jiarhnlp attain a pitrantic srowtl.j a pood sized
rarrot ihouH Lu four inches in diameter at the
le-p, nr.-i tweiity inches in lerii.'th; parsnips fre
spieritl j grow to tlie CTrom 1:1.1 length of thirty
Jive iucbtfi. O'.her garden vepetal'.ei grow in
bout the same ,ro;, orlion. We have raised
ipiaLes which put oi:r strength to a picttv
.severe tejt tj lift l.ijjh enough to put itito a
wa-jnn. Wateriiielons of superior quality,
xveiphing from thirty to forty pound. are not
iinccmmon. Allkimljof imdlons attain prcat
funhvt'.im ami siae, hen pn j.rrly rared for.
ijorn yields upon an average, fifty bushels to
lLe acre, without usinir the hoe at ali; when
veil hocj am! attended to, seven' bushels
to the acre is not more than a common yield.
In resoict to the climalc of Nebraska, there
is much to admire, and little to fear. Each
season of Ihe yar bss its peculiar charms
i's smiles, and it f 1 ow ns. With Ihe exception
t tni!l portion of each season, tha climate
is j.leasant, mild, and health-inspirii;', ai,d
durin?;a considerable portion f each feton,j
truly delightful. T!ie winter H.asni is char-j
mctciized ly its diymss, and a scarcity of j
trrosv, rains are .j ji' uncommon dario; this ,
seasftit, ami sno-w sufficient to make sie.ghinr J
eqmilly so. V. e moved :ntj th: country i.early
feyen years ago, ai.d accoiding to our recol
loction, there has not been good bleij'hing
snough during the last seven yenrs, t.i ainoui.t
1o three months in ah; some neasuus would not
afford enow sufficient to admit of the me of
the rdf-ijjU more than four or f.w days in rourse
.f the seasoa. The great tt ijnan'.ity of snow
fell during tlie winter of 11'J, which was
sufficient tc make tclerahio good sleighir,-; for
two weeks in nicce.ssioiij wagons are in gen
ral use during Ihe whole wll.d-r ason, sleighs
and sled.s, are exceptions to the general rule.
The n.ercuiy tiikel a wide range, fro-.a "0 de
crees above, down to 22 degrees be-tow zerr p
a goodly poition of the winter i riild and
comfortable, mid not a few days vie
thoseof autum in their mildness and beauty.
It has never been our fortune io spet.d a win.
tr in a place whcit the climate was so genial
and beautiful.
inter silently y iehU to tl.e gentle reign cf
spring,00 innBhine aud ghoui-ri dissolve
the winter' fiost, and rt-Wre lh heautiful
xrnlure of which the earlh for a b.-ief otasoii
has littn liisioUd ry 'i f icy rtii;ii cf winter.
Tl grs tually begins to wake its eppenr
ane about the first ol April, a4 et n f,
.Tt-odfeed ly the middle of the Month. l"he
pound is, usually. Ct for jlowing by the mid -
Al t Apfil. Sprins when! 1. t-vsn al'Oul
shatliovl' -U.Ud; .ie li-ie
.t.:-r.:.rf; -- -
I he cnt. t i i mtitv i t' r im thai I .ills in
;'t, v ('tic month of the car. ts lis in M iv, w hieti
i w . , , . ,., f . ,,, tlt, y (A.,., ., , il:, ,,'. ,,,
1 of Jon... The summer sci-on is n-uaMy lint
i Hit 1 ra' Iry, '"it rarely sn much so n tc
r I i:io ij.mth i f tioj.s. 'I lie nnilViin
It---'. i f 'inijiiT :utirnr iinnii on" rx"i!ii'L'
li.hsid, rt,ii-i l.ilinii to hj inz ii) "i'li
::ri.:it vitfur ire! luiui ia!:re, atul limits it t.i
j .ri fcclioll 111'.1"..! ! I.L'' F.I.IH;n!l of ttliillllllKll
' I'l iu'm C Ut 11, 'H t S t - pi (' ! II.
I Tim l.i'l m.i;u!,-t ,v:v u'iillv Mi' In,, -it Ih'.'iu
' tif.,1 ..f tl,c i. , c ilin. .. .!eliL.f fulj
, l'.vv:ir,l tlie t in nf nut ii'im. tlio rar!h mU cm
i t!i liw cf e.i ! j. j it 1.1 up it hIi'ii..1. i nt
i fun!, a'..'. I'llmly f'".'.m its fi.Jin p' Wir
; nil! t'l-ry I) t!.- tnl.l cii.t;: ne ni wi. iters.
' I'i.ic:i a: :i -.
I T.iUn .. I.., :iii'i!(. ,'f r!.ra,ka i
j inut a:!'.i)r,ihly In iriri..(-1 J j (;r. t!i
; 'f vi ..iitin; , as u ,'1 a-1 t c iiu i-i;l
; I'l.ii, mi 1 h ..f ina.
It t un o .t we have got no Ftirr. i
M 'Murt.iP I i 1 1 1, after all, thu si.'e if t !
Meir... .Weld! 1 - 1 i i tint W"l.!i h ite he, 11
., !i TiiU-'ins !,. the , st, r,,. introJ'i.-.-l. a:,, I !
nhly'i-'l hy t!n-ir fri,.el h it failed to
('ami the 1 1 . t y onle il of sectional interest.
t!i:oMg u!.:( h li.ey hiu to pas?. W lirid t!i:it
::io.-t of tlie pipe: a are lahm in,' under a dvln
sio.'i r.-v;etijiu' a ' i'r-e Jfoimread " in fi-lna.-k
i:i:i.!K:it.a. It will U- f-tnui ly thoc
who -er i' tl.i-' act. that whit it said re-i-ectit
ir i!ouat:MT land to actual settleis. ha
rill anilllC.lf i'l'i t-l eith.T Of t'lPip lorr,l,,ri... I
j 11
I except .. w Mnir, ; .!:!ioiii;h the title of the I
act makes that whatever is uj.pliea-j
! ble to oiii-. is cpially .') to tin- whole. We
: hold that ;'.!. u s of a rcpi.I.licari (roverntneiit '
.hjli he !:i'e:ii.:il.!... and plain, and that'ei-
j "lit art (.houM net he 1..1 joined together n to !
U.' m.'isp--n: -ltu".lij who are to he!
ati.'i't.'.! hy ti'ir r ;e a' i 11. I
I.i n.. nor of the administration, we tak" p!
lire in -.ivilitr, that in ,'.-'i:r; Co!,!,-' .. ,ira.
....... mi ixn . Dili. ine liiuu I'lKCII an WJlf.or
tan! step m Ihe ri:;hl direction, which e hope
wiilbe f nlouelhy aiiodier at the next Ms
""'I' 1 f t'l ..!ioual I." rishit'ire giviv; ivey
A( 1 1" A r. fMTiii.n in .V, lia-l;a and Kansa--, one
hiiiidrcd and sixlv acres cf an 1.
,ent-!;f of tiie Oto? am! On. a!i i I
eiialis, in the j
j fa ,,r s pi.
The M'-siou buil-liniM weie b u!t 1
tJ. ,., a
v." s.-a'e, haei.:,' every necessary ac-
.-.....nod.itiof, f .r .;, humlriMl ,.,,.. 'if
'lilt oj oi, ;1;.. !,r,,w of an eminence that over-
cstic Misr.'iri anrf Fjrrou.i din "
; col,r.j
y, aad iitHii Mature h.n lftvis'ie-l
r chir.-m wit.h ii:isiiariii?irfiiioii. Venn.
, ,;,.r, ,jn.
reservni,,!! cf land has been
by the G j-.-e; rime,.! f..r t'.n U..r.t ..r il,;.. or tlie great nation of which
.a occupies such a central and important
EKV. 8. 0. ESL1.
This gentleman called on us at our office in
i-.t Maiy a short lime since. Mr. Hell was
sent nut by the IVe-hyterian Hoard of Missions
for the purpose of organizing Mis.ion Church
es at the did'erent County Seats in the western
part of the State of Iowa, and to providefor
preaching at these statics am! others sj-oi'ind.
Mr. 11 EM. will preach, at St. Mary the f.rft
Sunday in September next, at l'J o'clock A. m.
Sunday, June, ISjI, Jd-e Kinney' train
teir.p camped at .Wbia-ia Centre, at the ap.
poii.led iKiur. irist-ad cf fr-. merry chimi:,' of
the churcb-t'oir.if UII, a tin horn called "the
peop! ti.pether witlia a CorreM, ins'.wad of
sectj with d?Lusk and velvet cushions, ox
yokes were, so as to give
the advantage of the nhade of the wagons. A
young thtolog'ca! student, an ox-driver in the
train, xvho had left his books to recruit his
health hy a tour across the plain, officiated as
Parson by request, the scene was it-Mime and
instructive ; hue was the dif;nitaiies of the
land, Jud-e Kinney, Jude ftilei, and Att'y
Gen. Holmai ; by their example acknowledg
in the divinity of religion an! bowing the
knee to the gnat Cualor, who ever attended
ii mor lolemn assembly for religious worjhip.
Urn. Genicre Greene, one r.f the Juder s of the
S ipreinv Comt ,4 Iowa, and CoL Thomas J.
Benton, hat just arrivej at this flar-c. They
sptak in eu!ogia:c terms of the t;;K-aranee Jf
the cma.ti-y, end bear a decided tt-stiinony tu
the cjiuiar senlienr resj-cetin the advuntt-
es, locatio, and beauty cf JWIvicvr. and St
Mary, as town sites.
C V" Our neighbors in Iowa make a great
noi.e ov.-r the Nebraska liil!; the oppo-ition
are i.ot w illing that the pillar of the republic,
the sowie.y ut tl.e people, (shall be fully
and ; la.i.iv .-j;,re. j ;n 0,lr orJrijc
pseudo .,vef,.r the poor isluve comes with a
bad grace fiom theu,, ha!e of democratic j.rin
ciples causes the tumult. The old federali.ti
md their associate combine to blot out of ex
istence the deraurratie doctrine, all the sover
eignty of this goveruuient is in the people.
An Omaha sijuuw is the only nrro owner in
the 'i'erritory.
y-Our young city ai:d th surroundin;
country improve beyond the uiUSt tanguine
ex; ectation new houses building, large farms
being made, strangers and capitalist buying
proputy at one hundred per cent from last
Spring rices, thow the value and importance
attached to property in and about iL Mary
and liedview, N. T. Come gentle.-nea, thcie's
still room to make fortunes by g. t inff a-foot-hoid );i;hway to the c-arilwr.
iC?"n(ie a;e our teiiiu-rial" officers?
and w hen will they sssurce (he d-ulis of their
, respective otlicesV is a doi cmpii-y of our
j c ill .ens.
j (;y A .71" "oT Z i',7 -'.TT take place at Win-
ier ti.liru r, , ,.. -3 1, ,.tc txllu. 1
f ru.-Udjr..Jb-t,y atvtltJ.Lt l.U ff -f tewtrx. '
!'i vp h ihly re sped a hie appeal in l' (ri-n'leriicii
calleil 0:1 ii je-t.-rdiv, mil Iim il",' hei n ii.tro
d'li'jl to tin m a '-. -hi nska :-it",3"' fin in
Cedar K-'i'i ls, I "... t. we l,.t no time in mak"
ii'L u. iiii.-. in', i the ol.ji-i t of t.'ie.r ii'.'
and Iii.- i 'ei:t if their trave' and ohreiva
t i, ins ih'is fir. It appears their fl"i)'
that they t v their ist fi"-..ppiii place at
HI nil' City. Tin y w , re sunew hat di.aipoinli n
in that olaee having previous to their visit
en!, a I lined higher cm epti.ui of i! tna.;iii
tiide a'.d ad '. antajr s than they now had.
)'..'Lu this place they weie direeled U (Inia
ha City, aui weielohl hy the f:ood peoj '.e of
'hat pis, r it was the FKI-. 1 1' A L ami i'iI
nm ur: I. T"t v Nihhika. They
:n':,iii',i to ill: eetioii., croeJ over tlie (.real
Mi, vein I liver, aid tua le a i-it t C.'naha
Ctv, ale', .-.ili-lie 1 themse'v's in rejraij t.i i!
chiiusas a t u n .si'.e. They mere liii. lde to
lV',,1 so much 1 cany, and many nat'iial nd
vatitaj'". f'r a t.-w :i fite as had heen represent
ed ly the fi iei..N o'' teat place ; they h ft Oma
ha m,d t I-" ! 1 up the l iver ahont 4o mi!e,
.aii, "Winter (Jiirtir-'' and "I'oit Cal
houn.'' th"V Mi.v ''i,ic tine country, li'itV ('"he
mo-e highly f Winter larter than a: y otlo r
place Ih-t c; ine under their observation; tl ri
thoiifd.t it had natural ailvanlajtei, arl fair pio
jiecta for liibkiti a '-place.'' llai ir spent
never! i!ar travelling In dilo rr:,t t .-, H . ,,;,s
over the coi.iary the) rtnchc.l Ec'.lvie, and
Mopped to examine the pi ire ; tie ir l ap
feui.tiiictit in ttiis place bxcvi ui iI that at (i:i: ha
C'y, h it in lav.T cf '.he piac, instead of
ui.-a.ii.-t it.
1. 1 th estimation cf o ir v i. -iters, IMltvicw
ni.-e.Jtl tin other i' rurLmc:. !..' 10:1 than;
pi i s; her coninia'.dint' poaitimi, her exten.ive,
vari' !, and leautiful y. i.speet her excellent
t'.'amhoat ia:id;i; and haihol tiie t afty df
her j ositi a. and tlie ahundj:. '" ,. her building
material, lock, clav and tini'n".
Having made a pn-tty t.ioronh rxamina'.ioti
! i.f ll.i .!,,-,-.. 1l,ev en.s.e I nv, r !!:,! rivet in II,.-
fei-rv .i S. M..rv. :.i..l. ..(:,, ri...Lifi.r a !.. t
call, they s'.ait.d for the ferry cppo'te O. 1
fort Kearney, wheie thty cr-j.i -.1 the Missouri
mer.fir tlie purpose nf vis't.ti; that.jdace
I and otlier n-tt.'eii.entj in tliat rcfrion. Cur
fiicn Is spoke highly ui tlie I',,rt, and eo.i.sid. r
ed it an uaviMiiageous town si'.e, and !..-Unv.l
to .c one. Having taken a survey of this place
they went down the river as f..r as the Nemaha,
which inteireptej their fuithr.- pr":-i-ess.
Fotii tiiis place they returned to I'o.t Kearnrv,
cicseil the river and procee.'.ed up to St. -Mary,
where ticy ?to,ped for the ni.;ht. We uiuier-
:.'taiel the v intend to continue their courft uii
' M.'.u.-i river, into the north-Wi.-t of
1 w,,r:e ,flP' 'r.tenl to spi n ! rotae weeks
in hunting elk, deer, anV-b-pe, and other wild
game, which is abundant in the wilds cf taut
rrgun. O ir friends flow Cedar Itapids told
us iKihestatingly, that after an impartial ex
amination of all the tow n sites 1) units ahove,
anfi below Ucllvicw and .St. Mary, that lir.t.1.1
v i i.w was the best town site they had found
in Ne'-raska, aud St. Maui the best they had
1 found -on the Iow a side of the majestic Mi.-souri.
One of tl.e best etidences that could be
brought forwaid to substantiate the claim of
rrcsident Pierce to the honor cf having dis-
c:iar".t 1 riutv impartially, in re. : jo" I
.Nebraska and, is found ia ' tr,-.- fid
that those parties immediately intere-",. i i:, th
great question involved in the Nebi aska bill
are both accusing the Piesidei.t of
nes to their own particular intf es's. On the
one hand, a numerous and respectable class of
our fellow-citizens of th North accuse the
President of raan alii v to tae Soi'th. On
th.-i other hand, southern parlizans, are equal
ly vehement in accusing the Prcsiu'.-nt of
r-aaTiALiTV to the North. The right
. . . . 1 ... . . . . . . .
tourar, ana u oi.y on; 1:111 c Jul j Iuve p ut i;l by the Piesident wn mid
way between the opposing forces Lxo.iijht to
bear airaiLst hiin.
Tke .Macon liepublie, published at T'
Alabama, upeakinj in Uialf of ti Prc:ideiil'
soa'.Vtrn ojiponcnts, says:
"Of course, if there was any charn- in the
world to make Kans.tti a (lave Slate, t'.j.Jent
Pierce would do all hen-nhl to prevent it. His
irjau grinder unldushinirly avows tfc 1! 1 u'u it
his iurpos, and his southern toad-) itiil
Conl., iae to sing to his name. v, the
very lent President Pierce cou.l have
done t .r the South; would have b'-;n ti fi the
free-soilers of the North have one Mute and
the South the other. liut he had ditt-nird
that the South should have neither. lie t.v-re-
iore apMiinis a Southern Oovernor to .N.'j; a.-ka
where he can do no good; and a freenoil Guvrrnor
to Kansas the only cnance where tt,t Sjuth
stool ar.y chance to frustrate wi'h ail his of
ficial power and influence, all theeh'oris made
by the South to ii.trodiKe slavery. i!f u de
termined, as he remark"! to Senatur Cicmens,
that as tar - him lies, not aL'.ti,-r slave
State .-hall ever be added Io the Cnij-. He
u; iieljm to make good hi remark the
Nebraska bill was a propos.tlou m f.or of
Such are the feelings of the So .:!. Those
of Ihe North are diametrically iip;,.ijitet but
equally explicit. Wo might q m'e'ei.ouji
sjiectin the North to make a vdum, but
our readeri are already familiar with north
era sentiments upon thil subject, and we for
bear for the present.
Arrial of t8l;'cEo liinurti. H'.
Hopn?r, Iniiaa Aeat, fk'jx St.
The Genoa reached Ih lieticvv with a heavy
cargo of provisions and goods, for ti e Otoe.
Omaha, and Pawnee Ind ans, on Sarday the
27th iiist. Major Jlepntr arrited ill goidheal'.h
and fine spirits, and w ith the determination tu
eifeet the removal of th Indians as s-jou as it
lay in h.s power to do it. The goods received
are to he given in fulfillment cf fuiimr treaty
stipulatuu.s, and have nothing to do with carry
ing the late treaties into effect. The goods now
received are the lame, the Inlianshaddue them,
and which they hate been anxiously locking
for every day for the last five month:, and for
the want of which they have beeo tcai to rir,!
mit numerous crimes against the pirsoiijsnifl
propei ty of tuiigranU and resideuls iu this
ArTivaTof "BteaaVefi.
The Wenoni and th Hma.-r State !th arriv
ed at &L Mary aud iklleview, yesterday; and
haviogdischaiged the freight belong' t to these
I'hf . proceeded up the rive,- to Cotneil Pluif
lairdii .
S i Hot weather atilf coutiuu...-.. The health
of th country Waa never ltter; lector are
out of business crops ar excelleit, ami ftr
uer cheerful and happy lords of tie load they
ritl'.ii te. Westeri; Iowa and Ntbr.-Jta against
,e or! for rro li.ctiv8iC and salubrious
tliosnte. . '
lii'.nl til" Ftntt itieiit id' I'.in''r;;tit, in
rc fi ri iicc lo lU- roii'o oil tin; Norlli-si ln
nf I'lidle, n vuliinlary net of those- w ho
felt it their (!uy t.i rmMieiy express iheir
oj.ipi ins mi the tv, rotilcs tip I'l.iHo J!iv-
cr. '1 In- hllcr si'H'il ' 1' migrant" in n
ri cent liuinhcr (if tho I-'rcinuiit t'oUhty
Jouriia!, I rnrstlic fmper nu.rks cf n lindi
('iiilnwii p;in!;!t-r, who, llu: -mt j rani s ilrot r
elf tin- nmlt' pn the n.Ttli-ji.lfi nf l'l.ilic
f. r his sti jiposfil cutiiicclion in cnlllc-sten!-itif'
oj't ralioiis; In: tlmt ns il run) , ntw ll.itig
i rerli.iti. the letter whii !i we juthlish lu
ll. iy is only nnoiluT stroti (irgmueiit In
lie ui'df ! I.) the thousands cf silrciiilv
pu,di-li(..l, 111 raver 01 tin' j Ir-n-oint itml
lien'thy r ui'it (mi the north ."ide of (he
Finttf, iti otjiositiou t, the rirc-$Jitl
route on ti.: Hd'l'li t-i.iti tif J.iiil liver.
1'i.rty return.-1 1 -mitrrnnis mi wiy in
frntn the (iretit S.ilt Liike f"'J.', rlied with
liio Chohru nt ult t'reik. im llm south
side of 1'lHtte ; till who who ciirne 111 on
the north side have Ikih hiuh'.y; rv it 11
sitiirle dentil nitmnirst l!u"m ; d('S not this
show '.lie correcT,,-'' hf the term prarx-
yard rmtte as nj'plieil to the south si le of
tho l'iatte:
Woon Urn: a, V. S. Mm. Srsn-K, )
May -Jj'.h, ls.'il. J
The u:u!crsignel tu.'yrat-f 1 to the J'lu-i-
fiu tiiki- lliis ojij.oi'lutiiiy to iiifurro those
wiio limy cross the j.'iains, tlint tlie I't rties
on the north si.! of tho I'lait? are in pood
order, tlu.t tl.e no il stutiotl i.t this ,laee is
stijijuiea with every thimr iicct-ssar- for
Iriat'lh'i ,s. Tlw; jircprietor s spare 110
p.Jins in s ;j,.p!) ir ir tlie wnnts ntid uihlu
of lli-.'Se w Ihj nt: ru-t'i'y. We feel it our
duty to recoir.r.'ieiid tills Ktidion and the
ohligiiig t'eiitli'tiii.'ti who lcvc (hnrge of
the sfiru: to our fellow travelers, ari l to
thank Gen. Dodge ami the Hot:. Ueri.hirt i
Heiin, w ho procured tliu es'.n! li-!nne:it cf
this mail-route find jiosl-ofTieO 0:1 the north
sii'.e of J'latte, nil neL of just ii f ntid iieues
sity to eEit;;ra:i!s which lias long been
A. C. Kilfore, Cal.
A. P. Jackson, Mo.
iiurr J. (.halt, Wis.
Thos. 'J'iJ-.till, Iowa.
U. Heed, "
Jiceh Weaver
As Joe,' --, Ohio
'1, J.,hn-on, l'i i
lvac Aims
Abel l i.-her
Jdeoh Anson 1
Kl sha Means
M Ihgan, Ind. As-I Pry
Win. A. Milligan,
Peler P.Umer. Mass
Win. Kin. halt, "
Ilaniel White, "
Joseph Labile,
Jo,eph Wilev, "
Nathaniel S Vate, "
Joscjiti Manes
Aaron Slajh&ck "
Abel .Slnvhock
M. S. Mitchell M ..
It. C limiriie lew a.
James II. Huston
M. II. Claiho i.-u "
1. C. l)av.Aori
,W. U., VIch.
J J'Coates Wisconsin
S W Miller si Co, 111
J ( Daily, Wisconsin
Van Camp
Allen Hickman
Johu Mrace
J'ltn Strace jr
Wat Thiirh, New Jersey
Hiram Tracy, Wis
Asias IV'ilsQii, Iowa
James S-ely, Wis
li' i" t.a.on
S.iuui'l Ueaisley
C Jvi:i Jtr-ursley
1 ...,., J.r , llOHs
Closes Uai.:': one
Isaac Holine', fx;n.
i . .. u:i..i-i
John Uxter
Jus. ( 'lait ncrne I'.'.sa
L. Claibourr.e
A. W. Claihoiirnc "
Tho'a C llonrn "
Win A iiourn "
Jaruh Caiiioii "
(i. W. ('anion "
J. C. Moxon "
I.. L Coin, .11 "
Hubert Itollinc "
Henry Claiborne '
K. C. Uangherty "
James McCrue "
John lot.-r "
Charles MeDermit "
John Slip "
Cornelius Corkery "
J. C. Young "
John Grey "
Walter iieiry "
Ahram Agntt "
(jeorge besco "
Win. McCrackcu "
Cyrus Lariglcy "
A P Taft "
I. U Phmney "
H Noe
A i arret
J Hail "
W J' Mvlcr "
S S Hich.sor. "
J.teft) fiiiv, M . luri
W S Iii.y ' do
James Wood 1I1
ti.-orire Heaiii d
John I.i s!ey .Io
James J.ley do
William Lesley do
V J (.lison do
Kli W llson, Ohio
S (. Lightfoo' j Iowa
11 Wvnsett do
K U JJrewington d 1
' Cram, Illinois
John 15 U hllesides
William '1'
John 'l hoiopMiii
Thomas Thompson
Carroll Thompson
Jasper Thompson
J.uies Thompsou
Jacob 'f hompsoa
Jo'Uer: ;ill
Dennis Gaines, Iowa
John Cosstine
Zdia Katon, Wis
Ahntr Stacy, Ttnu
John lJeiong do
I'eter Aveiy do
Am Pairl anks do
teo N J)ouglas M o
Jackson Ionian
Iho's A Swiiinev do
V L Davison & Co. Hi. J Henderson do
Joseph Jlauer James H Ivio I'tah
Harmon llrowa " Hart Drown and trsriii
Samuel Pettit " of 2'j men L'tah
P Taylor at Co. Ohio UJSeelv Wisconsin
(.;. G.stler New York I. C Ureifori Indiana
Joseph M James Ma. ce C A liradford Cal
Harvey Tracy, lnd Nat Ky
James Hawkins; Ky James Whited, penn.
IraAlgei; Mass H. I'. Winchell, Cal
Joaeph Moret Georgia I.. Child, Co.iii
Slepnen Howard; Va O. fc'treder, i trip.
George Hooker do A. J. Slitder "
I.vman Strong do H. Hedting '
TLi;mis Uewey; N C K. Taylor "
Oden Pieruiciit do W. Kite "
('has. f!,ver do C. liarbar "
Caleb N Knatip Teiaj H. Hoscomb "
Decalb Smipsou do W. McCoy li Co Mo
L i iah Janu s do
S. .tlu.-i'rote "
(i. C. l lelcher
James Means "
1. 1) Hut, Ismail "
Jacob S Lliiutt "
O Towner
Thoj Sawyer "
J Turner IUiniis
Wia JJexwin "
Hi ury r reeman "
ChaiTes Devolve "
Hiram Cuiii.iir "
I'o-ter li'iibanki do
Oliver Tread well do
John Mas....) N V
Timothy J ones do
Isaac Akiri'j t.
'1'homas Wright '
Isiah Park'r "
I.rael Smith "
Alfred Clark "
J. Clapp, I'. Canida
J. Hans "
I.. Wortliingfon. Wis James Case
h. H. Long M Muntgonierv "
N. S. Long
A Morel and
Caleb Garrett "
Clark Doty
Thomas Johnson "
James Johnson "
George Johuson
Win Worthington "
Levi Winch.t "
lieu. Johnson jr "
Jas Wortiiii.i-lou "
Heanrtt Miiiioa
Jacksoa Milliou "
John Nichols
SylvcMr-r Prisbee "
l-'raiklili Hopkins "
John Sorairuu "
C H Crook
P Woodaid
li Paddock
N Akins
John iiutler
J Hcard.,ley
T U lleard.ley
J M Woodcock
I) P Crook
Win Davis
Win M Leinon
J (ileat'lalid
J Harley
li 8 Truioaa
J 'Prumaii
James Pcnner
G 1) Grnsi
A. II. Puller
L. Jewett
C. 11. Hall
V. V. Wmckell "
Wui II McCoy
James Doran "
Jii.u Il.ckcux aaj to.
of 4J men, Ohio
P G Scjsobs, k Co L'tah
J- Harkey
M. H. bl isson, .V. V.
I have been a truder in the Kocky
-Mountnirm for five years, and know full
well that the North aide of l'latte in Kjoej,
the best route. All trader nP. ils rou.,..
John. W. Thatch--, N, .... p,' TJ
dil.g ' " " ' ' iIUeIl
Lni'iri'.mts will find Wool ltittr, lit l)r.
Chilli's station, n I1r.1t rate i iunj itip; j lar c,
.''id x pood j'hu e to t res tin 1 iv r and ob
tain nil i;.;cs:iry siipjilii"-'. Ne'sitn, Dells, Wii'-itisin.
OiiverJ.Kks.Ai, New H.iiiiphii e,
U.i id ti I'd n, "
Jolui Itidwn, Jr., " "
Isaac Sinilli, "
.Initcs Stiiilb, " "
1 huiiins .Snyder, " "
J.ldlir, lh idge, "
Peter l'aiiSehaiik, New Yelk,
John ViuiTl'iiilr.iilierir. " "
Illislia C01 bill, " "
Ansel Osborpo " "
Jalneit Duralit " "
Dr. M. H. Chirk l-ns (lresel the
v-. oiiti !s cf ihcse slmt ill tiro r i:eiit Indian
Iroiibles, im l iniiiislt r d to their wants,
f ir which In: not only has our thinks, but
merits niid we (lnubt iml w ill rrreive ihe
patronage cf ull travelers and riuii;r, jit.
This station mid Post Ofliee is 11 irreat ne
ediiiiriodaliori nnd convenience lo ein:granls
for the cstah'.shmotit of whii li the rnli r
prisinj; j.roprir-tors sliouhl reei ive
roiierre of the public petierally, and emi
grants to the r.nilie in jierliruhir.
June 7, lVjJ.
Jsaoc Nor'cti, Vermont.
I'eter A. 11, .1 J
David 0.s!ram!er "
Jonathan Clark "
Oscar Fisher "
To uli v'i"tn tt tnny canerrn : IIr,ing
iraveieu over t.'ie plains two seasons on
the Soiiih side of tht: l'latte, and bt in;;
compelled to travel on tlio Norlli .side tiiis
yecr, w e w ould rr.-cornmend this si.; to idl
t inigranls in prefereiix- to the i'.her.
The faeiliiies fur t.-niujinnr, the road (rene
rally nnd distance are all iu fuvor of this
side. Tiie g .iileiu-ir,!' and citerjirising
j,roirietors of the Wood Kiver Mlulioii
have made this point of considerable importance-
to the emigrants, as ipjitc a titun
ber of families and trains, Lining been
robbed of their hories by the I'awnee In
diar.s, lia e b( en ennbled lo procure ut this
place tennis nt a reasonable ra'r, to pro
ceed on their joiiriii-y. It is e . cted thai
next ge;,soTi aij tiie diUii.-iill small n. reams
will be bri Jgt-iL
June llth, lb51.
L. Crosby, M. 1)., W istxinsin.
I'eter Ibnici "
Loouiis Ward "
C. . Lake, M. I).,
J. W. Hirria
J. M. Tatty Ohio,
A.J!. Numr, th.lifornifl.
O.tclai Vata cf 4.n Kr)f.riii4, D.s'.rics,
low 1.
MF.AXS, (bun.) TUTT. (Whirr.)
h'J m.ij.
Tail's majority is only three vutes.
Ths Emisrant Aid Csmpany.
Ue take pleasure in publishing the fol
lowing circular, nddiessed us by the Sec
relary of the K'nigrant Aid Society, IL3
Ion, Mass. The circular gives a brief ex
planation of the objects of tho society,
which Lru praiseworthy 1 and which we
shuli tnk pleasure i.i laboring lo advance
IkrSTOX, July 2th. 1851. .
iir : The I.miprant Aid Company,
through their Trustees, Messrs. Amos
A. Lawrence, of Iloslon, J. M. S. Wil
liams, of Cambridge, and i Thayer, of
Worceslcr, would respeelfully eali your
attention to the following brief outline, ol
its purpose and plans.
its objects arc to impart information to
Immigrants arriving in ihe country, end to
protect them from fraud; ulso to direct
ui'ention nt ihe present time, and to afTord
facilities to persons emigrating to Kansas
and Nebraska; to procure for them cheap
fare aud pood nccommodalloiis oil the route
audio advise them, through ..gents, on
their arrival out, iu regard lo eligible si'es
for se'th-menls; tose;iire for their bei.cfil or otherwise, advantageous
lot'itliruis as landing-places, a o-,r rendez
vous for out.ittirig puriioses , cie.; to erect
receiving houses for the temporary con
venience of hetllcrs' families; to establish
furnishing s'ores, at which, on reasonably
low lerias, the iecesnries and comforts of
I if-, may be purchasejj tu reel, or aid
r: 'iviJualj in erecting and conducting
:- v-mills, grist-mills, machine-shops, and
suni.ur establihmeids, essential iu new
settlements; to introduce tiie l'lintiug
I'ress, ,n. 1 to thus blhjrd a medium ol
cotnmuiiiialioii between th teltlers, tl.tir
frienJs, and tlie public.
To accomplish these uiid Lindiel ob
jects, the Trustees propose to iisue Stock
not to exceed, for the present, the sum of
two hundred thousand dollars; in shares of
Iwenly dollars each; of which fifty thou
sand dollars must bu subscribed by the
h) h of September next.
The trust tleed, a coj.y of which will
be fiiriiishci! each stockholder, requires
the trustees; at stated periods, to account
for all expenditures, tlie funds on liaiul,
cie.jandit rcstricis thetn from incurring
debts beyond tho fund in haul.
a fur ; s it tr.-.y bo consistent with tin:
objects tj- ve, ij,e iiivcstmoti's in lund or
other nroptrty, will be in ado in reference
to yielding a profit to the stock holders.
Secretary of Utnigreut Aid Company.
Monigotnery, 4 m j
Adams, 2'J "
Union, 13
Ad.iir, 4
Casa !i Atllubon "
Ilxlract of n letlcr to ih'o Ohio Slat..
Journal, date 1 Omaha City, N. T., July
L'O, IN") I:
Iowa mid Net r.iskn are, ns most of your
renders know, prairie States; but jou nm
not lo infer I lint they nro level. On tlm
eontriiiy, Ihey nre beautifully rolling, ,(
in Some instanres, may bn called hilly.
Tim soil is exceedingly rich, nnd I never
saw such crops of coi n, w heat, iml a, po
tatoes and Harden vegetables as thi i.j now
safely harvested r maturing in ll c Stnto
of Iown. Timber is jilenly lill you eonm
within 0110 hu'elied miles of the Missouri
river, nnd it then prows more aenrco as
j oil proceed westward. Or. inanyof tho
streams in Nebraska, there fire groves of
timber, and sonic yood stone ijunri ier; but
eoul and timber me scarce, met (hey must
be sparinv-ly uod HtiUi ruilrcuds ran Im
iniidd to transport them into tlm com. try.
The loil, rliiuakt, rirs j w atcr of enslern nnd wesleiu Ivwn, nre ull that
hiiman desire rv-Jd w ish, 'f hire seems
tube no dillerencc between tho top and
bottom uf hill.-.; but here in l!;c region of
this place, the black, sandy Itoil is inex
hniistible. Soinn .f lli Jj Indian field
llmt hate been cullivn'cd f,jr seventeen
cors, ore now j-rodiieiu belter corn thun
Voil see prowiiif? on the Kioto bottoms.
I b:i e only explored N'ebrnska, west of tho
.Missouri twenty or thirty miles; but from
nil I ctin learn, the pood Roil gradually be
comes too sandy, ns 011 proceed west of
one hundred miles. Tin; bust part of Ne
braska and Kansas is within one hundred
miles of tho Missouri; but on streams ami
elsewhere, there is pood land throughout
the whole territory which enU.-uds west
of the Missouri river several hundred
The Missouri river, on the enst side of
the territory, is li e only navigable stream,
and it can be relied on as a cheap mode, of
eonvevMicu from May till September.
There is waler for nil seasons; but tha
preat number of snns render il unsafe nt
all times, nnd quite useless nt low stapes.
The l'latte river is the prcat east and west
drain, running centrally through Nebras.
ka. It is a wide sheet of water,
rimtiiiur over a sandy shifting bottom, with
11 fall of four or live feet, to the milo.
On the wide, solid, sandy bottom of this
river, tho best emigrant road in the world
is annually traversed by the IhousanJs
w ho go ovcrl.unl to Ciilifornirt nnd tho
Salt hake; and here it is that u railroad
can be constructed cheaper, so far as grad
ing is concerned, (ban in any sccti' n of
this I'nion. The L iup, Horn mil Wc"
rivers, and many other tributaries of
l'latte, no large streams, but, like t
l'latte, their shallow waters ulTord 110 m-v-iga'.ion
lor boats. For hundred of mi -.
up these hlrentiis, nnd up tlie Hum 1: 4
U atcr, a tributary of the Missouri, in '
north part of the territory, the soil is rir h,
and there is sufficient liinLer lo fci!i'a;e
ihe settlement of thi country.
We l.-nrii ( lat Messrs. Villiam S. M r
phy and Sim on Scruggs, of this city, ia
l ccung a au la 'saw -null near, or on ;nv
new town silt of I.envcuworth, one 1 mU
nd a half below l-'ort Leavenworth, irt
Kansas territory. A grtuit deal of in cr
est nppents to be manifested Ly tho tvl lo
conumiiiiiy iu Us future success, dpi
talisls and business lueu arc buying shares
in it. And we doubt not it is desiine.1, .
ere lonir, Ut bcciue the preat centre deoot
lo thu new territory. We learn Mnj.
Hawn has commenced laying ojr tlio lowu
a plot of which will bo lithograph,!
and distribu'ed throughout the country.
A public sale of lots will take place about
the or 15 h Sept 1 ruber, dun noliou
of whicii will be given. The Associ.t
lion are determined Ut spare no pains tj
make it the most desirable lixulic:i in llic
terrilory. We learn they have alrcudy
expended about . 15'JO in prejuring tho
ground an t clearing il of uiiuerbrush,
We have not yet hiad bit opportunilv to
visit it, but intend to soon. ll'titvn Jj
porter. Costs Oraeaatioa Land JiUl.
The Washington L'nicii gi ei the fol
lowing synopsis of this bill:
"All lands which have been in market
for ten years or uiitvards, shall be subject
(o entry r.t one dollar per acre; fifteen
years and upwards, ut seventy-Jive cents;
twenty years and upwards at fifiy ccntaf
twenty-Jive years and upward, at twenty
five cents; and thirty years and upwards
at twelve and a half cents per acre.--Cpon
every reduction the occupant and
settler lo have the right of pre-emption at
such graduation prices until within thirty
days preceding the next graduation, hut
not to interfere with any right which has
heretofore accrued to actual settlers.
Any person applying to enter uny cf tho
aforesaid lauds, is require t to make affiJu
vil that he or she enler tho same for his
or her own use, mid for actual settlement
and cultivation, or for the usu of an a:l
joining farm owned or occupied by him or
herself, and that, together wi'li sueji en
try, he or she has not acquired from tho
Crated States, under the provisions of ihTis
m l rw.r.. tl.-.n I , ! .,. I ,...1 , .. V
", j, t ...m. tiv.v i.uiiuii. 1.114 tnciliy
AppgiatmeuU by tha Frasldont.
y and with tht aJcict and content of th$
I'rancis Rurt, of South Carolina, to b
Governor of the Territory of N'ebraskti
William Slotts, to Lo surveyor of lint
port of Keokuk, Iowa.
William II. Merrill, to bo surveyor of
.I .AI.I t
iue imri vi uuuuoe, lowa.
v t . -.11 . . . v
jonii vainoun, or Illinois, lo be aurrei
or general of the United States for lfio
Territories of Nebraska and Kansas.
William Tellium, of Texas, to bo sur
veyor general of tho United Suit for tho
Territory of New Mexico.
Cicorge V. Sliles, tu bo an Associate
Jusiios c; t,o Supreme Court for tins
Territory of Utah, in the pluco of John
U. II. Underwood, resigned.
The Jirooklyrj IL.arJ of Health report
that bl deaths from Chvk'ia, occurred in
ilut city last week.
. .
1 GUf.t'fW-in 11,1,
m- H-.S'-vlf ' 4- UlrSSiSltst'--