Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, July 15, 1854, Image 2

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S.VI ( KIMV, .11 I. V I".. IV-4.
Tn', i- ' ol li'i S. M . i..
v. n. r itn
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ll'-.' 1.1.1, 1 '
('. Picric. I -ir,-,-' . W . II. .M.-JJ.Mi.iU. I
l. N-v V-rk I'm . j
H. ('.nr. Ci-.m.. a. ('.. JMiil l- :
MM, lion H' c ,! i r-; i m nr.. ; i
A. D .I'll,--.. P. M.. On,.,!,,, f'.tv. 1
1),-. M. II. t''.. V-'tl.i.ks (':, Iit.
!l i,
b, .' .1. A.
Willi..,,, I,, a-. 1 '.-(.. ('!. i r I! ,,i.i. I.-, a,
I',, -I I . -. . I' ,rt I).. M lo .v i.
-,xu"i" II. ill. . Iv.'u-ii'ia. I.oia.
il. n. .c. D,.:.-. v,,.i,,,i ,,n cr, I). (
Hon. 'Ita 'i. i n lliowii. Mjiw i illr, i)!iii-.
i.iii. it.,, ii.'.,-,! . i : ..p. .,,ri;i,ini.!isi,
,1,,'in ('. U "vl. ( '.irirnihiL'.",. Md,,
M. I'.. Ilr,li-t.-r. ();l.,w.i. hi.
S Lis 1'it is. S, rio-i-r. .. V.
II. I'. II. ni. t. I. I.,u.i.
15. T-c!i-iA, '. M u v, M.ils ' .. I or. i.
JT. IOIS. ( In-c.iv on,' I'll . ! fKi
i:.,,v -i In Mil Ii". ii I O'l iNtvuivnia is
'- '
' Palladium,' I'rom l'.dlas the (jiri'. i.iii
Caddesv of is lom :
lt. Prim nil v, :i s'atui' of the (Ijl less
I'.dhis. wliieli represented ln4r as si' i int
w idi n pike in her rijrht han I. an 1 in her
eft a ihs'nf! an.l s;, in lie; niithi'yuwii'i-
i'or of this s'.at'ie den 'tided tho snjM'j ' j
Z I. Some! lii ivi that afTirds eli'ertual de- i
fense. pro'.eclion, and safe'y ; as when we j
sav tin- trial by jury is the p.nhidium of
our civ il righis. Hhickstotie.
We inten 1 lo devote the ' Palladium" to
the social, political and mora! interests of
the people of Nebraska; an! to uni'e our
efforts with theirs, in laving the foundation
,,f eivil government, educational, literary.
Mid religious institutions ; and to make it
a worthy representative of the ins'.iiu'ions
r.nd character of the pioneers of this ex
icct'ingly hoauriful and fertile counlry ;
i.nd lo bo to its people, what the ancient
Maine of Pa'di-s was lo '.he people of Troy
Di:ri:r. J'lim i:t i toy, aso Svi itv,''
When a public journal makes i's rp
pearuncs; at the critical period when the
tide of civi'.Xc ition is beginning to set back
upon the avge., and the long night of hca
t!ie:.. darkness is beginning to dis'ippear,
i". is very naturally iojikoil up-jn as an im
jvortri'.it sgent . in ,hs gveal lrsniii'jn which
- -Staking pbc. Anditis our hmirifelt de
ire tn adapt ti is p iper to tlio wants of
this Iiitereiiing jw xii. sense of the
ituportanre of this period w ill lea l us to
kike an elevated stand upon all qiisstions
rclaiing to the fundamental principles up
on which the growth and prosperity of ko
cieiy iiepciifls.' i ue ail-important thing (u
- W lion! now, ia to get coon i-ocnd ations
hiid for the future. New is the time when
the foundation of civil government, edu
cational, religious, and other beneficial in
Kiilutions is to be laid for all comin;r lime.
To say nothing of tbiliiy we shall enjutli Missouri river from the west.
K-gelu Ibis ork with zeal and twrgy, ffif,.,, inc, ,;e ,ivt.r a the crock-
t:i'.I tlo wnnl wc cjn to elect "Kigliteous
rulers,' and lead them to pursue an en
cidightcncd policy ;n shajiing the various
. institutions jtecihdl at the very outset of
our Territorial life,
.n.tri the ' piiormonce of our dudes as
j i'st, citizens, and us me,, we in
4ihi1 f. t,e g',crned by llie principles of
hfl VwV.j in.J in all judgments
!K,t;e.d lijKiii ctf cijs, .He wislv, them to
be ortol accuKiny (o- ;J," j ! ii.duous of
that hiicrol daw , ; ..., . , ,f ,
The,tardimd;p,;r4ip!0. v our pulilicaj
fhiih is found ii -Jidocirin of dtmjcr
lic tjuality and the evmnKjn lfAh.rknn4
cf vMukind in the right of the people to
fccif-govcrmiicnt in the fact lhat they are
the governors themselves. We believe
the principles of frue dem tcrucy furnish
the only correct system of human govern
menl the only system tha can secure the
iuttresls and rights of all classes. W'e
cannot say lhat our democracy will, in al!
respects, conform lo that of the illustrious
Jefferson ; but we intend lhat it shall be
made conformable to ihe circumstances
and wants, not on!y of Uie pcoplcW Ne
braska, but of ihe United Slates, and nol
behind the democracy of Thonus Jeffer
son. Our doctrine will be lhat democra
cy is the right principle of human govern
ment. We cannot slop lo discuss the
ipicstion H hut iidni.iocranj J h js o,r.
licicnt to say now, thai it is u government
of Ihe people, and that its character in any
Kiveu instance, wiil correspond with the
"Miuracter of the people. To find democ
racy in its purity, we must I'm 1 a people
over whom the reign of piuttj aivl
ligtiut Ins been established, and w here
the rule of right is ihe arbiter oi their po
litical conduct.
On the other hand, a people under the
dominion of a tyranicul spirit, would make
a tyranicd government to the extent of its
jvjvver and influence.
The principles of democracy recognize
s her own, tin midline sentiment contrin
in the io,i ot' American lu ie
peii lcnce: that ".Jire.liberiy.and the pursuii
ol hapjdness," are aiani mighis, which
tunnel be "alienated. " or transferred from
01m u anoihrr, withoul a llagrint vioLitioii
tf th democratic priiv.iple. W inleil
ti wi'k for lh elevation of such men to
. r- ? r v''.t 'r-- U n vni'm. -uit t , .
j pressed in thai 1 ion- -men wl o ic -
ii-ognie the authority of tin supreme law-
! giver, ail 1 will slrue to fiia-l l.iws in ae-
! covil iiiri' wi ll His will. We do ivjt iti
I leii'l to iti'ci fere u i'.li tlx- internal lmiicv
of o'hcr Stales, hill to labor directly f r
; tin- e ml of (,tir on n. W iii'cn ! In in .ki
th.- -r,.!!;.,!
proifitiitre in its spirit
-o ;ida
i r l i i -1 1 1 u i
il to the wns of the hl"'. aril
v to lh'- -.i :i. I i ' i. hi and iv,m!i of
N I'ht asl:i. in
ii'.iiiry oi' hi r ins'iln-
: ! it' inns : in' 1 1-v i ,
j !ii, . that !
i' do. in lh ,1 'C-
a' i.m of t he drni -!
'cia i" I'm in n!' i i I I Wil.-n' , drj ,'iii!s 1 1 -.o i
; iho in'f'.lirin-t.- an 1 ir!n, of (hi- ,fo;iU'.
', It will hi- oni ionstan; aim to cnroura''! the
1 1- ;il ' i-1 1 m 1 1 1 ol Irct' schools, liiurary, sci
iriitilii' and ridiL'iniis itit il u ioii, Mid o'lirr
j pnn! j in
; to hear
i:1. llneiK es that
the welfare of the jroveiri-
m -n! and In T people.
' I n eoin ln-ion. we look to the people, to
1 ,iiv':,i:i ns l,v their iiatroiiaL.''. ' need
jour i s-,is';oiee, an,) Joil need ours help
, ' 1 , , I ' ! 1
n live,:ni'l will live lor jon. ami
i ( heerfnUy. hopefully toil the live-lonir d.,
mil nun v shrjhss i i
vour t
iidren. an t for N'-oraska.
Ecllev.ew City.
lieview is si. I lo ton we st of th
Mi-s-.niri river, in Nehraskn Teiri'ory.
it miles uhove the m mth of the
',.! ;,ska rivtr, and, as its namo im-!
p'i,.Si ;s fi bountiful view. The bottom !
ul of Missouri river i,t
ahj l' six nn. os w ide, with a lino ot liufls i
on cither side, rising abruptly to a heiL'hl
of 1J00 feet, from the summit of which
spreads out t the east an.l wot Uie utitlii-
latino; highlands for many miles. The
Missouri river lias amend direction from
nor.h to south, along the base i,r tic; hit-h-
lan.U on the wol, httt inuks'S many urves
out into the valley for two or three miles,
and then winds to the foot of the
hihhmds. Tor more than one hundred
mih s ahove ntul below, it never tipproach-
, s the hills to the east. A few milts
above il makes a long curve to the east,
reaching a point near the center of the
vahey, from whence it bears oil to tlic
south-west in a nearly s'.rai-ht line to the
rocK-uou.ii i snore ui iwnimiv , no nce- .o
Ihe ton h along the rocky shore for one
t i .. 1.1 r i .ii... : . .1 ..
mile il bears gently to the south-east in
the tlirec'ion of the young city of St. Mar.
ry, until itajiproi'diei widii, 1 three-fourth
of a mile of il ; and 'hence southwardly to
the confluence of the Nebraska. The
reader in order to gel a correct understand
ing of its precise location, must bear in
minil the point where the liver strikes the
rock shore, at w hich point the hills Lour
off to the southwest, and the river lo the
south-east, miking an obtuse angle. From
the same point, drawing a lino due south
three miles, and it will strike ut right un
trlcs ihe I'yitniHion, a fine creek llowinz
is a high alluvial prairie bottom, with a
border of limber on the east, and a large
grove of cottonwool on the south, und
conli.ins an area of five square miles.
From the line to the hills is a triangular
plateau, cipiai in uiea to the bottom, and
.similar in shape, but devoted about 103
feet above ii. I'pon this plateau Jiolle-v iew
is local ed.
Standing upon (he bite of this prospect
ive ciiv, we have a view of the river,
and its be-auiifut vallej' for many miles
above and below, including in the range of
your idghf, the flourishing young city of
' Mary, Choaleioi nd ltiuff "'' . H
yond (he river valley, and full in view,
rise the bluffs on ihe Iowa side, present
ing the lights and shades of forest and
pr .irie, to the north and south, until thev
fe leaway in the distance. The smoke of a
steainbojdoendingthe river, maybe seen
ascending nearly LidI a d-y Ltfore the boat
reaches this city, and for a long tiinu after
she departs on her upward course. Turn
injf west, we trace the Pappillion as
it t-yrnnrhe from the w?(, winding p
serpentine course lhrou;!i a rich vallov,
one mile wide. Upon cifher fide of this
valley, the green prairies rh-e into gentle
waves and cones, and interspersed with
groves of limber in such a way as to pre
sent a view that the lover of nature may
teusl upon to Jus heart s content. While
taking this view, the conclusion forces it
self upon the discerning mind, that this is
the natural gateway through which the
.1 . 1:1
fi""1 "V'nwjy 01 nullum. ' i to pass into
H,e valley of thegreal Nebraska.
The landing for boals is the very best
on the Upper Missouri, being a cli.T of
lime stone, that has successfully resisted
die action of the river since the beginning
of lime.anJ wiil continue lo do so us long as
time shall Ist. This is m.t the w ith
any other place, and all who know the
uncertainty and danger attending iaiiy
other town siles, of falling into the river,
'an appreciate the importance of sudi a
hank for a landing.
Wi'liui the last month a large city upon
grand, has' Leen laid out, wilh a
lievv to the local ion of the capital of Ne
braska, a this point, and wilh a view to
making it the centre of commerce, and the
S .
hdf-wy house between the Atlanlin d
' '
j nature has done .-ill thai. is, and
! hs rVi.r'v indicated If itrclhe'u.d man
I v ii;it Ins duty IS. rind how neni'.lsl per!.'! -n
I, 111 ordiT to rt.'alit' hi-i liijjli c prcial Iviis.
Tii'TP an; soni'' iiinis in the c. ily his
Inry of this ph'er, lhal may ho in't-rt'Nii'ijj.
s fir I'.lrk !S 101, .tlf'K. I ,r is ,'inif
j('l.irl, who. tin
ri'v'ion i f Tii"s.
; .1 t i -1 son.
S:atcs, ha.
thcil I'rrsi h'lit of tin' 1'
ronviiene:' I an i
; (,f
the Vast comil rv h:l ween tin- M;smm
I l iver nil I l'aeit'v ocean, for IN;
pnsihh', of !is"o ernin;; a
jmrji i'. i,
T..l'' ie I'.de
lo i'e ly land or wat t. lor a i;.'1 line i
'radc and (ravel aeross the eon!iii''nt from
the A'lantie to tin: rarilio rr;u:, Those
ifi'iil leiiieti, hai iii their at I en' a ,:i rr res led '
hy the heauij and supeiior aiKant. i s o!
,i,',.. i, .1,,, ,,.. t ,,.i i v. , ,
(lavs, mi wnue reman, in?, cai:-'i ii'
, i . Hi., ,
Otoe Mid Missoiui I in! ia lis to conned w i h
them hut the Indians had L'one np'.h" li- ,
T on iht ir Miii.lner lmiit.aad c(,n!,i no: he '
found. The lief Vear. flS",i a weddiv !
S punish rntUni:int ly tfu1 name id' Mm- j
ne, was p.,ssiiij( tlnouch this iwui-
for vou uml'lrv wit.i an extihniii'' party, and like
I.ewi.s till.' Clarke, was -M ,i.v k W ii !i ihe
appearance of the p'uci'al d'c( ermi ;n l ,
to slop real
i fr,.m lh(
I-tll.-l II ft Wlil.i . .1 .o n,,-
river torn' ti' the phit..'i.u
! his eve snrv e iti!
ie Mirrouuiling
setnii rv. and hi-, heart sw idlii'i with iidini-
lis lira'. e(dania'.ii,n vva
view,'1 (beautiful view,) from which
time, il has always borne that nam:1. He
WIlS so dclhlcd w illi '.ho th at l.
commenced work and ereclel a dwelling
and remained there fur many years. Soon
j !lf.r time, the American Fur Compa-
,(t!,; ,jlc l,amjH ,,f J0lin Jc..b AMi.r,
,, , j jstw Vork, Pierre Chouteau, iu.d nth-
erS) wf St. Louis, tstallish.'d a trading
house, and put il in charge of Joseph Hull-
1 (Jiil.,lUXi 0f i;t, J,)S(i,h. Mo., who remained
i charge six j ears, and then gave place
, ju, f Cahannc, who comhicte.l the
,rwlc year Sl! i, when he was
superseded hy the j, resent sagacious pre-
prietor, Col. A. Sarpy.
rrom the time Col. S.u i,y loo.trd upon
j j, .ie iC i;is ievt.r tl,,.-. his home.
1 1,,,, i..,s ..).. .. ;.,... 1 ),
- . ."
. parls or Up. plains and inouiila ns,
p,,int tw the vallov of the CoL
Colorado of the Wcsl, and the great
Interior Jkiin and from his
xlcnsive 1
PI d scru'inizing observations!, f the phj si- .
cal geography ot tiie counlry, ,,i eorno to
the final conclusion that the "rut line of 1
communication hot ween ocean and cCean.
must cross the Missouri river at IVHe-
, ;. . ,..) ,1, ,1. , ... n . ,
pillion into the gi eat valicy of Nebraska j
river, und along il to the South iVs of the I
Ruck)' Mountains to San Franciro.
About the year li2:j,the U.S. Govern
ment established an Indian ageii'V at this
place, under the name of '-Council Bluffs
Indian Agency,' which has con inuej 1o
the present time. At this aenoyihe first
treaty for the of the ( i,.iha In
dian lands in the Territory was concluded
by Major G.iirwood, Indian A'9-nt, List 1 ' i1'! he found 111 any other part of ihe Mis
ji i.uary; and in a few daj s alter, another I ''V'.i'i'1 v a' ')'
was made hy him. for the 'purchase f lh,-1 . V'' e""S I'r'' "m ht'ri'
Oloeand .Missouri Indian l.mjs I'rom I ,""''Sl WilU'T' II,is"
al! the forcroim? considcra.ic.s. tl,., m.,,,,. i '""''0''i",,"ls a,c " '"'w .cl,
I,. 1 in: iiiiini'
of "Council JHulTV' has bci,iie familiar
to every American reader, and wc mij
jiose that for this re;;son the jioojde of
'Kancsvillc," Iowa, but row cd that histo
ric name, under the belief that 'It was the
dress that made the man," rallur th..n Ihe
internal cimdifwitior. or Die heid slid the
oeart. liot, having borne the head, the
heart, the soul and the body of 1 gigmtic
young American, we have co eluded to
let him be called by the uj-projriale name
of Bellcview, and dress him ri the rich
mantie of slate and nationality, and ts a
charitable being, give his old ciuhes to au
oLhcr. Kbrajka,
Since the great advancing coumu of the
Anglo-American race has been heck ed in
its ontttrd course by the barneri Inter
posed by the U. S. Government, ipon lh
western frontier of Iowa and ;Iissouri,
public attention has been directed w ilh a
constantly growing interest lo' the vi,si
scope of country strelching westward to
Ihe summit of the l(Kky Moiin!ains.
inis growing interest Us roundly led to
explorations and invesli.'ations in c-.t-ry
dircclionof the most active and scan lung
character, and have brought lo !ihl 0 fnnd
of informal ion lhat is now producing one
of the most important and unive sal move
ments that has e cr been made bj the Ame
riciri people.
Ine sjmjitoms of this great :novemeni j
have already manifested themselves in the !
public journals, in the halls of Congress,
and among the great m isses of ihe jieojih
from one extreme of ihe Union o the oili
er. The political man whose very life dc
K:nds ujoii (he success of bis fav cri'e j,.
liticd parly, w hose busy days as ' sleep
less uighlk have all been occuj,xd in one
coniiiiued scramble Tor oirice, hi for the
ftrt lime had his attention diveilci folll
il.c "altar of Li IIU," and his t-er eye
(urntd to this etiensive field, hi search of
I'll f - W ltl KJ'JItlUUB
rurnoses. Th- .d.-v i,u i.iv .i i. .
.-, . 'ri'i' i,! idveii 10 ins SDinilloilS
1 Hi ir IH'.lge.ihc.virt -i.rc;:vT b,l when
j Mil w i hunt r, inm-e, piiincod Vi ; . i ' . - i tr in-
I l the Hiihnlont w .'or of t ml ii,,n. m1
iclt th.T Inis'ing lol.H to .snilv ,,r if. em-
scln-s, t:iil inaliC ii salV lauding, t.r i!,il!
aw.'V tir;jfin thn hi: I ;,, Is mkI d.n j.-i-:S c'
r . f . i ' . ,
iaii:., , I, vcn 1 1 , rri'.il lines 'loii-
r ll, o' -d i
the M
in u ai , and w h"'h mnsl ( ritnso.i I !; I s
of a thmis n d i i r.s w i: h the 1,,'n id ol' 1 1 ii-
i mill,, ciit
il'ones kii,", loins, i.iiil
i.lS I
i .,.
th.' t s'ahlishi.' ! order of ("is c hiin-
nii:!i ,:is el' ; eiph', an- n,,f en:,i h i ed
ioV'y ili p'iiii tit toih'( it the jit:,. j,.
ion lh.- Aia. i; p. , p!e !'i,,:n 'h" A I . I .
.vr.MiiiHi.Nf, Toi'uor nj:i,i: s!...
ii' i'S w c arc in this evre. ,!ii;U!v
mien o r t 1lli rVi 4, T , .
, midi! ion of (he ,i.;i,. .
i.' lie,
K'pie j
r ti.iiiN '
,.s i f 'i
W e
lo iii.i.roiK h it w ilh a
Jl W Ml.
o! ii i .,
.;,;,-ah u.eti per
! he i omil r --maile in soin
iy to , n..hle ns to (mm a c
e, ' s i , itics.
n I i ' J 1 1 1 , ' I ! 1 1 1 1 1
(,f j; s 1 1 ue mi l i. s, and lo asei
a hoe an! iiii.-i., n,,;s t
t. Ill W i
- lo
I'm snlih i, tit iiidm i im nls to mai.
future, home.
l,ml poi,iniof .s e.iia.ska m w
h the
' n di.oi 1 i di s ha v : lei i, i I it n',-1 ,i d . ;.iid
is no vv u .( ; r s- : t ;, m, : l , is , , ; , i.d In e v -
t ej-.t to the fix ,evv
'siinited iir.i;n:i!i:.t )
1 a, ;.'.,:i 1 ,;..'i s, and
U i;i oi li,e S . t es ,,1
j low a, Missouri, and the Tcir'iNirv o! .Min-
sn'a. having a front of f.,( (I laih s on the
- I Missouri Kiv i r, and (liv idi d 1 (he ''re t
Nebraska, w hi' h hi.s i's source in tie' Pass id the I'm k y Mniinlan,-.. and
llovv ic cas1, dis, hares iis wall ;'s into the
M issoui i. tt i 1 - :' iii.rth la'itudc. It
is a;e i nd bold .stream from half a
mile t mile in wi'!ih--has a .strm.- cur-
r-i:t .smooth sandy he.l-MihMantial h.mkj
free from smr bii.l locks, m.-l j.lVordt
j ot ail seasons of the j ear a snlli, J
water for liirht iliall .reamers, for a di-,-
. tancefrom C'i'd lo It CD mih s. Aicrding
j lo the statement of e pi i i, need 'r'-1''1
J on tlic upper Missouri, the Xehraska i
j now a much better Mm ; in (or nav i:;i't,u:i
; ill;n the .Missouri was L'.i
o. !
j i'hin lhat t ime
veis have utiih r
th of t!,,
' '' -
' -'' '
! which arc l.i-lily la,,r.d !o to
' nurt.osi s. Their w-.'cs have
n 1,01 n'la
: ' "'() narrow er and ih -ejier c'l.u.n, hi.
1 and ihe hi,i.': is sti.i essii g. and ., i.'l
j eolit iti'lo lo inrrea.
w 1
to': r,.
until I1.1v 1g.1t ion w l.l
s .
' fo, and eonseipienl ly In-j p, In ;i,.Ji.i
lo the
commercial faci.ilit s ; ilhided i.v
m.-gnilV.-cnt rivers, 'hero are nuiin -
Ions (,'ihciS of less magnitude
sui !.', A r ;
i!ry irj '
fiats, raf's esc.,
, h iding th,- J
, ill Fil -h" a I
W;iy as 10 biing their udvaniagcs within
convenient distance of every settlor
Die face of the country pn scots a rich
valicy 01 piatcutis and gentle nnuiila- :
lions, extending in every dii'ccticn as J'ai 1
as Ihe eye can reach, beioM sullieicnllj loll-
ing to promote drainage, with a vast num-Lidc
her of small streams cf clcur pure water, j
runmiig in all dircetio'is. and i,i)ordir
hotter for Ihe jiurjioses of lifell
can hi
on in 01 j . r.f r'-s m iy lii've one or more
of theni u!:ic!cnly large lo supnlv all the
wants of a ilensrly populated country.- -The
temperature of the waler is very low',
and generally free from til mineral i'm-
1 r , . -, . 1
rrcnalioiis,exef pi n tnu.Il jrtioil of lime.
tKcr.sionally Buy lie seen a sulphur 'or
chulvbctte sjiring, which is stij p; sod to
conUiii medical virtues ttjuA to the wa
ters at those fashionable resorts in 'he J!us
lern Stales. In the immcdiate vki.mii
or w. may be seen several of j:
sujierior (juahly, olid so iocateu us In odi-i
as strong induci n.enis to the lover of beau
tiful scenery, the fashionable, ti e oay, (
the invalid, t any unimproved plae to be
found ia the vast valley of the great Wcl.
The soil i a iich, deep, vegetable loa..i,
strongly imrircnatcd with ihe carbonale
of lime, and enough of the carbouite of
iron to give it a dark brow n color, and is
from three lo ten feet deep, wilh a rich
s'ibsul, underlaid with a red gr;.nu!..r
clay, from 5U to 100 feet thick. This id!
is not ind iior fjr the produciioii of all .he
-raius pi cu!i.,r to this Lli-ude roots,
vims, and other vegetable, to any
Uie r..oe of the earlh. This has
)cen t f-
lablUhcd by esjAiienee in ell's of t)
ierillorv i Lilt to he Lei n. ...... I (.,.,...,
who utidcrstand i!. (;.. ,.f ,1 .. !
1 - - - ........... , ui nn , ,
' '
m order to npj.n eoilo id buj,. i ioi ilv .
The liu.bor consists i hi. fly of eotton
wood, .,iik, hi, koiy, widmit, andiish.--Jlaeh
of these t-jiciies of limf er l.;. sev e
ral Vi-rielies. The o.. jjrow s In a
Jrge size, and irom bU to 1 00 f.el in
h. ight. Tin.h. r is found idong the m.,r
ginsof all Ihe hrge, lo.d m;.t of il.c m;.h
streams, which pcrm.-ate il.c whole (ouu
'rv. Thoi.-h'lh, ie is not i n idniud.m, e of
liil.hei . -here i, fcu !Ii. ;,..,,t (ju.uniiy o mi,,.
ply a huge pop.ilaii.,ii. iv, lound in
vaiiou J.uts c.f the Tcnilory, and will
yei become an i nporlant srtitle in ihe fu
ture commerce of Nebraska. As whole,
ill rntmlru t..t. I ( 1 .. ,1 ... I . 1 .t
... j ur, llr. inougiu iy those v-
weekly timi,cied reji.n,
A C I UJhiIi
r '
j I he I.n i m i r
I 'must, and
( sin 1 1 : s ; ; i ,1-ikii r; . w . i i i i i r u
hi T HI pns. s to V. hi' il lim-
, hi v is .-pi, n ,1. ;m ! I (:,- f,u i'Pv
1, uhuh !
w I
I it an 1
c I'. 1
d. ue
to h, v ( !
i hat thr "
I i i.
' o i. lent , I I .e i oii'i' t w
! Slot
! l ( tai d, il I V i's Si'iiii't'v ,
'w.-U hi s I ( i i S.",! Id coin lore t ,,i
rli tl MMid i' il.c ( Omni 1 i .1 . ti I . 2-
rii-'i.'iii-..l n . ivi i , of ,N--'ir. -!,.i.m A '
I 'J in "i 'mi' to id . w ho in." d, sii e I ,, i in' i.n I,
! In lh( ai ii.n-
r Hi, hi of I rade. or to selth
l iwn in t'i mill. I, p it- ii' s l:,r
hil-d ;,ii iiii..n. 11 !. t i, ,,-,.( .,. vi Oils o!
an. ,,1 -r !.iv,; f.fil a!,.,.i.. , , j' p: ,,..
,i runs i .-n.iriiii y . N ' in , s-
m r, the in.::ri,,., :u:-( r. ; n I ihe m"i hai.l, .
dial i : -1 - - i'e;,-:-i's i 1 s'oue-i o. , t , 1 1 -, . i , .
i".,.!,i i'. an 1 o 1.' I- of mi,,...
I lor :.r. ."I.I Miiii iei,' in r ; 1 1 . . ? i j ' -.
,.'l i-dv lo .-.nppiv ihe u;.i,,s ,d li e 'I', ni-
j o:j . Im,' Im fiiri.i di II. !
I on-f , ue w id, the
j I nion. e ni.hi i n!
. i S
V I'
i h i '' lakc'i of lh" (
. and pre,,
II sli.i.r !,, li
' " anv (
'r !
, li il
inij'ii; ii-r mi,,
l'-....i : i I.,
I 1.
It we
thin! i 1 1 , 1 1 , : : i i I .
.Il l- 1, ,1 N ,
Ml 4 i , r, ,,:.!.,! ., ti.
, ,.. , ,. ,, .; to im t., ;,, ;, ,
I Im-
, loi'l 1
all. U
in.h and thai tii:
' In iy V of the p: .,r
1 more I han in i! ;
Tttbr Dili.
!:e in-
tin' I -
IM Ml.
Pnli ii i
ias. k.ii
hut the ,l
:,s in- v im! u r
,i lo'iis :. n;
1 idmiil. N.
1 t JMI il ite
J ),...,
H Mid Nc!.ras!,;i i
pie w id sii.,:;iin
olilisi- of i,'l y. M
Mi. .tell j
(hi v .IM !
' Coinpi omisi- of li.'iy. M.i v Anini-j
i s,,:is wi.l bear the name oi ) s I
.,, J)!LM,, j;i inwr ,,r , rl j to t-e.ive the;,,. ,. , , .,. ,il0 ;.II(:i,.ss
i! in t, ,1; an I Jjiil NilTivska' v id h- ti,-i U 11 M,,e tv-ry tlim.-, may t-mutf
,-Um f imuiy I hopelul cl.i'h! in i'u,i'1 I'"' ' ;',:s rich, irt-iu
j,..7, :its si i ! i 1 1 io:i. Toe 1 1 n. 3. l Kin- j w!"n"' ' '" -V " .V li lit elih.KxI Jo,
,.v (j;,;t.f Ji',s:i,0 0f -Jv. j l-cms. es and f.imdies. and m ohyh more
,x,im,,',. j..:, .i 'r .r,i '..fip, L ' lo pivc ",r 1 !,i !,iri-u lh 1 dKmrt.f
'' N i n h v k'v t 'I'hLs's'i'n" hii u at J'r ( "..ik' ' '"' -t'Ui'S which Lc-
! .sj,;;. . ,t s'-hv.,'C (',-,. June "'u h ' ' "" " ::' '' :'' '! ;""! n "' 1
, : Z:) Hrs'l wiVe c I'lill 'h urn "in t 1 ' ' U'c '"-" fe..ltire in lh.: moral
i'en r.orv sin, the
ue of the i'ell.-
j'J'i.i - Hon. Judge. ,1
' the .") il nav after lh
r i n.
. h f or I is ofli-'ia!
-n.l.on 1:1 l'l..h.
nn: . . ui 1 n .ma v i,,Ti,iii..i
V. im.v.i
1..IM J j
1 1 i s is a
:wr. .Vv
I 1,1.11 , Ml
j i. y, and l.eanti.i.'1
wit and vvivh.iu. an I :
id s ippoit ti,,
s.'.l et, replete
should rieeivi
Ml". ( I s of w it ,
hav c ! y :,,
1,1.1s, a;, I !., rnin
1 a b.'I'.i r c, in', in..
. We
iuli ol
e t.Uiiising j, r;. 1 ihe ins! rue; i e.
in n
e i t l
im Us r.'1-te
di,'..-! at ).,!,;!
I ):n;,l..i A rrovv .':
!a'T 1.4 o I
I I. It V , to h'd the
We wish
1 s ,r,,'i', s tla.t soe. css to
. 1
so 1 iip,,r.;,nt 1,11 i , r;..e is ;
juviy eiei.
die death- !c.
that, ll', like
:.r I!,;-.' nine nt hy
ii its !
"lis;, en, 1 , v. 1:: Ji., c a 111 c-
u'ivinir. h . -pi es. i s ii
nibn lo '.' in ihe
s 11 ,1 j, , i.n
it v. ill be
.1. iiu I in ir.d w.ihl -.ind lh..;
ii v.doalle uiivi'i.iy to ihe
cause of know led,
nd irluij in Ni -
bra.sku. For ihe j, resent, the Arrow is I
he issued li'om the J lee off., 0 Colinci
li. ( i .
A nni'ious 1 lori .vims. Nojihcii I).
eit'li. 11, .. of t,u (.'il , Will ih li
v er ; 11 ;n! tress upon ciluc .ti
Miry, Tiiuisl.y, July 27 !:, nt 2 o'clock.
I'. M.. Tens out, ud riu him a
BultCripuaiis uui Ader.i3ing.
Our aai,ts anil frica l. ' r-s.-or t,j to U, J
In ul'sc! ,jitiot, aiii ii.lvtitiniK.-ts,. Y'e sre
wsk'uij, proviaiuiis tor a nw nr.'. r.. ;,!
I" ' .! a tf.'M week., only U il! i.-laj.M- U Ime
we -I. -II hive ariai,;-. m.-i.ts romjdeli-.l f,,r i,,,
i.i j. i i i.i! ,..;'., ai,, he.viM'.i! inct, t;;.t v, II! ,,,
i re to l!..-co:-,: ,,l' the i-onnty to vv!, . li '
is nevoid!. Jmrii, ti.e- iiil. iim, ihe I'ii,.,;...
will he or,!,!.- ! Lt tin- of tin- Si. ,!,,. c.
I I i.-tle. I...V4 ,,,,.,.. t.. I'., i.. . ;.... s. .; : .. i ... ,.
uuen ,u Ull UUiu. tlln-iiLcIS V. ill I,.' rMp-
wilh tlx likitxn- in, I.I tlie i.ij'itar ir.ue
ti lii P!iti('.iiim. tsp-i-: in your o,d, , t, rn-panit-il
b the c:i-h. and ymi ti,,ll net wait lu.;;
tjf VO.J J'1.;,
Nebraska Palladium, anl the Proporfl eitlen.eiit of our cxctecii g'y fci'.ilo cuu
1'iatte VaUey Advocate. ,r.v'-
The projrefor cf the j'nttr all-u hi. I. solved, in the format :oti f onr
Vuruli l.i.vilg lisj,oM, t,l 1 is intcicsi inj
that I' to the ' i oiu iciio of i,.. . i
1 I l a - ,
la VcUa.lii'i. 1 1 1 1 v will hero: fur he mi- ! v'
led lilohr ihe li'h if the Jh,.,:i,a jtllj
(Hum UI Hit finite Yuliaj ,'J,i,,jirtl(
Ti e 1.. .:, i e! ti... hi, r ,,. , ,., ,x .
"I, im.t the I'i.ll.nh.o,, wcl he
'. on i v ., i
l'"'"' ""pi.ort, und :u el th
ei.'i:i; :.n,,i,,.
' f ihe A.!vo, ,.'e
i... .. i .
'I hose in'.-res'ed in the PiaMc Valley
H mte wiil be l:,d to know lhat iimuce
iiu tits are in pi igres, (,, ) lL. j., ., ,,,, , Jl(
post S nt Mall C rei k iiiid Lou,. 1'oik.
ThiM- :ots in con!,. ,- i i wi , t. ,,,- on
" ", ''. velor-kt Centre) will give 1
,ro1e( lion to u.iKi..nis and fcllhrd ihem j
any aid they m ; i., c,. The old .i.,ne.MS '
have taken hold of thi my im;H.r!ant
move, ami uniii-d their hiteresr S illicieul.
ly to ersurc co:: ert of acli..n. They Will
be strong enough to prevint i,:,y farther
fildt; ii d J.t I Ji'lK lis.
i'V whose!, ib.s in rai-i-i mei.t has ' "' '""') '". inn u.s jo i'S ioiu.ioubs ,
belli m.ide, for the h. 1 . Cl f ).e , ,,,,, .., j'5' 1 1 1 ' ' 1 ' '
c.'ise for which t! oe p,j,e,, huvchec:,! Tl''- 4,,,"mi":. ,,,,,n fl"" ile r:'' '
low ii lo: srs, whi, li were received wit H
rouith c.f July fit r.rd!cvi;w c.t '
We had the ,',: M,:e of tpm lj,,.,
nn niot i,li,'
I iii' s i,h i
iil'cd'i'ellt j
t S' in'
V I t lh iliwiew ('i.y, niU
ili'l'lsll i!"is. ho'.pi'a!,!,. ,
',' f lllers, in celehrali,,
'.;!,l i aliMvei viry of A
Unci i
, in im!, -pen h lie,'.
V' ' in ver li i 1 t he sat i .f.ii.t ion ,,
I'1.; this i i'c. i V in:; day ,,., ,. j,
lh,n Upon this oeeasinn. Ti,,
le. IT, I, .(!
w hii li a s,.
. r Si.
.( : ,.- ,..v.
.'ed wi.ll 1,
hoi-led at 12n'i !0, 1
liied ill M,
M .'i I
i v id'
; i i . i
.'e. an
Hie i;r ,
i iii.i
le.lMI! e,
i u r il ,
radial,! vw
, . i
poi'.il of !
In1 ' 'li ill e
i .,'i iiii't ;-,. ,
' I.i 1 1: t!,,. V
the lie.
i-ii.i.I. '
in:.. ul
,', vK" : n t
!.r the !,,-,
i" r the I',.'j,
I canopy of h,.;,.
iv e
li j
i inc. I In has e he. l is
; real veiic of nal nn
as e;
in wl
v ' i
Ii tl.
-pi, it s i hi-ai;
! HI
n a
l id ; i ' :n mil s.ed on lids mi.k
d "e,.., ,i he an index i!: f,,. J
or j, il ii
ore aett r ol Jie v molsi'iides v. hi
'A ' " s l"a" from ;!,: ur ipi.ti Ic, :'
! 1 he i aj; h. to l.iiick- in the pumuis ;.n i
ll res , ; I
1 -op,,', thcti it v.i l h
V. :.s 1 1 m., i i.n ! y one (,
n. I:,
II.!.'!!- ,
t '-this ( i.niitrv wiii bo. indeed
the world." Ji i-j onr car
tint this in. j h.: the case, an.l
in iy m y h" pn s' lvcd liom
!,e-,l j
I-, r
lava; es o1 lnoli.lte;-, vice, crime r.:,l
.. ion. Ti;e ici'.i.iry is hut,-: ctinii-'i
( ( icinn h.te f.f y n.iilion iuiaihildiits-.
hcarls n!' thi
1 1 huge o;rn..'u
I (Miar""'i 1 i f i
li.fl'or.led in
hi :,' ''N( :.ra4.ii :,s." v.hieh
i;i)ro in: n j,'easiiru.
This (1 at ill e
luorely v isilde, but
j'romii'fil, an I ui'ii,h,,.,k:.lilo. Itwij t)i
I spirit of loh faiii.n th'-; llemhiaei;. spir
1 i, ,.r I ,. ,. !,..,al.. .1 t .i:. .. :.:
' ' ' " i'
; nol only to live and hi live i,,.', , ;,'n
. .,, (!ij)()siii ji, ;u build nj.on a f. .;:, 1011
, ,i , h,Hiiill? lhi,n 1 i;n- , .-'.nd br.m, c 1 ugli
to end race every piinci ,!c to f ihe
.lev 1 ioplii' lit el s.
ial. iic.-llf.!
r. ; re
sp, l,sii;!c l.eio-s.
.1 ,
If this count ues t
,11c m i nero. i:ic iei? w
j i'S ill'.
!.,;,.! I '
h iihcd lor moral -?::! 1, ess
..u'j-, as Ihe cofuufy is g.ct and
I lie:.o! ifol.
i lielow wc givethn minutes prepared by
1 the. Si 1 rclarv .((.'-ether with the siiilii tents
;V Oi O
d 1 .11 the
I 1 he in,.":1!!!'' w is oii'aoizod bv choosin?
! ). . Knn. TicM, ei.t. an, ',1. J .
Hi in, Secret. irv . A c,.mmii!ee was rj,
,(iti:ed. (onsisiidg of I.. It. Ki si: v, S 1 1
vi n Dim viii: and C. S. Hoi! ovva v, to
dr di reso'u.ioi.s exjo oshiv e of ihe senli-
i, u li s of the 1, on tin::, who reported the
following preamble hd resolutions:
'uere;.s, w e the citii ns of a free and
ii. lcpei.,'. nl rc.ii!.iio, hav iog mot for the
"": lirst !ini.' in this lice, v. here the council
' i lire" has id ci h tit its ohi -r to the rude
iasstmhh ocs if i,i ir rul to ybrcn und t.rc-
deoe-ssolsi al.d where e , Stleli d luoro'.t
I.Li acr, il R' i J-.i'N of ci vil Hid religious, for . luirscdv ' our ehildieii ;
Thi-refoi e
Jl . s ilv i if, That os Aisiorican citions,
w c'gii:f y in the iibe:",j- lii'.'vcd I y our re-
vol , f. 1 'h. and that we consider
it not oil i v, on! a privilege lo meet
on this !,i ; ii i oi t j'ol, to cntiuneniorntu the
.ih. ions .iced-, by !. oti r f.,lhe s se-
cuiid the j, resent lihelly and l ivrioiis pros
pects of ibose. win i.i this ii.ii resting o.'
i. .sii'li has h
,t hi
Kl .-uiVtJ, TU'. Ni blsk 1s lioW opt .1
for hett!ihient, Mid iiiid we will do ail in
our power to promote the inferos'., d. ve
lojii llie i houi i es, at. .1 M-oi re the early
nr. 1 1 i.' i.m.-i
I'll Un.l o - o
1 L.w s. v, c v ill i I.i i li the
(.I'M-C III-,-,
:.' i'.il .: ,.
,)W I
i.rc ind. hti d f..r ihe 1
' ': p'
' ss , wo i.s a l
1. 'i 1 ;.! 11. ilev ii v. , b'.ing li e ino'
, en'i.d ; nd n ::')
i i'io location on u.
M. e;. r.vei
i o i,'. for ihe
1...S ll.C ...lo.-iest ii.dlHC-
i ..lien of the Tirntoii
1 . I.i
ih: I I.
4,,..ce c.ii j.: ebi-n
it k( aiioii lis
low ii lo: srs, whi, li were received Willi
i i,i.' .'ii; s'i : i-.pph.iise :
l U d li) 1( i ii! J fair. The psHth.":! Swb
b.iih of Freedom - m; j i s iintiUiil return
he grcci.-d l yjoyoiis and gl.i.l hear! 1, lliiril
il.c sun sh il! ,shi:;i; on a W ori4-bound lvc-
(it'jg't II or inftf n lr'.rA in war, first
firl in j...,ec, ami UeL ,i ihe hcasls of 1
counrrj no n.
'lr,.,j owl .Vitry -f ih V. .V.
Free, hiin's safe-uard.
Ihe i'lttid.-hl and iui i it q (leeVrn-l'l
tlntl i I In I l:,v I hvv ..rcipri
j .... s j "- r- " ' - ,
pure ;n. I uuii.ijii -ir-.l, the glorious prins
ph et lhc t l"i,,tit,ili,.n.
'V... H...