Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, May 04, 1860, Image 4

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    jUaliolitdBiti) 1'crali).
i Mclaughlin, Editor
Fcllx ntrning, May lib, ISf.O.
pr tna-cratla Ceutral Comtnlttro Mcrt-
11, cumber of th Territorial Dsmcratlc Ontral
VmoilU-, ara rciustd to rnsot at tha lli-rmt o
KUa. In dinah. on Tiist-hiy tht I Jtli Jsy i f Juim.
a. I. l"H)f to taliesu'h arllon as may 1-e (h-i-ros'l Dec
i nsary r ths orKiilsfl 'l-n of tt.a l'i'uiotra'.li- arty,
a-ijtn fit n-on too tln anj i-laoo of h"Uiii a C"ii
i.tl-ti to BomtraU a Damof ratio CanJI.Uta Tr Th-lr-j-it
In I'cngrwf, and trnurnct such other busine ss as
iaoy W li'fin'-il mrcstary at that limo.
I). 1 UANKIV, Ch'n.
H C. rtiH, Scf-r.
Jsjy The Htmli ia rather short cf news
tbii week, owing to tbe illness of the editor.
Ue bail b sttaok of tho Ague tnt Is rcarly
light again.
Without any if or an we say at Dakota
City. OooJ and sufficient reasons why iMs
should be the place, tbe central oonirnittco
onght to name for holding tho oenvoution,
con be readily adduced. If it wan for noth
ing else hut to compliment the sterling De
mocracy of the country north of tho reserve,
who polled -74 of the HOO democratic majori
ty iu tbe Tenltory, lad fall. Hut twenty-six
democratic majority was polled ia tVe balance
of the Territory, including the Fort Kearney
rote. With judicious niaongeujcnt on tho
r rl of tho comuiitlec, and tho selection of a
- -.-oper man as candidate, we will poll hard
i ,. Cte hundred democratlo majority, in the
r counties up hero, this coming fall. It
' ooves those Riio have sn eye to tho wcl
: -re of tho party to ooucider this well, and
, loose by neglect or Blight what they can
i'lin olsowhore.
. .hern Nebraska has bcon scandolouidy
fx ! T'ed by democrats in power, nnd trill not
stand it quietly much longer. If everything
is to bo centered at Omaha, PluttBtnouth ami
Nebraska City, thero will bo tomo kicking
niinst tho prick. Wo know how hard it
wis to get come nf thoso democratic gentle
men who figured in the la-1 legislature, to
appropriate a pittance to bridge Blackbird
Creek. When election day rolls round they
expect n to elect their man. Maybe wc wil'
do it.
The Charleston Convention had dono noth
ingofsny importnece, at onr latest ndvioes
riournoy of Arkansis was ohesen temporary
chairman, and Caleb Cubbing was elected per
macent chairman. The Bouglas delegates
from IUiools, New York and Maryland were
admitted. No Platform had been agreed on
up U Friday night a week ago and the
convention adionrned over nntil Monday. No
ballots had been taken on President
This hotel ia bounl to sustain tho name it
hears. It already has the reputation of beiug
equal, if not superior to any other house in
Kebragka. Commodious anil airy, and laid
cut with an eye to comfort and neatness, it
has elicited fiequent flattering notioes from
nil its guests, while its architectural beauty
has eot fulled to attract due attention.
Recently Col. Bates has btoo me tho land.
lordoflt, and the Btylehe keeps It in warrants
us in saying he can "keep hotel." Determined
that it shall maintain its reputation, and be
uasorpassed by any other house in Nebraska,
i - i . , .
i niio rpureu no puius in atucg it up to ac
commodate his guc.-ta In tip-top etyle. Thoso
acquainted with the Col will make no lack of
patroniiing him ; while the traveling publio
will find him courteous, obliging, entertaining.
and an excellent caterer to the wants cf tho
inner man.
The bar Is amply supplied with fluids of tho
beet quality, and imbibers of the invigora
ting, If disposed to partake for "tfce stomach's
sake," or to "drive dull care away," will find
something thore to take that is good, without
tabjooting them to bust head afterwards.
This enterprising firm in tiioux City, have
not exactly opened a menagerie on Pearl
tftreet, bat they have opened the largest stock
Of Iry Goods' groceries and provisions ever
eea in this section of the Globe. People are
rushing In, in crowds, every day, and rushing
out again with armfuls. It costs nothing to
go in, but -it costs something to get out. Wo
adriee thsss gcisg ihrs to go armed with the
ftoosry "spondulicks," snd if they do not
'"" wi. Daolr they ziirty Del nigh on
goWlnj iU value.
This tstttblkhment is now willing and ablo
w oompjfo with any other in northwestern
low. or Nebraska, in gelling goods. Their
etock of Lierchnndiie is lurge and varied, and
clcctrJ with especial euro ta suit tho wants
or thulr customers. They will be sold as low
sean be bought elsewhere, and parties buy
ing of them are sure to save forryoge at leatt.
Cull and gee their stock.
to do vp Shirt Ilotoms. We often hear
ladies express desire to aaow hosr the gloss
is produced on new linen bosoms, ect., and
In order to gratify them we subjoin the fol
lowing receipt:
"Take two ounces of white gum arad.'o
powder, put in a pitcher and pour on a pint
" mors or boiling water aceordini to tnedo
gree of strength yon may desire ; let it stand
all night, and in ths morn ng pour It care
fully from tbe dregs Into a clean bottle and
cork It for use. A tablesposnful cf this gum
ter, stirred into a pint of starch. Hill giv
lawns, either white tr printed, a look f new
Law of which nothing else can restore them af
ter ta.y h.,9 teen wafcbei "
The arrival of the Ariel at New York brings
Isthmus date to the 10th Inst., acJ later news
from South America.
Hon. Poverly L. Clark of Kentucky, Unite 1
teuton Ministei Keei.ietit to Guatemala and
Honduras, who has teen sulforing several
months from diabetes, died ou the 17th of
March. His funetel ce rinioiiii- were con
dueled with great pomp by the Catholic Cler
gy, and of course most of the Government
..fiioers and foreign ibplomatio agent agisted
iu the titer. Mr. Clara's wif and family
came psssoi gets on the Qcaleu.ala and linns
for home to day. The report is ginernlly
credited in Guatemala, that he wns al solved
fioin his niarriugc vjws by the (tirch, two
days hrfoie hi druth, that he might join the
Fraur'iM'an Mink. Mr. Cink tnade u public
prifrs-ion cf CitholieiKin in that rity on the
Uth of Ikci'inbir lii'-t, anTwas bi. tiard t.y
the Hihop of Mi-nria"iind tck the t.np
tim;il name ol Augeetin. aJlin rtninina were
deposited in Jhc pantheon of the ihutch of
fun Fnincipcu. Mr Chirk is the thitj L'nitc-I
hM':e3 Mini'-tT who hns d.ed in Ouatrmula,
within the InM fonr yeurs Messrs Venuffle
and Malin btve preeee led him to tbe trn.b.
Sulvador, rne of the South American State?,
shows signs of improvement iu the increase of
agricultural industiy. The cultivati n of
STigar had been stimulated by the cptning if
steam navigation with l'annua, butthel'res
identof tho oiuotry, llarrios, was adding so
largely to the military as to diminish the
number of hands. Ke is anothei of the pests
of that part of the world a military chief
who is aiming to make hims'f dictator.
The only news of importance from Nicara
pun I? that the congress had approved the
trer.ty with Orcat liritain.
Cota Hica, under its provisional president,
Joee Maria Montealegre, is quiet at frcei-nt.
Thero is to bo an cleoiion of deputies next
month; and thn deputies will iminodiutcly af-
; ter elect a President probably the prefont
I provi ioual incumbent. Mora was in alva
, dor where he had bought an eet n! o. nnd will
I probably mako trouble j ot for CoMa l'.ica.
In Chilli aCiiirs were moving tmoothly nnd
propperounly. Mr. Wheelwright hud recent
I arrived at Valparaiso the United States. This
i gentleman is a native of Neri huryport, Mass ,
and has spent forty years ou the west co;;tt,
and by his intelligence find euterpie baa
been extremciy eervicablo to that country
I The Mereurio of that place says that this in-
iicfatigftMe advocate ot luterntil luiprovinieuts i
i I :.. i .. i a.,,. t
his latest schemes ia a plan f.r furnishing a
supp.y oi wu.er mr purple:, ui nr.auou, n rn ft ru(.01icililkticn la3 tukta r,ftc w non
n country where it never rains ; and a rail-! . 1
ron i cnterptisc which proposes to connect k person ts on a rea voyage, or goes out be
the east and west coast of South America by tween the nuts of a five act trsgeily ; r ns
n road across the Andes. The tteaui Hues on ' cn.Jing iu n balloon ; or tiflur coming off the
the South racilic tind tho lines of railroad iu ' j of OfroiicM inquest; or whet, you aro
Chili wore originated hy Mr. Wheelwright. , ' ' .. ,
Chili is the inot Onuiishit.2 and least dis- sut.np up for jour wife; cr when a fi end
turbed of tho South American Elates. The
following is a Vulporuiso i'vr., :
" In Eucndor, two vhiefs, Mjisn o nn 1 Fran
co, are heading contending taction?, which
keep that stato in its usual tnru.j.l.
In Petti President Castiila has resume 1 tin
presidential chuir, tilled by lr. Mur dur.u?
his absence in Etieudur, and issued u proc
lamation, bracing of his exploits in tlint
country, in which nobody was killed and ths
same number wounded, nud concludes by
threatening to undertake nn equally brilliant
campaign against Uolivia.
In Uolivia President Lenarez had to keck a
large force to guard against tho designs of
his envious neighbor. Bolivia is well enough
ordered just now, and has sent Commission
ers to the United States to borrow a million.
A rather bootless business, one would think,
on the tbofuith of that Government"
Kflcct of Ihe Ceoaus of 1S00.
The New York Time uiukes au elaborate
and candid showing of the rtf ct of the census
of this year on the representation of the sev
eral States in Congress. It figures that tho
States which will lose representatives nre Al
abama, 1 ; Connecticul, 1 ; Goorgla, I ; Ken
tucky, 8 ; Massachusetts, 1 ; North Carolina, J
1; New York, 8; Ohio, 1; Pennsylvania, 2;
Rhodo Island, 1 ; South Carolina, 2; Tenn
essee. 1: Virginia, z; veimont, l. 'tao
Ptates which will euin re; rescntatives are 111-
inois, 6; Indiana, 1; Iowa, 4; Michigan, '1 ;
Missouri, 1; Texas, 8; Wisconsin, 2. Tho
other States stand 09 they arc. She Timn
buuis up the remurkable facts as follows.
1. All the old and large Slates of the Union,
without exception, lose ground relatively, and
most of them positively
2. Tho Bouth loses ground largely ; the new
State of Texas, having five-fold the territory
of tbe old States, and lying west of the Miss
issippi, is the only one gains.
8. The only part cf the Union which posi
thcly gains is tho Northwest Missouri being
properly inoludcJ tn Unit.
4. Tbe Northwest positively gains 15 rep
resentatives and two Senators ia Minnesota.
0. The slave States lose 11 representatives
and gain 4, a positive loss of 7. The free
States gain 14 and lose 10, being a positive
gain of 4, with 4 Senators in Minnesota and
Orcaen. 1 ne admission of Ksnsas and No
brs.sU a, which will spedily happen, will edd
X representatives ana 4 Senators to the same
Miss Harr'etN. Anstln, editorof the reform
paper In Danvillo, N. ., devotes a long or
ticlo to the subject of her making op. Here
Is nn important itom : "My pantaloons are all
Uul ul tuo bottom like Koiitiouji'Ub. A liad
them better than straight sues; and thoso
which some ladies have worn, full nud g'tth
ered at the bottom, nre 'unmentionable.' My
pattern was cut by a tailor, Am wife taking the
vuajte." Tbe spinsters precaution, a stated
in the last sentence was doubtless Intended
to show that whatshe was after at the tailor's
hop was 'm-aaotca, toot men." Kiceelrll
2Iriii; not yuuijp euuugu, iu be tciudy, cer
tainly ; but rather lunar on pantaloons JJt
11 Iu.t.
Sonio years since, Warrick Martin, a Lou
isiana planter, placed $d0,000 in the bands
of a brother-in-law, mimed Brooks, of Uclolt,
Wisconsin, for investment iu hinds, and sub
sequently reoiived back the prinoiple under
the protenso by Brooks th'it the investments
were failures ami tl,a' .Martin miglit consider
himself lucky in gettins out so well. Martin
having found that Brocks malo and porkeled
two or three hundic I thcuasnd dollars by the
operation, hrocpht liint ia tho U H, Court,
and on Monday lust, got n vir liot I t the full
In New Orleans, a few days since, Mr. P.,
who has a salary of 2,600 per annum, win
sued for ft5, the am ,nnt of a till of droj
goods sol 1 to his wifo wi'.hiu ten days, in
vemher last. The articles weie not nsotssa
rice under the most liberal use of the t. iin,
and it appeared ia tho evidence that ll.r bus
band had forbidden the p luintilf to truit J, is
wife. The Court decided that thj plain. ill
could not recover.
The Pout OSco ut porasl City, r" rpy Ciuu
ty has been dHuontinued by order of the P. 0.
T'.t CiHin-y'ry ' A; 'H.,. 'J'lite 1 li
Mly ei!ts among the app'icanta ihroj:tu'iit
the Wcttern Htatea, especially ia tlhio, tor the
m:e of Jeputn" tin ler Lm'rd Htataa Mar shals
to take tho census of lhi'iO. Ths pay
of these deputies, by tho law, is lihernl, an I
will handsomely coinpcnnte for the time au I
labor required. It is fixed at twoeentsper
, head of the population, with ti n cents per
mile for all necessary travel, ten cents for the
statistics of each farm, fifteen cents for f.vh
f tn'uSirhuirtil ot pvod'uoiive industry, and t
rents fcr eneh death reported. The Marjhal
is prohibited from receiving any p:rtofths
fees of the nsMstants, tinder a penalty of Jl,
(CO for eni h o;l nee. The a-sistantg have five
moiitlis in which to perf.-rm their dutioi, and,
' as the districts are restiictid to a population
tut exceeding twenty thousand, and, for util
ity, may be divided into smaller areas, ainpla
time is given for the wnk to be seeouably and
tl.rutighty u.'ne.
A U MNi,l'AD'isrHlXil.
The Mo bird sits on a swinging limb
Hit gin joyfully sini;in
.Ml D' t;r jmes in Iha corus louj
To the Tii g which arc a Slrinpin.
T he grass are gruwin. the ti. urs is llowin
The pencil tree buds is ewelliu big.
Tho ladies is dtessiuin their finest ratitn,
And tho trees is patlin cu their sum
mering. How i wish i vtt asairg'n bur l
On a grato big blneja limb;
I'd sing the praines (iu he swecte? lnyt r' )
Of Spring, if i busted with the vim.
TUE i;em.
U Ins a Drink may be Inktu .tlfdlcln-
After a goose, or duck, cr perk, Irith stew,
or any delicacy of the teasou into which ou
tniis may Luve sea?oning'y entered; invariably
ui'i r suluioij; when there ia any washing be
ing dona at home ; tvhen painters aro in the
bc'J.' e; whi n a irtou feels faiut, oad do.'Hi't
huow what is the mutter with him; when a
fi'mni tints tip after an abteuoe ofFevenal
years, or when you ure parting with a fiii'nd
whoinjou do not expect to sec fur several
yea:1 ; when a person hs the toothache ; v.her.
u person him lost at cards, or when a person
hici come into largo properly; when a person
he" mot with a misfortu ic, or ma le a tremen
doui Itirgaiu; when a person bus quarrelled;
Ur''ps in to i inokou sepal ; urn), in Tip', n;on
all suitablii .'cviis'i'ins ol ta.'i.o.-i' or merrinici t;
when a perse n f' e' r n( tr i . v.-. i,r feels iu very
h-.gh spirits.
A Yo'unble Ilelle.
We notice in the ilSco of Governor Powney
the folloRitig which is nn ideuticle pai t r acnt
hy ' tl'd Hickory" to the governiusnt organ of
tho period when it was written:
"The last survivor of , the tigners of the
Declaration of Independence he who for
many years has been tho lust prcolous relio of
tho bund of July 4th 1 7"g is uo more. The
death of Charles Carroll, of Currolllon, is an
nounced to us. The triumph of tho gravo
over this living monument of our national
J birthday, around which tho gratitudo and ftf
fection loved together, will be the signal Torn
nation's mourning. As a mark of respect due
to the occasion, tbe offices of tho Uuitod States
government will be closed to-morrow 16th
inst. Andrew Jackson.
WAsrtMoros, Nov. lflih, ib3l2."
At the bottom of the communication is tho
following direction, iu tho same handwriting,
"'s lu conspicuous at me uau oi a ooi-
umn. Sacramento Standard."
Tho Cleavelund Piaindcaler, in speaking of
ths celobralcd amalgamation UepublicHL
stronghold iu that State (Oberlin), says there
are so many colored persona that ths streets
constantly wear a dark appearance, und gas
has to be burned on cloudy days to enable
white pcoplo to get around-
John Mead, Esq., of Wh te Plaines, cut down
an applctree, a few days since, nnd on split
ting it found about five iuohes from the heart
of it three crosses, a large one in tho centre
and a smaller ono on either tide, while tbe
three lotters, I- II. 8. handsomely carvel, cm
brccd the width of the crosses. Tho whole
shows us clearly as if done but yesterday.
Rooitinj I.uwir and Louer.Yont yenrs
ago the Democrats bal over 7,000 majority
against them in Ccnnectiout.
Two yoars ago, they hod but 8,000 ajrnlns
Last year tbe Abolition ngures were coi
down to 1,870.
This year (on a poll of 66,000 votes !) (Ley
are reduced to COO.
TSey are now ro isting en the lowest branch,
and their next dcoeut must bo to the goruad I
JJjrifurJ Timn.
On Thursdoy evening last, Mr. Hemy Pae,
Deputy U. S. Mardhal was brought to bio
home in this city, with ono of his hnuds in a
endly mutilated condition, caused by Iho burs
ting of a guu while hunting buflulo on Wood
river. We aro sorry ti hear tbiit the loss of
tome cf hi fingers inevitable yilmihmn.
Cftcial Vol. The following is tho official
cennt of the veto for Governor in Connecticut :
Buckingham, republican.
4t.4'S I
tieyniour, democrat.
Republican rnsjority.
.Vcjrro H :n h 1,-t !y die 1 on the p'
of Mr Jtillirir. v, i J.m. i county, Georgia
bidisvcd to havo bji ver 140 years old. It
is e-rtaiu that he I . it 100 yen s iu this
c i mtry, an 1 ho mii 1 h .-t J-i yeurs old
when c.ptiired in A 'rioa.
K. B. Campbell, a b i..r, cjiuuiilted
tu ..-id at Davenport, Iowa, on iat.ii 1iy, by
sliootiu Li :i elf t Ii r 'n (ji i!, Uead Wl'h
J ill ol
1 1 1 't "
ihe Abo'.ition'sts of Vssavhnetts ate de
e'.dedly to te classid among-! the mos! rabid
f the faiiHt.es rf tha history of popular delu
shins rrenrds. There are no length, to whi h
they will not go to cirty out their nmunt nnd
niiachievious theories. Fi om the encourage -mcnt
of treason and rebellion, they ps na.
turly to midnight outrages nod incendiarism.
Here Is an example of one of the Isnt exploit
In this wy, copied from a llo-lou joaruul :
Mr. ihivis, the Postmaster at Conoord,
!-., has bern su'j.'ct to Ihe lo-s of his htiru,
witli hsy, maehiiiery, tools and (, by the
act of an incen l'.aty. The CotieotJ fniis
estcim it sutlieieiit justiBoation for the aol
that Mr. lMis wassuspreted of in forming the
I'niteJ St it s i ftieers whete 8 inborn was to
be found. Po that In Concord, t j be suspected
of a disposition tj obey the laws of th t'uited
8t itc, is f Mlh.-ient groun I for burning np a
tu iu's pro; orty why mt f r hanging him.
My 1'iaiT A pr
! . i l.r and g'nl'.c
io nio on I lk Creek
I'l IOIU I LI 1 I I I V . ft I
On the liit iti.-t. T' i '
ns aiuutad an I en
i .ftitng for traut in th
joyed themselo .j
stream, and siicrteded in hooking
cf the Cuny tr.b .
a numbsr
PrnsoKAt. YV had the plensure of becom
ing acquainted dining ihe week wilh C. L. l.
CroclWv'l! ll:q., of Anninosa, Iowa. He for
merly edited the A num.. so. Kui-ki and for au
ex editor looks eery und comfortable.
Mav 1'bstival -MisaJ. O'llrivti gnva a
handsome May parly lo her pupil", on Wed
nesday the 1M inst., at St John'
generatl.'ii" over wh ! ti j r -
thcinsolvi's a Iv , ... . . i,
elatod, li wt-i ' 1 '. : Mi'ti i '
ress, for thi.. uiu. .i of . i-
l. I
i Ic
oil 1
Miss O'llrieil bus u li.n." i
under her chi.ro, tud . ;
orderly school. Miohnst!
of pupils nud parents
Tlirro U' a I'uMi.- .':.! ul t!. j inyoi
I!Kn1a City, on tin- taliitny it .Mi y i,.l.
Willi ll tinvo rot N'l-u Ui's,l,-,1, in,,! n: .' .1 io'
rnlry lna. ! n;s, .i l!i. t H I no I I. !;.,
s 0!':.-, In
,1 r.'l 1.. -I -.'il
III fi
ll !).. hill
i, At.;ii-t, A . I), isyj. '1 una i. ,(,.
l!y ! Irr II IHTt'J.
Miiviit"! Pa!. i 1 l '
.1 a Mrs i.Ai'.iu.rr.
'Minsi-lliT ot l.nw, nt I'
V hi ii t v, N,
nnv l-nl-aio.-
. a l..lv, 1H-. in
i 't
rrid.ry Will -r.-nii: hii.-uI i i
'. to Id rtiri" : lui-nl.' Si. -la, sti in
(ur rioti nta aiol iiun-usldr'.f.
1iii till., 'n
anj rolli'i t nti-1 ri ii.1 loon) yltll ilUi-atvli.
STATEMENT f the Financial Condition of
Dakota C'i I'"'.', XclrasK'i Ttrritjiy.
To Amount of Warrant lfsuM U
.lanunry Ift, lSio -.77ft Oil
Ily Am"Uiil of Tax r yar JisVJ 711 is
llalnnon Uuo.
:uiio 72
County t'ii rU.
Its aoiiilt'rfiil effort ant consi.,u'iit i,imtai Ity
porhspt do artlcls In tlis history of Ilia MHria Midi
cj, ever arulrJ the same l'stmian", was anSJii. t to
Uie sains tiuuilxir of sovorti and illlTiirant tests, anil
met wltli so few fallurrs o tlie Mustang Llnlmi-nt. II
has Justly lieen stylisl a rmiacca fr all aitoinal
won mis, tuts, Hwellliiiis, h'l'rnlns, truls4',or l!rupllniu
ou Mnor lli'sst. It Is so Mr a mnllrlns of lurnrlslDK
virtus, ttiat I'liysli'lans ara comt'U(l lo prnsrrlta It,
anl from somo ri'inarkaMi. ciir.'sof t'hrtrtiic and OitUit.
Ud Jfhiumiitie ci$ tt has imturuty attrarU'J murh
attrntl'iu from tlm llrst srlsntlll.- tuliiils of IIih a,:i. No
family run all ir.l lo ho wtlhout a b-.-ttle of the Mo.-UiliK
Lioliusnt In tl: lo'uso. Jtf.U'arti imituti nut.
7 ho gi-uulni'i.i si'M 1 y rosiHs-tallf -li alsrs hi all narts
of the wi rM.
llAHNIi 1'AIIK, rn orh t' is, New York.
DANIEL M ' L A U (3 H L I N ,
VatetJ C'sTy,
Nclxaok it.
11 business entrusted to his care will be
attended to with promptness and dispatoh
Particular attcution will be paid to the Collec
tion of olalms; end to P.cul Batata matters.
o. o.
joiin ocubibb
Attar nut) t lit hum,
l7"l attend to all legal buoiuees inlruolcd
V t" their sai in western Iowa and east
ern Nebraska.
Nov. 7. 'tl). in
J'tumbtr and Out Fittur. '
tilt. 1", I. I'liA lll.FH PTUKKT, CT I.OflH, Mrt
A I J'lW proiuptiy nttviid to u'l buBiiir. in io
line, und all work ei. outt J witli iui
uesa and dispatoh. i i'il gi o special "!' .
to any work that im.y bo i-o'.ios'' . :
nud salisfucUou wiirrauted.
M l.t, I. i. I v . o ;
lo I. (I I i . i i
Ol k Hi. - i I -i..'-i
j o ii ;
7 I-' V
Al lOUfitr a, Vol.
SI. .'I'
ptly attend ul! t,
Olfl.e on ii. .
: '. "Auiericau Hyu
ted I
ens door fm l
C. F. ECK: T U CO.,
I'AKOIA l ITV, rililH -KA,
l II I. t
i,r.. I'luo. hu 1 !" -it'-stl' us I'.r urlitbu1
I V i.ul.l! I ui; him", " I ' i-"s t ' i i-l t'ru.uiii I
.nun..- ii. miuc nt-y 'I-' '-'ii"-" iinij, iu jmri
f ll bat.-.. , !,. I l. ' "l -'.i-
WiJ - , M
is ntciiFtir nn dm .t i ni oir..rat rnt.iioMi
to tho lilFhHt bl.t ur, mi lbs f th y of lr usat
I stan.m in huars of 9 c'rlooa, A. at ana S cVl. rX P,
M , t tli. a.H nf it.. a,m H..". In VskotaHtr, R.
T , f.4 ili pip. tnnt ot tho lmia lloiwm anwtnii, S-r
tlii ) rar lMl, Ilia I.UIoalu it-.nl tm. t (4 lanit
altua .. In !.( ('..( IH T trllory . t Mi.trarka
lif. ln ir 3 V W so .a 1 1
M . t n w a TV 7
li ir t l tr and a
qr of li a ijr '.'A I
n i i .a. a ao.i s w yt s im s.uo
n tit "t. , .t n l w lit .M
qr .10 2 a Mo e.ni
t of it qr aiol n
D iH4ll ,,r IB 'W P ! e.si
I , I aii.l III ,.f u a IH so 7
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n .r ofa4r.t'l S 1 1.1 14 IAS
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n .(r u : li la 7 ,oo
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i f a ,,r lit i w li'l .!.
s w ,(r ,-f n w tr mi 1 e s.
t f f'i ,1 7 - J !-?
a or if a w ijr, w l,f k
't a (r tti.a u i -' t ts t.iit
i-f a n t
nr nr i f nr. t lif of "4 i' !."
li t ir anU lot I ?t
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ifirir ir l't V ltxl l,M
till u an.i 4, an J n w
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o tif .'f n ,jr ati J w I t vi
I of ii w ijr -'l Va 9 f.v) r M
i e hf of a ur and w .'(It
hf HI s w ii r lit .10 I IliU n.Ht
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e hf nf S w qr and
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u o qr
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qr of n w qr, and
ii w qr of n w qr
s hf of u w qr, b ti
qr of u qr, and
n e qr of s o qr
28 H l0 10(S0
County 'iieuburcr.
l-kota City, April 7lh IJ0.
To Johu Willinwson : Taka notice of a pe
tition in chanoery, filed against you iu tho
District Court, for the third judicial district
within aud for the Couuly of Dakota, nnd
Territory of Nebraska, on the 7tb day of
April, A. D. lf(i0, by Joseph N. Fields, to
which petition you aro hereby required to
plead, answer or dcuiurr, ou or bolero Ihe
Uth day cf May, A. V. 1HB0,
Hull petition sets forth
In substance that you did, on th 17th day of
Pehiuary A. D. 1H9, eieouto and deliver to
said Fields, as tranter, a certain Deed of
Trust of Iho following lands, to wit ; The north
east quarter of south east quarter, auid soufi
east quarter f north euat quarter, of Heolion
number twculv rive, in Township Dumber
twenty niuo, of lUngo seven east, and lots 'i
und S of Section 'iM, of Uango eight, east of
the Kixlli principal Moridiun in Nebraska
Territory, lo aeoure fhe piymoot to one
Qcorgo Watnou, of s oerlain No'e of the dute
of auid u.0d, for the Slim of $UuO,00, puyi.blu
to said WuUou iu twelve months after dute,
with iutomst at 4 per ccut a month after due,
unj tbe prayer or said i,;;::cs i snt.i
1' io ids may bo ueoree I to lionarge ss.11 tmst
for the buuefit of said Watson, by a sale of
said laud to satisfy said note, and lor gcutrul
Wit. V. LfX"KWsOI,
Solicitor for Complainuut.
April 7th lPW-4-l'r' fees, v 00
V , ,v ; Ti.t. ,
'j i ut: i'
f a
' i.
i '-
1 t - U.
'.I ll.l.l It
'-1 i J' ll
-i su.,r!
,. . t ;
'1 hi
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Ml '1,
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1 1-1. a -V
l- ll
i I. ! j ,
e .-. .)
' ' 1 -Ollfl'IC i I1, . . . .'.I,-! .,.w U-
l . . i ii Defence lu ro ci-im i.i. uuJ to
you, upoa your payment of s .id n..te, u,uj
the pryor of said petition is liiai auid convey
uiiiic uuy be decreed a moilgago, ana the
suid 1 in I tuld for the payment if said not,
hui lor general relief
Is dioitor for Con plair.aat
4 Pr's f. ,i IH 60
Ar r! 7th H
I kIihII puLluli
Conct o itwiaj (Jo ...
Ihe Uext ses'oo ,
(Jluho will ooii :. , i .
both brauchis . I :
roMrlcr. equal si i.
band writer in this oi
When the ilchitcsj nf
a Ant
mora than forty-Ave enlmiins, they s: , ,
peer in the Daily (ll.itis of Ihe nel moTiri
Tihioli will contain, alc, the roa of Dm dtv,
lofither with such editorial arioloa m mty
be riiggcstrd hy pr-irg rv ta.
The t,'inrMaienal (llol, and Aipfndiu,
will ooii lam a report of all Mie debate tn
)ouRrra, ro.iscd hy the speakers, lb Mo,
ftr of lha President of IsS I'tilt.-d stlslo,
la Annual R.t nrt of Iho Moadi (,r Mm Mm,
wllre iK paitmerit-i, ibe K poi Is of t otum'toc
.f Congress on linportntit sul,-uta of g -iientl
ureiertt, ll.o bum a pw., Uiftin Iho i:.'4..ii,
and ui.pli.ti3 iu.!. a.:j t.-. ..;! -j i. ntll
pli.lcl nun .loiitiio r.'jnl ihcf.i, in ho ik (,stci
I vyal quarto olfo, inch l.i.mhtr oontuudo aix
'" " pafte-'. iv.'iK'"K -Wt aou)! j tt pr..-.
Tie akolc will Uialu-In (vtiin I.Vll un 1 Z.tjl il
ji.liis. It In Ixlievi I tl., it iu) b A lust-tor
bi 'M, piibliiliol at ski low a r.ilc L.'ijer i
advoitioed in Itiw Dnily tlloh IV, i Kt ,,,..,
iii.,1 iu about olio huudii ' Hum ih . ,. . r
In the t'tiiled Hwilus, a tcwiul ' '' to
aid to tiny pN-woa h. a c ' i t ,..
pt)lJi;.T 1 .... I- ... ..
; ' I ' ..I - I ' ;
e l fm ! v (io. .I'.- , , i. ii .. i . ,,,
del-iteo 10 silti-oi loirtl'.,! ., ,,
The iluuitrfftsioiil Clhe an-i Aj
iree innMirrn inn rum l til m Lilltft M.,
na il! be t ecu l y rending ths follow J,.,..'
Hosolurimi pn-wd by Octmroau the tlt.li r Atl
gust JH-MI:
Joint .'.-...v'-fj j:it As (As !ri-mian
tf t' I."im -t' Corral uft.f tJu Dbifn
tftrjtt'n :
With a view to tho cheap iiltiu!ll,m of U)
T ows cf Congress, and tho debates eoritrlhut
iiir to the true inteipvctatlon thereof, an It.)
io'il n fteo cotwiiittiiiraticn hetvrien Iho nj ro-i-.ftaiiv"
nnd iioitsiiiii'ni timircni
jie it re-- ci hy the rvnaM ct J House ef
(!i.pii'cn- ; ,,t (u. I'nircd Ktnteeof Amer
i a ii ' ; rr' '- s-ro..ns),) ttal from aud i
tcr i' ' -,'i .i ut fiiBi"n of Conjrretts, the floa
,r .-, 1 U:ohu rnd Apprndii, whtnh contaiu
1 1 " i." '. ui. 1 tbe Prhrites Iheieou, shall jmi'ij
Hoe tbi.-.iigl. i he I'lni!'., ,.ng a lha dime
- ' ' i! I ' ; f , : --Ij . - I l i i -ii r ef Congress . I'r i.
ul I, 1 1. ul ti,.li,:i:;'. In rcn i li;l bn oon-tiucl
lit noL1'., titf tin- on ciiliiti-.ii of th D::l-
tlliiho, fl OH i I pot liijc
Aj pi oU'l, !'i 1 i ;
'1 .'.tfiil' :
t'or ii i-pv ot" ih. faiiy Uio'm 4 it.rllh 1 t u
bit ii copy for a 'ca lime fpet month) I 00
I n ii o py of tin Coticte i' iomil Ulnbs
nud Apptn lit during lha session. 8 OJ
Bunk u itrs current in the ssotion nf the
country whore n subscriber re ldo will be ro
reived at par. The whole or any part of a
subset iptiou mny bo remitted in postago
stumps, which are profuruhle to any enrrrney
c-ioept jrold and silver. Where Bunk notos
under tTi oiiti not be proourcd I wiit seud two
oobiea for V
A paper will nut be ncnt tit.ljss tbe uiuuey
arcoinpaiiies llm order for it.
1 can not uHord tu oioliuuira v.'ih rll t!. ',
newsp.ipcis llmt doniie iho i ! ui J ri'i
aeiid l iio Dully (il-il.c il hi'
who shuil pii'n'i.o ii. in ,
bvloie tho tn I i1.! no) i' in
Thoso who pu'ilis'i hl.'"i.l I
' , ' ..!!! ! I IIP
in Inn. ,' iin.es
t I',, U..,".--I
t:-. ,' ,-..p.',,;
V it'l .1 p-'li, t'
' 'on;r .-. "iolll.'
' 'I'm-, i v'. un !
I- I'
, III I! 1.0 1
il. Tho
V. Ill 1-0 'it
diieot all" 'I -, i
(iloho it nil i f , -llien-lol
u, 1 nlu
numbers I t li
soriln. iifi.-i i.
t'ua lirst e liiioi
befi.ra the h.iIs
slni.ll oluii K' ro
lo pay the it;
1 1 .i y t u'
i,l ut
' .' !:!. t .
' 1 1. , I
ii l r.t,
1 l.lllll '
I'll' .- '.II
'..'li loo :i i
. to li,. .1-.
tun prent. rmb.-ri i;,l i om s.'n o. 1 i
curly as ihe nr-t i. . . I
ll. I '
cooipiitu ou Kn nt the t
i i i ' i t.:.
HI '
Wudhinglou, llol"
For twcr.iy years the CI.11I..11 1 1 lay l). u
cr haa been ownetl and control' J, rulai-iini
and Kdi tod by the same indivi lul It tu
never mlsNod a PubllcuMou Day nor soru'chvrt
a Demiicralio Tlclct. It baa touLl rts way
single-handed against nil oppomti-HJ, until it
has gained a National Circulation ntol a Na
tional Reputation. Prom Miin t.i Ci.lilori.ifc
Iho Plain DoiUer Is kuowu mid rcu 1, aud it
never was in so (rood a conditi jii (sucuuiairiiy
or lo butter pluck politically, 1 1 hiil.t Urn but
tles of I'einocracy than now. t or the oou
iugyuur it will he purltouUiiy douUd w
roPtiLAn tjvuiU'.niKirr Arntu; riu.ii.i.,.,:r
It ha pguiust high authority , di c J to ud
T'jc"!" the riitht of "a pcopio ef u Toiritu.y
tut well aa a fUulo, ta leguliilu thefr doiMoauu
Institutions it) thoir own way," and it will
continue to d ) so uginat eoid high autiioctty
the world, tho flesh and the dovil." Agaiuat
all Lecompta (jopshtutiun, Blare Codes, aud
the ro opening of the HIsve Trade, thi Paper
is devotedly dedioatad froi Uii luee, huuoe
forih forever
"C'tMae oue' nnme all I Thi rock aiuiil Cy
Prom its firm bnco as souu a I 1"
Desidue tho eurrcot News of sfcs Kiy, 0
Plain Dealer will contaiu in each i umlrr
TALK, Correspondence front a hiuH of C'asin
bntsm, and Telegruphio It op or U fraut all un'
f tlie World.
Ti,,: Cooimerciul Department will bs undar
t,' sola charge of Jaoj. Drokcosbire Kn ) , who
- kiioryleilgod to be ou of the best Mark it
riirs in tho louutry.
', in L'.al lu 'h. iinoiit will be preside nv r
- ,..nt oni'io'il i. i, l laughter provoking g4
in VV:.r! K-i , whose Letters, jok.
'''.' i' l l' iJilis, aro aloae worth the
li- r. . . lu ohort, wear prepafi
. w .. . vi
.s; sa I 1
1 li 11 i. i
$1 4 J
" " lot t,.x luoluj, 1 I 0
i'lubi ct tco, pi-r )U.', l it i1 I
All uvir Uu oi.piii i.j ous-1 ot OJ.:i 1 (' J
To each gotii.- up of a Clan, on Cy dt
i- POST MASTfcKri is lenut.ied to
as A f t is.
1 A