fth .tnunsl .n muk, rr tiik COSMOPOLITAN , I T ASSOCIATION . ,D) ,i u tiioni of the country eubecrihers j (n lt) ppu'ar Art institution, (now in it h T'' I l,,f' '"',rC received in a ratio iin-li'tj'-iihthat ' u7 rTi u Jc"- I ' .,,,.,( IAV iiKrCMKA MFMRKR BY M B ' rlhlNrt 1IIKKK DULL 113 crh ,h wJI rt'iile him to receive j 1 cy e'M rlj'Tt'Jj iltuitralid Art . i ( frff $,ifm A'imiffinn ft the Ga''n 618 r'iu.iuy X York. an lii'nii.n tn which several hundred valuable f,V,i of Ait lire git"1" to subscribers as Pre ' urn" compriiing choice Paintings, Saulp. e. (.itl'or Ac , by tbe Crt Amcricau nnJ t r.in Artists. Tha superb engraving, which every sub nb r receive imtriediately on receipt of ...h-f.iptii'n entitled 'shamiearj and HIS FRIENDS " ,.f a character t.i ie unqualified pleasure .'J nliri'-tnn- N o-k of equal value w is tve' before flm-ed wi'liin reach oftho people M iuch a rri. The engraving isof very hrge fir, being rri'i'td on henry plate paper ) ,y Si inches making a most suberb nrua nitt suitable lor the wall of cithur the lil-r r. pailor, or offcoe. It ca be Miit to ny part of the country by mail, with "afcty, being pcked in ft cylinder pu.i.vspiepai.1. Think o' I "n "Of"! delivered free of churpo. end the Art JournftI, one year, for three dollar ! H USCUllTION will be received until the Eti-hi :i st of Tuesdiy the Slat of January, 1800 at which lime the books w ill close and the jieiiums Le giveu to jubsciibers. No person is restricted to a single subscrip tion Those rtmittio.; $16 are eutiticd to eix ipenibrrship. "nh'C'Iptioni from dlifortiin the ennsdas t,il all Foteign provinces, must be 3 50 dol'rs inetosJ of 3 dol rs in older to defray eura peatagPS, cto. Prr.ii.ni i:-hiii;$ to form clubs will apply for a circular of term a etc. The beautifully illustrated Ait Journal, giv it g full particulars, will be tvul on receipt of j8 c nt9, iu sumps or coin. AJdressC L. DERBY. Actuary C. A. A., Glti k 648 Broadway. New York. Subscription also received by Da. OEO. . GRAFF, Hon. See , Yur Dakota aud vicinity. NOTICE- Ti WILLIAM P. T'ARNELL. .i . Yo'.i are litrely notified to appenrht f.re i.'ie R('gi.t er and Peciever of the Land 'iib. eat V iVuin city on Saturday Dec. 17th 1 1 nMock A. M. at witch time and place I will ui-sve my right to ener by preioinption the n Tth hulf rf the north west quarter of ection i-.hi M Township twenty-eight 28 Range re i!t) f-itt JACOU VANAL'KE It k.,t.ici'y XuV. 28 IS of. I.KG.Vr, XOTXCK. T i V. iST!ii:V :L.KU : it eii; ixk : i niii-i;, iliat on the 13 h J.i) : !. r. i r ye itit n was filid l.j " j 'i I (VI er, in the clmkn cff'n'e ! ihe !.iril Ju dicial Disltict of tbe Ten iloty of No I. i.iil.i, f r the cnuMy Dakots, ngainat your erlf iinil Amoe S. Tat kt r, Htiitin? in euln-tiiuee tlmt on the liist day of July ISi'J I purchased f Mid Amos S Pjrker a certain Military P.vuuty Laud Warrant, Nutpbor 81,871, for 1'i'J acre?, iucd under the not of CoDgresg of II. .ro!i 3J 1S.15, toeai.l Winthrop Rlake. and was e.il 1 and assigned by eaid Blake to said Airaa 8. Parki r, an I thut said warrant was !'d and and assigned by eaid Parker to me, tlic miid Thomas T. Collier; and that ou the 21-t day ol July 13-'.9 I lost the paid Land 'Wrraiit, that 1 Lave not in uny manner sold r assigned the faid warrant to any perso.l or I i that I have not received a considera ii. ii f ir ibe Mtid warrant of any rliicriptlnn; and ih.it I am now tbe iegal owuer of said warm,!, and that the legal title and ownership to f.'ul warrant tie ac'jinlgej to be ip me. And )nu arehuref.y reqiiired to appear and answer or demur to euid petition on the first day of the ncit term ef the District court, for said ttiunty to be held t Dakota city on the 7th liny ol November. A. D. 18."9. THOMAS T COLLIER, n.koU City October lit I. P. 3w NOTICE. 10 II. II. CI! AFFE, nuJ all othtr, whom it may concern. tm You are hereby notified that I shall Appear before D. Haled. Major ol Dakoia Ciiy, on tin- 1'fiib day of Noveinbrr, lito'J, and J mai. i nf him. as Mayor, a conveyance of Lot Nu 12. in Illock 174, as I claim title to Miiiie. At which titpis aud place you cau yy ;.r and conteet my right so to do. ANDRKW BTEWART. Dakota City. Nov. 4 1S,'9. 3w NOTICE. 1H hereby given to all ia payers in Dakota county N T. that ( will ha at Dakota City en Saturday Nov. 20th, and tviry Saturday thereafter until farther notiop, toraceive their t.nea. which aro uow due. All are therefore rtquerted to call aud nettle forthwith. Office t ' urn from 'J A. M. to 1 P. M. M PINKERTON Coniity TrraMirer. Dakota cily N- T. Nor, 13th 1859 2w LOST! ,X th2Ist iayof July, I8fi9 a Military ( '-'j xuiniici t IU( 10 ore. isHued under th ct of March a i rnn 1lIa1 A .. .. ......... c. - I the BHid Warrant will be liberally rewarded by leaving tbe same at my office in Dakota City, Nrbrftnka Territory. ThnmaiT Collier. Dakota Ci'y Aug 20th ln NOTICE. ,i erri( fiiitn te .11 f.rrra t .'inT rlr.ln-a againat I Uirhx) K..ii r. lata n( Dakota counlj. J.r. ..,!, tl.at arr pe,ulri to f ! Ui. aau.u Ujr .ilhtk. uhT IharMif. in th t.nie ol me t'n lal. ( cm I t r id eenntT, in Ih. T.rritory :f NeLrt.kk, on or U foi. rat da of Jaua.ry lwO '! nnd.r air hand (no ar.l heini proTidr l hv -M ..ntT tfc prtis.N tk --fi h nay ot Ut-ti.Ur, 'gates DAKOTA CITY R. T. M a SON Proprietor. Ibiia i n ,mr. 1h l'r"j riri..r ill) uni lai4kln k A FIRST CLASd HOTKL. W"M', la romtilrrfitlnn ft ih rrrturlinn nf rr.vi.. r.l Cnrp't' I" thin Hwt.-ro tonlrv he bu rrdumi (lie prina accr llnalr; ami hirritr bit rW-r i,.r -..ir,1 an.l Tranalvnt r,it. m. will I rtieai.or tlin i-it Hrt flax ll..tl to the Territory. K..-f li pnt'l "ti fh nmr.il tn.l fniriilrtmri". 1 ihe T,at. nirr. of tU1i Itouan. ra"ta t'itjr Auju.-t 13, j.i f., H AfiiV ijonsc. No. 1. - PiLlC LlN'KINll. S:o.r Cit'J, In" 'i. JOHN HAQY, lrOPftlETOn. THE proprietor takes pleasure in announc ing to the puUlio that he now hits a house in abich he can accommodate, them, in na goo I stle as can be fouu.l on tbo Missouri Slope. Ry strict attention to tbe wants of gi:rt, he hopes to merit and reeeito a liberal share cf patronage. Nov. 7. 1;.'9 if IIKHNDON HOUSE, Omrr nf farn'mm and Sihth ftrert, OMAHA C ITT, K. T. RICHARDSON 4. JUDOON, ritontiETOHS. Ocneral Stage and Livery Office. f.U 8. Ui. Anguitu K'wi't-'. ITTmim Kitnt". William Ai'ititf.t KOCNTZR nROTMKHM, RANKERS AND REAL LiT VI E AGENTS, And Drnlrrs In ICxchange 6. C oin Ltchirx'jt tM oh tht Principal Cilitf in Eurvj.it. -Bny, ecll auU l ictto Lan4 Warraati't OMAHA CUV, N. T. DAKOTA CITT, K. T. SPKCML attention glTeti t the rollrrUn nf itehta and to tap ptivmi iit of taien In Nch'.tgka anil l( r. Mrinrj loaned fcr l'aatcrn Capitnliste. Iutrrtt pr.i I on tiuit. dvflt0. I.anda and town property huM and :.id. I.ajnla enter, .1 nn i-un r..r actual ttl.'ra. Onvrrnment lnp:!a a,pot.d and lo-atHl wiia wrrani or easli, cn csimtMlnii, or .r a "hare of the protita. tn th(tM!!A. PAKUTA, nKIIKASKA CITY k llltlUVN VII.I.W Diatrleta. in N.'hrfkn, and the COUNCIL Bi.UKFS and Hl.ifX CITY Dlftrirta in To.a. Lauda In Omaha, Nebraska cily and llrownrllle dla trlcta,ill ba in market on And and after y-ptrmter first )".:. l ime In Council Bluffs and Sicux City liiatrlctJ are now in market. Oood refireocea given at all tka principal point In the eiatol. ji.ltilf. AEV BOOT rf STIOK SHOP. IN SIOUX CITT - IOWA. 'j'he undersigned, lute of the firm of Krum , man & Scbaible, is carrying on the business on his own aocouut, in the building on Pearl Street, just below tbe Sioux City Hoitpe. He is now carrying ou the Boot aud Shoe busi ness in all its brancbet. Work warranted to be done in as good style and on as reasonable terms as at any other shop. A call from old customers is respectfully solicito J. Repairing neatly done. JOHN SCIiAIHLK. Nov. 7. 1850. tf SIOUX CITY, no or axd shoe store. BT SAMUEL KRUM MANN, Ihe undersigned has removed his tf tiibliiih nicut to his new building, on Pearl Street, i few doors west of Tootle's store,' where he s now prepared with a large and superior took of leather, etc,., etc, to execute nil ork in bis line, in a superior etyleoftbe rt Employing none but the best of work men, and giving his personal attention to the usinesa, be cau sifuly warrant all bis work. Repairing done on short notice SAMUEL KRUMMANN. Nov, 7. 1859. tf J. I. M. CROUKWELL, M. D., Mtmber of the Iutea State Maliral and Chirur ffical Society, XX fOVLO sny to his friends and the public V V in general, that he will attend calls in tbe I iue of bis profession; uud that be, pledgos to all afflicted with Rheumatism, Liver Cpmpkict, Female Weakness Latent Consumption, AuJ cthir bi'crct diea?e9, An amelioration of the complaint, or no charge but the retainer feo, and no constitutional in jury, as he practices on the PHILOSOPHIC 1XDICA.TIOSAI PL AX. WOOLWORTH'S COOK STORF JUST RKCMVKD. A WFI.L SHT.KfTKn FTOCK O? Booka. stationery and I'aper Jlanijiiiifa, sta ard Uieraiure, cniuren a ituoaa, Kmiua, i rayer tcke tul SCHOOL BOOKS ta (treat variety. Maiionery of evaiy dcarlptlon, and tli. heat q .ity, K .urlkuhirly clioi.: avortuixnt of ltteg and Sot. l'uper.-,, KuvMiop.-a and K,iiieHr'M Stall,. n,-ry lra llin; I'aper, Trarln,.r tloih. Matlu-matieal I t nun en t a, .v. er Colora,C..)lng I'ri'Mea. t'yluy Ink, ie. p. 4 PAPER HANGING BORDERS A5D WIND- n C0KtINf, The ino.t bcautif..; p!lr'eTir any where elae. Out.ha not H T. Bkali,. Clerk V. 8. Diet. Court. ii. ied In tbe W .t or ol V, A. Ali.fn. Notary Tublic. BEAM, & ALLEN, Aitoro'it at Law, nnd Rtal Ettnte Aytitt. J ILL piy taxes on all Laud in the Coun- ties of Wucbir tun, Jiurt, Dakota aud Dixoo, N, T ; free of charge upon the receipt of money for the eauje. (jf!ic, ou M.-aiu street Da Suto; Nebnteka. i?All letters tf inquiry promptly auiwer- IlEPEkEXCES. Hod E. Wakely, J.t lge 3rd District. Nebras ka De Bolo, N T. Hon. . Eatat.rook, Oinaba, K, T fieo. Doughty, Council Bluff,, Iowa Hon. B. H .Chapman: Klyria, Ohio, ir-11 Lfvi HVKV,.'. .fWwaake., vr.j. flT ly- 1 M 1 1 .t. K. RO OK. ftvux ('My. l.a II. t. B.fcxia, ft. Ul, Mo. iiead(u:arters for haiujaixs j. e. nooGK, & no., RESPECTFULLY announce t the citizen of Siotn City and neighboring towns, that they bave juat rereived per eteanit.o it mid have cponed one of tlm .?';,'.' anil H it A t'Hi ' nU uf c r u c Ji i m s Ever brought np the Missouri. Our Good are all fresh, and were bought bv one of tbe firm at the lowest cash priees. We caa there fore SE I. I. VERY LOW. Wc invite tho attention of all ta our assort, ment of C.."e, sugar, molasses, rice, flour, liquors, Tobacco, cigars, bacon, If.rd, teas, Fruits of all kiud, Soap, cau dles, caiidics, &c. In a word evfrythiug ur.ally kept in a firpt clnss grocery and p:oialou bouse. Those de siring to purcbuse FOR CASH, are respectfully Invited to give us a call before making their puchases. HIDES AXD FURS. The highest price paid for all kinds of Furs t-nd Skins. We will also pay cash for beef cattle and country produce. INTERESTING FACTS FOR THp PEOPLE.. II. D. UOOGK A. CO., KAIir, STnW.T, Sioux City, . , . . . j0Wl, SKLL GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, CAEAP1CR THAN ANY OTHER HOI f 11 POSSIBLY CAXH Sioux City, Iowa, Nov. 7th '69. TPhe whole country is ujmed, and nwaken ed to its REST kitcrem.it do terruined to buy its Groceries and rov.ms of II. D. BO00E St CO. H. D. BOO 6c CO. " T7ill continue to fupply the CASH BUY- ERS, wholetalo uud ictuil, at their usu ally low prices. H. D. BOOGE St CO. II avc the lariteat 8TOCK of drvccriea and I'rm' crer opened In Slou City. A FEW MORE HACKS Ol' THK VFi.Y bent brand of Flour at tha extreiuly !' w price of $3 50 per S.ick, b7 7.1 KG LEU & Et.'KIIART. NOTICE. I rpo the fa.ming community dekiring rind t 1 ing, we would say that every FiiUay ia ml apart for grinding corn, but parties coioinj with a hundred or more biu-hcla, can tliesutne f ground nn any day rave Sunday. We will be ready by tbe first of Agual for making (lour. Lumt.er, abilities nnd lath can be had at the saw mill of sni.I company, on in0.1t reasonable terms J J TRACY & BROTH i RH (iREENE, WEARE AND BENTON, Hanker., Dealers til Ki liuiie and I Land Amenta. COUNCIL BLUFF'S IOWA. VOTKS AM) IIII.I.K -fl..KTKU ANl IlKMHTl Ii i to any prt of (he United ftalea Money received 01, de).,,.lt, t.it Interest at:.wed. i.ait.-t u or 8oullj rn t'ritU. furni.tt. I in ,iiuis to rult J.nr. faaaera. Land i ttla- fund, paid for Curtuney or I. tile of 1 1 liHtte. l,oana cted on irttod ae'urlty. Taj.e.1 d liHe. eurniu..!, a:.d I' at Kata'o l'lilrfht aud attld t,q (.inititaalou. I.auda enterM t,.r ae-itier! axd liiuu s'.ni e.r f.iy- tnent. oiitet 1 ppneita I'l-'lBe Hnuae, D w.l loaer 1 nu Land Cfflee. V. R. 3i aop. A Co., V. J. Ilnrney a (.. I B.nkera, IttiViq.!.. Inwa. Cook A cartfettt. It.tikera. ItaveniMTl, low.. 4 uilterton A ii. iio. haukera. loa.Clty, luaa. l'e...U'a llal k, New York Hr. h.iu tisai. H'vera li. unet, Haokora. New York (Ity. Seu, ;i. wither. Co., W a.hlut,u, D C. lion. Cha". M.I..U, ( .'tn. of 1'ateutt, W.l,lnto, Hon. A. 1: la. Ia, M. U. S , urilairl.. low., " C. W. .l.'U'i". " i'tthU'tua, Iowa. " -in A" norBlt.l'tiirf luallra, Mii-f1loe, f .1 l," " 1,1 C H MAT EXCITKMKNI I DMtOTA TITT, t'Al'SED HY THE OTEXINd OF A M AU; l: A.) SVI.KXB1D STOCK OF 1'KY i'..h l, I i. I ii Y li'M'i s. 1 m MIJ.il, tlliiH t RIKS, lnl'lllNil. II II. K' I Klhi, t I 1 1 1 H I Nil, OltiK KKIK.S, l KITS AMI Slli'l.i, llll. M S AM) Silnki, llli A0 SIIOK-i, "J'KKVSiVAKK, a,-., Ac-, Ae. gT KKNSTl ARK, Ac, Ac, o. (Ur.K.BVAKK, 4?., Ac., Ao. AT THE PIONEER STORE ZIEGLEIA & ECKHAttT. i s our Stock of Goods is now open and ready for tho TRADI5, we ic"pootfuIly j call tho attention of the citizens of Dakota 1 nnd adj, vning oouatics to our eplendid 1 FALL AND WINTER STOCK ..'GOODS which bnvo been selected with great care, io prcially for this country, and v. ill be Bold t -JIKAl i.K TIIA.V TUB CUKAPKST." We are bound rot to be undersold by our tuijrhlinrs. We ask our old Customers aud tbe Public generally, to call and examine for thcuiteivcs on I be convinced of tho above fiioK. OCR STOCK CONSISTS OF j D.-yGood, Dress Goods Muslins bleached and uiililoiiched, Deliiiues, Cashmeres. Gitifrhatns, Lincey, Prints of all kinds. Merinos, ('becks, Irish Litiiiens, Tublo Cloths, Crakh. &o , tin. Ladies Shawls of ali sizi, Clo'ha, rintinets, Jeans, Tweeds, C s lrr,eren, Futiinels nf ail colors, Women i hildren's HjoJh Win Hen Hose. Half H"1 (Country knit S.. Alio ft larpe SI I ( X, Overcoats, Cumin C Coiler-hirts, Drawer id Stock flf OoettllliO- i Hi ri Yam and Mi n s hildr.n's IIchc So., a;o. CI.OIHING, such us Vests, Pauls, .Sim Is, it. AleO I plrlld Roots and (Shoes, for Men, Woman and I tilldreu. Wu are able in this line to lit the Miiullest ns well as the la iie.il Foot. Abo ILi'j err Cup" of nil Forts r.nd K;7.es, I. ii heavy ett ck of UioCtriei. iu which will t'-cuJtl.e fo!!vwii.g n-l'iflea. t"-rtT, oilie, Mn!as;-ca, riyrnp, Rn e, l'rifd rioi', ('milted l'eaohe Bittled F-uir. T.-nt a ) kin Ml , - - ,,..1. HOIK., O f . Ulld chl'Wtl'g, Nu";. r-'i ire", Cloves, I ''lilililjion. f 'i I! , D. ALSO Powder, L-ud, Hbot, Cops. Our ft of k will be n,', to mit t m titm s iciyloar figures, na we are ib in? a etii CA.dl U1W0.-S,. and c.i.n rli'oid ! n i aiiiuil proHl-. We wi.t i tab" iii i . !.; u i i r Gouds "IU, 1b 1'ni'i It Give us a esll nnd b Vnta Cily is the j l ice U. J tl at I LAV IN VOUH G000S. 'IKGI Kit ECKHAKT. PAo'a rr-7 Oct. 25. instft. NOTIOK. t siiMtrnor prns ,prr , m n.-; - , ( Vy. itc : Thete tav been .eml a'-ii)oiJi ma le rroin tune to lime, l defray tbu ii'aivra of ihe eompaiiy, a lare prdoit ot of ,o!i I as not bt en 1 aid; aid in t a.e th aan.s U rot paid the re-oluiions el the renpany t.e ruf.irr.d aaainat all who bare n .t, or will not cotopl? Iminediatelf. Tb l.faiks of the company have been kept In null a tnniutrr, that Vcueheia will hae 'o t o ptea.n led by ihti-e who bae paid ; taeir eh mi may be prcper'y etrdite I. On. ti-ttanirnt un ma le. Oelo'n r 0 Ii, 18".ti, lor f.MM), iikf Oelnl.ir 7th 1?''V f' r r.,H0, one Ji.to' Cil, IS.',:, I r J I f,'. i .Inly 27ili. 1S7. for Oil, wu ,i' tiinlir 8ih lboT. '.Ot'il one June I'.ili l:", f.r V l.WO Total, $ I". CO The whole amoiint f r" 11.nl in rn. h shaie cf stock if Ihel'i.kita "it v ' t ' p .. . nnd toe ehnrrh.Met wT! nent,ihi- i; t it. tbe ai tide i 1 f Itoorper itiou, nil th'- rtiivi pli.peity 1 I llu- Si,., I t,,,1 It r. I r.t.u t I. 1 l! I bo' It r. 'air- t t: . Met lie ui - I ot.n t I, i line I if 1 l.i M. avt,eeittMHi Itade i rd iu liii liaiin , m At a meet irg r.f the held June L"h, pasi"l ordering tl.e I res'. lei, t to pivn nnitce trd lor by Congress enables nie to adord t'ja A all the ."l.ari bnldetii t i ny tlm ntiunnit t dot ilea In aiitirribers s i t heap, duo wil kin sixty l,iy-, or in default 1 1" y j 'i t"' ('(.t,':r,.a'ionl Globe ai d Appendix p-. n t'nt nil tho Hn'i in wbieb t ! c n m miMa j f' ee t hi "iio ti tha tntl's of Ihe ('uiteil r!t in. , wete uc lpiid iu t.xiy davf, ti mi the il.t.' i i o ft rn by reailii'rr Iho lol,,wii.g J irt Ihi'i.'of rhould l e sold to Iho Ip.'.h.ol bidder, Heolttion parsed liy (.'onurca tho 'I b of Au aiid thf in afiunt tit pai l ; and tl.e overplus if j gut ll2: any, to be ml j. t t t tbo order pf the Shn boilers. 1 On the 2S1 tiny nf Atiguiit ti.eie vaa ' 1 another irsoltilion pnurd, fnlt')r i'i- I'ios.- dent power to tit, what inn.! j., ( ...nf -j, ; his Judgmei t with the pn petty nnd a-'.c't t ' tbe Company, lob.ett the liabipnes of t i 1 AND NOW, I3j u,dr of tit FntiJin!, T. ELWOOTi CL.lirK, wt give Xvticr, That if the i.l i.ve is not complied with iu six ty ilajs, tlm lesolutions of thn company will be (iifotet j, and nil the stock of the compa ny Grit the nsHeannetit are not paid on, will I e sold to pny th" liabilities of the company ; as all the propeily of the city within the tniin.is. In wit: fnitn Elm Slfect to Vino Strict and from and Iroin Oth street tn 'tth svrcrt, hin t een filtered by tho Mayor, and lid cult.: Jo that by Trustees; and the time for picuriog warrantee deeds r.f these parties closes within six mouths from tho ilntn of their entry; and all the property not deeded will bo forlcited. SHAREHOLDERS AND CREDITORS will take warning that on the Oth duy of January, A. D. lUlio, all Ihr Mock with all.the property not thtncorciod by deed in Dakota City, will be sold to the highest bidder, and the debt of the company settled up, if only a dividend is declurcd. N R. We would ftiriVrr sny that those who have not obtained deeds to tho bits drawn on their (hares, can obl iin tbe sainw by call ing upon the Secretary nn I pa) in;; the a i teaaiueut due . VY. II P HUGHES J. D. M. CaocKWM.1., Secretary. Agent Dakota City, N. T. Nov. Oih 1H6S. An irlnl end tittisrlive Kii a rf 1 1 1 Is f the jotirg people, rmbrscirg vi uts con nected with the history nf the country, and lives of distinguished men. written with much rare and in an entertaining tnunner. and beautifully llln tratcd title pages : Containing Cue lifa of Daniel Webster, the gtent Atnt'r'nnn MnfeMnuii, with iiiiin'rniii anecdotes, illiihtrutive of his chuiucier, nnd the folk wi :it id istrntion? : Young )niiiol in ib saw mill ; Wi b-ttr fi-hing at lloi.luirg ; Webster do.dii I .g tin.' cleikshtp ; Webs'el CJ ionnlit,g tl.e Con tltii. ti. n lit the Bunker lil.'l i-leliretioii ; tVi b.'l.r (,t Flmit it I!:ill ; Mnir fioi I tho reidoif:Mf Webster ; Web;-tcr ou I i- l ,rni. The I i : o of Htnry ("ny, hie mill In .,i sla.'ki s. willi i.iiii; i.liihl! : ions : tbe Ii',' 'f Gi'uei'ii! Wa-hiiigli.il v,il!i bine illnslrati.in" ; (he life of L '.vf r, el to, with lime iliuslt .! .. ; Hie lieol ,i.n with nil ii ill!htr,'itiii. ; toe Rfo of General Taylor Willi nine illus' rrcr.ti- ; the liln of Napoleon Bonaparte with rinc il lustrations; the Old Bell of Iiidct," tuft per or Philadelphia ill 1771V, with iiie illti. tti.tr. t i . the Yankee Ten l'nity, and oihi r sloriet t,l the liewilolieit. con lining in ail over one hundred illuitrutiuE. Each volutrio is well written, prissehaiug a high iir-rsl t'"!, and cau taf-ly be pbut-! j thO htllS'ls ef th" o'i"; per.j lo They C OJ turn fiuini pons siu cdotos illoiili'f.tHe nf r C -' ' y of i ur c..'ii:.tj v. i , n ; i v ! 1 1 h , I. I -i rr y t.i uii:. ai!l beek-t. arrt n-irj 7 ') I'i i, e i i t i. oi; t tx c. d ' 1 ., i.V :.' , j 0 I r e 1 .(p. v I !..., :!.:: ire: 't li t. . '.- rr. i: t .-.;::. ' I'li: ,"-. 1 . ol ui the PI I i" of t.ia I 'J ' '. 1 No. 25, South ( Li, f.ncet, J'luiii ii .j COLD PFXS r.EPAlUPf). )iico ,",') ci nti .i.c t -e r en l( :t. s Willi cinfi or peetiipn f-tt:n,; ' ":li if lii,., I y V. Will r ft rue t'.e 115 PC. A I In mE. r:'.':.t, Fin. use. . Any t r-.'ii iv:-ij; tl'est "V. tit.ua Ki..i : tlo i:og in e a tii.il.. 1 rcucive w. ot my '" it pona l y u peetlip n f- It: n, j '-, :. o . I i. it a ' V DAKOTA CfTY PO i i ; j I..,.-R.i ir.GI.I.R .V l.i K i W.. . .1... 31 Dal...'"i. t I'y l'..ll.y, I . , :) ., ;, t ., i.ppnr'u.iity sajtng .i ',' ;. ,., , , . i ir puiil e pt'in taily, lh-,t i( n ...iti. is the biiiir.pts i:s hen M'.ir", i, : , ., hi I i-reared the-r facil'tic i in al.'.- '., r.i.wi,-. j tore a linger amount of kt,,i,i wic ;... ef bo butt quality. Relu.i.io tl hi te I r tl.,, ( . Iibetal pi.triinage bectowe l of i u tl.e v C n- t, I they rithpeetlnlly s.-.lii it a com .iniant ol i bo sau. and tliuy w ill etc euvor to retaiu it by . prompt i men. ion of iner or It ra, lo l.i,l, they will cuieiiiiiy attend al Ll. UU-.. (,i, . tlm'u a cull. Dsleta City, N. T.; Nov- 7. l.'5J -tf r I aball piib'i h the Daily tl ol.a, ' Cnegri''ni al (t it, m1 App.nl .,m . l e nrt t ae'nn of ("otigre.i. The IN. , Globe will contain a report f the .n.i... , both In anehea of t'onp.i t aa. as la'ien q . irpnriei a, filial at least, to any n.rp of n.. . i band wrilrra Iti ll.aa or asy oilier eouatrr When tbe tlth tea t.f a (Ky do not mk l u re bn f..rty- five column--', tbev ahall a.i p. ar m I ho I i , ! v UI. be o tSe nett tt ; i. . hit I, i 1 e oitaiu, ali i, ll.f n t ,. t.'ltethft r'.:h siieh rd.i. r .il or io'e ai ut ly l.c .ncr..vt,.,t i,y p , m: in t rti :- 'i ne t 'mi; -n.. i.,,ul (,,ile nihI A i I rii ltv . 'I en: .!! .11 art i .h. tt'l It f ..II tbe .ales " I I y the p.,re. I M. 1 ' t 'be r'". .1 Stati C A ii.. II. I'-"" - ' 't. . !,,.: I t on n u. J d' ,me pr ti. ri I i ll l . .ii iini '0 i 4' i, bv l i. ;.r 1. M' i l I ;.. , .f I I n,,. i: c I , i In it i, I i',"" I ' I ' h.'ivei I I!, Ill . O I i I. t i I ii' '.. Se I at s ' I a ra( - 1 I ii 1 1 - 1 in tl: ii.il r f. ,t I f,,,- i.; t i .. ,i THE HLO ' i I i" i bo' .;re 1 i , 'i or i ' w ; ,i , i ! n t: ' . '! i :jt !, h re i.-, i ., i-;; -,, , . ; i.i.l . i at . i p. r ,.!i S. , w .', ; I ii.i. i ., v . Dakota City Crtppany : p ibln-he l -it .. In a rate, timl none wa pr,j tberc was n rcolntinn , duce.l. 'J he ltirge i.timbpe of ooi iaa ubei I'i J.;t't '. .i.fi.'.ti jrfltiJij fur ft t h)trtl,u' i.' I 1" t' tht Drtjlfit . i: ; 1 I I , .. t i , .. j ;, i ti ., t 1 ,.o i'i , an 1 i. " ! ... 'i - hi :- ; i, , t i,: ii. i lie iru- inierpr.ita.,! n iu "eol. ..n l M ii h;.ii Iiee ut;iuiiiuti'VHl:ti bulwnvu tue ii nio acnliihw uud euiifliUienl buditl: Be it ic?uivcd by iho Seuato and L'suee (I T.i p.rcs. nl -it;ve cf the I'uitc I Status of Atner i u in CiingrdftH as.ouible-l, That Irom au I al ter tho j re.-cr.t a.ei. ion jf Congress, the Coa grosaioiiai Globe and Appendix, which contain the La'v r mi l I he Debutes thereon, shall pasa free tht. nij li tl,o luaiia, hu long as the same shall be i:ili,la I by ii lor ( f Coi.grcsi : Pro vided, That tollii:: Liu in ehall be conitruad to anthoiii! e!;i) c . i c ii.itioo of the Dully G lobe, fi eo i,f j ) I )j:ti. Approved, A i.;ii it, b:h H,'2. T I,.! 1 : Fur a copy of tlj,- r'.,i y Olobe t months 3 00 For n copy for a let dine (per tnouiii) 1 b(J 1' r a copy of lbs C iitrcstioiml Ulobs and Apni,dix lioiiug :l,e se.siou 00 Bank note i current in the section nf the country wl.it e u, -.lit o.lbor te idea will he re ruived at pin. The wbuli. or uny part of a aubt-ci iption may I a remit! in postsgn slumps, winch aio preterablo lu stir currency except gold and s.lvor. Where Hank notes under j can tiotl e proeur d 1 will moi l two Collies lor . A puper will not no sent uu.e-s l. e ni .tity ncooiiipaniea tbe order for it I can not afl.ird In t xcbntise with all Gin IifW p ipeia lb..1 .io iie .be Glui . m I v,,!1 stud lii." D ,i:y '.i..i... do. ii. ji ti.. . mo r, n' , nhosli i'l ul.ii Ii H.I.. pro.-pec.ui i' r." .iu;r hel'oro the lirsl Moaday in noit Detemiiti -Thoie w ho pnh!i,-.li shiiuit' send their pap. i , cotitaininn it to me, marked with a pen, n direct Mteiilion to it Tin Cnnceessiuiinl Globe and Appindix will lie eeteoirpt I, at: t therefore, I shall bo ahla to ie;el the haelt iiuuili. ri f, i this eoM .iiin to n!l who mny t-ul -icnl.e oiler tl'ti m-i.ihui comm. -noes j but i," the lir.it edition shall have been rxbauati I before the liubsrr'.ptinii meney is re-.-eived, I bull charge one dollar a.biilioiinl nr nn to pay the exp rise of putting the p!ate . n the preai. Hulisori , I ioua elinubl reach me n t early as thetnl week in D 'i int.or, In in-u o complete copies at the pi iceK advertised kIha i, JOHN C. R1VLS Washington, October, 1S0U. THE HOLLA II IIKAI.KU i ok new vou f r: -r:v rvn:. Fil er bus old I tu T"r taelily y. horn O'.vii lit,' I ' ', ir.t.io I :i i d I a aw i el.. I It !. I L.,1 tl.,1 ti.o 1':., P ll'l L '.K toe r' -: t of - j, "If i I I i, -i fl. .id I ;o i i i i ,.t (. i - ;:. . . r ' '. '-'vt ' i AbK "..;ra 1 elir t, I D'4T,.le-r p'i, y fcf the Wt i-l .. The t'or:,riinci:il D.-parti.'i' n! -. t'- ''It cburp.e i f J .i Rr k u-'iirt' is U D ( ' V. ! Ugt 1 10 be iit-t ol t il: I Kef nrterK Iu the conrtiy. i be i.oe'ul Dcp il ' oiellt will hep' I -. 'ir.lo i'i tal ami laii liter i v Ar'.-: it t'.'aul L-. , whose L i '. I 11 'i i ....d y'lidiliea, ar h . ' e i.ii' .' i(.e paper lu shol i, '.to a P erl of the i ', ; Fi IMij T 1 M p. r . I lil.'l f,f I 'i, I er v. i Ail uv.p ten oupioa to (,.- I H "a each teller up ol a Cm'i " t-a. H POST MA8TKIH ate ri,i. as Agiutf. 4dirt.. .1 W.J.i