Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, December 03, 1859, Image 1

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j 3 r U V L I S H E D
: t
coayaar In advance; ft 00 T til
T . 'ii'-) "' l,T m,,nll'-
.in K-OiroiT th Batm Horst
f' ... ,. or U'fB, flrpt liii'Ttion
..- "I L.i'tl.ll. ' '
.,.lre iw n,,, rl,.,
... .. i v iimn'lis
m vir. o yr,
, . ., rtHui'i", one yi'f
iiif mlrnii". on yr,
i', ,urili flu"". ,. .
,, ,1,1,,..,lumn. six ni..iitl.i,
,, if eoltui. lorn- uiii'tt,
a tut ;
6 W
12 HI
2o im
en oo
4.. iiO
1 1 no
!., ( o
I i o .
i: I
li oo '
lo ';. i
' I, 'Tin V''"- l ' re'i'iln-it .! '
,. -ct we're ,-. hni Ix-an
t,. iin no 1 1 rtiT jr
.ri.;'. ..CNcKU.-Jil AT I- V-
i ;;t ('!, Xrhrafha'. 1
i ,1 mi-. hi-- i r.trm te.l to Ms'cnro will lie
rtttniJ-.l t" with promptness and dispatch. ;
' . o i'in will be (ikiiI to the OuUt c
. : c.a.iii; mil to Real L'tate mivtters.
.IcHS CtUl Bl t R
Ailuiutji at Luiv,
'tiiid (o a' lepfil biivittpp Intrusted
'..r u (KviiK iuifi ; 1 i -t-
l T ' I
;. I C:n
o, T "i: in, II A. Ali.k.
. . f S. l.-t p.'irt. Notary rubl'o.
,-,; i:t J. iir, mid lU'il ll-iuif Aji.
, ;i L j iv tni,"( i n it I i, in 1 in the Conn
V, v.. it' Wi-iiingidii. Hint, Daki.ta unJ
l,,;n'i, N, T ; lice ot chaise upon tlio in-cijt
-ii. rev for the fame. Office en Main stict t
S ; N'l'ta i;a.
i.I i i t i m id' iKiiiry prom tly onswrr-
V .i E. V.' uke'.y, Judge Hril Diftiici, Nelriii--
ta lie Soto, N. T.
I. in. I'l. tnialirn(.,k, OiiKi'i.a, K. T.
' io li-tughty, Council HluflT.t, lov.a
i. n. II. i!.(y'litipnian: tlyria, Ohio,
n.a. Levi SiuLbell, ,M;lR-aukce, VVi. I71y
k . 1 .. I I I 4 I. t I - U '!' ! ' I I 'I' wT 1 ll ' 1 J A" . .
. ' IT, I 11 .111.1.' . II.I'l.l, I. I-', .!,
t 'i!i protnptly nlleiid to all loiniue-a in bi
! end 'i Vnik 'itcinxd ttlli lifHt
ii -. tn I ill pateli. Will pive ppi cial nttentiuii
i " ,ny ork that ihhj be t'lltutcd lo Lib caie
i i 'Mtililctiot wurruuud.
Sales Jjou5t,
i A K O T C I T V .
V. MAHO.V Iruprlctor.
iliiy p.iii'ino(U()ei Il,uetmi row hi'en opene l more
ll.nn . tie .iir. 'Ihe i'rn.rietor ulill nin:e IninuMug if
() V P". In i n-iilernlliiri (if Ilia ri'iluction of Produce.
Hnii i' (Hie, In tl.ls Vfertem Country tie )lK reduc:
III M I'li'-i in r itiiir !?: nl h.-reatter lil iriref fur
li(1Hiil tui.l Iimiinm'dI i ii-toiu, will t-o cheaper tUau imy
ilfrt LIuni Hotel in Hie Territory.
trery i.ttpntimi will l rwid to the rrofoit and
onvi nK in f tlm eut.i inrrn uf tins IUhiku.
Iiukntu t-'ity A.i;u la. 'to Ji. i'. MA SOX
N.i. I. - - - - ri'BLlC L.VMU.NU.
. Sim i Cily, Ji 'i a
TDK l'ropi ietur tukes pleasure in unnoutio
log to i tie ,tililic that he now has a houce in
T.-hsefi he c::n 2'.tc.'!U!)odt8 them. in. us good
tyle a can be fouud on the MiHuouri S!oj;e
I'i.i strict aitemion to the autd of gueta, lie
hnppa tn nii-iit no I reocivo a liberal uiiaio
i f patrotm jje. ,
' Not. 7 I HAO- If
''.rji.ru" lunhtim ami Xiidh ytrtr.t,
l'lt U'Kl Kl'.H'S.
General Si ace mil I.iery OioCe
..I. : r-i.p.
.t.r ;.
ullvt. yiur.
.. IOA'A.
j in' undersi(inat, Inie of the firm of Kniin
i . ji .V S 'in: i tile, is currying on the hu-iuess
i.i- !' i" i' '"ot. ill the building on l'erl
ii e . ,1'ist be! iw ihe HiuuB T: n il'.ii-e He
in n.rrMOi' ou ibe B ot and Shoe bn-i
tti ill tt I r ite I'M Work warranted to
l- a ie iu as good ttl. ord mi as pphm .liable
'io- a- ul any M ir ln.r. A ei.ll f i om b)
.el tucis th I P pe.M ' il I i.V .1 iri I e 1.
Ke (in! i.t all lone.
Ni s 7 ir-;.:). tr
snmx i;rrv,
noor asj slim-: ruu::.
t.v -
J'he und.TKignpd has renioTed his e-t il.!ih
ii ' in I i hi new building, ou I'e ul Street,
lew iloi.rs west of Tootle's store, wheie he
- t.ow pripim i with a large and nnnt.i r
I ' ni bather, etc , etc., to exei uie nl
i k in I ii Imp, in a siieii r stile o' the
it ilnplf i ii (, ri' tie buttle be.t f p.rH
c'i, li'. i k'.i ,:i ,u .er"o,iHl utiintlon 'nthe
"""""'i4. he ci1 ii eifdy aarrant all h.- w ii.
D All OTA.
VOL. 2.
Causrd by tbo cpctilng cf a L!'ijE and
Dry Opo-!,
ClotUjpjt, Groccr
ios, KooM rH Shop,
Qn'jeimwarc, ko-t Ao., &c,
. or
V8 rnr Stock of Quoits i. mif c; en !m l
rftiity for the TUADR. vto re.-'ifotl'nMy
cull llie Bttcntion of tho citizens of 1'iiknt
mid adjoining .oountir to our tiK'mli i
; OF llhl It Ml I
, j
which have br..n aelected with great onr,
especially for this ennntry, and will bo Bold
'CllK ir;:n tiufi 'Till: rHKArLST."
, , . , ,,
We are bnund not to bn i.nd. rol.l by our
neighbors. We ik our bid OiiMrttners Sml
nil iiifoio prnrr-ii it, in ci n inn PAainmc im
uit'iiiPCevra ani no conviucci it tnc urovo i
factp. -
Dry Good,, Di c (iood. Mu,liB blerehed and '
....X ., . .i... i i,. r. I.
uiiblei ched, DiTHiueu, Caj-hlneres. Gitighamy,
Lincry, I'rints cf all kinds. Merinoa, Checks,
liif-h Linuen.-i. Tublo Clothe. Crili. K.0 , Ro.
I.adiea .Sliaw.'s of nil size?, Clollin, Satiiie',.".
Jeans, Tweeds, ("as inu res, I'luiinels of n'l
c.ilots, Women ond Children's Hoods Woollen
lln.se, Half Hose, Woollen Ybmi and Men's
Country-kyit Socks, (.'bildren's lloso .to . kr,.
Also a large tl'OCli.of CLOIHING, sncli ns
Overcoats, L'und, icoats, Vols, I'unts, r'hirts,
Uu'lershirts. Drawer , ci.. Al-o a splend
id Stock of Costume made Ilnnts find hoos,
for Men, Woman and Children. We Biro able
in this lino to lit the binuilett as vll hi tho
largest 1'oot. i . ..
Also Hats and Cap" fif all forts r.nd pi7.Ps,
and a heavy stock of Oroceries, in riliich will
be found tho following udlicka;
K-ce, r
Dried Fi nit,
Cinneif PeaahcB,
Itottled F ait.
Tens of all kin Is.
Tobacco, smoking
and chcuiug,. . ,
.,9 ,
( Iotcs,
!-'op or till I.'.u
Suit, '
Flour,' . , .,
..! a,
Dooi., ic, &.
Tow ler,
Lea 1,
. Cap.
Our Stock will be colJ to mit the times, at
very low figures, as we are doing a strict
CASH business, and can atl'-rd tj tell at
siuall profit.'. Wc will iilu taki; in exehaDe
for Oonils .
i toes,
lilltHM', . , .
. ic , ic.
conviiie.ed thut Da
(i'Tf iis a cull an I l i
l.i't.1 Oily is this pliu;. to
Dakota Cily Ojt J'J. 1HV.I.
- - .
boat brand of Flour at the extremly ' low
nice ot d 50 oer S.ick. bv .
j,ai( io n"y pi noil wnu buuiu I'lu'im. "
' ' 1 ' i.ublit-he'l at ho low a rate, and nonu was p;
DAKOTA CITY POTTERY. ' i iiuoe.1. The large number of fnplnsaubscii'i
vipnirn nvnm.t"r .t.- d for by Congress enables mo to afford tho
i i. ... I"' .
Dakota City l'olierv, take the present
opportunity of saying to lu Merchaiils and
Ihe public gent rally, that they will continue
tiith business as heretofore, mi l h iTing m
creased their faeilitie-r are al ls to Manufac
ture a linger amount of stoiio ware and of
! the best (oulitj. Uetuitnug tl. links fnr the
liberal patronage bestowed upon the old fin..
tLey respectfully t-ntirit a continuance of the
, same, and they will endeavor to retain it bv
prouipi em ( niioii of iboir order, to whidi
loey will carefully utteud at ull t ines, tiive
them a call.
i, r-:... v t v .- ,oro
I t.iioi ii'y . .i. l . , t. j ii.
it. il ivio'tt:,
f. l.ouls, Mo.
J. i'. bi. .ci;,
FOU Till 1 IX'I'Ll" ' " ' '
ii. n. nooGK &. t o., it ai i. m uki t.
Sn i i ( 'i'n, - . - ' . ' mm
ski.i ";
cr.ocniii-i an ii l'luni.si ss
iit-sitti.r r.i .v.' .'
Il"'" 'he I rK' ,t si K K oi i.roe.oi au,l Pr.vtloii
II" I ! .. I l-i .,.,... I'll , .
ill continue to supply iho CASH liL'V'
r.KH, wholesale an 1 iptad, at their uu
low pricei.
rMhe wh
1 e l tn I
Mie whole c nintry is aroused, and awaken
ltsilT Interest J,,and ueteriinned
to ho v i's ti 1 1" cries an 1 I t MYHions of II. I).
l'.O'Vii; , en.
, 160U. : ,
I'm Iwpnty je tri the Clt'olnni I'luin DmhI
rr lino hcoti owtioil nnJ contrnllril, l'uhlinhnl
ami l-.MitcJ by the fame individual. It lins
ni'Tcr utiKHnl a I'olilicstion Dnjr nor fcrstclieij
n Di'inooratic Ticket. It Iikh fought its riy
ti r't'-liniiili-.l Ht'iinit all oiuiosilion. until it
ii'in g tMiiiil n N itiomil Cmulatiou mi l a Na
1 tioiial lii-piimtioii Fr":.i Main to t'nlirornia
i)im I'lnin r r it Known and rend, ami it ,
ii'vhp in ho good conilition pecuniarily
or In bpt;r pln'k pnlitii'ullr, to flight the hut- I
tlfo of luiorracy than now K.ir tlio com- ,
injryeur it will 1 particularly iluvntcil to j
I It una arainBi niRQ aunioriiT, nirei vuu-
1. I ' . . . . t I . 1 1
Tocate the ri)(ht of "tho people of a Territory
H State, to rcgolat thaip doraeMio
"'M.lutions m their own way and tt will
roiiiiiaut; to do go ogaint (in4 high authority
"the world, the f.oh uJ the devil." Ajj iinst
h11 Lpcomrton Ci'n,;tit'o;ii, Slave Co li". and
I0 M.0ninj? ftf Th Ml.vo Trade, thin Paper
j4 Uevoteri'v do lioa'.vJ from thi time, hi'iioe-
fitij fort'CtT
Come one' come all ! This rock shall Cy
f rom tv tirni rjasa a foon us i j
Hebides the current Nvwa of the Day, the
I'lain Dealer will contnin in each number a
TALK. Corretpua leuoe from a lio-it of Contri
,,",,?rH-. ""'! '"P1"' fro n V
of the Werld
The l'oti.mercii.1 Deiartmnt Kill be under
' too cole churge of J.. llrukeu-Uire Esq , who
is neknowle'ljjed to be one of the, beat Market
' llcj'oi tois in the country.
The Local Dipurtmetit will be pre-d led over
I by that original und laughter provoking gon-
Arteinus Viatd Lmj , whone Lettern, Juke-,
OlJiili's nu l Q ii lities, are uioue voitlithe
price cf thopain'. Iu shoit, we ai e prepared
to present one of the
Single Subscribers, ptr year
" " for Six months,
Clubs of ten, per j tur,
All over ten cuiiea to ojioront Office
$1 uO
1 to
10 00
1 UO
To euch getter up of a Club, cnu Copy Ei
tn. , ... . '.1 .
liY- TOST MASTERS aio requested to
an Agents.
ic t
Tht Ofioul rq-'t - CvPjr
' I ((hall publish the Daily Globe, and tho
CongTOmdonal Globe, and Appendix diiit.i:
the next goBsiorr of Congiess. The D.iily
Globe will contain a report of tho drlmtes io
both branches of Cnngre-s, as taken dean bv
roportprs, ecjnal at least, to any euros of .liort
hand writers in this or any ctm r conn'ry
When the deb. tea of a day do not make
more than forty-five co'umr.s, they si. a!! n
pe.ar in the Daily Globe of the next morning,
which will contain, r.iso, the news f the (r ,
together with n editorial ar'icles a" icay
he huggested by p inf eve t
The Coot -res-ii'ii il CI be .ill Aii'iid's,
will oo' taiu a n-p rt of M tee . s in
C'jPirresH. n vue l ov ihe so" ,kns. M'-s
i mios ot the l'u .'ii i t nt
i the Aunuai Itei ,,i t- ni i n
utiv(i Deiiartiii"iii-, ih" H'
ot Cmig.csi on i.njior' nit
in ere- ts, I he Law s j -i-i
Bud C"pi His li!'I.He t
nrinted on a ilo'ibie r- :'.
i . i .
in ;
. i .11
' i c
?o! inarto sac, t-i-.'h riuv.hrr (. :i'.'!!ii '
tfcn pages, aTernein' if. 5U7 words jBi puje.
Tho whole1 will make bet ween 1,700 and ii.UOO
j.nees. It is believed that no book has ever
boon published at 'en low a rate. Lust year I
advertised in the Daily Oloba for tlx nionihs,
nnd in aboui one hundred other ticwptii ets,
i the United States, a reward of t'Jlr), to be
(ipbuie to eub.-cribcrs
The Congressioul Globe and Appendix pass
free through the mails of the I'nileJ States,
ns will be seen by reading the tcllowing Joint
Iteuobition j aj-sed by Congress the bih jf Au
(Mint lMfi2:
Jn'mt Rin'uunn prn.-Uing fur di-!riinii'
i,f th l. ut i " CunjreM ami iiic Vi.'.f
thr remi :
With a view to the cheap circulation of the
: Laws of Congress, and the debates contribut
ing to ihe truo iniernri tulion therpor, i.in to
inakii flee eoiooiiiiiieaiien belweeu tht fpre
sentiiiive nnd constitueiit lindies:
lie it resolved by tho Hi-nut and H ni-e c(
Kriuci-eut :iti vi s oi the United ritutes uf Amer
ica III Congress iisssinbled, That Iroui aud sf
ler Ihu prr-ent sesM iu cl t i,gte-s, the t'( il
yresaiuiml (jioiie an't Appendix, which contain
ihe Law ho 1 toe Debates thereon, shall pas
f.ee thruiigh the mulls, mi lorg us the same
shall be puod-hed by order ef t 'otigves : I'ro
vided, That iio'hui); hre:u phull be eonstrufl
lo auttioiue the airoulatiou of th) Daily
(ilobe, free ot po? tag.
Approved, Aujiu n, ilh loo-.
TEllM.'j :
for a (:,) of the Daily Globe 1 inoi.thj
I or a copy for a less time (per inomh)
1 00
F r ii ropy of ihu 'ongi e.isional Globii
and Appendix during ihu se.-rion f,ll
Dink notes rurrent in the section of the
l onniry where a -ubsoi it.er re-idr will b" le
(five. I at par. ThP wholo or any pari "f a
sobriiiplioii '"ay bo reamtel 111 postage
sts'iipa, Pl.ii tJ are pr- fer'ile to any curren cy
ixccj i gold and silver, tVU'oe Itauk liote
no ler i l ran not lie piocurrd I will sunj two
C .l ies tor j
A p iper id not ' e sent nolens the mouey
nee iinp iiiins th" order for it.
1 00 not rlonl to ti'-hnneti with eM li e
new p iper that de.ire the (ili ie. but I will
end the Dai y lilotie diring ih se-aioO to all j
wliothall puoliili this pt jupittua llii to iia.e j .
lif : th? fcr.it M :u !. in nut Oce.n' cT --
t. 1 1
u'-ilvl nni tliir. pmum
i ii'i.'mh ii )ii
iTri.ii t,i it.' Tlirt ("iitmrcMiotil
i .fi.lio 11
l f rt,illx will tevwitjp rl, Rinl
, 1 niiall lie tn ppoJ the back
iaiu.lt rr- t i lins ecM-ioti to !l who may ith-
M'fir aftfr tlm nation i:oimnPin-rs ; but If
the f)rl edition fhall hare lppn nhauntpd
i:.; . i ii i t . . L i
hi-for the uimcriptinn niptiry Ii ppcoippd, I
rlmll rhargo i.ne dollar additi'itial ptr PPiv.
to pay t!io tip no of putting the platr ou
the .pp 8obfiri t ions i-hould icvb ni im
parly ai thpfii't wocV in lpsomrt'r, to Inmire
complctPoopiPi at the pt icpn advt rtliipil aboe.
Washington, October, ISf-'J.
Hit manly whiiker nwcpt her cheek,
ISha auBwereJ no tepty,
LIow could she part her lips to apeak,
While kissing on the ply T
There't such a sum of tmnckling Miss,
That Crcc ius could not bay,
Tho honied worth of one sweet kiss,
That's taken on the ily,
Oh! this kissing ou the sly
Ting kissing on the aly
This wooiug,, whining style of tinning,
Kissing on the sly.
The maiden meek ono kiss received
Dumurjly wiukrd her eye,
And with the air of o:ie bereaved,
Sho heaved a heavy sijih,
Again the wayward wlu.-Ucr piuscd,
Her check, siio breaihed Uli try 1
Hovr gratuTul tu the burlheiied l.ru. l,
This killing on :hs tly I
Oh this kiaring on tl.o !y
This ki.iniug o:i the ply
Dowtiriht dolitioiis, e'en nialitious,
Ki.ising on tli.! b'y,
Tho rigid rulr Jecl iro the deed,
To be a ci ii;ie su liigu,
No lover dare deny the deed
(T kissiijjj on Inn sly ;
Tli j' I'a'.- and M.i'a berate aud prate,
Tiil Dulti n a cry,
T. ; uuatmn Jjii't u'.it ahatc,
Oi' ki.-.- in on ll.e sly,
Oh ,' this lu-i: & on tbu p!j' .
Ti.ii ki.:i:i.2 im Hio ply
lu'i.i '. '. t' : . '..in j - 1 1 oiiiile kHIiiig,
e". .iu ci li.u sly.
'!' ! a! .l,i"u Ht'tilo life,
c. ':.i I. i, icr i.n k Uiuii I, , .
V.'l.j.i opportunity, without ptrifo,
A j hiiloin chance I spy ;
To .i Hi" ihe diiinty treasure whicli,
No royuliiiee outvie,
Thau me, no nabob half ho riah,
Thus ki.ioing on sly.
Oh ! ihis kissing on the ily
This kissiugon the piy,
Th s lic'ily tempting care exempting
Kissing on tho sly.
Tlie niiinler of Harney Koouey,
I,;..-' K.-rK wb briefly stated that Barney
Uuoi'sv, renidiiitr near Westfleld, I'lymonth
1v:i.'v. ha? been shot by a fellow named
J'reH::- It now bonotnes oup painfulduty
1 1 auiiO'iii ie tVe death of Mr, Rooney from the
elT .i's cf the wound. He died on Sunday
,,Tni f,-,i t r rfter receiving tho wouud.
T! ; f dh.'ii''g are Ihe circunislaiioos which
led to ihe shooting, as related to us by J.
It. Pinckni-y. E'l , at whS3 hausa it occu r
el :
?.(;. T.ooney ha 1 emplaye l CrookiiiM to as
sist l.im in digg'ng a well, agreeing to give
i !.i
.im three tieclts of wheat per day for his cr
... i. .. i i . .i.: ..l.:..i.
Tire a wr.r;;ni aeveii n'ly". iiuiine wuiuu
lime he kept his tuain at Rodney's. When
they cam a lo settle, Mr. Itooney withheld one
bushel tf wheat a" a partial e)t!!jisnation for
the keeping of lirookins' teaui. lironkius ob
j .rted to this, got angry and struck at P.-ioney
with hisd-t, when Hoeney, rsugbt him by the
o'diai sr..! held h;m fp short time, but did
imt hort him. When he released hiia brook
ins reiiiatcl a few :',, drw a revolver and
f.rcd at RooDey. the ball pasing close to his
h 'ad. I: ioney remarked, " I will put y oil in
t!i peniicntiary f 'r that," when Rmokius
ti.rew Ids revolver upon the ground, advanced
towards liooney, expressed rrgret for hi
r ishact, and told hi;u that ir lis woum let
h 'n. have the rv'.n bu-liel of wheat li" woul i
p iy l,ini..one. dollar for it. Tn'm Jloouey
agree'l t j do and plane I tho wU-at upon llrook
jtis' wnon ; but irt-'ead oi pi)inp for It a- he
agreed to, II initiate 1 his waj'on and ptailel
to drive away. II ni'.ey r moved the wheal
from 'the wagon, wheu Itrookius shot Dim, the
ball taking Heet in his uh l. ioni, producin
ath as above stuted.
liri.okins wn luir-uod nnd vel tn lien fli
tV'eMfi.ld by Sheiilt Milt- of 1'lyi, oe'h e..o')!; ,
hit did not arret dim, peu h'tu e'.f f"f
this Jereii.Mioii of duty upon l'. r -. I'I '.t
be bad no warraut ! He ko- 1 I
wdlinunsi to s'llra ' lo tho ' sn I aj I na' i j
...'.coiiiii,i. I t.. i Mi-r f a- I h: c m i Ki!'.i.
lo tht re-ile;i'e oll.- Mi.'.:, a 1 w mil. s
below Wn llii lil, wueie I"' i eu-a.ne I u;. 1 1 1 m sr
Miori.n ,
plan l.s got o i an I I I'll. Ihe
next uii.l lie 1 1 't l
UillpB ttOote 11, a ol 'j
I How ing Le r io, ;
lilier pl.n'e ne i
D'.de. f. j., v. h
P.. i.s' i 1 . i .' .Li
t-t .
; I nt.. i t 1"
1 "Veil.",;
t thj
inltj Fit
1 th..t be t
i i ,s, ; ef th'j
, . t
;.. K.
no. ?i.
L'poti !fuuni.j if l'i
tanu i.iiuin pimi r
(cii-il l'n trr. ' I'
for till Bpprrliiiio tn which i, 1 1
ll,'a p7 '"P r-i htnl ti ii i I Mir lull' -
ilcrfil luan. OnTof-lny m rn.ng Uft tan-f
nii - u ntartni In iinnu'ii i.f limi.Lln. it 1.
lobe bopo.l tWatthiy will tun-i- l in lirlngii'K
him tojiisliep
Mr. lloain y W'i a iiikii ol pioji'ii- bn'iil
sober, industri-u and penrcl'p. II s
desth by the hand, of P. rookias m i Jnwnpght,
wilful murdet without rane or prop ii n.
H Ipbvpi awife and five rlul ben in l ! M
oomfortuhle circnn.st in.HH.'
V. A.U illiics' wrltinit V.t
fiVivi w oi f n
tlist Drai-ICim Was f.t Slilpni.-ill':', " went; -live
' miles south of this olty on Uip Cotmril l!liilf
' roai, on We din's. lay eveiilii); la-t. rattles are
in pursuit of bi n, Bad he will d iubtles be ar
rtd. Ci'; R'fttrr. 1
Nw VnrU K.ltctlnn. ...
Al.RAMY, N. T , N T. Id, 1rii 11-.P ,r.
now claims th election of David Jones,
Denioorilio and t ilea norrtinro for Sret-rtry
of Stato, over Leavenw .rth, by 1101 niajoiity.
The Journal cslaims 1()'J majority for Leaven
wotih. The clhoial returns thus far received
peeni to show, but not positively, that Junta
TrolliiK llio in l'luin Trnile.
D is sai I th it tlm first time a race horse
ever trolled in puhlio iu Auiciioa fur a italic
vai in IMl i, when a tii'it jh was made for $1,
i.1 ii da', no horse could be produced which
, j'.i tr. ! a tu,,- in i.ircc miuutet. A hoisc
i.a Hid Du o i K a-. on the stuke, couirary
lo 1,1'iie p.' tkiioii by troiting the mile in
le v ' i con Is b ss Hi in the prescribed lime.
Ural.i.illy the .-peed of Aiiiorieau trotters has
becu iiurciisud sincii that period from three
minutes until tlm pu'ilio ceases to he astonish
ed whi n Flora Trmplu trota a mile la two
minute and laenty llin e secoiuls, ns she dul
on the .Soiiolk Ihu k ni ThursJuy.. This fa
vor. tc inaiu was fouled iu U'lo, iu OnuiJa
cou.ity, N Y', an J is uoif therefore fourteen
yean of age. In l.'jt'. sho wis sold for S 1 7i
aud shortly al'UTw.ird piircba , I for about
double thai su n by a resident of Ntw Yi k
city, who first became conscious ol ber super
ijr speed by. trials , on the ordinary roads
against well know u fast horses, . iSiucq then
she has won a very largo number of pura.i
Iu 1850 the trotted a mile ia tho tho unpre-
ictdcuted time of 2 minutes SIJ sccou.lj, ia a
tuateli agoiiist Taeony, but th has since re
pi utedly excelled her speed on that ocouuiou.
l')iiLn1,lrhin I'rci. ,. .
Pllgrlma Vrogr:
The diclietii n telaiive to the histoiy of the
'Pilgtims Progress" and Us r.uthor continues
toattiact atteniion in Kurnpn. ".Miss Cathi r
ine Isabella Cut has however, tukeri up tho
gnantlet thrown dop n by Mr' Cuintuing an 1
othor tidmsrcis of Mr. Ibinyaii, nnd hasshowu
beyond all possibility ( f doubt, and on the
most irrcfinglldo i vidi ncc, that Bunyan, tho
'star of Froiestedi-ni, ' wkr n incro dufTcr, and
a shabby, unptii.elj led diiVcr into tho tiaifitii.
She published oil Toe. l.iy l.il a tiauslatioii
from the French manuscript c py in the Dril
iah Musrum of the l'j i irei o.nt t-l tbu Fowle,'
by Gililluume V-i (joilev.Ue, a ehnruUmaii who
fiuuribhed in the Fifietulia Century. The or
iginal woik was traiisl ilud in EuBhiini seventy
year, befom ihe 1 1 furtuatiuu, aud was printed
by Cuxtou iu Who. The Dunyau'a Fi'griiu'a
1'rogresa is ii" itly vcrtiiuua copy of this tare
woi k, with a lew alterations here and them to
ve li a tiugu cf 01 igiuality. The lam cau
looker be disputed Unit John Bunyan, of piouj
uiemoiy, wofl nothing more nor less than a lit
tfary kwiudlLi', and that tiie kubiimo eenii
uieuta tnuaoiuied in the progress were not
thote of an in-piied fo. lower of tbi? rel'.irn e l
f.ith, tint of a Catholic d''Tiac who lived ud
liiel !'jii; lo foie Buuyau eaw tho bght."
A t'Ultil Hum vrlt'- Two ll'inlt .
S'(c. t:-iil Air'itla'n n of One..
A coi riipe'ioei.t of the Noi th Andovet -Io.
,ki,iit', tills the following:
On Ihe 1.;. cf Sept' uibi r last, a child was
b.,rn in the ton u id Falii'V ta, h iving I no heads
l lio li no' of ihe parnil m .1 lin ai.1 Mary
aid. Tiiofii-i, a natural ii ,1, seojiel as
l.early pc i !'. . I as t it of an i.ii'unt usually the
second, (o i noat'ii ul head, was toULiclcd I y a
l.ack oi i.'.'it Ihe u-ii. l b ngth an I sine, to t,i.i
bi,ck "i po-t oiur prt ('f 'h first trie, n iii.de.
above tl o p .ii.t where the hea l rui I u'"k m -I
.tally join, lloili head.-i iMieoi a (.ot tho
n.j iui', Hill facing uppo-tttf ways. Hair
p , e w ei f. cily natural on both' hcalp-, but the
s ioi'l betid was entirely wanting iu f. il.iee;
u.e.c ' 1 1 o a fo iv small irregularities, h' r
t .( l.nii ec le ii in i s shoul 1 have been, appear
ing a- II' nstiii h bad hili n pte I to foi m f ':i'
me-., I nt r ihoiit t'.i'-ess. Ih l.eallu ol tl.o
ol.ll-i.o.liiul, mi I it few auil t.util Ida I
1' th 1 1 "i t iber, when Ice unniluril liPad
w a- ha.' -e -sCiidy ai:i iift( d fit the neck by
Dr. J. (' !ii,-oi:i. ( I l'itt' !'.. 1 1 ; a U.--A.tiou
of this d .we I tiie t.ku'1 Iu b compi ed of
none an I run1 jr . ' 1 . what si ould bavo
I o ii titie n iln i.nk roved tj be eattil
a e. 1 tie l.qa.i coi.t.. I I U puh.-lat.ca ul
nio-.t perfectly i
Iisi ileti-.ity. It
e I,, e to. o-j i r .ii
0 ' t : .; '
eu.i.i.u bin. :i, but
has i.o w lien ii vo days
u. and tho chil l is f t e t le
.' .. ..; I a subsc ip-
linn list tn liit i" Ho H... awl. unit lit Pith lia
iinrril n't ii of ir'ilii
Iternip'" f-f ir I roni Kan"i Inercasn-; It
I pui'lHlls I 1 V till
h, iti fl.e iyn.
nr. tlin' tu i . i J ,1,1 0i,()(O in iffl
I..I It' ll nt la I l lke i- loss ill III last four
t'.i t t b
' i I
phi .i l.,.r f r'ni
")i 1.. io il.,i r, i;:i
! .! i Bl i-'liU '
, n:i'f it) ill hriith
M i
.hitiau.l. Vi
(., p il,, U ill giP - i 1 1 1 w.,r I t r
tr rt Im' in iipm from Hie wnlcliiimn nhiU
a-leep diirii g ths bourn of duty.
T (Ipnibs in N'nw Yoik during the vcp
I'l.iT p.ire "J 1. in the Jesr IS'iS, ?: ,'j t
ihe I'oatli l'ppm rs wfil allow annieil'il
rieasam the ma'rtslity.
The Hon.' V V' Y'r. ' i f Mi '.mn f
' ibiy-i .incr, pii'.'ilcipateii fle s'aves ( ,,.
I of one nini, i mother and thre 'il-, 1 '
lit the In lilt Co ill t in . L"' ...
I Vjiwa'ds of twenty Mi,'. . v.,
, new in W.,shirgtnii, up. I on ,j . . I..
here to i.iakv ul raiiiji 'Hi nts duru n , ,. s
It is -aid thut New Yoik cily cantains about
fifty thousand houses.
A lady ni'vur kuowe how protty he look)
until she has had her purtralt taken.
' A Thru i.ixn Nahkativk The tail of a
The rebelliiin at Victoria. Mexico, hudboeii
fjuollcit, and tho leaders had been shot.
The tnnnery belonging to Musts, Fit oh. 4.
Allengs, of lloohpster, N. Y., hss been destroy
rd by fire. " Th" '"b is estimated st ? 70,0(11.
Insutcd for f -i),( ij0.
San Antotiia ft Iviei-s of Ihu loth ttat"i th it
a battle lock place on the l.h iunt , bttaetij
thirty soldiers and volunteers Ubdr Lieut.
Iliienn, and the Indians. Tim latter w is
defeated, mid Lieal. llag'in (tashijly njioi
Ol. Foi.r notes of $1,000 cauh, stolon someti aa
siueu fn ni the Couiuiero'ui lUnk, Muntiral,
weto returned by a tie in an Cathulio priest.
Ills suppoiel that they reached him through
the coufe':oiial.
The Texas Legislature organiid on the 7ih,
by ihe cb rtiuii of Houston frty ofliire.
' An old man In fndlma rer. nly c iwhided
li In daughter, nitu let n ' y i irs of ego for
wcarirt;; hoops.'
Ai oi l l.aeLelct ion I s("e!l women
"'.'.. en. ' ' '
Dae bundled familioj iu New Orlrmi. ire
reuderod houaoless by fire on tlie J6lh iust ,
which was the work of a In ctBdi-'ry. ,
This year Christ Anil oouias ou Sunday., Th9
ni xt IchjO iaW'Sp year. , : ' 1
The Board- appointed by the Nivy Depart
tnrnt to rxauiioa MayaarJ'l Breech Loallns
Carbine, say they thit.k It TeeoinniPildii Itbulf
to a test of the NbtbI service. - '''
i The new government stamped uavalepe U
out. Tho t nel"pf are nianufact ur ed iliat
thiec distinct lines are tMblo ofl the face, to
guide the pen Iu making a tti alght and na'f i ru
direetion. When th lettpp li lnerU, Tnio
linos, bo'ng realty luiprlntpd in ths Innor part
of tho bank piece of die enve'ops, disip
Thcia is on the rool of the overlaud mall,
about two hundred aud eighty miles east ef
111 l'aiio a spring, said to be one bunditJ aud
fifty feet iu diameter, which hat been Bounded
to Ihe depth ol eight thousand feet, witbou
finding bottom The surface is as auiotb as
a mountain lake. It ii blighlly imprsffnatis
with (i'.knli, aud contuin ve vaiitiei, - f f eh.
!( is ciHe I Leon Holo. . . .
An cnc 'tinUr took place io Na-a -'i.l ''
Ihu 18th ( fla.'it inc.ritb between Allru A. I1 ",
editor ,f the "News," aud G. O. J'niuilei'i i-,
editor of tho ' VuUin aad Amei ican " Poin
deinr was tin t ilea l. The ipuarrel who h
leal lo this c l'u tr p'ie w i an ! ! n s I - o
The l itest adviers from V II M. ward "i
frotuJi'a, in the Me.l lerism an Pet. fa
has nniifo. J !.!-; j..ur p thr Vsiry of
the Niiu to in.cicut Tliebee, had sin e; ci t! .
pyramids, aud bo wis aim it to j ": ' ''
Jtrudskm, acl ibence by I's- '' r -
jlulittlil pie.
hunt. f-',m V Ci , ' ". r . '."' ; ?;'"'(' '
iiirt , ptat- that Mtrjtet bold J . i :' l' ' '
Ht':l'iie of iiir Pu.nSiii t'i vr Sfi f .r f r.trio'l '
pose . Mht.init Was Pipetted tit tht C " ; i ',
I nibably to ss-uiiH' the Pr si l .n 'y, tu Kin,;
the Church f viritu. '
Mr It'h r, our milliliter ti Ci.iii, is sue
ceellnp a'lmlr.ibly with the Cbal'u' A.l
O tstand'rg d.rijulties are in a fair way of a
ajieely und amiea'de adjustment. He tat
1'niti ( States,
i i t . h'in.
p i( h ail! probably be grn.i-
J tin II 1 in t'mrespou'li ut of the Morning
I '..-( siijs iliat a dog of African breed, which,
,.l..f:rei in General ipittaaac, who fail at
M i.itt t.t. till lurk about the spt ni.eri ho
n 1 li.i blood, and tboiigh cflcn Ukeu awy
even to some utuuee, tonntuutV ruluru,.
The K in as City .lmn il kit C -.1. Ma
lis received cm S'lti'bir i'!..'i!"; arlWjiifVt
troto Fort He.iiT. iitori'i '-r b in sf the se I-
I oen d aib of (1 lvernor list s 'in, Pnhli j lie-
ee'ver si t'.B nbi.ve jls 'e. Hit disci e wi.l
the t j hoi, I fever.
Vhe:e ii u the ttr t of the Harper' Feirj
Insurrection tl.o giaul t-s'.'ts of the "ine
pre aiblt Cui.dicl" doctrine to cud t '1 i.e g.
bit is being alornel w.th its i.eur a.i i tai
jjiad hjuai. p JOi-d itii i.a ajvut it" 3 .Si ill,
f -Vi
Tleeiaa new St!i.h 'i g". M'la
It .rak' who is sail lobe tTiisl to Jeuiiy