I - (. HinK rTl $cbnuiliii' $(hcHuicr) 0. W. FAIRDROTnER & 00, i, Iio;rletori. JNEimASKAt AUIIUKN, -TT .DMtKDAYB nh, inol thiMlrrk, ilnrtcri Ati, tnol n h, mot thiMlrrlc. ilnrtc rtnyif. Whun IKo Dcrmi'il far mi ti ir I to lionr a when illHinul woio t wciirv wiivh. And dotili" wiih cry n nnle-piilr: Whi'ii 'ooIIhIi noomiii jny iwnt-hUU pliinfl, -ItuprftOUoal)Ii)liOpoioHivriiln' ' 1.' Ana i wiw lonifiiijf to lot hi I ) 'lho work tlmt hIiioci Inm bnniKlit ' Kiiltil 1 ho rtnrk, rim k dny, when wcoplnir nklos ' And Hobtiintr wliiil n uincil hut to bo Tlio uolio of Uint liuiiinn woo- - , j"-"" Whuao.doopcr inonnliiir wan In nig:'" J Tho ihiyrt wluin I.ovo Ihui pMrodTtntnio, Anil KrlonilHliip Imt n liroknit ro mI . ." A'lirokon rood Unit ploiut'rf my It-mi, ' And iimdo Itlnly, diimlily bloudl ,. Thn dark unit ilr'iiry diivn In which , , Tho Ixidy would iiotHorY't tho iiiIIk), Aim puitiriii inniruorH ikvi iiiq power Mr will In linpotmieo tci Jilri'l ."Wllon Ditty oullo I tno winr-di-onir ImcK mi! tf . t Ann, iiooiik'H iiotii or iiininn niiu pruiao, I mm won! Imr w th InlnthiK hciirt un, mo lonir, nulling, wtmry iinym fti Hut then. 0 BoOl.ithoti wurtiniit otic lint oiio In nffrniitcoeipfltif. S And cuoli hint iiudHOinoilftyifniiinnr l.iiaou wuriiiii on i, f "i rmtuoflipatir. JrS 16 As nny that hud conio to thou; For int.i uvcry I folrtiiM tAJl ThuHoloinn nt n oniiitnnn tourn, AndovorovoryJifoltf Uutiir, M , yWiribrnVer olOiids 6f arlfhl font Bitiol!jii jL-ftBr ivriU m ffinSiA J W7M I tho tiiitiloHi limon tutiKlit: , "JViinlnttiuHtrdiiiliirUiirk,lwiir r MfioilMo h "diPHithiK whs wrought. Then I'u th, r.ndu unco, i'ntloiloo. Ilopi, Ciuiio iidiir, and iiuido mu Htroiitf Tor Htrlfc; And ihna JliiiiHt, rui iitllfo'BiJrkjioiirtfiU' I ICopyrtjMtd. YJJ0E4 l "J i i H-0 Thiica Lost in a Struerele for a Name. 81b!f'$WQ!loll CHAPTMt IX.-CONTINURI). "Victor, Your "promising lielr, is cot- ting vuty much iii.lovoiwUhu'oiir r"0UyJ 1..T..f 1.. .1.!.. i I. i uiiiiiuiumiy pnuu iu ymiv guiiiiiuiiuu flioil?" ' "If,! 'I dwi't ))jiliuvo it!". Ig.rmswarod " WliyP Isn't shi' pictlynml fascinat ing, una till tlmt, tuul iHii'f Victor at just tliu rliliL fiio to bo llL'grtilotl' py a jiriuiv itieo, wiui a culver pvnju naoij oi it? If ho was as old as you or 1, and ctfttl'd iiUloV4tjind how doop and t'luor aii ' inlriinioiii": woman can bo, while ho said. Rtlirlini But this did not suit "Mr. DoVrics' :n "i plans ihijoed, it might ruin them alto gether. "Stop: lidton lo reason, .Montford,1' ho dafd. laying his hand on lus arm. "Yob should know vomon hotter than to fancy ohq would admit it, particular ly if she slipuld stinui.so tlioro was to bo Jjy J wpposiupn on your part, hard.y think it is. nioro 1 03 ton on vnur linrL Pin-nm r il,y think it is, nioro than a fancy. f. T '- -. - ....r. v.,,,,.u ( nshot rtf. buwitohmunt on his part,-as vol. . Don't vou sco. if sho should tro nway whore ho would .not soo hor, that ho would soon forgot his boyish pas feio;i?' 'Olahl ahl 1 see now. Well, Mr. Alfred ', Do Vrios, if you aren't a olover onol ha! ha! 1 can't-holp admiring you I, can't forthulifopf mo," and Mont ford laughed iminodonitelv. The yollow irleatns in boVrlos' ove? shot out curious littio scintillations, and ti dull red burned in.his swarthv cliuok dull red burned in, his, swartii p'ako fiMGirbcrUW&i iid? inx-lovr; intonso .wld Wtf, brd!",he, BtiidrJnii'low,' IntQiiso .wilier Yoti' IIUILLUIU. k iitl. may navo an opportunity for adhilfing ratgqrtllulhrilorid fa5e was lit Vt),WiIhl 1 vou 111111K about ill"' Tim vAuuvmyub. nun apgor.anu uo,v.ncs took8iWd(jn tack. Ittvn? not atfall for WkintqroHto itinr'rclwiHi MivMont ford, .and pofcaibly ho,' too, thought it might bo vory notvrVin !ov'on tkinirli ..v...;. 1. .i . . it . vt. .. 1 So ho said, vorv riihvW! . s-ntv, W ' J --1" l -J - " , Yon and I must never nunrrolj.notrl oven iiooui bmcii 11 .very Qoinmon bOnobf" contention nVYu'prbttv.WbniaiL. .Out-. int. (l . ' ----- .uresis tiu -otipij mooiy nuurwoven tb' ta of throaU. tmd I ani- oorry 1f IfoW iiijunil-nilllllllCUp 1,' 'Vi,Q8, .jioH't.kJiow butait williw wns tno.HUll irathof) sullon rttiwcr., c .'iJJdL about Victof, I toll voir again tHat i don't boliovo it, and what is more, I wqiyxnavo Alias l5lako turned -.out inr-room? ayriiuiiijhHU HI HUf piO., iTJj r.r .1 ,.,,Ycs what .of, hit?. .Shclwns hnm Tl.,Tr..! ....1....1 I.. j. .... 119 rvisrT i whon I oamoln. swecblnvr tho'fldoK' T. mippWsli'q JiaV.a right ty,conto in 'hero j if sho chooses, hasn't shoPM he aiked,' crossly. . . v. ;;. O.oqMiuly I onlyispoko becauso jiuiios gcniiriuiy nroioss to ablior tlifc fumeaof tobaOyo.. AIi&4.J)lnko is ovi- dontly an exoeption.' At this Very, nioniQnt, jn AU-qfJior nrV ot tlio liOuso, imothor seuno in this curious littio drama was being ontlofotj, oioim uiiu.goiiuiiom Vllv?.,WJil,gi'P')iu 10 uiu iiuijuy ior ipn iinrpuuu u BWoep-1 ing and arranging thlnVs. Tlievb wiura curioiisiy-bloiidq l oxprossiou of. angor and exultation in liOr fjiQo, l'rlio; two provious scenes a.ccH'uiltiid. lii'v ' each. Tho-imgiyfo f wlflehli-nf llrtrfiAd 'in lier cheek at the meaning look DuVries had bout ou her, thus implying that she had 1 .. Boeniing tho moilol of simplicity, as easily as wo'cau; whV?df 'covj'rsoffoi liap3'n&ne." ' Hn 4-r - A V "J'dOta hoJlovo n word o(it, auiXll nsklliuln. and nrovo that t 11111 rhrhL" i. , 1 --r-':' injf iiiuvornoss in nnoif iigui.7 K l 1 T lfliy?iroaton;d9.ytnt? Stfposo' I sliptddillro'aton,' toohat thon? I giiodt1 Mrpud bo a.ovoQ tliiiig fcomo ""rvwjiai uo uobibr auv triiksofypnwof AlUJca'X self, sohvho is to blariic?CBiitabout this AtidasWrjhatiHomVqvftAbJlib No, I don't think It sicn hevSr tojjkjtprVi vMkiu hw W5' WmM 'j cs for W or tnc. f think this otf roptnnptpn inuiutQ-hbot ore) Avo htui liuch biltlet ; h hil-iula than niid Plttake hcMWlilioroM aaybwli wlion VOtTcanuotljo Qro-tftbatftobniiA-J in lrKo&A'fU MlYm fill i'lw-, bVr M,opo W. V am A.ftti'SlakOiAthoV-uToRiii.J.rooin' Tiot likorothor vOuuir slrisram not n token thomlgsing koy; litidjidt Jot "wholly died'tint, but llickored hndrwav- crcd Jlko.a smohloriiig firu But tho jrcat bjack o, cs fairly jhon with do innt exultation. Mr. Alontford had ho- iiovud cr, and. Dt'Vrio, v)ialQjyt-i; I micuco no miglit possess in otnor tnat--tors, conlll luifbliHt, herefrom irdypljico iTi.q.'isjly as "ho, thw'ghr,.. Iio was so wrappgd jn her own thought-Unit hho 1U1 UWII lHUUllb.LllUb M1U ivoi't ,iat 1 tin) .ijjiwjiliadj ipant until h- lnti!lirnr uiu not diHuov auolhur oouu volco, Halt iiKldou in tliu li cnvy curtains of tho iK'trflMiy WinfltiW,: itdlli I 111 'It H 1101 Oil Ut'llO 10 BWeon In eom- pan . 11 l Mr. 'MnntfAhir whvM VrtiAlaftlftd mo," slio said, droppini; Jior brush on w.cdt v& r : i x o Ifo'Hl1rhrtg forward to' nick it up and their hand.s. inol, whurtit'4lo,y both starled, and felt Just a. little iwkwnrd. Itut Victor was toft g6icrou.s'f,to subji'ot horto a tnoni(ifil's ncodlos ombarraai' 111911U Mo hat) buon waitiu; Jiorp fpr iv W jiurp9",iaiitl,lotfasyyadx W jli!fluro Jt! tl witlioui circuiuioctiiion. I crtlno tit) hero hoping you would come up, and lol my nope (( lol my hopi'Hmvmftlinilo'd. ' I sco that vou hi arenotn!t'as:7nt!sit1fnted lerAiibcl'i'IiaVOjilaroil to ftliink tS-rr-to liopu"LlAfCur tTiis littlobit of tJMrfc - merihg hejQftJSif'ldJ.facu ioljlly, lo'aiejl' tJiivettiliifgJlubdriiiliair Wlff fromlila foreliertd what a pure, oprnjaco it was I and said, lookititMHtrtiiaiic i hen eves: 1 nnv . .ti.. i i. L.i.-- ii j.!i.i.i'' . u,tiaiuu .10 'no po.lt.mijrlit-'who bo possible for lho to make it oasier for j you. You unddr'stand mo, Stella? 1 want you to bo my wife. I love you, and will try to make you hajipy. It gHcve's 1110 to soo y6u insulted by him, as you wore just now. You do not think 7 boliove'di.4 cruel insiilttatiotts,' dear Stclla-i' ip took ji stop txlwatlljier and wouhi tiutvo itn,ken iier hapd, bttt fcotnothlng in' lier faco fdrbade it. ' 1 am not mining you by this, Stella?" ho eriod. liLs'SilnnvXitL'scloifditu. " 4 No-and ves." sho answered, smil-1 V ' . " .J' . iny faintly, tlio angry color all gone out 1 oNieffaoe. I am glad you loo 1110 4-it is pleasant to huv6 t lie" ldVb of'bnli so thoroughly good jHXlielievo yop.arc and I ant glad you bolievo in nif ( rntiinr tbnn tins Mr. llnVrbw lirnvitwt lioifilitBthnin"iy slipoirlotl$fith',Tltllilllv6o'sch nn41jlood, Mu sudddn, bisslbnate v'ohouu'nco. Jfjt.y, ,oyftblyed,Mislio yotilled, fi softg Jlqsli Villi li.-'.I.'.ll ..'il 1-TfT... "IT 1 "TT " viiu Hiiau not siav iiero 11 ne irounics 1110 as you havo. and do remember, still do, lilanulus Aruold-ryou simply like '.,.tr I, J. I . c 1 - i-- f "Wait!" sho cried impatiently. 1 lave oveVor "Do you boliovo that I 1 nothing.'' I havojieard the story Arnold is uv marry not cousin heart is thtowui back urtoit you fancy ypu aro In lovo WitlifTnuj; ftow, tell inoktruivtf it both 101 miss wcro otta)ly froe, audvbtt cohld haj'tMiiUicr 5 fni'tllK MciMtlfl' t'1iin1i.e1imili1 vnii' Jio1r9'' S ' ...U ..U.l..p, M IIIUII.U4IUIIIU . JH t,OIVi "I sjiould ask, Ulatieho," lie $ a,t j jver looking im TfiniMncaiY- 1 iiin tiiii tell a lie to win nnv woman's favor." I A'umi( auu l lit lliilivu 1UU lull i Tauo oarei 1011 will make mo fall in. '" " nn you, m spuo 01 myseii," suo . . , -. - -' cried. laurhinr. "niid I want to kmu. you for a trionitr J have need onougti of one. Heaven knows! since 1 am not a friend oven to mysolf?" Tho bright voting faco took on ajook of iittifliiblu sadness, and tho grcaUus-' trous orosr-drdopoikundor tiwdightof IvolghVof 4 aft ' au'l.fcotn- lor li'ind ' niuiri), ucrcoiiaiu. 'gtflhV listen to; . 1. .. .. w; . ." . m --. k. mo'uliQ. s.i nig cioso to nor am This timo sho did 114 it.jiii iiui ilium. 1 not ropeLhiiu. -"LI taking hor hand. wnnt to toll you that f lovo vou vorvl you," ho answered, tho bovtshllaW-j Yud that posfiblyjl lr. Arnohlinay growing suiiuiMiiyiirm. - jisk nor who uiu nur up.,oO,ij;iiueny, , I fcrt'W1tr,IocneHdrT)nrtn,f? oltt 1 latPghcd, iu a mo'eking way. I Imnil with n. ltttln Blmrii. rinint- mxililrti TllO llltsll deCDUtluH fo .CcaVlot Ou'tflO "Wait and let mo toll von. You do fallow eheek, buti'tlierows ho rply. not love mo I mean yot't dortiot'loo A liltlo hurpri.-ed look crossed' Stella's '. Misa . your ilStjli. land much, dear little girl, and ? cannok-orinId BtcITa sankj into lit a littio giddy bo nnvthiiij? to 1110. iin-. 1 "am will in a- from coming so siuTdenly into tho ,lu should marry him if lie can mtiko w n ,-.... -....-....... .her nappior tnan-i l. lido not ileol J fi Li ":, yuoi:"A4s,r, VJ'?! lyjtvlthfJiitar.nSllkijSiiajfnnil lfhW( KrsJ7iirfb6o,iMiJho fliai w hbik lifoaltVaivJaSVLtmVfwalkel oWa-MiferoItf tnlsMihiug iti.' ailg Jtuow fancy than I can over bo. "Victor." she criodf vyith smttW in tonso passion HamiiigMir her eyes' aid' cheeks. " could not sav that. I Should hnlf t)io,ppivous who caiye Jio- twoeii mo and my love. I should hato itheni so that I should nover want to look in their facos.or hear even their nauios. if I l,cotdd Jielp its. 1 -could novor, never. 4i!ioYari?iorgircatlibiu s0 ionjy ag t v liv- rodrrlioLV not 'if it wore a thousaiupl ' ycnrlPU , - r ,, ... -. .,.. ,. ? IK S .... .,.,it . - rv e 1 s.3 5. ,:.s -." sm . 'f ' "r" p. . ..' " Mio'pausou.-jianitng nml breathless, I boiiii- pauerus ior ussmuiuiuru. oumu f,jthilo tho firo died slowlv out of lyjr , embrojilery patterns that-r" ,funco, 10 iving it winre, aimo-it, as thpligh1' 7"i"W say HlfMPli,iynW,uul " 'Ffliowasdoqd. IIi-nwiei-bhhlinndckM-'qouJhn('S!$' he criell, Mdf 'ftbgry and Uiguwavociuu JltUu -iUnp-tiiurm-4hnfc .uiiu-4auguuig-.-'-- - hvy uv.luv - - t t, ,ulM AHheivrMontfoixl-it-was wlioj "YoiiBoJf WiT ftrtotatTnUTallltC,1' ,sbnt-mo! StoHtftUhlorhipfoil. omom-1 "slio sab!, ksmillng' MiitlylTvisin m Mwnug thoV gooxl 'wotd':' shl liad-Wj! nioro 3iko you, becjiusi' vouarajso n,uch wdvfed to spoakf,'iiIq,f sister, Misa" aho boitm., But ondIoostVit makofotio's 1 jfeinnlc'TonionstritcdiJ a'hd- beggoddioV self, sorho is to blariic?c'Biitabout thl? ("to wait till' to-mptfrow; 'lt Mlas Mont j)thor',intter: No, I don't think It ford isn't used to t-vfaUingii Tiijs ftirti 'would lw best for vou or mc. f think -whiolt Misd' Fnnnio wrntmetrnio'' in.ao: u. nu uQiuir., mi ontuioosn't makyfoho.s ayo had iriuoh b.itter !e httitilsi than, 1 .-..X.l .. ' . ilk llIW7nMWH xLwm "MJ amvarbYly Jyouriricodt-rcoHwUlijit ypupg ladf WW3 JH? long as JLJIyc, lie said, gently; Uuit,iuatujiLM.ontfoMJlouse,iis formerly. as roleased hor jiui Jii: a ,rneoiiuTysnis maltl, Joi" som riiCrroij w1" nEJi'iJJi. boked fit him W i'asscd. 'M,-,,l jii mia -. i iomriKMk Stollfa's-tcIniviemiWVditlhMd toi . ivi i ujii iuu.-iHiii,iuuriiiu' h rniT 'HIM t.. ..i,.i.fl,...ii.f.rL,ir.1 .- -btt jusi niKvn Her brush, ip paiid whlln -Mr. Mont0.eliu,)v),1iitqtho.rpoin,1o(ik jijg a Uttlbvijphs5i0iijit)e-itc'd. JTq, walked acros thi roiniv and Uhen fame' '"VtelinMsBlJlfcySf y Victor lovora?"Mio naliod, ubHi'p i nml ou iptjy. "No sir, wo aro not: what mailo you Ink (.nPH J think so? .. . Y ittliinksd. I told him niidft't bollovo'll, ' ho gricd, ex ult inirlvf his irood humor restored, MJtit JJoVrioa always knows a doucod utrvlil ixofi (l.r... n....lwl nlcn " .'Xottr sou anil I are very good ainu tuuiu ifiiiiii iunuuut uiav riends, hut wo aro riot, nor never shall iHJverr You cat ask him, if you JouBt,my-,word," slie replied, quiotly, .struggling to ovorcomo tho intonso feel ing of hatred growing every tnomontJ nioro and more hitter toward this De Vrics. 1 ! I i "Slblibt Vout--1 wordl 1 sliotlld liko to catch myself doing that. You see Vic tor is only a boy yet, Miss Slolla nob old enough to think of marrying yet t mcati,of opnrso Joraniauj girjp etui mar ry tw'carly.as tliy'gpt n.chnnco niiiio (fou't seom lo got any," ho laughcdas he turned to go down stalre again. , It was tyo or throe dfty after this, and aftdr a s'rtrt of fictitious peilco had been rosloretl between Stella and Miss Mont ford and DoVrics, whom sho no- tfnnit(ilwn.vn wnrkml in liiirmcinv. tJmt. Miss Montford asked her to go dowy to Mr. Arnold's for sonio embroidery pat- tgtnslwh'ich Dlancho had promised to send down, but hud tieirluutod. Sho waitd( tficm thaunlfcht nndi kor fattier nml DdVries .woraattny witfc-flio hoiiso, iiadiWcroiobuxpfieU'd honib ttill k.o- Jncr. Victor was out miming f f urOuse ivitli throo.or fourother y Juid there roftllYsco'tn'Al nc ottng men, no one to tro wai-nt Hbttrty,1 savo Stella. Tho ;'i. .. .-.I -. ijir-i-.. ..p.. ii girl did not answer readily wheji Miss Aionuom proposed it, but sho miuio no objection, and presently came down equipped for tho walk. Pnlrn mv linn Kfnlln Itirt wltwl la sharj) across tho j)rairje," Fputno t-nid, tainting to her fur box. " I thinlc it is going to!snow. Why not Wait till to- .....u .... ..w.., .J......, w.v, ....... ... goitig to snow. Why i morrow, Aitncaf" "Simply because T want thorn to day," sho replied, haughtily. "I don't HiiasHno tl few Hakes Of BiibW would htirE Mien Wake ovon if it should enow, which is not at all prqhahlc. I slipuld think you thought sho was niado of sugar, slier added, Vsnccringly, as Katuiio Avrapped tho soft, rioh tur about Stella's 'nock, and pinned the littio priiuSon hood over1 lior nivvs piirnfiilK- 1 7 .--I- I "I . I. 11 1 uiiji'iieniii nur sauow 4 .Vml Hi,. 1 face, and she whispered under her breath as sho went out of the door: '(I'lrJtaKo care that ho shull know, if that fs tlio way it is." u wns, someUung like a mile to iIr. A'fnold's'. perhaps nearer a milo and a luilt. btollji liad.bcn pastj.heijpjtwicc, and knew tho hduso aniltho way? pcr- ivuiiy. puusuipuituijiu fapjii wuik, lor v. - ..j&:. r-i.iicw.x :.jai. ;.. smooth, Th ay-white tltat betokens snow, ion t &, and the thought of being eaughout n tao blglit' and' storm was not pldasant. It was near four o clock when she sot ai;.o,v ytaiKiug iasi- suo coum uo muo more tlion get back by dark, tho night cnjua.dnwn so early h those lato kovom- bor days: lUwa 'just 'hnlf past four wlton sho rang tho bell at Tom Arnold's pretty cottage. Mr. Aiyiold himself ""V?,?"1,1 h, ... . , . .,. " J1) JllSs "1'dro!" ho said 111 a sort V '"W wirpnM, vouiyiu,Tiiiiu,'' ?f I,"l5 8iirpribo.Vcomoin,rohUd1 JM!d H "rrioa Uui ittq y.Q 5.n.pg-ropm )vhort4,Sa!' )? ? toij?usopd:flro, m nn "1UU hio-placo. - A roimd-facud,.blaolvPyod littio wom- P" s"f 0,1i Q4 directly 111 front of it, , m warmth. Jt is Mr. lontford's girl,- Miss on sonic toousn woniuis errand, ill warrau. nGeLhor. faqmotbiiig nico and Jhotj) MiUlInngbed, figliV olV. ' ' Tom Arnold gavo tlio 11 ro a poko as ho sto)j)e,d speaking, which scut the sparks up tho chimney in a soft,' crimson showor, . 1, '"Aren't you most chilled to death, poor child? ,WV vPur ohgekajare pur- no" ho l'xc nmii'd. S f f I found tlio wind vorv, Onttipg, land m.' Vtwf$r fW . 1 is beginning to stiow. 'carefully, keptnic irora .miffcl-fj 'fng.'f f "X4- I,- t " A,sdnsiblo '-"girl that 'x'anldd suirerx dnsible cirl that xiinhlo Mont- foi'd.d always said so," ho iidrruptcd. . v.'itirtii6tttbnr?(Ttnriu5rn.r7ns HMbfe-W IIOI'IWJP io or some iiiUX&E'tM JEXt rl-to ujWJ muj 1UJUU, HIIO uiou'ru t nurdiVff now and thtii a lii 1't !&iniiag IhrbugliV itht-hlck st jJthick stqrin, JftpMifV wrpmv lasing r ifw altolethiOIil j2 -.$ Uj lho wininneieiisi'il moiireiitariljvana nor qi the storm irrew thickor and thioKor. It boomed to her that sho had traveled far K "J til nlf 'RrtH Hi cueoK JW:()ld ipo&7g(K tnit uio iwiiurni pdniohow shut dPWunU.ntiMWP,.nu-Uu'.i .-,.t..ll. I...IIIL..1 ..!.. .i JU.lVf.."..n -in.-.)') ilnublod . ufwrf ioir,niliw1ja tie snow in her faofa till Jshb'. iwafc.noarJy blinded: Aud'thbnlib darlt itu'grov! She cotud hui'(llv.Muotlmr(Mul. :uiu onlv. " tr enough to bo near Montford Houso. Sho stopped, bracing-horsolf against tho wind as well as sho could, and tried to peer through tlio storm and darkness. But to her alarm no light wan visiblO anywhere .so dnr, as 'j-ho cpidd see not even the. 'faintest and most ghostly ghmtitpr of light 4 b J A Hildden wild terror took possession of lier, robbing, hor of strength and codrago. 'Supposo' slib'wns lost oii tho nrttlriol To7 bo iro'Mt' wa$f not'fal (5 a hoilso aiiyWlioro itlong thero", but Blfo dould seO such n little way, rihdash6 had turned round and found, tryitig tffiifd H night, -until slio lfad ho'Idea which way tb gbi A numb BbVfof feclijlg rict'mbdl to bo getting possession of' hoV faottlticS, It was not only an effort to move, but tho dcBirotto movo8ccmbdn.? torpid and numb as- tho tlimbs. thomHolVest Wits sho congealing,, body and brain? Shb asked hersolfy this qiicBtion in ti dull, drowsy -jvay.it With iu powerful olloft sho forced liersclf to Jook out onco more in -oare'h.pf aliglttj but itNvafoll tjiick, misto-white,nnd impenotrablo in every direction. Slio would sit down and rest, she thought, wsho wa' soi'titcd and 0, so plcepyl Myra AhdcrsohVas sctting'lho tabid for supporstopplng ovcry .fow'moincnls' to look out tho window Wd'HstarLThd steam rose in a whito cloltd from thd tca-ketlle,and l fitltiU ploosatit o'dor'of toa dlllusc'd itself thfougli tho room.' ' "'IrwlHiIlalphi' would dmito iPisid rcalWinter(Jtoi'm i hit- isidnly 'Novchi'bdr. You 'don't think thoro' is' any. 'danger-of his gottibg l)ewiIdcrodantllo9tdo'yol?, jslie asked, anxiously, shading hdroyoa jfrpm J4i light, and tiyingvtb ibok-'dowrt line rijiiu. "t j i "0 ' " jot i I p"l ihinkr Boss cah (ind.thc hvay hoino, (whoJhorhp,jcaii or,not, J.'d toistnhen' 'tlio tlarkcst night or in tho tliickest ston thaj,y9yev AvaBfprllmtK ifu ho only lets her Ijave iier own way -he'lli eotno out till right but L.wish-mysQWitHo" hid was here,' and Ben Anderson came .and flr.0'??! i0, ptcrcp'tMi A(hi4;oQud jhiiJiwJiMea mnd lossed itself a"bout in reckless (banton. While they stood therd, Woking and talking, thoro 'was a sudtlcif fiUt whirr of wliools tlirnugli thO'-ligli't. snow, and Bess." with a httlo del clitcd WlunriV dashed across tho lino of light wfiieh"' Btreamed out from tho window, and put jior stonming nostrils against the pnuo. Mrs. Anderson opened the door with' eagei' haste, but fell back in astonish ment at sight of llalph, with a limpdit tlq form, covered With a whito frosting of snow, cjas.ped firmly in his arms. i 'Got something 'quick, mothor," ho criod, as ho strode into ,tho room and deposited his burden on a JoungC. " The poor thing is quite unconscious. but her heart boats. 1 found hor about half way out ou tho prairie road, lying in a little heap just outsiilo the wheel r.uts. If llesslhadn't shiod I shouldn't liaYcscen her." All tho time ho was speaking he was hurriedly removing (he snowy gar ments, and his mother was, heating ilannqls. and Bpn Anderson, himself, for tlio first timo in his Hfb utterly 'un mindful of tho comfort of his favorite licss, who was testifying lifer disapprov al by impatiently pawing tlio show and Whinnying with all her niijht, was mix ing some brandy and hot water. "Bring the light, Ben. Boor child! I'wondor who slio is. iloro, llalph, lot me hold her head against my bosom whilo yod seo if yoii can got a littio of this hot brandv and water into her nionth." As sho spoko Mrs. Anderson lifted tho cold, unconsoiOus face to hor arms, and as slio did so, and the light fd.ll, full across it, Ralph uttered an ex clamation o. surprise. '"Qood'IIoaven! it is Stella Ulako! Don't you remember, mothor, the girl I told you about .who reminded me of Vi- "ola? How camo gho out in the storm, land' on tho prairio road?" j A. tow drons ot uio not iinuiu was forced botweon, tho pass'iyo lips, (lio hpj;, llannols wore, wrapped, about liio1encst1 and limbs, and (the lattur vigorously chafpd." But wilh tlio United oirpi-tB of,, tho three It was a good half. )oui; tyo'fq-.'p. tho g'irl showed any very dpcidfid signs of returning consCibuibes. 'Andivlieh sho Mid, tlio agony whii'b, racked t)ie ligltt' frame was pitiful -tb fico. H" Roomed almost cVuol to bring hur out of hoiv liai'inv lindonscibubncsd'" to such .fierce suffering. But the 8tr,ugglb,wns I shprt jt it was sharp,. and fho was foon abli( tb sit up and 'look about hor. She wasitstill it good deal 'Uowildtired' and thujro-atoS a wild, "startled 'look -in 'tho "eilt black oyes Bho'tunicd upon tliotn". But when they fell upon Ralph thoyt softened and m. faint smilo.pal"tyd tho' Jjps.ms with a little,. iii"voluntary."'riiolibn gho putoubihoK hand tOWards'-him.' .Ho to k tlio Httlo trembling iingdrs between his warm, linn palms. " ' , " You romomber mo, Miss DlakdP'.1 he1 ri , . . i -ii. j . .1 i . hSKOd, cagoriy, iooiiing. uowu-inio uuu face. ' 7 Yos, I remembor you," sho said, softly; a. faint rift of color comingdnto her face: " buL where -is this,' and how eanic I hero ?' -rw v tt " I found you lying in the snow by lho roadside, about half a- mile from "hero." t' i t t Oh, ves, I Yoraombor, Mi - ii, u.-, r,'1. sIiq uit uitor- C,niil ;!.. n shiidtlcr. "I silt ..ll.ilill, lli.il 1. strong. down 16 rqst. Oh, how1 .li'efco tW sVoVm- .r..Ql" r ' ' " Yes, it was tertiblo, and y6irsup po?o got bbwildercd and took tlio praino road instoad of -keeping 'straight on' which would havo ' taken you to Mont ford House. But I found you, fOrtu najoly, nnd took 'you homo with mo without stopping to ask your porniis slop," ho .added, laughing, "and you must be my guest to-night -por forco, wliether yoiiilikp it or not- ltatiior un gallant to servo a. lady iu Hub way, do you think?" . Sho smiled, but her oyes woro full of tears. TO UK CONTINUED. . "i Trofcssor iiacckcl's Life iu Ceylon My great resottrto' as an article of diet, was tho (fruit whioh abounded at every meal Noxt to tho bananas df every variety, of. which, I consumed several at every, meal. . mj standing dessert consisted ol mangoes. (Manqifer ra indica), egg-shaped green fruit, from throe to six inches long; their croam liko golden pulp lntf a faln't'bntf distinct aroma of turpentine. Tho fruit of tho pas3Jon-llower (jmtsiflOra)' as'vory pleasant to rav taste, 'reminding.niiot of tho goosoberry. I was loss pleased Atlnond squnmom, and with tho Indian almond, tho hard nut of tho Tcrminaliu cftfuppfi. M 'hprfltarq.HBingular.ly few ap ples and oranges in Coyfon.i tho 'latter remain green, and nro not juicy; but want of qnlUyjitionis ..doubtless ohiefly answerable for tlio inferiority, p this anil other fruits; tlio Siughaloio arc far too-easy-going to mako' any't prdgross in horticulture. Bo "rpsbod .with niyimod est repast, I emnloyed flic hoi hours of hiid-daj's-ifrom twelve! lb fburVorbck in anatomical or mjeroscdplo Work in making observations and drawings, and in the prusdrTfttiorTuftd storing of my collected objects. iTho evening hours,, from four to six o'clock, wore gen orally, occupied .With''-lsdm'b lovely country oxcui"8ion;,'sbmdt1meV I made a water-color sketch, somct mes 1 sought to-rfycrpctuate""'otie of the beautiful views, in photography. Now nntl then I shot apes and birds in lho woods, or collet ted nisqets and snails,. or hunted airbng- lho orjd iceF8 ofl the shforo, add?ngihanvcuriont pbjc'dts'lb my tollo tion. lliclily laden, 1 re turned to tlio Best Houso an hour or loss" before sdnstit, add' worked11 for an other liour.at) tho preservation' rind ar ransroment of mv specimens. At efaht o'clock my second chief meal, or din ner, waa.3orvoui Tno piac&.ucrcstst (Wc at this ,wns Jftgnindtho Jinovitablet icurry and rice, followed sometimes ' by (n lish or a crab, which I cnjo cd im- 'mpjwely, lantl UiotrbyJisotnm diBhfcom mospdjof .egga )or Weal, 'land "-finlshlng-again w'th dciicions fruit. ' t i Uho important question of "what to drink" seenied likqlyaUli'st to ) prove ii djiHcult oiic.t fl'SpoPnljntir)"' .drinking 'aler of the low lands ol jCovJon Xvu bonsiderod very liad and unwholesomo, iho highla.ndSj qn.tbq cpntnvrj!.' boing; riih ip spfingio'f1.tu'i puros,bind frpsh ost. water. The great rain wliich .'fall', daily on the island bring down a mass pf, niinoval and vegetab0.doposit into tho rivpr--, nnilohpistnguantii water ofc tlio lagoons is nof, unfr,oqueutlyinicojnr munication withiliem. It is not cus-ton-iry tto tUui; tlje. water,ynlpss bqiled or ihadoititp tea, or with, ;hio, addition of "claret or fYjiisky., My f rAond ,Seott. had given me aii abundant supply of tlio last-named bevo agd, but on' thc wholo I lound no drink so pleasant and . ro resiling, as we 1 as wliolesoihe,-a3. the fresh milk of the coroa-nut. My frugal dinnor at an end, I usually took a solitary walk omtlie shore, or do-" lighted my eyes with tho sight of thcil' lumination of tlio palm woods by myriads of iiro-llios and 'glow-worms.. Then I made a fow cntrios'ln mv note book or tried to read by tlfd Might of a-cocoa-nut oil lamp. rBut i iwas gener ally quite tired enough to go to bed soon after ninoo'clockj nftor"ranotlief carofdl shaking of tho clothes" fop tho expulsion:. of scorpions and millipeds. ' ' TJio great 'blaok scorpion (nenrlv foot long is so common in Ceylon that I onco collected half a dozen in the courso of au hour. Snakes exist also in grqat numbors. Slcndor i green treo-' snakqs hapg from almost every bough,'" and at pight tho grpat rat-snako (iC'drj phodon Jjfuijionbuchii) -bunts rats, an (13 np'co over tho roofs of tlio huts.i -Al- tl ough they aro harmless and their bitc n it jpoisonous, , it is" ',by no nmbans a' p casantgurpriso when1 one of these rat jSnakos, tivo cot' long,! suddenly drops ,tlirough a,'holo,in tho roof into' one's: room. occaBionallvialifhtintr on thn hnH lOn tho wiiolo, however," my nights itv BcUigimii.wore but littio disturbed by aiimivl intrudors,"althouglpr-was PfW"d' 1jqp.t,a,wulija by,tho howSngVof Mackalst and thai uncanny cry .'of tho 'Devitfbird Nn! kipd'oto,vl,iSH'ni?n Hntfrani) and 4" th'cr niglitib'rds.ii(3; ie j)DlhcrT:of the riittv litthi.tvnn.frno.r..vtiilnTiuilf tiinif dwelling in tlio. cups of iuj-ge 'flowers,. acfod rathoj' as a slumber song- Hut I Wijs, f-jr oftenei-jfiut, aAvakA-tbOAVhirU of-yiy, pw,n l-19Ug"ii,byHh05ireoolico-i " tion oLtJiPjyiy.ovppts.of tlpa-jt day,, r unjl the- amoiuaiqiifpf th;it yliuduvfaaii ' to cinc. 'A Vijliiini Bipobsiiiou (jf lovo- ly si cups, pf ,int6resLingobsftryatJons and varied experiences mingled in my brain With plans of fresh entqrpcise and. Lnew discoveries for tho morrow. Dtiutschc llundscluiu, U ' .' ' Ortloriiiir TwoC'onitif-'. tf On,Satucdav.morhinir last Mra. A.IJ.. - vans,. of TfiwqroGity.i Pa., died. Mr HiVU3, opgaii mafvipg nn'angemonte for the funeral of his wjfo, and visited 'the establishment of Undertaker Dreis- Igaokcr tp select, a collln. Tho under- takej: had pn,y .tvjo rpaskota-tm'handii both'Jpf rosewood. -Mr. Evans examined. tin) cAskels for a few, minutes-r, 'lfinally. pointing to one of theni, ho-saidi "That.-. one will do for my 'wife," and, laying h(ij hand on. tho otlior, "'JL'hiq, one foe ;flo. Ho then roturiicd homo to await- the arrval of. Ids. son Milton. Tho young man arrived bctwepn threo and foqr'o'clopk in .Ufo. afternoon. His fa ther Wet him' Willi, tlio intention of breaking as gently' as ppsjsfblo tho news of the mother's do;ith. ' Giasping his son by tho hand ho saidj "Your moth er is-- " Without ('ono)uling tho sontenco ho gavo a copvulsivo Bhuddor . and fell back ilcna.PhiludQlphiu Jlcc oril' K.il Tho laziost man on earth has been" found in tho central prison, at Toronto. Ho chopped off two fingers that ho might not be mado to work. K