"''HW-jWgl 3 "'t mm mwwtt' "n Tttgr--i"i;i wii jui' tuL'ifwmi wwMmn.'ivniL'v ;nr r ni'twi'i mm iiJ.'sanmnsiicnxrincaMiaaEXXQCJTrxauTK.vrantiiinr'MBwB' gattwgaimuv v wwajwimmmm ,-, v - i Trwfl . f Jt!J"J3L .. , i.-WjT,. ESTABLISHED"! UG3. 1 OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE. J 7 " "sg " VOL, 27, NO.' 20. - AUBURN. 'NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1882, t7JJUtt.V1L:.f.T'JX.-lmnr-ri-fma..-..rt.-. . ,.- i' i I " ' ' . . .. . SSBKSffiffiS99HHHHHHHii MfSjBv B ' "" y i (irntirn.tt iiujvvjLrraBHaBKOcxs jbt. i i MewdSmt Jib it1 ('tlV si H&kf -r-r :r- --'","""1niirasip3sina i'1'JiWj'nwn It IV SOUTH AUBURN BUSINESS CARDS. A RKW1UOHT CUKfcOtt, fL jewelers. HfiGIN, SPRINGFIELD ami WALTHAM WATCHCS. Houth Auburn, - . Nehrnskn. B. r wejjT m d PHYSICIAN ANDfsUIiGEON, s Houru auijuun.'nkh. -' OFFICE. Up Stairs, over AovtirmrR ufficc. flORNELL, G. V., " " " M ATTORNEY AT LAW, fc Uttlco Irie'ilodriroi ttrof Hlcclfqi.H Store. : 1 . . HOUTH AUHUUN, NEIt. . , 5. I 1 practice In hII (In) Com ih iiinl mtond to Collections, ' Wirf a ftmcKGb lomber"co!,'i M t? KJ Denlurn In -r- i t ! Luinuor, Paint, Llino ami Goal, Vi . I'jV'CH AUIiOltN. - KUUUAdKA. DILLON & CROAtf,. m ) L - lHulir 111 r v Drug, Book, btntionary. Paints. HMfs," dli8S, Clears, Etc. South Auburn ' k. Nebni'dot. VT)EVIN'& FISHER ,. DRY GOODS, OUOOKKIKSllAl'M, CAl'.S. -" 1100 I'M, HIIOK-. litf. '' ., ftoulh Aiiliuru, - , ' TsnbuiHku. 1 h WOOl). - - " J I NOTAslY PUBLIC,' , rAuJ LlrilituliiK, Klrt'iuul Wltul " ,r 1 ' lXSUANCKvAOnST. ynntli Auburn, .NuJj.. -T- 1 IU lD.'WALTZj" BAUHEH All kinds orToiiKONul work Uiu wllli nculticsh miiittii tli'ft liilist RtJ IcsTif t In art. .Slion HficoiuLUnor north of tlio HnliliWc. ,A- - - "-T-r rjjKO. IUECHERS, vL ' " - - . Iurilur In Clothing, Hnts, Cnpi, Jioots,, Shoes, nnl Quoouiiwttvo. Iluttor, liuKi ti'iil I'lomifti iiiUcniii uxcliiuiRC for gooilH. Soiilh Autiurn, KMintKkn. & W. TAIRIIROTHER, SR. NOTARY PUiJLIC, nttuiitlon to UoiivuymiihtK,S.i wall pnyntteiitlon to Oi)nveyiui'Uiii:.3l.iiiid I J Aminev buslniss mill luklnir DodonITIoiim, Hlnnlc DuedM MortKiicH, mid all norls ol flll.ivn ifi, llilllll, HOLDREGE HOUSE. Hpt HoiM In tlioflty. J TEU HUDDART, Proiirlotor? Flrht.clit-t Sample Houiiih, 'jJnoil Livery SinUli- mid Knod Aci'OiiunoilntlnnM.J XiUtb Auburn, - - NibrnHkfi. J I UTCHINS & ELLIOTT m ."ft:,-H:F l 1 A-f EENRY HARM, I'rojtilnldr CALVERT MEAT MARKET ' NU'ii, Stt'ytfroHi,.M eat nl ways oil,liiunl, nl Ri'iitoniiblu Hates, .outli Auburn", .... N'obraskiv. Hj: F. WERT & CO. Insurtiuoo & Collodion Agents, Spccjal attuntlou iven to leutlut; mid luiylnir mid hkIIIiik I-'m inn nmlclty pruporly V. O. lliilldlnf. South Aiilitirn, Xoh.' f INN & COOPER, - J J IK'alcrH 111 GRAIN & STOCK, Highest Murkut rlca paid for all UIihIs.oI (iralnanil Llvtj .Stock, Olllco ut tboulovator, .South Auburn, Neb. McGEE te MOORE. Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE, .SOUTH AUIllTUN, XKH. lIlKhc.st MarUi-t lVlt'ti paid for lliiltcr and i . ". ' rKifK-l anil Piodltro. ' MRST A H-lilCHARDSr ' ' Milliner and Drcssninkor, ,1'ull Stock ol Liullcs l''urnlslilii(;,"li(AdKnnd Kancy Notions. Second door Hon th of Dili. 'fyl.& Cnvni'Rilr(jslovo,8oulh Auburn, Nob. iKiICKELL & SHURTZ, 1 ' Dculcrt, In QrnGlasj;, Pnlnts, Oils, Stationery ".ami Wall Papor.1 J. .- SOUTH AUBURN, - - NKBU O "l. CLANCY, ' - Havdwaro, Stovoi, Tinwavo, A Iiuko mid Select Stock of cverytblnj; kept In u first class Immlwnm Htoie. -A kooiI rcpnlr Hbop In connection with tlie Ktoio. Two doors houth of Rlechcrs htoie, Houth Auburn, Nub. r1HOS RICHARDS. "" " T "REGULATOR," Denlor In BUOOIKS. WAGONS, nnd , -v AOl'ICULTUItAL IMPLK.MKNTS South Auburn, Nb. T7ILLIAM ROBETTS, "" proprltitor ' Roatanraut and Bahory, A flno stock of Oonfcctlon and Clirars. Worm inealfl at all livurN 2c, rirst door kciuth of Holdroo llotisn WILLING BROS, a JORDAN, ' ' Dcnlors In Harilwaio, Stovoa, Tinware Furni- tnro, Wooilonwaro, Eto. Special attention paid to Tin Hooflna mid Spouting. r-'outh Auburn, Nub. TUM. MATTHIESEN, ' ' v BlaolcxiulthiiiB. WAGON AND PARIUAG13 WORK Neatly mid promptly dono. No 21 Centre Avonuo, South Auburn, Nob. WILLIAM SHANKS." ' r Proprlotor Livory, Food and Salo Stablos. On Nerattha Stroqt, South of the Holdrege , Home, South Auburn, Nob" i i tk. M it;riculturnl-ImploiHoiU4it.-W,oiiK, Soiub 'ATlbuin " . "-"" NoliniMkn T W. KERNS' il i TTtrrrir v att Jm Ulll A3 .EEX.AJVfiA. . , 'g-jT!!"" W' !..? mw-lWZ ' ' ." North aml'South Auburn, Nth. P. W. .SA3IU1STJ3U.V. 1). J. W'OOH, JJnwkor, Cashier., Nemaha County Bank -' ub urn , Nehru sJca Docs a Gonera.1 Baiiliing; Business. JPuvtlctslar 5(Kniiosi W:j; en Collections. Monovloanodon JVo' 4 i LA IlJ Ki Li 1A A i - - - - - INTEREST PAID OWTIME DEPOSITS. This is the Oldest Bank and has tho ou'ly Time Look in tho Oity. I'.inii I.(i.iiu iiegotlati'il at Loir Halouf IntrniU. Exchange on all ju7s": of y. ,'. ami Elm rope. , r i-j j;; i ,aJik,0JY) oS)amAi9 SOUTH AUBURN, NEQR.,, Is now bpen and prepared to do a General 'llutilciny Dusiucss. jffl&(MtL&lgaa - .X-j - Ltmnvni T MONEY LOANED On' app'oved sccuritj, at a Rcasoni'bli Rate of Interest. EXCHANGE Bought and sold on the principal Cities of the United Sutesand Europe. JNO. L CARSON &. CO S. A'.'Osli'oni) NoVaky PunLic. U. X. Tjiyloi OsBoim & Taylor ATTORNEYS and ' Coonselors a! Law. Calvort l Broxvaville. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND, FED ERAL COUilTS. Special attention given to collections and sale of UKAL RSTATM. srra Nemaha Co., Web., lU'ing been recent!) Surveved and Plaited on SEC. 1, T. 5. R. i ,, In the Western part of NemehOiiuity, Ne braska oftem rare chanrcs for ' Commercial hhnnnnnxtyy SBCUI!OEIlti i WOTS -Z, pou cash on ox tijk. Apuiyno St A OSBOBN, roft'iivill, Johnsor.. or Calvert JOHN S. MTNTCK, CiCYHItlL Weiualia i M rlBri mm- JOHNSON mmm. Cit". KTob. NOftTH AUBURIi BUSINESS CARD. , ,, nSS' PICTURE OA1 I1ERY. V ' Noi'tU 'AutTi , Nol). C01'Y!N(i OLD 1'ICTUfttii A spkci ua. a r. i jw Oltloo- FllNilnorSoullijof q Auburn W. , rOSEY. EKEUMAN. i Plain nnil brinxinontul Pnintor ' Cbnlrni'lh tnkniwlili ftfFju)iU'rlnl litinlsbcd. I :SVork fruiirnntccd.-tfa I NOItTlfACHlTUN'. ' ril N'KII. j E HOTHEL, ' I'roijrlMr North Anhurn Blljlard Pnrlorit. kecpi u lll'noiftffijk of n o v lis. co s I--lie riiKjS ii re , ktc, II, M. GLASGOW,'" PirmM'lAX AXxJMSUllUEihW NORTH AUDURN, JM . NEHR a:t,Htrit!i'iico--C;fliWre lllook. HII, A. OPPERiMAN,"1 pii mirr.i i ANQMsniGuoy, 1'aj bcmi beafed in-NeTnalu Cuunty lm.e 1868. Strict attentirtn paUIm; all ACU Ft .iniI CHRONIC DISKASfiS.WfinKtlonj of the 'itidn paldm; all ACU IL .iniI EASES. v1ll!it!ona of the y0 dkilTjully TreMe.l, Ear and Ey BAitifu.hi cvci alwajlWi InnJ td'iQn .inn an ie or citiiir,jCjli at. tended 1 1 dnvor,2hii;ht 4 OFFICE-Noithww t. rliH&pourt mA Second iLubLm,J!!SL Mj'.n.nJ Streets, SHJMUOANUUNF.ll. aovi I - r-1- , t- . n 'T4"KL:!plCBl .int. rs .Mil I coin, i .tittrv'iiui, .IHI., will lk lit North AiiiMirti bu tlioflg 17th .and 10ih DayDocouibpj: wjipn nho will be piupiiiiiljffrciiiii rornis 01 t'iOdlM'ascs. HoiMicatlncui Ii a pctuia nunt ciito ror urniniliteiinjS't.' Inlx and all lorins nf luiltuiiiuittiDii ofunn nps, Couiii mid kih lur. ilie Ml iiNoJilcnil llmmiMll, tin lire ')lh Of IMrh IllOlltlltlV Surulcul opHiatlnnx will .bclporfonnod bv Ur. I). C. WlliMu.of Mnr yJlb?.. BR0WNV1LLE BUSINESS CARDS. II. 13 H ()j I) P . r- (J Al torney unit Ooihtsolor nl Ijrav, . uro'iiyiLNoi r i' ul n'l 1 ffil' 'J . A l"lOKN l: t'M AkW' A W. 0)lluvf County imlpe, lrnyiiy.nfy, Kcbiiiskii, 'I UOSS 'WITqHKRLY.jHp ' u -i tiropriwfiorjB TOTJSOTf.IAI, "KEJSORTj b'our ciiui, ii"c-ouii(islifiCyof iiniiii, hcfrt dye, hiwt Hiiiivi'N, liitilitiiiiuBKvfjlttlrfcuts, Nca roam. Woiu doiiu. iL?'iitMlir.-tuil minimi JLW&UUi'W&iy urnwirvuie', .T'n. , - 0irs JVOI I'.lV-ll, Homo, Siu, Cnvrlngo and Oiiifiinontnl Painter, BUOWNYII.Li:, .... Mill. wiiiHHti7.i;i in nii; u. n. iovki:nii:.vi a . t itional Bank x. 'i: oil ?Xi:0 VTlVVffKVIM, Paiit-np Vapitttl, Authorized " $f 0,000 300,000 IH I'UKI'AIU ' rpTUANHAUTA' fieneral Banking Businea uuy ASfUHliiiL 'JOIN & OURBEJNOY DRAPl'Js " nil ttvoyrliiulpul eltW ill H19 TJ7Jited Stafcos and Europe MO NICY LOA.VKD lln tipiirUVcilHemtrUt nnlv Time llrnltN itNciiinil 'it, and Hl'(Jul iiocoiniiiiHliil Iihik rmilnl to ileiiuili r. DeiiliTHln ftl l'MNMrNT IIONDS. STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES teoeheil pnvaMeon 1 .1 !! I I'i't r N' Kit K - C .1 owrilon ttniBCiirtUlciiMMoriliniHsH, If UKCTfltS. Wm T. Ueti, 11, M. Il.illei , M. llimillpy. Krunk K. .IiiIiQhoii, Uitttei Ho'tihiy Win, FrtalnT. .iOII.V I,. t3ARS().V, A. It. IA Viso v, (. iHhler. I'rnlilnnt. J, 0. Mi'NAitnilTov AHst'fiiliIcr.. Mill WW! MONEY SAVED! I will soil you a BETTER ORGAN!! in ovory rcupuct for 'S 8 5.0 0, Tlinn arc bolnj; sold in tills vicinity for 0100 and uiward.s. JAS. R. D1TE, Oinil .Vcinaliii f'ilj. BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Mndi) and repaired ns well iih ran bo done anywhoro, on idiort notice, mid VERY RUASOSAnLti TERMS. iem;ili;i City, Sclu P.P.STARIN, Oftsliiur, F Al'lll'HN, NIWKASKA, IS And oilers ll Services to tho Citizens of Auburn -AND - NEMAHA COUNTY, For (ho iraiiHitctloii of any Hmdiicss In tbn lino of "13 a ii k i n q- . Usb" Kntcicd Jt tlie pustollice at South Au bum, Nebraska, ji hfcond Class matter. REPUBLICAH TICKET. , , STATE. I-or tlovornnr - ' .Ia.mi s w. dawks; ol H.. line count. Kii" Lleutundiit Giivoinoi'. - v i ALBKItr W AU1SK. ,. , Ol limntlton county. ' Kdr SecrutnrV ot Mifito. " ' KDWJItl) P. 11OCIO10N, . ol Liiiicnvloi ciMiniy.i KorTroiiNiirfi'. ' ,i ' l.Ult-VN CLAItlC, , , it iioiiitii fiuuity. ' ' ' Kor Auditor. ' ' f '' t n i. .lOll.N WALLKIIiy, ,i ,' , ol Hall imuiiiy, , , f. KiirMtuiney-Ui'iiMiijI.' rr.' ii i. , iSAACl'rtW.IS.'jn, ' of imlt'olu cm) illy. l-'or'Suiit; of Public lnstThcilon.'. ,yt ' WILIiMM W. W..ONHS, i. ot Luiii'itntnr countj. j I'or Com. of p.ihliii IjauiIkuiuI ltiilldlnnu. .lLllKItT (I KftNUALL. ' Of lloWllIll ClilllllJ, H l-'oiU(ununl the ITnUerHllv.- - ' i;iiiui,KsSii.tii:iii, ., , i ,, . , oi.Luuvusi,-! 1,-mititi.. rf( ' 'congiIes&iOnal; .. . For t'onijressinAu, 1st ilUntf1. ".' ' A.JJ, WKW.KIl, ol ItichnttlMin L'ouno, ' , ,. ;l crxjrioiA.L. , Fur Olstijct Atloite.y Jiul .ludlclal Dhtrlet. .IINSK It sntdDJ, ' 01 Cuhh County. 'COATITuiSDWAJL AiMENVj WENT, Ko -i Mat piipOMH Auioildlneut In, Hie CoiimII lutloii lulatKiu to Urn nuhUof iutltmuu. ,. ' , L, cdTJ5sTT"i-. I" or Statu Si'iiKini ' J . .I.VUVlrtS. OlllJItUH,, of Ucdloid. ,, . , For IteprcNiiliitlvi'H flKORGiJ U.HIHiOi;, ' ot a xpi ii wall', ' JAMJA(GOOI). of Lnj iHyuito. Kof Coiltil OiiiiiiiIhj.oiht. 2d litrfcJ--MtA.MC UKDFKHN, T d London. i lAvwMlr m!irva llaistrntJTXuirusnrxxrfummia Lottor from Noaiaha Oity . ICditok AovKurkiHi: 1 tliink it a iiiiHlaUcn Idea tliat., tliu Dtijntmrals should lie coiniK.'lk-d to yol fyntticKct cut and tilled by (.jjc olllccits and stot,) lioltlerst f tliu Plist National liauk, Tom .Majors. Hill laily. Old gilvdwn niou (Dr. McCoinas), riraltou, Uioady, llackiu'y it Co. Mont, of Din Deiiiii- cram n.iini'.i aoovt; a lew short jcuta Hiiico Imltcd tho I'l'oplcfc' camlldatj'H for coiiulyollHTsanil votod tlitiaiwlil Republican lU-ktit, thuroliy ihM'cjitiii some of tiit best DuiuochiIk wo Iiavc in Liu county, for tliu Hiniplti rcanon that they could not control tho con vention that nominated thoin, lun tliis hi u horso of a dllTcsroiit eolrr, they eniitrolled this convention and piu their men in nomination awav from Hiowmllle in order that nevt fall, old Oil of (laliunou can nay to the dnar jn'ople that Hrownville had no candi dali'H last fall, therefore you miHtnoili in.ite Frank .lolinson lor Ire.isuiur and JuA Docker for clerk this fall. I should presume, that most of- the Independent Democrats would vote the Democrat ic state ticket and let the Hupobli cans litfhl over the county tiomiuaiiouH ny uiumseive.s. dkmoorat. It would materially .help the trade of South Auburn if a road w.w opened due eastward on Nemaha street to the highland on the east hide of the Xeiua ha, onwa.id to Smith Thompson'M. This of course would involve the build ngnf a bridge on tlinXcmaha. but the road Ih, or will be found ore longanecnirtit because of its coiivenienee to travel anil setllern on both sides of the Ne maha river. Our citizens .should et up a petition and make a vigorous moc in the matter. .In the ritieotrt of Kno.xville, Tenn., a few days ago. fen". .Iom. A. Malay, jr., a lawyer, and Tho.s. O'Connor, preii deut of a bank and reputed to be the wealthiest man in the state, fought with pistols anil all three ore killed. Tho Hepiiblleans of tho Oregon leg islature last week elected a Mr. Dolph V. S. .Senator. lie is a brilliant lawyer and president of a railroad, 0HAS.B.1J1X0N, Prosidout, M NEMAHA OITY LOOALS1,'. Beautiful October wratliOr. The fi(rnpl; not "behind with his woik" is gathering com. Krnyon Hkcen, wlio hot long ago re moved to Denver, doesn't like Denver, and has moved back. Tho mongrel ticket isn't carrvfng everything before it" not imcli. liven delegates that helped nominate, it. de nounce it as a "cut and dry" affair and Instead of being in the interest 6f ie forui and purity, in nol only inferior to the other ticket, but wan c.oncoi'vi(f,in iniquity mid thought forth in connip tion; ai.d la utterly unworthy tlio s'up )orl, of honest men, either Domocrats or Kcpulilicans, Leiu. (.'ummiugs fiom Auluirn has taken oipugo of tliu boaitllng house recently run by Jilnukntshlp. Don't let politics obliterate from the tablets of your memory thai TitnsuK: Willlainsaro now opening their fall stock of merchandise, and soil goods a little cheaper than anybody else. Times.' Walter Ilatlloe'k bought' n barrel McCornilek potatoes last spring, and raised from thorn lis buslfets of lino, largo pdatoes, and it wasn't it good year for potatoes, either. -Tho MK'oruiick s said to be up exftdlPnt late potato. A daughter and gniud-dstnglitcr' ''of Dr. (Vim's, from I'rorla, III., has 'bffen visiting him I'or'it ti'ek or o. ' n Mr. t'hailea Weltoit'aild Mrss .lonijie llarns, daughter of tltp old ucltlp't;, Xlr. .John llarns, weie uhltifd Ih' U'dltek on tho 2.IU1 ult. Wo wish (Ho y.oiyig husband and wife happiness and ltros perily. Tlie itinerant pliotogrnpli(ji is iu town. , ',, fJ. Tho mad on tho bottom west of 4luo bridgu at the XemaJiU mill, is b.e,(vig greatly improved. .A' iJendor has nmployed an oxuerloiicjcd cleik. in his dug, store. r, On to Ueiider'H for , our drugs, lntjdl clne.s and' anything kept In u drug store , ,''.- f. Nenuilia i.s Hleadily improving. Operations on HoovdiV tilot'l; hiivo been r,usivudcd until next spring, 'i'ho nnitn string lioing pnllodhero by the lusloiilHts i.vtlio tomparanoo qnos tlon, andso wo believe it is all over the county. It is not tho "Uowo tick et" now nearly no niheh as U5""tem Iteraiieo ticket." The prejudices lit' evvry one at all opposed to tho preva lence of temperance, is being appealed to. "riio disgusting fcathrdpf Oio null- who have harped fill thtjir llvroTr.UMV theme of toiujier'anco, urn iio',propb.s lnC to vote fiiHJoii, apd agaiiust the tle cenl temperunee men oh tho Reptiljli cau ticket, We are beginning to Ihiik that all lemneranco men are hypocrites, like Andy hkoon, and tlto tloetrjuuft a dolii.sjou apd a Hiiaie, ," A'o arc not so blinded by Varty pfftJ tnlice, or zeal I'or the tiiiijnph Of He publlcaii, pripciples, as mil io himj that the liepnblicait lickel is in .'great dan ger ol being defeated, We- culculato that Ihrwfoui'tlis of (he Domuuraiii' party, the united, well organized oppo sition to temperance and prohibition, combined with (he Uowo haters and temperance men lecreaut to'their pro fessions, will vote against tlie Kepubli can ticket This makes n combination m formidable as to make Republican success doubtful. Uepublicans aiul 8(pnue men of all purtjes'vwlio would piefertoseo men of good ipiJnoiples jilnced in positions to s'ctvh tho people had better see the situation as It tx ists, and act aecoidlngly, U'e beliee that there are enough -of such in Ne maha eountv to rebuke the rayalltv iibotit to be foisted on the people,' bht will they do it? The mutter is in their hands. Tlh'y can sleep on. their posts: thfiy can let' the cane go by default; they can stay away from the polls; mat in various ways help the "ncniy". Jliit we hope every friend of open and fair iniil-day instead of mid-night politics. will see am! feel tlpi importance of diligence and elVectivo woik until tho polls am closed Tuesday oening. Without this; unless appearances a in risiv uorcpuve, too (iirtiesi coiniumi lions that ever played a pait iii Nema ha county, will trample upon virtue decency and good order. Missouri justice reached a truly IiIk 1 1 ionic climax at independence tlie other day. A strolling theatrical com puny 'Was brought by tho sheriff of Jackson county lie fore his august maj esty, Frank James, and played for bis delectation "Tho Hanker' Daughter." Tho audience expressed himself as very well pleased with tliu entertain n on'. Onco Senator lugalls, of, Kansas, bothered Senator Logan bv repeatedlj moving amendments to one of Mm let ter's bills, Logan, becoming e.xaspoi ulsd, said: "I believo the Senator would amend the Lord's I'raver." "Certainly," retorted rngalls, "I move to amend after tho word 'In cad' a whole bill of fare." he Independent party, my boy. is party that got scooped in tho you- i0U,lf(lwf,'l.'i('. the ven &SM9vjljkj !. .U. ') , M if ' I . ( j. .i .t .iV't" 'vitf ,!