V tJ 'ft . t u U I Dup ". aa3Hfcaij.JJ.JMaiii"iiiii inim imjuim jL.i.ujjiim;iM..;Bc 253 ESTABLISHED 1850. I AUBURN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1882, VOL. 27, NO, 16. OLDEST PAPER IN THE 8TATE E.J gTTTXTtr-iw.ianr . . r u j tx.'jij . i ujt.iw w if tfre-...Li-Mtf4?wMliy uwius !.i 'pre-r rr-r-w w wrrrj fl" -1 ,' ' nwt.s'mi'J'Li.mi.Kwiii'Jiuiu'ii'iM.Hi'iiLiLMMiLiawi.miiiiiiiMin n!-iyf iiibni'H tmiimmtmg...waa torn nti ui:.v-iJULL.:mtJ..t".:,i '. i : J ..om-Ai JJjjxuLJiATT:yjtriaLa'jLaz.'atiaiJUjuai t.-uim-tsMiagggmA Jjjj.a3ttrsaasxn'aaaarg' J't7nsHklBnBlfliraH9lt!K f A. At .A.- a. e EJKSi5- V Jfe- (ffebrmiw 0lvmim- SOUTH AUBURN BUSINESS CARDS. A RK. WRIGHT fe COR.ON, "- JEWELERS, nr.aiN, rpkinofieu) ami waltham WATCHES. Bouth Auburn, ... Nobrnskn. T3 F. WEST. M D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SOUTH AUHUKN, NKII. OFFICE. Up Stairs, over Ahvirtiich office. nORNEI.L, G. W., W ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllco ono door north of ltlccliorM atorc. SOUTH AUHUKN, NEH. Wtll prnctleo tu nil llio Courts and nttond to collections,' pHlCAGO LUMBER CO., J Dealers In Lumber, Paint, Limo nml Coal, SOUTH AUHUKN, - NEHKAS1CA. DILLON & CROAN, Dealers In Drugs, Boolcs, Stntiouory, Paiuts. Oils, Glass, Clears, Etc. South Auburn - Nobrnslcn. DEVIN & FISHER Gmiornl Morolinmlislug. DHY GOODS, GKOCEKIES, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, Etc. South Auburn, - - Nebraska. JVJ. WOOD. - , NOTARY PUBLIC, And LlghtuliiK, Flronnd Wlutl IN.SUKANOE AGENT. South Auburn, Nob. ,T?D. W.ALTZ, . -W BARBER All kinds of Toimorlul work dono with neatness nnd In tho lntest stjlesof till) int. Hhop second door north of tho Iloldrcgo. GEO. RIECHERS, Donler In Clotliiug, Hats, Crjm, Boots, Shoos, and Quoimswnro. Butter, Ecgs nnd Produce tuljonln exchange for goods. South Auburn, ... Nebraska. G. W. FAIRBROTHER, SR. NOTARY PUBLIC, Will pay attention to Conveyancing, Land Agonoy business and Inking Depositions. Uliink Deeds Mortgages, nnd till sorts or blanks on baud, HOLDREGE HOUSeT Hest Hotel In tho City. TEU HUDDART..ProMriotor.J Tl-u t .nlnuu .Kin tSV ttTfrl frtttTTIjlkw Jri.vllSr4 '! iraUbloTniuruooilvcwininoUntloiiMVW South Auburn, - -' Nebraska, HUTCHINS & ELLIOTT. Dealers In Agricultural Iniploinonts, Wn(;ons, Carriages Etc South Auburn, - - Nebraska. HENRV HARM, Proprietor CALVERT MEAT MARKET, Nlco, Sweet, Fresh .Meat always on band, at Kcasoniihla Hates. South Auburn, .... Nebraska. ru F. WERT k CO. Insurance & Collection Agents. Spoolnl attention til veil to renting and buying and selling Kawns andclty property. P. O. Ilullding, South Auburn, Neb. LINN & COOPER, Dealers In GRAIN & STOCK, Highest Market price paid for. all kinds of Grata nnd Ltvo Stock. Olllco at the elevator. South Auburn, Nob. "TcGEE & MOORE. ' l'-I Dealers In GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SOUTH AUHUKN, NEII. Highest Market Price paid for Huttor and Egggs nnd Produeo. M KS. A. H. RICHARDS, -l-'-L Milllnor nntl Drossmalcor, Full Stock ol Ladles Furnishing Goods and Fancy Notions. Second door South of Dill on it Oroan's drug storo, South Auburn, Nob. NICKELL & SHURTZ, " Dealors In Drugs, Glass, Paints, Oils, Stationary and Wall Papor. SOUTH AUHUKN, - - NE1HL "O n. CLANCY, - Hartlwaro, Stoves, Tinwaro, A 'largo and Solect Stock of everything kept In a llrst-chiss harrdwaro storo. A good repair shop In connection with tho stoie. Two doors south of Klechers store, South Auburn, Nob. rrH0S RICHARDS. J- "REGULATOR," Dealer In HUGCJIES. WAGONS, and AG 1MCULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS. South Auburn, Nob. WILLIAM ROUETTsT ' proprietor Rontaurnnt and Balcory, A lino stock of Confections and Cigars. Warm meals nt all hours 2oo. First door south of Holdrego House WILLING BROS. A JORDAN, Dealers In Hardwaio, Stoves, Tinwaro Furni turo, WoodonirHro, Etc, Speclnl attention paid to Tin Hoofing nnd rapuuiHig. .ouiii Auinirn, on. TUM. MATTHIESEN, " " '" " ' v BlaoltsmltliliiK. WAGON AND CAKKIACJE WOKIC Netly and promptly dono. No 2J Ccntro Avonuo, South Auburn, Nob, ya LMAM SHANKS. ' Proprietor Livory, Food and Snlo Stnlilos. On Neinnlm Htreot, South of tho JlaiaroBO Hotiso, South Auburn, Nob T W. KERNS' 0 LUMBER YARD, ' """' t "iiil?iW."W'il'i!iiUl i ' " " Nutth and South Auburn, Neb. F. W. SAMUELsON, Bankor. J). J. rOOD, Cashier. Nemaha County Bank Auburn, NcbrusL'ti. -- v. s- -W Docs a General Banking; Business. JPttrficular Jfl ten I ion $av cn Collections Monov Loaned on Approv ed Security. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. This is tho Oldest Bank nnd has the only Time Look in tho Oity. 1'n nil Tonus neot ifited nt I,o K.ito or Jnterest . MixcUangc on tell ptirtu ot ?. S. ttml Elnroite. T 1-1 E Q i oJA&iy) ajuyiQ SOUTH AUBURN, NEBR., jIinowAppcn aniLg Iinowitp'Pen.an,aprepareJittoJJofaitGeri king Business. AMPLE GAP TAX.- MONEY LOANED On approved security, at a Rcaconable Rate of Interest. EXCHANGE Uought and sold on the principal Cities of the United States anil. Europe. JNO. L. CARSON .t CO. S. A. Oslinrn, (j. V. Tnylni Notary Puulic. Osboin & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and counselors aJ Law. Calvort hm'1 JBrownvillo. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED- ERAL COUBTS. I Special attention given to collections and sale of HTSALi KSTATJ3. Notice to farmers Tho undersigned has for salo tho NORWEGIAN PLOWS! ."Harrows CULTIVATORS, Well known to bo tho best, which ho will soil cheaper than tho cheapest. Farmers, Call and See, B. OTTENS. MONEY SAVED! I will soil you :i BETTER ORGAN!! in every rospeet for $ 8 5.0 0, Than arc boing Bold in this vicinity for $100 and upwards. JAS. R. DYE, OmO Nemalia Pity. rv, imf HI L' lA ,m, ,'i jj 9 BOOTS, SHOES, anu nAriHi. Mndo and repaired ns well ns enn ho dono nnywhoro, on short notice, and VERY UKASONAUjK TERMS. IVcmulia C'ltj', icl)r. tin n 1 nmnrr NORTH AUBURN BUSINESS CARD. POSEY FREEMAN, Plain and Ornamental Palntor. Contracts taken with all material furulshed. ir-Wnrlt guarnnleod.-VDa NORTH AUHUKN, - NEH. J t 11, iiui iii.i . proprietor i. lr'l'lILt North Auburn Billiard Parlors, keeps u ulen stock of OIGAHS, CONFECTIONS ETC., ETC. f M. IJOAL, M. D. 1 PHYSICIAN AND fyfltGEON, North Auburn, Neb. OFFICE- AtHesldence. 12yl T M. GLASGOW, PHYSICIAN AND SUliOICON, NORTH AU11URN, 2 ' - NEUR "ilesitleiico Gilinofo's Dlock. - 1) R. A. OPPERMAN, PIY6ICIAN AND SUliOIWN, Has been located in Ncmalia County since 186S. Strict attention paid to aM ACUTE asd CHRONIC DISEASES. Afllictlons of the Ear and Eye skiufuiiySrreated, JBSyArtificial eyes always on hand to-J Suit any size or color. Calls at tended to day or night OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. m RESIDENCE Southwest corncjjjMain and ad Streets, SHERIDAN. NEB. soyi " TAKfc" NOTICE V Mrs. E. Monahan, of MaryvlTle, Mo., will bout North Auburn on the JT! 17th and 10th Days of Ootobor. when sho will be prepared to trout all forms of eye diseases. Her treatments a perma nent cure lor urtuiulated '.Ci5llds and nil forms of InllatniniUlon of thoyes. Como nnilseober. Him will nlso bo atVltrownvllle on the I'ltU of each month. K Surgical nporullnni will bo parformed by Dr. D. C. Wilson. of Mnry vilUwjft, BROWNVILLE BUSINEsJARDS. f H. J It 0 An Y , J& - lirownviiiu.'ion T S. S T ULL, 0. ATTOIlNICi'S AT, Olllco o'f County Jjiilco, Jirosvriv Ml4i4MMMHMMMRfamMi4'Wi T ROSS WITCHERLY, J , proprietor TONSORIAL RESORTj Knurehulrs, necoiiiplshed workmen, best dye, best shaves, inshlonublo bnlrnuls, sea foam. Work tlono promptly and guaran tied to satlsfv. Flrsldoor westol post-ollloo, Hrownvllle, Neb. QAM RICH, Houso, Sign, Carrlnfjo nnd Orunmontal Palntor, HKOWNVILLE. ..... NEH. Private Diseases. Persons desiring the popular prescription of the late Dr. Jonas Crane, for Venereal Diseases, can have the same filled hy calling upon JDi'. Alfred Crane, at his residence, Brownvillc, Nebr. 6-15 VUTIKIItl.KD HY THK U. S. (IHYIMLNJIFNT 73 OK nit o w pviLii isi X'nifl-nt Vtiital, 0 0,000 500,000 Authorised a IS IMlKlWKii'JTO TItANHAOT Al fleneral Banking Businea. IJUY ANDHKLIi COIN & 0DEREN0Y' DRAFTS n all tlirt prlncliml cltlo.t of tlip United States and Europe MONEY jl.oan.ri: On iipirovc(l security only. Time Urnfti itbicoiiiit d, unit special iicciiiiinioiliitloiiHKrniitfil to iluixinlt rs. Donlersln (lOVKKNJIKNT 1IONDH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES 3D333POSITS IU'chIvhcI pnralilooMlHiiiwi't unit fNTKUKST a owed on time ujrtillculti of deposit. rnUF.OTOHH Win. T. Den, 11. M. Hnlley, Sf.A Jtamlloy, l-'ruuk 1 Win. I'ralslier. JoIiiihoii, l.iitlinr ltd nil ley .10ILN Ii. OAHSOX, A. It. DA VISOV, Cusliler. J, C. McVAiKHnov, .AHHt'CiiHliler., i'resldont. JOHN'S. MWICK, Homahn Cit, K"I). PIMPLES! I will mnll ffree) tho Ywelpe for n slrnplo Veijetalilt H.nlin that will remove tan, frock les, pimples and blotches, leaving tho l(ln sol), clear nnd honutirul; also Instructions for pjoduolui; a luxuriant growth of hair on n bald head or smooth face. Address liinhu- Inc il"' stamp, lion. VaudelfitCo., Yi llarclay I btreet, N, V, Jfef WAAV. i!jWl5ijriwkrt., ux. jmHurrrr. '" 11 rj 1 r En E MrstnaionaibanK j P.P.STARIN, Oashior. AUHUKN, MiUUASKAj hi And otrors Its Services to tho Citizens of Auburn -AND NEMAHA COUNTY, For the transaction of any HuhIiicss In tho lino of .13 a 11 kin a. Vk8" Entered at the postollicc at South Au burn, Nebraska, as Second Class matter. REPXJ3LICAN TICKET. CONGRESSIONAL. For Congressman, 1st district, A.J. WEAVEK, of Klelmrdson County. JUDICIAL. For District Attorney id Judicial dlstrlct J. 11. ST KOI 1 ft, Of Cass County. aorj3srT-5c-. For Statu Senaioi JAKY1SS.0HUK0H, of Hedford. For Hoprosntatlvos GEO. K, SHOOK, ' ol Asplnwull, JACOIJGOOD, of Luyluyotto. Eor County Cominlsslonor'Jd District FKAN1CKEDFEKN, of Loudon. North Aubaru Nowa. HiMissVAfnnio"-Wrthiiig, a pretty young lady ol HrowiiYllle, is in life city tho guest of Miss liihbie itogeis. 1'rof. Clias. E. Waile, of the Hank of Auburn, went to Tcctitnseh last Sun day who can guess, wo can't. Miss Ida lioal, sister of our popular physician, Dr. V. M. Hoal, is still in town and having a very pleasant visit with tho .Doctor and his lady. Mrs. II. J. F. Wert was in town tho other day. She thinks North Auburn is Just a nice place. , Miss Stella Iluddart, of South Au burn, was in town Saturday. Thoro was a lively nine hero lust Saturday. A game of ball and a shoot ing match were tho chief attractions. Phil. Starln and W. A. liberty did some pretty line shooting, but -lint Den, of lhownville, walked oil" with tho "slap jack." Jim Brown will begin plastering tho "Talmago" this week, Jt is a largo piece of work ami Jim will have his hands full. David Campbell is still dishing up tho wagons at a lively rate. John C. Tommy, a prosperous and thriving farmer of Bedford, was in town Saturday. .Miss Anna Maley brought us in a dozen of the most delicious pears wo ever saw last week, i hoy were raised on Mr. Maley's faun just north of town. A motion is being put 011 foot to put in another windmill near B. II. Villi's store. Miss Stella S'.ephonson is away from homo visiting, but will return in a short time. Mr. J. II. llaird of the "Taluiage." informs us that the building will bo completed and ready for occupancy by November lht. The building known as Morgan's "block" is soon to bo moved up to ('mi tral avenue abd converted into a hotel. tleo. W. Kairbrothor, of the Advek tisek, camo over to North Auburn Saturday to see tho games and to have fun. I'osoy Freoman is going to paint the "Talmago," Jim Brown is going to plas- tor It, and we uiideistnnd that Ted. Iluddart if going to run it, Nearly all tho farmers liavo threshed their grain and aie bringing it to town for sale. Wheat was a good crop this year in most places. Several farmers in this vicinity liavo more than 1,000 bushels each. I'eachos and pears will soon bo out of market, watermelons too, aro be coming pretty scarce. it. J. (arrot is now in charge of Jim Jlothol's billiard parlor and Is working up a good trude. Kerns is getting in lots of lumber in anticipation of a lively fall trade. J. II. Baird wants to put up anothor "Talmago" at Table Hock. Ho went to that place Monday to complete tho negotiations. The fall term of our school began last Monday with Miss Ord ami Dora Sk'illm'Mi as t'jaehors. The school OHAS.D, NIXON, Prosidont, CM OF MfBU, oponoil with a fair uuinbor of si'liolara. Artlim V. NValsli and bis aitl-do-eamp, Miko Jlrunnau, jiasRutt lln-oiiglt town Monday moTiiIngiit 0:i", en route, for Hil. Snyder's jdaco where Arthur In Koing to do another nice Job ol' plus terlng. V. 0. V. Tho Nebraska Farmer -ifjlves t our (.audidato for oongres.s the following deserved ludoraeinont: , r Tho Fanmr is pleased .to anliouneo tho uoinlnation of .Judge A. J. Weaver for congressman, In tho ilrst district. Judge Weaver is a man known to every citizen of Nebraska; bo bus been among us for years, in fact took Hor ace (ireoloy's advice and catno west' wlillo young, to grow up with tho country. There is probably no man in Nebraska more l'ainillar witli tho wanta of our new state, than Jtulgu ' Weaver, and certainly none who will bo more preserving in our interests. .Indue Weaver litis made a good .Judge during tho many years ho lias tilled that ; mudt responsible position, and in noni- ' innliug him to the position of con giossmiiu is but a Just recognition of his faithful services. As a farmer, he is ono of tho foremost in the state, and as a member of congress bo will rollect' great credit on ono of tho most pros perous agricultural states in tho union. Tho people of tho Ilrst district may well fool proud of tho selection they have made. Tho wheat crop Is conservatively es timated at (100,000,000 bushels. It is well to consider how and whoro tho Immense sufplus over homo demand is to bo marketed. This year's wheat crop in (lieaL Britain is estimated at 80,000,000 bushels. Tho annual con sumption being about 200,000,000 bush els, a largo part of the deficit will bo supplied from American ports. Franco will be Him it. iibmit, ihVOnn.ntm hnslinls. Germany and Italy together about tho same and other countries will require not less than 120,000,000 bushels. Aus- trailia, which in former years raised enough for a considerable export, is this year an importer of this staple. ' Turkey, Russia and Austria, tho 'Bi$d&iyair' feLf tfrsparli, so thutTnost of tho dellcienoy will necessarily be drawn from tho lTnited Sliitoy. It la tho belief of those who have made a careful review of the ' ' Btaiisties, thai we shall not only bo ' able to supply all foreign demands, but have enough at home to abundant ly meel all our needs. Shoit crops for two years brought great distress to tlto working people, which found vent in strikes and at one time threatened se rious financial disasters to tho country. , - I Tho following is tho Democratic, Slate Ticket: For Governor J. Sterling Morton. Liout.-Gov J.l' Warner. 1 Secretary of Stato C. J, Dolby. Treasurer 1'. 1). Sturtovanl. w ' Attorney-General-i-J. C.Crawford. r - Auditor Charles Loach. .1 Com. Public Lands, etc. Henry Grebe. Superintendent of Public Inslruc- ' '' tlon C. A. Speice. : Itegeut University J. M. Busks. Trie Hon. W. Daily, of Nemaha . county, purchased sevoral head of . short-horn heifers from a Kentucky gentleman. These cattle were on ox- hibition and took first premiums at 11 10 lowa State Fair, and also the late Stato Fair at Omaha. They also look lirst premium in their class at tho fair in ' Cynthia, Kentucky. These cattle aro valuable accession to the lino cattlu breeders of Nebraska. PlaHsmouth ' Herald, In tho whole United States, as wq learn by. tho U. S. census, there ai'e 12, r7 1,427 males over twenty-ono years of age. In 1880, 0.20t,12S voted, or 7:'. per cent, of tho entire voting popula tion. This was In 11 lireslilmitliil clef- 110:1. At 1110 state and local elections a much smaller vote is polled, it is fair to say that not more than one-half tho (ualilied voters vote on an average. Yet we mo told that "women don't want to vote." Tho lfepublicans of Hichnrdsou lave nominated tho following county ticket, which wo should ileum a strong one: .For Senator Aug. Shoenheit. For Beprcsontntivea It. 13. Griii stead, D. V. Stephenson, S. I). Wright. For County Commissioner George punter. Died In Salina, Kansas, Wednes day evening, September 27, 1SH2, Mr. Georgo Kckor. brother of Miss I-buina Fcker and cousin of Mrs. Then. I.tvis, of South Auburn. His body was taken to Maryland for interment. Governor Baker recently said to tho graduating class of the Indianopolls Female College: "Young ladies, pre- . pare yourselves for tho duties of full citizenship, because it is tho inevitable, whether you deslro it or not." John Ellis, at Chonango Forks, N Y., in a drunken brawl, killed his wife. rwH i' vl r.ti b