-ri ftfi ll VfuiT I''nist sm. wiUWtW-kyMBSuHijf;jV wm wmi gty ft, m II 11 ICk B r iimmii iiiHinwfi i' ebmslm ;.; ESTABLISHED 1066. 1 OLDE8T PAPER IN THE STATE. nonnniiaaanaaaMwnBcaraaBai AUBURN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1882. VOL. 27, NO. 12. BillJIlJfJUlJLMJ1 '!. rn Mtwermer. if rt" 6S2) A S $ 4s' V 1 1' y SOUTH AUBURN DIRECTORY. A RKWRIGHT k CURZON, JEWELERS, Ll-GIN. SPUINQFIELn and WALTHAM WATCHES. Houth Auburn, ... jJobrasltri. BF, WEST, M D. ' , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SOUTH AUDUUN, NKB. OFFICE. Up Stain, over Adyxhtiii office. CHICAGO LUMBER CO., DenlorH In Lumber, Paint, Limo nnclCoRl, 80UTH AUHU11N, - NEHttASKA. DILLON k CROAN, Dealer.. In Drugs, Books, Siationory, Paints, Oils, Glass, Cigars, Etc Houth Auburn - Nebraska. T)EVIN & FISHER -' General Merchandising. WHY GOODS, OIIOOEUIES, HATH, CAPS. 1100TH, HirOES, Etc. Houth Auburn, Nobrnnkn. T, WOOD, ' NOTARY PUBLIC, And Lightning, Klroand Wind INSURANCE AOKNT. South Auburn, Neb. ED. WALTZ, BARBER AH kinds of Tousorlnl work done with neatness nnd In tho latent Mtj Ioh of thuart. Htiop second door north of tho Holdrege. n W. CORNELL, A ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllco one door north of Rlochorn Storo. SOUTH AUIJUUN, NEU. Will practlco In nil tho Courts nnd attend to collection, GEO. RIECHERS, Denlor In Clotting, Hats, Gapi, Boots, Shoos, nud Quoonswaro. llulter, EKg and Produoo taken In exchange for goods. Houth Auburn, ... Nebraska. GW. FAIRBROTHER, SR. NOTARY PUBLIC, Will pay attention to Converanulutr, Land Afconcy buslni'ss and taking DepoHltloiiH. Blank Deodn Mortgages, and all sortn of blanks on hand, HOLDREGE HOUSE. Uest Uotol In tho City. TED HUDDART, Proprietor. Flrut-clna Hamplo Rooms, Good Livery Stable and good Accommodations. South Auburn, - - Nebraska. HUTCHINslr ELLIOTT. Dealers In Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Carriages Etc South Auburn, - - Nobrnokn. HENRY HARM, Proprietor CALVERT MEAT MARKET, Nloo.Swoot, Fresh Meat always on hand, nt Ileusonublo Kates. South Auburn, .... Nebraska. TJ J. F. WERT & CO --'-, Insuranoo & Collootion Agents. Spoclnl attention given to rontlng and buying nnd soiling Farms and city property 1. O. nutldlng. South Auburn, Neb. LINN k COOPER, Donlora In GRAIN & STOCK, Highest Mnrkot price paid for nil kinds of Grain and Live Hiook. Office at tho elevator. South Auburn, Neb. McGEE & MOORE. Dealers In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. SOUTH AUHUHN, NEB. Highest Market Price paid for Butter nnd Egggs and Produce N1 MRS. A. H. RICHARDS, " Milliner and Drossmnlior, Full Stock of Ladles Furnishing Goods nnd Fancy Notions. Second door Smith of Dill on A Groan's drug store.South Auburn, Nob. TICKELL k SHURTZ, Dealers In Drugs, Glass, Paints, Oils, Stationery and Wall Papor. SOUTH AUBURN, - . NEBR. 13 B. CLANCY, -LV' Hardware, Stoves, Tinwaro, A largo and Select Stock of everything kept In n first-class harrdwaro storo. Agoodropatr shop in connection with tho more. Two doors south of Rlechcrs store. South Auburn, Neb. TWOS RICHARDS "REGULATOR," Doulor In BUGGIES. WAGONS, and AGHICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. South Auburn, Nob. WILLING BROS. t JORDAN, Dealers In Hardware, Stoves, Tinwnre Furni ture, Woodonwaro, Etc Special attontlon paid to Tin Roofing and Spouting. south Auburn, Neb. JM. matthiesen" " ' Blaoltsmi thing, WAGON AND CARRIAGE WORK Neatly and promptly dono. No 21 Centro Avenuo, South Auburn, Neb, JOHNS. MINICK, gkm:ii.vi, MEIM1IS Nemaha Cit, Nob. F. W. Samuelson, I). J. Wood, Bunker, Cashier. Nemaha Couniv Bank Auburn, Nebraska . V X -w Does a General Banking; Business. Particular Attention Giv en Collections, Monov loaned on Approv ed Security. I INTEREST PAIDONTIME'DEPOSITS. This is tho Oldest Bank and ha3 tho only Timo Look in tho Oity. Fsrra Loans negotiated at Low Bute of Interest. Exchange on all parts ot U. S. and Europe, T I-I E It .. . 6K vyxxAAAiYU & iCXAfAl9 SOUTH AUBURN, NEBR., It now open and prepared to do a General Banking Business. $ AMPLE CAPITAL- MONEY LOANED On approved security, at a Reasonable Rate of Interest. EXCHANGE Bought and sold on the principal Cities ot'the United States and Europe. JNO. L. CARSON & CO. S. A. Osborn, Notary Public. . W. Taijrloi OsBoim & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert ami Brownville. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED ERAL COURTS. Special attention gives to collections and sale of REAL ESTATE. Notice to Farmers The underslKned lms for snle the NORWEGIAN PLOWS! Harrows CULTIVATORS, Well known to be the best, whloh ho will soil cheaper than the cheapest. Farmers, Call and See, B. OTTENS. MONEY SAVED! I will soil you a BETTER ORGAN! ! in evory respect for S 8 5.0 O, Than uro being sold in this vicinity for 3100 and upward. JAS. R. DYE, Nemaha City. Omfl BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Made nnd repaired tin well no can bo done nnywhoro, on uhort notlco, nnd VERY REASONABLE TERMS. IVcmsilm City, IVobr. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A ffontlcneitti who urrrod for yonrs from norvousdtfblllty.promHturo deciiy, nnd nil tho otroctH of youthful ImllHcrtiilnii? will for thomilcoofHuirrlnK hurniinlty.Hond freo to nil who npod It, tho roclpit nnd direction for innklnK the nlrnplo roinody by whloh ho wan curud. rturrerern wlNhtntt to prollt by tho nd vortlaor' oxporlono can do no by uddreHHtnu ... ,; .j.w. vw. ...... nt .('iil.i ii. UUIJKJf, 5lyl W Cedar Htrnot, Now York. Ci Wt.'iU, l,, , .i.-,,,i i, , . 4l, J, " V "J HA58IS UIWJI CO.. Jf lOUIJ, MO. OAS. D. NIXON, P. P, STAEIN, Prosidont. Cashier. BANK OF AUBURN, AL'UUItX, NEIMtASKA, IS And offurri lta Horvlces to tho Citizens of Auburn --AND- NEMAKA COUNTY, For tho transaction of any IUulnen In tho lino of B a ii k i ii q; . V. M.BOAL, M.B., pirrsrorAN and surgeon, Worth Unburn , JVcbrash'a. OFFICE AtHoHldonco. 12yl J. M. GLASGOW, -PHISIOIAN AND SUEGEOM- NORTH AUBURN, - . NEBR IT'Heaiilenco Gilmoru's Ulock. TAKE NOTICE! MrH. E. Mouahnn, of Mary vlllo, Mo., will bout North Auburn on tho 17th and 18th DayB of Soptember, when ho will bo nropnrod to tn-at all formn of oyodlMOHAun. Her treatment 1m u porum nont euro for ernnulitlod oo-lldn and all forum of lnllam mutton of tho oy. Cutuo iiudMcohor. Showlll also bo at llrownvtllo on tho liith of each month. Htirlcal oporatloiiH will bo performed by Ur. D. U. Wllrtnn.of Mary vlllo. Dr. A. Opporniann, Physician and Surgeon, Has been located in Nemaha County since 1868. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES. Aillictions of the Ear and Eyo Skillfully Treated. flSjyArtificial eyei alwayi on hand to'XBA Suit any me or color. Calls at ' tended to day or night OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and ad Streets, SHERIDAN. NEB. aoyi T. , , , I BROWN VIlIeIuSIINESS CARDS. t irrintoADY, 'J t Attorney unci Gntiuaelor nt Hrovrnvlllf.Neli LWi T S. S T t' L L , 0. ATTOIISIOVH AT LAW. Olllcpof County JiKlkfe, llrownvlllii, Nobraika. CAM RICH, Homo, Sign, Cnrringo nnd Oruniuontal Pnintor, HIIOWNVII.I.E. .... Mill. Private Diseases. Periont desiring the popular prescription of the late Dr. Jonas Crane, for Venereal Diseases, can have tke same filled by calling upon Dr. Alfred Crane, at bis residence, Brownville, Nebr. 6-1 5 U!TIM)UIZK1 15V T1IK I'. .S. (30VKH.N.MF.11 First National Bank O V 13 rtO V !N VI3L.L hi PaM-up Capital, $&0,0l)0 Authorized " 300,000 IH IMIKPAIWJTO THAWS ACT A General Banking Busines. I1UY AND HKI.I. COIN & OUEKENOY DEAFTS ii all the principal cltlei ofthn United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Draft discount il, and upeclnl accommodations Kranted to deposit n. Dealer III UOVKHNMKNT 1JONDH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEP08ITS (tecelved pa)'alileoiidfmitnd.ant INTKHKHT a owed on tlmecurtltlcateiolduposlt, OIltKt.TOIW.-Wni.TTDen. Jl. M. Bailey. M.A itandlny. Frank E. JuliasOn, f.utlier lloadler Win. Fralsuer. JOHN L. CAUS05, A. It. DAVIHON.Coihler. J, . MeXAimuTOtf, Ant'Caibler., 1'rMld.nt. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Thondvortlnor having been permnueutly cured of that dread dUcato, CoUMUinptlou.by a Hlmplu romedy, In nnxlotm to mako huowu to hlri fullott- HiilfurerH tho tho muaim of euro To all wliodenlro It, ho will Hond a copy o( tho prerierlptlon UKud, (freo of oharKU.) with thodUeotloim for pn-parlnt? nnd uslnic tho Kruno, whloh they will tlnd u Htira euro for couuIih, coldH. coriHiimptlon, luthtua, brnn. cbltU. nte. 1'artleti wInIiIuk tho proscription wll plxitko nddrcH. It4v. B WIUou, l'JI j'tmu Htrtot, WllllntniiburKh, N. V. izsi tbxn$n fyHnxtistx JqT Entered at the pottoflice at South Au burn, Nebraska, as Second Class matter, Roiniblicau Stato Oonvontion, Tlio Hupubllcau Elcctora of tlio Stato of Nobraaka aro hereby called to send delegatus from the sovural coun ties to meet In fcUato Oonvontion at Omaha on Wednesday, September 20th, A. 1). 18S2, at 7 o'clock p. in., for tho purpose of placing in nomination ciind illutes for the following named olllccs, viz: Governor. Lieutenant-Governor. Secretary of State. Auditor. Treasurer. Attornoy-Goneral. One Itegent of tho University of .Ne braska. Commissioner of Public Lands and Duildings. And to transact such other business as may properly come before tho con vention. Tho several counties aro untitled to representation in tho Stato Convention as follows, based upon tlio voto cast for Isaac Powers, . I r., in 1881, for regent of the Stato University: (Jiving ono delegate to each one hundred and llfty (ISO) votes, and ono dolegato for the fraction of soventy-llvo (75) votes or over; also one delegate at largo for each organized county. COUNTIES. AdauiM Antelopo lloono Hull'iilo Ilutlor Kurt I'uhk Cedar C'lieyonno flay Colfax Cum I uir Cuxtor ChnH Dundy Dakota Dawaon..... Dlx u Dodgo Dd.it: I an ... Kllluioro FrnnlUlu.... Krontlor KurnnH Oao Oonpor Orooloy Hall Hamilton Harlan , Illtohcnek... Holt Howard Ilnyoa o5 I 7()P 7111 mi O'JI USl lUfi 111-) 170 Utt.1 (117 mi 3UU m :i7i 417 11( im Ml 12 712 1720 210 20.1 1170 Dili lion 2.H) filri 10 II) II II 1U 7 K 12 2 2 111 r G 3 1 1 4 :i 4 8 18 11 r 2 o 12 2 2 U 7 I) 1 r 61 1 COUNTIKS. JetlorHon ... .IoIiiihoii Kearney , Keith Knox l.aiH-iiNtor ... Ijinooln .MiuIIniiu Morrlclt Nation Nemaha NuckollH Otoo I'awnee I'ftolpH 1'lorco I'latti l'ollc lted Willow ltlchnrdiion Sallno Harny HatindorH .... Howard Hhermnn Stanton Thayer , Valloy WnshlhHtoij wnyne Wlieoler , Webster Vorlc y4 o s? r ! JL IK)7 7 11 III U 7.111 (I 22 1 rJI (I 2.'iM 18 40U 4 :u U 827 7 iVfl a inn i) (i;ti r, i:.i.7 n 1117 I) 11UII i ioh a 7M 0 1012 8 2112 ; m ii 1871 III Kit) 4 imu lo 12117 ) 402 4 188 2 10.10 8 4118 4 1211) 0 174 2 US 2 1007 H 11). IU II Total s It is recommended : First That no proxies bo admitted to the convention, except Hitch as aro held by persons re siding in tho counties from which tlio proxies aro given. Second That no delegate shall rep resent an absent member of his dolo gution, unless ho bo clothed with an thority from tho county convention, or is in possession of proxies from regu larly olectud delegates thereof. Jy order of Jiopublican Stato Cen tral Committee. Jamk.s W. Dawks, Chairman. .loiixSTKKN.Soc'y. Tho immonso tido of immignttlon which has poured in to tho West during the past year bus made its mark in the vast tracts taken under tho homestead law. In tho Southern States also there have been quantities of land taken under this act, but over one-third of the whole of tho homesteads for tho past fiscal year have been louated in the single Territory of Dnkota, where entries covering 2.187,415 acres were made, as against 1,380,872 for the fiscal year onding June no, 1881. Minnesota comes next, with homestead entries forSSS.iJ.'M acres. CIoso to it comes Kansas, with 037,:ift2, with Nebraska 473,810. A Chicago paper of last week says: Another of St. Louis' pot schemes has como to u probable end. Some time ago it was decided to start a barge line between Kansas City and St. i.ouls. ho as to compete with tho railroads, it be ing claimod that tho rates were too high. Tlio first fleet of theo barges left St. Louis Wednesday empty, to be loaded at Kansas City. Thursady night they wero grounded at a point near Glasgow, and wero fatally ruined. Takocaro of your Liver. A great numborof the diseases to which man kind are liable arise from a disordered condition of this organ. Keep it in a sound and healthy condition and you can dfy disease. Prickly Ash JHtters aro especially adapted for this purpose, being composed of drugs wicli act on the Liver, giving it tone and strength to withstand malaria. A Delightful Novelty, Ladies prefer Floreston Cologne bo cause thoy find this lasting combina tion of exquisite perfumes a delightful novelty. A citizen of Lincoln, a few nights ago, on a dark street, was knocked down and robbed. Bapod by a Negro, Last Friday forenoon Anthony Cloyd, a young colored man who was working for Mr. Copeland, a farmer near Nemaha City, assaulted and ;ar nally outraged Copcland's wife. Tho facts of tho caso as wo gather them aro about as follows: Tho negro pre tonding to bo unwell, Copeland went out tho farm to work leaving him to do some light work about the house. They were making butter, and while Mrs. C.'s back was toward Cloyd ho solzcd hoi around tho neck and forced her down. Sho being small and considera bly beyond tho meridian of life, tlio burly bruto found llttlo resistance to tho gratification of his lust. After ho had released hor ho told her that if sho informed hor husband of what he had done ho would kill her and her hus band; and for fear liu would kill hor then and thero sho mado tho promise, lie got hold of a knife nud watched all her movemonty for some time with floudlsh vigilance. Dut by going about hor work, as if preparing dinner, ho evidently believed ho had filled her with such terror that sho would keep her promise, otherwise ho doubtless would Imvo killed her. Soon afterward In going about tho house, her demon guard having relaxed his watchfulness, sho slipped out at aside door, ran into the corn Held and soon found her hus band telling him all that had occurred. Tho husband instead of going for his s'.iot-gun, or his his neighbors and a rope, went for a constablo which ho soon found, and returning thoy found Cloyd still lingering about tho scene of his hoinous oiTcnac. Ho ovidontly missed the woman from tho house, and why ho did not run away, is tho mys tery of tho affair. Tho constable mado a prisoner of Cloyd, took him to Ne maha City before C. C. Donald, .1. P., and waiving examination, was com mitted to the jail in Urownvlllo In de fault of ball. Cloyd's father, mother and several slsteis livo at JJrownvllle, and if half tho reports about them aro true they aro a pretty hard outfit. Mrs. Copeland was formerly well-known in Hrownvillo as tho widow Scott, a hard working poor lady with irreproachable reputation. On last Saturday night there was considerable tall; about lynching the miscreant, so much that tho sheriff at ono timo bad arrange ments made for running him to some other place, but becoming satisfied that the danger was not imminent, and that this locality was not strongly imbued with tlio southern methods of dealing? with such cases, ho simply locked the doors nud hid the key. If Cloyd is not killed ho Is very sure lo servo the state a number of years as a stone pouudor and hod carrier. It is said that within tlio last few weeks hundreds of bogus 310 green back bills havu Ijccii put in circulation. Thoy aro in the main, says tho Nation' nt Rant,' Note Reporter, very clover imitations, but there aro a fow points of difference. In the counterfeit thero is a slight irregularity noticeable in tho shapo of tho letters on tho top of the note. Also in tho sentence, "This note is a legal tender for tun dollars," no space is loft between tho words "for" and "ten." In tho word "print ing" just below Hi words "for ten," tlio last four words aro in italics. In tho connterfuit tho numbers aro very Irregular and tho lathe work, particu-. larly In tho upper right hand corner, is blurred. In a jumping match at Lincoln last week between Hodgkins, thoohampion of tlio state, and a man named Kirk, the former cleared thirteen feet and ono inch, winning tho 8100 that de pended on tho match, and his titlo to the championship. At a ball at Hlooinfleld Academy. I. T Davo Kemp and his nephew Henry Komp, got into a fight and pistols being used both wore killed. Ono was aged 20, tho other 17. Tho Republicans of Cass county havo nomlnuted K. L. Heed, for senator, and, .lames Hall, r. II. Wooley, Samuel Gannon and II. C. Walph for membeis. af tho houso. Mrs, Chas. Jiovoy, hoar Mt. Morris Michigan, drowned herself and a six- year old son. Sho tied herchild to her- .nelt with a rope and plunged into tho water. . Andrew Hyors, a shoomaker of In dianapells, after a protracted- drunk went homo and in tho presence of his family Bhot himself through tho heart. IflO car loadH of poached wero taken to New York ono day last week from Delaware. Each car contained 500 bushels. Kx-Gov. Uobinson has formally ac cepted tho nomination for governor from tao Greenbackors of Kansas. G. W. Spencor, a traveling doctor of IClkliart, Intl., suicided by taking mor phine Machiuo oils of nil kinds at greatly reduced prices at Nickell's in llrdwn-vllle. S'