lUfiiniiriS .. . . gJTyL tf-PgygJtf"' iiin-i'. i jjJWjy.gjiu.-jju ' Jxrs,iL.wiiiLj.iJ!iLwinwiwumwnA,vj.y.iHwiii i V , UHI1MMW UUWUt JJJWUIMUMII;' ljUliUWWUJttBai.itijluijuitUjjaErgg1'- i.iib . mmmm MBEASKA J 4W m w rr t 7 f W.CWW f. . Jtf Vm. 4W km U v I f H ft Sp Jr jtavenmer. .JBPs5aff1ijaffi) AUBURN. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1882, VOL, 27, NO, 10. K H k. ' inm r mm m v..& . Br mw j KaJi - ni 1 fiMD cfedhW.ferf.aW.dMfci W&S k'Si i XD IE TZT (3- Gr J J. Have JTust Eeccivcd !EjLlLy&'WS&9''XXtS J&k.Tn And everything thabjiertains to the Drug Business. We propose ip oonwcle with any firniinthe CoiMty. Call and see us, and be convinced. (f 1 Physician's Prescriptions and family Receipts carefully pjMnctircd. Summer Styles ! AX IMM32X8J2 STOCK AT THE '-- B B Clothing Tqun! to Custom Work! Hoots sum! S?liocs of KvctT Varietj'! IiiUon' Fine Shoes si Specialty A'obby yoft'MihVStlfl' Hat),! t:io),riiii( i'uvii Trunks aiui HUELBUT, Tecun BUSINESS CARDS. J. IT. 15 UOAI) Y Attorney nmt Counselor nf Lin-Wi HrownvUle.Neti,, 4- J.&- b T U L li ATTOllN'MVS AT liAAV. AOUIcptif County JudKe, llrowiivllle, NohrRska. $ tq. -c xir-cann ivr t j. a-" -. . jukjk t. jy JPhysiclan ahtl &u, rucoiis Calvort, NoLrnslcu. OFFICE. Up Stairs, oer Advertmir office J. M. GLASGOW, ; -PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- NORTH AUDURN, fHosiilcnco- Hi VlEBR Gilmore'3 Block. D. J. WOOD, AND Lightning, Fire and Wind INSURANCE AGENT, G. W. CORNELL, CALVKRT, NKH. '. OrriCE. One door North of the Nemaha County Ilank Will practice in all the Courts and attend to Collections. BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Mndo nnd rcpnlrod ns well uh can lio done anywhere, on short notlci', and VERY REASONABLE TERMS. A'cinalia City, Xolr. G. W. FAIRBROTHER, SR. ISTotary Public. Will pay attention to CONVEYANCING And Land Agoncy Business. And tnUlriK PenoNltloiiH. lilrmk PppcIb, MortueM, and all sortN of blanks on hand, Notice to Farmers Tho untlcrHtKiicd hns for Halo tho NORWEGIAN PLOWS! Harrows CULTIVATORS, Welt known to bo tho bout, which ho will sell cheaper limn tho chonneat. Farmers, Gall and See, B, OTTENS, wanted .A r.r.'.rr," rrrv IC3 SUCCESSORS TO S. H. MADDY. an Immense Stock TOILET AETIOLBS, HOLLADAY & EBERtT9ortibiMi Nobr. Summer 'Styles ! u AUBURN, NEHltASTU, 1STK0W OPEN- FOHTBdsiHES And oirors lt Servlcos to tho Citizens of Auburn -AND NEMAHA COUNTY, For tho transuotlon of nny tho lino of BuMnoss In Banking MONEY SAVED! I will soil you a BETTER ORGAN! ! in ovory respect for S 8 S.O 0,z Than arc being sold in this vicinity for 3100 anil upwards. JAS. R. DYE, OinO S. A. Osbnrii, NoTARV l'UULIC. Nemaha City. . V. Tnyloi Osbokn & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvort mid Brownvillo. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND ERAL COURTS. FED- Special attention given to collection! and tale of HEAL ESTATE. Dr. A. Oppormann, Physician and burgeon, Has been located in Nemaha County tlnce I S68. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES, Affliction! of the Ear and Eye skillfully Treated, JgyArtlfuul eye always on hand to-BH Suit any sue or color, Calls at- OFFICE Northwest corner Coiirt andjSecond Streets. w' RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and id Streets, SHERIDAN. NE15. aoyi Private Diseases. Persons desiring the popular prescription of the late Dr. Jonas Crane, fur Venereal Diseases, can have the same tilled by oiling upon .Di. Alfred Grnno, at his resiJence, Hrownil!e, Nebr. 6 (5 ftsiiiisr ootisi .ipVJSBfk TiuirN-i-iyy wtif ar w " 'va ik nim nurui te. Kiil3fc(ffY iselv KPKci " BANK OPftUBURN, r jj . i S TO T F s-iiwajUJi ,4b s ' ViilMWMIHil i I i cm i of Drugs, lonery, C3rj,iaJgSSv Y "s- flvcvtiscv uwm, J5" Lntcrcd at the poifuc at South Au- burn, Nebt.-ftka, aj SeconJ'Ifljais jnatter. PEOOEBDIagftpraiHB hepublioan - OOBN'JJY'OTTENTION. Piirsuiint to the QUJ of tlio Kcitilli- Ciin central comntW tlio Hcpubli caim of Ncinahft cjoWt mot in dolo- gato convention at fiuiuui'lson's Hall in vtiuiirn, in -j ji. n i r.-cm ..1 , L . ... tlio Jlst, of August. EachHU'012 MF ct'in tlio county va fuliyHop'9oiitw J)r. C. F. SUwarlcliarman oftlidj county cofit valTConumttee oallctj tho con- Tveiiuody actire ftfjuivj)oiry chairman o tho con vontion. Tly.0 boing no othoriioininntiouau'r iHu,'rman, Ir. Konnody was chosen byLilcrUuuution. ciroson oy acclamation, temporary sec retaries. A committee on credentials was ap pointed consisting of Judge Church, of Bedford, lion. . I. (I. Kwan, of Lafay ette, and Mr. Win. M. Jlannaford, of Douglas. After a brief timoiho coin mlttee on credentials leporttd dele gates entitled to seats from tho vari ous precincts as follows: Jiiuininnllt','J, .1. L. Carson, .1. S. Stull, C. M. Kaulliiian. S. H. Olayton, C. F. .Stewart, IUo VauXess, Clias, Xoidhait, (!. W. Tate, T. A. Ilailoy. Clayton lieing absent, .Stall had his proxy, and Bailey bmng absent S. A. Osborn had his proxy. Dowjhis. 7, 11. Wilson,. I. D. Croan, W. M. Hannaford, W. W. Crandall, .1. W. Kerns, Ed. Wert, .1 110. Maxwell. Nemaha City, 1. .Inn Culp.'W. W. Sanders, ,1. F. J)rain, .1. H. Dye, John Williams. J no, Argabright, 1). A. Moitou. Dyo being abbont, J. M. Hacker had ids proxy. tit. Heroin, l, A. . I. Hitter, Jr., rep resented by I' II. D. Hunt, with proxy. Peru, 7. Win. Dailey, T. J. Majors, Lewis Fisher, Henry Stites, Robert Moody, Thomas Hutchinson, X. J'. Cieeme, U. H. Boborts had ('reeine's proxy and Majors had Hutchinson's proxy. Washlnuton, . J. H. Pohlinan, H. Y. Palmer, Jno. Wirick, C. Harms. BcnUm 2. J. C. Hacker, C. T. Leieh. Lafayittv, :. J. (J. Kwan, K. Ut-ilet, J. W. Smith, C. JJ. 1'arkor, Jacob Good. aien Honk, !J. Tho?. Burriss, T. Uun ford, Orsa ltoot. Xiondon, 1, S. W. Kennedy, 0. Ked fern, E, D. Horlin, Aaron Waltz. Asj)tnwull, 5. 15. D. Kogers, J3. P. Stephens' J. H, Sliook, E. Wolsenredur, John Lewis. Maud,. I. J, II. Thompson, Tho report of,,thcoiau)itti dentials was adoptkl, fh on, era' jmv. w in. Muwammf ( , Mio couiporryorirwnUB; vention ho miulo ti JUpi Ji zation. h Motion prevailed. ' After tlio chairman ld tho order of business. u0R AV.M. Hnnimfon, of 'Duk)s following named gentlemen chosen as DBMSOATK TO STATK COMV10iTW. D, II. Mercer, V. P. Pbd Stolnman. C. J3. Parker, 3m.t Qburoh Howe, Thos, DunM lEwan. W. M. Ifannaford; 8iaS On motion of John Culn'.ofl&fi ha, tho following named geiit4oino: chosen as DKM'.UA'ir.S UO (ONOIlKSrtipXAL OON TION. ' Sam Rich, A. H. Gilmore, G, 11. Shook, Babe Elliott, S. P. llobertflpn, Church Howe, J. S. Church, J. II. Pohlinan, S. W. McGrow. ." I tlLfMWTmNMMMIHM w immFW .""BBBB-S I ' WzReri ' 3TZT Xn.f.t I KXtl f i ii n 'r tr??2y-Tr ass k.W On motion of J. 1 Drafi,.of Xeuia ha, the following named' gentlemen weio chosen us J8 ui t.i:uATi to judicial Disuntur - CONVKNTION. A. ir. McGee, J. V. Vmltli, John Culp, 15. 1). Jlogeis, Church Howiv 0. J.Slowull, Henry Gerdls, T. Btinf6rd, Albeit Dillon. Xoinlnutlons for ropresentallYes in tho legislature, being noxt in order, Hon. Jarvls S. Church was nom inated for State Hunator, by acclamation. Hon. George B. Shook was nominated for Representa tive by acclamation, For tho second representative, Mr. Jacob Good; of Lafayette product, Mr. Hubberd, of tho saitio precinct and Mr. Fenn, of Douglas were named and a ballot ta ken, which upon tho llrst b.tllot result ed in the nomination of Mr. Good, he rocelvlng a majority of all tho dele gates of tho convention. For county commissioner, 3d, dis trict, Mr. W. M. Hannaford named present incoinbent, Mr. Frank Bedfein. There being no opposition to Mr. Bid fern, ho was nominated by aclama tion. Tlio folllowing resolutions were adopted: Unsolved, That tho delegates elected to icpiosont Xoinaha county in tlio Republican Congressional District con vention are hereby instructed to pre sent to the said convention as a can didate for Member ot Coiignm from Mini district the name of lion. Chinch Howe, and to use all honorable means to secure Ids nomination, J"S'dvl, That in case any of the dolegntiou elected to represent Xeina ba county in tho Republican State Convention, are absent from said con vention tlio delegates present are hereby authorized and Instructed to 0ist the Pull vote of tho county. 1 Similar resolutions to tho last above weie ivvssed regarding thocongrosstou KTanillistrict conventions. 'I'lie J" following named gentlemen wore reported from thn various pre cinct delegations as the county eon traK'olmnittee untiltho meeting of the noxt annual cimtity convention, co. h:ntUat. committkk. Loudon,".. 0. Rodl'orn, EdBurUn.. St. Iknm.i cj-oW.P. II. 1). JjAUitf. A. J. .1:SElM.v' 7$ v?ai7i fViJJdiah. ,.0.rlJ.Rooti Jinrtfor Dowjlas, Jrerk Wilson, II. J. F. Wert. Jln Ion, E. T. Lnlcli, If. Il.tokor. Aspinwull, E. D. Rogers, V. P. Poa body. llroiuiwilh; C. F. Stewart, J. h. Oar sou. VitiJiinton, J. Pohlinan, It. M. Buckles. Nvmaha City, O. K. Flalicr, J. M. Hacker. Island, J. II. Thompson, X. Tvelso. Lafayette,, Jacob Good, Simon II. Robertson. Peru, Win. Bridga, R. II. Roberts. On motion the convention adjourned. S. W. KEXX15DV, II. M. Ditiissi.Kit, .,, Cli'n Con. .l.AV. Smith. ibcrt I'he American Woman SulVrago as- soeiation will hold its thirteenth an nual meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, in the Baptist church, September 12 and l:i. lNSii. It will begin its sessions on Tuesdav evening, September l'Jth, at 7::!0. Auxiliary state and local so cieties may scud delegates equal in number to tin1 congressional delega tions of their state or territories. Wbeie delegations aio not full, alter nates will be leceived from the states, consisting of nieiiibeis of the associa tion in attendance at the convention, All incmhors of the associatou have a right to take part in tho discussions. Tho woman sullrago constitutional amendment now lending in Xel i.ihU.i makes the pieseut occasion of special interest and impoitance. Some of the .speakers in mtendance at this conven tion will probably remain and lake pari in tho campaign. A full at tendance of suffiagibts is specially in vitoil. A flection hand named llenrv Smith. near St. Josoph, Mo. hired a horso and )vs and induced a girl of twelve vcars H?fil(l0 with him. After riding HbguHiBs 11111m irum nor noini', jiuu 1 ufiKvu irum iiu ouggy hi Hie mini, who final I v m .dHfkness. Finding her w eiitiiooroi was onM l)guu by lfwi ncwtmt m m, 1 now ngto find ho WiihU to linn nun vir jwir Ji in: of .' r..w bout it. and Uanfes for tho sake of a vot. 'other wives will mttkat ifc y hot for Iiliu. A kecraMl r third wife would not like to hi oHtoUlly oblU&rstml In this wny, ftvenln Utnli. Tho wr In Egypt hfigm,,h it Mt and bloody., Piye Ilwluif), UUtht dust In a Klpmlsli ..SirftH, tlm lirLttliK nrmy day befqr yeterdny. The Brit ish loss h not reported. OUT AND DRY, Tho county was never moro fully represented in a convention or by better or moro Intelligent men than it was last Monday, Forty-one of tho rt went to tho comeiillon united upon a piogramme, ami they made short work In carrying it to consummation. Thul was piooisoly as it should haVo betty. Men aio not apt to win vic toryby a most sanguinaiy battle and thoinnvQ It away. Thoto" were 11 few L'utiiWHVMvit 1 1 10 iMiruaizo no one sqiltialed out loud but Judge Mull. Tho Judge hasn't been In tho habit of getting left and when ho saw sceptre departing ho could not icstraln his feeling to kick. Ho spoke very feelingly about the helplessnofis o"f mlnmities, of concession, of cut and dited things. While the pathetic ap peal was being mude we looked .11 ound to sno if Daily crying, hut ho wasn't. Ho looked like ItSjwas at 11 Mineral, but ho didn't wepp, that wo noticed. And then its Homo of the impolite boys laughed Just as tho Judge was getting down to business, he stopped nail sat down. Judge Stull, of all, tho politicians wo oversaw opoiate, is the last one who ought to scold about "out and dried!' business at conven tions; for that -h precisely his method ol making po Rlcal points, and ho has always been a good one at It. He has been successful in bis town and in tho county by cut aiifl dry jobs. Ho man aged to get his natne as usual 011 botli tho IIowo and tint Fuinas tickets In Brownvillo by lilsj irmarkablo talent in tho cut and ihjy business. When there is to bo 115 primary election tho Judge makes up"iliracut and dry" tick et of his partioularfrionds. with his own name on It, 6'ftccmiso, and then ho goes to the othorme and promises 'to ilo no woik forejthurvsldelt tliey will put him on their fuqlu't, and haying accomplished this ojtt and dry job ho feels easy, secure, and works effectu ally on the sly gutting one or tlio oth er of those who have trusted him. And' Uxt county convontiqiix Judge Stull, wium others Wore noTron tho alert has hcncraUv been tho ono to do .UilTullWmd dry AWnON'iiWlU.mei.lIoi' ono instance as a sample. IbAwns, if wo lojuomber correctly, when Dailv was a candidate for governor and Majors a candidate jror congress, to till the vacancy occasioned by the death ofFrrnk Welch, imdJStoll wanted tho delegation to boosfcffiini for district attorney. Gov. FuVnys will very dis tinctly remember STuTl'.s cut and dry delegates of that dainty convention. Furnas after lnflng solicited and promised a place OwStho state delega tion was left out injtho cold. At that convention, according to tho cut and dry programme, iiioommitteo was ap pointed upon StiUl's motion, to select delegates to tho afato and judicial con ventions. Stull,. by coin tesy was chairman of that committee, which ho led out around the coinor of tho Sheridan school-house, and pulling a slip of paper from his pocket with tho icquislto number of names thin eon, whicli had been selected several days before in Browinville by Majors and himself, ho told too committee "those aro tho gentlemen we want;" the com mittee said "all right," the out and dry job was repoited and adopted by tho convention. AihKwo could prolong this "cut and di;ji' lecuid of Stdll, Majors iv. Co., toany length. Vet Mull had the cheuk to talk about "out and diy" business when that business was proposed In, convention by a 11111 joiity of moro Limit two to one. And the wbiije about concession to that minority was eqii.ilh absuid and cheeky. "When did ovei Majors, Dally orStull. make a concession when they had tho power to do as they pleased? Espoollilly, as legal ds Mr. Howe when did they cm concede any ail vantngoor any favois to him whoa they had the power tu "set down 011 him?" Xeer in the woild. Tho people willdlstlurtlv remember when delegates were elected, on the Blaine and Grant Issue, to tie state conven tion. When Mr. Howe had been ill early crushed to death In a runa way team, and thus' disabled fiom Securing a place on the delegation Which otherwise hoouldjmvoadoiio, yet mpKtfU ,puiy qnevotei Tonl Majorn whoJwiUlmiftflflWi Churcii JIow.lMM(.it lwiltfWoiMiwy fusMHl in a moat,, (iambi Mrijt; bonibtlo 8tya. tp .conw'aaybklaif to that large mlpprlty, ',tironnh .o Uitternoee, of fa towftnl Jwdce StalJ or py one em for the mr- jHHH ormuHiiatf t t UAt Stall Httemntetl to 'max HfXMWil WW HiirtWiriOMMlslA unit ift4mn(frMit (lie prHfUoeKof iK)Htidai4 aim) .mNJoritleit -rw'ywher. "Wi the woumJdeixiWH ur 'eltHi m wfwiom ffi ' KtMw wel auaiutMP tbiW ctuww t uv tmmmm Mil MtftWill 9fi ing onrry th of I lirajou I ot Hie fit) delegates four or llm6n"lyhthat cared much about It wimjh dlMhotonjo) seeing the forty 0110 giftawfiN with tho b.iL'L'aiie. .But Utlitll v. n . t tdfei . thfnk L jj, iriM , " 1 1 .if mnmmmmntnrrr litMlMnHBu1' mw&mwmm'' wiilrwlpHHNk Q can irty t orerwhtlminf iriJIhSSFr7 lwtWMllfav.ui... htkisTilWrnsV' w m n 1 7 l ,A r IH&IMHMBBMfkSStftwv ""ft mnmrmfmnjwiwi NMMHH