jjjjPgpaWIII III Mil iU'iH'i'! J ."jh1."- '-5gB5Wr?5,,BM n ,, . u.,J,u...r.T a . i Jiiiinian y 9 arsraj. ESTABLISHED 1066. I OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE.) AUBURN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1882, VOL, 27, NO. 9 "J9UHU VJiUlK IS 3V2ttTj W WEXTWBmCtt1ltl&tt3&T&t&xwtgfSfifcirt0smgt p" wwwt 1'iji'i iiiii iyi 'i win JiJuiJjj;u.uJJJucJjivaw'Truttaw.tJlaiwiJitliiHiiB , r MX J - - - - . - - - (SSKHh!I 'i I I : r a h H WWW IXIMI MWWB MIMMIPKW i ja il-Jr.LjJLrccLJrii'i X CMl mill. uwmi Have Just Received - jdOW'OPSSi Summer Styles ! JiY IMMENSE fc Wtii IK ,4nd eventhing that pertains to the Drug Business. aiiv fur in in the Coin It. Call and sec us, and, be convinced.. Phil si dan's Prescriptions and family Jteeeipts carefit pi ! Clothinx Initial to Custom Work! Hoots niKl siiocs of 2cry Variety! JL;ji11ps" Flno SIjoch a Sprclaltj ! IVoliby oofl ami SUIT Mats! BHcgunt FiiriiiNliiug' Goods! TrunkH and Valises ly the DKumlrcri ! HTJRLBXJT, Tecumseh, Nebraska. BUSINESS CARDS. J. jr. i) r o a n v . Altoriiej' mill Counselor nt lii"v, Ilrow nvllli-.Noli J s; S T U L L , ATTORMOVS AT I. AW. (Wire of County Judge, IlicjiwivlUo, Nebraska, IjUtsician and Surgeon, Calvert, KoLrailtn. OFFICE. Up Stairs, ovrr Advertiser office. warcasiKRY & hawkins. TOftST DOOK EAST OF THE POST I; oillou. iiftii ihu ni"t toiiMDiial uorlc lh iloni! In Itrownvlllo, ci Neumlm cscmnly. J. M. GLASGOW, --PHYSICIAN AND SUSGEOB- NOR.TH AUBURN, - - NEBR OtPIicsirteiico Gilmoro's Block. D. J. WOOD, ."V0 T.'ifi "S ' IB UMS itTC, AND Lightning, Firo and Wind INSURANCE AGENT, G. W. CORNELIA T C'ALVRltT, NKH. OrriCF,. One door North of the Nemaha Cuunty Dank. Will practice in all the Courts and attend to Collecticij. (f s", HQ1 Aj BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Muclo nml repaired ns well ns ouii lio done anywhere!', cm Hliort notlco, and I 'Kit ir REASON A Ii L E TERMS. iVciimhncilj, 3JoIr. G. W. FAIRBROTHER, SR. Notary Public. Will pay attention to COinnSYANCING And Land Agency Business. t,,l t.llft.w. T ... .... i.iK I'fPOHUlotiH. ninnlr Th.mtu .MiiriK.iBfh, unci Itll M,rt, i.f I I,. 11 I 1 L..t. .. II . ----.., on liund, Notice to Farmers Tho nnaerHlBnHl l.ns for salo tl.o NORWEGIAN PLOWS! H!fvrrov-c; CULTIVATORS. :i known to i1P tho i,, 'I , hepr tliRu thrt cheapeit which he will Farmers, Call and g0e, ' B. OTTENS, iiiwiwii i wi ii mwaiiimiinni"''' DRUGGISTS . ipMii.iwi.nMiiTmMi mi n Hi i "' '" .. - j SUCCESSORS TO &;. H. HADDY. AuMiwuiHiin'iiwwwiiii iifinniwinwiiniiiiiiTM-nnf an Immense Stock oi: Drugs, TOILET ARTICLES, OXL.S A3MI3 CMLnj-fiL&S HOLLADAY & EEERLY, - Summer Styles ! STOCK AT THE J. B. KELSEY, P. P. STABIN, Presidoat. Oaahier. a k or AUIIUKN, MiitllASKAj IS nnrn rnn nrro i ui.n i.iil. ui u, run Anil ollors lt Horvli-os to tlio Citizens of Auburn --AXI)'- ' NEMAHA COUNTY, I-'or tho t.rniibuuUnn of any HukIiioss In thollnoof 13 a ii k i xi a - MONEY SilVED! L will soil you n BETTER ORGAN!! in every inspect for e 8 5.0 O," Than a'ro being sold in tlijs vicinity for $100 und upwards. JAS. R. DYE, Oinfl Nomahft City. . AOsborn, WOTARV 1'UHMC. (J. W. Tuyloi Osbokn & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors ai Law. Oalvert 'l BroivnvilXo. PRACTICE IN TUB STATE AND FED. ERAL COURTS. Special attention given to collections and tale of REATj estate. Div A. Opperxnann, M'hisicluii and &mmgciHt. Ha-, been located in Nemaha County tince iSfiS. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES. Aflllctiom of the En,!' and KyO Skillfully Treated, jjyArtilKul eyes always on hand to"iJi( Suit any size or color. Call at tended to d-v or night OrriCE Northwest t ner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and sd Streets, SHERIDAN. NEB. soyi Private Diseases. Ptrjonk deiiritijf the papu'ar presgription of the late Dr..Joiiaii Crane, for Srenereal Dueain, can have the . ni" filled ly fH.' -g upon ,TiVAl;iVe; Cruu9. at hit KiUene, Brawn vilre',,N'cbr, 6ij 9 I a s V? W y IS :i a mi n mm UiW tJ J Sfi B In . wiSVfcMSS&JSjUUHk2 l OH IJIIlv-nL I I I UUU ilLuu WWWWfW JsasH Off p .. i irtn I turnery, We, propose to cqiixwle with 'My prepared. " North Aubiurn, Nebr. A L- cbvaskitmtlvcvfecv i-ji-M IW Entered at the poifice at South An- burn, Nebraska, as Second Gins matter. OALL TOR A OOUNrf CONVENTION. In accordance with Xho proceedings of the Republican Central Cominittee, of Nemaha county, n Republican Del egate County ConvoiVion is hereby called to convene on Monday. August 2lst, l8SU,atSiimuolrioit'.sIull,inhoutli Auburn, at 1 o'clock pm.,'lor (liu pur pose 01 electing Xino Delegates to iho Slalo Conven tion, which nutfrts in Omalia, Sept. 20th, 1882. ' Xiue Delegates to tho First District Congressional Convention, which meets in Nebraskl'ily. Sept. 7th. Delegates to IhrJ First Judicial District Convention, and to nomi iiiiti! Candidate; or tho jllowing olllces : One State Seniit- '. 'I'm-,. I?!,..,....,.. h ture. Kfc UIIO t. oUVXf Vlk. District. A( .'1 lTWw?awwatairt s. s 4 . i i i .jMnM-Aih- .V niiuitj propei 1 roiiio tff vent ion. The several inecinel-j, pvrepllnjj La fayette, will eh-ct dolegrtcs tn the County County Convention ,it their us ual places of holding general elections. On Friday, August ltitii, in the after noon us follows: Font from : to a o'clock p. in. Clou Rock I toU::J0 Washington -l to u Jlonton -I to o IC Douglas toC " Xotnaha 8 to G London I to 7 " " Bedford 12 to 2 " " As)iuwall 2 to 5 " St. Doroin 8 to G Hrownvillo 8 to 7 " " Island 4 toG Lafayetto will elect delegates at Brock, on tho ldth of August, from 2 to G p. m. The .several precincts are entitled to representation in tlie convention as fol lows, based upon tho vote cast for -Regent l'owors, in ISM, giving one dele gate to each twenty votes or major fraction thereof: t'rculncts. o - Precincts, (5 i'firu Glou Hock Lntuvcilto.. 1I7I 00 nn si in 7 London rtt. Doroin... splnvnll.. Noiniihn v'y Mrownville. 7! l.'l III 13U 17(l h Wiwlilnstou uonms.... Ilonton .. . Hertford . IHllllKl It Tho Central Coiiitnittooby resolution recommeml that persons who havo not hitherto acted with the Hopublican party may bo allowed to vote at the primaries by agreeing to support the nominees of the convention. 0. F. Stkwaiit, ClVn C-en. Com. G. W. Faiiuiuotiikii, Seo'y. Tho Perfidy of Politics. 13DITOU Advkutisku: It seems rathoi pleasant for the leaders of a party to trade off tho rank and lilo of tho party, but hard on the honest vot ers to be traded off without knowing it. Tho combination by and between Majors, Daily it Co. of tho first part, and F. IJ, Johiihon, Hackney & Co. of tho second part, is to say the least a very largo political transaction and Uieve is not a Hcpublican in IJrown ville who is working so hard for the Majors-Furnastie up as Frank .loliu- son, l jumps ecrv Hopublican he can find and tries to induce him to vote for th'FunM delegate. The doubt ful ones he asks to see him betoro they vote no't Friday, its much as to say ho will pay more than any other inan dare give for their inftivim that day. f there had not have boon a trade, why would Frank bo so anxious with words and money to sao delegates qicotodin favor o-f Furnan? " ' . ' . " ' A Yotkii. . Sfr JTJiiV i,r " l-"n-lil- .nor.MMMw vmi jm, 4J1 HIP' k- He i'on- rroceeumgs oi tlie uounty uoumussionori. ii an luiourncu i neeunir oi t to :U an adjourned Hoard of County Commiioueis held on the.Hh day of August, ltfS-2. lriH out, full JJoaid, when tho lollowing business was done, to-wit: Concerning delinquent taxes on sw kt, 17, 'land 15, for year 1870. Otder ed that the county tieasurer take 7G per ctuit. less interest on above land. l)elinquenl taxes on lots .', 7, ,s and l, blk .10 South llrownville, tor -years 1S78 to 1S7D. Ordered that county treasurer take GO per cent, and costs on the above lots. Concerning delinquent taxes on lots !, to and 11, blk 12. HroVvnvllle, appli cation was Hindu iti have order of the Hoard made August tltli, H70, lenew ed. Ordoied tli.it the order made by the Hoard August nth. lsu. be re newed and county treasurer is hereby authorized to lake .yi.8ti and inteieHt and costs oh tlie siuno from that date to present date. W. K (llasgow was appointed road supervisor of Hoad Dlst. No. 2, l'eru. (). ,J, Slowell, A. H. tlilmoro and Cohort (roorteman were appointed a committee to contract and superintend the grading of load from Sheridan east on section line between suctions II, 28. 1G and 22. t:, r 18 east. A petition asking the Hoard to oliango the lottndarhw of Hoad Dlat. Xo. 1 and ! in Douglas precinct, wan turuisiied io tlie Hoaid, and alter duo consideration prayer of petition was gtanted and clerk wasordctu.l to make iecord of the same. The quarterly report of J. .S. Stall, county judge, for quarter ending .July 1st, 1892, was approved and ordered lllufl. Tho Hoard selected names to bo drawn from for u rand, and I'etit .Ju ries for fall termul' court, Jejrta. Amount ot warrants issued on General fund .. . . i adit) 8G Hridgo " 71)4 '.is. (ton. road " (Ill GO Jloard adjourned to incut August 12th. 1882. Fkank Jiitni'kuw, .1. H. DociCKii. Fresitlonl. County Clerk. i A Card to the Votors of Noumha Oouuty. For months past I have been impor tuned by earnest Republicans, from all parts of the county, tobucoinea caii- di'lateltir Congress In w Liist-lMslric .j h i-iMhm rmtiM: amnim i hoif e, to ictii'f iierinaneutiy fiom poli tico, nut il to do m longer has been eon ld( led iliareitct fill bj person. il and po litical friend. I have, thereioie, yiolded my peisiiual ilidiualious and desires, and comply with rcqueMs indicated, by becoming a candidate and will submit to the fair and honorable decision of the republican primal ies and county con vention. With their action I will be content and abide results. If this act on my part, may in the least, tend to allay, decrease, or ob literate personal political, factions, which for jeais past, havo rent the party and eoplc In Xemaha county, none other then good to all concerned can be the result. This announcement is made in this public manner because of the fact I had said to all who approached me on the subject, up to a late hour Saturday last, that I was not a candidate. Let the people consider and decide for themselves. .My only aim and onjoct is a general harmony and welfare. Hour. W. FlItNAS. Hrownville, Nob, Aug. 12th, 1881. A newspaper man having been ask ed by a lady "what a party platform is?" thus explained: "A platform, Julia, is oiib preamble and twenty reso lutions; strong in nonessentials, vague in essentials, i ouud tho hush on t lit-tariff and longh as thunder on tlie Monunns: clamorous for oi il service leform down on corruption, loud in it purine of puri ty, and determined to have it if it lakes every cent t he partj can rake. Thoplut- form, you understand .luli.t, is a legiti mate and necessary part of thecampaign pomp and circumstances; it goes along with tho banners, trnusparuiictou and torches, and when the campaiu'ii is over well, it is stored away in the sellar or garret, along with tlie rest of the -mi-forn s and torches. A campaign platform is very much like the campaign torch, indeed; it givosout ugieat deal of smell andsinoko with a very uncertain, nick ering light. ExchinH'. "We spent the forenoon of Monday over fit the north side of our rapirih growing young city, and found buni nets of every kind quite lively. We stepped into several stores and found thoy were not without customers by any means. Our old friend Gilmore is tho boss dry goods and grocery mer chant, and his icvoral gentlemanly clerks wort; all busy waiting on custom ers, u. toftm havo tho finest store room in tho county crowded full of goods, r - An old man iii Omaha who could not understand Kugjjsb and who con sequently didn't run when a man or dered him tp, was set upon by the in divhjual and chopped up with a' hatch et, causing his death Ihe-tuuno day. No uiiuio .fin' tlio killliiirlsknown. except I Ui.0 general depravity .of 'the murdew. The 11. V. railroad will be uninjifcl to Tccuiusoh tomorrow night. Uooil unougli. f j Hov. F. Al. iriukock, Uie blfnd' lii'Oachur of Humboldt, was in the oity last Sunday. &. Y. Corneirimi "had his painted and paiMsretl and la II.tpU ciwy as you plow. olfcco 110 1 I "lisa ilattlu Smith who has boon VfrJ itlngfiiendn at Hiownvillu tho rpast week, returned to this city Sunday: .John L. Carson and Dr. G. V. StdV- art of Hrownville, wero among 'tht woltoine visitors to our city lust Satur day evening. Will it not lie awful lunny to aoo a1 FurTtas delegation loom up from I'tini.t .InHj. think of it, and how 'it wa' broijkght abott. Wo ventun? Mm prediction thuttnertr will be inoie weddings hi Nebraska, . this lull and winter tlmu during an yenrdu tin? history of the statu. ' j Satin day night the lloldroge was . full ami running over. AVe understand ' Ttsd. was qbligcd to send some siran- ' gUl'S out It) sleep on tho pay scales. Dr. Hell Andiews, Sam. Honnett Itnbe L'lliott, Hli Terry, John Culp, . F. Diain. of Nemaha City, canieoutto. our county seat meeting last battuduy. ovoning. Artluir Walsh, who is a inastor of. tho niud-daubing art, and can do it fatK l tor than any other man .who pretends to plaster, is, engaged in plastering th Catliolic church this week, David Campbell, the leading ujjriouK tunil implement uierchaut of Hrown-' 4 villo, who lias 1'or seveial years sue t0 ..fkUljItlllt. 111.1 Ii!l 1. .,!.., ,iil la. .. Im.i.ii vii.i.Tiiiuj mil m.i.t Miiuuvirv in a ,iiii ritt ' boilding on Main street, is now .mpVb 'v ;ing i'vorything, house and all, to'ufli. '", Aubnriu And tlins.due Uie buoni.tiU . "the center go on. ' '".Fxtravagant e.xpuiullturu of nuh Jlc inotioy is an ovlhuot to bi meaaured , , by the value of that money tutlio'puo plo who aru-tiixed for it. They sus tain greater injury in the demoralizing effect produced upon thoab who are in- Uii wtU.Ui.iulircInl1 diiUcu Iij r'.'rtJVttow jjflr tifrfkUwHStA' tions of Uie A. Arthur. ( Ut eriimenJi." Chester Hon. Church llowo by tho hold and unqualified stylo of his speech Satur day night last, made many his friends, and supporters who had not hitherto, been sou "f did not believe that I should support .Mr. Uowe,"said a lead ing oit.'on of Mils 'pifoiuct, "but SaU" unlay night in his speech he went up on iecord in a manner io suit me, and I am bound to support him." It is cor-, tainlv to every man's interest In tliht locality to support Mr. Howe. AVe are indebted to a thunder storm which caiuo along Tuesday for tlil item. A bolt Ironi tlie clouds struck Mr. Dai rail's building, winch is occu pied bv Devin cS: Fisher, meiehants, on.. the south side twohc or tlttceu i'6ut from thoHonthwest corner, teai ing il.s way down lrom near tho ovsto the ground, spHmei ing the w'eather boatd ing and kiiftckmg oil' tho plastering. The diimnj?o can be easily repaired. Mr. Dvin was in tlie store and was knocked down, but instantly lecuvered and was not at all hurt. Thostt Republican reformers Of Hrownville and vicinity who propose to puiily tho paitv and call on tlio lending Democrats of the county to lelp purify it, ami in tin' purification, business enter into such impacts With. Democrats as, if carried olit, Would de liver tile party over, buot.Vauri brcucliea,, to tho comipoii etiemy ell, just, luko a look at that scheme at that sweet scented set of leforineri.' Such boUl treason will not triumph. Such tri ors cannot "deltver the goods"-r-y& hope. Mr. Furnas is to havo tho delegation to the congressional convention jCliiii'Oll' ' Howe, right or wrong, is td bo criiijiod out of oxislonce; Frank Jolinsoil. and Joe Hooker are to be Hie next county1 treasurer and dork. That is tlio bar gains made at midnight iccontly Imh tween Tom Mrors and a few KepublJi. (,insof Urowinillo, and some leading Democrats. Now, ItepuMicans of No malia county, there is not the least doubt about this, ahri ou will do tjio l. st political thing of your lives, tf; vou stamp out this riuik schemlnjK of a little ring that would betray you and the party. Quite a umber of temporary riil. ow era are steeping at thft HoldregH ja tho absence oi their hotter halves who are away visiting in different parts o,f tho country, and we notice that thoy are a far jollier set of men than tho bachelors who uiakn their homoti at that well kept holism. They laugh of- , lenerandmorv heartily, ' wear witw ' rluthflfi ittii) e mpr enrolul of tliwU ppi'souul npr arancp-tlnin tlio nuu wiio havo never bu through . Ilymeu' mill. ... .