he ubmsh f 4 w wermtr' ESTABLISHED I860. AUBURN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1882. VOL, 27, NO. 4. OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE . 50 iiiiiii' f - ' .",--' . HOLLADAV Have Just Received And everything that pertains to the Drug Business. We propose to compete with any firm in the County. Call and see us, and be convinced. Physician's Prescriptions and family Receipts carefully prepared. HOLLADAY & EBERLY, North Aubuip, Nebr. Summer Styles ! e -TV J AN IMMENSE Star Clothing House. Clothing Equal to Custom Work! BooIn and Suoch of Every Variety! Lndlert' Fine SIiooh a Specialty! Nobby Soft and Stiff Hats! Elegant Furnishing Goods ! Trunks and VallscH by the Hundred ! HURLBXJT, Tecumseh, Nebraska. BUSINESS CARDS. T II. BROADT, O Attorney tad Counselor at lnr, UrownvIlle.Neb T S. STULL, V. ATTORHnrs AT LA.1V. OOlceof County Judae, Brownvlllo, Nobrk. A S. HOLLADAY, ii.i Physician, 8 ar(aon, Obitctrlolstn. Qradustodln 1831. Located In BrownvlllelSM. Mnice.41 Main street, Brownvlllo, Neb. "" b. tTwttlW. Physician and Surgeon, Calvert, Jfoferaaka. OFFICE. Nickell & Shurti' Drug Store. CORODEN L. SWAItTZ, M. I),, Physician and Surgeon, Bedford, Nemaha Co., Nebr. D. J. WOOD, JTOTJMMtY JPIWJLIC, AND Lightning, Fire and Wind INSURANCE AGENT, G. W. CORNELL, ATTOltA'Elf .AT X.fr IP, CALVERT, NEB. OFFICE. One door North of the Nemaha County Bank. Will practice in all the Courti and attend to Collection.. X.&. 9 BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Mode and ropnlrod on woll ns onn bo done anywhere, on short notice, and VERY REASONABLE TE11MS. Nemaha City, Nobr. G. W. FAIRBROTHER, SR. NotaryPublic. Will pay attention to C O NVE Y ANCING And Land Agenoy Business. And taking Depositions Hlonk Deed MortRoges, and all .oru of blank? on hand'. ESTABLISHED XN 18S8 OLDEST Real Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA. William H. Hoover. Dom a general Real Eatate Ilmlneas. Belli Lands on Commission, oamlnes Titles, raakea Deeds, MortgagM, and nil instrul ments pertaining to the transfer of Ileal Kb tato. Has a Complete Abstraot of Titles to all Rial Estato In Nemaha Count?, " e iSW DRTiaGISTS SUCCESSORS TO S. H. MADDY, an Immense Stoqfc of Drugs, Stationery, TOILET ARTICLES, summer oiyies : STOCK AT THE SOUTH AUBURN REAL ESTATE AGENCY, H, J. F. WERT & 00. Oan furnish yon with Good Farms, 1 provea anu oworwiso in jNomnnn c y, 'Ma vacant nnat.imprrt'3-y-'a) North and South Auburn and Job Hay a also a number of buslnoss and resldo houseH in South Auburn for rout. Can furn ish blanks of any dlsorlptlon. Apply at tho postofflco, Calvert, Nebraska. Dr. A. Oppermann, Physician and Surgeon, Hat been located in Nemaha County since lS6S. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES. Afllictloni of the Ear and Eye Skillfully Treated. "Artificial eyei always on hand to"a Suit any tize or color. Calls at tended to day or night OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and ad Streets, SHERIDAN. NEB. aoyi Central House SHERIDAN, NEB. I. W. SKILLMAN, PROPRIETOR. This popular house has boon re :ently opened.and travelers will find overy appointment (lrst-class. A.. PALMEE, PROPRIETOR Oity 13tiltei-y? CALVERT, NEBRASKA. Fresh Bread, PiesXakes, Etc., always on Hand. Best Cigars in the City. Ice Cream! 49 Remember the nlnco-on tho corner, south of the Holdrexe House. S. A. Osborn, Notart Public. . W. Tayloi Osbobn & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Galrert and Brownville. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED ERAL COURTS. Diecisl attention given t collections and site ( REAL ESTATE. 9 "1 "ar j. b. kelsey, p, p. btakin, I T V i .m a a rrosmenc Uaamor, BANK OF AUBURN. AUBURN, NEBRASKA, 18 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS And offorH Us Sorvlfjes to tho Citizens of Auburn NEMA'&ItoNTY. For the transaction of ally, Business In tho line ry ' -T- -1 JL5 a TL J fifty Entered at the PoitofliteVi South Au burn, Nebraska, as Second Class matter. Republican State Convention. Tho Republican Electors of tho State of Nebraska are hereby called to send delegates from tho several coun ties to meet in State Convention at Omaha on Wednesday, September 20th, A. p. 1882, at 7 o'clock p. m for the purpose of placing in nomination cand idates for the following named otllces, viz: Governor. Lieutonant-Governor. Secretary of State. Auditor. Treasurer. Attorney-General. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. And to transact such other business as may properly come before the con vention. Tho several counties aro entitled to representation in tho Stato Convention as follows, based upon tho vote cast fer Isaac Towers, Jr., in 1881, for regent of the State University: Giving ono delegate to oach ono hundred and fifty (150) votes, and ono delegate for the fraction of soYonty-five (75) votes or over; also one dclegato at largo for each organized county. COUNTIES. a m I I COUNTIES, 1 Adiwnu Antelope M Boon a Hutrulo Hutlor Hurt CHH Cedar Cheyenne .. UUy Colfnx Cuming. Custer Chnse Dundy Dakota ...., Dawson.. Dixon Dodge.....,..., Douglas Klllmoro .... Franklin..., Frontier Furnns Onga ... Gosper Greoler 1111 Hamilton ., Harlan - Hltolicook.. Holt Howard Hayes- , 1402 700 710 Wi 021 JftfforHon .. 807 Johnson... Kcnrooy... Ketth ........ Knox I. nn ens tor Llnooln... M mil son... Murrlolc ... Nnnoo 7 0 6 1 0 18 4 0 7 8 9 6 11 9 4 2 0 8 S 11 13 4 10 0 4 2 8 4 9 2 2 11 114 739 22 091 I'M OS I 1&J2 409 732 19S 170 IS2J 6 17 827 290 11 1U Nemaha... Oil Nuckolls.. 800 Otoe- 031 1687 1147 399 106 Pawnee-... Phelps Pleroe....... 402 371 447 Platte 762 1012 392 IMS 1'olk 1105 2135 J5I0 Rod Willow luonarason uut.uo ..,.M.. Online 1B71 631 narpy ....... Saunders . Seward ... 469 13 713 1720 310 1391 1207 Hhorraun-... 402 Mtanton ... Thayer 183 202 1178 032 10. 488 12(0 Vallor WMhlhgton 1109 280 618 MO wuyiio Wheeler.., Wobstor.., York 174 08 1007 1030 Total It is recommouded? First That no proxies bo admitted to tho convention, except such as aro hold by poraona re siding in the counties from which the proxies aro given. Second That no dolegato shall rep resent an absent member of his dele gation, unless ho bo clothed with au thority from the county convention, or ViTT 0 . ,dHBk BB U -i II HI HaBajsBBayssm'Ha(IIBnHI 'zxsnmm i ii l mSsrW W A"" 'STBR Ts ncOT - ' ----r VAB'-- is in possession of proxies from regu larly elected delegates thereof. By order of Bepublican Stato Cen tral Committee. Jamics W. Dawiw, Chairman. JoimSTKKN.Seo'y. Piret DIatriot Oongroeslonal Oonvontion, Tho Bopubllcnn Electors of tho First Congressional District of Nebraska aro hereby called to send delegates from tho several counties to meet in Con gressional District Convention, at Ne braska City, on Thursday, September 7th, A. D. 1882, at 7 o'clock p.m., for tho purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for member ot Congress from 1st Congressional District, and to transact such other business as may properly coino before the convention. Tho .several counties uro entitled to representation in trio convention as fol lows, based upon tho vote cast for Isaac Towers, .Jr., In 1881, for ttegont of tllo Stato University, giving ono delegate for each ono hundred and fifty (150) votes, and one dolegato for tho fraction of noventy-flvo (75) votes, or over; also, one delogato at largo for each county: COUNTIES. 2 "COUNTIES. g i I L i IttolutrdHOii 158.1 II Otoe 1577 ""ll Nt-mulia nil) lH'w iai.' 12 I'liwiice 1117 VSumulttrN uul 10 JohiiNnu 1148 DHurpy 409 4 Uiiko 1720 12 Douglas VW 18 l.unriiHtor.... 2-S40 18 It is recoiiimondod : First Tlmr, nn proxy bo admitted to the convention, except such aB aro held by porsons ro siding in tho counties from which tho proxies aro given. Socond That no dolegato shall rop reHont an absont member of hlw dele gation unless ho bo clothed with au thority from the county convention or is in i)o83CBsion of proxies from regu larly elected delogates. IJy order of Republican State Cen tral Committee. .Tajiks W. Dawks, Chairman. John Stkkn, Sec'y. On Saturday Air. Henry Harm, pro prietor of tho Calvert Moat Market, was rested and arraigned before Jua loo JLAiin., h clirgtrof violating tho Sloo!tfosvrho offonso pharged was the selling of a bottlo of boor to ono Wm. Farlow aomo tlmo ago, with Farlow and Ed. Miller as witnesses for the prosocution. Messrs. Stowoll and "Wosloy Dundas appoared for tho prosocution, and Osborn and Cornoll for tho dofonso. After hearing all the ovidonco the justice decided that it was not Htilllcient to bind the priso ner over, and ho was released. Tho re sult of this trial gives universal satis faction, for it was generally bolioved that the prosocution was malicious and wholly unwarranted. Tho only regret is that there was no law which would compel Farlow to pay the costs. A CARD. I would announce to tho farming community that I havo permanently located at North Auburn for the pur pose of engaging in the grain businoss. I now liayo in course of erection a steam elevator, which will bo completed and ready to rccoive grain AugiiHt 1st. Our facilities for handling all kinds of grain are unequaled at any point in the county. I will uso tho old-tried and reliable Fairbanks Scales, pay tho high eft market price for grain, and guaran tee nattufaction in every particular, lw Geo. V. Cram. Harry Cowells, of whom tho ladies spoak as ono of tho most gentlemanly conductors on tho Ii. & M. road, spout Sunday In our city. Tho ladion aro emmlnontly correct In their opinion of Harry, for he is certainly an accommo dating conductor and would as soon help an old and cripplod lady on and olT his train as a young and guithing belle. Work on the IJ. & M. extension west from this placo has been progressing very slowly from tho fact that it has been impossible to get men to lay track. Twenty-one men arrived in thia oity Monday evening, and were immediate ly taken to the front. Tho work will now bo pushed along at tho rate of ono mile per day. It is authentically reported that flvo hundred mon and teams aro camped on the lino of tho Republican Valley rail road botwoon Tecumseh and Wymore, ready to begin work on the 15th of this month. When that oxtonslon is finished as it will bo in all probability this fall, Auburn will bo on a direct lino from DonYor to Chicago. Tho Virginia tobacco crop Is reported in very bad condition. Nemaha City. Good wcathor for crops. Mason's fruit jars nt Render's ; quarts $l.2&, half gallons 91.50. Missouri river still on tho boom but falling a little. RuHlnoss in the city is on the in crease. The prospects for good crops has a salutary intluenco on uusinoss. D. A. Morton, our principal dealer In agricultural machinery, has sold an Immense amount of that kind of goods, including a number of solf binders. Henry Williams, of Titus & Wil liams, is quite unwell at tho homo of his parents In this county. Wo wish him a speedy restoration to good health. Go to Uendor's for choice goods of all kinds. A good milk cow for sale by Mrs. M. J. Clark, Nomaha City. Seo Habo El liott. A number of can of hogs wore shipped from hero this week. Dr.B. Roll Andrews while visiting the family of Church Howe, profes sionally, a fow days ago, broke nn axle of his buggy, and when we met him he was making his way homeward with a wheel improvised out of a polo, and taxing his originality to some extent In ovolvlng words and sentences de cidedly unorthodox. Rut any one, es pecially a phllosophor, who spout two or threo yoars a prisoner at Anderson vllle, ought to endure such an Insignifi cant mishap as tho breaking down of a buggy with angollo serenity. A good lino of books, stationery .and wall paper at Ronder'B. During the Kist week the immense fields of fall wheit, barloy and rye in this vicinity are being harvested. And tho work is not yet noarly done. Ry tho timo the fall sown grain is taken caro of the Bpring wheat and oats will will bo ready for tho reaper. And, by tho way, tho prosout oat crop Is bettor than any previous year that wo remem ber. Tho report wo often hear those times, that the railroad between this place and Nebraska City will ultimately bo abandoned, wo consider merely sonsa sational. As a passenger thorough faro, howover It will continue as it Is, of very llttlo consoquenco, but aB BrqwiiYlllo and Peru will always bo pointa.atVhich considerable stock will bo gathered, it will probably pay to furnish them with an occasional freight train. Titus & Williams do sell as many pounds of sugar, cofFoo, and other gro ceries, for a dollar as anybody and more than some competitors and they give honest measure and wolglit, too. Tho Odd Follows hold tholr first reg ular mooting In their now hall, over Drain's store, on Saturday evening last. On tho ovonlng boforo, tho wives of the order turned out and completed the fixing up of the hall; and tho Re becca dogroe was conforrod upon aov oral. Tho new hall is about fifty feet in length not including the ante-room ; has a nice enrpot, is woll soatod with arm chairs; tho stands are handsome, and tho geuoral appearanco uf tho hall Is splendid. Tho Odd Fellows of this 1 oil go. aftor boing so long cooped up in a little, dingy, disproportionate, moot ing placo, unworthy of designation as a hall, aro to be congratulated in thus securing a placo bo pleasant, inviting, where they can stretch out, spread thomsolvoB, and whore it will be a pleasure to assomblo as well at a duty. Wo understand tho reason of tho slow progress of the Hoovor block, is the failure of tho stono contractor to supply stono fast onough to keep the masons going. Tho Masonic fraternity of Nemaha will horeaftor moet in the now Odd Fellow hall. To havo possessed and lost, better had we nover possessed at all. This old idea is true when applied to rail way privileges, as In any othor oase, whether more or loss poetical. Wanted ! AT NORTH AUBURN, GLEN KOCK, AND 3E3C O XXT 3ES ,1 All kinds of Grain, for which I will pay Conk! Satisfaction guaranteed. Got my quotations boforo you soil. Of fice for tho present at Mo. Pac. Depot. 4w2 Geo. W. Ciuiu. Tho Secretary of the Treasury has raado a Btatoment.foi' tho enlightenment of the people, regarding tho work of Doylo, thecpuntorfoiter. Tho Secretary says Doyle's bonds wore printed from counterfeit plates, and that none of thorn are lu circulation, as may be pre sumed from the fact thatnouoof thorn has ever boon presented at tho trea ury department for redemption, m 1m,