n I tii7ttT2'R72&l (""iMuvi? ebmski lajjiaijiiiniiiii i ii mm i iuiiiniii iiiBnnumnjnj . . . ' . aaPWWWWWM""HWWWIIIWlMMWMMBWBWMWWWWBIIIWIIIIMIBilWIIIIWMMgMaaM m to l . dvmiser i , 'U'."lt . IW .(It I .J...Y ,2 , ESTABLISHED I860. ) 0LDE8T PAPER IN THE STATE. AUBURN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1882. VOL, 26, NO. 52. A r m HOLLADAY cfe EBERLY, , ,. Have Just Keceived ifZ everything that pertains to the Drug Business. We propose to compete with any firm in the County. Call and see us, and be convinced. Physician's Prescriptions and family Receipts carefully prepared. BUSINESS CARDS. J. B. KELSEY P.'p, STAilN, Presidont. Oashior. BANK OTAUBURN, AUUURN, SEHItASKA, IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS And otters lt Services to tho Citizens of Auburn AND NEMAHA COUNTY, For tho transaction of any HusInesB Id tho lino of 33 a ii Is: i ii a . f, II. 1$ KOADY, v i Attorney nml Counselor at Jbitw, II row n VI Hi-.Nob T S. STULL, y; attohjiicvs at i.av. OiTlceof CouHtjr Judga, Drownvllle, Nebraska. A iS. HOLLADAY', tV JL,lylolin, Surgeon, Obstetrician. druduatod In 18H. I.ocnted In Brown vllle ISM. OfHce,4l MMn streot.Hrownvlllo, Ieb. A B- F. WEST, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Calvert, NoLrnsltn. OFFICE. Nickell & Shurts Drue Store. COKODHN L. SWAKTZ, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon, Bedford, Nemaha Co., Nobr. D. J. WOOD, TOT.fJRI' PVUIjIC, AND INSURANCE AGENT, Calrert, Neb., G. W. CORNELL, JITTOIUVKY JiT Ij.i IP, CALVERT, NEH. OFFICE. One door North of the Nemh County Dank. Will practice in all the Courts and attend to Collection). J. B. BERGER, Contractor 8r Builder, 4 Calvert, Nebraska. Work Promptly attended to and Satlifaction Guaranteed, JOHN 8. MINICK, GENERAL menu . t Noiuaha City, Neb. BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Mnde and repaired an well ns enn b done uaywliere, on short notloc, and VERY REASON ABLE TERMS. IVcnmlm City, ZVobr. G. W. FAIRBROTHER, SR. Notary Public. Will pay attention to C ONVEYANCING And Land Agenoy Business. And talclnjr Depositions, ninnk Deeds. MorlunBeB.nndullBortHor blunlcH on hand, -sNf- IDZETTO-G-IST SUCOESBOBS TO 3. H. MADDY. ! - ,. l' - -! an Immense Stock of Drugs, Stationery, TOILET AETICLES, HOLLADAY & EBERLY, J. M. FOWLER, Justice of the Peace anilj Real Estate Agent, CALVEUT, NEBRASKA. ISSpecIal attention given to oollec tioiiH. Oillco for tho present with tho Coi'itnjn. 27yl Dr. A. Oppormann, Physician and Surgeon, Hat been located in Nemaha County since 1 868. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES. Afflictions of the Ear and Eye Skillfully Treated. SOT Artificial eyes always brt hand to"Tj$8 Suit any size or color. Calls at tended to day or night. OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and sd Streets, SHERIDAN, NEB. aoyi Central House SHERIDAN, NEB. I. W. SKILLMAN, PROPRIETOR. This popular house has boon reiontly oponed.and travelers will ihul every appointment first-class. MARLATT & KING, DKAI.EH8 IN General Merchandise Dry Goods, Clrocories.nondy Mado Olothlm', Hoots, Shoes, lints. Cup's nnd u General Ar uorttnent of Drugs and Patent Medicines. Fence pots and wood always on hand for HlilC. 3u Highest prloes paid for butter and OKU. ASPlNWAIili, HRBHASICA. 8. A. Osborn, Notart Public. U. W. Tayloi Osbobn & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert d Brownville. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED ERAL COURTS. Special attention gie to collections and sale of REAL ESTATE. WANTKD, AKonts. Startling ns thu pages or rotmuino from ttio lowest depths of slnvory to n ponltlon hiiioiil' tho flMt In the lnnd. "Llfo and Tlmm" of FREDERICK DOUGLASS wrttton by hlmsolf; 18 fullpBuollIustrntlons; price 8H.W). Outrlvnls Unalo Tom's Cabin'' in thrilling iind romantlo lutorosi, with the ndded otmrm that ovezy word Ii truo. A marvelous story most Brnphlcnlly told and of Kreut, historical value. This volumnwill bo onBorly Bought for by the hundrndM of thousands who havo watohrd the jemurka ble career and havo been thrilled by tho olo. quenco of this wonderful man. Tho work gives an account of many tntervlowsl with prominent men and narrates many anno dotes concerning thorn unknown to thegen ernl pnbUo. It Abounds In many graceful touches both of wjl and eloquence. ...' "? ls ""i10 ,l 'oinarkttble man that peoplo lllto to rend about him, and no wondor." -Doston CongreKfttlonallst. "It Is ns Inspiring as n poom1-Wornnn'B Journnl. "No iitranger story has boon, or over will bo, told." Floston Advortlser, "It Is a more absorbing talo than any crea tion of notion." Troy N. Y.) Times. "Destined ton wldosaIe."-Hartford Cour- "The whole story Is exceedingly well told " Itoohestur Demnerat. Aildress J. H. Ooon. MAN A Co., Chicago. III. North Auburn, Nebr. ESTABLISHED INT 18 S8 o l r id s x Real Estate Agency in iine:R,A.sn:A.. William EC. Hoover. Does n genernl Heal RNtatolliislucHs. Solid L.andH on CommlsHlon, oxnmlnes Titles, in nit es Deeds, Mortgages, nnd all Instru ments pertaining to the tra tinor of Heal Es tate, Has n Oomploto Abstraot of Titles 10 nil Ileal ICstnto In Nomahn County. NoticeT.to Farmers Tho undersigned has for salt th NORWEGIAN PLOWS! BCarroTvsi CULTIVATORS, Woll known to bo the bout, whloh he will soil oheapor than thu cheapest. Farmers, Call and See. B. OTTENS. HITIKHtlZEl) UY TIIK U. h. (I0VKUN.MK5T First National Bank o r rto w rsrviLLE PaltUiip Capital, $50,000 Authorized " 500,000 18 PUKHAKK.V TO TltANHACT A General Banking Busines, BUY ANDHKLL COIN & GUKKENOY DRAFTS a all the principal cities nrtli United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Tlra Drnns discount d, nnd kiircIbI nccoinnuxlntlnniirrantctd to depoolt rs. Deulersln QOVKHNMKNT 110NDH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Received pytjleoritforaanl,an (NTKUKBT a owed on tluncirttncatusordeioili. DntK(rrons.-Vin.T7lrn. a, M. llalley. M.A Handley. Krauk K. Johuson, Lutlior Jloadley Wm. Fralsber. JOHN L. CAKSON, V'A'-w AVIKON, Cashier. PrMldflnt. J, C. MC.NAtiOHTo.v, .Vmt'Ca.ilitr.. PIMPLES! ir1 w,.,l,nn ('reol tho recolpe for n Blmple Vt'Ketablo Uttn that will romovo tan, freolc es, panploi mid blntuliut, loavln tho hUIii hort, clear and bonutlfiil; nlso liisiructloriH for pioduolni? a luxuriant rowth of hair on a ba d head or snooth face. Address Inclos fit K Jn'y11' "on. VaudulfACo., 12 Barclay TObCONSUMPTIVES. Th odvertlsor havlriR been pormnnontly oured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simplo remedy, Is anxious to rnnko known to his fellow sufrerors the the moatiB of euro Jo all who deslro It, ho will send n copy of tho proscription used, (free of chargo.) with mo directions for prepnrln nd usInK tho some, whloh they will ilnd a sure enre for cpuKhs, colds, consumption, asthma, bron Slni et0, 1urtes wishing the proscription ll1 ?,.'iV:?.!",(1r?',,, nov- Wilson, 101 i-enn stroot, WltllamsburKh, N. Y. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gojitlornan who uir,irel for years from nervous debility, premature decay, and all thoofTects of youthful Indiscretion, will for thosakoofBuirurlnu humanity, Bond freo to all who need It, tho reolpo and direction for tnalUnB tho simple remedy by which ho was curod. HufTerers wishing to profit by tho ad yortleer s oxperleno can do so by addressing ... ,... v,v.,..,igm, uijii.- i. u(jdi:n. oiyi ii Cedar street, Now York. $$ctek Avtxtim && Entered at the poitofTice at South Au burn, Nebraska, as Second Class matter. Tho town of Pocnhontns, Ark., waft destroyed by fire lust week. Tho wlicjtt of southeast Missouri Is said to bo very flno, and tho yield iiu nionso. Harvest tliero began last week. The Oregon election took place Tues day of last week. The entire IloimliH I'un tickot wiih elected, and tho legisla ture Is liopublican. During a recent storm in Southamp ton county, Va., houses were demolish ed and crops ruined. Hailstones fell that woro a foot lony and weighed a pound and a half. Tho fifteenth annual session of tho Nebraska Sunday School Association will be held at Columbus, Juno 20, 21 and 22, All Sunday School workers in thoStato are invitod to bo present. On motion of Senator Logan, tho army appropriation bill was amended, allowing 3100,000 for tho erection of an army and navy hospital at Hot Springs, Arkansas. Logan is always thinking of somothing for tho good of tho soldiers. Last week Miss Mary Hess, of IClm wood. Cass county, died suddenly, ah inquost developed tho fact that hor death was caused by an abortion per formed upon tho unfortunate young woman by parties in tho city of Lin coln to tho jurors unknown. A prominent Maino Republican says tho truo reason why Mr. Maine de clines to bo a candidate, for congress man at large is his tjpuht of success., Main id a close state theso times; and he darn nut risk defeat, for if that should ho tho result.it Would; most ef fectually shelve him as a politician and candidate. Ho would bo proof then even against lightning. Jimmy has been tolerably safe for some time, as regards presidential lightning. Mr. IIowo fails to explain how any man should think of asking him to go to railroad men with a demand for bribe money. Uramjtr. Why should Mr. IIowo oxplain, whon no man did think as anybody knows of, of asking him to go to railroad men with a demand for bribe money? Who was it that thought of doing that? Of courso the Grmvjcr can't tell, because thoro was not a word of testimony, during the late Ilobborts investigation, that could possibly bo construed in any such manner, and tho attack on Mr. IIowo is a snoaking, dirty lie by infer ence, after tho usual stylo of the sneak that edits that paper. Wo refer to tjio matter, in justice to Mr. IIowo, as we notice tho Ike and other venomous in sects quoto tho (Jran;cr's items with out commont whon thoy know at tho same time they aro manufactured lies. Tho Calvert (formorly Urowiiville) AnvKiniNKit defends John L. Carson from having sold out his position as Regent for support for Governor wo aro now inclined to think justly. Hut, characteristically, it does not do so without throwing out some vory un handsome and unequally unjust insin uations about somebody else. Does such potty personal spite do either Mr. Carson or tho editor any wood V unless tho editor's mako up is such that ho feels good after having done an tin handsome thing. HdstlnysNtibmskan. Tho editor of tiio Nebraskan had no reason, unless it was the ono wo gave tho measurement of Mr. Carson by himself for conveying tho impression to his readers that Mr. Carson had "sold out to becomo Governor," and do ing so was most unwarrantedly slan dering him. Therefore wo "fool good" and always do -In doing the hand some thing of chastising a reckless slanderer. Mr. Williams is old enough In years and experience, one would think, not to need to bo cautioned as to whom hoattompts to bespatter with Lis mud, because thoro aro really hon est men in tho world after all, Hqw ovor, wo fully appreciate tho manliness of our cotomponwy in acknowledging ovon an inclination to think tho An vkutisku's defense of Mr. Carson just. This mobtintf In Lincoln will bo com-. nnsM nf Vnlltlint'll'M Iipqi. Iilmi t-mriirrf. (loss of party, whoso sole and only aim i win uu luruuiiKU wiu grasping monopo lies, now playing havoc against tho lib-' ertifiS of tho peoplo. Tmtmseh Torch', Wit. Wo can't soo It. It may bo that oun intellectual vision is so clouded that wo aro utterly unable to recognize u single '"havoo agallist the liberties of tlj' people." llowuver this may bo wo, havo such reliance upon our own judg ment uud ability to understand "what's Uli," that we most positively deny that thoro Is any such "havoc." Jt is so easy for editorial fledglings and mature j demagogues to .cover a great deal of ground if mero assertions cover any-' thing and prove nothing. Wo know this, lion eo an itemized account of "havocked liberties," would bo moro convincing. Glvo time, place, ago, etc. Make it plain. Wo hear constantly of "grasping monopolies" please show explicitly where .the grasp comes in, and tho havoc begins. Wo know Hint tho "peoplo" get 87.00 for hogs; 87.00 to $0.00 for cattlo; 81.00 for wheat; 00(80o for corn ; and everything olso thoy havo for Halo at proportionate rates. We know that the railroads alias "grasping monopolies" nmkoj these' prices posslblo, which would bo Impos sible without thom. Wo know that whon a railroad traverses a county It adds to Its intrinsic wealth 8500,000 and augments tho assessment roll at least 82o;ooo. Wo kuqw that theso roads enhance tho value of real estato from ono hundred to flvo hundred pot- cent. Wo know that thov onon thu way for and bring Immigration, thrift and capital and enrich tho people in Ways too Innumerable to mention. This statq of affairs is not "now playing huVoc against the liberties of the peo ple, is it Wo spo used so much tho hackneyed phrase, "grasping monopo HoV'nnd never u witness or a reason to back It, that wo dopise the term, and como to the Uxed conclusion that it Is tho ranting twaddle of a demagogue, or tho silly echo of a domagoguo the gall and bitternoss of disappointed, played out party hacks, like Kosowator, and such as have not sulllciont discernment to seo through tho thin disguise of (ho ass, havo no higher ambition than to play second llddlo to him, and imagine it real sharj) to snap parrot like at every live, enorgotic inan, his stale, thread- , haro epithets, "eannor." "inmimuitv capper" "railroad capper." Come down , wuii lacts, instead or assertions, and say something original to relievo tho monotony. Tito following aro extraots from In gersoll's recent decoration day oration -in Now York. Ho began his speech with theso touching words: This day issacrod to our heroic dead. Upon their tombs we havo lovingly laid tho wealth of spring. This is a day of memory and tears. A mighty nation bonds above its honored graves and pays to noble diiHt the tribute Of its lovo. Gratitudo is the fairest tlower, nnd sheds its porfumo Jji the her. To-day we tell tho history of our country's lifo, recount tho lofty deeds of vanished years, tho toil and sulloring, tho defeats and victories of heroic men of men who made our na tion groat and freo. How pointed and truo is tho Contrast horo presontod between tho north and south, just prior to tho war: Our resources were boundless, and tho future seomod secure. Tho hardy pioneers moved to tho great west. Tho greai plains were crossed, tho moun tains woro conquered and tho foot of victorious adventure pressed tho shores of tho 1'aclllc. In tho great north all tho streams wont singing to tho sea, turning wheels and spindles, and cast ing shuttles back and forth; inventions woro springing like magic from a thousand brains. Hut in tho south the negro tolled unpaid, an mothors wept while babes were sold ; and at tho auc tion block husbands and wlvos speech lessly looked tho last good-bye, Fugi tives, lighted by tho northern star, sought liberty on the English oi, and woro by northorn mon thrust back to whip and chain. Ills closing words were: Thoro Is no languago to oxprcss tho debt wo owo, tho lovo wo bear to all tho doad who died for us. Words aro but barren sounds. We can but stand beside their graves, and, in tho hush and silonco fool what apoeoh has never M- T,ioy fought, thoy tiled, and for' thellrst timo since man has kept a record of events, the heavens bent above and domed a land wlthot a surf, a servant or a slave.