fti -, . 553 xzi ehmsm dveriker; ESTABLISHED IOBG. I CALVERT, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1882, VOL. 26, NO. 43. OLDE8T PAPEn IN THE STATE. ; J I iiiiiiiii in i mil mii ii mini ihiiiicibhiiumiiiftii acnaanoHHanatM Llw J M h L A BUSINESS CARDS. ii. puoady, Attorney anil Ontimnlnr lit haw, BrownvIlle.Nob T S. STULL, tJ. ATTORNKl'S AT IjA.1V. omcof County Judge, Rrownvlllo, Nebraska. A S. II 0 I, L A I) A Y , " I'liyilolnn, .Surgeon, OUtetrlclnn. Graduated In 1851, Located In llrownvlllo 18M. Orilce,4l MMn Btrect, Urownvlllo, Neb. bTp. WEST, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Calvort, Nobrnultft. OFFICE. Nickell & Shurti' Drug Store. J D. J. WOOD, .V09VI1V PUMSJOIC, AND INSURANCE AGENT, Calvort, Nob., G. W. CORNELL, .ITTOltJYEY .JT X.fflf; CALVERT, NEB. OFFICE. One door North of the Nemaha County Dank. Will practice in all the Courts and attend to Collections. J. B. BERGER, Carpenter & Builder, Calvert, Nebraska. Work Promptly .mended to and Satisfaction Guaranteed, A. Ii. FULTON, M. D.', Physician and Surgeon, OALVEIIT, NEB. OFFICE At Shurtz & Swarti' Drug Store Fablinger Block. RESIDENCE With E. D. Wert, on Nemaha Street. 2iyn X L. H. BATTLES, jl. x ctioncer. rpiIOSBwho nro nliotit to Imvo n salo will I tlnil It to tliolr Intercut to coiihuR lilin. Terms lensomiblo. Uosldenco In Un:lfonl precinct. 27-m3 J. M. FOWLER, .Justice of the Peace and teal Estate Agent, CALVERT, NEBRASKA. lrgSpeciiil attention givon to collec tions. Oillco lor the presont witn thoCouuiKii. 27yl Dr. A. Oppermann, Physician and burgeon , Has been located in Nemaha County since 1S68. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES. Afllictions of the Ear and Eye skillfully Treated, JBQyArtificial eyes always on hand to"X5U Suit any size or color. Calls at tended to day or night. OrriCE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and 2d Streets, SHERIDAN, NEB. aoyi THE PARIS HOUSE, CALVERT NEBRASKA f. M; Paris, Prop, This popular house has been recently opened, iintl travelers will find every appointment first-class. MARIATT k KING, DKAI.E'tS IN General Merchandise Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready Mntlo ClothltiK, llootH, Htioi'H, HutH, Cnps, nml iiGonoiul Ah Hurtment of Drus mul Patent McillclneH. Fence pcnts and wood always on hand for sale, 3 Highest prices paid for butter mid ASPlNAVAI.li, NKJUIASKA. S. A. Osborn, Notary I'hdlic. G. W. Tnyloi Osboen & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert nml Brownville. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED ERAL COURTS, Special attention pjven to collections and sale cf REAL ESTATE. Jacob Marohn, nrownvlllo. Rcbrnnlin. MERCHANT TAILOR, and dealerlu FlnoVnslMi,Ficiirli, Scotch nnd Fawpj C'lotlm Venting. Etc, Kto. Central Hon SHERIDAN, NEB, I. W. SKILIMAH, PROPRIETOR. Host place in the city to got a squaro meal. ESTABLISHED IN 1856 o l r 10 s T RealEstateAgency William H.Hoover. Does n Ronornl Real Kstnto IluslncHn. Sollo fiatids on CommlHSlon, examined Titles, makes Doeds, MorlgnRos, nnd nil limtru inonts pertaining to ttie triumfor of Ileal Eh tato. Has n Oomplote Abstraot of Titles to all P.wl Estate In Nomnlia Comity. F. W. Samuelson, D. J. Wood, President. Cashier. Nemaha County Bank, Calvert, Nebraska, Does? a General JBanlcing Business. Particular .Sit cut ion 6iu cn Collections. Monev Loaned on A-rov-ed Secuity. Exchange on all parts of U. 8. and Europe. Armstrong & Scott, PROPlUETOIiS LIVERY & FEED STABLE Calvert, Nebraska, GOOD HIGS AT REASONABLE ' CHARGES. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. Horses boarded by the day or weoV and Farmers' teams fed and eared for at Rensonublo Rales. VIITIIOUIZKll Y TIIK U. S. (lOVKUXMENT First National O P JllfcO V NVILL K Paid-tip Capital, $50,000 Autliorhed ' " 500,000 18 PUEl'ARKOTO TRANHAUT A General Banking Busines. RUV ANnSJEIiL COIN & OUEEENOY DRAFTS an All the principal cities nftue United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drarin dlicount el, and special accommodations granted to deposit rH. Dealers In GO VKRNMKNT IIONDS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSIT8 Received payable on domand and INTKRE8T a owed on tlmu certificated ofdopoilt. DinKC!TORS.-Wm.T7i)en, R. M. Ratley, M.A llandley. Prank E. Johnson, Luther Hoadley Wnu PraUher. JOHN L. CARSON, A. It. DAVISON, Cashier. , President. J, C. SIcN'AirniiTON, AsHl'Cnshler.. n UAMTFn far tt. Hail anil rm & lilN.r rietrnl I..k. ti Illblvt. I'ruM , rWlrl. WfcirU.U,t.,,SI. Lfttlt,Ma. Bank Farms I Farms P F ? FOB SALE 40 acres, 80 acres, acres ?. acres, 160 aires, nnrf acres, Lots in Calvert, Residenci Lois in Calvert. AJSTD Residenc LOTS IN Church Howe & Son, i SHERIDAN, NEB. arms 80 cr 160 Oil 320 tm re C: ; Business Business ShendnnS Jcbniuhn Advertiser. a. W. 7AIRBROTIIER & CO., rroprtttors. CALVERT, x NEBRASKA. Clem Stephen A. Ilnlbnrt, U. S. Min ister to Pom, died at Lima a fow days RO. Schuyler Colfax positively declines to be u candidate for congress In his old Indiana district. llanlau, the champion oarsman, in his lato race with Jloyd at Newcastle on the Tync, was again victorious. Ho did it easily, in tlio prcsonco of thousands of spectators. f l-Cfc Jesse James killed Ed. Miller, his companion in crime, wlillo tho latter 'was asleep. That was mor cowardly than Ford's net when ho guvo Jesso h)s transportation papers. Carter Harrison was elected to a third term as mayor of Chicago and the aldermanio election in that oity re sulted in -the olection of about two democrats to ono republican. Tho Calvert school opened Monday morning under the management of Miss Ella Dyas.an experienced and ac complished teacher. About forty scholars are in attendance. Tho school will doubtless prosper under Miss I) 'scare. Old mother Samuels, mother of tho highwayman, said when wetping for her son, "Well, Jesse is bettor oil in heaven than with us." And travelers and trains, and stage coaches, art bet tor oil with Jesso in tho bandit's heaen than "with us," certainly. Humor has it that a marriage has been consummated and tho w edding is to take place. Pitkin (Col.) Inaejwnaent. And is it the fashion out there to consummate marriages before tho wed ding comes olt? Gues.s we'll not go to Pitkin. ' r . m - Jfi .kvl? Ilou. William Williams, of Wnrsaw, hut., ha.i received the lippointmont of Charge d'Aflaiis to Paraguay and Uru guay. II is placo'of residence will bo at Montvido, a city south of tho equator. Billy Williams is tho best political orator In Indiana, and by his offectlvo work for tho party merited something bettor and nearer home. Tho ladies of the M. E. church will give an entertainment at frunuclsou's Hall Wednesday eveiiinj;, April ID, for tho benefit of Father J.yle. Tho ad mission will bo twenty-ilvo cents, chil dren ton cents. Tho entertainment will consist oi music, recitations, cha rades, etc. Refreshments will bo served in tho hall. Everybody is invited. Page, of California, Oth inst. intro duced another antl-Chinose immigra tion bill. Au tlioDomocrats who had hills ready on tho same subject 'were worried because Pago got there tlrst. Page's bill excludes tho celestials for H) years instead of 20, as in tho vetoed bill, and otherwise modifies tho pro visions, so that, us Is believed, the pres ident can indorse it. Tho Democratic pa'ty having run out of issues upon which tho masses of tho party can unite, is meditating tho issue of free whiskey. Tho question is looming up as ono of national im portance, and sooner or later voteis will compel leaders and platform mak ers to take knowledge of the fuct.-Wfi-ter Ocean. A negro boy in Chicago, only 12 years old, was recently arrested for picking n Tiilo lock, in general ,Uso in pjstoflices, and abstracting mail mat ter. Tho Yale lock was thought to dofy thd fngonulty of thieves, yet the littlo nigger did it with u" simple Hat piece of iron. Tho Washington correspondent of the Omaha Republican, speaking of Col. Tom Majors' chance for liilmlssion to a seat in Congress, saya: "1 supposo the telegrams have informed al! our politi cians and th oho interested, of the al most unanimous report which lias been secured from the committee in favor of the admission of Majors, Supplement arily it may again bo assorted that the chauces of Majors' success are largo and growing. Thanks to tho firmness and kindness of tho speaker, and tho sagacity and good judgment of thoso having it in charge on tho floor, the matter is now in such shape in tho house that it can bo called up as a priv ileged question -whenever tho friends of the causa may think it oxpediont." SOME TOETBY. Kdltor Advertiser! I haVo read, with a feeling something liko envy, tho poetical contributions Hint have appeared from time to time in tho columns of tho Advkutiskk, and I thought that perhaps I, too, might accomplish something in tho way of poetry, if I tried. So, after considerable thinking I constructed tho following pastoral poem, which J. rospoctfnlly dedicate to my friend and brother poot, I). J. Wood. You will' obsorvo that tho verses do not dove tail into each other as neatly as could bo desired, but this is tho fault of my inexperience. When I shall Imvo re ceived tho poets' license, for which I Imvo made application, I will do hotter.' AllTHUlt V. WAt.fjIU A pretty little milkmaid, with iwcet free and figure, ( , . Ooei tripping away d'er the green, Where an Irishman, i Swede and a nigger, , , Arc running a threihing machine. T ,, The Inebriated ion of old Peai fell In To the Nemaha, and wai never. ecn any more j Hut hit ghott ii lomctimci seen with a bottle of gin And ionic tandwltchci, bumming around the shore. ' Old Peas got mad and hit his hired man a snek dolegcron the jaw. Then the hired man went for old Peas with a stick of wood, Hut Peas laid him out with a brick, and then they went to law. , And at last advices that's about how the matter stood. A.V. W. HOADLEY & EAINEY, Thoiibovo named firm uio now in Chicago purchasing tl o largest, most varied and best selected stock of drugs, medicines, perfumery, stationery, no tions, etc., over opened in the city of Hrownvllle. Jlesides their ample stock of fresh, pure dings, they Intend to make a specialty in tho attractiveness and eleganc'u of their miscellaneous stock, which will compriso every branch anil variety of goods compatible with such establishments. Mr. Painey having had an experience of som'o years in this branch of business, and being adapted by naturo to the business; 'vill enable him to select a stock un' surpassed in taste and elegance. II. & H. wero fortunate in securing tho Lowman bushiest) room to occupy with their Immense stock. It being without, doubt the most handsome, elaborately finished and convenient store room in tho county. It is on tho north side of Main street, first door west of Alex. Kobison's. When their now goods are displayed in that room and properly arranged by deft and practiced hands, as they will be, the show will bo a bril liant one. Wo do not over color, nor over-estimate the talent of these young gentlemen to do a good thing in tho lino they Imvo adopted, both for them selves, the city of Prownvillo, and tho public, and wm do not doubt that, al though they strike out against formid able compotitition, they will meet with the success which their energy, enter prise and experience demand and merit. Tlio Jlrownvillo city election went off very quietly so quietly that there was but one ticket in tlio field. Tho following nro tlio chosen ones to run tho city govorumont for tlio ensuing . year: Mayor, W. W. Hackney. Treasurer, O. A, Cecil. Clerk, J,. U.Fort. Police J udge. S. M. Itich. ' Councilman, 1st ward, F. E. John son, Timothy McLaughlin. Councilman 2d ward, J. If. Proady. Councilman J!d word, Clms. Noid hart, D. E. Douglas. That is a good strong board of repre sentative uiou, and acceptable to all unless it bo radical tomporanco people. Tho abovo named gentlemen aro all anti-prohibition, except, perhaps, it be Mr. Proady . Wo do not know Ins sen timents on that subject. Hi im i Tho Nemaha bottoms, far as ono could seo up and down, Sunday morn ing, wero covorod with water. 'This could only bo accounted for by tho rain that fell Friday night, and which tho dammed condition of the river, oc casioned by mill dams and railroad grades prevented from running off. Tho star routo mulo express could not cross, Monday, and returned toPrown Villo where It went into winter quar ters, Tlio P. &M. cars bring our mails all right, however. In writing up the proceedings of tho lato district court at Prownvillo, wo neglected to niontlon th curious fact Unit ono of tho grand jurors was not yet twonty-ono years of ago,