I . iiiiiiim ii)i iiiiiiii ii ii iiiih pii inim 1 1 in i mini miiiTiii i ii i nil n ' ' ' ' I i i-ir ffiam mtq 5 ? aOBH I SI I yw "" V y i w mmmmmmm t dvmtmt I nQcjirjlTn I I .I. li..i----aMM----m------nMIUIlllMlW '"HWHW ' '"''' 'w.'UH IWIW Ml Jim ,,, . ; , ..- ..-.,,, ,,. .. . r- ffe MtbWBM " M -----------w v . --------f r----- t jm UHHBHnHinainLomwaEum 2)' ;, ,r. l; i ' ESTABLISHED 1856. I OLDEST PAPER IN THE 8TAE. .CALVERT, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1882. VOL, 26, NO. 37. wrrm mUlll'im I- , I . .1 mi im Jl 11LU1 UHLJlJMIim.UILUJUUHUlijW U-- 10U.LW it'll lll'MIIJUMI HUM U JJMIIUIWUUUUIJJI J. II. BUSINESS CARDS. BROADY Attorney anil Oounielnr at jt lirownviiM'.-seo t s: STULL, f). ATTOUXIflVH AT IiAIV. Oniceof County JudKO. Ilrownvllln, Nobr-. A S. HOLE AD AY, tit IMiyilolan, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Graduated In 1851. Located Irf tlrownvlllu I8M. Olttcr.,41 Main Mreot, JJrownvlllo, Neb. J. W. GIBSON III.AnKHMITI! AND IIOUHIC HHUMl Workdonotoordor nHatlsractloiiKnnteed First strnet, botwoen Mnln and Atlantic, Urovrn vIlln.Nob. a. G. W. CORWELI, , .ITTOItJVJDY MT'IjA CALVERT, NEB. OFFICE. One door North of the Nemaha County Bank. Will practice In all the Courts and attend to Collections; A. L. FULTON, M. D., Physician ami Surgeon, OALVEUT, NEB. OFFICE At Shurts & Swart Drug Store Fablinger Block. RESIDENCE With E, D. Wert, on Nemaha Street. yn D. J. WOOD, NOTAEY PUBLIC AND- Insuranc Agent, Calvert, Nob., J. M. FOOLER, .Justice oflhe Peace and Real Estate ftgent, CALVERT. NEBRASKA. tSTSpccial attention given to collec tions. Office for the present with the CouKiicn. 27yl GEO. BOOIi, FmWSMiMOJWaiSJLE Boot & Shoe Maker CALVERT, NEBRASKA. Custom "Work Made t0 order Satisfaction Guaranteed. Repairing Neatly and promptly done at Reasonable JUtes. bnop east of hotel. and on Nemaha Street JOHN HARMS, PROPRIETOR FARMER'S HOME 1 CALVERT, NEBRASKA. Warm meals at all hours. TI-IE CALVERT NEBRASKA Jl.lt, Paris, Prop. This popular house- has been recently opened, and travelers will find ovory appointment Jlrst-clsisa. BERGER JJ. CARPENTER and BUILDER, , Nebraska. Work Promptly attended to and Satisfaction TVJ . J.,J1su , Guaranteed, Dr. A. Oppermann Physician and Surgeon, Has been located in Nemaha County since i863. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES. Afflictions of the Ear and Eye Skillfully Treated. jjSSTArtificial C)es always on hand to'XBjj Sutt any siase or color. Calls at tended to day or night OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and id Streets, SHERIDAN, NEB. oyi ESTABLISHED IN 1856 OLDEST Real Esiatelgenoy William H. Hoover. Dooh u Konorul Uonl Entitle Unfitness. SoIIb Lands on Connnlmlrm, oxnmlnuH TIUob, mnkeH DoedH, MortBiigPs.fiuiU nil nntrn mnntH pertaining to the transferor Uonl Eh tato. Hns a Complete Abstraot of TitleB to all I'eftl EHtalo In Nenmlin, Couiitv.' F. W. Samuklson, President. D..I. WOOD, Cashier. Nemaha County Bank, Calvert, Nebraska, Does' a General Banking Business. Particular JEt ten I ion" Giv en' Collections. Monev Xoancd on Arni,ov ed Secuity. Exchange on all parts ot U. $. and Miurope. Armstrong & Scott, PROPRIETORS LIVERY I R D ST4BU MARLATT & KING, TIKALKItH IX General Merchandise Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready Made Clothlnn, HootH, Shoes. IIutH, Caps, iuiiI a Gnnornl An Hortinnnt of DriiKB and rntont Medicines. Kcnce posts and wood alwayH oti hand tor bulo. 3 IIlBhost prlorn paid for unttor and e8. ASPlNIVAI.Ii, NKHUAHICA. Calvert, Nebraska, GOOD RIGS AT "REASONABLE CHARGES. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS COMMERCIAL MEN. FOR llorsefl boarded by ,tho day or week and Farmers' teams fod and carod for at Reasonable Rates. S.A. Osborn, Notary Public. G. IV. Tayloi VUT)IOIllZi;i) UV THE V. M. (JOVKUNSriNT First IMeiionaB Bank OF TIROWNVILI, U 0. W. 7AinnR0THEa,& O,, Pfoprleton. : : NEBRASKA. CALVERT. placed up General Grant hart boeu on the army retired list. Tho R cent Garfield postage stamp will bo ready to lick' Match lBt. Milford, Neb. is to lmvoa now )apor, to bo called the Sctmird County Demo crat. '- Vifquain of tho Lincoln Democrat retires from that paper and a Mr. Wat kins takes editorial charge. A supposed horse thief, named La ley no, was recently captured in Kan sas, who had been dealing in horses at Firth Neb. Tho Stato Journal nays several H. & M. conductors havo recently been dis missed from the sorvfee. one of whom was "Hutch." No rcasonsgiven. At Plattsmouth last week during a drunken quarrel over atfamblinK aobt, a young man named Charlie Dowers shot, mortally it Is thought, John Mayull. President Arthur has appointed Roscoe Conkling Associate Justice of this supreme Court' of the United States, vice Judge Hunt, resigned. h this case the ofllco certainly seeks tho man. It is doubtful, if Conkliug ac cepts. Thos. Miller, who lias hitherto been second assistant general freight agent of the C. H. & Oj.ut Chicago, has been promoted to the posjtion of general freight agent of tho Rt M vice Har ris, resigned. Mr. illors headquar ters will be at Omaha. Ex-Sonator Saigent.of California has received the appointmout of minister to Germany. This is quito a disap pointment to his friends who were con fident that ho would-be Secretary of the Interior. Kirkwood. it is now believed, will be retained. The congressional'ommittee on con tested elections havendopted resolu tions thatneithor OauiiTmnor Gamp boll are entitled to a seat in Congress as Deligato from Utah, and that the seat is vacant. That heats Cannon and all other polygamists for Congress. Church Howe is getting his batter ies in working order in Nomaha Coun ty, and wo may soon expect to hear tho thundering topsail along the line. "Howo for Governor." Jkatrice Inde pendent. "We see Mr. Howe frequently, and ho never said "Governor" to us ; and hav ing no bettor evidence than items from a distance, like tho above, from those who are not tipt to know anything about it, wo are unablo to say whethor he is a candidate for governor or not. The Tecumsoh VhieJ'lain says:Somo recent developments go to show that the plans of tho 15. & M, are, to build tho Hastings aud Arapahoe cut-of, the line from Chester into Kansas, tho line from Pawneo into Kansas, the line from tho river to Beatrice, now being graded through this placo. A line is to be built from Kansas City to Topeka. from Topeka to Pawneo. Be tween this new route and tho old one via Plattsmouth and Lincoln, lies the iiow routo through Tecumsoh, which will be the main lino from Chicago to Denver, crossing tho Missouri at As pinwall. It is ent'roly probablo also that tho Topeka aud Pawnee City line will be extended to Tecumseh. Tho lino now beitig graded into town will be extended to lieatrico. Paid-up Capital, $ff 0,000 Authorized " 500,000 InOalvort, ThicNhukahka AnvKiiTisKit in bo coming an Institution of Calvert, bows with friendship and, dignity to tho people Tho Anvi:iiTi8K needs no introduction to tho people of Nemaha county, for It Is "an old settlor ;" but having changed its base of operation will say something by way of "going upon tho accord." Why is tho AnVKit nsKithoreV Tho primo cause la, oUr faith is here. Tho reason of our faith is in tho fact that two competing lines of railroad, owned by two of tho strongest and most enterprising rail road corporations in t,ho worhl. cross hero at tho center of this, tho ''Garden County" of Nebraska. Theso facts aro sufllctently convincing to us, that hero, at tho center of tho county, aro tho in ducoments, advantages, incentives, that will enlist tho confldenco of capi tal and labor -o build, not only the town of tho county but a roal city, livoand progressive. When tho last effort to inovo tho county seat Warf made, the Am'KitTrsKU Used tho sub stantial argument that at that time tho people did hot know were tho coun ty seat should bo located, and that thoy could not know until tho R. & M. railroad, then in prospect, should tra verso tho county east and west. Wo believed then that when that road should bo built tho people Would solacf a point centrally upon it and make it tho county seat. In keeping with this view of tho matter, when that road had reached tho center of tho county and Calvert was located, we without delay established a printing ofllco hero. Mnuy others, Unpolled by this idea "took stock" in tho new town. All this was done when thoro was no hope or thought of another great thor oughfare spanning the county central ly north and south. Rut the M. P. has come, and its coming makes cer tain that which was only probable bo fore. "We say "makes certain" upon the belief that Calvert and Sheridan, with adjoining town plats, will not falter, through trivial selfish consider ations, in consolidating their interests, at least so far as the goiieral "boom" at tho center is concoiWd. by a Wiping out of division lines. If this shall bo done tho sanguine expectations of tho people and of tho towns' will bo certain and speedy. The county seat and rapid growth of Calvert and Sheridan, or thelroomparatlvoly tardy growth, do ponds upon tho amount of gonulno wisdom exercised by tho citizons, and especially tho town companies or pro prietors, who control m a great meas ure, tho destiny of theso towns. It will be the duty, and therefore tho bus iness, of thoAin'KimsHii.to do, whjit over a local paper may, to prosper this locality. Other towns'in the county will find uf? fair and magnanimous, 'as wo havo always been ready at all times to say any good thing wo know of them, and if wo do not know, we ask them to write for themselves, as wo always welcome local news and decent correspondence to our columns. Brownvillo Itoms. yet worth a ten aero lot full of. dead horses, and that hu could euro her sound in a woek or two. Which ho has done. 'So tho impression is en graved upon our mind that uven horso doctors (16 not know as much us tlioy think they do. Capt, A( Jl, Davison, cashier of tho First National Hank, started for a threo weeks' visit in Pennsylvania, on Thursday last. -District court 28th inst. . - Stevenson & Cross, wo notlq'e,, aro) opening a fresh Invoice of bird' oagos; hanging and tahlo hunpd, tablo citstms,' etc. Snow gone long ago, leaving mud hi abundance. - G.W. Fairbrolher, Sr will con tinue to resldo in UrowiiYlMo. Mrs. Wightman, wifo of-tlio prin cipal of tho Rrownvllle high school died on Monday night, 27th ult . The river was full of icohnd'sl'usli Tuesday morning, hindering tho ferry, boat for a short tlmo. ' ! ', The Apportiomncut Law1, , ,', Tho following is a copy.o ,tha. con gressional apportionment bill. which has bocomo a law ; , ,',i i1,' lie If enacted, tie., That aftortht) M of March, 1883, tho House of Reprcsbn tntivea shall bo composed of nn mem bers, to bo apportioned among. the sev eral States as follows: Alabama. 8 Arkansas ft California- o Colorado ' Connecticut 4 Delaware 1 Florida . 2 Georgia 10 IUinols ' 20 Indiana K) Iowa 1 1 Kansas 7 Kentucky , 1 1 Louisiana 0 Maine 4 Maryland o Massachusetts 12 Michigan 11 Minnesota r .7 11 .1 Osboiin & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert "t Brownville. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED. ERAL COURTS. Special attention giren t collections -- mU of REAL ESTATE. IS PUEPAltKJrrO TKAN8AOT A General Banking Busines. BUY AND8KLI. OOIN & OUBRENOY DRAFTS n All the principal cltle? or tho United States -and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time DrartH dUoounl ed. and uneclnl ivccommodiUlonHurantod to deposit m. I)ealerHlnUOVEIlNMKNTHONDS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES .DI.POSITS aeclTfd payiiblooiiileraand.and INTKUKHTa owed on tlmo ccrtUlcaten ofdeppHlt. DIRKCrrORH.-wm.T. I)en, II. M. llnller. M.A Hundley, Frank K. Jolumon, Iiutlior Jloadloy Win. Kralslier. JOHN Ij. CARSON, K. n. n A VIHO.V. Cashier. . President J. O. MuNAUUllTON, At. Cashier. Miss Lydia Bull will givo an enter tainmont in tho Normal Hall, Peru, Nob., under tho auspices of tho Philo matliean Society. The entertainment will take placo Saturday, March 4th. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Exorcises Will begin at T:!10. An admission feo of twonty-flvo cents will bo charged at the door. I'UOOItAMMK. Music: 1. Pocket's Christmas Brown. 2, Aunty Doleful.s Visit... Mrs. Diaz. !). Wooing of Henry V. . .Shakspcarc. MUSIO. 4. Bugle Soiig Tennyson G. Sioux Chief's DauL'liter... Miller. 0 Sho would ho a Mason MUSIC. 7. Gabriel Grubb .'. . Dickons 8. Connor Whltol.uv Held MU8IO. 0. How Ttuby Played -Adams JvATH L. Hewktt. ) J. L. MoKinzie. Com. AltAnKLLA Bkai.s. ) Church Howo was in the city Wednesday night, and went up to Lin coln Thursday. Tho Advkktisiju prosscs.type and fixtures of the ofllco was hauled to Cal vert last Thursday, by tho teams of Burger and Boyce. T. C. Hacker, postmaster, is cir culating his petition for re-appointment. Everybody signs it. Tho time for which ho was appointed is up in July, and ho is taking time by Mm fore lock. No other applicant for tho place that wo know of. Parties who attended tho Wash ington birth day ball at tho Opera House say it was well attended aud a very pleasant affair throughout. A youthful drunkard of tho city, not yet out of hiB teens, was pitched out of F raker's saloon Thursday morn ing, heels over appetite. Wo thought it a good shove for the boy's good. Mrs. U. 0. Lett and her son Willie were in tho city last week. Robins and blue birds still in sist that spring is at hand. Not long ago Cy. Kauffman had ii sick horso. Ho called on Georgo Hatchett and Phil. Fraker, both emi nent "boss doctors," to go and see what was the matter with his horso. Tho horse doctors, after critical and scien tillc examination, and looking at his tongue and lifting his tail, unanimous ly said, "glandeia no euro dangerous dlHfiaso awful ketchin' ' sho6thim." And thereupon Kauffman had Ills horso killed. Well, in a fow days an other of his horses was taken sick. Hatchett and Fraker were called again, and again they diagnosed the case to bo 'glanders shoot her." This anl mal being a favorite and valuable mare, her owner couldn't bear tho idea of killiiiL' her: ho hesitated, came to town and consulted Luther Robinson, who knows beans from poas.and knows something about tho diseases of horses, although not professing to bo an ac complished veterinarian. Robinson looked at the maro, and said sho was Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Novada New Hampshire 2 Now Jersey - 7 Now York ". fl4 North Carolina 0 Ohio 21 Oregon 1 Pennsylvania 28 Rhode Island '2 South Carolina 7 Tounesseo 10 Texas " Vermont 2 Virginia lb West Virginia 4 Wisconsin , . 0 Seo. 2. That wbonover a now States is admitted to tho Union, the represen tatives assigned it shall bo in addition to fho number of 82G.. , stefesil. Timlin eii cli SHttf'cntTtW under this apportionment nuinlTcr to which such Statu may bo entitled in tho forty-eighth and each subsequent congress, shall bo elected y districts composed of contiguous territory, and containing as nearly as practicable an equal number of inhabitants and equal in number to tin representatives to which such Stale may bo entitled in congress, no one district electing1 more than one representative: Provided, That unless tho legislature of such Stato shall otherwise provide, boforo an election of such representatives shall take placo as provided by law, where no change shall bo hereby mado in tho representation of a Stato, tho representatives tlfereof, to tho forty eighth congress shall bo olected therein as now provided by )aw. If the num ber, as hereby provided for, shall bo larger than it was before this change, then the additional representative or representatives allowed to said Stato under this apportionment tnay bo olected by tlio State at largo, and other representatives to which tho Stato is entitled by districts as now prescribed by law in such State; and if tho num ber hereby provided for in any Stato be less than it was before tho change was made, then tho wholo number to such Stato hcroby provided for shall bo electod at largw, unless tho logislaturo of such States havo provided or shall otherwiso provide beforo tho time fixed by law for tho next election of representative therein. All' acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith aro hereby repealed. This law makes; tho total representa tion !l2ft. It takes one from Maine, one from New Hampshiro, and ono from Vermont. It adds to ' ' Arkansas California Georgia Illinois Iowa Kansas Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Now Yorlc Nebraska North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania South Carolina 1 1 Texas 2Virginia 2JWest Virginnia 1 'Wisconsin ! Kentucky . Those States denominated as "south era, have a net increase of in sentatives. and crease of 17. repro- tlio northern a net in- Manv porsons will take no medi cine until prostrated on a bed of sick ness. This is folly. Nature always calls for assistance when, needed to throw off impurities. "With pur habits of lifo, it is necessary to render this assistance. Puiokia" Ash- JJitteiis will not force nature, hut acts mildly and renders tho assistance required. Try them.