& '-tni.'fr (( ..Lj i j oamnnma r" piuiiiwm,iii.ui-Ljj-Jj-Ji.i .-. j iii lLajJJU-Jl'AllTTM ,- 'V NT JR $&XQf? $ ESTABLISHED 1850. I Oldest Paper in tho Stuto. J maraeribUjkUiiHMnannBnji.'ui BUSINESS CARDS. If. JUtOADY, Attorney nl Onnnmlor nt Law, Ilrovvnvllle.Neb T S. STULL, fJ. AT'l'OIlNKVH AT LAW. Olllcoof County Judgo, Ilrownvlllo, Nebraska. A S. II 0 L L A 1) A Y , tit Pliynlolnii, ijurgonn, Obstetrician. Orartunted In 1851. Located In Ilrownvlllo 18M. Qlllcc.ll Main ntroot, Ilrownvlllo, Neb. j" wTo i b son, ulaoicsmitii and house SIlOKIt Workdnuo to order und satisfaction uiiraiilced FlrnMtreot, botwoon Main and Atlantic, Urown vlllr.N'oh. S. A. OsimitN, Notary Public, O.W.Tayi.ok. OSIIOIIN & TAl'IsOIC, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Brownvillo, Nobraska. PRACTICE In tho State nnd Federal courts, Special attention given to collections and sales of real estate. pAT0LrNE, ITASIIIONAIILK BOOT AM) SHOE JLVKHIl OUHTOJr WORK inudeto order, and Iltsalway KUiranteed impairing neatly and promptly done Hhop, No. S" Main Htreot.llrownvllle, Neb. D M. BAILEY, SltriTKIt AND UK.VI.KH IN LIVE STOCK juto wxvmr.K, nemiaska . farmers, pleaso call and got prices; I want 10 Inindlo your stock. Olllce First National Bunk. PATENTS Wo oontlnuo to act as Solicitors forratcnts, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for tbo United btates, Canada, Cuba, England, Franco. Germany, etc. Wo uavo had tltlrty-llvo ycnr experience Patents obtained through us aro noticed In tho sci entific American. This largo and splendid Illus trated weekly paper, $ 3 .2 0 a y ear.shows tho Progress of Science, Is very Interesting, and lias an enormous circulation. Address JIUNN & CO., Patent Solici tors, pub'a. of BciENTino American, 37 Park Row, Now York. Hand book nbout Patents f reo. ESTABLISHED .iN 18a6, .A o jl. r 13 S T Real EsteleAgenGy IJV N1SBUASKA. William H. Hoover. Does a general Real Estnto Ruslness. Sells Lands on Commission, examines TltleH, makes Deeds, Morlgngos, und nil lnstru inontH pertaining to tno transfer of Real Es tate. Has a Ooinpleto Abstract of Titles to all P.jal Estnto In Nemaha County. wrs3iaafcxiaaatrxiau2EigsriaiJn llic tpu rest and lies t Jletllclne ecr Hade, fi AooflmblnntloH of Hnnn. Bunhn. Mnn- (lrnkoniiii Uandel ion, with all tuu best and most onuratUe in)in'ilir of all other Hitters, niniceiitlio greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Rojulntor, and Ufemul Ilraltli JUntoriiie Atent ouM I, I II I HI II llll I farth. No ill.fnBC, an possibly lonir xlt Trherallop JJIttrur.io usedpo varied aud perfect aro tblr opci iiumis.iaawi Tliy clv iiwUttfo anlvlgw is tfci igod aai laflrn. To all whoio o nmployraentscmiso JrrcKUlarl' tyortIi6loMtloiutlnary organs, or who re qulioan ApnetlssrVToulo and mild Stimulant, Hop llltUrMaiuliivulVj'ahlo, without IntOX- lontlng. misrih No matter nlistjroiirrowUngs or symptoms aro what tlia dlsear.uurnllWBout Is mo Hop Jilt ttrt. Don't wait until jouaA re sick hut If you only feel had or inlseruljle.W'Ho tliem at once. It may ae your life.lt linsH1 a red liuudrsJs. 9300 willtiepalilforaeaQse thoy will not turoorhclp. l)o not surfer W0'letyour friends surrer.biituieaiidnrire tlium l tuo Hnu R Itemcinhr, Hop Hitters Is noXh drunkun nostrum, but the rursiv Uedlaliieererniiuletthe "I.IVAI.IDVv HUE I nnd HOPE" and no person or family should l without tlirm. hbsssss D, I.C.I' an aluolnW and Irrstlitlblu ou re I forlrimlenns,ue of unliim, tobacco md narcotics. All sold hr dmprhu. Send I for rircuinr. nop niii.n art;. Co., MHIIIH il III II lln I'll' eTOPaUHMiiaWWIiJ viiruouizi: hy thk u. h. uovKit.NJiE.Mr First National OF Paid-up Capital, $50,000 (Lath or teetl " 500,000 18 1MIKPARK0T0 TRANHAOT Al General Banking Busines. 11UY AND HKhh COIN & CURRENCY DRAFTS n all tbo principal cities of the United States and Europe MONEY LOANED !' S.l-?.WJS.riU:",'..T,m nrtH dKoomit rlTllVtfSMTnOO STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS llHcMrpd payabloon demand, and INTKREHTu. owed on tlmocertJHcatOH of deposit. l Wm!,Pwl.honr.,k Rt Jo,,r,u' r'"l"- rtoadley JOHN I,. CARSON, A. n. DAVISON. Cashier. I'resldHnt J V. MoNACOHTON, Asst. Cashier. re,ldeBt Bank JkLuuuit L. H. BATTLES, Auctioneer. 'PIIOSK who ro about to liavo a nlo will I lltxl It to tliolr I lit.' rent to consult htm. Terms reasonable. Residence In Jlwlfont precinct. !27-m:! Jacob Marohn, lYrotvnvillv. IVebraNlin. MERCHANT TAILOR, and dcftlorln; KlneKiigllslt,Fioiicli, Srotrh and Fancy Cloth n Vcstlni?R, Etc., Etc. MARLATT & KING, UKAI.KH8 IN General Merchandise Dry Goods, Groceries, Hendy Made Clotlilng, Moots, Shoes. lints, Cap, anil uUeneinl As sortment of Drugs and Patent Medicines. Fence potts and wood alwnys oti hand for sale. ttS- Highest prices paid for butter and eggs. ASPIMWAI.il, NK1IKASKA. IN CONSTANT DEMAND. A Sl'Ayi.R AllTICTiK.SEr..LINCI FORHVKR IB Th.e Revised NEW TESTAMENT. AGENTS WANTED to remember that wo oiler them iliu LOWEST PRIOKH. tho Kn-atest variety, nnd best terms; ouillt only 60 cents, showing KIOIIT dltreroiil styles and prices, Incliullntf now Parallel Edition with both OLD AND NEW VER SIONH SIDE RY SIDE for comparison. Address Tin: REVISION PUHLISHERS. St. Louis, Mo. W I lata BtaB tt B Opposit Lumber Ytirtl, rain St. GOOD BIGS AT REASONABLE RATES. Spociiil Act'ommouuttnus for Coinmiercial Men, AND- Driver Furinshed when tUisircd. Horses boarded by the day or week, and Farmei-s' teams fed and cared for at fair rates. B. F. 8 A UDER, Manufacturer nnd Dealer In UAR IV IB , COLLAR Whips, VjUnIicn, Cui'i-j- Combs, Itiiislics, IZtc, lite. ICBPAflRlIVn A SIUCIAIjTV. Apent Tor lite Celebrated Key City CurrlaK" Topw. FREE TO YOU! A.tt.paiu) pmupblet nent fretonny adrtroHi.Klv. In price of our premium wutohes nnd bookH; also nt'.'willl itTrili1 III i iillvttnnniK imi'iim, ..l.i. ..Tin. 4l,l7l, n , flll.l-M, A . . . cr, 713 Chestnut St., St, I.oul.i, SIo. One Dollar A. "VDE ATfc. Tho Rest Blory Paper In tho Wphi. 48 columns of nrlKlnnl and choicely-selected rradlup inntter, printed upon larnc, plain type. Issued Weoltly, and mulled to any ad dress In the United States, postniro paid, for One Dollar n Year. Evory now subscrl. bor uets a proinlum, Bund for sample copy. Address CHICAGO LKIUJKU, ClilcnKo, 111. A fiSTSlT WAHTED rr r.n j rutM CAtltrfl JOStllinr Iklxnal laoiii iU r.J.i. i,M CU frJoC, 4 VC'! ,llllll'I.WVl 4 , . UUU l LiVlLKY ' W F f.FMT -C3 CPm- cd c zjcAasr YW crs OO " rnnipio copies ni inu Jiiiirnui in AKririiiiurii Uigo s.pHRe H-column Aurlciiltnrul. Ktock and Family paiier. onlyfl.lu per year-Bent freo to any niMvluL A uniila tlF...iA, 111. IT HxtUW !ll Vil tuti WMriMI A .... .!!.. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 1882. NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Small-pox Ib decreasing in CMiieago. CSeti. Ilrisbln, at Ft. Keogb, predicts an Indian war imminent. Indications for a Rood crop of sprlnp wheat in England aro very favor.tblo at present. Washington younj: ladios speak of tho President's tall young son as "Prince Arthur." Orange trees tiro in full bloom at Churei.ston, and the weather as warm as usual in April. Frederick A. Tuttle ,'is the name of the now governor of Arizona succeed ing Gen. Fremont. : At Olsan, Pa., last week, lo.,000 bar rels of coal oil were consumed in n eon- llagratioii. That made u big blaze. i Oscar Wild, tho English poet and philosopher, lectured last week before Ch"eajo's biggest and best audiences. Margaret Messenger, only 14 years old, n England, has been sentenced to be hung for niunieriugababyof wiiich slio was the nurse. 1). ir. Wheeler, Secretary of the State Hoard of Agriculture last week at tended tho National Agricultural Con vention in Xew Yoik. Arthur J)wight Pilliugs, a theatrical actor of some note, suicided in Now York, last week, by taking laudanum, says a dispatch. It is more than prob able that it was whisky, he winding up on laudanum. The law of (Jeprgia makes it a crime to point u pistol or a gun at another, eithor in fun or malice, whether the gun or pistol bo loaded or, not. li.v. A good law, and every state should have such a one. - ! Ex-Secretary Blaine keeps himself in seclusion, except to special fi lends, tit his home. Few persons see hi m' so fre quently as Ilutchins, editor of the Washington I'osl.H.rrlianrc. That is certainly strange- if true: as tho Post is tho Deinociatic organ in Washington. ma m w The Virginia legislature lias abolish ed tho whipping post. All the Demo crats, howover, excepting two, voted to sustain the barbarous monument erected only to Democratic principles, tho glory of which no other party covets or dojiies to shiiro. i . am - Mr. Warner, of Tennessee, litis a bill in tho llouso which proposes the abolishment of National banks. It will hardly pass, fortheabolisliinentof National banks would result in a con traction of the currency, and this the people do not want. Maj. V. D. Washburn, superintend ent of construction of tho Missouri Pa cific railroad, while inspecting some road in Texas on the 17th inst. in a hand car, was run Into by flat caw and killed. W, M. Stoll, a contractor, and his wife and child woio also on the hand car. and all lb reo woro killed. Tho loss of Mr. Washburn will bo deep ly felt by tho company, as ho stood at tho head of his profession, Tho National Distillers and Spirit Dealers Association aio working hard in Washington in favor of a revenue bill introduced into tho llouso by Mr. Carlisle, of Kentucky, They want tho tax on distilled spirits reduced, aftor tho 1st of August, from 111) to r0 cents DOT trillion ntui chiim (hilt, t lm rrnvni-n. nient will derive more benefit from tho Hmullor than the larger sum. Last year tho revenue on spirits was 02, 000,000. Mrs. Catharine Doty and Mrs. Ida Sonnett, lived in tho suburbs of India napolis. Whilo walking into tho city to church a few oveniugs ago on a rail way track they were overtaken by a switch engine. They Jumped from one track to another, on which a train was coming from tho opposito direction. Sooing their new peril, they endeavored to avoid it by standing betweon tho tracks, but the approaching engines passed nt this point, and they were knocked from ono to tho other, both boing instantly killed by tho force of tho concussion, although thoy woro not run ovor. Mrs. Doty wiih it widow., and leaves two children, and Mrs, Son nett a husband aud four ehildron, , o.. uw, iwtistjwtti. jLsiMiiiiMLUiiiLWrwwnfrci.t'.u)iuji..iiuit Statement of Froight Rocoived aud Forward ed for Yoar Ending Deo. 31, 1801. ItEOEIVKI). CARS. Lumber 81 Coal 2ft Salt ir Agricultural implements ft Wagons ' ' ft Buggies '. . l Emigrant movables io Potatoes ". ft Wheat (seed) .'; 2 Horses '. : : Miscellaneous' inllrclfaiidiso! . .' 110 Coal oil '..'.'.?: 2 stoves ...: .. ''.'.. ::v."..... 2 rORWARDED. , '( , y- . , . , (;.U8. Wheat . . . i . . . . '. N'-'f ''" 04 Hye ....: 4 Barley.. .,..-, j. . .-. ... 10 Corn ,..' H8 Cattle .,:....,' u ft i 'Hogs t.,i. ., 40 1 lOI rt(S p , , 4f t i m m ) Emigrant movables , 8 Brick io Wood ; oa Miscellaneous merchandiso 80 Seraph on 2 Sawdust .' Sand r, ftOl It must be remembered that, owing to the high water, tho trains were only run about nine otoliths during the year. Church Howe also puts his views in print from which we gather that he fa vors tho action of the regents, and we extract as follows: "I believed then as I do now that the removal of either ono of these factions and the retention of tho other will not remedy tho evil, nnd until there is a complete cleaning out from chancellor to janitor and a re-organization effect ed, the State University will not be an Institution of learning worthy of tho appropriation of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars the state has made for it during the past three sessions' of the Legislat tire. Pawnee Hjitcrpi'ise. Tho Enterprise quotes Mr. ITowo's lnngffageTrt shb'w that ho "favors the action of tho regents," and it shows exactly the contrary. Mr. IIowo clear ly says that "tho removal of Profs. Church, Emerson and Woodbcrry, and the retention of Fairfield will not rem edy the evil;" but that "tho cleaning out from chancellor to janitor" would remedy the ovil, and that is of course, what he behoves ought to have been done. Mr. Howe's views will have tho indorsement of three-fourths of the people that if harmony was tho ob ject sought the effort was a failuie, and that the principal mistake was in not kicking out Fairfield while the kicking was going on. It is announced by the Brownvillo Vdvertiskr that it will shortly re movoto Calvert and absorb the Courier, now published at that point. It is a matter of regret that the oldest paper in the state should ho compelled to mi grate in search of support. State Jour nal. The Advertiser's subscription list was never' larger nor better paid up than it is at present. Its circulation is larger than the combined circulation of tho other papers in the county, leaving out the Courier. It goes in search of a place wliero business is in creasing rather than stay whoro it is constantly decretrsing. It doesn't mean to stay and "hold the bag" while our capitalists are getting ready to make other localities boom and our business men escaping. Business is business, aud publishers have as much right to consider future prospects, and to stay or go, as any other business men. MH lisssssMi . Tho temperance movement In Texas is assuming formidable propottious. The effects of sour mash and old crow are a little too overpowering in Texas, and llm better class aro asking tho question whether thoy shall continue to bo the ruling power in the state.' The singular thing is that loading Demo crats are championing the cause and seeking to make it an issuo in tho noxt oloctlon, wfVr Ocean, Tho Kansas City Journal congratu lates the dry and suffering that "onco more thero is somo liberty in Kansas. The supremo court has decided that a man who has liquor may get drunk. Ho may also troat his neighbor with out being liable to arrest. Tho whisky and beer drinker should bo thankful for oven thnt much." "Mysterious Dave," whoso real iiiuiih Is David Matthews, was arrested on tho streets of Dallas, Texas, recently, lie Is a notorious desperado, and sovoial rewards have been" offered for his cap ture, for murder and highway robbery in Colorado, Kansas and New Mexico. VOL. 26, NO. 36. , A Liar Oondomnod by His Own Words. That George B. Moorq, of tho Urany er Is a most unscrupulous and reckless liar everybody, who has ovor had any business dealing with him in Brown villo knows well, it'nd as we have on many occasions in the past proved him to be. An articlo in his paper last Week is simply a tissue of falsehoods conceived hi the editors own illshaped and debauched brain. J lis own words shall condemn him. Ho begins his article with tho following broad and unqualified assertion: "A fow weeks since Church IIowo took a bill of sale of tho Advkrtiser olllec which also Included tho Calvert Courier otllce. Thus he became owner of the otllce. material, tho good will of tho paper, the subscription list and all that pertains to tho Advertiser as a newspaper." There, tho (frauyer transfers every thing to Church Howe, leaving 0. W. Fnirbrother & Co. with nothing what ever pertaining to the Advertiser to "sell, barter or give away." Hut be hold! and, listen to the following para graph in the same article following tho pne quoted above: "Tho editor visited Lincoln last week and lll'L'ed tho B. & M. Town Coimumv and tho rail toad men to buy him anil Whatever hillticnco his paper may have." And thon In another paragroph In tho same article it is stated that wn did sell to tho land company. Thus Georgo 11. Moore contradicts himself gives hhnsolt away demonstrates that ho lies and lies intentionally, but hasn't sense enough to lie consistently for If wo sold out slick and clean to Church Howe, wo had nothing loft to sell to other parties. iss a - From the Calvert Courier: S. A. Osborn is in town theso days, ' discoursing, upon tho subject of town lots with his usual volubility. He has talked and worked to some purpose this week, as a record of his sales will show. This Is a Plasterer. His name is Arthur Walsh. Ho is from Humboldt', and Lincoln and Brownvillo and else where. IIo Is a good fellow anil a good winiynan. He has coiuo,lo Culvcrt-ito TTgip the BOOM. -'GeV him" ft) plaster your house and build your chimneys. Tho enterprising livery linn of Wert & Shanks intend establishing a regular , 'bus lino within the next two weeks, to run from tho Holdrego to Calvert to the M. P. depot at Sheridan. Tho register at tho Jlol'drege chroni cled tho arrival of sixty-three guests between Saturday of last week and Tuesday of this. Looks liko tho hotel under the management of genial Ted Huddart was going to bo a succes. Eh V isss i 25 Per dent. Saved at Pattorson's. Ayer's medicines, 7ftc; Arnold's cough killer, largo, 7ftc; Bull's snrsapa tilla, 7ftc; Chirk .Johnson's Indian blood syrup; 7ftc; Cuticuro resolvent, 7ftc; Eilort's extract tar and wild cherry, 7ftc; Greene's ague conqueror,, large. 7fte; Hall's lung balsam, 7."io; Jaynes' expectorant, 7ftc; Kendall'a spavin cure, 7ftc; Pierce's golden medical dis covery, 7ftc ; Piso's consumptiou cure, large, 7ftc; lladway's sarsapai'iUiau ro solvont, 75c; Smith's tonic syrup, 7ftcj Hop Bittors,71c; Prlckley Ash Bitters, 7fto; hi short, every dollar medicine on the market can bo bought at 7ft cents. Hamburg drops aud St. Jacob's oil ami. the liko at .'Jft cents. Any 23o box of pills for lftets. Tho cheapest house In town for paints nnd oils. All other goods at tho same rates. Call and see. Miscellaneous and school books a spec-s ialty. J. PATTEHSON, Peru, Nebi . A I'ooIInu Mistake Don't make tho mistake of confound ing a remedy of merit with quack med icines. Wo speak from experience when wo say that Parker's Ginger Ton ic is a sterling health restorative which will do all that Is claimed for it. Wo have used It oursolvos with tho hap piest results for Rheumatism and when worn out by overwork. Soo atlv, Times. Answer This. Did you over know any person to bo 111 without Inaction of tho Stomach. Llvor or Kidneys, or did you ovor know ono who was well wlion oithei was obstructed or inactive; and did von ever know or hear of any caso of the kind that Hop Bitters would not euro? Ask your neighbor this samo question. Tho Anderson congressional appor tionment bill passed tho liottso of rep resentatives on tho 10th Inst, Tho bill provide for 512ft members, It gives Nebraska three. Grateful to liu'allriH, Floreston Cologno Is grateful to in valids, because it is refreshing without, tho sickening of most porfumos. Want buttor and eggs. Hi price paid by Stevenson & Cross, fllttlt : U I w4i r - Iff