UEAJJXTlJWIIMlJlMiawggTOra - mh msfvsuc vxi tt 1 vKntat' M 4. v . - tmm ' r ?3flUTA3H"0fi?H- , p'ifTt'jgA.MffnM.VK'jJWLauuaij'.ijmBa1 3CH.TLJLWJU.VgiimUBfgrr' n' -" -- RH -. ?. tc!i , ui , - -: n i . - - - -J.- . . 1 M 1 4 r T ESTABLISHED 185G. I Oldest Pnpor in tho State J gSHESgP'rw BUSINESS CARDS. J'! If. 1 R O A d y", Attorney mid OoiiuHlor n i,nWt HrownvllU.Neb T S. S T IT L l , V . ATT OR . 12 V H "A T 1j A W . Olllcoof Coiiuty Judjfo, JlrownVllle, Ncbrnnkn. A S. IT OL LAB AT, 1I1 l hyxlclnn, Mil recoil Ulntctrlrlnn. Uracluatod In 1 8 ' 1 . r.ocnt 'it In llrowiivlllt 1855. yilloc.U M.diiHtreet.IlrownvlUo, Nib. "W. 0 IBSO N", UlJAOlCSMITIl AM) 1IOIISK SIIOICK Work 'Ion id order itniliiitltfiiclloiiQiiiirnnti'ed PlrMitruot, botwoon Slnlii anil Atlantic, Urown Vllle.N'flb. S. A. Oshoiin. Notary Pnhllr. 0.V.Tayi.oii. OSKOK, & TAYMHK, Attorneys and Gounsollops at Law, Brownville, Nebraska. 1)UACT1GI. in t loHtHtonntl I'VilcrnlroiirtM, . Hpeelal attention given to oolleotloninnd bales of real estate. 1 O A T GMNE, VVmilONAIlIiK K IHMIT .M) N1IUK JlAKKIl ii ! J OUHTOM WOltK tnndetn order, and Iltinlwnv guaranteed lomlrliir neatly unil promptly donV Kliop. No. 27 .Main street. llrowiivltle.Nulj. O M. B.WLEY. SHICPKIl AND UKa'i.KK IN, LIVE STOCK MtO U'XVILMC, XKlin.lSIfA. r'uriiiorft, please cull and yd prleun; I w.in to litiiiilloyoufstiii-U. Office Flr.i Viu mil iv'nlc. ' PATENTS "Wo continue to net as Solicitors formtonK Caveats, TraUq Marks, Copyrights, etc., for tho Uuitcd htntes, Canada, Cuba, England, Franco, Germany, etc. Wo have had thlrty-llvo ycnr experience. ratents obtained through us nro noticed In thoFct KNTlFio Ameuican. Thls largo and ?plendld Illus trated weekly pnper,$3 .20 aycar.shows tho lTogrcss of Science, Is very Interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MIWN & CO., Patent Solici tors, Pub's, of 8C1KNTIPIO AMERICAN, 87 Park Kow, Kor ork. Hand book about Patents free. 18d OLDEST' JeaSEsfa rW IN JM S3 li A IvA Lr.iaxn r -L. 33Loo"5r5r. Does a i;eneial It al Kslato lluslnef.s. Sollh Iiuiids on Coinnilsslon, exunilnes Titles innkes Deeds, Moitjinces,' and nil Instru nients pertnlnliiri to tne tnuihlY r or Real Hh tate. Hiinii Oomploto' Abstract of Titles to all PmiiI Kstalo In NemiiDa Con ill 8r.'gg(3Sr?CEEmgirJCIg?g LiA tL8siJum Tli. U I. in..i -w.-.i, .. . . n ""uu n'i Jiouiriue cier januo. Aoonmhlfintfnn nf uAnft nnki. tlrilU'An mill llnnHnllnn. nlth nil tli'hit uiniit al nrnttra 1 11 .htlipb nf ll nthr THtti mkefitlnBifnti'A Blood Purlfler, Liver ResulVtfltor, aiidUfeaudllialtU ilmtortoe Mo dUeaie cRn pojjlbly Irtiif xlat wharo nop Wttci j r ,-b ueV.oVo triod mid iwiTact am Uislr CJieiotloln.lUjCiX They fin sotf u we ral Tlgsr t: tie agsi nl Jaflrm. TollwIio3 ouipIoynniiiUcmniio Irrcpularl- tyortliclHiifeUoi V mlnari onrnns, or who re- nidronn ApHilKi'V' wwniiia Stimulant, no)jntiwrarslnval '"'"iWltnoUt intox- lout nz. hoiiiltrwlmtyoiirfoY,llnBii or lymptorfii urn wliat tlio dlt-ai oiirnllinenl In mo Hop llt tr. Don't wait until younHre sick but If yon only feel lind or 1111 ,cml)Ui,y 'Iju t.iriu t onco. ltniyiayoyu.irl fe It 1khR aved liundrudi. S300 will lio l I rorm".ic tlioy n no iiuoorlitlp. J)o not.iiiirir(Vletyourfrieiidi ufrr,but uiomiduiKa liiuinV tonea H0p q Krnininlror, Ui)p Dltteri nov. TU, riruroxd dniiiken nontruni, but tlio 1'u ojl.'W n d licit MfUleliiotifermtuIot tllv "IMVilJUS. FIUWI) Mid HOr-K" and no Jitjuu or fain ...... .1.1 1. . .-11 . i -w uuuiu ii "iinuMV innui. r3SElE2l if'. u.i.u.k dii a'tfoiiix irriwiiirilt cure v forluiiuenii',t,u oo.'oi , 111,1 jccu audi niuciHius mi BJHi 1 v . 11ntii, Hnd luri in-jmr. lion in ir ir. r. txKsrjrBC'n'PvA' fc?rtyOTais?cfe&ffi M ltflllat H mul T.- t . .. teAgency .1 rWhl j VUTIIOItlXCI) 11V THE V. S. (lOVKUNMIV First Nation O V HKO V TXVIIuJLs V. fa(d-up Capital, $S0,000 500,000 ilatfiovizvd (( IK PHKl'AimOTO TilANHACT A' General Banking Bnsines. 11UV ANli 8KI,li COIN & OUERENOY DRAFTS null the principal cities of the United States and Europe MONTCY LOANED On approved Becurlty only. Tliuo Drnnii dlicount Hd.andnpt'CliiliicuoinniodiitloiiHifriintfdtodonoaii th. Oealemln OOVKItNMIONT IIONHH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Itaaalvfd pnyiililooiidoniand.niiil INTJCKKHTBi owed on tlmocurtlllcMPd of deposit. ' OIUKm'On.'l.-Win.TTTr., it. M. Bnlley, M.A Wm i"yn Johnson, r.nther- Hondley .)OIIN 1. CAKSON, a. 11. iMViaoN.OaMhler. J.C.McNAU(lMTO.V,Ast.Chlfr. Prealdrni L. H. BATTLES, i i. in etionocr. 'I'iioniswiio uronixiiit tolmve n ttitln li'lll 1111(1 1 It til thiilr 1 11 tot-oat lit i.mititl, I1I1.1 TcrillH l'LIINIlllllllll. Itfiulit.iiiiii In Hit lf.ir.1 I product. U7mii3 Jacob Marohn ait owuvUlc. IVcliraNlisi. 5 MERCHANT TAILOR, and dcnlerln ('Inolliullili, Kiem'h, Kniloh and Knnry I'luth Vent lint, lite, Klc. MARLATT & KING, UKAI.i:itH IN enerai Merchandise Dry Goods. Groceries. Uriuly Mnilo ("lollilna, UoutH, Hliotx. Hals, Clips, ttuil iiUiMii'inl A Hortmeiit pf UriiKSJihil IMliMit MeilleliiPM. Fence poitsnnil wood always on hand for Nlllu, , S3. Illglie.st prlo.H paid Tor Ijutler mid A8I1.1VAI.1M AEHUASICA. IN CONSTANT DEMAND. a srAi'r.KAurifi.n.HKriLiNM roitKVKUif- T2i Revised HEW TESTAMENT. .AGENTS WANTED l" romi'inlii'r thai wo olli-r IImmii 1I10 I.OWKST PUK! tho Kreatfst vailfly. nlnl liest lorins; otuilt only oil centH. nIiowIiiu KIOIIT dllli'iiMil st vies and pi lies, lucliidlim new Parallel KIMIon Willi hotii OIiD AND NKW VKU. SIGNS HUM': HY KIDR ir eoiiiparlHoii. Address Tiik HKVISION PUiU.lSlIISIlS Hi. Louis, Mo. Opposit Lumber Yard, fain St. C3-OOHD BIGS AT REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Com iuerc:ia.l Sn en, AND Driver Furinshecl when desired. Horses boarded bv the day 01 week, and Fanners' teams fed and at fair rates. eared foi B. F. 8 A UJ)F,R, Manufacturer and Dealer In CO (33 -aiF,, OS ' rt) W rL Jr. . & A' l-'v t lllv3J.7' kwlWi irvutn ACUUJU lillllW. COLLAMN, WhijiN, unIicn, Curry ffJomliN, Iti uslies, i::., BJtc. Agent for the Celvliratoil Cnrrln; Topi. ICny City PTRE1R TO YOU ! A a.w... .nn...l.,,.. -. ... r. ,..-....... . jiiikii yi.i)iiii('i nt III Hfr 111 Mil J lllltJdinfl, Kl V- III price or our premium whU'Iipk nnd books: alio npeclul termn to CHnviinKlin; umpiiIh, ninplocoplpn of Hip Jouriml of Aicrlrulture h larK" 1 piiKo IS-Poluiim AKrlcultiiml. Hloclc ud I ninlly pujii'r, only III tier ycnr-HPiit free In nny HddrPH. AHPnta WimtPil. Pen.. Ciikw, I'libllsb. rr, 71S Chestnut Ht at, f.ouln, Mo. One Dollar A. YEAR. Tlio lle.st Htory Paper In Itio Weal. 4K eolumnn f orlicltiitl and choleely. selected reading matter, printed upon luro, plain tvne. IsHiied Weeklv.and inallpd tn iinv nrl. drenln Dm lTnlPil Ktntes, pontuiro imlu. for Mil Hollar n Year Kvrrv IllllV allhanrl. her untHa prnmlum. A (hi I'Aie Rend for Minipleeopy. CHICAGO I.KDORIl, Chicago, 111. R CSTM7 VAMTED '" r..i n n, PlUr9 1 vi tiibir riirui n..v. um txu. isw aU rJJ53prt. fl tw't .,si. U M- BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1882, NEBBASKA ADVERTISER Guiteiui, fearful of Rflthig the stiuill pox, has bi'i'ii vaouiiititod, - Illnn w liuiif: ut Wimit'iPiimi, Cnl.f for tho inurtlor of Ah Lieli. .1. P. Schooner, a tlanchig tniiHtcr of D.ivuuport. Iowa, was assiiHsitmiod on the iniblio hiyhway, while riding along in nis unggy. 1 ..- ... - - Oeneral Orant lias' been oleetod one of tho trustees of tho MudlHon Avonuo Congregational Churbh (the Ilov. Dr. Xewman'.'), of Xow York. The rhiladelphiu Silk Cull are Asso ciation are preparing a dress for Mra. Oailiuld a brocade T)f black satin to bo inado of silk giown in tills country. Andiow Olson, a y)ung man of Chi cago, who thought hu was going to have sniall-po.v. drank twtMpmrts of whisky by way of antidote, and died in half an hour. Senator Saunders has introduced a bill establishing a now laud district in north western Nebrnslja, with a vie.v of opening up that part of the state to settlelnenl. The Senate Committee of India.. Affairs approved tho hill allowing com pensation to Mrs. Meeker and others who suffered by the "White Hiver Ute massaero two jears ago. The.Rev. Mr. Miln. a noted Unitari an preacher of Xow Yoik, recently as tonished his audionee by declaring a disbelief in a lifebeyoiid the grave. He said : "If I could lieliovo there were a fu ture life, how gladly I would let loose my imagination.to Dietiiro its possible uloiies. Not the tieiltla .John himself should beat the air with moie e.ger pinion, to reach the gate which I would fain believe opens upon the Holds of paradise, than I. But, friends, 1 cannot afford to deceive you, and so 1 say that, however beautiful tho dream may be. the chance of its fulfillment' seems to mo remote and improbable." Charles M. Kostors,df Omaha, wlm Killed Oscar llamiTCK'Ti) thVsiilonn of whMi I ho hitter wiir bar-tender, on hint Christmas morning, tins been in dicted for murder in the second degree, tho grand.piry finding the killing was done "withoutdeliberation and pre meditation." If the Omaha papers re ported the matter conectly at the time, wo would sav the blow was struck without warning to the muidered man, and with deliberation and premedita tion. Perhaps Kosters did not know nor care what tho refiult of tho blow would be, but being jnllietcd with 51 deadly weapon upon a vital portion of tho head, should subject Mr. Kosters to the severest penalty of the criminal law. The prize fight between Paddy Hyan, of New York, and John L. Sullivan, of Boston, came off near New Orleans on tho 7th inst., resulting In an easy vic tory for Sullivan, lie gave 11 an four Mpiaio knock down,, the last one, on tho eighth round rendering Hyan senso less. and he could not como to time again. The betting was very heavy and tho Sullivan crowd was enriched by many thousand dollars. Sullivan is evidently the hardest hitter and most impetuous lighter since Ileonan's time. It van was terribly punished, having his nose and jaw broken; and ho may not survive the effects of Sullivan's fearful blows. The tight was for 32, r00 a side and tho heavy weight cham pionship. Robooo Oonkiag, At tho dinner given by the Orant Club at Albany last week, Hon. Sam uel Poster, of Ttoy, in response to the toast of tho health of lioseoo Colliding, said: 11 is" but meet that tho humblest should bo called upon to speak of him for whom the greatest is not great enough to speak. When the history of tho second great contest for tho rights of man was fought, Roseoo Conkllng led the van in the councils of the oat ion nsOrantdid on tho tented Held. Ho nevor spoke within tho walls of any building a nation were JiJb auditors and the world his admirers. His pow er thrilled tho soldier in tho Held and his honesty lighted every fireside. Ilin grandeur awed the thousands ; his logic convinced tho millions, and his olo quenco dimmed all mankind. But why need I praiso him, whoso rory mistakes inado a nation trembler I am power less in auelra presence. VIen history record tlio doings of those days, ho will bo known as the grandest son of the grandest state in tho grandest Union Ood's sun has over kissed with its loveliness. rffJ.'fWIllWUiy.MM..,,,,,!., Lotter Proin Rogout Carnon. BiioWNvn.i.K, Nun., Feb. ft, J882. KdltnrH Journal, Kails city, Noh: I have pe fore mo your issue of tho 4th instant, in which appears an editor ial contaiuingtho following: "Uegent Carson violated pledges inadoby Church Ilowo. who put hint in nomination, and without which pledge he could not have been noinln uted. Either JIowo inado unauthoriz ed statoments, or Carson acted vorv dishonorably. We call on those gen tlemen to rise ami explain." Recognizing your demand to "rlso and explain." I rise to hut that if Church Howe, or any other person, inado pledges of any character in mv name, in convention or elsewhere, such pledges were and are utterly unauthor ized. I was not within thirteen bundled miles of tho Omaha conven tion nt inn ume 01 my nomination us la-gent of tho University, did not at any lime aeok, and therefoie did not authorize Church Howe to make Uuy pledge whatever to socure a noinina. tion I. did not want. The biiital, malicious, untruthful slanders now being published on the late action of the hoard of Regents, coming from the falsely called "liber al" element of the State, will be ventil ated in duo time. "The end is-not yet." John L. Cakson. Olnirch Ilowo on tho Uuivorsity Troubles, Uudkohi), Nun., Peb. (, 1S82, EdlloiN .Journal, KiiIIh l lly, Nop; CIicntlk.mkn: In your issue of Fob. 4th, I find the following in reference to Ihe recent actions of the Regents of tho University: "Regent Cm son violated pledges nude to Church Howe, who put him in nomination. Either Howe made unauthorized statements or Car son acted veiy dishonorabl)." Let me slate in renlv that 1 nevei' nmile unv pledges whatsoever for Mr. Carson, anil that Mr. Carson, who was absent In Pennsylvania at the time,' had never had a word with me regarding Ids uoni- niiuon iTiore the lteiuil) can Slnti Convention for the oll'ice or Regent. I did state that Mr. Carson was not a sec tarian, did not belong to any church or make any piofessions, and at the same tiniB was not antagonistic to anv relig ious denomination, and that r did not bpliove he would allow tho question of sectarianism to have any weight with him in deciding the best interests of our State University. As his oppo mint before the con vent ion was known to be a fiiend of Chancellor Palrlehl. undoubtedly with my statements ie garding Mr. Carson's independent posi tion on religious matters before them, Ihe opponents of Mr. Fait Held gave Mr. Carson their support, but they did not do so on the strength of any pledge 1 gave mem regarding wiiat.Mr. ('ar son's actions would be as Regent, if elected, for this f did not know. 1 had my own opinion and that was all. In this connection let me say, that my own views regarding the proper reme dy to apply to our University troubles were well known to many members of the convention, friends of'both fact Ions. As a member of tho senate committee of investigation during tho session of Hoventy-nine. after a thorough investi gation Into flie University troubles, lasting for. weeks, I became convinced that no compromise could over be ef fected between the Ch ineellor and fac ulty, and harmony restored. I stated it publicly on the lloor of tho Senate, that it was mv belief that tho good name of tho State, the success of the University iequired t he immediate withdrawal of both Chancellor and faculty from the University, and a re organization of the Chancellor and faculty who could work together in harmony, and to this end 1 pi opened the adoption of a resolution to tho Be gems asking this. Had this course been adopted by the Legislature, our University troubles would have ended two years ago. I believed then as I do now that the removal of either one of these factions and the retention of the other will not reinedv the evil, and un til thero Is a complete cleaning out from Chancellor to. Janitor and a re-organization effected, tho State Universi ty will not be an institution of learn ing worthy of the appropriation of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars the Stato has inado for it during tho past three sessions of the Legislatiuo. This fight has gone too far to ever bo com promised without affecting tho effi ciency of tho University. Nothing short of a thorough renovation will over place it where It belongs as n state Institution. I believe the Regents will yot see the wisdom of such action. Yours most Respectfully, Oilmen Howie. FOR A FACT. The Nurnery portion of the Furnas Fruit Fat m, Brownville, Nebraska, will bo cleaned out the coining spring, the ground being required for other purposes. JUiniuhifi nut he had, wholesale or retail. Those wishing ... . .. , ,, , " "1 anything in this line will make money 1 by seeing this stock before making ur- rangeinonts elsewhere. I - ..I" - - - ' il' u 1 ran , VOL. P.fi. MO. 3R. Mutilated Ooine. Punched, bored or otherwise mutil. ted gold anil silver coins, have no Hxi value regulated by tho original viiliir of tho perfect coin, as Is generally sup posed, and tho value is regulated b tho market value of tho bullion, which Is generally about twenty per cent, losn tho value vf porfeet coin. Tho Direc tor of the mint has issued tlo following regarding tho matter : "TnuAsritY Dkpautmknt, IIukkav ov Tilt: At int, Washington, I). C. .January :n, 1882. Tho Government has fixed lio Valuation nnmi iimlllniiwl jin or coin oilier man the market value of tho silver thoy contain; they aie purchased at tho mints by weight as bullion, and tho valuo depends upon the price of silver on tho day the coin im received ai ino iMint. "At present, tho price paid by tho Mint at Philadelphia is 91. 1 per ounce, Hue. equivalent to $1.17 per ounce standard, . "HoiiATio C. BritciTAUD, Director." j:rhelaw prohibits tho mutilation of cphiM, but its provisions have nover been enfoiced. The following from the Revised Statutes of tho United States covers tho offonso: "Section Mod. Every person who fraudulently, by any ant, way orineaus, neinces, inutilities, impairs, diminishes, falsifies, scales or lightens tho gold and silver coins which have been, or which may hereafter he, colnod at the mints of the United States, or any foreign gold or silver coins which are by law made current, or are in actual' use or circulation as inoiioy within the United States, shall bo Imprisoned not more than two years and fined not more than two thousand dollars." BROWNVILLE SOUOOLB. Roll of Honor, , GItAMMAK DKPAIITMldNT. Lilly Hoover, Jonas Diuryi 'Fred'i Whoeldoii. 1'U 1ST INTKHMKMA'JT. Emma Appleguto, Maitha Arm strong, Delia Gates. Clara Collins, Lu lu Zook, Peail MeCumber, Siiinmio Ton re. Frank Helm or, Anthony Cloyd, Albert Brown, Willie Washington. -iVNNA W. .MCUONAl.li .Teimlinr. w SIXIOND DKPA ItT.MKNT. Harry Cottrell, Frank Flack, Zeno Worthing, Chirk Johnson, Jonas Klein, Minnie Himhes. Nora Fhick. Horn Flack, Cora ICmpson. Pauline Morris, Lu Cloyd, Helen Hoover, Hope Lo ranco, 'Viny Andrews, Emma Andrews. Emma Cauk, Teacher. IMtlMAllV DKPAUTMKNT. Clara Khriner. Mile Wlmnltlmi. Mnrin Oillard, Lizzie Gillard, Mollio Willis, Phronio Stafford, Mattie Butts, Grace Odel, Winio Andrews, Om Den, Kddio Wheeldon, William Clovd. Jimniio Mhldleton, Willie Rauor, Eddio Mum ford, Peny Blackety, 0. Hardotibcrgoi', B. Worthing. Fannib J. EmunnT, Teacher. .SUJW'KIMAKY DKPAUTMKNT. Rosa Hughes, Edna Boyles, Henry ' Mitchell, John Armstrong, Henry Klein, John Long, Paul Stevens, Irii Moore, Willie Moore, Pet or Fatolv, Ml-ri Sn Mb Abi nb r Su'ltli, Jimniio , McNaiightou. C. Johnson; Teacher. The offer to send for 25 cents, in money or stamps, a box of Vegetable ' Seeds, containing one packet each of Sure-head Cftbbuge, Egypt inn Turnip Hoot, Trophy Tomato, Ruttor Lettuce. French Breakfast Radish, Excelsior Watermelon, Model Cucumber, "White Kgg Turnip, for trial, should be taken advantage of by every person who has a garden. The eight varieties aie put. up in a neat bnx,Hr tiu-h packet is full size. This offer is made to introduce our Seeds to new customers. (Jutiran tf(ti to give satisfaction, or money re funded. Illustrated catalogue sent free. S. Y. Haines & Co., 41 North Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. Itli'N Partington SayH. Don't takoany of the quack rostrums, as thbv are regimental to tlm Inmum cistern; but put your trust in Hdp Bit ters, which win euro general dilapida tion, costivo habits and all comic dis eases. Thoy saved Isaac from a sovoro extract of torpid fever. Thoy are tho ne2)lns unnm. Tho subscription mien of M'..T Advkutisku is duo in advance. 1 in-. If we could induce paper inamtfacturers 10 wait a year or two for their pay we would bo willing to give our patrons that much time, but as wo cannot wo Insist on our pay in advance. " 1 , , -.. Charles Miller, sentenced to ho huiig at Bouton, Scott county, Mo., on the ifith of March, for the murder ,of li,r!itill vi ITiimlWMi iirv....ui.. 1 ., . """iwi-wii, i-uiniiiiiieusiMuino in his cell by hanging himself with -i blanket which he had torn into" strlns for tho purpose. . . ' &HilUi,'