II IIB'llll TGBXHMJAWtMilXiSK raiTUBaAtrTreMur$rwnCT7xa3Txn ,ytwjUAer3cnjrtrgiare4wcjaiaaLiuiiijifgKewa, .T s. innnn,m mi - -, i, I t ' ( (!.-. :;fi i mu i f .j, v ttinniaK jv VOL. 26, NO. 31. ; EST BLISHED 1850. J BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JAN. 19, 1882. Oldest npor in tbo atrtto, MgBeBHIMIMUIJUJ.J..WL...llilHUUIlHMiaa'JUBB r 'vfi,wi n""' MIL,fKajigitflliWfJppMppjMf ra? 2. . i it'H f k . SHHvW JnYStfijCHL iwuBlll . I ift, a it BUSINESS CARDS. T H. R R 0 A D Y , 0 Attorney nil Onmuelor tit IiRWi Ilrnwnvllle.Neb T S. S T U L L , 0. ATTOHNIOVS AT liAW. Ortlcuof County Judge, Hrownvllto, Nebraska. A S. II 0 li L A I) A Y , IXt IMiyalolnn, Stirgcou, Oliatetrlctun. Graduated In 18M. Located In Brown vllle 186. Olllcc.41 MMn ntreot.llrownvlllo.Ni'b. 7w7c, r HSO N, UliAOKSMITIl A5U HOUSE SIlOKIt Workdoue to order iindiHtlriractlonKunrnntPod PlMMtrnot, between Main and Atlantic. Hrown vIllo.Noh. . A. OsuniiN, Notary Public, G. W. Tayi.oh. OSBOKW &. TAYLOR, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Brownville, Nebraska. JVIACTJGK In the Btate and Federal courts, . Special nttuutlnu given lo collections and milos of roat OHtnto. p A T G r, I Nr 10 , irAMIIIONAIlI.R HOOT AM) SHOE MAKER OUSTOM. WORK mndeto order, and (Its alway guaranteed. ilepnlrliiK neatly and promptly done Shop, No. 27 Mulnntreet. Urownvllle.Neb. B. M. BAILFA', HIIII'PKK AND DKATiRIt IN LIVE STOCK HROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Farmers, plenae call and got prlcew; I w.mi to handle your stock. Office Fir-t National Hunk. PATENTS "We continue to net as Solicitors forratenti, Cavoitto, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United Mates?, Canada, Cuba, England, Franco, Germany, etc. Wo have had thlrty-Ilvo years' experience Patents obtained through us ore noticed in the fici kntifiu American. This largo and splendid illus trated weeklypaper, $ 3 .20 a year.shows tho Progress of Sclcnco, is very interesting, und has nn enormous circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solici tors, Pub's, of Scientific American, 87 Iartc How, Now York. Hand book about Patents free. OLDEST Real EslafeHgenoy IN NasortA-Siv. William H. Hoover, Does a goneral Real Estate HuslnoKS. .Sells I.nnds on CommlnKlon, examiner Titles, nmkcH DeedH, Morlcages, nnd all ltifitru nifintH pertaining to tho transfer of Real En late. Huh a Complete Abstraot of Titles to all Ujal Estato In Nemaha County. .JrTlio Purcstnnd Ilent Medicine ercr mnue.X 1 A comJ-'inUon of Hon., Ilurhn, MnmlraLc, nttl 1 nnclc.laii, with ml tho l)t-( .Klr.-o ,ti .J. it. to -o;crt ioa of all ot'icr Uittors mates the irri t.V -i Uood Puriacr, I.lvcr JJc-uIator, and UJe , JauJlljalUiIt43storinff Asuit on earth. ( J No disease or ill health can possibly lonp rxti 1w"-Te Hop Jl'tters nro tisod, o TarioU ami tiorioct i.aroUclropoiitloiu. ( 4 TtejBlrnewllfonilTtp)rtoUiegedi.dluttnm. j. To. nil whoso caiployincntn cmiMj Irregular, rot thabpveu or urinary orpaiiB, or who rcqul-o tn jH oicr,Tonlo nnd mild Btlmuhir.t, Hon i WtWiij i i'.ai u inrnljablo without luturlcutluff. it No "nttpr what yonr fcollupi or symptonn m. r'j-h it i3diseae or ailment la, uio lloii 1" cm 3Vtifaituntilyouari)8iclc,tiutif you oi It ficl t I or j ilvrnblo, iuso thu Uittors at ouce. It imu .aroyourltfo. It haa saved humlrccK f 500 willbe paid forncMothrTTftllrnt cur's 0' i. PTnothurfcruorKtyourfricaihirfuaer.buj. ,'uw and urso them to uso Hop mttcrs. 4 ncniwnber.IIopDlttersignoTllo.tlrugctl.enint. en r-iitnim. but tho IMreit anil Iteet HeUlrtno c r ; run oi t o "InTnlld'. FHcnJ nnd Hope," !uo pei-son or family t,2iould Lo without ttitni. j Cot ome thU dny. EESTflJ Inor Conoit Cowtirthe sweoTcrt, sofeat tuul htiit. I Ask Children. JThsnor-rADforStomach.UTer and Kidney liijp-' jrurtonJlothcnj. Cures by nbsorptlon. Ask aruii:. jn..r.iaanalisoIutoandlrrosiMIblocurofordrunk glAh dtuj.-l.l,. IIojiUltlertMfi:.Co.UiHkUr,N.Vi' sn'l for Circular. , J nrrnouiznn y the v. s. uovrunmfm First National Bank OF BROWNVILIilO Pail-up Capital, $50,000 Authovixml " 500,000 IS I'HKPATttf'vrO THAN8A0T A General Banking Busines. JIUY AND KKLL COIN & OUEEENOY DRAFTS mii all the principal cities or the United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drnrts discount ed, and special aocommortatlonsKrantud to doposlt rt. Dealers In OOVKItNMKNT I10ND8, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS deceived payable nn demand, and INTKHKSTal owedon time certificates ofdeposlt. DIHKCTOHS.-Wm.TTT)on. H. M. Hallev. M. A Haudloy. Prank K. Johnson, Luther Hoadley Win. KraUhur. JOHN li. OAUSON, A H.'OAVIHON. Cashier. Praldrht J O.MoNAUf31lTON.At,rihlr. L. H. BATTLES, Auctioneer. M'lIOHE who nro nbotit to hnvo n unlo will I tlml 11 to tJiflr Interest to ronRtilt him. Terms renaonnblo. Hettldonco In Hertford prcolnot. Z7mS Jacob Marohn, Itiowmvlllo. NetirnNka. MERCHANT TAILOR, mid dcntorlnl t'inei:ni?llnli,Kioiicli, Scotch anil Fancy Cloth Veiling, Ktc, Ktc. MARLATT & KING, UKAI.KllS IN General Merchandise Dry OoodH, Ornrcrlen, Hcndy Mnilo Clnthlim, liOOtH, HIlOCM, HlttN, Cupi, Hllll n General Ab- nortment of Drug and I'ntcnl Med Id new, Kcnca posts nutl wood nHvnyti on hand for nnlo. fi&. HlgheU prlorH paid' Tor butter and ASPirCVVAMi, NRIinASICA. IN CONSTANT DEIVJAND. A HTAPIiBAHTIOiiIil.HHL.LINa FOIlJJViiiu IS Tho Revised NEW TESTAMENT. AGENTS WANTPn to rcnieinher that wo otler thein tho LOWKHT PRICKS. The hestrestautant b-st tablo fare In th MRS. KATE HATCHETT. First Moor of Thk Advrktiskii lmlldlng, acrosR tho htreet opponlte Hhermnn Hotio. MEALS, 35 CENHS. FRESH OYSTERS FR.EF-A.HBr) TO ORDER. Remember tho phuo when you eomo lo town and want a good meal at any hour oi the day or evening. MICS. KATK IIATCIIKTT. w a maim m a Opposit Lumbur Yard, Muin St. O-OOID BIGS XT REASONABLE RATES. Spociitl Accommodations for Commercial Men, -AXD- Driver Furinshed wlion desired. HorsPiS hoarded by tho day or week, and Farmers' teams fed and cared for at fair rates. B. F. 8 A UJDEB, Manufacturer and Dealer In C'OLLAKS, WhlpH, L.anlicH, tJurry CombN, 'Ri'uhIicn, VAc, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Agent for ll Celebrated ICy City Carrlnge Toim.J j mo greatcHt variety, nnn oeHt ternix; outiu only 50 conlH. bIiowIiik KIQIIT dlirercnt , styles and prlcpn. IneludliiK new Parallel Kdltlon with both OLD AND NKW VICR- 18ION.S 81013 KY SIDK Tor eotnpurlHiui. 1 AddrevH Tin: REVISION PUUIilHHKRH. Il. liOUIH, MO. W V MB CCS feW CO NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Small-pox is IncroaHing in tho oast, and coming west. Tho Nebraska Farmcra' Alliance will meet in Hastings, 2fitli,iiist, . ' Thero nro 1)00,000 hioro mon women in tho United States. than Tho Omaha educational board has had tho school children of tho city vaccinated. Minneapolis inanufm;turnl last yoav 25,000,000 worth of flour, :igainst8IO 000,000 in 1880. J' Tho Omaha Tcletram, after an ex istence of a few month.1, has suspended. Tho publishers say it didn't pay. "Robert Martin, Nowiuk, N. ,1., has been sentenced to be hanged March 2d, for the murder of his wife and child. Thero is only one way to effectually choke off Ouitoau. Eir. Only ono way to Gulteauf ii choke. eh? .. i. - A connagration occurred in Galves ton, Texas, l.'Uh inst., in .whic'i thero wan a loss of several lives and about Sl.fiOO.OOO worth of property. Wo loam from good authority that Governor Xanee will convene the legis lature in extra session when he Knows positively what ho wants done. Tho new grain elevator, of W. .1. Turner, of Harvard, Neb., .was destroy ed by lire 11th inst. Cano unknown. Loss 010,000; insurance, $4,000. "Whoro is Jilder .7. .1. Henry and his evidence? -Toroliliyht. ' They will appear befoYij tho AL Glen keep Hock congregation, cool. .NowV ; Mrr.Tohn Ii. GoughffrTiiildjea three months' tour in tho middle and west ern si atos. JSavftunyc. Could ho be prevailed upon to visit Nebraska? Tho inventor of "Spalding's prepared glue" is a drunken loafer, in New York. Tlio man who puichased tho right of tho invention of him has made an 'im mensu fortune out of it. Congressman Btownoof Indiana has introduced a bill providing for issuing SI 0,000,000 of fractional paper cur rency. Such a law would, we think, ho genorally indorsed by the people. At Wontworth, N. C. on the 1.1th inst., Joo ITay, Eldnge Scales r.nd Matilda Carter, all colored, were hang ed from tho same scaffold, 'for the murder of Nash Carter. There were about '1,000 spectators of tho ghastly transaction. A clerk in Bushman's store, Omaha, named Workman, was a few days ago arrested for stealing goods from tho .store. A trunk full of line goods car ried from the stoo was found in his room. Ills family resides in Dos Moines, Town. Tho resolution to appoint a commit tee on woman suffrage was adopted by tho Hopublicans of the Senate. Every man who voted against it was a Demo crat, and ovory ono who voted for it was a Republican, with two exceptions, Jones, of Florida, and Ransom, of North Carolina. Tho namo of Gon. Manderson scorns to coma oftonest to the front in con nection with tho next Sonatorship. Tconmscli UhiofUtln. Senator Saunders, since he has got rid of that leech, Rosewator, is regain ing his old friends and making now onos. Ho is making a splendid record as a Senator. Ho will very likely be his own successor. A bill has been introduced in con gross to rovlYO tho issue of fractional currency. Subsidiary coin is good onough for change, ilnd tho people would be loath to see the country flood ed with "chicken feed" again. Kansas City Times, Yo3, hut subsidlnry papor is ho much more convenient, thai the people would bo glad to sec a revival of tho "chicken feed." Friday, 0th Inst., several mnrdercrft paid the penalty of their crimes with thoir lives. At St. Louis, Joseph M. Katovski and Charles Ellis, thu latter colored, wore hanged in tho jail, In tho presence of about 1,000 people. At Marshall, Mo., John A. Phelps was strung up for tho murder of Elijah Kriton. iMiolps worked for Krlton on his farm, and fell in lovo with tho old man's daughter, which was opposed by him. Then Phelps resolved to commit the bloody deed to remove tho princi pal obstacle to his felicity, and carried it out one morning In the feed lot by braining tho father with an axo. At Elmira, N. Y Joseph Abbott was hung for killing a fellow convict. In tho prison. In Hudson county, N. J., Martin Klnkowakt was jerked Into etornlty for tho murder of Minnie Mid ler, in tho woods near (luttenburg, last May. He has at all times declared his Innoconce. and a moment before ho wiib killed, h"i stood up and in a loud voice said: -"In the name of tho Father, and of the Son, and Holy Ghost, I am Inno cent of this thing. Father forgive me, and those who havo brought tills dis grace upon tho state of Now Jersey." At Franklin, Ala., T. A Chillo and Sterling lion, both colored, were sus pended for tho murder of L. Annand, in July last. Tho investigation now going on by n Congressional committee, regarding the acts of John Sherman, while secretary of tho treasury, seems to develop somo petty thioving extremely tough on "Honest John." For instances, tho government paid his campaign ex ponses, preparatory to coming beforo the Chicago convention, including the material for his paper and tho woik thereon. And a man thai mado some fence for him swears that ho wiib mustered on the government pay idll and drew his, pay jiist tho aanm-ns ac actual government employes did, Many other like horns aro being brought to light, not only concerning Shevman but otheis. Shennau wiir be foro tho committee and ouestioned re garding these matters. lie di.sclalHied any knowledge of tho irregularities charged, and said ho had too many matters of weighty importance to at tend, to watch every small detail of all tho departments, and had to trust them to subordinates. Euphuisms of Orimo. Dr. Gray lias no regard for tho gentle amenities of lifo. After no lit tle labor, optimistic society has gotten into a genteel Way of calling things out of thoir name, ascribing iriegularities id' conduct to aberration of mind In consequence there has grown up a very pretty and useful vocabulary from the Greek, such as "kleptomaniac," "dispo nianiac," "pyromaniac," etc When people with friends weio caught shop lifting, or drunk, or committing arson, the (Jreek woid was biought into ser vico and their sins were forgiven. Hut Dr. Gray, in hts evidence in thoGuitctu case, gave with brutal frankness somo extra plain definitions. "What is klep tomania?" "A word used to express thieving." "What do you mean by dlspomanlaV" "1 call it drunkenness." "What do you mean by pyromania?" "1 call it incendiarism. call It crime." And. that was tho English of it all Chirayti Times. Hov. Henry Ward Reoeher, In a ro cont sermon said, regarding future punishment: "I believe in a future state of retribution, but I believe It is remedial. What the end will bo 1 do not know, for I can't sro tho begin ning; but that pun shtuent will con tinue after it can no longer do pood, or that it will bo everlasting, I do not be lieve. God do so to me, and more, if ever I preach that or countenance It in any way whatever. For God's own sake, for the sake of everything that leason, conscience and benevolence jus tifies, I would clear God's Bkirts of ovory such aspersion. Runisjiment, so long as it continues to do good; then annihilation, if you believe it; but eternal punishment never." Some of tho nowspapeis pretending to have learned that Congressman Val entino was opposed to districting Ne braska into tho proper number of Con gresslonal districts, according to tho now apportionment, says the report is false, and strongly favors distiicting the stato instead of electing at large. Senator Van Wyok, it will be noon, is getting in Ids work for Nebraska men, While the sonator will be found always to recognize his special friends, he will at thoKamc time bo approachable by all and friendly to all. Wo judge that ho will bo very watchful for Nebraska in terests." Columbus Journal, It is said that a f rst rate article of petroleum, in paying quantities, has been found in tho Rlack Hills. Tho wool pioduct in the United States for 1880 was 120,000,000 pounds, an Increase of thirty-four million over 1870. Why do girls kiss each other, while boys do not? liecauso girls have nothing better to kiss, and tho boys hnvo.-t-jr(c Nctrs. Near Roonvillu, Mo a man named Feelers looked tho door of his cabin, Wheic he lived alone, and went to bod. Tho cabin caught lire nnd burned down. Tho bones of Feelor and his dog and seven dollars in money wore found in the ashes. I II W. ! ! Tho president of tho Indiana demo cratic editorial association In his an nual address said that tho democratic press of tho stato,' should bo solid against the prohibition amendment; as to the woman suffrage amendment, however, democratic editors should be free to act "as thotr feelings dictate." A frightful railroad collision occur red near Spuyton Duyvih N. Yv, in which eight persons were crushcil or burnedto death. Several moiubois of the Nejv York leghhitiuo wore on one of tho trains, ami Senator Wagner lost his life. 1'iii'k Valentine, aged 21 and his young wife were also amongst tho killed. Thoy were on their wedding tour. 'The Kansas City 27nc,t Bays, "den. 0 rant's letter iu regtud to tho Fit'. John Potior case is a manly avowal of a neglect of duty on his part," meaning, of course, that Grant, while President, ought to have come to tho conclusion what he has just douo. If tho Times will explain how falling to lead eight years ago thoreportof an investigation made only last year is "neglect of duty," It shall possess tho cako. State Journal. Botronohinont of tbo Gould System. St. Loins, Mo., January U. Two hurdtcd and thiity-flvo yard and shop men employed by tho Missouri Pacific were discharged to-night, making about (sod fnim discharged lrdin the Goiilti roadFduring tho past weok under tho new policy of retrenchment. It is un derstood the policy will bo carried out at all points iu the Gould system and one-third of tho working force be dis missed. About one hundred men em ployed on tho Wabash aio included in the above number. Paul 15. Ilousel, son of C. C. Housol, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Omaha, was arrested a few days ago and jailed, for forging his father's name to a bank check for 15. It is also in cidentally stated that the young man was picked up on tho street a few nights ago in a boastly stato of intoxi cat'ou. His father has gotten him out of trouble so often that ho refuses to do so any huut. Paul is another of those young follows who havo had too much money and potting lavished upon him. f nil am Soldo. All persons indebted to tho under signed for medical services aro request ed to call and settle their accounts, by cash or note as he desires to close his old books at tho beginning of tho year. 21) w2 C. F. Stkwaht. for a fact. The Nursery portion of tho Furnas Fmit Farm, Rrownville, Nebraska, will lie cleaned out tho coining spring, tho ground being required for other purposes. Jiavijains can be had, wholesale or retail. Thoso wishing anything in this lino will make money by'sceing this stock before making ar rangements elsewhere. NO HUMJUgTIT WILL PAY YOU. '$100 to $125 Per Month Mado Easy. Wanted An energetic and reliable ago it in this county to introduce, and sell something entirely new. Every farmer and gardener will buy at sight. Write at onco, enclosing stamp for complete outfit, circtilam, etc. Address, Jiast Tennessee Seed Co., Cleveland, Tennessee. Jan. tlth, 1882. :i0w8 The Ur7i'onHotel Is growing in public favor. Com meicial men aro learning that at the Union Is tho best place to stop for good faro and cordial accommodations. The increasing custom and demand for first class faro, has mado it necessary for tho Union to take an up grade stop. It has recently been refurnished and otherwiso improved. Rest table, best beds, best everything, and only S2.00 a day, Tho best and most convenient sample room in the city is now con nected with tho house.