" i . i r -r L F V. rtJRNAS, EDITOR, To whom nil Communications on Agrifultnre KticCil be addressed. WAXTBD-I wish to procure the service of somerrood. practical, industrious. 4?t p in,' alio understand the cultivation, and tr!n!n' of Orup Vines, Bsnall Fruits, and reaches. T ntfi un one I will rive a iwrmanent and lucra tive hllua'i . 'A dIr ess j -. iJ. W. FVRXAS, Brmmrllle, XebJ Who wnsti to Make a I rail r t t v., rrf urn of what Is known a 'DlulT Lands," situate within one mile of Brown ville, which I wish Improved by being planted In fr To ny t) who mill prepare tfre ground, fei.M, and rllnt " ,n Crape. reaches, and Small Fruit I will five half the land, when extahtished m4nir aUK-k: and I will phalli plant if. nnd loml-r t fnce It- The land ta most id;i.irUr iidHr"-t to freit rmwint. A man who to 5e- rous of f-.Utt.Iis)..rtp himseifln fruit rrowlnr, vU bo other ri-iuU than hi Inhur. can ljvfi chance hv canine on. or addressing metiy letter. The best of reference retired. 1L H. rC&XAS, Brornville Xeb. " 11 European Iarcli. 7' Thousands and tens of thousands of acres in . Europe have been and are now being planted with this tree. It is much better and more valuable tim ber tjiaa; our native species. It is a tree of very easy culture, 6f moat rapid frrowth, succeeding ou most all soils, altijlc: a" very'., Iarre !zo and great age. The timber is adapted to a very great variety of uses In the arts ; being fine grained, and no other equaling it in durability and strength, for building, or to resist the action of water, never decaying nndcr water, Larch spiles having been taken up in Europe, where it is positively known they were lriven more than" a thousand years f ago. A The trees grow very straight, tall (over 100 feet,) thriving well on poor dry 6andy soils and Is one of the most elegant and beautiful trees ; foliage, a soft light green, re sembling an Evergreen, most profita bly tree, and is the best timber to raise for building,' fences, posts, railroads, tc.! .Tho trees should be cut in win ter or early spring, and the bark taken off to prevent decay of sap wood. Easily raised from seed, which should be sown very early in spring, in boxes licds or. of very light soilj or sand, covered lightly (I inch) kept moist and In the shade, and in a couple of years transplanted. Seed can be had for about $t per pound by mail, and small nursery plants at reduced prices by tho quan tity. ' Henry Wilbur,- Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Ordway & Parker, Frceport, 111., can furnish either seed or plants. Our faith in the Larch leads us to plant of It freely in the spring. Valuable Table. For the benefit of our readers we publish the following table, showing the number of planU to the acre, at various, distances. It will ;be found valuable for reference: riTAlCT APART. ij toot by 1 foot... NO. OF M.AXT. IJfeet by 1 feet.. 1.I0 27.70 lO.HSa) - Is ft by I.. 2 feet by 2 2'4 feet by 2.... H. feet by JtJeet byVA. ; 8 f.iet by 2 8 feet by 3 4 fftby4 5 i'M-t by 5 feet by 6... feet by K feet by 8 8 feet by 10... 10 feet by 10 6.nto H.msO 7,2iW J.h-m 2.722 2.17X 1.742 1.210. 17 ftsO 5(4 4: r m ius 12 fort by 12.... 13 feet by 15..... Ofctt by 20 From many reliable sources east and south,; we learn that the peach prospect is very good. Will the peach growers of Nebraska please examine their orchards, and send us word as to their "prospects? Fail not to select thy seed now, if . not already done, for the day will come when thy hands will be too full of other work to give attention to the first great duty of a farmer; and the price of thy sloth will be a poor crop. 1 ' Timber Culture. Iff an essay entitled Timber Culture of the Northern Illinois Horticultural Society by our correspondent D. C. KchoCcld of Elcin III., he said: . Summon all the land-holders of the V country, and demonstrate to them the profits of timber culture; produce facts and not theory: tell them that from ' one acre planted with Tyrolese Larch. they may reap a harvest at the end of '. .six years, hop-poles, grape-stakes and trelii3 materials, worta moro tnantwo hundred dollars and at the close of another six years, they may reap a harvest of fence posts which will be cornparativeJy Imperishable, and worth more than nine hundred dollars. In testimony, I athiiiea my forest iu Elzin, wnicn, ten years ago was a smooth prairie, and afterward planted 7, slants, which tnen stood mine nurser - lescf Scotland. Let them measure the J trees, both of pine and larch, f more , thaa two feet m circumrerew, and more than twenty feet in height; count "the number on the acre, and estimate the number of fence posts that each tree will make; tell them at the end of twenty years tney may reap a third 1 . harvest by cutting one half cf the res- idue, or, six hundred and five trees, v them more than one and a half feet In diameter and forty feet in height. -This ttmber may be used for ship-spars t end fence-poHts, building timber and railroad ties, worth more than fifteen "hundred dollars. At the end of an f . other ten years, they may enter the forest again, and gather a fourth crop, by removing three hundred and two trees, leaving an equal numbergrowlng r "on the ground. Now, the trees have au . average diameter of two feet and more, and are sixty feet In height, each of Tvhleh Is worth at least ten dollars, or y total value of three thousrv&d dollars. r The amount of the rroeeeds alrsadT "' realized in thirty years is five thousancJ . six hundml dollars, or an average of -c m&re than oce hundredtad eighty-six dollars annually. Ex-. 1 . Rancid IXnttcr. . A correspondent of the- Rural 'American, talks of the great quantity of rancid and inferior butter in the market, and saj-s that if it is intended tq.keep butter lor any lengtn or time it should be packed down with great care; this is done to exclude the air as ,iuudi possible, and in order to ac- idmplWu this the eak ehould be per fectly ti;;ht to hold the brine and ex- - elude the atmosphere. Butter de fci'jr,ed,for packing should be worked eleer of milk as possible; -care- be in taken not to tear the grain but as little as possible. ItUmld be carefully rot heavily salted; rivi-the air excluded from it by putting over it a perfectly ti. Lt cover. Previous to putting on the trover t!ia surface should' be covered ' vittia strong brine or a coating of salt. V.'h' never any portion of the butter is nz vyst'I for use, care should be taken to key-the eur-aco of t'.io butter In the- . ca.-t iiit:u'tj fit- if this is not done; the remaining portion will soon be tir.ne rancid and unfit fr usi. owinrr t j the action of the atmosphtr upon iL. J IToff & CcX5FEr., Wata-a, Illinois, offers through our i.dverticing columns a choice assortment of Peach, Pear, Chern' and Apt le Trees and Grafts; alio Nursery stock of all samples. ages and Westers' Trees for Western Or chards,": is a very good mctio, and such are offered in our columns by Stark, Barnett & Co., of Louisiana, Mo. They are within easy reach of this sec tion, and will deal fairly. . Send for catalogue. E. Ware Sylvester, in his adver tisement of his Nurseries at Lyons, N. Y., offers to the public a splendid assortment of stock, comprising every thing in his line, and a very full list of grapes. We have dealt with him, and are very favorably impressed with both his stock and his dealing. , We call attention to the advertise ment of II Williams, Montclair, N. J., who is prepared to furnish the pub lic with small fruits, and fine varie ties of Potatoes,' by mail.-' This is much the better way of obtaining small supplies, and we are glad Mr. W. is making it a specialty. IIIprice by mail is same as at nurseries. Washdurx & Co., Horticultural Hall, Bostonroffer through our col umns the Unrivalled Prize Tomato, Gen. Grant, 'and the American Culti vator's Guide to the Kitchen and Flower Garden. The Tomato, from the numerous recommendations we have seen," is certainly unrivalled, and fhrir Guide all should have. ' See advertisement. ACIlICULTUILaX. THU KIT I ' a Tnxxnr Tlio LA KG EST r nd most Productive, r 8WEETEST and mot Delicious, ( s '' s. i HARDIEST, J and ererywajr the best i . ' Tt above in amp?y boro out by the testimony or all who have given tt a fir trial all over the . wm ixuntry, mul In ttieony new fruit orreeentlntrcMlortionthatcoiueii np to the recommeiid&tlonn of it friends. rLANTS CF TIIIH AND OTHEIl KKNDS. Also tho Eest Strawberries & Raspberries, EARLT ROSIL and ther Seed Potatoes, de'.lverwl at voor nearest Foot Office m thtap n If ywcaiiedat the eorvrjr In peraen.and TTarrantcd Genuine. PRICE LIST GRATIS. Address febll-tat JUbnttilnir, Xte Jertfy. GRAPE VEIES, coxrn ci geape 'ixes. Tiro Yeart (Kit. CXCOItD GXAPE 17XES, Thtfe Yean Old. DELAWARE GBAPE VIXE. , ' ' Tur J'amf (Md. DELAWARE GEAPE YTXE. Three. Year OT-L 2ZAXA GEAPE VXXXfi. Two Ytar$ Obi. 2)1 A XA G BATE I'ZXESi. Three Yeart Old. CBEYELIXG GRAPE VIXES m Tre. Wtf CBEXELIXG GBAPE VIXES Three Yeart (ML or ox to rrxES-.- ! . . TVe Yeart Old. . o p o b t a riXEs, ; Thrf Yeart Ofct Two year old vines of tne- fcRowlng- Mn grown out of doors, from bcarftitr vines and ery healthy, with strong laree rooU. and warranted to make strong growth, i property irARTmrm pnor.rrrc, tota. iskaella, M R TUKKX Ml'SCA fHXK BEREV'A, PERKIXS, ISABELLA, t'ATA WBA, PAX, nrACh' .- JUiA f'l 'T A MItER. CLLXTtKX, JiAXY or EWERS' HYBRIDS, - A., tr., 4e. Tliese vinos are on laiua wiiieh, must be cleared, and will be sold TERY CIIEiUP. For qnnllty of Vines heretofore sent from this -NurTy, refer to Col. IU W. Farati, All the leading varieties of trees nnd plants to do iuuna in a weu appoiatoa X arKery al ways on nana. For list of very low prices, address . & WARE SYLVESTER, ' .J, Xew York. n-bu-sm FRUIT TUBES. Western Trees for Western OBGEl3." Trees west of the MiKsisKinni. v rnltivt thnae varieties suited to our western climate. Cur Ire thnnfh rrVSr I TMr tltT ttra vvrv Iarpe and stniic,(oUto f-t hlsh), the very I'm iw ai.ippjna; long aitance, ami transplanted, with more case and safety than larger irecM. TEARS, Two years olet Very tine, ALSO, VINESrLAXTS, Ac, Ac. SEXD IVR CA TA LOG VEZ. Address STARK, barnett;. CO IiOulslana, Hftn. f alii Mm- TJEACII TIlEEa. Prn wfnrfia TToln A,- and olhmi nM fn tin. i . j v urrrr i rees, Tr., ll Class 15 44 ' rpri! -h In varu-tv. 1 yr a f-t ,, A j i le . k- rates. Auto, a it: u ilkA aa f . 1 . a . . . m I m. murr. mj 11,11 KVH in.f IlfTlL rtT rvla.V -rrH .F 1 "ST"'.-!" ? wbolessle rri.-e; . " fr"uirTicetou U(,yy COOPER: fcjii-m AG HI CULTURAL. BLOOMINGTON - irOTtSERIES. GREEN HOUSES 10 4:00 Acres o Op on EQLLIflQ PRAIRIE. rhvonxl with ArT)le. IVnr. Cherry. IVari und SI heriun tYab Trees ; Quincs l'.iwi)beni. Blnckber Krriv. ( nrranW. (rK- erriw. Htrawfoerrii? na CJru"ps: (itirden Hoots, Pluntu, IUxA UroiU, Mocks, bciouis fcelj ud Cutlingu ; ua Deciduous & Ornamenla TREES AIID SHRUBS. RfHS, finowbivllg, Everhreenn, Pjeonies, riiloxes. Ti Iidh. llvarinttiM. Gldiolii.-si.-lttlia. .Tiry0' theniiisu, and iianly Herba''"ii, Flowering 1'lanw OSA GE ORAXQEJPLAXTS, " Firtt Class, fl 50 ri. X 3 0,0 0 0 Concord Grspc Vines, two years old, For sale by J.K. TErT&'iCp P. O. BOX ICO. BnOWXYILLK, XBB. v , ALSO AT NOIlTir STAIV MO. ONE POUND WILL YIELD 3,000 POUNDS IN ONE SEASON BY rLASTINQ THE GENUINE Early 3ose Potato! BUY THE GENUINE FROM GEO. A. DE I T Z, (The Oreat Seed Wheat Farmer.) C l . i CIIAMBEEBCEO.PA. Pound Fjvrly Roe nent by Mail, poatpaid, lor I 00 Pondif rly Bone, by Hail, poatpaid, for J 09 l'eck Kurly iuse, delivered at Chitiubeniburg 00 1'eck Karly Roxe, by Mail, postpaid . 7 00 Pounds oftSurpriHeOat. by Mail, pofttpAid. 1 00 Pounds New Brunswick Oats, by Mull fbr.. 1 00 4 Pounds Hweriuth Oate.sent by Mail for 1 00 4 Poinds Norwa y (htt aent by Mnil ft"1 - 1 00 4 Pounds Spring Barley, sent by Mail for 1 00 4 Pounds 1 ellow Mammoth Corn, by Mail for. I (u i 4 Pourxls Yellow iM .urd rteed Corn, by Mil for- 1 00 4 Pounds bflst throe virietie f.f tsret Crn.. 1 00 4 lNiuii'ls C'hinn Tea Kprin'Wheat by Mail, Hir 1 00 ! 4 Pounds Blnck BeaSpriut; Wlx-iit bv Mail, for. 1 00 4 Pounds Cjtnaila (.Uubsprinp V heat by Mall 1 00 4 lNiunds 1 led(tt-row Kprin Wheat by Mail, for 1 no 4 Pounds Kieiiranriespriiw? Wheat by Mail, for I 00 4 lound Scotch Kile Spring M l 1 eat by Mall for 1 00 4 Pounds Mammoth Birded Sprine Wheat, lor IM 4 loundsHmiMth-headed Spriiitf W heat for 1 00 4 Pounds Wliita Hominy Cora for 1 00 4 Pounds of Harrison Potatoes, by Mail for 1 00 4 I"ounds Karly (Joodrich Potntoes, by Mail for, 1 00 4 Pound White Peach B' nv Potatoes, by Mail, I 00 4 Pounds of Blue Grass 1 for. ,,, 1 00 4 Pounds of Italian Grass teed for , 00 4 Pounds of Orchard Grass Seed fur 1 00 4 Pounds of Ilerd Grass sseed for . 1 a) I Pound of ALsike or Sweeduth Clover Seed for. 1 to 2 Pounds of Cow Grass or tall Clover Seed for.- 1 On 4 rounds or red clover rx-ea ror 1 00 1 Pound of Ktryptianeven-htiHded Wheat. 1 00 Bvst Fodder Cutter, at Channhersbnnr........ 33 00 1 i'air or Cheater hite ilofrs, not akin, deliv ered at Chamoersburtf. boxed m m I no ot Jirab ma foot ra i owls.deU vered at Cuam- DersourK, Doxed 7 00 A -subscribe for the EXPKRlMKXTlL Fadu JUI H.AU only si.) per year. I M 2Tue money, in all cases, to aocomn.in v thn or. der. . ' F-All orders fillpd nromnMr bv f!TTl A T1TTT7 Proprietor of the threat Seed Vbeat Kxnerimentai Farm. Chambersbure. Pa. Farmers can rely that all Seed, Stock and Fowls 1 sent out by Mr. Geo. A. Deitx, are true to name and 1 pure of the kind. I7-lot FRUIT GROWERS OP KECaUKA AUD KANSAS. w e can mate it to your Interest to bar ronr niants and trees of usl A"tiyT Because we will sell yo the best of stock at lair rates, box fro of cost, asd PKKPAY the freight onrnelvea. Bv this mHuis yon kiiowjiisi wnat your plants cost. We offer you Apple Trees of all leading kinds s 5 feet, 2 and 3 years old. headed low. stockv rrowth. atii cents each ; fJl per 100. The same varieties, but jMrarf and Shutdard I'rar Trrrt.I and 1 vo&ra i.M Unrest slxe 60 cents each ; Sio per 10a The same, but medium size, 40 cents each ; f 3) per 100. JYncn Trees. All the leading varietlea. 1 n.1 9 j-fnrs, vrry nne, f n per iuu. 4'hrrnr Tree. Mont ly Karly Blchmond. fJov. Wood, Klton, Morello, and the hardier kind, 1 2 and 3 years old, stocky trees, fjj and? 10 per 10031) to ORAPEVIXES Cbnrord.l year, well rooted. J 8 per 100, frf) pet 1000 do heavy layer for Immediate fruiting, 50 cts Clinton i year, fine nnd thrifty, S per loa t Ufowoo 1 year, stronsr Plants. 17 n-r lint n twr iiy I . . . S. I r J . - I a t . ji't 'jut u. rwifr 1 uiiii i jfars, cents eacu. Itelatrarel anil 2 years, same price. tv' Seedling I and 2 years. 25 cents each, 15 per 100 Jona, Uraella, Adriaiular, Dianuit, and inimv other new varieties, at market rate. The Concord is the ovm, 01 au. BLA CKB ERR IES. The Lairfon, being always tender here, have discon tinued iu The Missouri Mammoth. After another smumi'i trial with this berry, it has fully sustained Its repu tation as the best blackberry forthisvicinity. Kx- nue pinnrs, wun roous complete, t-l per dozen. ?i ier lmi. n n-r num. ' Kittatiimjt. Medium to larsrt. sweet, rich, and of the ut-si unvur uncruracn. tiuwr m Uryttal If fate. I ruit laree. yellowish whitealmost transparent : sweet and rich : fl txr ilr h ir mi WUont Utrfif. Fruit very larjte, a little longer than wuiiu, m wni ki. mil noes not nil well unless pianiea alternately witn others; fl per dozen. 10 uonars per ikh Choeoiate .Seedling. On trial, fruit past season ; fa STRA WB ERR IES. IWton't St edtinp. Too well known to need any des- iipi.iii, uue jiiiuM.T uuiiar per kju, luotlarspei TrimniA de Grind. Very large, showy and Rood: 1 ' dolla ier am. ApriruUurixt. Immense grower, large fruit, but not Green I'm! Ue. One of the best rrnwon Mmir.M. nrodnctlve; one dollar per ion, Ave dollars ix-r KM) Ida. A new variety; great bearer; one dollar per Dotrner't Prolific.-Ucht srarIK, a steady bearer: one dollar per loo, five dollars per !(. Sew Jertey .SrnrW.-Fine early variety, of good quality, one dollar per loa Jueanda,or Enox't 7oa A magnificent light scarlet v: 1 ieu uoiiars ter lonu. Golden Queen. Lhfhttiolden, very productive: two dollars per 100: tewuvr tr mvi H!nrr, '7rTU"'-f't Jrrower, and grea Kearny " " '"" f"7 uiiwiij eiRui aoiiant per 100. 'Nw'f--aia to be of eaormous sire and produc tive. Two dollars wrrimM ' .Yirtmor.-Claimed to be very superior and Drodiic. tive. tine dollar per loo. Borne Mammotfts-lSevr. vprr ntrnnt. ann rood. One dollar rer dnwn fnnrt..i:un Lenrtnp't IIA.-VCUiU; laree sixe. verv show. rlua KOO Onedollar per dozen, live dollars Etnen redlxnn -K new large varirtv, eTgreat itrlti Two do'i"" Per dozen, ten dotla p. un. PtakEJnperor.-Tery larw size, sinijle spertmen i , K vIcr "w-nes in circumference. Three dollars m-r itimn firrn ..... fax.-First introduced into South Bend, ImL. by ten per hundred! dUar9 doI?d' v - RASPBERRIES. Doolittle't Black ar;).-Fniit lanre, blacksweet and 2 , vc... nuuuK anu uaruy. one dollar per onzen. thn dn Mum - n r. ,.11 "v,'y . - " JL 1 -', ve il 11 1 i.i a t im KL Minma Black Ow. Entirelv ysdrw,L h sweet, hardy, immensely produoivi One dollar per down, twelve ii.iinM . .1. j uwu" fc- . . ......... 1 .v i Liiininaillh Pi47te Umt-An old, well known varietv. On "II M Pr a'zen; three dollars per hundred, ten dollars per thousand. " iTl-'t?10? frwlt. sweet, proctlve V J i ' . " v 1 rr 1' um. wu v nniT: Iran tmv armi ti.va. i.. PtukuMphia.ThSu has proved uorfrctly hardv with Twenty cents each, two lniinr r ,an cht dolliirs iter hiindrett. . l-Ei'irtkii. Fruit Ittrgo, roundteh, compact and very ". uoimrs per uozen, ten dollars per Vi. I lark. JIurhiy valuable sort, n hii-h h omved 1 " rv 1 1 EianjT w LR ifL 1 Kn fl .m iu. n.kn. jmniMnt Thorniest. Not ft thorn on It, This alone is siiincient 10 mane It very desirsible lndeeU Black, and very sweet an fine flMVored. Twenty cents ench. two dollars nerditx . ten ilntliurs ner 10UL Seneca Black Cap. ijitirely dtsUact; flavor unsur- j iv.'m "u ; exxremeiy late ana. very prounc jwu dollars wr dnxen. ten ilnllHrs ner 10O. Mttmmuth Cluster. SeelllnK 01 the Miami; black, w-tth a rich purplish bloom: extremely la.rsr. ft..- T i " . .1 v . . ; 1 1 'V. j. iuM.lAni!l!l( kliu Auuirw t. rmin raj. . ... lanrest blaclc raspberry mey ever saw.- nitow firm, so rr.uch so, tlmt they were shipped to the New York market, 3kW miles, this season, with the most aittlsfactory result. Bu.--n v'ry rank and bardv. with but few thorns. Warranted not to winter kill in the nioct e.iitosed situations. I. J). T. Moore anvn. "It Is the larTrest and bear Black Rasperry we ever Raw." Plants three dollars par auzeu, twelve dollars jwr nuaureu. CVRR A XTS. Red rhitch. Well rooted, oae dollar per liOsen, seven White lxMcK. Same as above. White irrnfe. (jne dollar twenty-five cents per dox- 1a Verenile. One doilar and fiftv cents per dozen. Black Xapte. For Jeliies. Wines, etc One dollar per dozen, six dollars per hundred. Severul other kinds, at one dollar per dozen, seven uuiuu 3 iwn; LiLKxiiiy t wo yeanoiu. OOOBEBERRIE8. Houghton Seedling. Considered very reliable: does ..... nui'jrw. uuuur ana mty cents per dozen nine dollars nr loa. ' f'JV. Large-and fine quality of fruit; same Xiiaa in Seedling.- Very hardy and desirable; same SHE CUBES Y, I'LASTS, each, two dollars rsr rinwn ''r??' f(Wf?J"c'', DevUia, Snowball, and most of t!ie hardy shrubs, at same nrir Dahlie, of more tliun im splendid kinds at rvntm each, two dollars per dori-nV ' 3 cenU Cat a7ricI,lend'-d ot fine planU rlyre-iA.rci asscrtment of this hardy perennial flowering plant, at same prices. J rt-ntjrcmn.JUenntf u! showy flower, hardv ivror.. mat, ot many colors, at same price. lT"81ock not emirapTufwt if -.nt proi-ure the same and fn.M . - boye pnces-ir amtnint h over iu-no charJef.Tr boxing, and we will pr costof trinsw. 'V,r . . ... V ll,.U,"e.rl ..ou' !P'. nd bee-ttimeto net out nil ni.n.'.nj aiV.V Vfr.V..f"M"!?..tuiiysmed ' n - ACr.IfjrJLTtJUAI T7ARLY ROSE POTATO. American Ut and Foreign Spring WhenU. Oateo, Ir- Ipv. Cnrn. Cioverseeds, tirass seeds. Hogs, rowu. iu-t FodJer Cuuer Send for the "Kxperunentat Farm Journal. ' only tcenrs. Aaureaa 17-rnt GEO. A. DK1TZ, Cbambershorg. fa. GRAPE VINES FOR SALE. Plants of Best Quality I ! PRICES MODERATE. All the Leading Varieties, such as COXCORD, CLITOX, DKT.AWARK, ITART F01U PKOLIFIC. IVlis. NOiiTON" and mai y Knr and rare varieties. ATTOTIURTCK. CYNTHINA. DI- ANA. HAMBURG. MILES. MOTTLED. MARTHA. ROGER'S HYBRID, &c; AIJ4U, SIIALL FRUITS, rtra-berrlea, Raspberries, Elackbcrrlea, of the best Market Varieties; AND SEED POTATOES. Early Goodrich, Harrison and Early; -lose. AH the above of ottr own rrowing: warranted genuine and of BKrtT QUALITY. Address isidor prsii A SON,) liiushberg, Ha. f 17-3m Price list GnUs. Amateur Cultivator's Guide Kitchen 2nd Flower Garden. The Twenty-third Edition of this popular and use ful work, which baa met with an great favor in the past, was Issued January 1-V much enlarged and im proved, containing descriptive lists of all )1ower and Garden tVfds worthy cf cultivation, embracing; over twenty-five hundred varieties ; to which is ad ded all the novelties tn Flowers and Vegetable for , also two hundred varieties of the choicest French Ilybrid Gladiolus. The work comprises i0 pages. Tastenilv bound In doth, with two beautiful Colored Plates, one steel, besidHS one hundred other Engravings. Price M eents, post-paid. Paper Cover, one Colored Plate, one iinnareajurravmgH. posi-pnia, 3 eents. lfl,u. UMuirnirftw Horticultaral Hall, Boston, Mass. The 1'nrivalled Prize Tomato GElIERAIr GRA1JT. We take pleasure In announcing fb the public that we have secured the entire stock of this Justly cele brated Tomato. It originated ia the garden of an Amateur, who, after growing it for a number of years in connection with all the leading sorts, he came convinced that It was far superior to any oth er, and that it should be widely disseminated; and) for this puriHMe it was put Into our hands.. In con. sideration of the many disappointments experienced In the introtfurtloci of new varieties, we have give u a morougn trial m two years : and it haa Tar e ceeded our expectations, ever attracting great arten- v. .... i, . v. - . . . i i . . t . . i alt others at the Massachusetts Horticultural Soci ety's Jrjhibition Uie past, two years. CAUTION. On sccount of the Immense Donularltr of this variety, well nd that parties are offering for sale a spurious seed, desiring to obtain large prices for the common aorta. ve weuia uieretore recommend parties purchasing only those sealed packets bear ing our name, as none outers can be genuine. Price per packet. Si els - & Darka-ts. tl. Prices ta the trade on application. - WAPTTirtTRX A CO K-2m ITortleulmral Hall. Koston. Mass." THE TFIED GOOSE PE17M and A RCUPPERNONQ GRAPE. Bent free for tl each; 9 per dozen: K0 per 100. Aaoremi .MHWkKy, luka, Mlssiiwippi. 1SG9. 166D. WM. II. LYMAN'S Uliistrated Floral Guide A5t CATALOGUE OF SEEDS AND, PLANTS. IsnowpnbllKhed. contalnlntr descriptions of over i.nw vsrienes 01 i lower tveus ana PlaiiB. II is splendidly illustrated with about thirtr eleeant wood engraving and two beautiful colored plates, one of wuica wtii do, me ceieonueu nnTTAnnM a . "JlrS. POJLIiOCIa.'' GeranlUEU : crtered rrom nature. In It will be found designs for arranging the flower garden: together with full dl rectMMia for Sowing Keed, Transplanting, c This work will be sent free to all my Customers, and to an others, on receipt of ten cents, which is not bait me actual cosb I am also Introducing to the Public mv new Tnmi. iu, lilt? JjYSIATS MA3IMOTH CLUSTER. Dr. D. Itlce. savs: "Evervbodr shmiM hn it" This Tomato is a cross between a French unknown variety ana ine uff' Perfected, retain inr tho smoothness and solidity of the ratter, growing in clusters ; each stem bearine from six to twclv to matoes on it. It is perfectly smooth and nearly round, about the size of a Baldwin apple ; color of a rosy pink, and keeps well; solid, has but few seeds, and is no doubt one of the best earlv varieties we uave. n is unexceuea ror ewunr raw. &nri u riuiL clous for cookinr: belne verv kict fl.vomA Tn eartinesii it excel Is the "Kevea Toniutn " mil irin-.,. ns i run. f veniy, aoow ten days before the Karly a l ndoubtedly the beat market variety of Tomato v Wl" IHTt. If i nis variety was obtained from semi In iuu t ii npeneu n pened iu fruit TEN DAYS before the Early Mmooth PRICE IN SEALED PACKETS, 85c. EACH. For Illustrated circular, containing dr-rrtntin nramni.nfl.tlnn. A. Auaress WM.' II. LT w Ar, , J Importer of Bulb, mn 2TUat, ' Fifth Year. 200 Acres. GREAT VESTERH HURSERfES, LYOXS,. CLIXTON CO 10 WA. JTroit Iz. Ornamental Trees, Grape VinoH, Sec, FOU SPniirGT I860V We ofTer for next spring planting, ck, a!l grown oi -'flne aanort- tnentof nursery stoc snll. and guaranteed to be full- . ,J4 sented. - j bvi'w wiriv Fbrfull portlcutArs. send for our Catafogve which ia ' KAIXEO FREE. Apple seeds, warranted'fresh, UJX per bnsheL Osageseeds, " - . 15,00- - -Fine Osage rianta, f3,0O per l,f)oa ' Dr. J1W. E. EiriUS & CO. THE BEST I'LL HAVE. IF IT A COST A FARMSl-Enrly Re Potato American and Foreign Spring WheotTotsflSSev: Corn Cloverseed, (irass Kwl, Hok, i'owbv be-i oddweutter. send for the '-ExpertoenJa Farm Journal," only Scents. AMr 1. Jt HKO. A. DEITZ, Ch-mhenrtmjsj, pa. .ndtoOEO. A. I l-li. -"V. rnrv i'a.. for the -ex ,Tt.-t7ti'( wt a t. farm joCRNAL. .VTAVVV i f 7v ARM JOC RMAX. J7-10 1 -l a a. - . GRAPE VINES 1 : ' ; GRAPE VINES!!; GEAPE VINES!! 250,000 cf theChoicest GrapaVisss 1,000,000 GRAPE YIXE CTTTIXC3. ALso a large stock of Currant Plants and CuUinsrs, GOOSERERPJES, ROSES, Raspberries, Blncliberries, OlJVAtllJlil""'! Rhccbarb, Etc FOR SALE CHEAP. , jend stump for Price List and Essays on Grspe Culture, to Tlr TT. WTIRODKR. Bloomington, 111. iwm Benton County irnrserics. 3talliKlica in 1850. Fruit Trees of all Kinds, ADAPTED TO OCR TRYING CLIMATE. Also SMALL FRUITS, EVERGREENS, of all sizes ; . - HARDY snRUBS, IIEftGE n.XTS, Ac In large or small quantities,' at ? LOWEST BATES. Shipments made at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Address, for prices, . JOS. I. Bl'DD Jk, CO . Fhe'Jeburg, Benton Co. Iowo. lS-3m rrriAiYL piiiiitg, BY MAIL. For the annexed prices i will send the following packages, post-paid and securely packed, in oil pa per, on receipt 01 amouui: Two Doien of either Agriculturist, Rnssell, itowner s froiinc. Mauimoutn aintne, r in- mnr. Kh&kr. lrimnon (Vtne. Ifouker. or Peabody tttrawberries 10 I Two dor.en Ctittlnint of either the Dwarf. Shad berry, or Dwarf Mountain Cherry I.W 100 Gray wnilow Cnttlngs .. 1,00 (One or the most beautiful, rapid growing Forest Trees, It does best on dry land. - One doaen either Victoria. IJnnlus. or Straw berry lie I'lant, (strong iyenj iju Half dozen either Purple Cane, MIrldlsn (yel low). Hell u tontinav.i'tiiiaaeinbia.uami r A. M. Yellow liaspberry 1X3 Two Axen Privet for Iledfea. small nlants. or iwcwungs 1,00 A G(KKAL ASHORTMKfT OF " I Annlfl- VMC.n. PPitP. ThPrPV- PllITTl ,.. I rr . , ' " ' AND PERSIMMON TREES. Also Grape Vines, Gaeweberrles, Cnr- rants, Blackberries, and orxa3ie.ta. sani'CDcni',1 AT MODERATE PRICES. Address SIAXVELL, Xanesfield. Johnson Count v.ICaasas. 10-U ; , CATALOGUES FREE! A-U J X,Ed Xj, &J4 Cw sJ CATALOGUE of SEEDS, AXD GUIDE TO THE FLOWER AND VEGETABLES GARDEX FOR 1869. (Published In January.) Every lover of flowers huub iui new worx, iree oi cnarge, stiouia ad- dress Immediately M. O KKEFE, SON A tX Kll- KURSEniES OF TT. F. IIEIHES, DAYTOX, OHIO. AX OLD ESTARLISmiEXT WITH A XEW FEA TURE. Erery Person caa Procure Trees and Plaatsr At Wholesale Prices, by ordering through our Club Department. For prices and other Information, address W. F. L1EIKEM, Dayton, Ohio. tf-to Mlama Raspberry Plants FOR SALE. The Largest, Best, and most productlre BLACK CAP GROWN, and as mnch superior w ine uaoiime itlaett Cup as tne ttuaaea I'eaca ia to me cummoa aeeoiing. 49-Sendibr clrcolar. W. 8. COMBS, COLLINSVILLE, -Cadlsoa Co., I1L it-kn Warranted Garden Seads. OUR NEW Descriptive Price CataUgate, vSrl'S? .,!lrr11r,Ptl"n of aU the CTTOICFST JWIKTABLU Including the aioat desirable eve 1 1 lcs. sntrreHtions rpt'.Min m,ir i. now being lwsn.Ml. and win t.?- n,ua . 7...Z rui-,..'..- -. Mdu , o otners on receipt of W cents. SEEDS BY MAIL. TCe furnish Oardew Reeds in n-!- rKEE. tO any tMnt OfTir is tbvVrtlfnrf Mt. 1 ordered, at our rearulrr urioea.to anr ED. J. KVA3M St (TL. NcKSKRY-atf xjw Sums ix, , , .York.Pean. 13-Jm EIUE - - GOXME'CIALJIOL'JES. ERIE, ERIE CO- PEXN. ! AaPIattman z Sprane, rroprietors. i,ouo;000 Katlve Grape Tines ! true to name, as good as can be found in the United 1 rS ?COB? -04 two ) ca old. Samples sent by I mall at IgO rates Per K Per 1.000 lJO.flsS Concord: 1-vear. n l JfiJUO sto.in jo.io To.oo flo.il) t,l 70.00 iu,M) llartrord Prolific, 1-year, No. L :,0f)0 Hartford Prolific, -ear, Ko. 1 . , . ).), .10,00 J0.UO 3.M Diana. I-vear. No. I son S.IO 3i.i0 Ive s seed ling. 1-year. No. 1. Mi.iai MU.ill ll, 30,00 10.iW Iona, 1-year, No. 1 10,1)0 ,i i.r:teii:i 16111 60,!AMj Isabella, Ctawba and Clinton S m,,..,,,,,,,,; ,0n kinds, toe et tier with a nm 1..! r ,n - - Crevelln,; Allen's Hybrid, Koger'. Hybrids . UnkS others?' Kalem' K"rt"n' Virginia, nd ax.mai Htrnwberry Plants stroncr.ornlltliebeet sorts. .-. Itpberries and BlackbrrW WrM lo.u Currants and (inwhor auXM Fine 3-year old Apple frees, best leading kinds, ul r .t..i - , .... -""' if.'I. .1? n1 14r- at per Ma x rccs, i-j ear 01a, at fi per lfim. ALSO FF.ACTI TREI-S. PT.T'r Tnviv . tvtt COTS AUD UUESCE BUtSilES.' Together witb a large stock of I Apple Seedlings; Pare. Plum and Cherry Reedllnirs- citings, with AppleGrafU,furulshed to order. Satisfaction Guaranteed. iiSmtrff rini5-.?f .raa navlng their in piri ..V iZ.. :-."-'VJ i""- so iv win arrtve ,?Z y- ? p,edk' ourselves tn furnlMi as -ihi?.fVr-th'l"urM cari be-bmtrht from any reliable estatimhment in the Ulted.siies I v.f1:IS"Xs, ":tn wler sroe-tIrd'csvand I caiante oa tiiuvery, or U. O. D.. ' fi tTL Sl''r TI'rleaKe give plnce. County and : State in full. '1 rude list sent on application. I application. Addras L A. PLATTMAN A SPRAOUK. Krie, ij-foCX)., Penh. 11-r.rn AGniCULTUriAl- IfyoawLsU to plant this comlnj spring, send In your ordors erly, and save TEEE PEDLEIl'8 JIAI1GIN. A fine stock of two year old APPLE, FEARr PLUM AND CHERRY. Alao Shade Trees, Evergreens, Ornamental Shrubs, ' and a general N ursery Stock COWSTANTI.T OH HAND, AT T3IE PROSPECT HILL XUP-SERIE3,-Geneseo, Illinois, 3. Si E. RICIOIOXD, Proprietars. aj- Corresjiondenoe solicited. 14-tm 30 Psc of Plnla Directions for Planting .h mit.v.tinrr forfiimiivfts we iw niHrKei iranieii. An. I mnrbatitur all KmA 11 Fruits. Written from 3 .HVl UU.IIVt.uin - . . . . . tm- exrwrience. and eives an uw iinunmmu the laitrer and more costly works, sjatoputnew krlnora nn unnal fiitinr with Old fTUlt KrOWerS. Vhnve hnn.1reLs or fesnmoniam, Ol uu . i,n.i. w.m ur tt w iH'hnMi sample: "Vonr riiiwtlorn for erowimr fctrawbemes ana Raspberries are the best I have ever seen." Wholesale and retail lisUi ot our plants sent K rr I M I I 11 ! Mc mail free on application. .AdUreS8 PITRDY ITAXCE, tSouth Bend, Ind. lm HOME NUESERY. I Apple, Pear, Finns, Cherry, Erergreea TREES. AND Omoxncntol Gnrribbcry. A LARGE VARIETY. Also, Grape Vines, Currants, Gooseberries, Rasp berries and Ktrawberries.Choice ftoses. creep ers. Vines, Tuli, Lillies, Peonies, Dielytra, etc., AT EGVT RATES. Grounds 2d Block Sooth of Court House HAVANA, ILLINOIS. sroreiivG of isoo. I desire to call the especial attention of nir former Customers ana ine pwiH- generauj, roraj siotk ana nric-s. esnectaiir to tne arHTT or me siocs now offered, and I would solicit a rotiuance of yor patronaee and favors, to deserve wmck nay best ei- forts wul be uirectea. i"li-kin!r and shipping don lit a careful man ner. . All roods delivered at tnerixpr-sa'jmce.Mail- roal or riteamboat Landing; free of chartre. Plaats and Serds by 3fail. trapevines,Btraw- berries, t urrants, Ka spoerriea, uooaeierries, Asftar- airus, vines and cumber, r-euuing fiants, ituibous Hoots, tlarden. Flower aud Tree teeds, will be sent rv mm tanirii. e mn r aiiiu a i rw iia j? Mr-lis. ! hv mil anvclistanoe. aecurelr packed in entta-Der- I cha silk, damp mis, Ac. I send articles packed In , this way in pe: rfect safety to the most distant parts of the L nlted (states. 9Tlf articles sent out by me are not as represen ted, send tli em back at my expense and your money shall be refunded. Rome of the leading articles will be furnished at the following prices. lataioguea ana ea circular rurnisaea on appli cation. Concord Grapes, f 1 per do4 fS per hundred. I ve's Needling, tlw per nVz flu per hundred. IJelaware, two years olel 23e each. Clinton, fl per doz.; f5 per hundred. My list of Lilies include the best " the Japan va rieties, and our old native lavorttes ai sow rates. Summer Bulbs. iaents in the varieties of this splendid flower renders it one of thellnestof all ''Flora's" gifU. Mv stock comprises over thirty varieties. varv in tn rrHf rroin I'l cis. if per duid. Tlarida. or.lIrxiraR Lilr-Annppropriatecom- panion to me aoove, of anewy eumvauoav W cents each. Anarillis, er Jacobean Lily-Kare; SO centSs-i eacn. Tnfce Kwc.-A fine stock and cheap, 25 cents eaebv Herbaceous, &c.y &c. Chinese reonies .. ( Yi mson loliyhock Herbaceous pieras.. Chrysanthemum.... Yuca Filamentosa. Aauliegialilandulosa.. " . Alba " Cenila w..each 25 eti so - r. M & -Tt IS ss- 25 25 Vr Zf SS 50 SO IS Si 75 r so ss iV ss ss sv 10 Aurea. Kosea Pweet Scented Violets... Polyanthus (Eutlish)... Lye hn ess (irandi flora. " Viiwaria.. " Scarlet uicentra . Alba.. Phlox (varietv) Delphinium i'ormosum.!! everrew liardy.., Dianthus (variety i it:, mile. Alba...... Mountain Daisies. Pansies, larce Grccn-IIouse neddlnzPIanti A Selection nf tVi w. Hal KI wkl.li forbida to enumerate; also. Plants for Vasea,. rna, Bitaketa, Ac., such as Myrtle, Halm, tvy (ieranium. Dew Plant. Baxifrara swrnientoaa.. Monevwvrt , , , Also. Hanging Baskets and Flower Pots, with or - uugut piants, always on nana. Addeess J- COCHRANE, Havana, Mason County, I1L i"Be particular to order earlv. 14-Uu a a Aui.i:ori;A . . LARCH. The most durable timber; last hundreds of years. Tree or rapid growth, and very valuable fbr lum ber, rails, posts, poles, railroad ties, Ac eeeds should be sown in winter or early spring. 9W For description of trees and qualities. sen4 i on umce stamp. All kinds of young trees sent by express, and SEEDS of all kinds of frees and pfcnfs sent bv mail. If nr. uereu earjy. EL WILBUR Jt CO., Grand Kaplds, Mich. 14-M PEOPLE'S We have a lartre with manv others. whi-h nir..vriiv i " 11"!? VV-WV i-wD L'in vvw ' ' ' " ' Lru. Ul 111.11 ! w ann UHU1 IV . a.. . A.a' . JlJKjA. InlM. Vm. t n - Uainr. 1 1 rn n.. if i. ... ' Straw berries, limrUtvrrries. Kvcrtma- uamnul Trrrs, Shrebs, rlawers, t leirerina .-hruh- a--. niB eooo reliable mm -h . recommemled to actas aant forus,lnevery co,rmy In ebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa, to m.11 commission or Salary. It. L. BOBQ A CO., iiloomlnfton, TIL lUm-If Grape Tines for Sale. rmw w -.. . Nertoa's Seedlin... 8100 rer IBOa. tancord.. Sb'O per lOOtlL Also, a lew thousand lvn.ru. varieties. ,nls or 'bene 1000 Gallons Norton, Concord and Catawba Wines. THKO. F-XOKLMAXN. Mascoufah P. 0 Sk Clair County, Illinois. IMra nnrER pltjii. The only II. rdy, Pro,!uttITe aad Satis. '"""f nurn tn tUe XartUwest. Tli!s extremolv hni'v- .. ... . fiance to Curcu io . iV .. 1? : ' "m. ' liiltueiices. ' ""'erumieauiiy C-IiIc'rPolnts or Value: It Is tjerfectl v hanlv 3. It Is not liable to injure from late Spring frosts. I Prow rnpidly while young. i. It is free fnm vprv iiu..... 3. It fruits verv earlv. S. It bears a cron evprv r4ir 7. The fruit kwna wil hi will . . tlon. .-..-1W- 8. The fmft Is of excellent flavor. The 1 Hi lies Drvfpr It. for nnwrvlnir 10. It U never uitiinl hv tho (iin-iiii.. II. The fruit nirt-iis alxnt the lt nf tor.A.K. whua Uiers-is no other plum to be had. ' PRICES: Tine well grown tres, five feet hltrh and no., acii f 1 ; per dor.(W; per huadretl, :o JOEL BiVKSEH;, .; HIGIITSTO-.V-X, NEW JERSEY. rrirTi Trees and Tr A SPECIALITY. i.-ftYi x-TiiiilturL-it and Wilson Strawberry, t p-r 1 ft T0 per H'.otu 10.0CO Wilson's Eir!y i:;sck berry, at f per 100; Pcaca Trecs-l't l?k'$fln'?t b r-r UXO; 2nd siie, per IjO. jQ per l.'M) , ,-llsou' Earlr iiiackberry. iut tutuags, fl per 100. f per 1 iwo; t ) per 1J. -'.. KUUUnny. 70 cu. per iw); ft per l.tow ; f30 per lO.OCa ALSO A LAT.GE ASSORTMENT OF - Raspberry, CIacIibcrry,Stravr bcrry, and otlaer Plaatj, AT LOW RATES, ITavIn? mndp the Nursery business the sole occu ration ot mv life, and prx-tired my btock only fr-im reliable sourcess, Kio wuo may favor me with t aeir orders nxav depend on get tin what they order tnie to naiiie, a:id iiit quality in every respect. Tres and pianu packed to carry In good order anv distance, and tlelivered to Railr'-ad D pjt freeof charge, alter which they ore at purchaser rsk. fasn, or satlsi-ctory references must accompany 'retid 1 vour orders early, and they shall be prompt ly attended to. For lrice List and r artii-niars. Address LUAS. BLACK. 1Wm lUiitstown, N. J. m ui rum uill m - by FARM NURSEELES! QUINCTT, ILLINOIS. E. C. EEXTO.V, rroprletor. Establl-ril In 1S.1G. AU the most desirable varieties C5RAPE3 AND SMALL FSriT PXulNTS CONSTANTLY ON IIANXV Of superior qualities, warranted trne to name, price as low, if not lower, than plants of same qual ity can be purchased elsewhere. Also Fruit and Oraanienfaf Trees, which my extensive cqna!ntsne with all the ng nurserymen enables me to furnish tomycus tomers on the most favorable terms. . Uurlns an experience f TWELVE TEARS, la JTOCKING LARGE FRUIT PAR.MS, I have tested msnr varieties. NKW AXI) Of.D. NATIVE AND FUUEIUN. and also learned great extent which nurserymen are reliable, as as those who are not. Therefore our customers rely on receiving all articles renuine. and avoid vexation attendant in t-pweaeof inferior stock. I LLf STRAT KD AND PRICED aVTALOGCES, with fcrief finf romprehnwtfrein-truetlons for Cultlr TBiion. maiieurreetoait appneanta. Address D. C. EENTOf, Qulncy, 111. EDGAR SANDERS', F L 0.1 S T. ESTABLISHED IN 'Ram 1a-ta inArM f. tea tVUnl- aMk-ft-t K- K -. a m, i ica t in 'i iia as .v ii irim ariiri aiij , -i Jr u r Is better prepared than ever to furnish all kinds ot plants, either to make the (. 'aniens sny in summer. or to furnish flowers for the tiUEENIIOrsK, WINDOWS or iiooTTrrs ' In winter. Devoting ten large f;r.nliHt to this business alone, he leHs aarrunted is ataeiug he has the largest stock west of New York i VERBENAS, .. . .... UEKANIUMS, DAIIWAH, PINKS. I IK MOT ROPES. FLVIIIAS, HAKIYPL.NTS. lil. v rinr Grown esp-ntly for shipping, he has a splendid stock.- His twelve years experience la the west gives unrivalled opportunities to know what our wauern people want, and how to send it tbera. A CATALOGUE, Descriptive, with prices. Ls iasaed annnallr. about Lie first or rebruary, which will be sent to ail my patrons of istis as soon- aa issued, ud t,. .21 ,t. on applkationw Aidress FDftATt BANDERS. . ASR-Clark Street, Cblcaga, 111. RIYEHSIDE IiUBSEBY Davenport, Iowa. If yoa want a good article of Nnrsery Stock, aucii as Grape Vines, Currants. Goasberrles. Itaspberrtes, UlaeSc berries. Strawberries, Cherry Trees, Peaeh Trees, K-ersrreesis, and XlscldMnaa Treesy Send youi orders to J. W. PEARJIAN, fkivnnnpf Tsasr-a or R. W. Ft'RNAS, Brown ville. ' catalogue ire-, 13-9-y VICK'S FLORAL, GUIDE FOR 1869. ine nrsi edition nritn t.;ihh ti. ... . T , , . . - - inww.ii'1 ci .V ' "'u",r1- vaiaiojrue Of tweeds ami l.ui.l-In a in '",lBl-.o-aiHiruiiyiiiiitrtel.wita ahoat 150 ine ood Enrravlnn ot H.,-.r. . . x- . atim, and an rv- ELEGA XT COLORED PLATE, A BOQUETTE OF FLOWERS. Jtructlve Floral (luide publiahed, giving pUiTaad . Lhoroueh directions for the Caltare ef Flowers and Vrgctablea. The Floral Guide Is published" fur th. ivonn r- r't"' f.wiom U " ""t free without applM-a- r Jin -" ""x'" arue.no ail who apply by maiL for 1 cents, which la not halftHe cost, Address JAM EH VICaT, Rochester S. V. OAIiL,AM IVUIISCUY. ST. LOUIS CO., Ma 1 00.000, Box Elder Seedling, from C Incite. Sucar Muni. '.' M imi tim.k Cap 'ip"berry 4 00 per M 12 tw per M 2 50 per M 1 .W.gua t.MJ, vrpo mes or au the leading varieties. Rlt'H'D BKKKY : CO.. EHeardvi:i y. (J., Kt. Umi Co., Ma 1-3m TREMIUM LIST. WIIITLOCK-8 Hpxcxiltiiral Hecord. SIjO per Annum, in Advance. Single Copies, 20 cent. 10 suusoriDers wi.-lilnz to rmv at th en.i .r the year, , if orderetl by Jul January 1, 136. Address, The Whitlock Exposition and Ex- cnangs tompany, 25 Broadway, N. Y. ANDREW R. FULLER, Exrroa, The chen nest lonrnnl of th tint nnWtDi,,i ana tne only one glvlne the price list of trees. vines and plants in -AU Nurseries In One," a r vuutiaiiru. . L m 1 iu. r", i,i lain, n im, . . . a v. . . . i , . for farm, Oartien and Household; and it paces are filled with articles from the bst horticultural and aericultural writers in the world. As a snecial Inducement r,fr tn send one plant of either of tha faiiswin va- .iyiii- u iuis, 10 ail wnoinaia taelr nama with ( 130. Clarke Rappherry. Davlson.'a Thornlesa IUspberTT, .llihUe Iisnoerry, Missouri "i.uiiuiuiu jjiucarfrr v 1 nnir- i; ui n n Choice Japan Lily, Iona. Grape Vine, or two r-rt.iy niuoB liiacjtwirry, two Klttatlnny Llackberry. Or. to an v ona who will semi - cenU extra, to py postage, we wUl send, One Tvund of Early Rote JVrrfoe The Plants Will be CnrfnlW TiyV,! ant unl I by mail, post-paid, as earlv In tho Antnmn Crp Viae, ta-,f0-gn at We ofTer fbr Spring pUatlnr Ornamental Trees, Grape Vin TT tent, variety, vigor aud beaut, efr2jV, been surpassed- Full partioilrs giren In the Ulo Jtist Issued, ser.t prepai-i oa rS forNos.l,:AJ-Xo.tfrw. Jfa 1 7 alogue of Fruits. y0. 2. Qrnmr?y Cmn House Plants. 5'o. t, -uioi i ELLWAGEH & b.Ujt n-em OF Peacli AND S3IALL FKUIU iiErviiY it. II0 i . At; PiiorniEToa. I JS' A ' A.r Near New Eraaawlck, 'tw One Mile from Voorhee s Station, 31 Uk T17E.TTT-riVE TnctJi P3ACH TH2 Oae Tear CIA frea u First 8!xe, thrifty stocky trees, X;ts;y $19 ser 1C 9fr ll t I. A " t:- e I 8econd Sixe, thrifty stocky trees, !t Ati 87 r ltf j tZt per lfts. or: List f Varieties Naw Early kinds ripening here in Aaral Early, Troth s Fr!y KM, Larrs r-jj Honest John, Cooledre's Fsverite, IWji George the Fourth. Teilow KarrJK,rk Crawford's Early Kelocoton, aa4autij Tbe klcds rlpealsg ftvm tkebetig-H at i Att of September, are Oil V!xea fm, iu Morris White, r-rtrn't T!Uw, K-ti leadi Susquehanna, Crawford's Lata k!K nni, ;d Mlxoa Ulng, Princa HH Ln, Orange Cling. Late varieties ripening la the sad af lp and beginning of October, are Htnma i At President, Late Admirable, Wsrd'i UN stone Heath, Pmork'a Late Free.rrtrt I White Free, Carpenter's WkUe sad Us CUng. It i to a well can ! 35,009 Lawtoa Blackberry PUnts- S13srr-i the i 20.0CO Wltfon'a Albany Strawberry Fm- 10 0U Itttssell's Prolific 81rawberry ra- SJperTWa IIH:?IIY K. HC7. New Bramnrtil It Cm OLD CASTLE NUK-If. - GENEVA, ONTAR IO CO. XI 1. m Invito the atteatloa f YTestern rsurserjnien, Dealers and nxs to their extensive aad rellaMe UtE !1H AT WHOLESALE Including Frail Treea-Rtandard and Dwa-f; Oraaaaeata! Tree and brabs- a. "wl vergreea ; &mH Frk-;rapT!ae-i!I Raaes, t.reea Haaae sat riant, e Parties wlahingMELEtT 3fTr!CXI either for their own planting it to aef? V quested to give oa a call er write lb T enclosing stamps for catalogues as b?m'- DeacrlpUve Catalogue of Traits Urn " Descriptive Catalogue f Oraaa.stai-s stamp. Wholesale Trade List-one red stamp. Address, T. C. MAXWELL 4 Cfeneva. Ontarte, Cs.' n-y gkapi: ISOOl The best Grape for general cultJviJ conntry. As s decided by a committee ef lessf noted Grape Growers and Wlae JUsa United States. Price so low that all wbe will iJP We are now sel'Jng them at C-0 per 1003 ; $Tptrl One dozen sent my mail, secure! p-4 age paid, foe $1,39. Address, MeCVLLCUGH, DRAlt n ll-3n iJ 37. aarsaWt) T2IH SALEJI. First Premium awarded ty Lake Msere Grape Growers tot "the Eest Six clusters of FrnJt, Qoaiity . . . - la ri navtDr niirty Acres or Use ax--- j re coW(l.r it for lartlins. eriin- J prorr.iiie in brin. fredum from a , .1 cluster, and big!i'r-in quaiity of lry wu mm proniaoie oui-aoor ur We ofrvlmrons vines, grown from tl stock 01 Air. i 0. iiogers, as iuau- Faro. .. l,u jvr doe f-t.iO . per i-viie 3-year Id. 1-year oid T. L. HAP.KI3. 7. Broctoa P. O- t huu'l- ll-4m ? r t f- --, . t 1 j'CH It UA 1 II Jt i tiU I UM - - Roclirortl. HUnoiJ- Do ftr e whotal business la sntf -SHAl I, TI-K l-.-i, aa-,aav ni-J' XUIXSEIlYIErS and 'rustt ATI t. rfir-ry Frn."5 and Cr rL aia. & -laity. (rndl turn; lor t any inArmioa reiuid, ia Ecst it -An inf