i it ! (3 t E.ADYH 1RTISEK It." W. FURNAS,-Editor.;. ;DAV MORNING, SEPTE.MBR, 13 1856; Pakvix, 'o. C3 Fourth street, between ni Vine, Cincinnati. ' - i : I'ettengill & Co. New York. Swyxukb, No. 43 Chestnut street, Saint .-''- LIcLrxG, Troy, Ohio. : ' - . IL Dabst, Tippecanoe, Ohio. " . Ml'NGEH, Covington, Ky. Kirk, Archer, Nebraska. . Peter, Oregon, Mo. A Ilxwc, liockport. Mo. 'c White. Nebraska City, N. T. W. Tate, Linden, Mo, . ; -, orized Agents to solicit Subscriptions and ?nts for the Advertiser, and reocve and monies thereon. - recent addition?, we now have the most jb Offiee in this Western Country, and d to execute Job Work of every descrip- neatest style, and on reasonable terms. attention given to Blank and Card work: -chased one of Foster's latest Improved -es. Orders- from a distanco will meet r.t attention. Salt has at ? resident In this Territory, coming from jrtions of -the States, often surest to us of persons in their old neighborhoods, who btlcss become subscribers if they could see lie "Advertiser." We always send a speci- will . and ierson3 recicvinz. will consider t a .i te become a rernlar subscriber. Post ril others, feeling sufficient interest to make , can retain the usual per cent for their both , LZZKQcit Claim Pesdj, and Declaha ilTATkaEKTs. for sale at the Advertiser JEPEOfLE OF, ITEM AH A COTITTY. e time is approaching for tlio election arious ofSccs within your gift, we de :pyin the position we do, as conduo Dublic Journal as a citizen in com . i you to say a few words; and in do ve shall' endeavor to niantain our inde r 2 :--' t:.;.: :. - ',' w'. . i.C Vrj"0 : tT." t r $ of existing, issues, or those that may : arise.. Had we not come to Nebraska arooscof. making it our home our : it abiding place we might not fee -- interest in her present and future hat we do. But to the matter in in all aware that there are several cm ' .tirg , circumstances, in this coanty, .:ircs us to be extremely careful how ; e managed, that we may preserve the r, unity, and good feeling, necessary to l ) the county its just and true advan c very respect. One of thase circum f iz- : cv.r : is, that for some reason or olher, which ' 1 .not uow, nor in tb is place discuss : :;5 s a feeling of hostility, in some dc . '.iccn the town and country. Who' y have bocu to blame in creating this j, it Is Jiot our place to sayr but let us : bcki : ;-.- ir.e f tov or -it... f i lis interests of the whole county;, and v be no difference of opinion upon the . STiatf ire act tojciherf Let us exam : aoment, why we should act in uni . "1 we start upou the assertion that the I country are just as dependent upon . . rr as the right harid is upou'the left, ft upon the right Suppose, for in-town-site be selected of unsurpassed , -nd natural advantages, so far as the 1 v, is concerned with no country to :. common expression surrounding it 'arms no Farmers- in short, none of acnts of au agricultural life, and we ask, your town property worth? What are mechanics.' merchants and professional community to .do for the standard cec of life? Need we answer the" question ? We" think not On the other side ut your town, and what is your farms v ! yc: m' pioducts worth? Where is your for a .surplus? Where are jour con ? As vith the interrogatory on the le, the answer readily presents itself to 1 of every reflecting man. There arc rcumsianccs, or maltcrs that necessarily therhseivcs in every commuuitv, that '. -monized and rendered for the com I, must, bo met fairly, squarely, in a , rest, candid, straight-forward, inves- -plrit, with the public good the great . ; r.d iu accordance with tho true demo- ; rxiplc to yield a cheerful and wil "ence to" the constituted majority. ridiykiual aspirations for 'position, get f of our judgement. At present, we arty lines drawn no political issues. ; be none. 'We are now in the enjoy- harmon', and a general good feeling -nany differences of opinion privately :d. Let it remain so; at least unti have been admitted into the Union as cr fearful issue is. the "rexed ques vr scattering ruin, discord, revolution wished over our naturally fair sister -; and, in fact, to a great extent, Dut tho . length and breadth of the Need 'we call your attention to a com :ficbraska with Kansas? The for 5 become the contented home- of the as, peaceable, happy inhabitant her lulating prairies, are filling up with un- ?a nipiany me nusy num ct ma o be heard in every direction-deities -is arc springing up, and being filled Mechanic, Merchant, Doctor, Law :her and School Teacher, all things her the garden spot of the western She stretches forth her inviting hand, all come and partake of her riches, ' the blessings of peace. lITerent the latter! One word' tells wab ! ' Possessing all the natural i we dd more, .claimed by raanv is she Avhat is her destinv? There revolver and bowie' knife take the .ie plow and slcklcr the midniTt - . o " the. place of the-farmer churches .d, and made "the scenes of bloodshed -hool :edifices, the hope of the land, "ng in ashes the word Jiome oblitcra ken out all all that is dear to man c And for what? To carry political J gratify the aspirations of political "Jcs. Shall we bv a misuardod sten. cting fairs? o act, brinr: urxm ourselves this God forbid. :.ss. For particulars relating to the ihe extra session or Congress, we re ader to matter under the Washington another column. No pro-Tos3an- le' made, nor not much prosncctof ae prcscct, or rather pa;t Session of , wilt be a noted one on the historical lroa.AisjuL!Al1TU H ' ; Reports the past week &te "ivati and rumors of wars.' If half we have heard, be trad, Ve may look for startling news from Kansas next week. . Several fights are said to have taken place, and a number killed on both aides.! Yes terday, rumor says, per agreement of both parties, the Lawrcncobattle was .to .come .off in accordance with, the customs of war; the women and children to be sent out of reach, and the battle to begin. :. We do not vouch for tho correctness of these reports, btit give them as we got them." " ' V' . at S10 at . M t t ! - , ' n. ' ' i Salt is Nebraska. Samples of: Ealt, "as scraped from the ground in the salt basins,'cn Creek, Lancaster county, in this Territory, been analizcd by L. Grorcwcg, Meteoro- ogical. Observer for the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, with the following result: : Pure muriate of soda, : i -. , .35 ! Bitter salt, - - -" -' - .' 2 Fine sand, - - - 3 Tho sample being taken from the' ground account for the appearance of sand , Prq- wmtcr, essor Groneweg says that this salt is from 5 to 10 per cent purer than the salt is m use in our country, and that it will need no purification or separating process, can be manufactured by the evaporation and boiling process, or by either.- This. is cheering,' certainly, .and wo may soon look for western enterprise to se:ze hold of the salt trade, and export that article, instead of importing as now. BTEAHZS AEABIA STJJTZl We learn, from gentlemen, just ;arrived at Archer, and who were passeugers on the steam er Akabia, one of the St. Louis and Council Bluff boats-r-that she struck a snag and suck, a few miles below Parkville. Mo., on Fridsy 5th. She was heavily laden for Sioux Citv. Boat and can:o total loss no lives lost. Our Archer correspondent, Hon. A. D. Kick, and Lady, whose marriage we publish to-day, were aboard. We shall, we presume, be able to give full particulars next week. KOBE INDIAN TROUBLES. Col. Thompson informs us that he saw and conversed with the mail carrier from Oregon, Mo., to Fort Kearney, who informed him that he was attacked by a band of Cheynes Indians, when only six miles from the Fort, coming in this trip, was shot in the arm and through the hat. He retreated to the Fort, from which a company of 13 men were sent in pursuit o the Indians, overtaking and killing ten of their number. An armed escort was sent in with the mail carrier. . . , , . : Improvement. isever has there been as much improvement going. on in Brownville as at present. IjOOK in what ever direction 3ou ma', and mechanics are to be seen en jraored erecting buildings. . AYe count from the window where we are writing, . twenty-five carpenters and masons at work on one square. Jons L. Dozieu & Co are erecting a large mercantile house, on Main street. . Mr.DoziEit of the firm, has arrived and is driving matters in regular Nebraska pro-ahcad stvle." ' ' Last week an "Advertiser" was returned to this office, with the following note acconipny. inn: R. "W. FunxAs: Keep your paper at home and . . : Oblige, J. Howe. J. IIowe is a resident of Delphi, X. Y. - A riend of his here, has been sending him the Advertiser, without charge. "We think he might have exhibited more of the gentleman in his manner of notifying either his friend or the publisher of the Advertiser, that he did not wish the paper. 1 4. . The monument of patience and industry, Jimmy Extwistle, we sec is still shoveling away, digging down his lots on the Bluff. .In less time than many of us think, he will have them down "on a level," when they will be worth to him $1,000 each. The steamer Claba. passed down on Satur day last, having on board a large number of United States troops, intended, we arc inform ed for Fort Kearney. Owing to the present excited state of affairs in Kansas, they will probably be retained there. Gex. Daughertt. We were favored with a visit from this velerau Pioneer of the West, on Saturday last. Ho was on his return from Fort Pierre. Although having been' an ad venturer in these western wilds for over 30 years, he looks as though he might pass, as many more in like employment ; "Best wine reserved for the last of the feasu" We had made up our minds to take no further notice of melons, plums and other luxuries left at the Advertiser office, for fear there might be a suspicion that we and our "jours" "graz ed" cntirelv upon that kind of "pasture;" but the fine "red cores," left by Johx Hall and Bex. THOMrsox, '.and "blushing plums'! by'N. Biddlecomb, compels us again to make one of the most polite bows we know bow. . . ; ; STEW ADYEETISEHES'TS. Edward Mead & Co., Importers and wholesale dealers in Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, &c, No. 50, Main street, St. Louis. This is the oldest House of the kind in the West, opened in 1835, consequently they have established for themselves a character as hon orable dealers; and a glance at their stock, will be sufficient to satisfy any one that their stock is unequalled in quantity, quality, styiee nd nripcfi. J ohx W. Toolet, (successor to Noonan, Tooley & Co.) No. 53, Main street SL Louis, advertises a large wholesale stock of goods in his line. See his advertisement for particulars. We are assured by those who have dealt at this House, that no better can be found; stock large and varied; prices moderate; ' terms lib eraL Give him a call. ; . Tuttle, Peelev & Surra; 77 Main street, St. Louis, manufacturers of Bonnets, and deal ers in Millinery goods. This House ever mind ful of the wants of the Ladies tikes great pains io "keep up with the fashions," difficult as that may be; yet we are informed they suc cessfully accomplish that foaL W.e' speak' for T., r. & S. a liberal patronage from Nebraska. Sec the card of Jacob Safford, '' Esq., Nc braska City Business entrusted to him wil meet with prompt attention. t " , CojTCij'idenco cf rthellfebraski Advertiaer. u,r .v-.ru Bioux Citt, Iowa,- ;i 'August 31st, 1856. J :v . Dkab Sitt:rThe Dubuque and ioux City railroail has' been located, and terminates t- v: i :i. .VA. tA VUt1 Vii A : Va 'llift VlrtT-rl t '-a- mWiS ill'1 this pUce, about one mile atote ine x ioya interior has recommended to Congress the pas- ' 15 ' V ' ' " '" ' !.". 'le ALt.. . ' t;v .t Ta"eJ".i a I ;r . - -' ...i - Uace ' Many pre-emtionV are : being made nt this m 0f the definite fdcation of certain tail Land. pBco daily. '.' 1 ,v -;i : roads, may be filed at the' general and local' The steam Sawmill here, sells lumber at per thousand; and pine lumUsr as selling $100, 100.. ; ' .MnBaoinWarood in tUerU few days sbice, and has not yet been found.; A gentlemen killed,' out east pf licre, and ken probably twoiothers. -t l any J ndge Horr, ;of Omadi, robbed of $1,500 Company money. Another robbed by the Jn- ; ' dians, whilst crossing the Omaha Reserve, of . . ging, to make up his loss. ; 1 ; " ! ' Steam er Em ma on a sand,-bar near Fort ed Randal, ' and will probably remain there all She broke some, of her machinery. Democratic organization at which Col. Sharp and Gov: ' Pucharddon , wcro called put, and made speeches. I Sioux City lost the County ;sSeat of Wood- KnVir f .'i,t i,.o ti,.'T.;i nfflM fnr ih 1 f :,uuurekCIU i11 u . " improving as rapiaiy as matenai can oe pro- cured to build with. : V -, ' . 1 ' . 1 :. . . A dance, at which the youth of the Fron tier City made their appearance, and appear not to have forgotten their habits vnd customs of olden times, , ..: ! , ' ''.'-.' There is a new town opposite this,' called Harney, City. , . Omadi, Dakotah, Logan, St. John, and a new town at the centre, are also in Dakotah county, and all striving for the as cendancy.' . ' ." V' ;" ' There are 300 voters in Dakotah county, by the census. - They will probably have a town campaign fight next election, as each village expects the County Seat, or some other advan tage over the others. , ,. i.;.. .: There are three new towns above Dakotah county, on the Missouri. One at the mouth of Iowa creek, another about thirty-five miles above, called St James, and another at the mouth of .Lococose. 1 he county is also set tling with families as far as Iowa Creek, which is about fifteen miles above Sioux City; Correspondence of the Nebraska Advertiser. - ! - . Little Detroit; III.' ) " :-. -. it; 1 . .August 18tb, 1856. :. R. W. Furs as, .Esq.:- . : , , , . Dear Sir: -Political excitement is now ucyiuui iuiuu inuiii luis omie, auvixuuiaua. Men and wdmen'bbth, seem to bo. warmly en gaged in the struggle for Presidencv, and are anxiously fcxhorting theifchildren io comefbr- ward and cheerfully engage' in the coming contest: The great battle for the freedom of all the people, is now about to be fought: The great Kansas battle is now being fought; and tne riguts 01 squatters to govern tnemseives, to bo decided at the election for l'resident, in vn...i.: nPKk rt.i v. T.,v. o vcmber. The contest is between Buchan- an, a Union man, and Fremont, who is the candidate of the JlepublicansFillraore, here, is scarcely spoken of. ; , ' ; I, as a citizen, of Nebraska, feeling proud of my squatter Tights, regret very much to see notices posted up all over the country, calling Anti-Nebraska meetings, to discuss the impro priety of. permitting the squatters in nny Ter ritory, exercising all the rights vouchsafed to all the citizens of the United States. The principles as set forth in Ihe Nebraska bill, are certainly 'constitutional, republican, democrat ic, perfectly in accordance with the spirit of our beloved and free Institutions- consistent with common law, common sense,-justice,' and all rights inherent" in our nature.' The principles of squatter soe'gnfy were applied to Caljforj mx, and worked well and favorably for the North; and now we find the partv, once so fa- . -. . . ..... - i . : ' oraulc, now opposing the same, pnnciples. We are citizens of the United States, and only ask for their privileges yea, 'we demand them as a right, and feel assured, too, that those rights can never be wrested from us. ' We have too much confidence in tho American people, to believe that a 'majority of them will ever submit to have the rights of any portion of the Union trampled under foot, because they are but weak and feeble but . an infant in Uncle Sara's arms. Give us, then, Squat ter Sovreignty; the Constitution and Union of the States of tho American States free us from internal convulsion, Abolitionism,' Kan sas wars, HigherTLawism and wild fanaticism of every kind; whether it affects Territories, States, the people or the Union. So mote it be. , Yours respectfully. : , .- ; ''! ; A. D. KlBK. The ncwr Bank building nf the Nemaha Valley Bask," is noTv rnoyirig along t5 com idetion rapidlr.' Juixse' Riddle' is in ' t6wn looking afteV'mattcrs himself. i0 . ' '' ' ,"' ;" 3T0TICES. '.: l r . The Knickerbocker for September is be fore us. i "For ns to say thiit the "Editor's monthly Gossip" holds its way "like some fair rivulet, glasciiig and dancing in the sunshine of a May "nVomIng,f would; nly be saying what' others have said before us, and what ev-; ery reader knows to be true. ; 'Tis a luxury to re ad the Knickerbocker. . -,. National JlAGAzmrE for September, : we have. The National .is somewhat dillercnt from most of the monthlies; : there is more o the olid--really. instructive;, contents varied however, and every class will find matter to amuse and. instruct.; We have given the con tents of the present number but a hasty' peru sal, but find them interesting. 2 The Talley Faumeb for September, is re ceived, freighted hs usual with a large quantity and. varietyr of interesting and useful matter to" the farmer and manufacturer. " 1 "' ' '' ronTEn's SriaiT or the Times. Wac; T, rnTER, - E$q. who for twenty-six -years has bc3n editor and 'publisher of 'the ."Ne w York Spirit of the Times," "issued" Jn'tbe first week of the present month; a newtfeekly Sportin anl Literary newspaper, called "Porter's Spirit of the Tirncs.,' To the Spcrtsmen who have been readers of the "Times,' we need say rch' ing; but to those who hare not; allow us-tosay yoJi.Avill.be pleased with iLL Specimens of Ml the abjpve Wrkscan be seen at this office, and subscriptions received and forwarded. '. " ' ;' ' ', '- The communlcaticra from MJ"-wW received too" late : for -ms'ertlori-lhu wcekvr' Shall ap pear in our next1 v" i' :' ; ' "f. :;!lf .! j It wU1 jnterestjng to holders tf-Land warrant3 to know that .the . Secretary ot the .i.-t-ii ...., i it,. v4 ' .1 : of a laW fixinz Oxe time within .vhich the iar4 offices.' 'He sussests that the. period of twelve months be designated for that Tim-nose. applicable to the 'grants of land made atthe preskt! ot Congress for railway P'- poses. Otherwise, that immediate steps be ta- by .the proper department, for restoric; 3nDg may f "". i -lands to entry and location Ayhich . have been withdrawn for such railroads. , ' ,;ttl ' r '." . . ,".) ComnEiyrEinxo. A Bank Note Detector gives the number . of., banks in the , United States, whose notes have not been counterfeit- or al tered as 463 ; and the number whose notes have been counterfeited or altered, as 854 JPuMic ; Meetm f3 -Nemaha county, N. T. 5. J: At thfl renriest of tha nndersiffUed citizens! ly of Nemaha: county,' a general Mass Meeting will be held on the 20th of, September, 1856, ilin MvlAnrna IaT ATp". TnoeA PIa 4rt r?nri1a I upon -business of the utmost importance and interest to us alL - - .' 1 Christian Hinder, ' J M Alderman, , A Medley J Eastridge ' W A Alderman , . Benj Chapman -V, . Josiah Roberts Benj Carpenter - J esse Cole James McDonald AHobblitzell '' : C F Rickets H S Thorp;... C Luckage .... T J Harman ,' ( , W Chambers . ' ' W II Barnet R J Whitney RS Haneford.. '.. J M Donogh. i J Bozarth ;; H B Roberts ; ": vE Reia'-. - : !. . BJInnnig . :i S A Cbambefs M Eastridge TAValdschmidt- G W Horn : J H Beard - ' T Beard II Alderman ' F Tanri'- V . "D C Hinders A J Sherley ' ' W Uaudley - H Russell. ; PAult : R C Shaun H Baker , ; J Tann ECorn W Coin i . There is yet one paper not returned with perhaps 25 names on. " Near Peoria, III. on the 17th inst. by Rrv. Z. Hall, IIox. Abel D. Kiri, of Archer, Nebraska Territory, and Miss Mollii A. IIammett, of Tazewell county, Illinois. . . . , .. .. Told you so." We predicted sometime ago1,1 that the eyes or our correspondent Kirk were "seL", Tins writing about "sparkling m eyes, ; uiusuuig ciieeas, ruuy iI, anu me l!t-o vn'a KvincA nf Tiii "crnrionaa .".' . 1 Permit us to congratulate you upon your cmergement from the ranks of Bachelorism, with its cold, dreary, comfortless routine of life. ."Luck to ye." . . - . I .;xuyiuuyu ui , x aiuii'f&ujp. ,:: , "VTOTICE is hereby given, that tho co-partnership -L nerctoiore existing between J. IK IS. Thompson and H r Buxton ig hi3 d diasold by mutual consent. The busines of the firm will be finished, with consent of parties concerned, by H. P. Iluxton. - P.' BUXTON, ' J. ; If. THOMPSON.1 - Brownville, Sept. 8, 1856. vlnl5tf IG. CROCKERY. K - JOHN iWr TOOLEY. ' ( Successor to KOOXAN, TOOLEY & Co,)' 53 Main st, Old Stand, St. Louis, Mo. 1 Glass and'0.ueenware. Yollow-and lckinj-ham Ware, Chandeliers, XamFterns,' Looking-glas- ses, Britannia Ware, &c. &e., with a great variety of 1 . . J . 7 o . J . b ancy llantle and mior Ornaments, direct from the 'otterics and Manufacturers. ETNow arriving and in store, a full stock of the tte?!.:? tOn hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade ,N. B. Packing receives special attention. September 13, 1855.. , vlnl5-6m ; ,. 1856 FALL TRADE. . 1856 EDWARD MEAD. W. H. MAURICE. E. H. MEAD; Oldest Iloune of the kind in the Fct . .' : : i '. EaUied 1835."- !. EDWARD MEAD & CO.,' C 'j" ' ' ' 'No. 50 Main, cor. Tine st, Importers and Wholsalcrs ' OF Watches Jewelry! and Fancy Goods. 1T 7 ATCnMAKEItS TOOLS, and materials: sit- V V ver and plated ware, shot guns, rifles, pistols, revolvers, musical instruments, daguerreotype ambro-. Doai table ware. St. Iiouis, September 13, 1855. rl-nl5-3m . " E. 6. TITTLE.' '' B. G. TERLET. H. V. SMITK. ' TUTTLE, PERLEY St SMITH. FALL STYLES. ; 77 Main street, St. Louis, Mo. " ".V MANUFACTURERS of Straw and Silk Bonnets, Importers and Wholesale dealers in Ribbons. Silk Millinery, Flowers, Trimminss. Lace Goods. Em broideries, &c. " ' ' ' - ,: pr-f,K- ir:Ti; : . . . SS-'T1? 7(r ,V gy OBtb!8arJ"rt,'0f iy nti Si I tooffer inducement equstl, if not supenon, 10 any joDDing nouse in tno United hUtes. ."umouu uu iuiuiucrj arc nariicu lariv in - faeptcmbcr 13,55. vlnl5-6m ' .. n JAmn mrcnnn .ZT? ..T7 JLr Attorney and CoUnSelldr at" LaW. nrvrnit tvemi vip ix-n r ivri . o;.. GENERAL LSUIUCE AND LAND AGENT, And XTotary FubliC - Nebraska City, .Nebraska Territory. WELL attend promptly to all buisness entrusted to his care, in Nebraska Territory and West- em Iowa. September 12, 1856.,.. ylnl5-ljr iCGl--Jl lOWr M Q.Cl01Vs Market Square, St. : Joseph, Mo; : ' 1 ' WIT.T.T A : TIT ' f 4 TJT'P'D ; i .., . . . . " " aim.. VAil X XJXk, . . f r MANUFACTURER, of Prairie plows of all sie one . and two horse Plows and Shovel -plowi, Cultivators and Harrow All orders (under five-hundred plows) filled immediately. Liberal discount to wholesale purchasers. .1 i..--' vi -. ) -J.'.M. McFADIN & CO; , FOR WARDING $ ; C0M3IISSI0S ;:;;:;VMerchants:: :f: No.' 2S Levee, add 56 Commercial street, . - ; '' st: Louis, Mo. Espcciai attention given to sales of, KEMP, ROPE, Provisions, Floor, Grain; Afl. ' 6nsignmcnta solicit- 'THOMAS H.LARKIN & CO., ' COMMISSION MEHCHAKT8 ASD Wholesale iGrbccrsJ . Xso. 30, Levee, Corner of Olive street, ST. LOUIS, MO. .' . ,- andToB VCCO ""nS TJrCl KtUUi1 sUa.4:.. ! a 1 9 TTMn m a I of Hemp, under any eireumstanees. ifn " - - -; . . - -: r " 'A T. Jnn A TIP! V JA . ..j. COUNTy ' SUR'VEYriR i , - ..... . : x J5 V jS V ILLFi, NEMAHA CO. Uehraaki Te'rVitAr " eDra&ic rerritcrj.j j : ISjUead Quarter fot Pargabitl I ISA RUFUS R. EDWARDS, Wholesale and retail (dealer in Staple and Fino Groceries, Wirier leas, Foreign and IJomestie Liquors, and every- thing else appertaining to the business of a Grocer. J . . . Teas, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, and ercry- Main, between Jnle and Second streets,. (Opposite Uia Edgar Ilouse.) ' X . ? - ST. JOSEPH, MO. , : ; - . POWELL, LEY.Y:fJO HAVE now on hand, a large'and "well selected stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods and Gro- tSS. "S e't rience in business, they flatter themselves thai thej by any House in the West. j, Their ..motto is quick sales and light profits, ... - Country Jlerchants will find our stock adapted to their wants in everv T,firtior A Mn t fh uvudVL'c buiuuuIi3 iu uuiLiioaiiiv iAjarui their wants in every particular. trade 13 respectfully solicited. . chahles kearny,:' r , Wholesale and : Retail Grocer AND STEAMBOAT AGENT. . East side Market Square orsite Market House BEGS leave to inform the citizens of St, Joseph, and the public generally, that he hag just open 1 ' 1 1 .. .. MS. I on band., PIiOW;: FACTORY;1 'A: J. M0RR0W,V ; 1 .: .. MAii(jjrAAUAiv 01 me rremium rlow, 01 va rious sizes; one and two horse Prairie nlnwa' Brush and Steel plows, for sale Wholesale and Re. tail, on Second street three doora North of Market Square, St, Joseph, JIo.., The only Exclusive Wholesale Grocery Ilk. Olm;VOSV)ll r fi 1 JENNINGS & SMITH, : " . ANP( COMMISSION" MERCHANTS. vvliolosalo Grooora. t-orner becond and Frances Sfs. i ?t u . t . aention of Country , Jlercnants to their Iarwo and varied ainnir rr . li . ' . 1 na3,uocn ncreasca ry late arrivals a uUiUnWkiaiC5U ireigai, ana win receive aaily additions throu'-h the season. Ilavin? purchased fnr I I cash, they present more than, ordinary inducements rrfc nn rprj on1 will on ; 1 T .1 . r At --i I .T . ' . " oamoijr an vuitu mvor mem wun UMll tfl.lt. thnuixin nn Hl I t" I j - - -.j vm uu niu vuuiimie niut OhlAUu - ni i ... prices, i. uey nave in Store; 600 bags Itio Coffee ! 50 boxes starch 40 UU Java Coffee 70 do lomon syrup 100 chest and hf chests 250 whole' and bf boxes assorted Teas -- -candr - 180 bbl rcboiled and S II 300 do cans 'Fields ccle- aioiasc3 brated llaltimore oysters 100 half bbls do 100 bbls half and qr bbls En 1 1 - 1 l O . 150 Uhds N O Snar 600 doxen 8x10 and 10x12 60 bbls crushed . " . 80 bbls Tar t '. 100 stands do 300 bbls & hf blla crack crs of various kinds 200 bxs ass'd Tobacco 100,000 ass'd Cigars . 1000 sacks Q A Salt - window sash 1 r ; ' 100 hf bxsass'd glasj ouu aoi bed cords 80 coils manilla and jute 500 OOI3 O r ana extra I Flour 1500 idea l)air io bales 4-4 Domestics 1200 qr and half bxs sat dines wwiiuh 80 dozen zinc washboards 50 nests tabs ooo kegs nail3 80 da SC Soda 75 dozen wooden buckets 250 bxs star candles'! " And a general assortment of sundries too numer ous to mention in. an advertisement. ' Our consignment, 5,000 bbls Kanawha fcalt, at St.' Louis rates, freights added. ..... . Orders are respectfully solicited and shall receive prompt attention, and evciy effort made to cive en- ure .sauaiaciion. . . . ... i i i . . : , l $2'. JUJbril.LUMBEli.YARD . Oa Edmond Street, near Cargill's Mill, .' : " '.i St. Joseph, Missouri. W J . 1 TAYLOR, Removed "from the old : Stand to the above named place. " rTlIIE undersigned is now fully prepared to aocom JL modate his patrons and friends with the best as sortment of 1'ine -Lumber ever oflered in this mar ket, comprising not only "White Pine Lumber and bite and ieilow flooring, ready dressed: but also best "assortment ft Pino and Cottonwood, shingles; fTUTE eontinucd liberal patronage of tho citizens of Poplar Siding, &cv' - ...j.. J St. Joseph, North Western Missouri, Kansas, No lle has now on hand, at his Lumber Yard, tho lar- braska and, Western Iowa, for all of which we fuel gest and best assortment of Doors,' Sash and Veni- thankful, has induced us to increase our facilities ftr tiaa "blinds, ever offered in this market, a nortlonof doing businesKT Having built last spring, a vert which is direct from Cincinnati manufactories, which enables him to sell at very reduced prices. 7 He is fu" Pd to. iiU all order, in. his Jine,.at -short louc;c' ""l"' miioiu tne Kansas and c- bras trnde, Le h e "t'eles they want and miict hfiva ta aura rn mra ma oaII V, .,, , : . r . 7 . " 'S1'1 Mill, and in , T ?ry.-. ,, . .... , ; ;j seph Brewery. LITTLE GIANT , CORN ' MILLS. NEXT week, I will send my last order of the sea- cliiabcth chaira of every variety. Mahogany, wal son, for a supply of the Little Giant Corn Mills, nut, cherry and maple bedstead of every style and As I order none but th jsc engaged, Farmers who de- variety. Spring, hair,' moss, cotton and shuck mat sire this useful article, will hand in their orders im- tresses, Ac, together with all other articles-in our mcdiauy. , All Mills are warranted to perform as represented, - " vgi. . For J. Chad wick, St. Louis. THE WESTERN rlOXEER LAND HUNTER, AXO DEALER IN REAL ' ESTATE, I OMAHA CITY, N. T. ' C5FLands carefully located, and entered for cus tomers. Lots and Lands bought and sold. - An Ordinance For the improvement of streets and alleys in the " ' town of Brownville, Nebraska Territory. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by tho town Council of T 1 1 "k . . . r m . . . ... lirownvine, lymaua county, 3.1., tna nve mills on V 1 u. w m a.i ... ine aonar, vaiuauon oi real estate, be levied for the p-'F" v. w. ouwuo uuu ucjra iu cum town. - " : San t : fTfi, :.i t.i.-. .v. . iveuivuvi viuiuum.ui.1 luciMuauuu ui wnuiui!,usreiurncu DjinBpnenn ai mc last assessment, .be the Jbasis upoa. which to levy ,the aoove lax. i - , , .- -t : Scc. 3.""Bc It further ordained, thai the Mayor and Clerk he authorized to receive proposals, and let i ... i a. c 1 1 -.i,-j.-i : . to tt0 lowest responsible bidder, and requiring bond in fnll amount of estimated work. " : ' : Sec: 4, Be it further ordained, that a competent engineer be anrolntfld. a. CM T. it ;halI be to'make nn estimate of all work desired', which work shall bo done in accordance with such estimate,and the instructions of the Council. ' Sce- 5- 1)0 il farther ordained, that it shall be the duty of tho Marshal to proceed and collect the above tax. immediately after the exoiration of ten aa7s rom tae pa'586 f tns Ordinance, and pay the I i : a? .1, money inw iuo uuims oi mo corporation ireasurer, taking his receipt therefor, which money shall be drawn by an order, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and authorixed by a vote of the Council. . . . Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, that should any property holder in said town, fail to comply with the nance, then it shall be the duty of the Marshal to procoed and enforce the same, in accordance with ' l the law in such case made and provided. . . V-S I This Ordinance to take effect from and after ten days from the date of its passage.. ;; v .Passed September 2, 1856. : i ... . A. S, nOLLADAY, Mayor. . Attest: O. F, LAKE, Clerk, ; .' .A THIXO OF BEAUTY 13 A JOY FOEEVEU. M, COLES VOYAGE OF LIFE. Childhood, Youth, Ulanhood Old Ace, r our spienaia jine engravings, from, the Originals in the Gallery of the Spingler Institute. .Plates, lajLso, r aper, zox-w. . 4 ' A "GREAT NATIONAL WORK., Of five years' execution, involving an expense of $20. 000. y. Artist's proofs, 50. .India Lettered, $30. Plain. $20. : "; I - . .-..; -1-,,, i. . r3f A prospectus wnt&ining a full description of mo wora, wun lesuraoniais trom our first AUIIT, our most eminent, Ul V 1ES our most distinguished STATESMEN, the beat accredited JUDUES OF Alii, at home and abroad, together with the - r : VOICE OF THE PRESS ' " ;, Of this city, and also of the highest European, au thority, . . .. - . ' . ........ .-r . THE LONDON ART JOURNAL,! U tnk 00 the of VB ' . ... - The Trade supplied on the most .U .iUU.; Xibcral Ternvsw , , Appropriate and tasteful styles of frames. f cxPrc?i!ly for tb3 w,rk, at. the lowest cash rates, 7, 1 we larntsnea at pneet varying trom 10 to $32 the sct.-Boxing: picking and cartage from $l-to"$2. j Address the Voyage of Life, Kev. A. U..WOLFE, vlnlltf . ... - Srinr in,i;ii -. V ST.:jOSEPII, MO. : - JA3IES CVRGILl, Proprietor. ANUFACTURES and ktcps ccnstantly oni hand for sale, all kinds of Tlonr, Jleal, ana jr eca siuuj. vracrs soucueu uu vuiVj ost favorable terms.' Cash paid consuntly for Wheat. For nhararter of ; Flour refer to everybody that ever used it. ' ; Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30, 1835. Tlnl3-ly JAUE3 C ARC ILL. - .' EO. V. CAHGILU J. & C. TV. CARGILIv . : FORWARDING AND COMMISSION AND" MANUFACTURER'S' i AGENTS, Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, 21o CONSIGNMENTS of Goods'and Produce ' , -. , ,. .L . , . . . - respectfully solicited, and all business entruat- cd to us will be promptly and carefully attended to at the lowest rates. .References. : Taylor & Shepherd, - -.R.L.McGhoe&Co., - . ': LiTermor$ Ceoley & Co., . ', Merchants Generally, St. Xquw,' 1 -- U U St. Joseph. HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. GEORGE CLATE3. . r, , J, W. LEE. CLAYES I.EE, . , , ' . , . . UJUAiiA til l, iH. T. References. - James Wright, Uroker, - r . New York, . U it . ClcTfland, i Wm. A. Woodward, Esq. ;: 1 J r ! linn t v- ! , . r n.: Wicks, Otic and Brownell, Bankers, .Aicotta uonon, - Col. Kibert Camnbell. . -f f St. Louis. ! James Uidgway, Esq. u Lrawforn and backett - Chicajjo. S Omaha City, Aug. 30, 1856.' vln!3-ly j . PALMER HOUSE, S. BARBOUR, Proprietor. Corner of Illinois and' Washington Streets. INDIANOPOLIS,' IND. THIS well-known and popular Hotel, has recently bjen re-built and greatly enlarged by the addi- tinn ..I .i.f. n .nnnn 1 I. C I .1. .1 throughout with new and beautiful furniture, and is j n i.:-.. ir...i m i will find th) -falmer"aU they can desire for com fort, laxurr and nleaanre. The tabU will t 11 Cmo. k .nVnUo.! ;). hc v0t and no pains will be spared to render the stay of ... guests botn comiortable and nleasant. "TRY -THE PALMER HOUSE." August 3:, 1S56. Tlnl3-ly V MICHAEL McGliE, Saddle . and , Harness . Maker, . East side of Main, bet. Francis and Felix St., 1 ST. JOSEPH. MO. TnANKFlTL for past favors, begs leave to rnform the public, that he has just returned from St. Louis with as fine an assortment of materials as has ever been purchased In that market. ' ' Harness, bridle leather, hog, calf, and sheep skins; ' fine goat morocco, and a surpassingly beautiful arti ,fk ... wraPPinS I1! cle of enameled leather of various hues. ; , , ITn has v.rvv4riftif Mexicana and English, 13card's aroi Grim-rteys pat ent, down to tho common fall-back. lie has or band and will continue to keep saddlesy saddle-bags, bri dles, martingales, halters, collars, whips of every quality, whip-lashes, hamcs, traces, spurs, 4c. Has also, coach, buggy, Pennsylvania, yankee, cart and amy names?. .... .... .... . .. .lie has not now nor "will he keep., any other than No 1 workmen. and his instructions to them are-neat- nesi and strength. ' He, therefore, feels no hesitation jn gajjg that h'j work will seldom ba equaled, no where surpassed. ... r :.r,. ,,. As small profits and quick sale, is his motto, he pieazes nimsclf to sou f considennz tho auautv of .hi tne article) lower tnan any house west of the.Alle' &J Monntaias Those disposed to suspect him of gassing, have on ly to call to be assured of their mistake.: . . . , St. Joseph, August 30, Tlnl3tf . . Turniture and Upholstry , .:. . Of Great Variety. ' Xi tho Banner Furniture tTare Rooms of . ' IIEATONJ& TRIMBLE. ; '' , On Second Street, Sign of the Chair and Jtediieail large Manufactory Establishment on .Francis street, and having employed some of the very best workmen in the Eastern cities we are now determiacd not -to oui uunu uy n7 .uCr urnuuro juuuuameniia the Missouri alley in quantity, quality, durability, cfvlpq 9Lt( TTIO .llnr 8fiVlf (nrkKira in narf Af kaa. ,V. ; i 7 : , pou c y ,! ! " vr' t ' , r 1 , v ",". line, usually kept in a Furniture Wareroom. . We f say then to all who may want jrood Furniture, cither ior noiem, panors or oea rooms, give us acauanu ex- amine our work and prices, and we think you will leave your money ncro in place of sending it to St Louis and getting an inferior article set the same pneo you can get a good one here at. ., . ,, ; Uur motto is tne cash system, which will enable us to sell at smaller profits than ours or any othw estab lishment can do where the credit system is adopted. N. U, The highest price paid for seasoned Wal nut and Cherry Lumber. J 1 St. Joseph, Aug 30, yinl3tf ; 'i r, RURAL PUBLICATIONS. .The Country Gemtleuan is a beautifully illus trated weekly of lft pages quarto, with special De partments for the Farm, the Grazier, the Dairy, the Fruit Garden and Orchard, the Florist, the Kitchen fi ron th Tr,,.nw;f. th v:,c; i - I " r This is without question, the best Agricultural Paper in the United States." Hon. John Wextwobtti. M. C of inmois. 1 nee a year. I. : Tav Pr-l TTtr l Trva Tnnnffrl t.1 w..M I . -.w.v-, v,- L-nriwn tni. T merit v p.n ri tu thiv mnnv.l tural Journal in this country. Frico 50 cents ner year. ' 1HK I LLrSTB ATED AKXTAE, BEOISTKTt OF KntlL Affairs. The two Nos. issued for 1855 and 1855, contain more than 250 engravinrs of building, ani mals, trees fruits, &a. A'xice 2 centa each sent po?t paid by mail. f- 1 heso works combine attractions to be found in no similar publications, and the publishers1 will gcn: specimens of tho papers to all who would like to ex amine them.' Published at Albany, N. Y., by xlnlStl v; ! ' Lt TIJLKIt TUCKNER & SON. ; New Hardware Store. Sign of the Mill Saw. : J. FLAHERTY, Importer, Wholesale arid Retail Dealer in American German, English & French ' HARDWARE 'AND CUTLERY. ' ' ;; st. JosErn, 3io. " ' r? NOWreeciving and opening the largest and most varied arsortmcnt of goods in the above lino ever oflered in any market west of bt. Louis. ; My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and Housq Builder's Hardware. Mechan ic's tools of every description, direct from the moet approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in jrrcat variety, cornbin ingall tbe recent and useful improvements for the saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom I respectf ally request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated SL Louis Circular MHl and.Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all, orders at ihe factary prices. Also a large assortment of Ouns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steelr Nails, Ac of the best brandsr in a word, my stock is very complete, whkb, for its quality and price, I ant detericined to offer yucb inducements as wijl command a liberal share pf trade from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in tho general Hard ware iraae, enables me: not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced'mo that the true principle of trade is cah sales and small profits. , "August3(, 1356. vlnltf . . WM. H. THOMPSON, r, , 1 J. H. TAAKFJ5 " ; TIIOIPSON TAAFFE, ', . '..'.-.( Successors to Burrows Thompson,) Wholesale Grocers, - And Commission Merchants,- ITa. 13, Pearl Street,' Ciacianati. Particular attention will bo given to .order for Groceries, which will always be executed at current market prices. . .. v i f JOHN. P. SAMSELL, 1 i FasMonaWe Tailor; BROWN VILLE, N. T. INFORMS the public that he i3 now prepnred to serve them in the above named capacity. Having had long and extensive experience, he flatters' him self he can please all who favor him with their pat aage. Good fits warranted In all case. . PARTICULAR ATTENTION . 1; Circa to cuttinj out garments for hom3 makirjsv ; Browaville, Au. 2:i, 18j0. , yl-nUiy BriddO Riotice. THE , stock holders of the Nemaha .Bnuga Company are hereby notifled that it is necessary to insure- the immediate erection and completion off said Bridge, that the amount of stock subscribed, be paid in in full, before 1st, heptember. t ? Uy order or toe ininm - ,; Anjn9t 2,1856.-v2-n0-2t JOHN S- MD!.N1CX. 1 . . G. & C. TODD & C0.f -: '.V, 212, Airrt First or Street, &. Lovh, i j j VMrOTtTERS AXD MAXCFACTCBEK3 O? ' - Mill IJlaterialB IXCLUDIXa Bolting Cloth?, 31iH Stones, Saws, Stsreens, Damsel, Slcj : :, ' Also, portable mills, leather and metali-e ruboer- belts: tho leather is selected in the hioo and UnneiX witn oalc bars eTprcs?iy tor vtmogf me 1 mented, riveted and stretched by machines, mntil it. will run straight and even. All work sold warranted. St. Louis, Aug. Sf, 1858. vl-n!2tf k f. dings & co., ; ; ; ; Inporter$ of, and. lYAoleiaU Dealer i French, German; Biitish & American 'i'-: Fancy Gocits. HOSIERY, .GLOVES, TOYS, NOTIONS . Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes.. . 30 North JIain Street, (Up Stairs,) ST." LOUIS, MO..r - HAYING since the first of January, adopted the1. Exclsive Cash System, we draw the atten sion of close buyers to the faet that we have revised our entire stock, and reduced former Credit Price . from 5 to 29 percent, according to tho nature of th different articles. - . ' " Comparison Kespectfully Solicited. Price List; rany be had on application. St. Louis, Aug. 13 1S5&. Tl-nI2tf BROWN & co.;-1 " f V No. 78, Main Steet, St. Louis; 3Io' SPUING STOCK COMPLETE. . The cheapest arid most extensive Fancy , Goods and Yankee Notions Establish ment in tbe Western Country, '' MERCHANTS in searth of cheap gooch are invi-; tod to examine our stock of silk, dress goods,' shawls, white goods, Embroideries, ribbons, glovr and howery, trimmings furnishing goods and small wares gone ally, together with 15,000 Parasol of the latest an J most fashionable styles, at manu' facturcrs prices. .Cash by ers, close' purchasers, and prompt ncn will find our stock adapted to their wants in. every (articular. A call from the traJe Is re?poctful'y icited.; : . . ' vlclitf . : August 23, l&oG. , . . f . AlONIO PBATT, New York X. G. rSATT, o. w. cntLt, St. Louis. FOX, 8. C. JIASSCB, ' St. Louis. CI11LD, rr.ATT & co.r Dnicct Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers'AgentJ English, irench, Gernrin & American ' Hardware and Cutlery." J : GUNS, RIFLES, riSTOLSy dre.'&c . ' 139 & 141 Main St, cor. .Washington Avenue, . ... STLOUIS, MQ. i GEO.r C. FERGUSON. MILLWRIGHT AND ENGINEER ' ! ' tiroatnvilijf:, i. t. ANOUXCES to the-puWe, that he i prepared' to erect Steam Saw and Merchant Mills at short Boticc and reasonable terms. 1- -,;r ALL WORK WAKKAXraX He is also Agent fr ' , r . ; a. b. iioLLimniy & co's.T . . Western Foundry. . . CINCINNATI, . O., ., . " . LEf& LEAVITT' av ; illanufactoiTv ;.. CINCINNATI, Cv'; . ; ; And is prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery unnufaettred er kept oa hand, by these establishments-. ' , ;i '. . . - , , Letters of enquiry, promi)tly answered V " REFFEREXCESV ' ' Noef, Lake & Co., Brownville, ?f. T, Steam MiH: Nuckolls & White, liockport, Mo. : . . ; : James Lowe, Linden, " fc yln3ly. . Brownville, June 2t, ISoff. 1LOOK OUTI . ; .. AIX person are hereby forwarncd Iron buying the South .West faurth of Section 23, To wnahip 6, North ltagse 15, East of tho sixth Principal JTcri dian, in Nemaha county, N. T now occapiod bv Thos. IicdJy; as I have a right to said claim that li imputable. ' ' . J3. C. THOMPSON. Drownville, July 5th, 1S3G ; vl-nitf. Pirst Come, Pirst Served, ONE HUNDRED TOWN LOTS ; Donated to actual settlers, in the best town site oa the Jllssonri river, Nemaha City. Nemaha County-.. . Nebraska Territory. NEMAHA CITY, is situated at, the junction of tie Little Nemaha and Missouri rivers, ia. t2e moat thickly settled and improved purt of the neintiha Yal- . ley, being the centre of the coanty, en-th river, 72 miles abovo St. Jos?ph, and 65 mi lea below Council l.iuffs, and oa the Mage thoroughfare from Iowa to Kansas. The town site is beautifully located on an elovation of 32 feet above low water mark, on a level plain, roiling enougn ior drainage, but wt a hill oa the town site no unnecessary expends for grading Lots or streets. , A beautiful Public SrBMT,5t5 feet . by 352. Two streets 100 feet wide, crosig each other at right angle, in the centre of tha town; all other streets are 80 feet wide: Lots 41 by 150 feet, with a sixteen foot slley.' A Ferry is in operation at this point, the rood from wbkn intersect the hlaX City rood through Missouri.. A permanent Landing, a Saw and Grist Mill now ii operation, and a Steam Sawmill to be in operation by Jst September next. It is immediately on the Territorial ICnad from Hrown ville to Archer, where it intersects tho Territorial Uoad from Oregon, Jloto Fort Kearney; a Poet Office a weekly mail, building material, Timber, Stone and Stonecoal in abundance. The Proprietors pledge themselves to donate 100 lot In the towa to actual settlers, who will erect on a. lot, tlicy may select, a respectable building, within a reasonable time, to be agreed upon. ." , . For particulars address eitLer the Secretary or Pres ident, at Nemaha City. Nemaha coilnty, N. T. - ' i jmM HOOVER, Prtst. : . E.M.McCOMAS.Soc'v. r - ,. " , Nemaha City, N. T. Aug. 9, 135(T. yl'-nl Otf HIPORTANT NEW; WORKS. ' i ; PUBLISHED ' BY ;; Moore, Wilstachr Keys & Co. No. 25 West Fonrth Street, Cincinnati, O. A HISTORY OF MEDICINE, from ita Origin ta tho Close of the Eighteenth Century. By. Dr. Itenouard, of Paris. Translated by Dr. U. C. Comegys, Professor in Miami Medical College. On Volume, large Svo. . 750 pages, Price $3,0u. . " ' An Introduction to tho Study of Esthetics. ' Tly Professor J.J. C. Moffat, of the College of New Jer sey, Princeton. Author of "Life of Charmers:" Ac.' 1 Vf4. 12mo, pagss. Price $1. ,Tho Teacher's Miscellany. A selection of articles from tho proceedings .f the College of Professional Teachers. By J. M. Campbell and A. M. Hadley.of VWUSSBv wno uif lznio, 4j0 pages. l"rie - " ' WILL 'BE READY IN SEPTEMBCT! : Tho Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, A Record' of Adrenture, ExpToraUon and : Discovery for tbe last Filty years. ' Edited by Bayard Taylor, Author of "Yiews Afoot,' . "Travels in Central Africa," Ac., Ac. One vol., 8vo., Handsomely illustrated with 12 maps by Schopberg, and numerous, wood engravingi by Orr, and an elaborate steel frontispeice by Buttrc. Will be sol J to subscribers only. MOORE, WiLSTACH, KEYS & CO . ; . .. Wholosale and Retail. Bookseller?, ' '.' "25 West Fourth street, Cincinnati.! DAY & 31 ATLACK, Wholesale Dealers Dry Goods, Eo. 57 Pearl street, between Yf al nut and Vine, Cincinnati, Ohio. 9