ilOFFITT'S " in PATENT GRAIN SEPARATOR MUIE SUBSCRIBER is now prepared to fur- JL nkh I armors and others with bis - - - "frTtATN SEPARATOR." for. the present scaon. It is unnecessary to fpeak particularly if the merits of these Machines, as they are too well, known throughout the country to need extolling ; but the fact that they have heretofore and ftrerpTOtinnirrDrecHTe the premiums at the State and County lairs where they have been exhibited is FulHciont to indace all thoso in want of such a 31a- chine. to T'urchase one of these At a f r&ctical test of this Separator in competition with the best of thoso made in England, ia 1853, it received the highest commendations of the press, and i,f the lea-lins - cnimlturalists of that country. I Lave a lwre number of them on hand, ready for the comics crop, made of the best material, and war ranted to do good work. I have made many valuable improvements in these machines within the last year, and have no hesitation in warranting them superior to any m use. lam bLmj preparing a large number of Crawford's ImrfoTcd Clover Hullers, Talented in ISol, which are creatly sriperior to his patent cf IS i-t, being in iteelf feeder, and greatly - ahead of it in other respects. They will be manu factured under the- immediate supervision of the Ttentec. who hos permanently located in this place, The above cut represents my four horse u Separa tor' aed is designed especially for the tanner a own use. - " Im alo nircnt for McCormick's celebrated TwEAP- E and 310 WIN G MACHINE, combined. .- J. ' 11. MOFFITT, Piqua, Miami conniy, Ohio. ' OLIVER BENNETT & CO., ..MAyrrAcTrBXBS am wholesale, dealers vx Boots Shoes ficBrogans, XO. S7 MAIN SlilLLT, SAIT JjVUIS, MU. ARE NOW IN RECEIPT of a complete assortment of goods from their own and other manufac ' tori es, adapted especially to the Western trade. Purchasers are invited 'to examine their stock, 'manufactured - and selected with great -care and warranted of sujcrior quality. Orders will receive prompt, and careful attention. i-EACHJS .HULLS, ' . ' - ST. JOSEPH. THE 'MILLS being row in good repair and run ning order, Itm prepared tosupjy my custom . rrs with the very highest market price for Wheat. .1 can grind all I can get and PAT for all I can grind. Come and see me you that want to buy Flour, Meal, Bran, Shorts, or anything else kept in the Mill. II my farming friends do not want cash for Wheat I have plenty of Flour for thom. It they do want "c"aFh and want to sell thsir Wheat, call at the Mill p nd it will be a trade. ' Remember the place, the Brick Mill; corner of Charles and Second streets. . - JAMES CARGILL. CENTRIFUGAL rtMitj unaersignea, soie agents lor me ooutn ana . .X West, for the sale of the above Pumps, would respectfully call the attention of miners, inanufac- . i . 3 . ; j a i iV . Superior advantajres these pumps possess over all others heretofore brought before the public. ' Among thpir rhif-f rwommpiKlatifins navbe mentioned tlio followinir: " They arc less liable- to get out of order than any "other. . . They have less friction and are consequently more dnrablg. ' . They are not affected by mud or sand, and will force water to almost any height. They will raise more water perminuto with the Rime power, and same priced pump than Any other ever invented, i nese are tacts. They aro sold by the undersigned at the manufac turer's New York prices, with the cost of transpor- t-atinn ftil.iml. 1 Lev ara warranted to rive entire satisfaction. All sizes on hand. . Liettcrs TFomP"j anwered and information given by - . JiADS & NELSON, ' . No. 252 North Main St., St. Louia. 185G. SPRING TRADE 1856. rnwAKD urn ad &: co.. Ohlat Ilovtt of the I Ind i thc-West-EetalUtVd 1SS5. KO. 50 MAIX ETEEET, COEXTJB 07 ITXE. JST. IZIS. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALERS of Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Watchmaker's Tools and Materials, Silrer and Ilatcd Ware Shot Guns, Jlifles, Pi stol3, Revolvers. ' - . Mu-sical Instrument'?, Daguerreotype, Ambrotype, Ac, Uhry.stalotype Materialij Hotel and Steamboat Table Ware. ... . Dayton, Xenia -& Belpro E, E. it .- Direct Throngh Ronte to the Eat. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. The only Route authoriied to Ticket to TiEW YORK all the way by BAIL EO AD ! Via. Dankirk, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Connections Direct and without detention to New York, Boston. Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washing- . ton City, Albany, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Dun kirk, Cleveland, Crestline, Pittsburg, Wheo ,. . ling, Zanesville, Newark, Columbus, . ' Springfield and Xenia. ON and after Wednesday, Dec. 27, trains will start from Depot at junction of Third street and Ca nal as follows :- . " v t r "f.on i r iAjn nam," , i .u JIX. Accommodation Train 11:10 " ' MU Train, 6.O0 P. M. Going East. " Passengers by the 720 A. M. Train from Dayton, connect at Xenia with morning Express of L. M. &. ' , C. & X. Railroad to New York, Boston, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Crestlinei'itteburgh " and lViladclphia. Also for Baltimore, Washington City, Wheeling, Zanesville, Newark and Springfield." : Paescngers by the 11:00 A. M. Train from Dayton connect at Xenia with the afternoon train for Colum- -bu, Newark, Zanesville, Wheeling, F<iniore, nd also with the downward trai l for Cincinnati, Love land, Morrow, Wilmington, Washington, Circleville and Lancaster. Passengers by the 6:00 P. M. Train from Dayton connect at Xenia with evening Express, for Spring fold, Columbus, Crestline, Cleveland, Dunkirk, Buf- . falo, New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia, Through Tickets. To all the above points by way of Columbus, may le obtained at the D. X. & B. R. R. Depot. All trains will stop at Uarbine, and at FolkariVs, Shoup's; and Frost's on notice or signal to Cond'jctor. A. W. RICE, Ticket Agent. JOS. CLEGG, Tres't. AGENTS'! AGENTS ! PERSONS accustomed to procure subscribers for Books, Magaiincs Ac, or get up clubs for news papers, are requested to send us their names and ad dress, and we will forward them, free of charge, a specimen number of a publication for which they will find ready sale; and we will allow them a commission of 50 per cent, for their services. J.BRADFORD & BROTHER. No. 3 Courtland st- New York. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ! nartford,Ct. Capita? $200,000 Withlarre and increasing receipts securely Invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller oi 1 ucac Accounts. . ornexns. - ALFRED GILL, Trcs't. . . JOHN L. BTJNCE, V. P. JA.A u w, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Alfred Gill. John L. Bunce, Wm. R. Cone, Jas. G Jiohes, Joan A. luuer, Aoaa Vi heaton, N. llollis tcr,traral Coit, Dan'l Phillips, C. N. nniphrey. BOARD Or FTNAXCE. Geo. Beaf h, Esq., President cf Phoenix Bank, P. F. R?l.insonEsq., .Hartford " Hon. I?auc Touccy, late Attorney GeneralU. S. Applications for insurance received by R, W. FURNAS," Agent. DR. A. S. HOLLIDAY, Med. Ex. A. liCDD, O. L. HUGHES, J. J. MUDD, IJ. T. iiUDD, S. O. GRUBB. IUD D & HUGIIES. PRODUCE 4- COMMISSION No. S3 Lcvce and CQ Commercial Stree ST. LOUIS, MO. NEW ARRANGEMENTS Via ST. LOUIS &TERRE II ATJTE Jt.Tl, THE Shortest and Quickest all Kailroal Pouta to Cincinnati, Lcgiimlle, Baltimore. Philadelphia, Xew York, Boston, anJ all Ikstern Ci? ics. .,. IT -" , ST LOUIS AND TERRE HAUTE R. R. Onon to Terra Haute, direct through, without change of cars 22 miles Ehorter than l;y aay other Kail road Line, and or e less change of cars. . Two Through Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted. 1st. -MOUSING EXritt:S8-Leaves St. Louis at 8.S0 a. m, and Illinoistown at 9.30 a. V, arriving at Terre Haute at 8.45 p M. 2d. EYEMXG EXPRESS Leive 3 St. Louis at 5 F. ana illinoistown at r. aL, ana arriving at Terro Haute at 7.15 A.M., on o hour and ten minutes quicker than any other rou tc. Une Sunday irain at o 3. M. Copnectins at Indianavolis with Indianapolis & Cincinnati Railroad, ttnd Indianapolis and Bcllefon tain Railroad, for Cleveland, Dunkirk, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, Boston, New York, Crestline, Pittifburjrb, Harrisburprh, PJiJadelphia,1 Baltimore. Washington City, Richmond, Cincinnati. Louisville, Dayton, Columbus, aesvule, Reeling, Lexington, Ky. JNew lent rasscngers nave a cnoice ot four rood routes from Indianapolis; via N. 1 . Central, N. Y. & Erie, Pennsylvania Central, and Baltimore & Ohio Kaiiroads. r?TTafseEffers taking fhe ST. LOUIS, ALTON & TERRE HAUTE RAILROAD make close and sure connections for all the aboYe-namod points Passengers fos Decatur, Bloosntngton. Lasalle, K Mendota, Rock Island, Burlington, Golena, Dnnleith and Chicago, connect at 1'ana with Illinois Central R. R- direct tlirough, makir.!' this the shortest and most reliable route to thj Northern point3 above namcu. i Also eonneetinf? atJatocn with the Cliifio P.rflnoTi I of the Blinois Central, for all points on that Road. Passengers are requested to secure their Through Tickets by this most reliable route. . . Barrage handled and chocked free of charge. tSTThrough tickets can be procured at the Com pany's Office, No. 32 Fourth str set, under tho Plant ers' House, where all infornu.tion xesjecting the different routes win be cheerf ally furnished. h. R. SARGENT, Sop't. WM. G. HUNT, Ass't Sup'd. . B. P. FrriELD, General Ticket AgX ES-Omnibuses will call for possengors in any part of the city, by leaving their aidress at this office. PA CIF1 C RAILROAD. OPEN TO JEFFERSON CITY.' ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th, this road was Dut in operation for transportation of Passengers and Freight, through without change of cars. Lnul further notice, the Passenger trains will run daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows Leave St. Louis at 10 A. x. Arrive at Jeff. City, 5 p. r. - jejerson at .3U a. h. rit. JLcui?, p. m. " Franklin at 6.00 A. U. St. Louis, 8.00 A.M. "St. Louis at 5.50 p.m. Franklin, 7.00 p.m. . SUNDAY TRAINS. Leave St. Louis at 7 A.K. Arrive at Jeff, at 4.12 p.m. " Jefferson at 11.20 AJf. St. Louis at 60 p.m. Passengers can go out by the 10 o'clock, a. m.. Train as far as Washington, havo 15 minutes there, and return to St. Louis at 3.30, p. m. Persons frtm Franklin and points East of it, by taking the morn ing train in, can have two hours at St. . Louis, and return home on the train which starts out at 10, A.M., or, those wno come in at r. m., can go out on the 5, p. h. train, having an hour and a half in the city. . Passengers are requested toj'rocore Tickets be fore taking seats in the cars. Extra charee for tickets purchased in tho Cars. UNITED STATES MAIL. ESjTKiniball, Mooro it Co's., Daily Line of four horse Post Coaches will connect at Jefferson City with the trains and run regularly io "West to Boon ville, Lexington, Independence And St. Joseph. Also, North to Fulton, Colombia, Glasgow and Brunswick; and South to . Versailles and Springfield, Mo, and Van Buren and Fort Smith, Arkansas, i For through tickets, including Railroad fare, apply at the Stage Company's OfSco, under the Planter's House, corner of Chestnut and Fourth sts., St. IiOuis. TF. Eartold will run his line of Express Hacks between Barrett's and Manchester, in connection with each Passenger Train. . Ticketj procured at the Railroad Depot on 7th street. This extension of the Road to Jefferson City gives g-f-at advantages to the travelling public, enabling thom to avoid marry hours of tedious river convey ance; and merchandize is conveyed speedily to and flora, market on reasonable terms. FREIGHT will be received for transportion at the Fourteenth street Station, (Sundays exoepted,) be t veen the hours of 8 A. M and 5 p. M. Freight to those Stations whore the Company have n Agents, must be pre-paid. EMIGRANTS and SHIPPER!?, and others inte rna, are invited to call for further information at f io office of Master of Transportation, corner of l.Cird and Chestnut streets, and at the ticket office. ctvez.,1 Etrcet, near topruco. U.F.BILUWN, Engineer and Superintendent. l iT. JOSEPH AND COUNCH, BLUFFS PACKET LINE. Season Arrangements for 1856. THE entirely new and fine passenger packet, OMAHA, J. B. Holland. Commander. F. B. Kercheval, Clerk;) having been built expressly for the trade, is now runninz as a resmlar week! v racket between the cities of jSt. Joseph and Council Bluffs. Leaving St. Joseph every Monday at 12 o'clock M. And returning will leave Council Bluffs and Omaha v ity every t nday morning at o o clock, and forming a connection with the five packets leaving St. Louis on Mondays and Tuesdays, which arrive here on Saturday and Sunday evenings, by which arrange ment passengers or freight will not be detiiined at ct. J eph; but toprepare against all contingencies, the owrers of the Omaha have a largo Ware-House to store all goods not meeting them promptly, and without charge to the owners, which we deem the most perrect arrangement to passenger or shipper that can or will be made the presont season, and they therefore hope by promptness and strict atten tion of her olitcers and agents to receive a thare of publia patronage. large DUNN ELL, a AXTON a MCDONALD,? TOOTLES A FAIRLEIGH, f -tf Agents. ST. LOUIS AND COUNCIL BLUFFS ' PACKET. THE stet J2er ADMIRAL, having been thoroughly repaired and refitted, will ply regularly between St. Louis and Council Bluffs, during the season of 1856, touching at Jefferson City, Boonville, Leaven worth, St. Joseph, Savannah, Brownville, Sonora, Nebraska City, St. Mary, and atl intermediate point. Thankful for the patronage extended to the AD MIRAL during the past season, the oQcers hope, by punctuality and dispatch, to merit the continuance of the favors conf erred by shippers, and passcngcrB r ui a vv.i i w u uuw iibt;uiivu . CHAS. K. BAKER, Master. R-A. DARST, Clork. MISS0U1U RIVER PACKET. ; THI2 new, degint and fast running passenger picket and freight steamer. E. A. OfinEV. Baldwin, Comniaiider, is now running her regular trips betT'een St. Louis and Council Bluffs. She is one of the best freight steamers on the river, havins uccu vuuii uprcseij , ; uj: inis traae. COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET. THE fine passenger steamer GENOA, Throckmor ton, Master, will runromilarlTclnrine' tbe season. between St. Louis &nd Council Bluffs. Ker ofSoers hope by regularly nnd strict attention to businoss to merit a share of t je public patronage. j. liiKUUKJiuiiiu, joasier. J.E. GORMAN, Clerk. B. W. LEWIS JXMES W.LXWI3 - THUS. J. BABTHOLOW late TEBT Jt BABTHOLOW B. W. LEWIS & BROS. XAXTTACTTBERS OF ALL fESCBXPTION OP CHEWING TOBACCO. GLASGOW, MISSOVItL mHANKFUL for the very liberal patronage that I . a m ! .1 F . -.,. ..MAAna we nave ncretoioro reccnM. uuu uu uuiuwum friends and customers, and while respectf ally solicit ing a continuance of the same, pledging ourselves to sr.are neither r ins nor expense to merit the patron age of the public, we beg leave to announce that illiam J. Lewis has withdrawn from our firm, ana Thos. J. Bartholow is admitted a partner from this date, the style of the firm remaining unchanged, and that we have secured the f ervices of Capt. Gocre G. Davis who will hcreaftsr act ia tLo capacity of traveling salesman in connection wita our Mr. Bartholow and will during the coming Season per sonally wait upon our customers for the purpose of soliciting their orders. Uirrstock hela over fromlast year of all descriptions is unanimously large, the quality of which cannot fail to frive entiro tatisfac tion to consumers. B. W. LEWIS k Brc. Glasgow, Mo., January 6, 1S55. DAT & MATLACK, "Wholesale Doalcrsi Dry Goods, Eo. 57 Teari street, bcUocn Wal nut and Viae, Cincinnati, Ohio. j. r. whits. & WHITE, LAND AGENTS' "NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. " HAVING made arrangements by which wo will receive accurate copies of all the Townships embraced in the Eastern portion of Nebraska, we are now prepared to offer our services to the "SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITTORY," In Filing Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt. Securing Pre-emptions, Locating Land Warrants and " ' ENTERING LAND. -LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD. Land Entered on Time, &c., ... ' Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling Property on commission: Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any part of the Union. Blanks of all kinds always on hand.. RIDEN & WHITE. 4 REFERENCES. . f ' Ron. A. A. Bradford, S.F.Nucro11s, Messrs. Dolman & West, Peter A. Keller, Thomas Lumpkin, June 28, 1856. vl-n4 Nebraska City. St. Joseph, Mo., -Washington City, IIIPOETANT HEW WORKS. ; PUBLISHED BY Moore, Wilstacb, Keys &.Co. No. 23 West Eonrth Street, Cincinnati, O. A HISTORY OF MEDICINE, from its Origin to the Close of the Eighteenth Century. By Dr. Renouard, of Paris. , 'Translated by Dr. 0. C. Comegys, f rofessor in Miami Medical College. - Une Volume, large 8vo . 750 pages, Price $3,00. ' 1 1 An Introduction to the Study of Esthetics. By Professor J. J. C. Moffat, of the College of New Jer sey, Princeton; Author of "Life of Chalmers:" Ac. 1 vol. lZnio, pages. ' rnco 51. The Teacher's Miscellany. A selection of articles from the proceedings of the College of Professional Teachers By J. M. Campbell and A. M. Hadley, of abasn College. Une vol, IZmo, io) pages, rnco $1,25. WILL BE IUJADY IN SEPTEMBER The Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, A Record of Adventure, Exploration and Discovery for the last Fifty years. Edited by Bayard Taylor, Author of "Views Afoot,' -jtr&Teia ia vcuir.n Airica, etc., &e. One vol- 8vo., Handsomely illustrated with 12 maps by Schonberg, and numerous wood enirravinffs by Urr, and an elaborate steel frontispeice by Buttre. in uo ut'iu wj BuuacriDcra omy, . . MOORE, WiLSTACH, KEYS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Booksellers, 25 West Fourth street, Cincinnati. C, II. WILLIAMS' Patent Double Acting Ball, Valve, Force . and Lift Pump. rpHE attention of the public is rasnectfnllv s-alic X ited to the examinination of this valuable Pump, as the most valuable one in use at the present time. Simple in its construction, durable, substantial, and not easily impaired by use. Perfectly adapted to Railroad Stations, Steamboats, Manufacturies of ev ry description, Mines, Furnaces, Salt Wells, Oil Mills, uoi Liiquias, ( tne nails ror sucn being of metal,) Fire and Garden Engines, Cisterns, and, In fact, all dut- poses for which a puaip is requirod, and capable of inrowmg water w a great neignt or distance, into great force and power. The highest prises have been awarded by the New York, Ohio and Indiana State Fairs. Town, County and single Rights for thirty nine Counties in the Eastern part of Chio, extend ing from the Ohio River to Lake Erie, and the Coun ties of Augusta, AlhftrmarL Pittsylvania and Rich mond CityCounty In the State of Virginia, for sale upon the most reasonable terms. . Address through the Cincinnati P. O.. the undersigned vl-n4 . - B. HAZEN. MORE MEN WANTED. A FEW more active and energetic young men can find immediate employment, by which they can easily make $600 to $1000 a year, to act as agent! for several new and popular works, just published for agenti, and not for sale in book stores. We have a great many agents employed, many of whom are making from $15 to $20 per week. Those who wish to engage in this pleasant and agreeable business, will for particulars, requisites, Ac, address C. L. DERBY. CO. .Publishers and Wholesale Booksellers. Editors of Newspapers, by giving th'cTabove nnd following, three insertions, and callingttention to it, shall receive any three of the following works; Life of Josephine, by Headly, - $1,25 Life of Lafayette, $1,25 Lifo of Napoleon. " $1,25 Wild Scenes of a Hunter's Life, $1,00 Lifo of Mary and Martha Washington, $1,00 Odd Fellows' Amulet, $1,00 Any person wishing any of tho abovo books, can have them sent by mail, free of postage; on receipt of the above retail price. " vl-nl . C. L. DERBY & CO., New York. A. A. BRADFORD, WM. MCLENNAN, Nebraska City, N.T. I). L. mo'gart, Brownville, N. T. BRADFORD, McLENNAN &McGARY, 4TT01ISYS AT LAW AND SOLIC1TERS IN CHANCERY. Brownville and Nebraska City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. BEING permanently located in the Territory, we will give our entire time and attention to the practice of our profession, in all its branches. Mat ters in Litigation, Collections of Debts, Sales and Purchases of Real Estate, Selections of Land, Loca- ung oi i.ana warrants, and all other business en trusted to our mann cement, will receive nromnt and faithful attention. REFERENCES. S. F. Nuckolls. Nebraska Citv. T- X. . -r. ivicnara irown, Wm. Hoblitzell & Co., Hon. James Craig, Hon. James M. Hughes, Hon. J ohn R. Shepley, Messrs. Crow, McCreary A Co. Messrs. S. G. Hubbard & Co., Hon. J. M. Love, vl-nl Brownville, St. Joseph, Mo., St. Louis, Mo., u h a - u tt Cincinnati O. Keokuk, Iowa. June 7, 1858. H. P. BENNETT, J. 8. MORTON, E. H. HARDING BENNET, MORTON & HARDING. Attorneys at Law, Nebraska City, N. T., and Glenwood, Ia. WILL practice m all the Courts of Nebraska and Western T.w Tart,i(nlar attention paid to obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of tteots. REFERENCE : Hon. Lewis Cass, Detroit, ) j. Julius D. Morton, " ) Gov. Joel A. Mattcson, Springfield, 111; Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; B.P.Fifiled,St.Louis,Mo.; non. Daniel O. Morton, Toledo, Ohioj P. A. Sarpy, Bellevue, Nebraska; Sedgewich A Walker, Chicago, III; Green, Weare & Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa. E. ESTABROOK, UNITED STATES " District Attorney, OMAHA CITY, N. T. ti F.OTTTRED to be In attendance officially vrtnrt n.11 Jtv the terms of the District and Supreme Court of the 1 emtory, tenders his rrolessional services to such as need them. - He flatters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to such as A. X Al. 1 ? 1 ' eniruei weir oasmcsa irO nia care. Omaha City, June 7, 1356. NUCKOLLS, RUSSELL, & CO. WHOLES ALB AND RETAIL DEALEES IX m-m mm HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Medicines, Dye Stnfis, Saddlery, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, QT7ZENSWASE, ST0NEWARI!, TINWARE, IRON, NAILS, STOVES, PLOWS Ac. Also Furniture of aU kinds, Wiadow Sash, &o A. D. KIRK, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Agunt and Kotary Public, Archer, Richardson county, N. T. Will practice in the Courts of Nebraska, assisted by Harding and Bennett, Nebraska City. M. VT. HIDES'. ' RIDEN BOOK STORE! JUST OPENED AT THE HEAD OF EBOADWAY, COUNCIIi BLUFFS, IOWA. WHERE may "bo found a largo assortment of BOOKS .4 KD STATIONERY, and everything in their line, consisting in part, as fol lows: ' Histories and Biographies, Narratives and Travels, School Books, . " ' - Misscellaneous Works, - ' ' Lives of Eminent Persons, Agricultural Works, Standard Poetical Works, Religious Works, Song Books, , . , Bibles and Hymn Books, , , a, NovcU and Light Reading, - . , Pictorial Works. - ' - , Blank Books, - ' ' Paper, Pens an I Ink, " Cards and Gift Books, Toys and Fancy Primers, Portfolios and Albums, r - - Aed a thousand other useful and necessary articles in the line. Also, red, black and blue INKS, of our own man ufacture, Wholesale and Retail, as cheap as can be ha A in fif T-nnta anl warranted of the best duality. put up in'quart, pint and half -pint bottles; also, in lour and two ounce ootues. . . . . : Professional men wishing a bill of . iiiwoiirj Can be supplied here at 20 per cent above pub lishers prices, we paying all eosts and obtaining them at the shortest notice. Our arrangements embrace any STANDARD BOOKS printed in tho Uni toti States. - Call and see our stock we are new beginners but will serve our customers to tne best of our ability. Our prices, we are sure will be satisfactory. . . CRAIG & SANFORD. Council Bluffs, Iowa, June 14, '56 vln2. Richardson's Llissouri. ": Express Company, r Principal Office No! 12, N. Main St, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURL nEO leave to inform the public, that they have I) extended their Emress Line to this dace. Hav ing complied with the requisition of their Charter, and being fully organizea, are now prepared 10 ixaua act a " . General Agency Business. The success which has attended the original Propri etor, is a guarantee of the satisfaction rendered, and it will always be the aim and study of the Executive of this Company, to give every possible facility for the speedy and safe transmission of Money, Valuable Packages, Parcels, and Bundles of Goods, Merchandize, and every description of Freight, on reasonable terms, to nil points on the Missouri River, and at St Louis, with other responsible Express Companies, for New York, New Orleans. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, Burlington, Louisville, Rock Island, Mem phis, Pittsburgh and Buffalo, and to almost every town and villiage in the United States, Europe, Aus tralia and California. : A Messenger will be put on the new steamer Oma ha, making weekly trips between here and St. Jo seph, there connecting with our daily line to St Louis and all points as above. In behalf of the Enterprise, the patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. All business entrusted to us, will meet with the same energetio and prompt attention which has always characterized this Express, and made it pre-eminent in Western Express business. DIRECTORS. St. Louis. f EdwahD Mead. - Samecx McCaetxet. W. D. W. Berxabd, John W. Toolet. Josetii F. Richakdsox. B. F. Bakrt, Alton. W. J. Pigot, Lexington. JOSEPH F. RICHARDSON, Pres't. S. M. Gray, Sco'y. vln2. IIkxry Kyxe, General Agent. - L ATE AKRIV Ali!! AT BROWNVILLE, N. T. W. " HOBLITZELL & CO. ASE VOW IX EECETPT OF A FEESD HOTLY OP Which, when complete, will compose the Largest and best selected stock in tnis country. OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES ARE COUGHT at tho lowest price for cash, and consists of Coffee, Sugar, Tens, Fish, Rice, Currants, llaisins, uanaics, Jioiasses, &yrap, rrnit. Nats, &c, &c. DRY GOODS. Ladies and Gents, call and see them, and price for yourselves. Late styles and a full assortment of Dress Goods, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS & PAIt ASOLS CLOTHING. A fina stock old and young, fogies and 'fast' men, Call soon if you want a nice coat, vest or pant3 on reasonable terms. HATS. New styles caeap and durable. HARDWARE. A very large assortment, con sisting in part of Smiths' Tools, Spades, Shovels, Rakes,. liocs, JJcIls, Mill, Crosscut and Handsaws, Files, Augers, Axes, Broadaxcs, Adzs, Chisels Ac, f c, to the end of the chapter". BUILDING MATERIALS. A largo lot. consisting of Pine Doers, Sash, Shutter Blinds, Oils, Paints, Nails, Locks, Latches, Putty, Glass Ac. FURNITURE. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Tin Safe3, Cupboards, Stands Ac. 37 We will sell cheaper lor casn man any iiouse in Nebraska Territory. June 7, 1850. ! LITTELLS' LIVING AGE. Ext racts of Lctitrt from Judge Story, Chancellor Kent, and President Adams. Cambkidge, April 27, 1844. t i - fha Trosneetua with the reatestnleas- uro: and entirely approve the plan. If it can only obtain tho public patronage long enough, and largo enough, and securely enough, to attan its true ends, it will contribute in an eminent degree to give a healthy tone, not only to our literature but to public opinion. It will enable us to possess, in a moderate compass, a select library of the best productions of . T will A mnrn if Trill rprl aotti fin -1 ical literature from the reproach of being devoted to light and superficial reading, to transitory specula tions, to sickly and ephemeral sentimentalities, and false and extravagant sketches of life and character. ' JOSEPH STORY. New York, 7th, 1844. 1 approve very much of the plan of the "Living Age ;" and if it be conducted with the intelligence, spirit and taste, that the prospectus indicates, (of which I have no reason to doubt) it will be one of the most instructive and popular periodicals of tho day. JAMES KENT. : . t. Washixgtox, 27 th Dec, 1844. Of all the Periodical Journals devoted to litera ture and science which abound in Europe, and in this country, this appeared to me the most useful. . It con tains indeed the exposition only of the current liter ature of the English language; this, by its immense extent and comprehension, includes a portrature of the human mind in the utmost expansion of the pres ent age. J. Q. AD AILS'. This work is made up of the elaborate and statelv essays of the 'Edinburg,' 'Quarterly,' and other Re views; and "Blackwood's' noble criticisms on Poetry, his 'keen political Commentaries, highly wrought Talcs, and vivid descriptions of rural and mountain Scenery; and the contributions to Literature, Histo ry, and Common Life, by the sagacious 'Spectator,' the tparkling "Examiner, the judicious 'Athenaeum,' the busy and industrious "Literary Gazette,' the sen sible and comprehensive 'Britannia,' the sober and respectable 'Christian Observer; these are intermix ed with the Military and Naval reminiscences of tho 'United Service,' and with the best articles of the sider it beneath our dignity to borrow wit and wis dom from 'Punch;' and when we think it good enough, make use of the thunder of 'The Times.' We shall increase our variety by importations from the Conti nent of Europe, and frem the new growth of the British Colonies. Published every Saturday. Price 12 Cents a number, or Six Dollars per year in advance. Sent free of Postage. The SECOND SERIES began with April, 1853. It makes four large volumes a year. Complete Sets of the FHIST SERIES, in ttnrty six volumes, handsomely bound, packed in neat boxes and delivered ia all the principal Cities, free of ex pense of freight, are for sale at seventy-two dollars. Any volume may be had seperately, at two dollars, bound, or a dollar and a half in numbers. Any Number may be had for twelve and a half cents, and it may be wcrth while for subscribers or purchasers to complete any broken volume, they may have, and thus great! v enhance their value. LITTLE, SON & CO., Boston. S. B. MILLER, BLACKSMITH AND "WAGON MAKER. . Tixst St, bet Main and Water. BROWNVILLE, N. T. BL ME, 'Dublin University, row Monthly,' '1 rasers,' Taits,' 'Ainsworth's,' 'Hood's' and 'Sporting Magazine's, and of 'Chamber's' admirable 'Journal.' We do not con 185G. SPRING SALES. 185G. low mcEslTO cash axd rOMrr ti . JOHN HAL S AL L , uTTrnTn-SALE AND EETAIL BOOKSELLEU & STATIONER. AND BLANK BOOK MAN L n A i uiio. v2To. 120 aia, St. Louis, ITo. HAS for sale all the &pemng vovkz-, v.ui ja u;, Readers: Historiries; Chemistries; Dictionaries; Arithmetics; Philosophies, c., now in use, together with a larre stock of Law, Medical and miscellaneous books foming the most complete assortment to be found in the city. Also, Writing paper, and Foreign and Domestic stationary, of the finest quality, country merchants and others should not fail to call at No. izu Jiainsi; . GREAT. .. , . Clothing aler mi. R MARTIN,) 1Qr JO. C. MARTIN, , New -York. J loOD. 1 St.Loais.. 1 martin brother:, TEE OLD ORIGINAL CLQTEIZZS, - Ko. 114 AND No. 1 MAIN STEEET, " ST. LOUIS, HO. TX)R the approaching spring, we will have a TRE l1 MENDOUS STOCK OF CLOTHING, manufac tured by ourselves in New York, expressly for this market. , In point of STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE, we defy any and all competition! We have , marked down our price very low, as we intend selling to none but ' 7 CASH AND PROMPT MEX. To such we would ask a thorough examination of our Stock before purchasing. l5t . , t . . . . . MARTIN & ERO. SHAW, BUEL & BARBOUR, .. . , , iP0BTR3 A JOBBERS OF ... , 63 Pearl Street, Cincionati. . BAKBOCB, C. O. SHAW, L. C. BCELT, O. E. BARBOUR. N. JL IXORER, WHOLESALE IJSALE?. EC " Pork, Bacon, Lardy S. Cured Hams, murcn "RTvEI? AND BEEP TONGT7:S. No. O, Sycamore Street, Cincinaati, O. ROBBLNS & ; POMEROY, WHOLESALE DEALIR3 TS BOOTS, SHIES & SOLE LEATHER, Nos. O, Pearl and Tl, Main Street, -CINCINNATI, OHIO. K CHOCK JOHN W. TOOLEY. (Successor to NOONAN, TOOLEY & Co,) . 53 Main st, Old Stand, , St. Louis, Mo. IMPORTER, Wholesale and Re tail Dealer, in China, Glass and Queensware, Yellow and Rockingham Ware, Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns, Looking-glas ses, Britannia Ware, Ac. Ac, with a great variety of) Potteries and Manufacturers. ESFNow arriving and in store, a full stock of the ahove line of goods, which is offered to the Trade at reasonable rates. An examination is solicited. E5T"0n hand, sorted Crates, for Country Trade. N. B. Paoking receives special attention. ; J. I. DOWDALL. ;. t ' R. E. CARS. DOTVDAIili, CARR &. CO., WASHINGTON FOUNDRY, Engine and Llacliine Manufactory. Corner Second and Morgan Streets. ST. LOUIS, MO. i MANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines ad Boil ah ' 9fLxr nn it Grist Mill Machinery. Tobacco Screws and Presses, Lard Kettles, Lard Screws and Cylinders, Wool Carding aiacnmes, l pungs i aieni Smut Machines, Building Castings, Ac. fAgents for the sale of James Smith & Co.'s Superior MACHINE CARDS. YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. Well tried, always successful, fully Guarantied. Manu factured and for sale by DOWALL CARR, fc CO,, Washington Foundry, St. Louis, Io. E. O. TCTTLE. R. C. PEBXEY. H. TV. SMITH. TUTTLE, PERLEY & , SMITH. SPRING STYLES. 185G. 77 Main street, StLfuis,.Mo. MANUFACTURERS of Straw and Sili Bonnets, Importers and Wholesale dealers in Ribbons. Silk Millinery, Flowers, Trimmings, Lace Good3, Em broideries, Ac. . "Merchants and Milliners are particularly in vited to examine our stock, before making their spring purchases, as we (relying fully on the superiority of our styles,) intend to offer inducements equal, if not supcrion, to any jobbing house in the United States. SA3IUEL SPENCER & CO., No. Eighty-Two North Fourth Street, Near Locust. ST. LOUIS, MO. "I rANUFACTUREBS of every description of 111 Pn m n a A At, 1 am J r Tct inTtn era mi r -a T graphs, Ac; Jjooking-glass Plates of every size, and framed to any pattern in the best manner. Advertising Cards, Ac, stained and arnishcd or Framed at short notice. : Rosewood, Walnut and other fancy wood Picture Frame Mouldings. The Trade Supplied. Old Frames, Ac, Re-gilt. FRESH DRY GOODS. EEDY, JAMESON & CO., Nos. 170 and'lW Main St., St. Louis. WE are now in receipt of the most complete and magnificent stock, ever offered to the Western Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited to make an examination of our stock and prices. JtDDY, JAMESON & CO. KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE.. EDITED BY LOUIS GAYLOR CLARK. The number for January. 1855, begins the Foktt- Setekth Volume of the Knickerbocker Magazine. Since the price of subscrition has been reduced from Five to Thkee Dollars a year, the circulation of the Knickerbocker has been increased more than five to one. In many places, ten are sold whero was but one before, and through the year past it ha3 been steadily increasing. It is now offered as cheap as ny oi mo magazines, an mings considered, instead of making new and prodigious promises, wo submit a few extracts from notices of late numbers, which we mignt extend to a numDer oi pages. . i OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Thoso who are familiar with the Editor's monthly 'Gossip" with his readers, have doubtless, wi selves, admired the perennial Bource of its pleasant i j r T T . . . . wuwiajujiuuiCM. m mis numoer "ine uossip holds on its way, like some fair rivulet glancing and dancing in the sunshine of a May morning. We used to wonder how Mr. Clark held out, expecting he would certainly "snow brown" in tho coming number; but this number gives no sign of exhaustion.-ifoai intelligencer, It ainington. Kmck is himself, and "nobody else, a living fart po8se3Eing within himself every variety of fresh- choice literature, from .the ablest, the wittiest, and most numprous gens oi tne times.-'Luzerne Union. The Knickerbocker has been ana 'will be a fact of its own; a genuine liyins thintr. all the more de sirable now that the new crop of magizines, filled wita iucies- pixaiea irom JiingUsn authors, makes fresh home creations more conspicuous and welcome. New York Christian Enquirer. Rev. F. W. SHEITOX. Author of Letters from Tin the River, etc., will be a regular contributor. Tbe best talent in tho country will bo enlisted, and no expense or effort spared, to make the Kxick bbbocker more than ever deserving of the first posi- iuuu aiuuuj; uiu ,merican .Magazines. Teriis. Three Dollars a vear. strictlv in dvjin.n there will be no deviation from this condition. opecimennumners wm be sent gratis, on application, poet-paid. Postage. 1 wo cents per number, prepaid at tb ofilce where the work is delivered, quarterly in ad vance. All remittances and all business communications must be addressed, post-paid, to SAMUEL UCESTON, 318, Broadway, New York. Oit3T 2HIo"tlj, OREGON, MO. 1TOBT. L. ILVTTEX, Proprietor. No rains or expense will bo spared by the subscri ber, to make his guests comfortable in every respeet. n.t nia weu Known ana nigniy rfputable llouae. The very best attention given to animals by good and attentive Hostler. 1-- ROBERT L. BATTEN. S1Y. I. HEW GOODS AliD CHEAP GOODS! JUST EECEIYED BY BB. &:X D. N. THOMPSON, I BROWNVILLE, N. T. Expressly for this Market, a Largs and Well Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES CLOTHING, QUEENSYV ARE, HATS & CAPS, Jt'iJ iuuxo, CASTINGS, HARDWARE, NAILS, IRON, . ' ' SASH, CUTLERY, LATCHES LOCKS, BOOTS & SHOES, WINDOW SHUTTERS &e,'&c .. ... v HAYLXG been bought and shipped at low gures, we flatter ourselves we are able to o3er such in ducements as have not heretofore boen offered. Wo ask an examination of our Goods and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. The Ladies will find at our Store a large assortment of DUESS GOOWS. Challi, Berate, Detains 1 opnns, jiin;nams, lcrorm jjbm us, Embroidered Itobes, Tlaid Silks, &c, &c,. Sec. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD YEHY LOW. June 7, 1855. - DANIEL-. ZOOK, WHOLESALE AT RETAIL -5 " 1 9 Oregon, JIait County, Mo. --.-. - Has in Store ? Pure Whito Lead, Linseed Oil, Spanish Whiting, Red Lead, . Litheraze, . White Chalk, Venitian Red, -Spanish Brown, Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Acid, Sulpher Carb. Soda," Vinegar, Turpentine, Sal Soda, - Copcras, Saltpeter, ': . . m t Boraj:, - - J Mex. Liniment, Vol.. Oil , do,.- ... MJrland' do, Nervcrand Bono do, Farrela do, ; Louden' do, Jays' L'xpt., London's do. Window Glass, putty, ; Caster Oil, Ex. Logwood, Bluo Stone, , t Alum, Ground Ginger, Root do, ." i Saint Louis Glue, Paris Green, . Chrome do, do yellow, Iroa Paint, White Zink do, Fish Oil,, Whale do, Wrights' Pills, Champian's do, Jayan'a do, London's do, Rad way's R. R Davis Pain Killer, Fahncstock'a Ver . Stone's Cough Candy, McLane s Liver rill3. In addition to the ahove, I have the largest Stock of Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture, Chemi cals, Surgical instruments, and l atent jledicieas ever ofTored for sale in this Country. : Merchants and Physicians of Iowa, Kansas and Aebras ka, are respectlnlly invited to give me a ealL Juno 7, 1856. DANIEL ZOOK. Fresh Arrival of NEW GOODS! AT ROCILTORT, MO. THE subscribers would respectfully tender their thanks to their customers and the Public Gene rally for their liberal patronage heretofore, and solicit a continuance of the same ; as they are determined to sell Goods as low if not lower than any other House west of St. Joseph. Having just received a large and well selected Stock of Spring and Summer Goods; also a superior Stock of Family Groceries with Hardware, Glass and Queensware, Furniture, Saddlery, Iron, Ac. Come one and all, For well we know ; - Again youll call, We'll sell so low. . . Of Goods the best, . " And profits small, . . . Well beat the rest, And suit you all. Our Stock of Dry Goods having been purchased in the Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that we can surpass our competitors in the low prices and good qualities of our Stock, and earnestly believe all will make by calling and seeing for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. CAREY, JONES, & CO. ' N. B. Country Produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest prices, for Goods. June 7, '5b. GRIST MILL!! 23 - Patent PortaMe 51111. THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under tho firm of Reed, Holabird A Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist -aim ana are now prepared all those m want of a goodorn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, srmplicOind economy ; excel any Mill in the World. On thS lata exhibition -of the, Mfwhanuva institute in Cincinnati, a Qold Medal was awarded vuem i or li. It is adnntcd to all Gm?n irrinn'inir mtTrT wqpj it. ia . tr e o r r j - - w SUTierior to B.11 othpra fnr tho mrvst prtomij. MoriQTit Mill, as it is for grinding the Farmers feed by Horse power. The above Mills aro manufactured by the under signed at their shon in Cincinnati- O . whr .flip con be furnished in any quantity at short notice. Ane aoove Mius warranted to perform as follows: 6 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn. 25 Wheat. S300 30 " 30 15 25il 24 .i m 20 13 200 20 : 16 8 150 As this Mill tells its own storv. it i nnnecessnr quote from our numerous recommendations, received. T f- f T" TT T a twnw m r Cincinnati, O. A. B. HOLLABIHD & CO. Machinists, Founders and ENGINE BUILDERS Front Street, 7est of Edith, CINCINNATI, O, Would most respectfully inform their friends and tho public ffenerallv. that th pared to execute all orders in their line, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop, and with theincreased facilities they now possess, they hope to uiiu, tununuauon oi tne uoeral patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. Saw Mill Engines of every Description. Constantly on hand: consisting of the Sash, Circu lar and Mulev. Mill C astings, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. They have also a Boiler Yard attached tn tnotr establishment, which enables them, to oversee all work in that line famished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonablo terms aa an- other shop in the country. lhose in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call and examine our new patterns. a T- T AT TVTTlTV n A. 15. UUJ-.ALU.ilJ & JJ. JOHN S. HOYT, County Surveyor and. Land Agent, OF Richardson county, N. T., will attend promptly to all business in his profession, when called on: such as Paying Taxes, Recording Claims, Subdividing Land, Laying out Town LotsDraf ting City Plats Ac. itesiaenco ana aaaress ARCHER, Richardson co., N.rT. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY xto. 158 Viae St., bet. Forti aai rifth, CINCINNATI, O. C. F. O'DRISCOLL & CO. "jVTanufacturers and dealers in News. Book and Job -Lf J. Type. Printin? Pressp. Pftea fJn; l - Inl5nd PrintnS Material of Every Description.' STEREOTYPIC r,f ,n v;nv. ".: l atent Mpilir-inn Tiif.t;nn. Ti -r..j 1 Ac, dc. . . . Brand and Pattern Letters, various' styles, W3t. H. THOMPSON. j. n. TAAJTE THOMPSON & TAAFFE, (Successors to Burrows & Thompson,) Wholesale Grocers, And Commission Merchants, No. 13, Pearl Street, Ciacinaati. Particular n.ftrnft IT, will V n A ' 1 - wbiycu iu orucr iui groceries, wnicn wui always bo executed at current L. EORSYTH & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Freight Agents, oy THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. ho. 3, Ohvo Street, St. LouLi, Mo. V - FORD &. EO EN, 41 . L Attorneys and Couiijx'lors K COUNCiL BLrFTS, loA " Ofiice at ce at tho corner of lirjilwaj aoj , up stairs. . streets, A i- 4 r ri mil C,yi1r r x 11 '. And Solicitor in Chaaccryj Sidxlv, FnziiONT Coc-ty, Office in the Court House, up itui ' L Ii. LLNGErfFIILTEn n ATTORNEY AT.-Li SIDNEY,. IOWA. Will rractico in the 6 th a-ad 7th Judu.,Vn. r fnwo tA 'Vpbrn.4k.i1 TerritcrT - JL 1U" 1, - . - - - - - J . E. F. SEARS, Attorney and Counsellor at K And Solicitor In Chancery 1 SIDNEY, IOWA. ' Wm practice ia the lrtrxt CoBrtrefr V" Iowa. - 1 JST Office at the Court ILyjje, up gtain, . If " J. II. BROW, wi Attorney and Counsellor at K " PLATTSHOUTEI, nt. v; WILL attend promptly to &U profeBViaaiv V. ness mtrustd to his care, m any of tCn e of this Territory. , Aicn-cn luqinxj, tvuua- VJ any par; of ir.I T Mt r . 1 ir . tne niory, an3werea prompuy ,na ita dispatch. S :a. - D. II. SOLOMON, Attorney and Comiselln- i t trot U)( GLENWOOD, IOWA , Will practice in the SLith and Sevcutij- c Districts of Iowa. . X. t. rOPPLETOX. - . sTr" y FOFPLETON Si. BYEUS, ATTORNEYS AT' U And General Land Ajeats. cor- OMAHA, NECHASKA rec Land Warrants Bought and S01; LAND ENTERED ON TIME 2 SPECIAL attention siren to the selection lod.1" , try of Landj for Settlew, ad all othen choice locations. - Land Claims, Town Lots and all kindj of Eei'j . tate, bought and uold and iaTettments ma.U tot jper' tant Dealers. ' vr O. P. JIASO.V, one ; Attorneys and Counsellors at hP.. And General Land Agents, . cc" NEBRASKA CUT, N. T. tai s WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, s;iap tions, investing money, locatin and V . land warrants, and nil other business pertain their profession, ia 'ebrasfc Territory andT-U"I Iowa. CHAItLES E. SJ3IITII, ia' A vn Terrify krxr -nrmiTn ' Jorz aej!. O-IAHA CITY, N. T. C2ee l Stata Souse. w tt T . 4: 1 - i : . 1 . missions from abroad, and to the mwi the sale of lots and Claims ia 5ebraslvtemvKj,jrcrt References Hox. Jesse D. BarGnT. 1 Wa?biajton,D.t ' u u 'ti Edwix Crosttell, ..' jusi Marx W. Izzard, : Cot. of "clrU T Tl Pi-v-vr: , . u Cil- GR?EXE,Wi:AB Jt Bestos, Council Elnfrj.IcrjJort' JACOB SAFFORD, ivel Attorney and Counsellor a Lr Jan; GEXEKAL INS nUXCE A.ND LAXD'AGir.- . And Notary Publia . 0 aE Nebraska City, Nebraska Territorr. r'C:2 1 WILL attend promptly to all bai?ne wart to his care, in Nebrxl a IVrrifni tt. irn Iowa. ; - - i 1 ,c an' n. p.joHxsoy. j. p. ci3nv, .v.u- JOHNSON, CASSADY k. TEST, Attorneys and Counselloi-s at LIT And General Eand Agents, council blupts; tOVL.Z WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, i Vesting iloner. Tnrtim. n.l v'.Wnr U i Warrants, and all other busLies Tcrtaiinf to & I'll profession, in Western Iowa :ind 5'ebraska. , A. D. JONIS, . nas- DEALER IN REAL, ESTATE General LanI Agent. . Yl OMALTA CITY, N.' T. larke ir. a. TEim& co. ou' wnOLESALE XO BET All K n c. GARDEN FT.OWPR RTTTrc --r -m. m m V f - u y .i kAAt IRUITS and Shrubs, Gru j and Cran&errjrc-hai S . Grass. Clover sccdj. Tlird wvUdfiillirJil'ii-.t cultural and Horticultural tool.s, Imnlementi.i A a ti .t a . - - . . . . TT 1 genis ior au tao Deal ltural l'ulUjallonj ai xiu. United States. . Store neit door to PostoCce, Council Blaffi.L Wholesale and Retail Cominsic House, Omaha - and; FontcncEe: G: Tn03IAS GIBSON. t IS now roceiring for sale, a larjja ai3ortent J-'oLcr latest style? of BEDSTEADS. " .. AJ30 Leayilts' Corn ililis, adapted for j-ji."01""' meal or hors feed with two horses. it th'3 Abo, n large lot of Ilalfbuf he! Measures, stis? Merchants supplied on wholestile terms. . q GLENWOOD HOUSE.-"woTt THE undersigned having cgiin (aVen"ijf3 rr. known DTouse, has fitted it p with entire!? and complete Furniture, and hopes by sirii-t'1"' tion to business, to merit a liberal share of I org a. patronage. His Tabic will at all timei bo fa3 , . with the best the marke afTonls. Dis large aadt13'-'3 i modious stables will at all timts be ini pUJLIT grain and, attended bv careful osJera. In it. se cLum3 "to be himself again." and will stall ta a r be glad to see his old friends.' . . f'.. f Glenwood, May 11, 1853. 'JESSE 'PJJtfK - FOIITENIILLE HOTJSS,f WM. II. DAVIS, Proprietor. WOULD respectfully hfcria the Thj 1 Public, that hn Is now rrvTarcd tf date any quantity of trarcSwaxtl btmple Iq"- -be found ready at all hours to administf i wants of visitors. Ha ia now engaged in bi5?'3'-'-" tensive additions to his House and'stabl", 1 3 spare no pains in making the Pontcnellu ' home for all who mav favor hi m with a tw i Fontenelle, N.T.,Iay 14, im. A S 03 i" TrVTJTATtrXT TTrVTTCT ' . . JVU , rTMIE Subscriber having ; recently .. refitted the abovo well known and VJt'iv. lie House, he trusta by strict and studiooi tw-v. to the wants of his guests, to merit a liberal' public favor. confideiKie and raitronace. Bi I2TC will be spread with the best the market afc r Ceka - ... . ' ..... . .r . at home, and comfortable. . G. A. UOD- iC9, ii Council Bluffs, May 14, 185(1. aithful OGILYIE HOUSE Bv USIIEIt TIFAYER, ZlOrjfER of "Water Street and Iowa At v- iae ieamDoaiaaaiD!r. ;... i Gen-kal Stage Orncit. .nartmffe takrt eir7 from Steamboats, free of charge. Twenty Laborers Wanted co TWENTY" LABOREE3, wto can letter, t' tho spade, are wanted immediately ' ' co Brownville, ZS'ebrasia Territon1 Liberal wages will be giTen by the svfor- m:;.; J.D.N.THO- WM. GAREJSOX, Meal Estate AS.:; PLATTSilOBTII, K. T-'. ' A. C. FOKP, XX also Timber and Prairie .. Cliim be lib? sell cheap. . y Beinj agent for the City of ntttjnwj" i. l2ss furnish lots to those who wish tc settle m .rregubi on cheap and reasonable terms. J3 OSlco with J. II. Drawn, Ej.