Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 07, 1856, Image 1

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    r - t
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Ay Ay y Ay 6 Ay y -
Cfy Iky r vi
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t- -et.
cord Street, bet XIaia and Water, .
(Lake's Block,)
Tinners :
ce year (invariably in advance, - $2,00
.dx months,
'i,,i;1iiviuaal insertion,
.'ce square, one month
" three months,
" six montb
" one year,
, ' vs Cards of six lines or less one year,
( if-iwf Column, one year,
i f,rth "
i ihta u u : :
Ciiamn, cix months,
lalf Column, ix months,
; - farth " u
,irhth " .
- (umn, three norths,
- talf Column, tliree months,
- fucrth "
' 8,00
. 6,00
- eighth
-,,ntfin rnniliilatPS fcr'oCicO,
;.4.h in advance will be required for all aJvcrtiso-
u iiM-ntwhrri) actuitl re.-Tvnsiliiiity is known.
Tea wr cent for c-h change be added to the
? ;.,.- itP.
.Stimiin" Business Car'di of Cve lines or les, for J
i Si ar rertisemcnts will he considered hy the yenr
poti ficd on tLc iiianuscript, or previously
-rol tpon between the jtfirtios. . '
; 'Advrtiscnier.U not marked on thecopy fora ppeci-
f i aP.oer of insertions, will be continued until or
' r oi and charsr"! aecordinily. .'
! ' . h, vertispmcnts from gtransers or transient peir-
in advance.
j : -pvilese of yearly advertisers will be confined
H .; r o the?r .own business ; and all advertisements
? i r.-uriiinr thereto, to be raid for extra.
j Itaded advertisements charged double the above
Al--i?eTnents on tho iniido cxclusivelj will be
'jt"X extra.-
Bill Heads
i ' v .;-, , .f trVt1-at mnv be paled for.
thvi, n-;ruh-'l in ; tenection with the "Kcflec-
, i )ftffc n o fi' ::.' ;e ;'tid excellent variety of
f th4 atest stv'.-s, ve Me prepared to do any kind of
-rk tontioaei in t ie u'ouve Catalogue, with, neat
, f il l di.Tah. ' . '
Tl 'rorri.-", having had an extensive ex-
f b';4i'oss ar.d ho v, in his endeavors to please,
t .4nl the' esi-' iJ f lis work, and reasonable
'. to receive a Aa- . f the public patronage.
:TiGM?:;:i.& euxtoh,
1 1
1 Fill attend tho O i : f N cthera Missouri, Xc-
; bn-ta and WosUr:: 'a. ; ,
LID iflrffiENTS.
I OrriCS g:'--". : l 2d St3
r.R0 WILL", T.;
RnTitS a share of . ' - ,Atr-m -n in tttn various
1 n.Vp"fV''t:"e ; . f r.m 1 1 itiiens of Crown-
illa ana vicinity.
p b. &. J. in. T3:impson,
' . irnoLESAiE j. r. - "ail i xers is
Hardware, Qv ;v :-; w e, G.oceries, ana
Qgoenasvhjc, :.Tcrdvare,
miss mar: ;y;.- Tur,- .
Ana 3Drc ; - r'o:.or
'irst Street, lefxrtr - "Water,
BnOWNVll.I;.. N. T.
ZJomrfa and Irhnmi: . .s' n hand.
c. V7. v?n::z
. 17 .
- & B. MIL1: -
H'tBt, bet Llain
7 I .
BHowxviLLi' :;
Soul of the world the press, the press
What wonders hast thou wrought ? .
Thou rainbow realm of mental bliss
Thou starry sky of thought!
As dew u-to the thirsty ltowers
Yet, c-i tl-.u " i lit c.
And tyrants trembled at 'thy birth,
As at an earthquake's throe.
Hast thou not lit tlie darkest land,
-And broke the fellest cain
The despot's rod accursed hand
Shall never forge again t
Another sun thy brightness rose
. O'er the dark benighted world,
And on thy panic striken foes,
Thy lightning flashes hurled.
Dark superstition crouched where'er
Thy thunder scathing foil,
And the murderous bigot quaked with fear,
As at tho flames of hell ! , -'
And priestly craft nd kingly power.
Have striven to bind tho down .
Eut ah, how low beneath thee cower,
The mitre and the crown. ' .
Thy nod can lop the proudest head
The world thy sceptre owns;
; The path thou dost to glory tread
That path is paved with thrones..
Yet, art thou gentlo as the breeze
'." The latest breath of day;' . '
Eut chainless as the mighty seas,
In thy resistless sway.
At thy command the seals were broke,
That bound the mighty deep -
Anliibcrty d truxu aWOK.0
Froui centuries of slecii.
When forth to every sinful shore, . m
That man in darkness trod
Tby bright and speeding pinions bore
The beacon words of God.
Tho sage's lamp the muse's lyre-7-Thou
brought' o'er ocean's foam ;
. The stellar light of vestal fire '
. The eloquence of Rome. " ' " -
Then musio rose in Hunic clime?, 1
"And the isles of barbarous 6t as
First heard Aihenia's words su
Tlurjsnrils-Xlcmostluiiiail . . ...
AndJlato's loraandSaf.pho's i.iy,
O'er other lands were borne
Where late were hjard the will foray,
And the. hunter's winding horn.
: Flag of truth! Thy folds have streamed t
O'er mapy a field of blood
And o'er the wreck of empires gleamed,
Like the rainbow o'er the flood; '
The patriot's eye still turns to thec,
And hails thee from afar
As the wanderer of the trackless sea, '
Hath hailed his guiding star.
Torch of hope ! Thy blaze shall burn
O'er millions yet to be , . -
And flame above the funeral urn,
Of bonds and slavery.
' The world already haihs thy light,
As the Chaldean's of old,
'.When flashing o'er the clouds of fiigh
Thestarof.Belhl'cmroll'd. .
Like the letters on the Tcrs ian wall, '
But plainer to be read, V
Is thy ever bright and burning scroll,
' That tyrants mark with dread. .
" O'er sceptre, throne and diadem,
Hang thy portentous glare "
Like the sword o'er lost Jerusalem,
Suspended in the air.
While to the hearth-stone of the hall,
And to tho cottage hearth,
Thou bring'st a daily festival,
Of nameless priceless worth ;
Thou lightest up the palild cheek
Of the deserted poor ,
And to the captive, worn amd weak,
Thou ope'st the prison door.
Oh, ever in thy banner bright,
Let truth and vi rtuo blend
, '..Be ever ever in the right
Be ever labor's friend :
His strong and honest arm ;hall bo
Thy bulwark in distress ;
God bless the land of Liberty
CUd eave our country's press.
I ain't a doin' nothin' else v
Eut walkin' paths what's thorny
For him as meets my weary soul,
Is gone to Calif ornir
And now I'm left to bear tho brunt
Of life with Hiram Moses,
lie's just as -different from icq
As poppies is from roees.
lie cats and drinks, and works and sleeps,
And ain't a bad prowider ;
But neciar'a all the same to him
As so much beer and cider.
I hate this way of doin' life
In sums of vulgar fractions ;
My spirit yearns for sympathy
And passional attractions.
My spiral nature's innard self
Has gone and been divided :
Of course I can't be nothin' elsa
But innardly lop-sided,
I keep a graspin after things
That's neither here nor yander,
But like a goose that's yoked for life
To him that ain't h'er gand-jr.
Dark lay her eyelid's jetty fringe
Vpon thut cheek whose roseate tinge
Mixed with its shade, like evening's light
J ust touching oa th verge of night,
Her eyes, though thus In slumber hid,
Seemed glowing through the ivory Hd;
And, 83 I thought, a lustre threw
Upon her lips reflecting dew
Such as a night-lamp, left to Ehrine,
May phed upon the votive wreath
Yriikh pious hands havehung beneath.
tUti fir.!
"Let ne show you one of the finest
pieces of cloth I have seen for the last
six month 3," said a smiling storekeeper
trcatlo yc
wards' replied -die you
silk and buttons are all I want."
"Oh, no trquble at all, Mr. Jacobs,
ho trouble at all. It is a pleasure for
me to show my goods," said the store
keeper, drawing irom a shelf the piece
of cloth he had mentioned, and throw
ing it upon the counter. "There," he
added, as he unfolded the glossy broad
cloth, and clapped his hand upon it
self-complaccntly, "there is something
worth looking at, and it's cheap as dirt.
Only four dollars a yard, and worth six
every cent of it. I bought it at auction
yesterday, at a great bargain."
"It s cheap enough, certainly, re
marked Jacobs, half indifferently, as he
bent down to inspect the cloth; "but I
have no money to spare just now.
"Don t want any money, replied
Edwards. "At least from such men as
you." ' . ; ;
Jacobs looked up into the man s face
in some doubt as to his meaning.
"Your credit is good," said Edwards
- "Credit rrVeTno" cfeHit: I -never
asked a man to trust me in my life," re
turned the customer; -
"HI trust you to half that is in my
store," was answered."
"Thank you," said Jacobs, feeling a
little flattered by a compliment like
this. "But I've no wants in the dry
oocb line to that extents - A skein of
siiK ana. a t.ozen outiens lor my
i ii
ire all that I retire at present." :
want r. r:r coat, said
:cyc 01 'Jacoos. . coa:
.examined it . clo;5eh "This' one
is gettiiig"rusty "and"tlireadbarc. A
man like you should have some regard
for his appearance. Let me see. Two
yards of this beautiful cloth will cost
but eight; dollars, and I won't send in
your bill for six months. Eight dollars
for a fine broadcloth coat! Think of
that! Bargains of this sort don't grow
on every tree." .
While Edwards talked thus he was
displaying the goods" he wished to sell
in a way to let the rich, glossy surface
catch the best points of light, and his
quick eye soon told liini that his
customer was begining to be tempted.
"I'll cut you off a coat pattern,". said
he, taking up his yard stick, "I know
vou want it. Don't hesitate about
the matter."
Jacobs did not say no, although the
word was on his tongue. While he yet
hesitated, the coat pattern was measur
ed off and severed from the peice.
"There it i3 " came in satisfied half
triumphant tone from the storekeeper's
lips. "And the greatest bargain you
ever had. lou will want trimmings,
m m ill 1
of course?"
As he spoke he turned to the shelves
for padding, lining, silk, &c, and while
Jacobs, half bewildered, stood looking
on, cut from one peice and another,
until the coat trimmings were all nicely
laid out. This done, Mr. Edwards
faced his customer again, rubbing his
hands from an internahjeeling ofde-
11 gut, ana saia
"You must have a handsome vest to
withlhls of course." " '
"My vest isa little shabby," replied
Jacobs, glancing downward at a gar
mcnt which had seen pretty fair service.
- "If that is the best one you have, it
will never do to go' with a new coat,
said Edwards in a decided tone. "Let
me show you a beautiful piece of black
satin. -
a -v . . t
-And so the storekeeper went on
tempting his customer, until he sold
him a vest arid' pair of pantaloons in
addition . to the coat. After that he
found no difficulty; in selling him a silk
dress for his wife. ' Having indulged
himself with an entire new suit, he
could not. upon reflection, think of
passing by his wife, who had been wish
ing for a new silk dress for more than
six months.
"Can't you think of anything else ?"
enquired Edwards. "I shall be happy
to supply whatever you may want in
my line.
"Nothing more, I believe," answered
Jacobs, whose bill was already thirty
five dollars; and he had yet to pay for
making his coat, pantaloons and vest
"But you will want various articles
01 dry goods. In a tamiiy tnere
something called for every da v. Tel
Mrs. Jacobs to send down for whatever
she mav need. Never mind the money
lour credit is good with me for any
.When Mr. Jacob J went home and
told hi3 wife what he
iad done, she, un
fleeting woman, was delighted. -
"I wish yon had taken a Dieco of
muslin," said she..
'We want sheets
and pillow cases badly."
"You can get. ;
Jacobs, "We won't
now. Edwards will
piece," replied
jiave to pay for it
fond the bill at tho
end of six months, arul it will be easy
enough to ray it thenT' ' '
not stop there. A credit apcounti3 too
often like a breach in a canal; the
stream is small at first, But soon in
creases to a ruinous currents Now that
want had found'a supply soiree, want
became more clamorous than before.
Scarcely a day passed thaOIi.- orllrs.'
Jacobs did not order something from
tho store, not dreaming, simple , souls,
that an alarmmjorly; heavy- debt
accumulating against them.
As to the income of Mr. Jacobs, it
was not large. He .was, ps hs been
intimated a clerk ' in wholesale store,
and received a salary 01 scten hundred
dollars a year. His; family consisted
of a wife and three childrec, and he had
found it necessary to be jiudeht,inall
his expenditures; in tordei to "make
both' ends meet." -Somewhat inde
pendent in his feelings,' h had never
asked credit of any one W th whom he
dealt, and no one offering it, previous
to the temptingjnjlucooni' of"15cF
wards, he had regulated lis out-goes
fcnrkiacTMrincome, Bt this means
he had managed to leep ven withthe
world; though not to'gainjany advant
ages on the sido of fortune.
see how it was with him at the encLof
six months, under the new system
Let us see if his "good credit" ias
been of any. real benefit to him. .;,
It was so -. very peasant to have
thirds cmfcrtablo- fcraittle dispfay,"
t ithout f ?elinf: : tli?, tb'e : indulgence
"urM thi iv; 1 ,n j-aivt v - Anil
res gratincii Lua 11 "'enng onimons
f 'honest
entertain cl by Edwaixli,
osu,re&eepcri..AUi cwuitwas ''good:!
-r-r. ' ..'' - .. : I
.At 1 . . JVl. n , -r, ,
1-3 ' .'1
neaay 01 recKomng was approacong
and it came at last. - ',-J
Notwithstanding the credit) at the
dry good store, there was no more
money in the young clerk s purse at
the end of six months than at the
beginning. The cash that would have
gone for clothing, when necessity called
tor additions to the familv w.ardrobe.
Mir auuiuuuB w tne - lamiiv. waruxoue,
had beenspent for things, the purchase
f which would have been omitted, but
ur iuv liiui mm uie aoiiars were in iub
purse instead of the storekeeper s hands
jui ai me enu 01 six montns creuu
approached the mind of Jacobs began
to re upon tne Qry gooasaeaier s um
anu to oe uisiuroea dv a lectins 01
anxiety; As to the amount of tlus
bill he was in some uncertainty; but he
" .
thought that it could not be less than
forty dollars. That was a large sum
for him to owe, particularly as he had
ll! !! .
nothing ahead, and current expenses
were imiy up to 1113 income. 11 was
now, iortne nrstnme m ms me, mai
f ...,. . 1 ! i. j.
Jacobs felt the nightmare pressure
debt, and it seemed at tunes as 11 it
would almost suffocate him.
One evening . he came home feeling
more sober than usual. He had thought
of little else all day, besides his bill at
the store. On meeting his wife he saw
that something was wrong. .
"What ails you. Jane?" said he kind
ly. "Are you sick?"
"iNo. was the simple reply. ' "But
her eyes dropped as she said it, and her
husband: saw that her lips slishtlv
"Soihething is wrong, Jane," said the
Tears stole to the wife's cheeks from
beneath her half-closed lids the bosom
labored with the weight of some pres
"Tell meJane,"- urged Jacobs, "if
anything is wrong. Your manners
alarm me. Are any of the children
sick?" . : -, ; ;
.. "Uh, no, no. jNotmng 01 mat, was
quickly answered. "But but Mr.
Edwards has sent in his bill."
"That was to be expected, of cours e,"
said Jacobs with forced calmness. "The
credit was for only six months. But how
much isthe billr '
ms voice was unstcaay as nc asuca
the question. '
" "A hundred and twenty dollars.
And poor Mrs. Jacobs burst into tears,
"Impossible!"1 exclaimed the startled
husband. "Impossible! Ahundrcd and
vwfutv uuiiurs;--Lit;Lii .
"There is the bin." And Mrs.
Jacobs drew it trom her bosom.
'W t ' . A
Jacobs glanced eagerly at the foot
ing up of the long column of figures,
where were numerals to the value of one
hundred and twentv.
SATUEDAY," JUNE 7, 1856.
"It can't bo."
Sail! ho. rt n. trmirsloil
voice. .Ldwards ha3 made some'mis
take." x ,
"So I thought, when Irst looked
at the bill," replied Mrs. Jacobs, re
covering herself, yet speaking in a sad
voice. "But I am sorry to say, that it
is all right. I have been over it, and
over it again, and cannot find a single
error. Oh, dear! how foolish I have
been. It was so easy to get things
-i i"
I 1
his eyes, upon tkc lioor. He was think
ing rapidly. :
"So much for a good credit," he said
at length, taking a long breath. "What
a fool I have been! That cunning fel
low, Edwards, has gone to the windward
of me completely. ; He knew that if
he got' me on his books he would secure
three dollars to one of my money, be
yond what he' would get by the cash
down system. One hundred and twenty
dollars in six months! Ah, me! Are
we any happier for the extra dry goods
we have procured? Not a whit! Our
bodies have been a little better clothed,
and our love of display gratified to
some extent. But, has all that wrought
a compensation for the pain of this day
of reckoning?" .. t
Poor Mrs. Jacobs was silent. Sadly
was she repenting of her part in the
folly they had committed. . : 4
Tea time came, but neathcr husband
jinrvifarxiiiiil do much more than taste
food. That bill for a hundred and
twenty dollars had takeirr away their
appetite. The night .that Mo wr.d
brought to neither of the'm a very" re
freshing slumber: and' i'fl the mornin
they awoke sober-minded and little in-
cimet lor conversation. - But one
thought was in the mind of Jacobs
the bill of Edwards; and but one feclin
in the mind of his wife self-reproach
J l?t a vni(?n V.lint rnTffi.f'xr. lnnl'io-
- t , "
eyes, r,3 shvt laid her nana upon his arm,
pt'isim rr lntrt trtn':'!?.' j5 no rrni Toivit
r,,ro .?rtZZl?":Jz"
"I'm sure I don't know," replied the
jTqung man gloomily. "I shall have to
see Edwards, r suppose, and ask him
to wait. - But I m sure I d rather take a
horse whipping.; Good, credit! 'He'll
sing a different song now. V
For a moment 'or two longer the hus
band and wife btood looking at, one
anothcr Then s each sighed heaVily,
,1 Jyi ,
foreturneaiawayra'SrieTf the
h - - to bfess lav direct-
- !, a nAnA a cf.rtf ; wi,;T,
Hvednd a 0i0 biock out of
aj - nm t rt T.m?" rr,ti.
led the ppy jac6bs, pausingin
Bs WQrk for twentieth time, as he
xi. a v,v,v,:,i
L,i u
1 I 1 1 i.I 1 1 1 1 1 J I r:t I IIUIiI"ilL.T. .
tr trnnTilprl Trinn
Just at this moment the senior part
ner in the establishment came up and
stood beside him.
"Well, my. young friend," said he,
kindl Hlre you getting along?"
Tn;n-hstr;ft(l to smile, andlookcheer-
f , h ronliod
Pretty well, sir." But his voice had
in it a touch ot despondency.
"Let me see, remarked the employer
after a pause; "your regular year is up
to day, is it not?" : - ;
"Yes, sir, replied Jacobs, his heart
sinking in his bosom, for the question
suggested a discharge from his place
business having been dull for sometime.
- "I was looking at your account, yes
terday," resumed his employer, "and I
find that it is drawn up close. Have
you nothing ahead?"
"JS ot a dollar, 1 am sorry to say, re
turned Jacobs. "Living is expensive,
and I have six mouthsdejfeed."
"That being the'casc.VTsaid the em
ployer, "as you have been fajthfuhtq
us, and your scrvies are varnaim.-, we
must add something to your salary.
You 'now receive seven hundred dol
"Yes, Sir." V
"We will call it eight hundred and
fifty." A-
A sudden light nasncd into the lace
of the unhappy clerk; seeing which,
,1 , 1 s i ii 1 f 1 1
the employer, aire idy blessed in bless
ing another added
"And it shall for the last as well
as for the coming year. ' I will fill you
Up a check for a hundred and titty dot
lars, as the ballarice due up to this day.'
The feelings of:. Jacobs were too
much agitated to trust himself with
oral thanks, a3 he rcccVed the check,
which the employer immediately filled
iuik uutius uuuulciiuiilv; v-'Aiirt'bst'u jllis
.1 . , f 11-.
A little wmi aitcrward3 tne youn
- man entered the store of Edwards, who
met him with a smiling face.
"I've come to settle that bill
yours," - said Jacobs.
"You r. :: i dn't have trouble yourself
about thit,'' replied the shopkeeper,
"although m : ey is always acceptable."
The money wis paid i.nd the bill re
ceipted, when Edwards rubbing 'tis
hands, an action peculiar to Lira when
in a happy frame of raind, said
"And now, what shall I t;.ow you?"
"Nothing," wa3 the young man's
"NotlJng! Don't say that," replied
1 ' i - "T" 1 V 1 ' c t
- , 4 - ;r f "! n ' T r ' ' !
ve no t ktc
rey to
of no cohseauenco.
credit is good for any amount."
u 4 T , 1 A-- i t r
nonu 100 gooa, 1 nnd,' said
Jacobs, beginning to button up his coat
with the air of a man who had lost his
pocket-book, and feels disposed to look
well that his purse don't follow in the
same unprofitable direction.
"How so? What do
asked the storekeeper.
you mean?"
"My good credit has taken
drcd and twenty dollars out
pocket," replied Jacobs.
"I don't understand you,"
Edwards, looking serious.
a hun
of my
"It's a very plain case," answered
Jacobs. "This credit account at your
score nas muuccd myseit and wuc to
purchase twice as many goods as we
would otherwise have bought ,-I'hat
ha3 taken sixty dollars ouyof my
pocket; and sixty dollar more have
been spent under temptatW because
the money was in the purseinstead of
being paid out for goods crditcd to us
on'your books. Now do yea understand
mefc J
- The storekeeper wasilcnt.
"Good morning, MX Edwards," said
Jacobs. .-"When I lave cash to spare,
I shall bo happy topend it with you;
but no morc'bookacounts forme."
Wise will thej be who profit by the
experience of Mr. Jacobs. Those credit
nccountsaro a errs e to 'pccric vnih
mc'Icrato zncinT.- and .::! 1 irjver, 1
undran-r nrettuco. be f-T.v':nrl. '
.. 1 7 1
tlbUtLilituii,;. v;.
'She is'dvinc! Hush! she is dying!
The sunlight streams through the plate
rrlfics ivindnws the room IS fragrant
with the sweet breath of the southern
flowers large milk-white African lilies,
roses a nightingale would stoop to wor-
ship; Cape jasmins, and camellias, with
their glossy leaves. '
Through the open casement steals
the music of playing fountains; and
the light, tempered pleasantly by rose
curtains of embroidered satin, kindles
up gorgeous old pamtin-s with a halo
bright as a rainbow. It is as if fresher
sunshine were falling earthward on the
bower of beauty. The canary sings
in his gilded cage her canary; and
and the larK raises ins note mgncranti
higher on the perfumed air. Why do
you clinch your hands till the nails
draw the rich, rosy blood through the
thm, quivering skmr Why do you
shut your teeth together, and hiss be
tween that one word "Hush Its
a beautiful home, I'm sure; and that two different things; if the love of the
lady, with her head upon your bosom, world dwell in you, the love of God for
is fair as any dream-vision of the paint- sakesyou; renounce that, and receive
er. Surely nothing could be purer than this; it is fit the more noble love should
that broad, highbrow; nothing brighter
han those golden curi3.
C ..."
And she loves you, too ! Ah ! yes,
any ono can read tnat in tne deep
violet eyes, raised so tenderly to your
own. Ah l that is it; your young wite
oves you.
She linked to yours the existence of
an angel, whenshe kneeled beside you
an ine marriage auar, anu piaceuner
hanrt m voura.
ror twelve long, golden, sunny
. i
months an angel has walked or sat by
your side, or slept m your bosom, lou
know jt! No mortal woman ever made
your heirt bow before a purity so
divine ! No earthly embrace ever filled
your soul, with the glory from the stars ;
no earthly smiles ever shone so un-
changmgly above all such noisome
things as your earth-worms call care
and trouble. She is an angel; and
other angels have been singing to her
m tne long uays 01 tne picasant June
."Hush, you say ; but you can not
shut out the anthem notes of heaven
from these unsealed ears! Louder,
higher, swell the hymns cf the seraph3;
and brighter grows the smile on your
wife s lips.
She whispers, "Dearest, I'm almost
homcj and you will come by and by,
ami x nm going to asK uoa 10 uicss
you I 13 at you can not bear it you
turn away, and the big tears gather in The tosition op man. Man 13 tho
the eyes. Patrician of the Universe, the sun,
You had held her there on your the moon, the stars, and all the works of
bosom al day all night ; are you nature arc but tho common People.
tired? But you can not answer. Closer Man, though the latest born of crea-
closer you clasp the slight, fair figure; tion's family, has entailed on him by -a
nainfullv you press your lips to the divine law of primogeniture an ha-
cold brow, one is ucad :
What is to you that the sunsLio
13 bright? v.hat that it3 cheerful rays
fall on tho broad land war land 5?
t is it now that sho can walk .. a
them no more? And what is death
her death? Few people h: :w her; n?
nation will raise a no:. r:t to her
memory ! But she . -3 ycura ; yoara
all ? Nc, ycurs and God's ; and your
year of joy is over, and she rcst3 on"
bACm Tiovr in T"-- - T1
rj v . o 1 : ' - , .
God if you, too, may come home ?
and when no answer conies, your proud
heart rises up in bitterness, and with
the bold, wicked word3 upon you tongue,
you pause ; for your guardian angel
looks clown from heaven, and whispers
About twenty-four years ago, a pc or
but pious widow, the keeper of alight
house on the Kentish coast, obtained a
missionary box, and resolved to devnt
to the cause of Christ all the money
that might be given to her before twelve
every Monday morning.
Un tne next Mondav
tleman visited the li?tt-hnufi.
seeing her in the attire of a "widow, "ivn
1, ..... o
The poor woman was Ternlfx ?
large a sum would be of great sen-ice
to her during her present pressing
wants the doctor's bill was unnaidtoo
she asked tho advice of friends : one
, . '
aavised one way, another the contrary.
At last she resolved to ask God in
prayer what she ought to do with tho
sovereign. Sho roso from her knees
convinced that it belonged to the mis
sions, and sho at oneo rmf. if mfn
box. Crod, who 13 a husband to fln
widow, and a father to the fathering
was. not unmindful of hrtr faithf-il ;
Jit t;
r cf
1 .
Two "days afterward," one -of the
Pne.s came with a letter from the lady,
lcrcbltu,U the farfJl v. nrtrl hprrrrpA
acceptance 25 itm herself'
? from her le daughw ho
aifl concei,ed for their Ifare.
"buuu iuujt Qer itoyai 111,
ness tne jvucnes3 01 eT1t; and her
muu tmiU x riuct-as tona, now
tho Quccn of England.
Ticre ia no grcater instance f a
wcakanri pusiUanimoUs temper, : thart
f man t VSiS3 s whoiQ ifc in op.
nosition to his own sentiments, and
not daro to be what he thinks he ought
to be.
j.nnV rmon vicious comnanv
as so
manv engines planted against you by
the devil, and accordingly fly from them
as you would from the mouth of a
The Iftvft nf ftnrl and the world arc
have the best place and acceptance.
, ...
I v-rr, . ... .1 1
v hen is a man thinner tnan a snin
glc ? WTien he is a shaving.
How should a husband speak to a
scoldiiig wife ? Sly dear, I love you
STILL. ' " - " '
The name of the man in Vermont
who reils""hi3 geese on won nlin,
gaiuurs stcei pens irom.Jti;cirwmr's
fcnarn- 1
Thoughts foh the Cl&sstJ "The
soul is the life of the body, laith 13
the lite of the soul. Christ 13 the life
of faith."
"Afflictions may buzz and hum about
the believer like bees that have lost
their sting ; but they can never hurt
him; ( T ,
"Prosperous Providences arR for trm
most part a dangerous state to the soul,
The moon never suffers an eclipse but
at the tall.
Mrs. Child once heard a voun? rirL
remark to her mother, "I should like
of all things to be married, if I could
be sure my husband would die in a
fortnight; for then I should not have
the disgrace of being an old maid, and
be rid of the restraint and trouble of a
married life." This young lady had a
nign opinion 01 marricu 111 e.
mortal inheritance. .