Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 20, 1890, Image 5

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William Sporer vs. John McAfee and
William Jamison. Suit on note for
$400. Answer day, Dec. 1. A. N. Sul
livan for plaintiff.
J. J. Snoboda vs. R, L. Weaver.
Suit on account. Judgment by confes
sion for $37.05. D. O. Dwyer for
W. J. Willard vs. W. S. Elliott and
Hannah Cuningham. garnishee. An
swer of garnishee taken. Fourteen
dollars due defendant from garnishee.
Ordered paid into court, l'olk Bros,
for plaintiff.
Nelson & Co. vs. C. Ileisel and C. II.
Parmele. Revivor of judgment. Tried
to court and decision reserved until
Nov. 17. W. C. Brown for plaintiff
and J. S. Matthews for defendants.
Benj. Elaon vs. Fast. Suit on ac
count. Settled and dismissed at plain
tiff's cost.
Hearing on the claims against the
estate of John Blake, deceased. J. C.
Cummins, administrator.
Marriage license issued to John
Seabloom and Jessie M. Davis, both of
Weeping Water.
C. Wohlfarth vs. Herman Ludwig.
Settled and dismissed.
Nelson & Co. vs. C. Heisel and C. II.
V Parmpto .liiiltrmAnf in rovSvnr nritH
interest at 12 per cent. ' .
IJeeson & Root, attorneys for For-
re'st h. Smith the alleged forger, have
made application for writ of habeas
corpus. Hearing set for Nov. 21, at
10 a. "m.
Benj;- Elson vs. John Seibert. Suit
on account. Hearing set for Nov. 24.
Joseph t"hera appointed administra
tor of the eystate of Charles Shera, de
ceased. Letters (of guardianship issued to
Clara E. Buckingham as guardian of
the minor children of Ferdinand L.
Kruger. deceased.
Citizens' Bank vs. Adam Kurtz and
Frank R. Guthmvtnn. administrator.
Suit on notes. Answer day December
1st, 1890. Byron Clark attorney for
John R. Cox vs. Richard Vivian.
Petition to revive dormant judgment.
Byron Clark attorney for plaintiff.
Marriage license issued to Mr.
Frank Micex and Miss Mary Uozbaba,
both of Plattsmouth.
Harvey Carper vs. M. D. Bailey.
Petition for contest of election of road
snpervisor in road district No. 47,
Stove Creek precinct.
Will of W. B. Reynolds, deceased,
filed for probate.
Scoot Alllsan on Geau OuUr.
Monday' Dally.
Col. Allison, the scout, not only is
an old soldier, but he has the ability to
talk entertainingly on war in general
and Indian fighting in particular. It
is probable that during the re-union
and fair now being held in Plattsmouth
he will lecture about Gen. Custer's last
battle and death.
Col. Allison's views differ radically
from the general public opinion upon
these questions. It is almost univers
ally believed that Custer's rashness
alone was the cause of defeat, while
Scout Allison shows conclusively that
the success of the Indians and conse
quent loss of three hundred lives was
due entii ely to the cowardice of Maj.
Reno. This assertion is backed up by
a statement of facts which are not al
together new, but as analyzed and in
terpreted by the speaker, have an
entirely new signification, readily
understood by the audience, completely
vindicating the name and memory of
one of the bravest and brightest men
that ever drew a sword General
George A. Custer. And this alone is
Scout Allison's object in desiring to
bring this matter before the public
while the real and only survivors of
that battle (Sitting Bull and his fol
lowers) are still living, and the truth
may be verified. He desires to show to
the world that Custer at the Little Big
Horn was the same Custer who did
valient service for the Union in Vir
ginia. The same Custer who dashed
headlong into a camp of historic
Cheyennes, outnumbering him ten to
one, whom he scattered to the four
winds of .heaven. The same Custer,
always impetuous but always right,
and he was right at the Little Big
Horn and would have won the battle
bad Reno done his duty.
He also refutes the silly, "dime
novel" story told by "Curley," the
Indian scout, who claims to have taken
part in the battle, and escaped the
only survivor of that battle. Every
body, men, women and children, should
hear this lecture, should they have the
Fell On a Horn.
Nebraska City News.
Flossie, the little daughter of Joe
Kuhlman, met with a serious accident
this morning. She was blowing one
of the tin horns used last night when
she tripped on the sidwealk, falling on
her face. She kept the horn in her
mouth and fell with her whole weight
on it, the horn cutting entirely through
her tongue and cutting the lower jaw.
Drs. Whiten and Ross sewed up the
wound and the little girl this after
noon waa reported as resting easy.
Now is the time for the friends of
true democracy to enlarge the circula
tion of The journal. The weekly
is the best paper in the county, like
wise the daily. Get your neighbors to
take it.
Plenty of A No. 1 flour on hand to
exchange for wheat at the Factory ville
Roller Mills. Wheat taken on deposit.
38-tf T. W. Wabnk.
That U Hoyd's Plurality Acrording to the
Official Returns.
The total vote of the state on
nor, by counties, according to
returns now on tile in the office
secretary of state at Lincoln, is
official of the
as fol-
lows :
Counties. Richards,
. Adams i:ni
I Antelope i
Boyd Powers
Wll 1S37
245 1229
44 Kfi
137 113H
618 196
256 308
943 22H6
1543 790
428 1070
2114 1059
597 408
172 386
410 88
372 309
618 1767
1073 686
1677 216
439 3623
752 66
486 520
349 1194
177 137
540 449
2127 549
183(8 1173
126 av
672 163
323 776
221 1008
11W 1068
2062 2164
27 233
93 666
58 43
207 719
1538 1212
.WO 1444
146 !4
227 349
85 698
566 130!
543 UK)
13 51
J010 743
702 908
388 949
129 408
J33 157
64 5
.VB 866
3213 2976
439 1CU7
66 106
21 170
1075 1057
7 13
426 866
159 745
916 1061
380 1346
2125 1336
628 460
189 485
507 324
15 1563
1557 1310
246 1416
392 600
1425 1071
99 282
1821 90S
956 344
1286 2433
87 98
1478 922
461 854
254 740
138 157
558 162
1033 614
37 32
215 33
279 800
1245 704
690 281
271 1233
40 211
753 1478
71331 70187
Blaine W
Boone... 1KB
Bo Butte I3
Brown 3U5
Buffalo 12U5
Bntier Vf7
Burt HlfiO
Cass 1HB4
Cedar 40
Chase H
Cheyenne M7
Cherry 568
Clay 11W7
Colfax i
Cuming W9
Custer 1.WM
Dakota 461
Dawes 8H0
Dawson 7Wi
Deuel S
Dixon 671
Dodge lffi
Douglas 64A6
Dundy S
Fillmore 1168
Franklin RJ8
FronUer 4X3
Furnas xl
age S675
Garfield 136
(Josper 15
Grant 60
Greeley 1H
Hall KlHI
Hamilton 931
Harlan 3W5
Hayes SW
Hitchcock 342
Holt NtiO
Howard 50i
Hooker 8
Jefferson 13011
Johnson KK4
Kearney 7(16
Keya Paha 322
Keith 17
Kimball 131
Knox fi.vt
Lancaster 472
Lincoln 747
Logan 122
Loup 119
Madison 773
McPhereon 2i
Merrick 617
Nance 422
Nemaha 10H6
Nuckolls 699
Otoe , 11H6
Pawnee 1214
Perkins 213
Pierce 279
Phelps 407
Platte 403
Polk 529
Red Willow 714
Richardson 1444
Rock 284
Saline 16K8
Sarpy 407
Saunders 1092
Scotts Bluff 223
Seward 1338
Sheridan 690
Sherman 298
Sioux 160
Stanton , 313
Thayer 1094
Thomas 60
Thurston 439
Valley 419
Washington 794
WaTne 446
Webster K21
iVheelej 141
York 1601
Totals 68848
Try German Vegetable Liver Pills.
Sold only by tiering & Co. lo
Stock Sale.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction, at his farm, six miles west of
Plattsmouth, on
the following described stock: Thirty
head of cows. 13 8-year-old steers,
5 2-year-old steers. 12 1-year-old steers,
6 3-year-old heifers, 12 1-year-old heif
ers, 7 2-year-old neners, 16 calves.
1 brood mare, 1 6-year-old mare, 1
5-year-old gelding, 1 4-year-old mare,
1 3-year-old mare, 1 2-year-old horse.
Also farm implements, too numerous
to mention. Free lunch will be served.
Terms All sums under ten dollars,
cash. On sums of ten dollars or more
one year's time will be given, at ten
per cent, interest on bankable notes,
or five per cent, off for cash.
W. D. Jones, Auctioneer.
Everything in the brush line at Ger
ing & Co. 's, your druggists. 15
A Bis .Sale of Realty,
Monday's Daily.
C. C. Tarmele and Roe Craig today
bought the Waterman building on
Main street, where Bennett & Tutt's
store is located, and the Waterman
residence, corner of Main and Seventh,
paying $10,000 for the same. This is
the largest transaction in realty that
has occurred in town for some time.
The price paid indicates that property
is at least not decreasing in price by
the defeat of prohibition.
To My Customers and Smokers In General
The McKinley bill increases the
price of all imported tobaccos to a con
siderable extent, but having a large
supply on hand before the bill passed,
I will give customers of mine the ben
efit of the same for the next six months
without raising prices. Respectfully,
14d&w2w Herman Spies.
Dr. Marshall, DENTIST, will be
in his office from Dec. 12th till Jan. 4th,
prepared to do all kinds of Dental
work by the very latest and most im
proved methods. 19
Ifotlco of Probate of Will.
In the matter of the last will and testament of
Simpson C. Bethel, deceased ; in county court,
Cass county, Nebraska:
Notice ia hereby given that on the 1st day of
December, A D, 189ft at the county judge's office
in Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon, the following matter
will be heard and considered : The application
of N. H. Meeker to admit to probate the last will
and testament of Simpson C. Bethel, late of
Greenwood, in said county, deceased, and for
letter testamentary to N. H. Meeker.
Dated Nov 11, 1890. By order of court.
47-3) B. S. Rabsit, County Judge.
Eatray Kotica.
TAKEN TTP On November 1st, a black bow,
weighing about one hundred pounds, by
A. W. Osborne. Owner can have nine by pay
ng all expenses. 12
Worth S4 and 85, go for $2 and $2.50.
A. COttSft! & CO. &TO 8T0?t
White Front Building, No. 413 Main St., Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, Issued by W. C.
Showalter, clerk of the district court within and
for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed,
1 will on the Sid day of December, A. D. 1890, at
1 o'clock r. m. ot said
the court house, in the city of Plattsmouth, in
said county, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described real es
tate, to-wit: The south half of the southeast
quarter (S'i of SE) of section five (5), township
ten (10). range twelve (12), east of the 6th princi
pal meridian, in Cass countv, Nebraska, together
with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in anvwise annertjiininfr. the same
being levied upon and taken as the property of
Charles A. Farley, Rachel E. Farley, S. E. Cole
(first name unknown, Aultman Miller & Co.,
C. H. Parmele (first name unknown) and J. M.
Schnellbacher (first nameunknown), defendants,
iu muni; n juugiUCl't Ol BRIU I'OUIl reVUVCIUU UV i
. I. . t . 1. . . . m . . . .. l
me uiubjis wnin anu irusi company, juainun,
against saia ueienaams.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Nov. 20, A D, 1S!HJ.
45 William Tighe, Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
In justice's court, before M. Archer, justice of
uie peace witnin ana tor (. ass county, -ebasta,
j on n j. unmminn. administrator l
of the estate of John j
ceased, plaintiff,
vs. I
John Henryhan, defendant
The above defendant, John llenryhan, will
take notice that he has been sued by John C.
Cummins, administrator of the estate of John
Blake, deceased, to recover the sum of f 10.25. for
goods sold and delivered to the defendant by the
plaintiff and at deiendanrs request, and that un
less vou answer by the 13th day of December,
A D, 1890, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., judg
ment win te renaerea against you lor ine a Dove
named amount. John C. Cummins, Adm'r.
48-3 By E. G. anatta. Any.
Notice to Creditors,
State of Nebraska,
Cass Countv. ss
In the matter of the estate of Joseph V. Week
bach, deceased:
Notice is herebv eiven that the claims and de
mands of all persons against Joseph V. Weck
bach, deceased, late of said county and state, will
be received, examined and adjusted by the coun
tv court at the court house in Plattsmouth, on
the 13th day of May, A D, 1891, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, and that six months from and af
ter the 13th day of November, 1890, is the time
limited for creditors of said deceased to present
tneir claims for examination ana allowance.
tiiven under mv hand, this 13th day oi ovem
ber, A D, 1891).
t B. S. Ramset, county juage.
Probate Notice.
State of Nebraska, ) .
Cass Countv. f 68
In county court To all persons interested In the
trsutie oi oeonre h Kinrr . oeceaseu;
Notice is hprphiv Hvn tUat nn thp Kth dav of
jjct ciulwi-, jowl, at me Hour oi iiio
at the countv 1ndtrf- nffiw In Plattsmouth. in
said county, the petition asking for the ap-
puiuimem oi ! Tea li. BiacK as administra
tor of said estate, will be heard and consid
ered, at which time anil nlae all Tersons inter
ested mav atnear and chnw ran uv if anv thev
have, why he should not be appointed as such
u uuujsiraior.
Dated this 19th day of November, A. D.. 1890.
48-3 B. S. Ramskt, County Judge.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the matter of the last will and testament of
samnei u. Dean, deceased ; in the county
court, Cass Countv. Nebraska:
Notice is herebv riven that nn h 1st dav of
xjecemDer, a d, iwuu, at the county judge's omce
in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, at 10
o'clock In the forenoon, the following matter
will be heard and connidpiwi The amplication
of Augusta S. Dean to admit to probate the last
will and testament of Samuel C. Dean, late of
South Bend, in said county, deceased, and for
letters testamentary to said Augusta E. Dean.
u, loau. dj oraer oi ine oaan.
47-3 B. s. RajusT, County Judge.
no F J
Blankets, worth $1.50, for $ .75
2 00, for 1 50
" " 2 50. for 2 00
3 50, for 2 50
4 00, for 3 00
5 00, for 4 00
" " 6 00, for 5 00
" " 8 00, for 0 00
12 50, for 7 00
Comforters " 1 25, for 75
1 50, for 1 00
2 00, for 1 50
" " 2 60, for 2 00
3 00, for 2 50
4 00, for 3 00
Good bleached muslin, yard wide,
worth 8c, for 5c
Canton flannel, worth 8c, for 5c
" 10c, for 7c
4 12ic,for.... loc
" 15c, for l'-,c
" 20c, for 15c
Apron Ginghams, worth 10c, for.. 5c
Apron Ginghams, worth 124c. for 8c
Dress Ginghams, worth 12Jc, for 7c
Scotch Ginghams, worth 26c, for 15c
Sateens, all colors, worth 12ic, for 8c
Ticking, worth VZic. for 7c
44 ' 15c, for 10c
" 25c, for 16c
" 25c, for 20c
Shirting, worth 8c, for 5c
" 10c, for 7c
44 15c, for 10c
44 20c. for 15c
Blue Denims, worth 15c, for 8c
Blue Denims, worth 20c, for 15c
Blue Denims, worth 25c. for 20c
Jeans, worth 25c, for 15c
Jeans, worth 40c, for 25c
Jeans, worth 60c. for 40c
Cotton Batting, worth 10c, for.. . 8c
Cotton Batting, worth 12ic, for. . 10c
Cotton Battintr, worth 20c, for. . . 15c
J. D. CRAVES 2s CO., Props.
Corner of Eleventh and Elm Streets, Plattsmouth,
Pine Lumber, Shingles, Latli, Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Tff T Vie Also Sell "Wood in any quan
VVUU JLJ tity, at Market Prices.
Call and see vs at the corner of Eleventh, and Elm
streets, one block north of Heisel's mill.
Musical Merchandise.
Headquarters, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Gold and Alloy Fillings Rednced.
A. T. WITHERS, Union Block.
Office open every evening till 8:30 o'clock
Hare this day opened a
LiYcry and Feed stable
In the barn on Seventh street, south of Main,
and solicit the fanner's patronage.
riaitsmoaui, aeo., Apru i, rav.
Worth $7, $8 and $10, will go for $3, $6,
$6 and $7. Flush Cloaks and Jackets
at all prices.
Grassciibacher & Scholer,
Cor. Washington ave and Eigbth-st
All "Work in Wood and Iron.
Horseshoeing a Specialty,
At the cheapest rates, arid all
Sawfiling Done on the Shortest Notice
Will attend to all kinds of Surveying aod Engi
neering. Plana, Eaticates aad Specifica
tions furnished for ail kinds of wors.
A Correct Record Kept of all Surveys.
Office in Martin Block, Plattsmontb. Neb.
Bherwoad Block PlattsmonU)
ehahoff Bleak, Plattsmontb. Neb.
good fit and satisfaction guar as teed