The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 28, 1939, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY SEPT. 28, -939.
Ihe JPIattsmouth Journal
Entered at Poetofflce, Plattimouth. Nb., m end-U mail zoatier
MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscribers llrinr In 8cond Postal Zone. $2.10 pr rear. Beyontf
100 miles, $3.00 per year. Rata to Canada and foreltra coantrlM,
$3.60 per year. All subscriptions art- payable strictly in advance.
" Our services are within the reach
of everyone. Porter Funeral Home,
Nebraska City.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merrit were in
Omaha last Monday visiting friends
and doing some shopping.
Ray Chrlswisser and son were in
Piattsmouth and Omaha last Monday
looking after business matters at
both places.
Mrs. John Cook of Norfolk was
attending the Korn Karnlval in
riattsmouth as well as visiting with
relatives near Murray.
XV. d. Doedeker of the Murray
State bank was in South Omaha last
Monday looking over the offerings
oif feeder cattle there.
" The Murray State bank has just
been treated to a new coat of paint
which has added much to its appear
ance. The painting was done by
John Frans.
A. G. Cisney was in receipt of a
letter from the wife who is at Laura!
telling that the condition of her
father, W. A. Lewis is very serious
al this time.
Mrs. Clara Frans. proprietor of
the cream station in Murray, reports
a very good return from the ad she
ran in the Journal last week regard
ing magazines.
Mrs. J. II. Anderson and son, Clif
ford of San Bruno. California, were
guests over the week end with their
rousin. A. T. Hansen and aunt, Mrs.
Itansine Hansen.
: XV. O. Troop and son Tommy and
C. K. Troop of Piattsmouth and Vic
tor AVehrbein were in Omaha 'last
Monday looking after business mat
ters for a short time.
Mrs. Henry A. Schwartz of south-
vest of Murray has been kepttqther
brd for some time with a severe .ycase
of rheumatism.-. She is reported as
being slightly improved.
Robert Trocp and wife of Syra
miso were visiting with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop and as well
looking after business in both Piatts
mouth and Omaha last Monday.
M. G. Churchill was spending a
fouple of days last week at Piatts
mouth where he was taking in the
exhibits at the King Korn Karnlval
and was especially interested in the
Wm. Meade of Union has been
jinking the well at the C. R. Troop
farm where XV. O. Troops lives, deep
er as the well has not been able
of late to provide sufficient water for
the stock.
Mrs. Ida Y'ing of Weeping Water
was visiting in Piattsmouth for a
numter of days during the past
week, being guest at the home pf
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Troop and also
attending the King Korn Karnlval.
Frank Dugay of Omaha was a
visitor in Murray last Sunday, guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Merritt for the
day and a xery fine dinner as well
as visiting ether friends, returning
to his home in Omaha in the eve
ning. . Miss Genevieve Rutlegc who has
been making her home in Lincoln
where she is attending business col
lege was visiting with her father.
Glen Rutlege over the week end. She
also was attending the King Korn
Karnival at Piattsmouth.
TVm. Brandt of near Nehawka,
was a visitor in Murray last Mon
day, having some business matters
ing and attended the services at the
church, visited for the day and re
turned home -In the evening.
Mrs. W. O. Troop was spending the
last four days of last week with her
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Gordcr at Piatts
mouth enjoying the King Korii Kar
nlval. She reports a very fine at
tendance and good programs during
the entire week. She returned home
last Sunday evening.
Had Floats at Karnival.
Two schools, one In Murray and
the other taught by a teacher mak
ing her home In Murray, were very
honor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. R. Heunning when the family got
together to renew the family ties.
There were there for the occasion
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Heunning of
Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Huenning of Ottumwa. Iowa, be
sides Mr. and Mrs. Butler and daugh
ter of Murray.
Expects to Feed Cattle.
Last Saturday Charles Sporer went
to Fremont where he attended a sale
of farm stock, cattle and hogs. . He
went to observe what prices the
stock sold at.- While he did not pur
chase any cattle he looked over the
offerings and expects to make pur
chases soon.
Christian Church at Karnival.
Mr. Henry Rice, with his automo
bile decorated for the occasion and
with a number of the members of
the Christian church Bible school
were In Piattsmouth last Sunday
afternoon where they participated in
the religion's rally closing the 1939
King Korn Karnlval.
To Spend Some Time Here.
Grandmother Perry, who makes
her home with Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Spangler, has been visiting since
attractive at the rural school parade . . 14t , th h of anotner
at iu ivwii ri.iu.uu... , M ,j w A Cook near
last Saturday. District No. 60. Mrs. EImwood- she returned to Murray
Esther Rhoden. teacher, was a very ,Mt Mondajr Mr and Mra. Spangier
attractive one with the rapresenta- drlv,ng. over to Elmwood to bring
tlon of "Magic Books" and drew nome
much favorable comment. District "
56, the Murray school, represented Inspects Corn Crop.
by Prof. H. A. Greer, ' depicting George E. Nlckles who has been
"Alice In Wonderland" claimed much a farmer for many years, and singe
attention of those watching . the leaving the farm has been In close
parade. Eoth floats required much touch with farming, with the wife
work to produce the effect which took a trip out In the county last
their clever creations obtained. Sunday, driving west from Murray
: over highway No. 1 and returning
Little Daughter Has Fever. T,a the Louisville road and made a
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and critical inspection of the corn and
little daughter, Edith, were in Platts- examined the fields and the ears of
mouth last Sunday, guests at the corn. After having given the terrl-
home of Mrs. Lewis' parents, Mr. and tory close inspection, they arrived at
Mrs. E. M. Godwin where they visit- the conclusion that the crop would be
ed and enjoyed a very fine dinner abont fifty per cent of the very fine
and also attended the program or prospect of early summer.
the churches fostered by the King
Kern Karnlval. While they -were Still Feeling Quite Poorly,
there Edith was taken with an indis- Adam Schaeffer who who when his
position which developed a slight auto became unmanageable in the
fever and she was still slightly ftver- rand and gravel of highway No. 1
Ish the following day, Monday. cast of the overpass, struck one of
i the posts of the guard rail along the
- Go After the Water. ide ot tnc new srsde' wrecking the
George Lopp has been going to far and seriously injuring Mr.
Nehawka after water for his stock Schaeffer, Is still conflned-to his bed.
for more than two years and think- He is still quite poorly but it is
ing it would be cheaper and better hoped he may show some improve
to have a well which he could de- ment soon,
pend on at home, he and J. E. Km- .
ger have during the past week been Needing a 2Jew Well,
sinking a well at the farm. They Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Davis who
are expecting to have the well com- some time ago purchased the farm
pleted in a short time and have been where T. E. Fulton in other years
asked by some neighbors to sink a had a blacksmith shop, the well hav
well for them. " 'n failed, came down to visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
LncM -fl?t.fnl TTnrM. TrooP ana to 8ecure some onc to
T--.n--A rm cnr- I them a well, but findina: all the
had a colt born on his farm and wel1 men DU8r they returned home
the colt grew up and has served as to await their turn in getting some
a faithful work horse since, until one to dig the well,
last Saturday 'when he was still I
faithfully doing: his portion of the WEEPING WATER MEN IN
work on the faf m. being used In the JURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT
picking of corn Saturday, but on
Sunday morning had died. This faith- Late Saturday night a very serious
ful horse served hi3 entire life of uto wreck occurred on highway No.
over a quarter of a century on this 75. south of this city when the car
farm. driven by William Ruffner of near
Murray and one occupied by Claude
To Attend School in Omaha. Landis and Louis Devoll, of Weeping
Richard Brendel and his mother Water collided,
went to Omaha last Sunday to ar- In the car with Mr. RufTner was
range for a place to make their home hIs sister and brother, Betty Ann and
during the coming school year. Rich- Paul Ruffner and Miss Wilma Nolte.
ard is to attend the University of The Impact of the cars was such
Nebraska medical college where he that the Ruffner car was thrown up
is complete his medical education. small bank and Into a field at the
They were driven over to the big Albert Wiles fawn. later being able
'Ity by Mr. and Mrs. .W. L. Seybolt. to be driven from the scene under
who on their return stopped at Its own power. Miss Nolte was
Piattsmouth to attend the religious bruised up and shocked but the
program of the King Korn Karnlval. other members of the party escaped
Iwith only a severe shock.
Th occupants of the Weeping
From Monday' Dally
Stephen Wiles, University of Ne
braska student, spent the week-end
at home.
Mrs1. Maude Frfcke,' 'of Lincoln, is
In the city to enjoy a visit here at
the home of relatives and friends.
Stephen Davis and John H. Gayer
were visitors here over the week end
and enjoying a short vacation from
their work at, thfc University of Ne
braska at Lincoln.
John Livingston, Freshman stu
dent at the University of Nebraska
was home over the week-end, fill
ing his accustomed place as a clerk
in the clothing department at the
H. M. Soennlchsen company store.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch and Miss
Marie Vallery .were in Omaha . Sun
day, where they attended the mid-fall
market week, which began yester
day. An evening dinner at the Pax
ton hotel was enjoyed by the Piatts
mouth people.
Edwin Kalina and Ronald Rebal,
students at the University of Nebras
ka, were week end guests at their
homes here. Ronald was out with
the Freshman football squad Satur
day' and did not come down until
Saturday night. -From
Tuesday's Darty
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Herman and
daughter of Omaha were here Sunday
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Novotny. Mrs. Herman is a niece of
ihe Novotnys.
Miss Delia . Tartsch, a teacher in
one of the Omaha schools, was a
week-end visitor in Piattsmouth and
a guest of, her brother, George
Tartsch and wife.
Mrs. Lena Droege of Omaha, who
came to Piattsmouth last week '
be here for the Jvlng Korn Karnival,
Is still here visiting with her many
old friends and. former neighbors.
1 M 1
For several weeks while the work
of armor-coating the ten mile black
top stretch oh the O street road was
in progress, it was impossible to cen
termark the highway due to the
gravel surface.1 This has now been
well rolled in? however, and addi
tional asphalt poured over the sur
face, permitting of centermarklng.
While the1 work- was fn progress,
windrows of. gravel along the road
side added to .the hazards of night
driving without a center mark.
Funeral services were held on Sat
urday afternoon at the late home
on west Pearl street for Mrs. Sarab
E. Kerr, long time . resident of the
community, who was called to the
last rest Thursday evenlngf
Rev. J. C. Lowson of the First
Methodist church, of which Mrs;.
Kerr had been a member for more
than sixty years, conducted the ser
rices and was assisted by Rev. J. W.
Taenzler, pastor of the First Chris
tian church. The pastors paid tribute
to the long and useful life of the
departed and her sterling Christian
character that had won her many
friends In the community.
During the services Mrs. E. II
Wescott gave two of the old and
loved hymns, "Rock of Ages" and
"Abide With Me." favorites of the
departed lady.
The interment was at Oak Hill
.emetery where others of the family
are resting. The pall bearers were
..elghbors, and members of the fam
ily, Raymond J. Larson, Judge A. H
Dnxbury. Charles Carlson, Joi.p
Kishel. Burton RIshel. Miles Reazer
Bible School Lesson Study!
Sunday, October 1st By L. Neitzel, Mnrdock, Neb.
Tuesday at their weekly luncheon
the members of the Rotary club had
a very pleasant "and intellectual
treat afforded them In the talk given
by Milo Price, teacher of history In
the local high school. The talk was
on 'International Relations," a sub
ject of the greatest Interest at this
time in a war torn world.
Mr. Price traced the history of
many of the countries particularly
that of Europe where in a few months
the alliances and treaties of many
of the nations have been changed.
With the war between Fjrance and
Britain on the one side and Germany
on the other, the conditions of the
relations of other countries have
been affected as was shown in the
recent Russian-Nazi pact and the ef
forts of the smaller countries to safe-
uard themselves with common ties
It was a lecture followed with the
greatest interest by all cf the club
an1 cftri'rH oa n m no f pnlfKtpniTiff' I . -
- " i supreme sacrifice, that a
alk of, its kind that the club group
has enjoyed in a long period of time.
L. S. Devoe was the leader of the
The Elmer. Webb family and Mrs.
Frank Bestor were in Lincoln yes
terday to call . on James Webb and
John Bestor.j Freshmen at the Uni
versity, of Nebraska. The boys have
work that requires their presence in
Lincoln over the week ends, Jim at
the Student Union building and John
at Carrie Belle Raymond hall. They
are located al the Lincoln apart
ments, 1121 Q street, a block from
the campus. Jim and Bill Rosencrans
room together and John and Stephen
"The Infancy f Jesus"
Matt. 2:13-23.
The study of this lesson includes
Chapters 1 and 2. For the last three
months of this year we are to make
an exhaustive study of the first half
of the Gospel of Mathew and dur
ing the first quarter of 1940 we will
study the last half of this gospel.
Space forbids giving a preview of
the Gospel of Mathew; we must con
fine pur studies to the lesson text.
To analyze the same, gives us four
points to consider, samely (1) The
genealogy; (2) The miraculous con
ception (Incarnation); (3) The birth
of Jesus and (4) The visit of the
Taking them In order:
The geneology is produced to prove
the descent of Jesus from King
David; it is given by Matthew in
three groups of fourteen each 42 in
all, going back to) Abraham. Four
women are introduced, Tomar, Ra
hab, Ruth and Bathsheba; two are
them with bad reputation; two are
Gentiles. There is a reason for this.
Luke has another geneology of 74
generations, tracing Christ's lineage
back to Adam. Both of these are
ample proof of the promises of God
to give the world a Saviour and ful
fillment of his promise to David and
all Israel. The Jews are still wait
ing for Christ.
The miraculous conception or in-'
carnation. This has been and is yet
a stumbling block for many. But it
is the only sensible and logical solu
tion of the problem of saving or re
deeming man from his sin. No man,
however clean his life may be, would
be able to save another, because all
have sinned in Adam and the whole
race is innoculated with the virus of
sin. The Redeemer must be a God
man, who takes the place of man
betpre the law, pays the penalty, the
God can accept, and through him
and for his sake extend pardon to
man. (It will take a wise teacher
to make this clear to the class). Such
a mediator had to combine God and
man-in one person. To this. end God
suspended the course of nature, se-
The latest enrollment for members lecting a virgin, who through the
of the Civilian Conservation Corps power cf the Holy Spirit conceived
is now open and the registration of and jn due tjme gaTe birth to a son
tne young men is in progress ai me T9aiah calIs him Emmanuel the
office of L. L. Laase. There, will Angel Gabriel tells Mary the Mother
be eleven positions to fill from Cass to call hig same Jesua God ia OUP
county and the young men interest- 8alvatlon go we come to
cd are urged to register at once as I jjj
. ! A A. f A I
mey win oe sent 10 camps on uciu- The birth of CnrlsL Everything
ber 2nd to start in their service. Tne that a connected witn this eVent is
CCC camps have proven a very valu- thrllllng wonderful, mystical, but
able asset to the boys oi tne nation
and hundreds of thousands have
found it a fine opportunity to benefit
themselves In work and training.
all according to a wise and deep plan
devised before the foundation of the
world. The finest detail of this plan
was brought about in the fullness of
time, just when the world was ready
for the Christ to come. The events
in the political world brought Jo
seph and Mary to Bethlehem, to the
place where the Saviour was to be
There was a great expectancy in
the world of some unusual event to
come to pass. All the world was
astir of something to happen but
the Jews, who had to be stirred up
by the Gentiles to search the scrip
tures. Here is the helpless child, lying
in a manger, who is God incarnate,
clothed in human flesh; who goes
through all the trials and hardships
of youth; who is sought to be slain
by a bloodthirsty monarch who fears
competition. In this extremity God
has foreseen and prepared a way of
escape. This brings us to the Inst
point to consider.
The visit of the wise men or
Magi. When the multitude that had
come to Bethlehem to be assessed
had left for home, there became room
for the holy family in a house, which
was exchanged for the stable. Here
the days passed. Joseph working at
hi3 trade as carpenter, thinking of
staying here. A year passed, when
one day they received royal visitors.
They had come a long way, led by
a special phenomena, a star, which
impressed them in such a way (they,
by the way, were astrologers) that
they believed a great event had taken
place somewl-ere. (Were they ac
quainted wit. the Jewish messianic
hope?) God's leading brings them
to Jerusalem; here they found noth
ing but ignorance. The priests and
scribes found in the prophets where
their Saviour was to be born but
they did not go to find and worship
him. . But the Gentiles, when in
structed where to go, follow the
gleam; and behold the star appears
again. , They recognize it, and it leads
them ,to the Christ. They are , rich
tang. give of their wealth to the Babe.
We .-regard this visit as prophetic, of
the Gentiles' entrance' into the Kins
dom.. .When we saw in the geneolopy
two Gentile women, that was fore
shadowing the entrance of the Gen
tile world into the new covenant.
Who can understand or fathom the
deep plans of God? It is the devino.
wisodm of the Creator that could
evolve such a plan, and by it his son
Is enabled to take his journey into
Egypt until such time that God
should call his son out of Egypt.
Charles Warner, candidate for the
republican nomination for governor
with his niece,. Miss Sylvia Petersen,
of Waverly," were In the city for a
short time Saturday. Senator Warner
ns he is so well known, Is out to
line up the forces of his party for
nomination for the governorship and
which he came near winning from
Governor Cochran In 1938.. Mr.
Warner has many friends here as he
is well known from his long service
in the legislature from Lancaster
Word was received from Jimmy Water car suffered very severely from
HcsRcnflow. who has been very ill the effects of the accident as Mr,
lo look after and was also having with typhoid fever at Corpus Christ!, JLandis had a very bad laceration on
his. corn elevator extended to reach
a higher point in his crib to care for
the crop which Is ready to harvest.
Rev. and Mrs. Neil Stewart of the
Presbyterian church were host and
hostess to Mr. and Mrs. C. Van
Deupner and son, George, and Elea
Jior Renslck all of Boynter, Iowa,
last Sunday, old friends of the pastor
Brtd wife. They arrived In the morn-
Texas, that he Is getting along very the left arm and from which he suf-
nicely at present and hopes to be fered a great deal and lost much
able to leave the hospital in a short blood. Devoll was apparently suf-
time. - ferlng from a concussion and both
men were taken to Omaha in the
Attended Family Reunion Sunday, fattier ambulance and placed in tne
Air. and Mrs. V. L. Butler and ai- -ainerine s nospuai ior treatment
little daughter were in Omaha last and care. While Landis was improv-
Sunday attending a family reunion InS the reports, from the hospital
of the; familj- of Mrs. Butler. In today were to the effecMhat Devoll
was still in critical shape as his brain
concussion seemed very severe. The
Injured men were attended by Dr.
W. S. Eaton. , - , .
8 Place your order Now Shipments Starting
b All Coal . V . Cash; with Order ,
Jj; . Phone 2111, Murray Npbr.;";; ;..
;-- V
During the King Korn Karnival
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reeder had as
guests at their ' home, J. A. Reeder,
of Baldwin, Kansas, father of Mr.
Reeder, Mr. and Mrs. Harry. A. Wil
liams, parents of Mrs. Reeder and
Mrs. Karl Schneider, of Elmwood, a
sister of Mrs. Reeder. The party
cnjo3-ed the many interesting fea
tuers of the fall entertainment.
ZO$ ptt Bushel
and Up
Vz milei north and 3 miles
east of Union on rock road.
" - -- -
George Lechner
Following a ; three-weeks vacation
spent in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Rev.
Joseph R. Sinkula returned to Piatts
mouth Friday evening to resume his
pastorate duties at the Holy Rosary
church. Following his recuperation
, period. Father Sinkula feels very
much relieved and his health con
siderably improved.
Mr. end Mrs. L. F. Otto and M. M.
Munsie of Auburn, returned Sunday
evening from a fishing trip at the
Minnesota lakes where they had a
very pleasant time and the greatest
of success in fishing. After a shorf
stop here they continued to their
home In Auburn.
Mrs. R. W. Helsing and. children,
Darlene and Jimmy and Mr. Everett
Pearson returned to Piattsmouth
Monday following a ten-day visiting
rr t . 1 f .
TWro . Mario Rlanwol of this ( imu m iud. me luidi i.c icn
has had as her guests for the last M""Ud'
three days her brother, James Min-
nick and son. Herbert of Carlisle,
Sept. 16 and visited with Mrs.
Everett Pearson at the St. Joseph's
I i- : i n T 1 Jt
mr i i m r n, ... I imsuiiai uicie. xuia. iidisun jiau
VVUI111115 aim 1.11 a. ucvic uui iuii
Omaha. Mrs. Blauvelt had not seen a,uaiu"" ""
her brcther for thirty-five years and tion- At the Present time she is re
cuperating at tne nome 01 ner par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bagley at
Newcastle. Nebraska. While in Iowa
Subscribe for the Journal.
the trio's visit here served as a very
pleasant event for the local lady
The Minnir-ks left Tuesdav morning
r- Tftfnn. Missouri where they they also visited with Mrs. Helsing's
will spend some time before going brother. Kenneth Bagley and famlly
. t,n,o TTcr ancrhtor Mra. n "tnton, Iowa.
Burton" left for her home In Omahj.
Mrs. Tearson and
Mrs. Helsing are sisters.
Theatre . Nebraska City
Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues.-
The Thrill-Spiked Drama of
America's Battling Ships
Wallace Beery, Chester
Morris in
with Virginia Grey
3 Shows Saturday Night
Good Shorts
Bessie Arlene was the name given
for Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Black's new
daughter,' which was born In Piatts
mouth on September 13.
The new daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Wagner Was named June Ann.
June Ann. was born on Saturday,
September IB at. the family home
west of Piattsmouth. Mrs. Wagner
was formerly Miss Norma Baumgart.
The infant daughter of; Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Ptak was given the
name of Catherine Dian.
Mrs. Gerald McCord, formerly Miss
I Hazel Paler, was in the city for a
short time Sunday while en route
from her home at.Tekamah, Nebras
ka, to Nebraska City. Mrs. McCord
has been assisting at the office of
the News-Press during the absence
of Arthur Sweet at Washington.
Mrs. McCord was one of the well
known newsnancr women 01 tne
state and was with the News-tress
for some two years before her mar
Th a Mvnard Community club will
meet on r;riaay eytmus """-"
at the community building. The
west side committee will have charge.
AH :are urged to attend.
For Prompt and Dependable Ser
vice cU Market 3541, Omaha.
The Fort Crool:
Rendering Worlis
-. Ft. Crook, Nebr.
(We Pa All Phone Calls)
Do You Want to
Buy Your Suit
"if so
rrow is the time. Later
on will be too late. Now
Ready Made
Tailored to Taste
S30 and Better
Ilia I nil Show sfnnp Wither In
'Chicken Wagon Family
A show for both young and oM. Also
1 111 nrMunrra wiin .10 mi a)ur in.
'The Night Riders'
ralx of the Plains In action jit its
fastest. All this plus Chapter So. 1 of
-DICK THtfJ'S O 51 EX"
Matinee Saturday. 2.-.T0 Two complete
shows each nigrht. Kegrular admission:
Adults 25c Children. . .10o
llnrrjl I". Zaunlrk'i) tirnati I'l-txiurl Ion
'Stanley and Livingston
fJreafest -adventure" known to man? It
was filmed in the heart of Africa. The
jiupreme screen achievement of 1939.
Make jour plans to see this fine show.
Vmeiirt Color Cartoon and -
st.Mi.iv iatim:e at s-ao
Msbt SU"M, 7 and U
Matinee, 10-25c Nights, 1S-30c
Ilarcnln liny Hob Hope, Shirley Ho,
(rnc Krnpa anil flln Orrhextra la
'Some Like It Hot
Heart throbs to the Klivthni of Swing:
It's a scream. Also Comedy, Latest
March of Time and Novelty. Matinee
Tuesday at 2:30. Night bliows, 7 and it.
. All Shows, 10 and 15o
Janien Caftuey. ieor(je Rafl. Jane
llryan and (iforgf Uanrroft la
'Each Dawn I Die
It's tl:i Cagney picture that tops them
ill. WpeiiaL for .Mid-Week.. Also pooled-
and Novelty Keels: Regular prices!'