Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 13, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Keeps the largest and finest assortment
of goods in the city.
Work Done in Latest Style. Fashionable
Dressmaking at Reasonable
Thanking the ladies for past patronage, I
will be pleased to have your
future orders.
Cass County's Oldest Liveryman
lias purchased the 1 'armulee A Kutherford stock
and will run both the
Mnin Street and Schildkncclit I5anis.
Uirr- ,,1 all descriptions, from a Sixteen passenger wagoy, Cabs, Hall
Hearer Wa-ori, Ca.-tya'ls. and everything !''
1'icnic-, Weddings and l-'uneral
Tntiii Ovors nt 'c7 lnij.
I Vices U-asonable. No credit over .; days. Old and New customers
,re. invited to call, whore satisfaction is guaranteed.
i; ard m. t pui'Miant. to adjournment.
I "resent. S. V. Uutton,.!. C. Hays
and (I. W. Young, county commission
ers, I'Yaiik Dickson, county clerk.
Minutes of March session read and
approved, when the follow-in;,' business
was transacted in regular form:
Demand of Henry A. Hool.h by his
attotneys to have bridge contract en
tered into with .1. H. Sheeiy & Co..
March S, IS!) I, cancelled and st aside,
was taken up f" consideration and de
mand refused.
Indemnity bond of. .1. K. Sheeiy
Co., in the amount, of ,OUU. for build
in? county bridges for tho year lS'.lt.
was approved.
W. V.. Hand was appointed jus. I ice of
the peace in Salt Creek precinct, and
his bond approved.
Upon petition Henry Murlin was ap
pointed constable in Kim wood precinct.
M. Uouso rosid overseer "list N '"'
t .1. .aar
.1. C. li "
.1 n-ob Shut i n in "
t'. V. Uatmintr hist a-r of I lie peace Neliiiwi :i
N. I.', liot lis count V plivsieian tltli bst
Kesignntion of Win. Ingerson. road
overseer in district filed and ac
cepted, and Win. Rose appointed to
till vacancy.
.1. M. Campbell was npp -.tinted road
oveioer in district
Aoril 4. C.r-ind jury fees were al
lowed in the amount of .lo4".
Petit jury fees were in the amount
of $73 5. SO.
Fees of witnesses before .'rand ju-y
wero allowed in the amount of 307.3".
Petition to have voting place in
Greenwood precinct to Alvo. was laid
over until the May meeting.
Cost bill. State of Nebraska vs.
Geo. Hillings and State v.s. Warren
Vaughn wero laid over as misdemean
ors, until such timo as the law pro
vides for their payment.
Petition to detach part of Avocu
nrecint and attach same to Nehawka
precinct, was taken up for final consid
eration, and refused.
April o. Petition of the Tolveriona
Jednota Sokol society for redemption
of taxes, was irranted. ana clerk order
ed to c-mcol taxes for- 1SH3.
Tho following claims wen
. " "i;
,'t on
lit ."0
OFSF.'tAl. Kl'SD.
S. Vv. Dutlon. sul.iry ;inl o
.1. ('. H :iyv. s:mhi .
;. W. Voting. -;iiiie
I' rank Dickson, work. il and c
Bon Hcnip.'l. janitor
Win. llns-ier. roimirs at pnnr farm
J 11. lien sen. I.1 .V u I u pris
H I Trai-is. sulary t-itqu;ir .
1 t arloy. instit u ! o funds
i;. L. Farlov. sit. -try and ex
HarvpT Hol'owav, lia pri
Sam Winzirrl. s:ni;?
F.lnier K;konbary. Ha mo
.1. C. EiUenbary. h.t-j )nis .niten.l
court etc
W. J. White. co;tl to county
W. F. Hamilton. bi jury '.J.i n!:ow
1'Iatts G is .v K o'.' !-'t
D lily .lounial. nrintini
(ioo. De iriur. bail; IT
Harvey Hoiloway. samp
P. Ho loway. same
Lee Lay ton. f.ine
Elmer Elkenbary. same
XL W. Hyert. same
Cbas. Sulllvau.aaine
N. R. Hohbr:. sal Co pjys;rian
Straight A: SattUr. miJ
1 2.i
I 25
Vvi on
25 00
l "il 2 i
M ro
Iti no
a 'J..
Ks 24
ti 50
-2 45
3 on
:i2 on
.'4 (1
14 00
ir. 00
a oo
12 00
75 00
-S W
M n vIl ll '
Si U B ;
H. .) . St rciuli I . l a iiipml en vtilopes 110.
.1. Mori;on, otiviii tax '
Knefer .S: S li m i ! t m a n. a-cssor sack 1 1
II. I. Miller, lettering '
.Matliew (icriu-'. def pris 2o
.1. T. Hi. hey. fees 7
T I'. I'oiu-ey. ri',)a'.rs jai 1 aiel vc in t.
llOUSl' 'S
I". U. i in tli 111 h ii. i)i'. j ju i y n
Omaha print ii'.ir t'i. imlso
St il i Journal, same 24
V. II. I louring, curtiti 'ales
Shim', e x pi'iisi' 0
Sariio. 'i in mens fi n j it ry 41
.1. C Ei Ken barv. servlntr siirniiions 120
W. II. De.irin-. fees state vs Hill. .. !l
Ce-.t Inhisiate vs. Sehubort. Kobin-
soel a U'l Si I rut an I"."
t'ost hii . state vs . 122
I. ehnnll' Itios . stationery :tl
O. I. Stewart, cost bill li
M. Archer, s.i me
J. II. Thruslu-r. s.irne :!
Fre I liens, hils' jury '.
I'. D. Hates, work court hi: use :!0
Ni-1'. Te'en one Co., to! rent 2!
W. II. Doaring cost 5 7
('. S Snenee. same 14
.Tos. (irah tin. care ol poor 15
ii.' It tch. noise to poor 17
A. CI . rK. same 2s
1". S White. s-.tme 21
J. x'. Van Horn, help to poor 4
St a nder 15-os.. m tse to pour :2
.1. (". Sm th. e i re of poor 10
(iira rilet. & Kniens, mtle to poor 7
.1. ' Eikeiih ry. bdz paupers. renl . . 125
W. I.. Street, rent house for poor. .. :
Sherwood t Hoeck. shoes to poor... 5
I). McDamel, woo i to poor 2
S. Hector, coal to poor 2
Dora I'lus -hriirin. care of poor 15
Bennett Tntt. mdse to ioor -ft
0. A. Hose & Co. same 10
.I.J. Swobodii, s tine 24
F. M. Court, same XI
1. each - Heed, saaie 12
l'.aitniK Kt;xi.
II. A. W.aleruiaii & Son, lumber .... 17
li. U. Nichols, road work 0
Western Wheel Scraper Co , road
p'ovv ilist :t 10
IJoard adjourned to meet May
1 SiH . Fi:.xk Dickson,
Countv Cler
l.nok Mere.
After you have been everywhere
else and jrot prices, come to us and we
will sell vou more jroods for the money
than any place in Cass county, and we
guarantee goods as represented. Ow
ing to dull times we have a larger
stock of saddles than tho trade de
mands, and have concluded to reduce
the stock, if m iking prices will do it.
You can -jet a belter saddle now for
the monev than at anv time in your
life. You can get sweat-pads at about
what tno freight cost. Keefer S:
ii it 1. 1 r .;j;.
Una' more we have the pleasure of
receiving TllK HERALD. There are a
great many copies of it distribted
around Rock BIutTs.
The weather is 50 changeable that
we c;m to.i-t by a h'te half the time and
the other ha'.f under a shade tree.
Potatoes that were planted on good
Friday, ate frozen in the ground.
The river is on the 'ise again.
P. S. Hail has cleared a big tract i f
lan.d or. the Spencer farm.
The Wo: 1 boys have leaded tne Wal
ter White ti nlber land and are going
to make a f irra out of it.
J. L. Lewis has m-inufatui ed a pew
garden rake .
John Church. li keeps the anvil ring
ing a good deal.
Yount vt LJurk r cinriri- aewland
for .1. M. Voun- of town.
M(, 'ulhi-h is i(. a .la-lii!.-
young man, and ha a new boggy.
He and Win. Shea wore V' tin x ions
i to hear from the city I vc-T iti : t 1 'i a 1 1
i moid li. ho they hitened opiind went to
town. When they wero started homo
they heard the horns blowing, and
concluded they would blow their horns
too. They did so, and the team Le
cimo frightened mid ran awa. throw
ing them out. They trot up liruised
and bleeding and started to capture
tho team. Kverv tiling was all broken
to pieres, and Ben wont hacU to clotr
ui the wreck. Ho is goodtottured
about it, and tolls ttie boys to come tin
and yet a toothpick on him. Hut his
best girl woar.i ti long face when she
thinks of the buggy I'eitig broken up.
N'iink Si cn.
lllf'l WlMlKHI.
I Hy I. toy t iiok, the Ten nei-ce (Mailin l
Wherever we look on the workb of
mediaeval a rt, we see numberless con
ceptions of the Madonna and child.
No two of them may be alike y.-it they
all portray the painters ideal of pure
maternity and joyous innocence Mary
may boa Dutch blonde, or an Italian
brunette, or even a riard German
housewife of the old .school: but, plain
or beautiful, slui is always honest,
clear-eyed, placid content. And. the
child the infant llenules, of tiie
Christian faith, he who must cleanse
the Augaon stables of the world, the
wrestler the serpent strangle!', the hc:r
of intinite potentialities lies trying
with tho breast of his mother. How
uUerly human it all is! Tho hrid of
God is a Syrian peasent girl; the son
of God. help'.ens, naked infant. How
supremely happy, too, she appears, as
frhe calmly down into the eyes of
her hoy! What joy is t here Hue that
of a molher? Joseph is not always
present, and, when he is, it is only as
a decent accessory. Helooks awkward.
His ofliee. appears to have ceased.
Usually, if not always, there is a look
in his f.ic; expressive, of deep thoi..Tht,
as one who would say, "This is the
man-Christ who is born to redeem the
race, and set a perfect example for all
men and women to follow.' Yet Ihere
seems to be a doubt in his mind as to
tho conception, the beginning, the
great mystery. The artist never Knows
exactly how or where lb pose him.
Tho child, however, is an obvious nec
essity, but holds a secondary place.
Mary is the centre. All eyes turn to
her. n a thousand canvasses she
stands on the saintly lype of the
glorifed human mother. As tho ages
proceed our ideals must either advance
or retrograde. There is no middle
position. The Roman church removed
the Gods for hor saint, and substituted
the Virgin for lonn Dea. iJut, as
Paganism e-ave way to Christianity, so
the mystical theology of nineteen
centuries is rapidly vanishing under
the firm light of modern scientific
research. What is false will be aban
doned. The time has come when the
Virgin must be respected und revered
for the great good which she accomp
lished by bringing the grand m;in
Chri&t into the world, and henceforth
all mothers must look to her as otter
ing the noblest possible example for
them to follow and imitate, in order
that they, too, may bring into the
world pure and lovable children,
worthy T being called the images of
Thers are in our country three mil
lion wives at least, and unless poverty
has compelled, thousands of their chil
dren havo i.ever known their mother's
breasts. Three million women, all
vowed to the duties of maternity, and
tho greater number of them deficient
in nourishment and its elementary re
quirements. And why? Because they
have undergone no kind of preparatot y
training; because they are ignorant of
themselves and of t heir duties; because
too frequently, they wero wedded from
sordid motives and to unsuitable men;
because when love should have entered
as a God, he came as a beast. Hence,
the untold wretchedness of their love
less lives, ttie daily miseries that des
troy their homes; to say nothing of
shameless adulteries wide-spread
prostitution, loathsome diseases, and
early deaths. Our law courts reveal
but a very small fraction of the exist
ing social corruption. Could wo see
the whole at once, we should recoil
with horror at the sight. Through
out all nature, reproduction as tho
highest functions are more or less
subsidiary. Maternity is thus the
supreme effort of the supreme organ
ism, neither to be undertaken lightly
or without forethought. Yet the
mothers of our marriageable girls have
rarely given their daughters anv infor
mation un to sexual relations. Pru
dishnets or false modesty restrains.
Consequently, their knowledge, ac
quired by experience, often come too
late to n event unhappy rasults. The
same girl may not study physiology.
They mut not learn how they were
produced, and how they are formed.
They are thus a ready prey of all who
can take advantage of their ignorance.
The period arrives when the girl,
young, fair, innocent, but intensely
ignorant of all she ougnt to know, is
thrown by conventional marriage into
the arms of a man who whose habits
and thoughts have nothing in common
I with hr. Even reus and roui
e Clans Breken
b ANT.
S f-L (
. - ' 1 - . . j.. , 1
If ft Rusts, Bring it Sack and Exchange It,
Without Extra Charge.
Also constantly keeps on hand a full line
5 of the Celebrated
Gem Citv Stoves and Kanuvs.
B Plattsmouth, Neb.
now-a-days are both young and num
erous is not refined if he happen t"
have a satisfactory income, in 1b:;
latter cae even if she do not beeonie
physically tained sh.) must bee. ni
morally so-freouently loth; :ind "tier
olTspring must inherit ami reproduce
at maturity the virus derived from its
father. Lovely and innocent as she
may he, she is not the tyuical mother,
nor is her boy the Christ. Cyris never
produced our ideal. In that ignorant
and despotic region she could not h ive
exist jd. Only poets and naintei-s h ive
had occasional glimpses at her. The
typical mother can neither be a slave
nor a genitrix of slaves. She is the
free -the perfect women, who h.-s b v n
embraced ty the divine man.
All that substracts from the freedom
of woman hinders her developement,
and therefore lessens her value hj h
wife and a mother. For this reason
we do not cease to ;id vocato the necess
ity of equal rights and equal law? for
the sexes before society can poss b;y
imorove in purity and in hap:ine-s.
and before woman can rise to her true
dignity. Although the duties of men
and women differ, tlie status of both in
the eyes of the law and of society
should be the same, and nothing should
be required of the one which is not
also demanded of the other. For in
stance, let men continue to regard
chastity as indispensable in women,
but let woman also require the same
from man. And let her, if modest, re
gard as a profound insult a proposal
from any one whoso delicacy and power
of appreciating her purity have been
destroyed by contact with lust arid in
famy. Too long has women been en
slaved, the toy und victim of man.
Hut the dawn of her emancipation has
come. A few have aireidy seen the
light. The bunds which enswathed
woman's faculties are being loosened:
may tliey soon drop off! Then we
shall see her lovelier than anything
sculptured by Grecian chisel, calm
browed as Athene, majectic as Hebe,
lightlimed and stiong of mind, joyous,
serene, loya!, true of heart and purpose
irradiated with a wL-e intelligence,
despising sham and frivolities, tender
with a woman's swoetst tenderness,
loving simpie t-uth a noble mother
raised to a higher peJestal. This is
the true iJe A woman, capable, too. of
realization This is tho true mate of
the true man, and worthv "f hem-in
the World's heroes.
Thk I'EJ'PLV: o.f Nebraska .-. re nux
iously nwaitinir the announcem..Mit of
Cie name of the next prominent citi
zen of Lincoln who became involved in
the Capital National bank scanJa'.
No man who ever disgraced the stale
of Nebraska has dragged down so many
1! TC5 1
hi The City.
Tea Kettles, Buckets, Tin Pans,
Dippers, Basins, Pans, Tea Pots,
Coffee Pots, Tin Cups, and in fact
everything in the shape of Tinware.
All made from tin that is
1 "
iwfC- :
4- Jfjl -X1 i
men uf high .-tanding a-C. . .Mi.-!
He ruined his d.-po-itorr. n"'ri ' l iii.s
business as-oeiates and -inirehed the
charaeter f nien who Mni::Kt in aid
him. And yet the tVortn '. -e, ue
his piird'.n a 'O cerKi1'-" hy ir my
good men. !?ee.
i n
lierueiuhfr tlie bo- p'-ice
pap.-r,'i'- and '- :'
I 'harm .cy.
At unhe:ird of i' ie - W
at Cering ,v Co;:.'
'J'iie bos 'e alher- ; le
1") cents P. Saute".
Sum i-: weeks ago the . y.
ardsaid tha t i f a genera 1 . 1 el '.i', .;re
held at that lime, the deinocal -;.rty
would be ovi.'i whelmed, (letting ir.ere
light from tiaj r, 1 ri eieeMeiS
tho country over, n'.t to sp. a k of he
guberruitorial eiectinn in Khole Is
land, the Herald now reooats its lor n, r
prediction, and a.j'i. thai l'tal..-- :!:
wive is stayed belore the comiiig eoi,
grsssional election-, which 1 v: ir.
exeeedmglv doubtful, it wii! earrv in
to thb lieXt. house ( f reprete'.t.i'ivi:- 0
lartro re puhl iea n majo;ii. a- -'i f- as
fate." While this tei imttay i- not
necessary to en ham o repu : ! i 11 n
lidonce. it is agreeable to have : !.,. ot:
positicti put s-uch good m:: t r in vi
de nee.
Satisfy your eino-i'y by t i u ' ; e -iit-
V ( 'o. for a pair of sj ieet -ie!
r.naHMt A ' : i- ; it
"Now," saiil lhr' intr-jiii .jiplo-e:-after
he had shown the g-.i'e'e-s na
tive the inside workings f the l ras.
watch and had noted his native ven
der fit the rny.-teries of me' lrmi-m. "1
will let you have one of 1hee for two
tu-ks. Then yo can be the envy ol
the whole tribe."' The native get tie
man yawned. "I traded a -eei.nd-hand
war-club fo.- a hashe! oi those
things when 1 was a- the world's fair
lust summer.' said lie. "and there war
not, a one of them that ran fur ii.or
than a week,
vour clothesr
tin' anv
s ;i 1 i; 1 1 1
s . 1 ,
By virtue of an or ler o? s i iv -ae.i -.
H. f),':ir n-', clerlt of theiistr,ct -our!
iinij for ( ;.s- e.untv. X -i-r -in. a t.
J recteii. I n hi on the 14 ii- v of M n A.
h t.
!l (
u .
is.ij. ;,t 10 o'.-iofk a.ri . of sa: 1 i. . :it tie
a Hiih lioor of t lie court house in t ii.' 'it y
!', a t ts'noii t Ii. in s 1 in oa 11 1 7- - :l M'. I t
:iu -i io-i, to the iii-'liL-st ; i.ih'M' fr ia-i.. th-f.-llt'.f
in; re.'l est -i to. t-wt: Tne s..ut!,
liHif . . of eleven !1. ;n : t t ; -. 1.'-,
;n he)' k thirty-six )' i Me.- "My
;' L'i itlstnoath. (';i Co nit v. N.:r. --.a.
toiitticr wit -the t)riv!.'i- - an 1 :j p
p i rteli oif f s tl.Pr 'anTo o i r. ,,r 10
; nv wis appui t uin in .'. Tne a e li-inr
1-v e.l upon ami t U-n as ll.e no. peri v t
.iine.s fc. Ki.eV. 1-fenl int. 1 . - . t . - f y a
iuii-oiif ut of I'unrt rer.i . 1 r.-it nv .1 . rr.e
.'J. I'm 1 1 rs .111. 1 : in 1 li .st ra t or- of i.. -s .-. e o f
Am rosu I'atters .i. uf .:.
Hi .tt-m iMt a. Ne!r iska. At,n ' h . ! .
I :. I , . 1 ;i ; 11 ii:v.
f-lierin". C ,ss O.untv. e ri-.,u
i: n windh t.
.Vtt,.iu..y n.r P.. utiir -'-"
nj a
-r'. v '
' n 4-
A cream of tartar baking powder
iii 'h.'-t. of all in leavening strength -
Lali -t I, ited Stales food report.
I ; 1 v ! . 1 K' 1 v a ; en..
Hih Wall St.. N. V.
o o
Q "Many diseases O
arise from one cause p
bi'')d imjiurity.
O Purify the blood and, O
O thus, ' go to t lie root O
O of mnny maladies. O
?; cen:s a bo.
1 ,! - -A .pr
4 C! JL. M tt 21