Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 18, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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    ::i " 1 f y yi y k j j v li i'ii a i ,iV: ri:A!hi(ivTu .xrnu vsKA, .V(;rsTis,
' i
1 A
The Man In the MooniKj
would be happier
If be c(il(J have a tuprly of; V.'''"
Blackwell's Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco
For over twenfy-tlve years' lie sfariJar J smoking; fotvcco of the world.
Tor,day More Popular, than Ever. . , .j ,
To have a gooi smoke anvfinie ntuf cverjiime it'. 'is only necessary to 'l
get Bull Durham. !t is all trooJ and" always good.
.V Cure fir the Allmchrs of Man and' Beast."
A lon-tsii.tiprtifi) reitor.'i
its iv o i.; rtlmot universal by
:3 u'.i-r applic.-itiriv-fqnwaros
- . ,. fit
ibis v. t-.tnedy1 lib
::v rations.
,t A'J;c;no -hcst is complete
Ooc2sioi:s arise for its use almost
All uru'ists' ami dealers have it.
f S C H I F F M tT3 A H ; n Co o
I N,'Vr f.-vils to .f.vt, in.lout r f ill Oi vn'rn (k
JcAw-b, ami ellV.-' ,-tir.' t.t i, r TulL L.
I Trljl f.rbiwn i I! H; rt lru.;! la or tr 1 '1. R
k 4dtM )K. I'. M rtlVWAl.:, Ht. !'.!. "Kir..
Scientific Atnoricao
Agency, forf! j
v .
fc -.i -t Tniw wXfV, J
rrl copvRICHTS, et0
"'FW IrTnrthalthf aniYr TTn(H-inT! Wi
Ml NN it (U.. . lli(iAim.v. iN'KW mi.
Olrturt liun'fiu f'riiiniii pntviiin lit Xiii
Every putcnl tiiki'ii out lijr lis In I rnni :u t .ni
tbe public by a notice Klvun Iroe of cliarw iu tun
I'cicutifir tncticaw
I.rcit drniUtlnn nf iut flontlflc xmfT In tho
worlj. Si'lcn.liir llliutrme'l. No tiitni"i!
mn nhnulil l without It. Wwkly, :.MI
ynr; fl.SO lx mnntlm. A'lrirftu .M11NN & ee
Chamberlain's Eye and i J
. Ointment.
A cortaln euro for Chronic Sort iiyes
Tetter, Salt Kheum, Scald Ilmd, 01
Chrouio Sorc3, Fever Sorc3, iiezema,
Itch, Trairio Scratches, Soro llipplus
find Piles. It is cooling oud eoothing.
Hundreds of caso3 have been curod by
Itaftcr all other treatmeut had failed,
ft Is put up ia 23 and CO cent Lose
; : Jl
rvorAtrnmn, ft: : jo'iL.u,f ;.-n ven-
7..-'.rdrth. Kunsna City,-St.,
tl .;";a,Hl nil points nr-th. oast
-.J .Utri nr west, 'ficlf-
eta "ohl nijfl Ihs;.
' ' ' irain; ehrekoil .
1 Hi
tin' ' ;
V illi, l i I , , i 'i i v-i or ,
" : - VVni,. ... . .Canada. ' For
i a tes or
ir: t. iuu.x;suxu,,..,,4r... ......
I ?, Iflophont', ii.
jimi Soothing
: 1
' V..V V
i ri r
iVi Qrt nff
A:TT, rr i&c x "
'i v.'iCI i - villi ;i;;-:r.v.
the I IouscYifc, the Farmer, the
wtli tfficact.H" "7T
L.J t .i 1 J i f l-.-i-o i V y
ftwotl the tCht f lyears, almo v
without a bottle of Mustang
every day.
Xt Vl'Y' NeSS4in'..'u'.)r tCUI
r On.h-
i i r u
3 ii.-.
7 i )
ma:s balsam
i: , ,1 I. a-.! ... t t'.v ir.
... a t ti ...t,.t r m-h.
P 11 i v K. i oi. ji ll C .l-.r.
. 1. 1 i
I -. I' I . i .. I .1 .' !..., l'.l.,TA.' ill '.IS.
H I '"r OF.HCO"? NS. 'I ' '' ' irooim-ft Cunn
f-?A Health for the 13uby, ' "
vr...'nt.,asi:re lor tr.e parents, '
'v.;i. i r.. rii i nii.
V Si, l.v iUi 11IC W1U 1 Uiri.
Root Begr
is u fiaiiiiy ii 'lair ;i ioiiiikifr
u" tho lionc.' ' A : " toil
I1U klul timUl'.; ,r. ;nTIll. rf
u il' in inns, t ' ".' ivun ni.iL',
l'.TV3(Jonl l.fM
I V' U-f-j.-K.r...,.i.t.. ...
I ,,' ''"'r " ! '
. . - 1 1 1 !.-. .No i'oi:.n:,ia l.iiui ....i
iiifi.. ci.canein;i
'.'r farmers, KlRers and Mechanic
Onn.s Chnftri!;, Ctmpriffl H;imK WounJs, Burrts,
Etc. A Dellfjitful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
I V J iTk, "V
Mi'e Nerve iiml Liver Pills
Act en o new priciple - reoulalino
1 1 10 liver, stomach ami Imwilx
through tin- nerves. A newdiscov
cry Dr. Miles pills t-peedily cure
biliousness, liiiil taslo, torpid livor,
piles, constipation I'tictpialotl (or
inoti, women ami children. Small
est, mildest, surest. 3i doses 'Ja els.
samples troo at b Frickc A: Co's
- oro Foolleh IVople
allow a oonyh to run until it ftfts
lieyond the roach of medicine They
S.IJ "'Oh, it vi 1 1 voar away," hut in
tuiwt i;ixi' it 'nviiri tlit'in awav.
f'niilil thv lii'i indiuted to trv the
.success (ul ly'iup's Balsam, which
is sulil on a positive guarantee to
euro, tlioy woulil set?, tho oxivllont
elfeet atter taking ijio first dose.
Price ado ami SI. It it)l si.o froo. At
all .Insists. 1
- pi
Mr. John Carpentotr. of (ioodhind,
I n I , says: "I tried .('.lambei Iain's
Colic. Cholera iiujl Diarrhoea
Remedy, lor (iiarrht)f'a ami -evert?
y,mpr. and pains irt iho stomach
ii'nil lunvvls willi llnj best rosults.
In tho worst ca-es I it. or had to
oivo moro III. in tliop.tln
Vlif n( ('ill''. H:i tril-st
tlo-jo '!'' 'j iodide.-
ivo moro than the third dost1 (o
oasos one
it's other
i ..i, . i; ,....'.;., .to i 1 1 1 dit ,!..'
i '.'iiiyt-li's . ail I "Meait l.oillos lor
salo l.v I-', t Friokc St Co.. dnivxisls.
Tho hooks ol iho I.ijk ir.-lon I .nail
and Uuildin aJsoei4t oni aro iiot
upon lor sn I isi oi pi mm ol .-look, lor
l!ii,' it:;li soiji'i 'ioL'.i4"inu Auf. IS
J.Vj l'ory';il' r is ono ol the
lu--i paihii" in"l !l utions in tho
ooiinly. l;or full i utt m,i I ion and
stuck appl v lo
1 7 1 llli.NKV l'f il.KI.NO, Soc.:
Ciil.ii.iilc'ii CooRit-livdl-..
I ii i 1 1 Iho toiiri-iVeasoi." 1 1- i ti
Juno mini Soitomln tho I liu'l iii'
ton route has on .-iflo round, trip
liekols, at v ery lodmJf'l rates, to tho
principal n-soit-1 of t,4 ilorado
lo d I oiv'oldt,ido Spritiys
piit f.i. ..-i.i) aJi i:mo, p.,,1,
Itno irtovi Tftfrnotivri spot in th.
whole slato partieulii ly low rates
are in Jo roe. y
and August 1 aro th.o hest
inontlis in which lo V-it I'olorl'do'.
iinrivallod rosorl-:, tj all ol which
lh.; Iluilinntoii, wiliji its eonnoi'
turns, oli'Ts ii iii'o 1 1 . i i U d service.
f I'lio l-'.-al a-vnt vll ho -lad to
kiiv'e yiiii au (Ic'-iird pifoiinaliuu.
' .: J
Ihirini;' tho epid-tt)ie of lhi in
Ulis eutiiily his; stun iDor, I had hard
work itit dv'ifp i(, fttpidy of t'h.inihor
faiii's Culicrhuh ra flild Piarrjiuea
Remedy on hand. J'eoplc ulten
fume ten mr twelvt'i tnilos in the
niht to tf a bottle of the Remedy.
I have boon selling patent modi
fines for the last ton yVars ami find
that it has uivon bettor satisfaction
iu eases of Diarrhoea and tlux, than
any other medicine I have handled.
--J.II. Iteiihani, druyist, (iolcnn
da, I 'ope Co., 1 1 1. ) live hundred
bottles of this Remedy wore sold in
that county during the epidemic
referred to. It was a perfect suc
cess and was the only remedy that
did cine the worst eases. Powells
.j t fit ii u a, c. awi 11- tui ti I y 4 1 1 a t it
saved their lives. In fi'iirr oilier opi
''; 5iV :hi li.'ivcl t'.Oltlld.tillt this
lv'eilleds has been oill.ll!y SUOCeSS
t ti I. r-iveiity !iC . 'Pill ."'U cent buttles
,i.r : i i- ' i brick.- (. o , drif-
How's This!
r bi ilo'jar.- i'".'. ud for
of c.oar: !i that cm not be
aus c i
Oil I Oil
bv 1 lnii'- C il.irrii C'lifo.
b. J. Cheiiey A I'm. I'rops. roledo.
We the iiuder.-iotied, have known
b'.J.t heney lor the last 15 years,
an'j bolive him petoctly h(norablo
in a 1 1 hii t.-1 1 ess 1 1 an sad ions and Ii ii -nneially
able to carry out an oblig
ations made by their lirm.
Wi;st A Truax, Wholesale i Drui;
U i -s t , Toledo Ohio., Wahhno Kiniuin
A Tnrvin, Whole-. lie druooist ,.
I bill's Cabin h Cure is taken inter
nally, action direct ly liponthe Hoot I
and mucous surfaces oi the system
I 'rice-, We per bottle. Sold by nil
A'g'ist; '1 fslinioniitls free.
Don't Tebacco Spit Your ; Life
Is tho startlino-, truthful title of a
little book just receivrd, telling all
about . No to hue, the . .wonderful,
harmless, economical, guaranteed
cure for the tobacco habit In every
form. Tobacco user who wint to
c j nit and can't, by mentioning . Tim;
llLK'AI.l' can v,'et the book limited
free. Address the Sterling Remedy
Co., box -MW, Indiana MintTa'l
Springs, Inl.. .
Tho district reunion of tho sol
diors ol Southeastern .cbra.-ka will
he hold at Auburn August hi to J'.'
Railroads will oive one ami one
third faro for the round trip. let a
colt i Ii en ! I roil i your atnt when
you pun base your ticket.
Real Estato Boom
A ttracls the attention of every prop
crly holder in this city. Jiutwhcii
Or. b'lanklin Mih sthe eminent In
diana specialist claims that heart
disease is curable and proves it by
th ausnnds ol testimonials of , won.
dcrlul cures by hi- new Heart I ore
it attract- the attention of the mil
lions sulferiiio- with short tuoaih;
pnlpatntion, irregular pulse, wind
in stomal h.pain in si lo or shoulder
smoithenno- -pelN, faintint,', dropsy
etc. A. K. lbivis. Silver Creek, Nof
liy tisin four bottles ol Dr. -Mi lea'
Now Heart Cure was couipkttly
cured alter twolvi
from heart dNea-i
ctly is sold by F.
years stiller, njr
Thi now roui
b rick A Co. a
M I 'or r.'ii.n .itinu' tl! entin. svstoin,
Vs. jjfllmraiilor '01 I'oiMim triim iho
sigSgSr , ninil.f r of MToliili.t- or
ll ol 1 '
! pre ..I.llli'll I,', f,li;i.
r Uvfli "I'nroii tiern iDonthB t IP'I nn
Va Jh4 ai.mj: sum on rav t.-nii,.. I va
tS&- tr,ni'. l y 1 1 -) local rlivl'-i ',
Inn oia.tiiii-il no reli. I ; ti t -oin irnttliiallv crow
.ir-o. I liimlly took S. S. S., hihI was ciniifly
t'nruil al'ier ii,iiin n fw liDttle.''
f. ll. J. I.c.-ioia:, ilunilersoii.Tox.
Vii,-, - Trtstisp on lilo'xlpnll Skin liis-
S3? far' iii.nii'il lr'u.
AiUuit i, oa.
A f""'r llilur of t lillilrrn lit On l
NfW Virk ltii( Sirlioiil UtlUitilii;...
Until about n year ni;t the principal
of ward foliol No. C:i, Now York, did
tint realize (pieer lot of jiupil-s 1 o
had, nltluntu'li no had somi'titiios binulu-.l
nvtr tht strange e,laHtion oi tianea
npon the rolls. A year nirr he took n
cetisus and nrefnlly traced out the
exact part of the earth from which the
parents of each uf hi pupil had come,
lie fonml that there were in hi Kchnol
no loss than twe'ityevi ii different na
tiiiualities, (-poakin almnt t wonty-tivi
lani;tiau;es otln i than Kulish and it
iialeots. Me found that of those sixtot ti
were in tho primary ih partinoiit alone.
S not Ion;? afterward lie nrraucod a
navel tViitttrc to one of the school enter- j
lainnieiits. At u certain place in tin?
proiraniuirt each child iitoro, holding
in his or licr hiiudi t wo tla's. i)ne was
(ho American t!au'. the other the f
the nation from which tin father had
coine. The vi-itors to the school were
iWonis'.i'd. Tlioy reeou'iiized half a
ilozen tl.i's wll known as th banner
of lau'oiuan nations Italian, German,
Spanish, I'lotieh, Swi6 and tlio like.
Then they saw nearly a dozen other,
rceo.;,' from their shapes and Colon
diid ile-i-ris ,4-tho banners of barbaric
or soiniliailMric coiiui rio-, k iiown tons
ill a va- iie w iy us heathen.
in ti tuo'.o rutiiiren, none t'onur un
dif live years of Hue, (iivt come to this
school they aro fip'iirners to the very
core. 'riii'y..ik the l.inn.i re of their
t'iithers, and perhaps have never even
heard the sound of im linli-h Word.
They urn of the coiritry from which
their p. i--'tit s came bolh in cnstonis and
ideas.- Their fl. t 1 1 inir alone bourn the
tfianip of America., mid that somit f ac
cord with their fact nbd oxprei-ion
that t)iev hi?oii) ill.jiL case, iindoveii more
p;njly clad than they really are. , They
cut' r f'f MiMiry department. And
here it liiay be -,ijd that. althoiiLrl) tin'
yUin'ie-r' are live vent obi, the a.-Ces. of
niatiy-extend npwarl toward elh;
and twenty vonjs.
. Ji i U;el e--K of iMirs Kose (TNeill
ami hir seve, ,.itaiits to teach theso
ehildrejt the I'.iudWi liinuage, and then
to t iiji 1" Auii I'iean eliildrvll out of them.
So into tin- soliool at the boLfiiiiiiii' of
the school year, and yoit will think t h
Ta-k hopelo-'s, Ciimt' back
nt the end of six month, and if yorf
clo-o your eye nd listen to the reading
t'X'-rei-es yoit will not bo able to dis
tinguish Chi;iee i hild or Arab child or
Tnnisiati child from th.o few pure blood
ed Americans wlni form the euriositie
of the school. Then you will wotnioi
liow ihij mir ( lo has been performed.
LliAlpel'rt Weekly.
i:.l iioul Clillilri'ii to lllk'l' lit ill".
We are too ready to ittijiart instrnc
ti'.m to children from low tiiood.s and on
a low piano, because we do not ourselves
habitually dwell in tho latitude of the
uplands. Motive of policy, of vanity,
of seeming instead of boin-j riht, enter
itit- our own liv es and. alas! pu,-on the
live- of the In;le oho at the fountain.
A L'fand life, a brave example, a splen
did in-r.u of fr'iti:d". r-f - If iibin
tien. iif tt-nrav" ar inr odd i rever in
va n.. It is (in ob.ii or I.mii tliat ('an, e
n:t fV"n i in- v. th,. pImw jiiai J t!..;
'.' : 'I' ! ; -'. i -. Win ' ;ief r ii' r:
.'e! .. a i i .ct ov' ' - ! ' lo' 1 i -c: r
I u b."i'-: a i. tli- lai-don.-irv l.'.iie!
an;on. t i- la. id b-pi 1-, or the 'U l.v
lie.t-', l-ivl:: .e,i.. ;". 1 J ttx'.l V to t ; i ; I -
i-'ter to tl. wi!t:ide I and t-ie
l in::, t!'" lodiie i Im'i i- uj d before
tho oves of tho-.o win. are y.'t in tho in
itial -t!!:..'-.. and vli..-e 1. s: o 't Ti arc
not yet in the i io!d of ilo-tiny.
Thi.i thon.'ht of th,. lol'iy ideal -vn
the chief a I 10 of 'air atuiual I leeorat i"ti
llay, jjiviii: as pause amid thoi'oiup and
ease of pence, .t.ioa wo may think not of
, the pageantry of war, but of its suffer
' im,', it. fever and thirst, its of
cold and furnace heats, it weary
inarches, tierce battles and tho patriot-i-in
which iiloue condont s it bitter xvoe
land the mourning that follow in its
track. II. irper's Uazar.
PiMvcrful Iiiillnn Air (inn.
Tho Indians almi"; the Miridn river
hunt with Mow pins mado out of tho
yountr stales of a certain kind of palm,
from which the pith is removed. Tim
arrow employed as projectiles are sim
ply splinters of rued, sharpened at one
end, tho other end beinc wrapped with
enough silk cotton obtained from unothei
kind of palm to lill up th" bore of the
blow pm. The arrow are about ten
inch. Ion ,' ali, T very They are
tipped wtlli the biniou and deadly
I "woorarf poison.
j Used by (.lie of these naked savage
. the blow uun is a weapai of jrretit licen
1 nicy and tITeetiveness, oven a .small bird
on a treetop 1 eim; broutrht down by the
skilled shooter with I'ea-i iiiable cortiiinty
1 at the iirst try. Interview in Wasliin-
on Star.
A CiirloiiH Sattii'e Ciihe.
J Pei'haiis the most curious salvage ease
' 'it record i thai of the sb.ijt Two Friend,
I vhich stranded on the c ,-.. of Cuba and
' vas abandoned by her crow. Another
1 'hiji, tin; John 1 Slake, met. a similar fate,
' jnd her crew, iu iitteinplim,' to find a
1 latidiiii,' place, cftiue iitos the Two
i Friends, w hich they managed to trt t off
I and to uavwatH to Kui!land without fur
I ther mishap. The judt; who tried the
: case (ieeided that salviiKe services had
' been rendered, but of only ordinary difil
'eultyand merit, iiiiistinieli a tho crew
'of the John Flake salved tho Two
Friends in order to save their own lives.
Tho owners i f the l.Iak" of course
' :,'ot liiithiu;.', but. the .s.ib. iu:,' crew re-
reived .''!') out of the total VitllW uf
, '.'hi;!?, New Orleans l'icayuiie.
Tlio Art t,f C,tiiv'i';it ion.
'Conversation," say a brilliant Amer
ican riinuorist, "is. m thi irotioiation, a
lost lilt."
It. was an art which our urratid fat hers
studied perhaps more than any other.
A gentleman, in the In ginning of thi
century, was usually luore ambitious, to
toll a story wl! or to Mate bisar,'ntnent
i learly than to uuder-tand science or
statecraft. Youth's I 'oiunanion.
'jfdhi'a $ti alt
HI til IMi ION lilvslll III lilt
l.ol(i lis I
Im No. I ... .
a--en;'or .i .1 .
a--oiicei o .'.
. :i C it in
. :i:s . in
li .in II in
. fell ) 111
. I I" i III
. Tli i in
. S:llo u in
. H:.V. a in
. r, .IT,....
IO ,0 ! Ill
V' ll I.I
. j' II . in
. fi.l.i ll ill
a l in t r .X
:i--ell"er I'
t ia l.oiii-
- ill.'
I'a-M iiLor
loulil ii ."i. via l.inib illo..
tee hi o T.i. to s,a,i ii i oi, .p.
ail. I'iAsl
Iv or o .' '
'a-eili.el n I i
ncT Nn'i
'ii oncer No s ,
'asM iicer .Vi In
N" - . I'lls-ourr, M'llt l, lfscr....,.IU:.Vi A III
" I. M--inn 1. 1 mi all. in i i i i ij.i i in
M lail i'm opt Sniiitay.
SK( ULX Slit. t,T)t,
t 'AS r.t.MI No. :u' XI. V. A tu. ft et. rv
O'l-onil and lr tli M'.tnlav v mi t it.
''11 ."uf I :.IJ hull. isii nii i..M::lili"i w. l.'oiiio.
IM' llaii-eii, V. P. : I' t ! t I'll I i-itri-r. W. A..
S. I.'. Wilile, I It l it.
Son- o oi tan-, (tivi, ioii .a .ol.n-ka. t
. A iiio. 'I i vory I no-ilai ni.'lil al T :.:.' look
at III. n liall In rllluoiaiil l n.-k ,x; snnshli.'
i i-aimc fiiinlaili's aio i.'onllallj HiMlo.l to meet
ullliii, .1. .1 Kill I.. Coliiiii.niilfl-; I',. A. AO'
t'ilnalli, l-l Sl'.IiUi'HI
y.IDHIl Ol' I 111',, M.'rl ill T : .:n
X every Xtoiin.o ovi'iihiH al III.' (Iran. I Aunt
hull. A. I1', (int.. in, I'lr.iiH'iil , J Int. W a.lliiK.
a't ivlai y.
t o P w XiO Moot lii-t im. I thiol l'ri
1 ilny even im; ot oat Ii on ml ll nl I I I I'
hall. I'rimk ft 1 1 1 j Ion M W ; J h llnrw it k,
rec. i r.le r.
f t- .,..',' v lino.- 1 ' ' , 1.' ,11- . , . . - , .
:ll nr. 1;iv I'Vin. .In. :lt 7 - .'til .11 I ll.'il' Mull ill
4 II M. ..',..., I'..t V.. I-. .......Iu
ncl.w.'i"! 1.1'iiK Ail Msiliiii; t'oini, nil's an
iiinllallv ii. til. mI tn i.t-ot uiili n. I'lnl Bales.
Inrl Al II J .101 ill.)'. N lies, I'nsl ( Hill mail' lei .
t Xliill I's or I't'llllA ISaiinltet l.".li;e
No-17. Moot- os c i v oilin-iliiy eve
liitiu at 1 1 loir hull over I Ion not iV I nil'-, nil
vi-niii" ton 'ht- ai'o e-iiilliillv invite. I I"
atti ii.l. M liiillitli. L t ; tills hntev K ol
K an. I S.
A " r v No -I Moot M ioii'l unit looiin
Ii i.tav "Tlllli in t In" lllolll h nt I"
ii I- Hall. i V.. -ii loin. M W, Ii V liiov.ii.
i' Pl.i l.t I i I I'i .i i
. i.i ii . ! i !. ,t i "i'. I n'..i
'"i. ri Ii '1 1 ! -a o .a i. I fiu'li ij'O'lii '"
l,r I 1 1 1 1 I hil. I . I1.. t ll am . N
(. : Nil-..). Im I o'v. so'-:-' ny.
I tl.'.IVl-.i: I1' i 'h'
M" ' . On- lir-t
iJ ami lor.l
r, I h i :o - il i .. os i . 1 1 . - oi i ia ii
, i, .inh ! !.. I i I'i! oi .1.1 oi .
1 I -. A' I'lio MM. I It. "I ' 1 1 v Si -1 o I I'I 1 1' a l"l
'I i- .X.itini' i:.n I.. I. -i. i -1 oioi ,n .
... l.opi.K, ; ,,. I o. i '. I', i ov
i v 1 i.i -.lav ; I t a' i 1 ' ;; I...'! rr,'a i.'.n.
.'k. Ati o.l.l h'l.i ' ... "' ' ) io 1
in i t'lo! i'l.i'ii ,,. I . ' li e- i o I
m-ti, N . U ; S. F ii-'". i n, Sf.'iftaty
()VAl. Al iANAM I .1-1 t'i l.i
No P.M.
1 1
M-H i.t lil'' Ii. "1 c h.'.l I', Pi" I'.iUiir'." ,s
Cl' -i;: h!in k o'.. i la i.i .l .k li.tis,,.
Iiiolhroa iiiv'i' il. II. my t" Cut!, lit"iit :
I w allms, s.:tro;ai,
C'M' .-St. Paul's Chini'li, till, Iio'w.'CI'i
I'lllli ainl hutli. Fat her liinny, I'listt.t
S'-ivi,.'.m: AI-is, at 8 ali'l I" :.",ii A. M. billulay
fi'tinol at 2 ui'M Lo-oo'ttii-l too.
tJllHlsTiAX.-Ci'riier l.ariist inal I'i 1 1: lit It St;
Servlt'eK liirirnllin hint rvi'iiliif. hull r A
trtil uvsiiy pastor. Suiitliij M lintil IDA. l.
Kl'iS'-OPAL.-Nt. I. like ulimrli, fiinier Tliinl
BiulMnt. ia-v. II 11. Ku.pesH. inistor. Si.-i-viot's
: 11 A. ji. ai al 7 aii'l'. M. Sunday .Silnin:
Ht i M v. m.
(IKit.MAN MKTiii'l'tvr. i '.liner Slvth St and
tiranlte, Ut.-v.lhit. I'.ist. a. s. rli'.'s : 11 A..M.
Hint T i.'Ui I' .M. ;jtltjii,l St lliinl 10 iiiu A. Jl.
I' li ks nt i f Hi an. Sol v iocs in !'. cluiri'li.i'or
lit Mxtlt tun I Oriiintf -Is. Ilov. .1.1. r.nlrii
m'tr. sni'.i:iy--i'1 oni at !',:'; I'lrin'lain;
hi ll a. iii.i.'iil n. ia,
'llii'V. It. S. ('. K ot thi I'liini'li lili et" over
Sahhal Ii I'voiilm: at 7 :l"' in tlio 1'i soiiioi t ol
tlio olnioili. All ai'" ihviIimI to tli'-i-n,i'fliiii;s.
I'lltsr M FTitOIUsr. Sisi Ii Kt., lii ttMiii Main
aint IVarl. It. v. I.. K. Hint . 1". I '. I'H-t'.r.
Sol Vll'fs : 11 A. M..S .on : M SlIllilHt S'll'iol
H::t"A M, I'I ii ex m. ol ji e.liit -.lay e -iiio.
lifKMAX l'ip'-iu 1 1-in in - Conor Main it:.. I
N till tl . li.'V. 'A .Ito, ;.:., tor. SiTVlft'S l!,oal
Ii. nil s. , Hiiinh'.v M'li"ol :i aiu A. M,
SWFf.I.tsll I ov -ipoi t loNAI.-liiailll.', '.i'
Ivtoeu Filth aiol sixth.
t'oi.oni n r.M i tsr.-'l! olive, oak. Ia'tt' f,i
loiilli I hV out Ii, lav. A. Iloi-i'.ill, i'..--
tor. ServiC's 1 1 ft. i'i. iiinl T ::l . in. l'rayor
luoetiiiL' i-ilin-Mlay fveiiliiK.
l'lH'su Mkn' I'tiiii-rity Association
1,'oonis In ii'i in aii liloi'k, .Main stioot. l.os
I'fl inoelliiL'. for lia'ti ciily, i voiv Sun. lay ni
ton.. mil al 4 o'rl.i. k. Ki.'ilii" (iit'li w. ok ilajl
from h:;iii it. lit. . t i : :ui p. m.
t)l)( I'll J'AHK TAl'.KIINACLE Kl'V. J. M..
Viinil, l astor, Scivn-fSi Suialny Hflmol
il a. in.: I ri'imlih k. 11 a. la. J -1 s . a. ;
crayor iiioctlin: 1 ur-ttay nlclil ; elioir pru
tit'f Frttlay rilIif. All'iiri' to li niiif.
lie OlJ'f You n Hrmtdtf
which Imiiriit 5op: to
AiV of Jlotlu r aiu .hil l,
" "sFnTiirn'f ehv
I in
Vain, llurtvr uJ L n.
AO.-r io Invoii'' ti oloof " 4ulhi r' Frlntl " 1
lolT.-rr I lull l'iil pf-ili. nn, ,h I not. iTli,oti unit
I'llt,!,'-. ulllTVlirii UJIIil 111 I't.'tl CdAUJ.Jll 4.
A sue lt'ii, ljn.r, Mo., Jan. Pith. Pvl.
Si nt l.y xyr.'M, Cl n," fur'H."" rorttli ' .if
r.rVr.l.'ifl.rr i.Ml". Bo. k lo Motlirrmnallnl tr,
lUi.M.lik l
I'iitronoo of tb, I'ul. tic Solicited.
Noith fixtli Stree'., rititlhmonth
The Old Reliable
Lath, Sash, Shingles,
! I - I i I- . v . i i. "o on' . t '
on t a: i anil t ! t"iui.-. !..,-- ti
.-'I'll ill I O.l I I'I I I . , ' I . I 14 I - .
H, tl. Lli-a.'tG, I't'"!.',
I. W.ICMN.XN.Vitf-Pa
v" rAjTip of
I'l.ATTSMi if I II, NlillKAsiC .
Pnid U Cnpitnl, 850,000,
I". W. tint liinnti, J. V. 1'iliii-on. K. S,
(iron-el, lloniy F.ikenhiirv, M. W.
Moriiim, J. A. I otuior, V, W t-t-teiiUiitiii,
Y, II. Cii-liini,'
A nenoriil laitikiiii; liusine--triinactol.
Will L'i ve - locial at tent i, ai I ii nil I u-i n
cut rn-te'l to him
I 'i'i l( ri-- Cut. hi block.
I'liitl -ni'iiil p
MM Oil
Tiicy fni mroic crorti o rri thftnioirn,
hi:. r L kimiM h ur .i .rmli
1 J -s. t t 'i It ; tr ! n . : . m , t
cr x ,e. 11 f'lf tAti FKIKIK . f hr I - II Kl F 1 -
a mil AfTllrltari of thtt
OrKimof Mil, c i rnw V'f
bT nuthoiti "irluiiTwly our
oaro, Ih wrM cjiw
Loit or FailiDrf HmhoctJ.
f od Mini, E&cti i( Errcn
r FteMin, btontca or
PhMr.kra Orrr:a run he C'upcI. Benti r
W"WtE!Urrr.r.t S r-pthn WEA rHT)r!Vri.CPFL
CUJAlfn A I A Rio c h01fmidpl u;iiilir-'u
:"il..iiti fr n ; Trrron t . ' I' ir .r- i t
V i "t". It. t'i p- ! -r i'c t,M'''.Ani";nv If ' 1 V 1
I J v- Cam.n:' s -.itklsrl I
i?' "T? i .nr.-.
! 1 il., i U l"l"'liitfoi tlo. I ur.liiu
l , Jll1 t 1-Ilrre,l Kree tl i lutu;.- .
' r-b-.T-'rpWo Vill .oiiil in I , s Ciitnloi; i, n,
m VJC y HAH. T. U ll.hKK ,V n
VI x- ,0 firib A(r fhl, ,, 1.
i t t i.ik.. i. ... i
lil fact, it pays to buy n
Clotluur at Wcscott's, xvhoie yoi
arc sure to jret satislied in st 1 e, I,
and price. No better yood-. IP
lower prices, no better tissori t it t .
than you find at Wcscott's.
rr?i'- iJi'liiiiimiJi-O