Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 18, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    iiir. w t.kki.y u i:i:a i.i: i-i.AT'isMoiTii.NF.iiiiAHa. inimh-.'
Door Was Qiit'iioil.
AVo6a'S, MAN ,1:5 ,IN . JAIL,.
rue Olil Soldi irsrH.iv Clo-' d Their
Reunion at Ort-enwooit ami Hu
turntni Homo -Oilier AN
' f nli s ot !"to' est.
i in: m r.P! :X aim- ri'ii.
Tiii,Hliiy pay day ami today
(lit- IIuliUll fnli.ilott were out rid
i i j ! in a 1 1 :i r H" ami st'i-tiu-d to have
iridf money than anylioih. Wliile
tiny uhj. iiia around in all
(l.iir Klury IVjuily Slitrilf Jolm
Ti-lio naU'i'il tliem ami sinrcnd-t-rr
1 tlu'iii in police court and allied
t.. liavc tin' lierirf rvl.Msc.T from
JikIc Arclu r released the Sheriff
from tli;hoti1s of Mrs. Hul'hle nml
Nellie Smith, hut mill hold him as
security for Illihhill who if out of
tlie city. '
They have- until Monday lo per.
feet their appeal or forfeit
Ililhhell if expected that
when il U e in i luji d there will
further developments.
The ituiia1ep( the Ililhhell dive
did not wHilt) fi b tl. jnil Imd trifj
t( induce Archer fo accept !i chjit-
tel morJ'a;; iipou Mrn. llnldielVB
household ooilrtl which In: refused
to do. She v;i.i told that nothing
would n except money or ood
pcrxonal M'ciiriljy She then asked
the court how much money would
have to he forthcoming to secure
their release, and when told that
the least nnmunt would have to he
cnotinh to cover the fines and costs,
which amounted to SfSlI, idle
stepped into another room
for - tt minute nnd came
. hack ai)d deposited w ith the court
: he required amount.'
K'Kl'H'N AT (IKl-.K.N WO( l. !
The third annual re union of the
iirand Army of the K'epuhlic Tor
the district comprising Cass, hati
caster, Saunders and Sarpy counties
is now ill lull hlast at Greenwood
indthe town is alive with veterans
from all over the country, and the
streets and husiness houses are
'Jeeoraled with the national colors.
The meeting is hcinj; held a half
Miile west of town in a urovo, which,
lor natural heauty .:nd density of
-hade, is almost perfection. Under
the ahle management of J. H. l-'er-iihiiii,
president, and I'. S. (ialley
secretary. 'I lie occasion is proving
to he very su.-eessful. A lon line
of tents marks the Houthcrn limit
to the grounds, hack of which
(lows Salt Creek, and in tin- center
a platform for speaker lias heen
erected, with seats in front for the
accommodation of hundreds. The
camp 'm well supplied with the pur
est well water and all camp sup
plies, necessary are as free its water.
Major Jackson's martial hand fur
nished the music for opening day
and for to-day and to-morrow the
Ashland hand will he heard. Kv
fiove.riior Sliedd of Ashlaud, tleliv
ored the opening address Tnenday
followed by a cnnip li re love-feast iu
the evening, at which local orators
addrewscd the crowd. Yesterday
was devoted to the Relief lUirp de
partinent.itlie principal event being
u most1 eloquent nnd instructive
address, by Minn (ladd ol Lincoln
'The laJii-H u re out in large inun-
bern niutnke special interest in
the program.
Weilnenday wan the Grand Army
of the Keptthlic day and the leading
speaker is U'ev. Mr. Cawkins of Ash
laud, h'riday, closinu day will he
devotetl to the old settlers' re-uniy
nil- win niiuvi n 1 1.--ii ii imi
well will be aniongAhe
ie fi t." .1 n d " a (1, lres W
meeting. ,i(lxyill t;ids v
of Ashiai'taJ" J'..N:
Lvery train is bringing iu recruit
to the iilruMdy.4aryv g.ijt!ieriugs an.
much eifthi jin-iiu,' yis inanil sted
'lot only h),'Jhe veterans but by tin
bidit s and citi.i
'ns tif the sitridiiiui-
iug con ni i y".
Thursday was the third da ol the
reunion being held nt the beautiful
gronn "Is ni'iir f-ir:'iMiwovl. The day
was pleasant, ;iud before I'.'ii. ni. the
camp grou'ilt! presented an ani
mated appear, nice. The Lincoln
train brought, ( Hon. J II. l-'ox
worthy, M.ij'tr Mi'Arther and others.
President, 1'urgUson called the
meeting to order and introduced
Rev. Mr. Calkins of Ashlaud, who
spoke very much to tne point and
satisfactory,!! the old vets. Messrs.
pe'.hrirm and Pittiuaun of.I.iiu oln
also spoke, h) their old Ootnt'udes.
The officer Were elected as follows:
President',, .Major Henry Sudduth,
vice-pri'nidiiit, J-Colorirl John; M.
Mathews; secretary, Ira Tinkhain,
treasurer, L. -C. Coleman. Iu the
afternt.on: JL C. MoAllhuc . ff
Lincoln , hy. tir.-jt (. j.sp.eokijr.
Alter ' tclli'iig' of" war., 'desolation
and s.acril'uyj'jot the loldtfTtf'.Tic
.jioke of the jirsticco) the penimi
pr;ii:i I'iltlK'
ii (.".UUP lirv l'st
Tl i - Ht. 1 ' --
- t i.l.iy w the hii-t lay "I
old Mililier-' reunion. It wa
apart h.r the old rlth i-. They
, i-.-t
hes. '
at hi a. in. and org;;nied an
Citi.euV club. I h s were pn
in i; 1 1 1 j i n 1 . lw, wa.s
the hour m! ap.u t for the -pro
h'ev. II.u :ii. y oi A-l.hmd opeii.-d
the -efei-es with a nciit s-pieeh.
Hon. David McCaitf of Waha-li. O.
A. Mull oftireenwood, Judge Jarne.
S. Mathews of I 'kitts-moiith and sev
eral others made appropriate re
marks There were forty present
that had been here for the past
twenty-live years, some as long as
thirty-seven years. Kxerci-es. closed
by electing officers !or the ensuing
year. Tiny are: President. John
Shclfer; vice president, h'obei t Tar
mer; secretary, John M. Malheii).
The officers were made the execu
tive committee to appoint the time
and place lor meeting next year.
There was a camp lire tonight.
Sunday morning the camp meet
ing commences, conducted by Revs.
T. V. Powers of Omaha. I. M. ll.uns
of Nermout, 111., Ir. Shank, II. A.
Crane and (i. V. Ishains of Omaha,
l)r. I,. II. Pain of Lincoln and others.
The crime of Myron Hate, men
tioned in Tliii DAIIA Hi:w.M.I ap
pears to have been committed at
Herlin, in Otoe couu'y. The victim
Miss Herthn Scheel, who worked in
the hotel at Herlin, is the daughter
6f Mr. Chris Scheel, a farmer living
near Avoca. She was only fourteen
years old, but a handsoiuegirl. On
Sunday the landlord nnd his wife
li ft the house for a short visit in
the country. There were very few
in the house except the girl, MisH
Scheel, and A guest named Myron
Hate, who also came from Avoca.
He is 'about twenty-six years old,
and evidently knew the girl before.
The revolting particulars of the
affair Can not be given. All that is
known is that the fiend secured ac
cess to the robin' by strategy, and
then accomplished his purpose.
lie then lied and succeeded in
avoiding the ' authorities for some
time However, no word was sent
to the sheriff, hut Hate, was at
ngth rundown Monday night.
lie was put under close watch dur
ing the night, and Tuesday morn
ing Sheriff lloyd of Otoe county
was informed of the matter. He at
once dispatched Deput Sheriff Web.
her and County Attorney Morgan
to look over the ground and take
the prisoner to Nebraska City,
where he was placed in the county
Attorney Morgan informed a rep
resentative of the press that he had
no doubt Hate was guilty. The
substances of the story was sub
stantially as given above; only it
seems that Hate's sister-in-law, Mrs.
Kred Hale is also somewhat invol
ved in the matter. She appears to
have heen in the hotel at the time
with her husband, and knew of the
course matters were taking. Hate
admits having followed the girl
into lier room, hut nothing' more.
He snyed there until the (rain came
along, when h'rs brother called
him. - ' - ' '"
i The unfortunate girl Is a 'simple
hearted German, and lias Hot lived
long in this country, her "parents
moving to the country about two
years ago. "Hate is' said to 'be a
shrewd fellow, and'1 caiue from
Oberlin, Kansas, a 'short (line ago.
He was bound over for trial lit the
next term of district court in the
sum of$.W , ': '
Tun llEW.t.P visited the office of
Chairman Windham of the Im
provement Committee this after
noon and examined the new map of
he eastern half of Nebraska and
(he western part of Iowa, : which
allows Plattstuouth's superior loca
tion to ad vantage It jjives a large,
comprehensive view of the sur
roundings and will he a great aid
to strangers in seeing the advant
ages at a glance possessed by (his
town. Various and finely executed
photographs, illustrating the views
to he enjoyed here, were also ex
amined. I'here are views of Maui
ami Sixth streets, the principal line
residen.'i-s including those of
Messis. Cummins, Craig, George
IhiVey, Oliver 1ovcy, Wcckbach,
While and others --of the Ptisby
t nan, LpiMopal and l abel mu le
churches, the Kiley, City ami lr
kins, hotels, and a number of the
business houses. Mr. Windham
states that the committee will
the hooks out in time forthe Adver
tising Train. Whether or not Cass
will have ait exlub.t on c train
depends upon the ipiiik or slow
action of the citiens.
The inlant child ol Mrs. A. Wal- ,
linger id College ltd! smothered to
Afier the
songs. I'lieie w.i:
death in thecradle while its mother
was out of the house attending to
thi' milking.- 1
, Have you . seen the. -nobby iK'vy
styles iu Neckwear j list received at
Wcscott's'r ' '-
I ' I . .1 -1 . , a 1 , . .. ,
No Hopo for Cleveland Carry
ing Nebraska.
A Hut lu.fc.toii Wreck at Lincoln Tliu ;
New York Triijunu and the La
i or Uniur.s are Working
Lov; In Harmony.
Ore, A ug. In. Speak
ing about the noliticul out.ot;k in
his state. Governor Hoyd of Ne
braska, who is making a tour of the
Wist, to-ilay . said: "(.'h'Veland will
lose Nebraska, because we wiLl vote
for Weaver for the purpose o( heal-
ing Harrison. We shall put out
jour national ticket, but will sitp
j port Weaver, as there is no hope of
straight success.
uk. T. n;'s i: I.K . 1 1 ; i i.i I v.
I see by edne.-day t- papt is l.iat a
pii-stiou as to my eligibility to
hold the office tj lieutenant irov-
ernor lias ariren. In view ot this
fact I make 'die billowing state
ment'. On the -1th day of March, 17'J, tit
Buffalo, N. V.. 1 liU'd my first
papers or "declaration of inten
tion." About two years later I went
to I !u t t.i b to file my final papers
but could not ilo so, as the time re
quired by law hail not quite ex
pired. In the fall of 1S.SI J moved
to this stale, and the fact that I
could vote o my "first papers" led
me, as it has thousands of other,
to neglect taking out final papers,
Whn the contest as to the citizen
ship of Governor Hoyd arose re
called my own neglect and as soon
iiH it . was cunveuic.nt I filed my
papers anil completed, iny citizen
ship. This. I did on thualUday of
February, 1 SOI. I was under the im
pression that tlie terms of citi
zen,-hip were in the form of a con
tract ami that when the final papers
were filed citizenship dalcd hack to
the filing of fhe "declaration of in
tention." . '
These are the plain facts in the
case, mid if they constitute Ineligi
bility then It is the duty of 'the
slate central committee to sit once
substitute another name for mine
for the office of lieutenant-gov
I love this land of my adoption
Her stars ami stripes are more to
me than tongue or peri can utter
ami I would rather know I ha-'i
been a citizen id this country for
eighteen months than to belieiiten
ant-governor without such citizen
I am a republican. I believe in
republican principles. I am proud
of the glorious achievements the
tarty has wrought, anil, though my
name he taken from the ticket, my
ardor will not be dampened nor my
zeal lessened iu fhe coining cam
paign, In office or out of office, iu
storm or sunshine, I am always a
republican. .J.G.TATK
The black tent of the NeUras'
ka grand conimandery Kni'ghts
Templar located nt the lutl of
Sixteenth street, Deliver, i n eon
spicioua ; object in the neighbor
hood. It is made more so by tlie
festivite and good cheer, that pre
vails there. All around the tent
stand -shocks1 of Nebraska j corn
wheat, oats and grasses. Theru'Are
also Home monster Inlitatibns' of
the Nebraska sugar beet. ' Kvery
dav an immense' collectioh' ol
flowers is received from Omaha
and every visitor to the NebrasRa
headtpiarters is presented with
rosebud tied with narrow white
ribbon, ; on which is printed the
words "Knights Templar, Nebras
ka." Another stroug feature is the
punch bowl-a big corn basket hnet
with tin ami filled with delicious
claret punch. Perhaps the most
interesting of all Nebraska's attrnc
lions are the two tallyho coaches
brought from Omaha. They were
seen evervwherc Thursiliv, gill
lettering on the sides and the toot
ing horns thrust through the win
dows indicating that Nebraska was
having a good tune. Nebraska's
fair delegates rode all day iu them
taking th-'ir lady visitors on a
jaunt over the city The ht.hcs who
led in this unique mode enter
taming mid who also welioin. d the
visitors to the tent were Mrs. Salis
bury, wife oi thi- Nebraska grand
commander; Miss Smiley, th-' M isses
Howen, daughters ol the grand re-
com ot me stale; .Mrs. notion ami
Mrs. l.issell They were assisted
by the grand officers ol the Nebras
ka conimandery.
WAN I I-, I l rot Alt V
Thomas Hurke made a -daring
ami successful escape from the
Hyde Park police station in Chica
go about In o'clock Thursday morn
inc. lie 'jumped from a second
w'in low ultof pry? ;T ;iii
ivi,-' ,i,-..r,is,..t ,i!t:i'iSrp -iif
tv,nl a) .par. nlly uniu-
jured. Tiolea lmr.-e and buj-gy bw -
longing tn S. liMiupn.- 71 f l"):i AT-
uioiir avenue and drove rapidly
awa. lie i., a desperate man .and ,
it ir. believed that if the -core of
onic-'r- now on his track ever
come up with ll i ill there will
be a blood.) encounter it Burke cm
arm liiiu-.-l!. Die police station at
Hyde Park has been abandon
dnned and the tempoary tjuarters j
are established in the rear of ii In-
cry stable in an alley near the cor-
ner of Lake avenue and Fifty-Third
treet. In the second story a small
(loin lia' heen set apart lor tlie .
prisoners, inewuuiow i? protect
ed by iron bars. For several days
;irpe'nters have been working on
this and adjoining1 rbomsand much
material- was left nil the floor.
Hurke, who was con fined in the room
pending a hearing secured a piece
f plank ;md easily tore off several
iron bars. Hurke to went Chicago
from Omaha n month ago with
young O Kourke who was shot ly
i policemen Monday night. Hurke
is suspected id complicity with
twenty-one burglaries and is want-
d al so on suspicion of complicity
in a recent murder.
Jl 1T1.I.P k'KslP.NS.
fhe resignation of Judge Allen
W. Field of Lincoln was yesterday
handed to Acting Governor Majors.
l'he resignation as judge of the
Third judicial district is made by
udge Field in order that lie may
liter the campaign as the j-epub-ican
nominee for congress in the
First district. Following is the
resignation: , . . ,
To the Honorable Thomas, .
Majors, Acting Governor of ' the
State of Nebraska Dear Sir: I
hereby resign the office of judge ot
tin.. district court within nud for
the Third judicial district in and
for the state of Nebraska, the sam
to take effect October 1, 1W2. AH of
which is respectfully submitted. ;
.... ... .. AJ.Ui.N
Acting Governor .Major. states
that as it is the duty of the governor
to till the vacancy by Hppointuitfiit
he will leave the matter r without
action until Governor Hoyd returns
from the Pacific coast. i - . ;
WNItWITS IVk'j'l'KI' P AT l.tNCiSl.N.
A liurlington special having on
board '220 Knights Templar belong
ing to niiiaucipnia comiuamierv
was delayed at Lincoln Thursday
for several hours by a misplaced
switch. The train consisted of a
baggage car, dining car and four
Pullmans. It arrived at the depot
at VM and left for the east at l:a'J
When it reached the interlocking
switch near the " 1 wenty-seveuth
street crossing tlie engine left the
track, dragging with it the tender
ami the baggage car. The engineer
and fireman saved their' lives by
springing from 'he engine. The
dining car wis partially pulled
from the track, but the Pullmans
were undisturbed. No one was in
jured, as the train was running
very slowly id the time' Four
Knights 'Templar specials were
standing at thi' depot when the ac
cideut occurred; white two inbfe oh
the: Rock Island were1 'also 'delayed
by the same cause. ' The' wrecking
train went promptly to work and iu
less than thrcV V6h'rtIie'ink;v,as
cleared and ull fra'iiis nfoced'ed 'on'
their way. ''Special' trafns' tiey'ring
itiignts lenipiar iroin uenvcrnave
heeu passing"" tlirott'gn' ia'iiailti' a(
I. r.' ... . -.-li' V...,l''i .'i'l
naii-nourn an n(n.
; ... 1 1'. ;,!.(, iu,i:i "Pi I IP' b
-,,.-'.:,, ,.T"T"n !io.i4 -hni.'
' i TUK Tk'lliUNh) IH HyyAKKU; )
. The executivu ;C,oiiu3iiUe of ,Xvw
York Typographical; I'nioji No.; t
has issued Oif following:,, .At the
last meeting of Ntfw York; Typu
graphical Union No. (i th executive
offieerswera instructed to notify
all sister unions and other labor
organizations that the. differences
heretofore existing . between . our
union ami the New York Tribune
have been satisfactorily, adjusted,
that the. boycott against that estab
lishment and its managers has
been declared off and that all antag
onism of whatever nature growing
out of the tatnous struggle was
ended. It gives us pleasure to an
nounce, furthermore, that the
Tribune is now a strict union
Wh.I- i ri f r . i i iiul
toe Nortli
Wi'M !';!(. ill- (. H.H-.I
'l'he cimstaut ilein.iU'l ol the tra
i line tillhlic to ,n(' ,:ir vv,'st fl
coiniortahh' ami at the k inn lime
an i-couviiiical iiloile ol traveling
has leib to the ct.!tlishn.cnl as
what i.- known as I 'til I in in I .lioui-t
sliepers. '
These cars fire built on llie same
general l in as tin regular lirst
class Pullman Sleeper, the only lif
ference heiili;' that the are not up
holstered. They arc furnished complete with
irooil "coniforlablc hair matresses.
warm blauki ts.snow white linen cur
tains plenty of towels, combs, bru.-h
es etc., which secure to the ik cu
pant of fl birth as much privacy as
is to 1'ie hail in liri-t class sleepers.
There arc also separate toilet rooms
for ladies ami eiitleinen, and sniok
inn i absolutely prohibited, l-'or
full information' fend for .Pullman
ColoniKt Sleeper Icallet. K. I., I.o
ninx, .ficin-Ml P.iiMitfer i''o I u Kct
' -Atetit. Oiuiilia Nonraska
The Anthony Fc'mi y.
Anruiier of the Authonv fainilv
Veem.. de-in us ol winning fame' as"
a money maker. Kva Anthony v.'a:s
until 1'lidav in the onndV of
V.' GiWou at the I'ifriv : Street
t'est.niraut. She le.V for a A isi't,,'
it mic ' 1 fi.- afternoon auii V.n 'her'j
return asked for her time and said
'lit' would rjnlt work.' Mrs! GibsjVii
then dicivi'fc-'d "the n-4"i,f h'er
jx',cket -book. At llr.-! .s'he 'siippos'iii
it had simply 'been' mislaid; but ii
search failed' to bring it' to light
and ' the 'girl's continued and re-
peated 'denials' of lakiio' It w-hi-n
not accused liuallv c:uied suspicion
to lest upon her. Ill addition to
this fact Mrs. G. says the girl
played "crooked" on her the day
before in buying groceries and
"put the difference in her pocket."
The polic e will endeavor to unravel
the mystery. -rho girl denies be
ing guilty and it will be hard to
prove it against her because the
evidence, while strong, is wholly
circumstantial. The book con
tained aTout eleven dollars.
The News follows in trail of the
genuine newspaper of Plalts
niotith ami then claims to be first
with evi r thing, with conhdenee.
A Ore,i' Sur.riee
Is in store for all who use Kciup'f
Hals, m tor the throat nnd lungs the
great guaranteed remedy. Would
you believe that it is sold on its
merits and that any ilruggits is au
thorized by the progrii'ior of this
wondiT'iil remedy to give yon a
sample bottle freer It never tails'
to cure acute auj chronic coughs.
All ill ugpis ;s sell Kemps Hals. mi.
nrge Potties 5oc ami 1.
Pure White Lead
is the Best Paint.
, Care is necessary though, to,
obtain: strictly, pure, as the
market is flooded with so
Called Pure' White Leads that
iri reality contain but very little
white lead. ; " ' : ' ""
The following- analyses of
two of these misleading brands
show the exact proportion of
genuine white lead they' con
tain. The analyses describe'
the labels and brands on the'
packages and give the' 'coii-tents-as
follows: ;' ' 1
' ' ' -' Misleading Brandt' '
"6. P. Ltwton & Co. 8trictly Pura White
Lead." Ked label, with brush, on which is
frintad, "Guaranteed to be ttrictly pure,
orfeited if adulterated.'1 ,;
Material Proportions Analyiedby.
Barytes 58 to per cent. J. Fiebin,
Oxide cf Zinc 34 90 per cent. Milwaukee.
White Lead 13.60 per cent.
Calcium Car- '
bonate 3.o per cent. .
"Masury'a Railroad White Lead." White
label, marked " Railroad White Lead, as;
pure; John W. Maanry A Son, New York
and Chicago, warranted auperior."
- Materials Proportions Analyiedby
Oxide of 2 ink 55.70 per cent. Ledous Co.,
Barytes 44.30 per cent. New York.
We have a book which gives
the analyses of a large number
of misleading brands If you are
going to paint it will pay you
to send for it. 1 -"
In Painting ; " '
use strictly pure Whitehead
(see that you get either
"Southern," ' "Collier"' or
"Red Seal "), tint' it'with the
National. Lead Co.'s; nw ii
I Pure- White Lead
i i inting uoiors,'
. a
and vou' will have the .best
paint that it is possible' to., put
on;a. p.uuQing,,,, .rI,bl(J;.f ni0-i
' Tor talc by t)ebst dealers .in Pnt.$;veJ7;
; I ",! St;Lbuis:BrinA?t,l'fifl 1
; vi nciiuo miu w - v. m
Ii I "!' " St.'Loiiis, M6.J" Mamyl
; -i!T , .. -irtT lui'v
I'-iii.iltv inilii'.iti( ft ill-onlcrof tho KMnoys,
nii'l prompt ini'S!ii-ii slionlil lie taknt to
pri-vi'tit ,ii rliu.- tiiiiililu.
RFMPMRFr? "'"" "in '? cun-d
I L r. 1 1 1 O r 1 V in lix-ii.ii iii-v.
ttiiii'U ll ni ,l ant, limy U-cuiat' liunjri niun.
I.-, vil li v"iir,-il l will ciut r.ivcrHtKir-
i'.i -r. iv'i ,,. I'l ielil 's ic;l .'
il,.-1 I l-.-il. i, I'.,,-,- ; )..-r I ,iil,. Hilnl
- e ' firlKM-i. . , l.ii'U.4nw to live
ur, l "n ., , ' i -, ' i n,:ii),',',iM'-:.
.1. h. f k w.rrc.
;& ) Back
'ATTS IvI O tl.f ii
t?. . .tii.anre huN-VW
Y T0V5" jiiy-P '
Thorough Satisfaction
I'lij-Nielanai Could nUCiiro Iliin.X
Skiaiihvili,k, Ilaualton Co., O., Jane, is.
Ouo bottle of I'ietor Konniu'a Norve Tonlo
cnreil me untirvly, afUir iibyaiuiuna hiul tried
anauoceauiiilly (or 8 montha to Mlluve ise ol
norvous debility. W. HUKNNEKELD.
A thi Id's Life KiiTed.
' Poplar Crctk, Mont., Mnrcb 1, Wh
My little girl, 8 yenra olil, ha. I St, Vitas dance
so severe Unit sh was jwrfootly huljilcBB, lying
on llu) bed ami crying wlien awake aud bad to
n lake S or 4 attempt to eren speak or swallow.
Uur pbyBlciou waa in dully atUiudance, but aba
eonlluuiol to (rrow worne until I began to use
1'dHtof hrxolK a MJrve ronlo ; tnon sueuuprovoa
ranidlv and now she ia iierfectlv well. I am
eoulldent uiyeblld'a life WftH saved by Uiii uiedi
cine ana l recommend it to all who Dave nervoaa
trouble of any kind aud no one cau say too much
in ptaiaa or it, - - jua. i iJAjuiaw
A TahinldA Bonk an Tl'l lUI '
lilaewea vent free to any addreaa
and mmt iiarlenoi can alHO obcall i
uua uieoiciue rroe of cmsnctv
Tiio nvniMlvhaji tieftn' nreDtred brthe KW'rettl
fafUir Kiwnig, of fort Wayne. Iud4 sine kSVaJH) I
Is now preparea uoaer nu uireeaoo us
KOENIC MED. O., Chicago, til., .
.-' . . ' .: ..'-. ;u'.' ,
l . ) Il'i"
i"f ftn p-
th'i n. rv n?s(ninr;, wo bhve
if ''Hitypo, Amltrf'typo
vkiutt'' orary mv tuU'rof yuur
. w "r ti io, fi 'Mi v i will niiikt ynu a
i u.ft rrw 0 'lir, prOThttKl ,
ii i i t-.m f r i-rp.s ii MiiiiiiJiMif mr
. i.- j nu ;i(f iin..i-( in wioiirinK firture -;.
nn.iii -'imi bi;iln-p..ri hnrknf picture
'..: '.ii' t"t :n in iMTf'H't'oiflop. Uirmk ;
i . " ; ci ' ;i y.i h. n'l liit rluriim
S. v ffi jit It ll nit in (hi on so.
I iv. rnriph St., CHICAGO III.
' .). fcit ki.I inrfnit tin) tn anr onRV
,.. - t ' , i'im -i. . ,i nut rt'e ii:u tnijiin
. i t- t1..MI-liii. i.,i-Jii,ttli.r. THIS
-jji';'a IS ( STUiCTLJ ilO.NA FlUi
1 .'i'it.if nn rh o n. il not rffP'Tii:il crinna W
Han iecomq a buseholj wcrnj becinse olj
lt pomte punty, nutnnve vaiuc, amooiu
fast a and deliciDuB boubnet.' : ! It Is flood fbt
weak luna :aad a siimulaot for impaired ,
conskituiioqs.l.!Unlik9 inferior whiskies, it
does) hot rasp pr scald the throat '-and '
atorfiath,' tiof causa' nausea,' dirxifiess !an, '
headache. Yon may know it by the abovi' '
qualities- and the proprietary bottles in
rhidh it is served, ,.CaU tor, "Cream Pure
Aye' and take no other. For sale at all
first-class drinking places ana arug stores,
DALLEMAND & pO., Chicago
For rtiile by Jo' McWy.
. 7 -
''A(( "jsaasaa .
OW' lurinte Imrbiiipk Tv f (
' rtmrut tliaS do HI ln- Ml t -
Inm the ti.-alt Ii nr inti rf.-rn with oiic'h b-.ieinonn or
!il-aKtir. It hnlUlH up and ininronw the noncral !
i.ialifc.i-li'aratliehklniind bvautiii' i.thiicimuli xion. .
Jo wrluktna or l)ll)(ni fcll"w tlim treutmf nt. ;
IjidiTw-d bv idivHii-iaiiH aud li-aduin mviety ladii-e.
Hamlm.. NoNlnrvlnc. rrtila.ln nvri)t ItT Ttfti.-ulaj-. ,
ca. o.w. r. mm. hvickik STHCirfu chicico,
PnncUnX! fcr no lmiror fmm thin Kind of
Torroro, for lT m-M wonlrfnl rtiwivirf In
itn'iluMiH1, r.nnrer "'it nti? purt i t Din ty vtxtx e
)rwiHneiiUy un( wllhoui tlio u& of
ttil kltllo.
it s 11-I'. ToTTir, IniiinTin Avn., riiimjrn,
Pur-: WnurHriKl of oAtuvr ( III hi in
uiH'k! hf VMiir mth'Hl i-f trpiituu'fii. ' Hni1
txculue. Jr. II
i'ii.ih i h . a
.in! . .a:::.. 1 ''