The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 11, 1883, Image 4

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    . ..
published Daily ami wfekly
I! V
The Plattsmontli Herald PQMisMDE Co.
For City and Countv Directory, Hallway Tiite
Tables. TelepUoue Excba, ig BiMltie Di
rectory, Iiiinlnen Cards AC, ee third pace
JEFT. I. STONE, - City Editor.
. A, Salisbury, Ucntlnt.
The band at the rink to-night, and a
good time for ererybody.
The fire department have changed
their call. It is now three taps f ihe
bell at short intervals
Reserved seats for the lilack Creole
are selling rapidly, and a large
of them have already been taken.
The train for the west about on hour
late this morning, and was another one
of usual heavy trains that have bwn
the rule lately.
A wagon load of onious from Paciiic
Junction was ou the street today, go
ing begging at 50c per bushel. A kIo
rious lay out for a free lunch bur.
Fred. G order has just received two
car loads of the celebrated bchtittler
and Whitewater wagons. Maybe our
implement men are selling no floods
but it don't look like it.
All are uuauimoud in pronouncing
tho Black Crook unobjectionable in
every feature, and proti"Uuco the
specialties ;he beat ever produced ou
the Ccutennial stajje. Iiucolu News.
The entertainment of Black Crook
revised, as givcu last night U all thai
is advertised, aud in the gorgcou.
diiplay richly worthy of pairou.-ige ii
8 pa re change wilt permit. Liu coin
All parties visiting the Art Loan
should not fail to compete for the
prize offered by J. W. Shannon, in
guessing on the "what is it.' Scaled
proposals will be received by the par
ties in charge.
Bro. Juo A. .Viac-Jiurphy has taken
the agency of the Centeuial Mutual
Life Association of Burlington, Iowa,
organized iu 1876, the centennial
year. This company has the endorse
ment of the very tirst citizens of the
slate of Iowa, many ot whom are per
sonally kuowu to the JIkkaldus tru
. tlemen who -vou hi not lend their
names to any organization ot thn
'kind which is not gilt edged. We
can bespeak for Bro. Mac a successful
experience with this company among
his old neighbors, friend and ac
quaintances. The case ot PaxLon & Gallagher vs
J. M. Woodson was heard before Judge
Pound at Nebraska City jesterdaj.
The learned Judge suggusied to Mr.
Hartigan that inasmuch as he had no
authority in the premises to hold the
prisoner, that it was best to discharge
him. Mr. II. united with Mr, Critts
in a telegram to Croft to discharge
Woodson, which waa immediately
done. Jim feels correspondingly hap- J
py, and says he will make it pleasant
for the Omaha "out fit." U artisan
appearing for plaintiff, and Crites &
llamsey for defendant.
The fire company Held their regular
meeting in the Opera House last
night on occount of the council cham
ber beiug occupied by the council la
session. Jake Lohnes first assistant
foreman, was transferred from an ac
tive to an honorary member on ac
count of belonging to the police force,
C. S. Green was elected to fill his place.
It was decided to call a meeting on
the 17th for the purpose of settling
and arranging the matter of fines and
absences. The report of the commit
tee on i.ew members was laid over un
til the next regular meeting.
Oswald Giunman paid the b oys .$3.
for services rendered Saturday night,
for which they extend their thanks.
The Other Side Heard From.
Mu. Eoitok: I wish to defead my
self through the lleuALO. Capt. han
na did visit the school in district No.
23. and was called upon by Miss Louie
Kief, the teacher, to address the school
and Cap. embraced the oldea opportu
nity, and while he was talking Mr. J. F
! i ? i-. . i i i i .
ooo nitu nay rigui iu uic ciiuui uuubc
during school hours but the teacher and
the scholars. In this Mr. J. F. Stull
was under a mistake. But this ia not
the first mistake he has made. As for
the condition of the affairs of distric
No. 2S. we are ia as good condition as
most of the districts In the count', eo
says the superintendentThere are 12 legal
voters in this district. There are 34
children between the ages of 5 and 21.
The years 1831 and '82 the average at
tendance was 5; in this year the average
has been 15. We have one of the best
of teachers.
I write this to show which one of the
board it was that took Cap. by the car
tnd walked him out.
jap. win never una tne director or
moderator interfering with him when be
is called upon by the teacher to make
any remarks. Come again Cap,
J. L. Newlakd,
L. Daxesdomxb, Director.
Just received a large lot of new
Kod iu the boot a shoe Use at
bt' SbenrooU'i, in the Kockwood
block. . AlTftf
K T. Duke, of Omaha, U in Ihe
! city today.
Mr. K Wairnrr Avrnt to Lincoln
; tw momint.
W. livers journeyed westward
this morning.
II. Thierolf, the grocer, mado a bus
iness trip to Cedai creek today.
C. and T. Slewart, of St. Joe, rep
resenting Stewart Bros , cigars, are in
the city today.
C CI. Tabor, a prosperous farmer
near Weeping Water, made us a pleas
ant call today.
J. I King, representing the St. Joe
j Saturday Democrat, visited this city
today, stopping at Stadclman's.
E. It. Heed, of Weeping Water made
a pleasant call at this office last even
ing while in the city between trains.
Aniasa Haskius, J. II. Davis, and
John Cook, solid farmers from the
Yeeping Water country were in town
Frank I. Truster is in town today
On Saturday, lie will leave for a vis
it to his lricnds iu Wooster, Ohio,
i they kuow Frank as well as we do
they will appreciate the visit.
Mark Duryee, the cashier of the
Paxtou, in Omaha, and one ol the
best hotel men iu the west, has placed
the PI ittsmouth boys who spent Sat
urday night and Sunday there, under
many obligations to him for courte
sies frhown them, aud for his kind
ness in showing' them through the
finest hotel west of Chicago. Come
down some time Mark, and we will
try to reciprocate.
The Herald was visited this morn
ing by Capt. S. T. Learning, General
Agent of ths Centennial Mutual Life
Insurance Co., of Iowa, and Juo. A.
MacMurphy, their agent here; both
men mean business, and are ready
tor work. Capt. Learning will re
main here until Saturday to open and
inaugurate this work, and is one of
hc most successful iusurauce agents
in the west; having written 84 appli
cations in the month of March, mauy
f them the best known citizens of
the state.
The following is the list of giaud
aud petit jurors for the May term of
the district court:
-I M Meisiuger
B SieboM
G W Adams
E Greusel
A B Dickson
JI O'llourke
M Schlegel
F M Young
D I) Johnson
J Chaltant
M W .Moore
John Montgomery
G Walradt.
G W Johnson
C F Nichols
John liolenbeek
U M Bushncll Richard Newell
James ITall
A B Barr
A Patterson
Henry Schulofl
II Wolfe
David McCaig
David Thinghan
J W Cox
W Balance
W B Arnold
L Quiun
G Cross
O Ward
Li Shfldou.
J It McVey
Hans Suudell
Fred Goos
L G Todd
J V Thomas
J C Gilmore
j S II Shumaker
James W Sage
To The Citizens of Plattsmouth.
l wish to intorm all, that no one
need stay away from the Black Crook
entertainment next Thursday night,
at the Waterman Opera House, on ac
count of its being reported an iwuor
al play, for I am assured by the mana
ger of the company to say to the
amusement loving people, that they
can st e nothing in Black Crook im
pioperor shocking; not as much so as
you can see in. the opera of Olivette by
Fay Templeton or in Ilaverly's Merry
War. The scenic effects are gorgeous
and grand, and thj fountain in the
second act is worth the price of ad
mission alone. The Plattsmouth
Water AVitch fire engine has been pro
cured to force the water for the foim-
tain scene. This is something the
Plattsmouth theatre goers have never
seen and may never see again iu
Plattsmouth, uuless the audience will
be unusually large, so as to induce the
Kiralfy Bros, to return again some
time in the future, aud also give us
some of their other attractions. The
company has been secured at a great
expense, therefore the citizens should
fill the house to its utmost capacity.
I have tried to give the citizens only
first class attractions and shall book
nothing else but the best, hoping you
will appreciate it, and show your ap
preciation by a full house next Thurs
day night. Thanking you all in be
Lalf of the Messrs. Waterman for your
liberal patronage and asking you all
to come out next Thursday night and
see the grandest entertainment of the
season, I remain,
Yours respectfully,
J. P. Youxo, Business Manager
Waterman Opera House.
Heed Bros., of Weeping Water, came
near having a conflagration, in their
store building yesterdav. It seems a
big fire had been built up in a stove
that had not been used for several
days, the pipe of which was too close
to some bedding up stairs. The flames
were making rapid headway when
discovered, but the timely use of plen
ty of water saved tho building.
Jtlver Beportt
As furnished officially to the
The river at noon today, stood 7 ft
above low water mar, f ho wing a
tail of 9 inches since noon yesterday.
Council Proceedings.
Council met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present, Mayor Weckbach
Councilman Schnellbacher, Ilerold,
Hartman, Drew, Murphy. Lchnhoff
and Dawson.
Minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved.
Councilman Drew presented a pe
tition from citizens on Chicago ave. to
have a ditch or sluice put in on Chi
cago ave. near the culvert. On motion
of Councilman Drew the matter was
referred to the committee on streets,
alleys and bridges to report at the next
regular meeting.
Councilman Drew, from committee
on claims, reported upon the petition
of J. G. Hayes. Councilman Murphy
moved that the Hayes matter be re
ferred back to Mr. Hayes, and have
Hayes or his attorney present the,
B im j to the council, showing whe her
the council had the right to accept the
The treasurer's report was read and
referred to the committee.
Council man Murphy, from the com
mittee on streets, alleys and bridges,
reported that they had examined the
matter referred to them in reference
to a road in the northwest j ortion of
the city at Mr. Conn's place, and At hat
they could open a roaJ, and moved
that the city engineer be instructed to
m.tke a survey of said street and make
estimates of the cosl. aud report the
same to the council at the next meet
ing. Councilman Hartman toved to
amend by authorizing the committee
on streets, alleys aud bridges to make
said improvement in case the cost of
the same does not exceed AGO which
amendment prevailed.
Councilman Drew, from comtoitte
on claims, reported upon the claim of
Mrs. Finney for damages done by wa
ter and Councilman Murphy moved
that Mrs. Finney be allowed 30, which
was voted down.
Further time was granted the ceme
tery committee to make a report on
the purchase of cemetery grounds.
The finance committee reported
back the following bills which on mo
tion of Councilman Hartman a ere al-
J D Simpson, salary Feb $25 00
March to 00
F Kroehler M Feb 50 00
March, 4
days April 56 C
W A Ilendrickson plat etc 14 00
F D Lchnhoff, brick 30 30
Fire Department, job work 11 50
W II Baker, supplies S S5
ltichey Bros., lumber 30 95
A motion by Councilman Murphy to
abate the license for the G. A. Ii. en
tertainment next Friday night was
A communication from J.' It. Web
ster informing the council that the
city had been sued for .$4,000 interest
on improvement bonds, by George II.
Keartou, was read and referred to the
city attorney.
There being no further business the
council adjourned.
"The Black Crook."
Those who have never seen the
Black Crook are exceedisglv limited
in number. Ten or twelve years ago
it stood h'gh as a spectacular perform
ance. In ih03e day3 there were feat
ures about it which were considered
rather "loud." In the present, howev
er, popular taste has como to such a
stage that it sees nothing and can see
nothing iu Black Crook, either improp'
er or shocking. It would be unueces
sary to criticise the piece, for it is too
oid. The company presenting it may
not be strong, but the scenic effects are
gorgeous and grand in many particu
lars. The fountain in the second act
is fully worth the price of admission,
and the transformation scene in the
last act is exceptionally good. The
house Li3t evening was very large.
A great deal has been said and writ
ten during ihe last sixteen years re
garding this spectacular performance,
and a hue and cry has been raised re
garding the morality of its production.
For years moralists have thought it
their imperative duty to cover Black
Crook with a contumely that amounts
to an anathema marantha. That which
they denounce they have not seen, and
consequently without a motive of
judgment could not judge. Last Hiht
was presented at the opera house a
pleasing representation of an old Ger
man legend, translated by Chas. M.
Barras, and by him written in the
choicest language, an excellent moral,
and the surroundings of scenery, dress
es aud appointments recalling to our
recollection the fairy tales of our
chilchood's da vs.
Without a doubt the prismatic foun
tain was a revelation ; the grotto scene
and the transformation tahleau sur
passed anything that has been seen by
our theater-goers for vears, atid the
wild and weird "incantation" startled
the whole house. The performance
will be reproduced to-night, aud there
will doubtless be a pleasant tecsptiou
to this company by all. St Joe Gaz.
Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ters Ulycerme Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy! Cleanse-! Preserve! tf
Wall Paper.
Xew stock of wall paper at Roberts'
Pharmacy. Slwlruo
"We challenge any dealer iu the state
of Nebraska to produce as fina a cigar
for purity and quality of the tobacco
as is used in the manufacture or the
Flor de Peppei berg and iJocky grade.
Julius Pepperbero,
Full ooune In Telejfraph. Ballroud and
Express book Keeping, tar terms, address.
. , . Avoca, Com County, Nob.
uicione AtBicp to tnonre wwrvr r.
VINTON At fiervalH. Ohio. March 16. -w here
lie had gnun in ipiest of healm. Mr. I'liailc
11. Vinton. agpl fio year.
(LouUvllle paper please copy.)
The Best Plan of Insurance.
Centennial Life
Association of
Secure your family for $1,250, $1,500
or $3,000. The rates under thi plan
are so small that you can afford to take
a policy, however limited your means
may be. It is absolutely sale ami relia
ble. RKKtRK XC K S .
Hon. F. Hattoi), ns.tistunt P. M. gener
al, Washington.
Governor John 11. Gear, Burlington,
Merchant's National bank, Burlington,
Gov. Gear, of Iowa, in reply to a let
ter says this ot the Centennial:
"In reply to your inquiiy respecting
the Centennial Mutual Life Association
of this city 1 have this to suy: 1 have
been personally acquainted with all of
of the directors for years. ' They are
among our reliable ami best business men.
I am certain that any business entrusted
to thoin will be properly attended to,aud
any loses this company meet with, will
be promptly and honorably adjusted.
Yours truly, John II. Gkak."
Hon. Church Howe of our state, who
is agent for Nemaha county writes this:
'Believing this cwmpauy to be as rep
resented, and the plan uuder which it
operates the only proper and fair one
whereby the parties injured receives all
the benefits. I have accepted the gen
eral agency. Ciiuitcif Howe."
Gov. Furnas, himself an insurance
man, strongly endorses the plan. Hx
Secrotary of State S. J. Alexander a"ud
W. S Jacobi, of Lincoln, have taken the
district agency south of the Piatt', and
the company ha'viug complied with all
the laws of the state of Nebraska are
now prepared to push business in this
state. Mr. John A. MacMurphy has
been appointed general agent for Cass
county and may be expected to vidt you
all iu a new role. Get 3 our life insured,
Friday and Saturday at Mrs.
Stout's next door to M. B. church,
A. P.
Orangcs 2"j cts per doz.
:5P 16 1
t Murphy's.
Fresh home made candies
at the Phoenix.
every day
Don't forget those fine prizes that
Ford offers for roller skating. 8St2
Ladies, your special attention is called
to the new line of dress goods just
received at Weckbach's. 23dtf
The finest millinery opening that has
ever been in Plattsmouth will be Friday
and Saturday at Mrs. A. P. Stout's, next
door to M. E. church. 39d4t wl
Get ready for the masquerade on roll
er skates next Tuesday evening. 38t2
Ice ! lee I lee !
Now is the time to contract for your
summer's supply of ice. Bed rock prices
prompt delivery and superior quality of
ice, first come first served by the new ice
Joe Fairfield.
The genuine Louisiana perlque smok
ing tobacco at Schlegel's. wl 37d6t
A new line of fine dress goods con
sisting of the latest styles and patterns
just received at Weckbach's. 5?3?tf
A Square Meal
Can be had at the City Hotel for only
23 cents and lodging at Same reasonable
rates. Farmers and Commercial Men
will please bear this in mind. d&wtf
Henry Boeck
Has an elegant Hdc of baby carriages
for sale vcrv cheap. Also a nice lot of
refrigerators and the largest stock of fur
niture ever brought to Platt3motith at
prices that can't be discounted. It will
pay you to see him. d29,cw2-tf
Everybody ia invited to attend the
trimrred opening of pattern hats and
bonnets at Mrs. A. P. Stout's, Friday
and Saturday, April 13th and 14th. A
boquet will be presented to every
lady. 3w2tdCt
Ladies; you ae invited to attend
the trimmed opening of pattern hats
am! bonnets at Mis. A. P. .Stout's,
Friday and Saturday. April 13th and
Mth. A boquet will be presented to
every lady. 3wt2dtit
Lone Jack, Fruit and Flowers and
other c'loie-j brands just received at
Schhtrei'M. wl :7tlGt.
A second invoice of Peck's Bad Boy
jut received at Warrick's cheap book
Store at 4 k: per copy 3lidUt
Warrick at way? keeps the best 175
tei-l headlight oil at 2S cents. 150 test
i headlight oii at 2o cts. wl-d:JCtG
Secure them at the
Plattsmouth Herald Office
Troy City Laundry.
Now Located on
W. B. DROWN, Proprietor.
Transient Work solicited
Thanking my patrons tot past favors, I soil
Clt further wor. -
Remember tb place. Mockeabaup bouse.
WutUngtou Avwnue, .
For Sale.
Fo ir lofs together iu good location in
the city of Plattsmouth. Inquire at this
oMice dtf
For Beat.
The northeast comer room in Stadel
man's b akery. Good for office or smull
business. 31 tf F. Staoei.maxx.
The rink is crowded every night and
those attending fray it is the finest place
for amusement iu the city. 3St2
Chew the Golden Thread line out for
sale only at Si-hlegel's. wl 37dtL
A full line f plug and line cut shew
ing tobacco at. Seidell's. wl STdGt
To Rent.
Furnished rooms for lodgers. Inquire
of Mrs. Hattie Newton, Oak street. 31 !t
Ladies of Plattsmontli
Don't destroy your rags, even if you get
but little lor them ; they are necessities
which we could not do without; our ed
ucation depends upon them; the Bible is
made out of rags, mid best of all, the
greenbacks are made from them. Yours
irulv, 87dtf Jacois Lkvi.
For the next 30 days we will sell our
large stock of oooks at cost to close out
that brunch :
Hoe's work $1 10
Mrs. Holmes' work 1 10
Mrs. Fleming's work 1 10
Other books proportionally cheap.
wi&:;di;t Wn.i. J. Wammck.
H mse t o Kent.
one of the best locations
Inquire of J. V. Jennings.
in the
Waterman Opera House.
One Niht Only.
Thursday, -&pril 12.
Krilliant revival of tlie mof-t Magnificent Spec
tacular drama of modern time.".
HISlil.I'Y imos.'
FA MO 13
With its weal; h of
Magnificent Scenery !
JiEviU'::.'; : I;oi;;m ;
A Superb Dramatic i't-iiqiniij,
A complete and efficient corp d b diet led
by the greatest premiere Af.soluta In the world,
AseMeri by the bewitching M'llo
i.eoni!ria Urtori. The wonrieroiuriy
With its myriads of colored jets of re;d water.
sho iiitr all the coIoi-m of the rainbow,
and imported to tins country at
an expense of so.Ouo .'.
An entertainment calculated to please ladies
and children. See the crystal cascade
weuri ineauTiUiun, the f.iiry trrotto, the
serpeiiiB Kiu. the iiiuiuinaied pal
ace, the kr .iidet of all trauxfor-
uiation sceiies.
Popular prices Tickets oa sale at .T. P.
Young's. ICeserveri heals SI ; general admis
sion 75 cents ; gallery M cents
To the Citizens of Platte mouth:
MeCouihie post Xo. 45, G. A. It, department
of .Nebraska will give a
We have engaged the original, iew
c mversuy
And they have consented to appeal for money
enough to pay their expenses as the manager.
Mr. Wheedon. is an old sold km and a member
of the G. A. Ii. aud is thoroughly imbued with
the noble purposes of the ordijr. Mr. Water
man lias kindly consented to give us the use of
the opera houe at a mere nominal cum and
the proceeds of the entertainment will be de
voted to the aid of
And to help the post to eo equip themselves
that they can appear creditably i" all public
parades, which has been an important and at
tractive fnature of ail public gatherings. We
cordially invite all the citizens, old soldiers and
tie member of all neighboring posts to turn
out and we will promise you a full return for
your money, ueia-s the assistance vim can
render will be fully appreciated by us. " ry or
der of j. j.. stkoof.
S, P. a.vatta. Commander.
Adjutant. 3cd 5t
Plans sad epcciiicalions will be care
fully eairied out, and fuil attention will
be given as to safety and durability.
iu Oii er Wa'er Colors. Ci.
;ii-n U!:!
OiRce ai-d studio evi-r i
han's store. Alain tireet.
ii i Xa-
Bockwood Block,
u claim
new .-dock of
city without
to liavc tli larord.
wall pajx'r in the
fear of a truthful
We will prove it,
if vmi will call and sec for voitr-
t-elf. We have just received an
invoice of lea, linseed oil, Mas
ures A.' Son's colors, all t-hal-s of
ulahu.-tiiie, a larov stock of wir.doW
shades at all prices.
Our mixed paints an: ui.Mtr
passed ly any, all of whirh will
he sold at the lowest pos- ihle
prices. 'Very respectfully.
Wir.i. .1. Wai:ki k.
The best yrast in use, if iiv(l fnh
every 1 UKSDAY and I'llIDAV
mornings. Trade supplied by
; i: xx i: tt . t i.nwis a j
en y, of Lti.d.u.-,
Qi'K ..r 1. 1
fikkmax rt;:-;i.ot c.-.i.t-M
AMKKH AX K.n:l".-S CO.,
VKM.s, ki:(.o & co. i:xi'i:! v.
i'io iiumirag Jiere!
Can Outsell any One Price CI
Outfit in l'latt-iaoutii
13 iT 25 PER CEM T.,
Botli Here and
my Eraiicli
As I Buy For Cash.
Iteineniher the ahove st;itei,i'..-nr.
ki n
-mm. jr ii t 13 w ai
ite29 Ih Sdd
4 lbs;
It 3
o n
f- 3 I. ft. -r. '
"i -i .1
& & el
bout 175 Pa!r. ) Uhittzu Uotxi, l"rt. ito
1400 varieties of Vretabl nd Flower HeSi
itUy to Msrket Oarrlenrs. Hna for It 1
. . rip
a- r?"44 ii
Carriage Painter,
Graiuint. Glazing. Paper flHin.i,
c ' S
test ssyle
Lmto TnJr At VI lUdaW. YaU sinotjfi. J' b.
Law find collection biiin-HH promp
l!v attended to at thia ollice and pro
i (mI remitted without delay.
Noti.ii d work, coiivcynnciii;? nnd
b-ira lin;,' attended to on hhort no
tin: foul saiilaclioii guaranteed.
inhere i uiiv tiling we do make a
hpcciiilty o'f, it is city nnd Miiburban
real istlilo. Several line fariiiH and
Hone: wild land al'iiinN. l.iibm ini.r
lin n can cl a home by pi:yin month
ly what l hey ii w pay br house rent.
Space forbid vinr but a (.mall
pcicciiUic o the bargains now ou the
book k at lliis aeuc ; we mtine Ihe
Six choice half acre lots 8 minulCH
from I.'. It. hlmps al from XO to .jd.'AJ
cie h, and on t rins that would make
a man ashamed to -a le: did not own
a Incise. Come nnd see, on are not
comp-'licd to buy and we wont" ive
Uicm: lot.-- away, bill oii can t-re! thi m
so 'hey will absolutely cost you noth
ing. l-'i'.c .'o re lot i mile from city for
fpi'A) part on time.
Kitvtii acre hi mile from city
for :jooM this is extra line.
i have three pieces ol outside prop-
ierty which I can sell and under
I lake to luriii-di purchaser work
enough to pa -for (hi in, now 1 will
1'ii:iiiIi the "jo in I and vou (he work,
Ui'I'K ii . lilll Ii lie-. If you will
do the v oi h al a lair price I will K'v)
you a cleat deed for the laud; if you
can't do the vri come aud sec me, 1
iii.m liiel -iii" one who will do it. lor
i .
i . ""
I '1 en ;,( re for V iV'O (XJ
i 44 ' tioo oo
! ' ' 7.j( i)
I -j.Vjo oo
I Se c;; l small trai ls well improved
I nnd :idjiuiiii;;
i reasoita bh' ra in
the city, ior nale at
IV. K.'.I LAMi.S.
wild $ (0U 0i
10 acres,
ho 4- ii
, i
I Con oo
-OOO u
:')D) on
o-'oo mo
(icon oo
fo rin in C,'as
IC'J 44
'! '4
iMO ;
J'iie . f Meek
.Kipuo, !oi:;r lime aud low rale ol in
lercsl. ICO aeje,;,
80 44
til) "
liio acr.
" 1200
wild, lit p. V'y (cash) iJUKX)
lot hl'ks I'imiii shops (chr iipj:f 100
44 44 44 44 17.0
i or
:5 col
:j 44
J 4; 44 .j.oo
1 " 44 175
J ' " " loO
(Jth Klreet (line) :i00
Tieiiie Hill 44 2 00
W'achinlon ave4' tfoO
li 44
1 td'k Iroin ilain st extra 100
Improved city real estat.j iu ubtin-
Jai ce. I can hud w hat vou want iu
thin line if you will call aud see tne.
liUmliCbS hollM'fi Utltl lolS for Sale
at much lower linres than will bo
a-ked hix mouths hence.
Stres and dwellings ren'cil aud for
rent, rents promptly collected.
If you don't ec what you want in
this column come and aik for it. I've
probably mi ;.-,ed jut w hat you want.
Ollice open ncaily everv evening from
C i o H.
Mood new house and two fine lots
in good location price, fJsOO.
Union Qlock.
Tliis Ij. mi! .ful th.-cc story t.ilck ctructure. on M.i(i strwr, U;i jus: hi c.j nulihvd and
fitted up fur the aocMiiuaodailon of
A ffmil Rnri in con.-HTtion with t)ie
-'7if. FRKI) (,((--. Propr.
PurnitiirS StorE
Pt. l XV 1 25
I.i.K-. i s
it: UiliriTU
'I ::j; i'y i.ffit lu ;t
FHt i C.'.ASK I l K VITt J'.!MO!K
AIo. a v. ry viuy !.-.. i.t-U .I Funeral CumN,
EMr; ic. '
': .t h ' ;:. i.t i, i- v. :ys in
: :,':ti- V'w. in UXIOX
tlii.OCiC. en Si:h !re-r. TWO '
lxirs sent h if Cass Coun
ty Ii;ii,k.
Vi i::ir ; j,,:.. t, fu:,.i night or day.
Fits, Epilepsy,
I'ei niantl v i'lircj No niimimrr.i.w
nU'f of Dr. ...ul:ird' tVlel-rate.l Infa'llble
t il I'ovderi. lo convince eutlcrer t lint tliee
1 owlrM.H!ll 1 all ,.ltfm j)r them. will
.'ii.l tlicni l.y mail, post raiil. a Free Trial box.
As !).-.(.. irland In the only i'liysiclan that hus
eer.iunili- Ui-k flieHH.; a tcciHl tuly. 1111U aa
to our knowledge thou.and have beni tr
in;inct!- ciut-d ty the ti-e of thee Fowdem.we
will iruaraulce a ei maiicut cuie lo every case
! nfiuirt you all monev expended. All muter -tt
Kiimri.l jt,ve these- Fowdern an early trial
aii-t lie convinced of their curative iiowcm.
Trice, for large nxn.t i 00, or 4 Boxe- for $10.
Sent hy mall to any part of the United Stale.
ord,cHpt cf p.icesor tresp.
ASn & R0EBI.N8.
' Dec ilb. S?-5?KB Ht" tr00kJjn' V