Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 09, 1882, Image 2

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f rnilroail attor
il of the bos- es
i til) 11 r ming -the
ail w ho is tinder
ught to have t he
; Mr. IVppletou
i ll Vllllt.- 1'llltlS-
.'on, uf rial t fi
ll I'll upon to make
IIKKTlltic meeting
riiiy the campaign.
presiding olliccr ol
'L'i. On last Mon-
aiu. in urn h.ih i Anciaieu lone
unjust niid tyrannical law that ' has
got tu ;o: nt" the ratification meeting
lie leviexved the Jaw wlifi-V was
pnss(,t four ye-ur ago, which diKiib
litcd,' , U llii' . railroad shops Snl
groin!.! for taxable purposes aVvg
the l.iail, of their Jjeing
taxed locally ami subject to local
taxation. IJro. Draper also dwelt
upon the ' burdens it wrogghj And
tin- wrongs this i t v was subjected
to by tlu1 law, and it aL1ed unction
to his speech, and irave elooneuceto
died oi. ami did jj.ia lijlS. Uro. Draper, liowcver,
laded to state or remember, or possi-
ibly lie didn't know that the. law was
inouunviwo xcui s ago, so tn-ai all
.hops, Toiind houses clc along -.the
road, are now subject to local taxa
tion, and so taxed.
Ti.e IIkkaj.i. already feels that
much of its mir-Moii tor a few months
must he to educate some of its dem
ocratic brethren, who have so unex
pected and overwhclmningly had
ollice thrust upon them, up to the
station where the republicans have
tne wo:L in hand, mid where demo-
i 1
i t
I I . T
A jiii ei
4j in-
to our
us; for
of inter-
i year; for
'ity uf .rigour industries
(return lor me mechanics
ti2 a. market fur the abund-
of the husbandman; for
jtun el national raitu ana
ii wise ana generous pro-
A. . i . ii. ...... I .... t
elii'OC ine.iJiieiieci.iia., umu
li&Uo.. ct our youth; for the
upon tli.' eons-jii'i'ce of "re
nd iifuiMfonaing religion, anil
otlier Messing., we should
More-, I ih recommend that the
vi' ileiKiiated be observed
ml tiif i; :.'itry as a day ot na-
oi; :-e'i v i n;r "and ni-aver. nn.l
, - I J .
'e ci.Ae from their daily hi-
iicrt ii: accordance with their
inns n worship, draw near
rim' ol Almighty iod, otier-
mipiai.-.o ror the manitohl
i uhiei. iio has vouchsafed to
:.ii';;; that His blessings may
,;i'nl i ,lo further recommend
l:iv tlcn apoointcd m i:)ado a' dfedi t- i tul tin.j
fi.'v to tlui suft'erin and n"eily.
,1 whiri! .veil within the land
ice an.l he glad in this season
al Tbanksi'ivin!'.
in .-s wh.'reof I have hereunto
ami and'eaused the seal of the he tixed.
at the e'ty of U'lishlnfjcon. this
,t.4j of Oetl-her, in the year of our
t i t i i i
,VY""- i'iuii'1 inu iiui, :i;imni'ii aiui
two, audi ot the iiititpciideijce
nited .-f:vtes the one hundred
nth. ('( Rcstku A. AiniiuK,
Secretary of .State.
hilt in I'm or of the
ii iiiiVjinau has done in
"iity tcis; tall. Ihf Journal
orstd rt'pf this.
'Dr. Livingston "ought to have the
ime Keif-respect that Mr. J'oppleton
;is. amWeej his mouth shut." lie is
lie head f the medical department
of the 15. Si yi-, al.r 'under
pay from the road.''
.Mr. Maripictie is ut the lciul of the
law ih pjirtjnciit ol the -a4io organi
zation, and uudcr pay fnhu it, and
the Journal says, ihnri lire he has
lo.t Jiirjidf -respect by Sa;, ino any
thing politically, t he same olijet lion
applies with uijuul .'iorcu Ju
iu'ston; but l!ie i-ii!iuili: editor o !
the Journal cares nolhiii' lor ci iinisl. J
ency; aiiylhiny to et a vole for de
mocracy, ho matter how inconsistent
or Jit the Mierili'je of how mueh jirin
tiple, ix hjs ii'otto.
Simply Jeeais. Manjuette ir
Dr. Livingston are pajd fgr services
rendered tho railroad coinpanjos, jj
no reason why they should Jose their
political identity ami have their
mouths heriiicticallv sealed. It ihcy
use none but fair arumeui iu favor
ol the laiucjples of
vhieh they respijvcly belong they
era tic ship cnrie liters are ubout to
commence. Diniocriuy is widely
known to bo tm years behind the
times; but it w r.nlit i iuimj us sorrow
to see our new and unexpected dem
ocratic. Ij! rtii'ci open the ball by re
pealing anything that lias been dead
virus ii go. There are other, and
more reasonable whvs to put one,s
fot in it.
i ne . returns indicU-W as folio
Patterson elected stator over Reed bj
some three liundreu majority. Nev
ille ami Draper elected by a good ma
jority. Hall elected by a close voU,
with "VVolpli Cannon and Higgins neck
and neck for the remaining represen
tative. For county conimjssloner
Todd and Dehtihoff are very close, wittr
the best evidence obtainable. sh.wiDS
L.etjiinoa leading s votes. The ameikd
ment was defeated in the county about
two to one. A full tabular stafemirit
of the vote will be published nost
week, as the canvass is being made today,-
and will not be completed in time
for this issue. The following is the
vete as far 83 obtainable.
First wird Morton, 95; Dawes, 61;
Kedick, 61; Weaver, 60; Hartigan, 84;
Stro.le, 67; Patterson, 111; Reed, 42;
Neville, 109; Upton, 93, lllggius, 92;
Draper, 95; Woolcy, 69, Hall, f8; Cun
uon, 56; Wolph, 54; Todd, 58; LehuhofT,
Second ward MVfton, 81; Dnw'cs,
78; Hcdick, 81; "Wcaicr 78; Hartigajut
78; Strode, 79; l'attersoir, 118; Ueed, 40;
Neville, 95; Upton, 78; Iliggius, 815
Draper, 97; Wool, y, 69: Hall, 71; Cau-
noii, 6r; Volph, 64; Todd, 66; Uha-
lion. a. i
Third M ard-Morlou. 182: Daw"8 IM Columbus, Nov. .-Coroplete official
140; Itedick. 133; Weaver, 139; lla( returns of Tlatte couity gives Alunger
ICIIlAut V ...... .. I
-ottuiuerB. i:anv
eouiplet. The resultso fat id
eounty Is, Dawes lUO.Mortoi
ingersoll 123; comrres. Munir
Valentine 7ir, Turn- ui c-evan
1,-1. .CJiri- f.075.
11AI ,
Gratfd Island Xovetsr 8.-Munger s
majority over Valentifs 6t0'
Neligh, Xovembt Valentine I
ceives 389 majority county.
Jfonxn I'lattiNo 8.-lleturns
sbw a majority i- Vut,n 111 1in
coin couaty of r-
Creinhton..-' v. 8. Valentine ma
vr is 3oo. Turner re
ccived 250 W'flS in the col,nt-
The deaio'itic stale ticket ha an
average-of ' t majority; Munger has
Zi,i, V-lenthe 1C3, Turner 2; amend
ment, 20 fo, 340 against.
North Plaits Nov. 8.- Lincoln coun
ty gives VUentine 333, Munger 210,
Turner 175; the aincn'ei11' xVi for
S5 Melius
uu- r
;ClIOU Ol Vlimim
fiiri. with chances for Iwyivch
" - - - x..
democratic chairman eoucedes iiii
Boston, Nov. 7-(ien. Itullcr's man
agers claim the elate tot him by LV
000,000. Hcpublicans hope to elect
Bishop by 5,000.
ltcturns indicnlc the election of the
followiug congresMucu:
Gov. Long, republican; 1. Collins,
democrat; L. Morse, dem.; Henry 1.
Loriug, dem.; liben 1J. IStone, reiuibli
can; C. Lyman, independent; W. W.
ltye, republican, the Journal tig
ures a plurality for Itutler in the
state of 20.000, but claims the entire
republican state Mcket except him.
Haktfoui), Nov. 7 The day was
fair and tho vote .lull. Throughout
ilio atiilii llier.' has been a tiUllll" Oil
from the vote of 1H80. The prottabili
ty is the democrats have elected their
state ticket and coiigrcsicf
Thk political work of tb cnr i-
now closed out and iho "dear people
Ow.III ..-.1...1.W- il fiMl. Illld (lin ing
over nM-'" r'"" .
the resting period, win rcnert, nun
carefully watch to see what fruit Will
he Itoruo of the result.
List oT betters.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
in the post office at riattsmoulb, Cass
County, Neb., Nov
MlTl Maiiah
MYoy Kmily
Mo no D. H
Meir Henry
Meweill Mrs. Fence
rhilhv J. J.
Onette S.
Applegatc Chas.
Bui'Ufss W. J.
Harnes George
Copt'iihut Schallu
('leghorn Jack
Chandler Win. H
Clewell Clara
Cook Mrs. Mnudo Uay K.K.
Diekson Mrs.lIattieSmith Mamie
Davis John A. Schuheit Henry
Donelan John A. Speakmaii A it red
(iooclin Mis. Mary Mnothers Hiram
Harris Collin 15. Woorl A. N.
Isnor Thomas Waijiiian Frederick
Feisons calling fur the above will
ple:use say "Advertised."
J. YV. Maksiiai.i.. 1'. M.
Sw;l n .li'lll
IKill li'Milrnl il' li'lliilllil . lU
T il ,. i,,rW mat en Uu' -'lil !; MiIm-i-. lina.
l iini'. f""l. a .'"it" "' "I II"' Ci ii"'."' 'nl
tin .sjrfili Ill-nil ini rim l. i':i-h i ciiuily. Nrliiiix-
kmii iI :iii iinli-r airiirinin iii. uu inu smu
.r7r In ail ail I' in ipniliim In -I i" i' lil hi. w "-
, . I if.7r 111 ail iirll'ili iruillliu III l.ui' mill, w in it-
1)KS MoINI S, Nov. i V roill re urn, lt,t.,,in Co.. aii'lilaiiilill-ami
i t . . . i... ..I. .... lk..Lii"lii' l
The election is past and 'tho re
publican party of the couity has
liiet (fclcal. It has not met' defeat
by the .aud. of democracy, f r de
mocracy today is a iiiinoply ol over
three hundred in the county,
has met defeat iu port tlicTujfh pre-
tne parties tofit,mrja hicibers otXiTs own! rauks
who adopt thcsiiicidal policy and
kill the parly and its influence, both
stUe and national, to gratify that in-t-,itiabl,e
appetite lor revenge which
some men .cherish iiinl hold ngaiu.-t
iioivnttpils and sacrifice tpeif li'jrty
ir teed iTvenge upon.. To thorn' who
aided in the defeat of the republican
are just ns much entitled to hearing
iu public as any oue else. We dp not
believe Mr. Aiarijiiette advocated any
thing iu relation Jo tho .raUrouds or
corporation, thi.t. wo.ild be ju ton
IKct with the best interests of the
people. We can liot see w here h..
sac-diced any sei' -respect by cc-'iseiit- j party through s-ich s spirit, tt.e Hi.ii-
ug io ailr.1 ess i-to peopb; ol i'l.-uo- ami sci:ds greeting and sends it iu the
mouth upon political Issues of the hope that 'hey are proud of tiicm-
day, not ithstaiiiiijiy thp sensitive selves c i.T ilieir record, lor most eer-
nerves of the Journal editor received fajni." republicans who have worked
a vcurtul shock thereby. j Jong add ' j'aif iif'ujly fr the success of
(lie ticket and the greater j?Ui;jeC pi'
the republican partv and ft ieprer
scutatiu rf'the legislutiiro are not
proud of iheni. The Hkram, in
sending this greeting, sends it to re
publicans win) have been honored by
ihepariy v,.IJ ;i iiiembers ot tho
rank and file and ttieir aniuU the
Hkkai.d neither attempts fo palliate
Ar long Jin-e uerimui of the.
i.!t-iiioulh Juunial was a proiio'uno-
ki'mperauc advocate. Kecenily,
kvor, he txperieneed a change ol
He n id the democratic state
u, i;e nsienei to it lie art
Consistency is a jewel, etc.
O.n.e of tho best evidences of the
remarkable prosperity attending this
couidrr is shown iu tiu ;i;l vei tising
columns of the great city and national
papers, I'age after page iu them are
Iled in each ioi;;; with columns of
wants; wanted bri..kl..e,, wanted
cariwnlcrs, wanttd men skilled in
worku of iron, wanted tradesmen,
wanted salesmen, wanted profession
al men, wanted laboring men of all
classes for all classes of work. There
is a wonderful lesson to this country
in this, aiAl it is, that every industry
is pruHperos, evry mill is running
its full c.'ipitcity and brciib put. in
extensions, every ouo is' building,
trade grows apace, crops are heavy,
money plenty and publico confidence
is strong in every department of la
bor. It means more, that wages are
higher because men are,. i n demand,
that 1-llPI A jq .-- I o" anj
or co' cc, To a party tluct now
stands defeated thpy may attempt
their justification iu the future j
that parly will setije wfth them.
Another element thai hss eou'tribut
el to the defeat of the party is the
question of prohibition ; circulais
have been scattered freely over the
country ordering vol era who are
prejudiced on that question above
party anil party ' principiuS, to vote
tor ;he Jetnocra.tic party fy'r it Vaa
tho pufty as'ust prohibition, and
against ietting tiio )iiajgrjty i f tl.e
people be the will in Noovaskru This
captured many toreigu votes especial
ly and strange as it may npJttr the
Vlll' I' 1,1 ' 1 11 ' " to
trau, 123; Strode, 140; Pattetsou. ,. 103'
Heed, 102; Neville, llOf L'iitou, 135;
Iliggius, 131; Draper, 133; Wooley
129; Hall, l ib; Cqmrfon, 138; Wolpli,.
140 Todd, 124; LfcViuhofi; 131.
Fourth wafjiortou, 141; Dawes,
10t: Jfciifrffk, y9; Weaver, 107; llarti-
13U; btrode, 112; Patterson. 3,;
lteed, 81; Neville, 133; Upton, 140;
Iliggius, 140; Draper, 149; Wooley, 97;
Hall, 103; Cannon, 91; Wolph, 97;
ToTld, 92; Lehuhoft-, 149.
Liberty Morton, 107, Dawes, 102;
Uedick, 1 3: Weaver, 120; Hartigan.
j 101; Strode, 124; Patterson, 114; Heed.
UOj Neville. 100; Upton, 01; Iliggius,
101; Draper, 107j W oley, j'M- Hah;
125j Cannon, i 'r.-iph, 12.5; Toc'.d.
; LcNt- lioir,
Eight Miio Groe Morion, 107;
Dawes, S3; Patterson. 114; Heed, 7?;
Wooley 72, Hall 80, Cannon 80, Wolph
80, Neville 114, Upton 103, Higgims
10J, Iraper 112, Todd 83, Lehnhoir
Uoi-.k BlutN bii'oric tQ, Hnrlj-au.
Ill, Heed 72, I'altersoni 101, Wooley
111, Hull 102, Cannon, 92, Wolph 111,
Neville 120, Upton 120; Higg-.ns 113,
Draper 120.
Plattsinouth precinct Morton, 157,
liwr? Jb'dick, 157; Weaver, 82;
Hartigan; 'loO; Strode, - Patterson,
177; Heed, 59; 'Neville, 165; Up'lob; 12;
Higgins. 157; Dmper, 193; Wooley; 60',
Hall. Til Camion, jQ- Wolph, fO: Todd'
; Lehiihoil', . '"
LonisviJle Morton, 91; Dawes, 72;
Uedick, 89; Weaver, 72; Patterson, 109;
Heed, 49; Neville, 112; Upton, 91: Hig
gins, 89; Draper, 120; Wooley, 42;
Hall, 69; Caution, 70; Wolph, 5t; Todd
; LelmhoiT, .
South Mend Morton, 54; Dawes.
04"; Tiedick; el; Weaver, j4: Hartigan'
53; Strode," 69;' Patterson, (9, ijevd, 54;
Neville, 90; jlpton, 5,4: Higgjus,' 7;
Drftpcr, 5; Wppley,- (jjj' Hall, j?4: Cnii'.
uon, 00; Wolph, oij Todd. LdiUr
hoi!", . The anti-inonopoIUts Dolled
v -i votes lor tne "ti- Vi i
Tipton )ayr
AVeaver 72, WiyS
"4 50,
75, Turner 508, Valentine
Plum CreeVNov.8. YP governor,
Dawes 375, Moi ton 9:5, Ingersoll 177,
foj- confresaman, Valentine 298, Tur
ner 180, Munger C5; for aniendmeiit
20, against 180.
.lbion. 4ov. S. liaone county gives
Valentine SS4 niHjority over Munger.
Ll ...
Election Keturns.
DiiKVitK, Nbv. 8. The democratic
ewvtra! committee ciaims the state by
;,S00 to 3,009. House doubtful Wal
laeC; demoer.At. for congress, 1.000 ma
jority. They aba plaim tfiis county by
03 majority. ?pi;tic'.ans say the make
up ot the Hew legislature indicates the
lection of Tabor to the fJ. S. senate.
Council lil litis, Nov. 8 Anderson,
the republican nominee for congress,
is defeat' d surely, and various esti
mates ure made of Puey's majority.
Pusey carries this city dy C(I1 ma
jority, aud the county probably by
1,000. Prentont county gives him
GOO; Crawford, 400; Harrison, Mills,
.Shelby and Cass 100 each. Ander
son has Montgomery by 000 nuijor
ity, and Audubon by t!o0. This
makes Ptisev's majority 1,(500.
!! (- V. "
ii it
New York, I$qv. SThe Times'
extra jiuts C'lcreliiml, majority at
I'W.OOO, according to returns receiv
ed up to 10 a. in , and says that the
state legislature is strongly demo
cratic. SKW YOKK.
New Yokk, Nov. 7. The Commer
cial Advertiser (stalwart) admits
Cleveland, democrat, for governor,
will probably Jiave G0,0i)0 majoritv
ill the eit". Suppoj t to the citizens
ticket is a flisappointir cut, the rc
piibli(:aii3 not coiing 0U. The cjt
izwis commiitco (clwiMi that tha rer
nuii'ii 1 1 1 ii- ill r i 1 ii in i ii e.-rl 1 1
the State Kegister puts Ihe rcpubli
can majority iu the slate at 40,000,
over detiioi rats, and 20,000 over idi,
with cine republican congressmen
certain. Karwel', republican, is lc
feated in the 2nd district and the Oth
district is Close between Cutts, re
publican, and Weaver, tireenbaeker;
with the chance in lavor ot Cut is. In
this district Kasoti has a majority
over all of 2,000 ami a pluruliiy of
over 1,000.
Puii.AOKi.ruiA, Nov. 7. '"t,','ri'1
re t u rnsjjr-iho h.utu show large
democratic gain over the vote of last
year. l'allii-ou has undoubtedly car
ried this city and will have a plural
ity of over -J0.0OO in the stale. Post,
democrat, is elected :; ihe 15th con
gressional djstjjcp
A disiiiuch gives Kerre!
democratic, a nnjoi iiy o''50(), a dent
ocratic gaiu of 1.V00.
A Serantoit dispatch t ay Kiueutrout
democrat, is elected to eongrcs it.
Ihe.Tw ellih district.
White, republican, is jtrobab! de
feated for congress in the Twentv-
iiiin uiiijui, aimiiarr, repuuiican, in
the Fourteenth ili-trict.
i'oitsviLi.H, Nov. 7. UrusbUin, re
publican and greenbacker, is elected
to couyress iu the Thirteeth district
by 300 majority.
I'tiTtiicmi, Nov. 7. Huyne, repub
lican, is returned to congress from
the Twenty-third district by u large
iliajdrtly,' iiayiiig' no "Ueiiioti alii; op
positiun. In the Twenty-second dis
tiict icturus are meager, but it is be
lieved Everett, republican, will have
1500 majority.
Milwaukee, Nov. 7. Election re
turus lroni the interior of the state
come in slowly, aud estimates can be
foruieil wifcli ditlicully. All rex oris
so far Indicate lal'? e democratic "aius
in every congiessiuual district. Dr.
AudersoUj ch'airuiait ol tlie democrat
ic, itate ceitral cimnuiitee, claims that
live aud iiro'oaL'v i- ,
son h ili-ltiiilanl. Unit iii'i. ily Im Ihiiiiij: l
Vim. tn-w 11 : I iiinl" I" llii lianiis in unn
XV. kani'll, liai liren altarlii'il. ami siiiil i ;uimi
C.illlllill"il In lli'lCMil'k'I -ill, :-sj, al IwiU'i l'i'S.
i ii i lif :il In tiix-tn.
ax it a a v i,
l'.V K. II. Mi l .MM. AMI, liil'll- Alluiiicy.
Oi liilu 1 lil!, -.'-Ii:l.
Notice to Teachers
I will tin at my nnir In l'l illsiii
Fi iilav iiinl Sal in May. mm ai
soimuiI anil f. mi Mi I'nilay si
XXiTt'iiii; Water Hie tlnnl
niinil li to alli-iul U any
niav ! i.n.M'iili'a li:
In the inatler
founiy, I'lir
l pun reailif
tit I. hi ol lt:ij
ailniinls I f
lllltt, lllM'.L
. l"V
wecA ly nr-.
Ui'iiei'al ciirnl
roie'eriil iv e v.
-:tost l-t set f "-mr
!).. lis-.', t l o iJk
t'ouuly tliniirr, ml
ami ilai'', all pi 1
ami show eanii- SJ
l-.n u urn ol xaiii I
I' ilio r:ut .laiiij
;.l..,el of ail i
Ti tho IlOU lO'lll
lol .( l to vi, In liiurk
in liloek ' -1. oiii i, i vi A
anil L', 111 DIorK l), s
Siiiaii-, in i lie town I
ty, Netii'iinka.
Von aro lieirby liotiiH'n if
of hplirnary, lssl. tin; aiwivi;
tato. was ly tin; l'rfai'iin rol I
iiiiia, aum ai ciiv.-iir sail-, iol' llii 1 t-l 1 1 o 1 1
laxpB oi me ytui' iji.y, auioiini m to ?:,.'H. In
inn uuuersiKiiru, nam propeily va taxed or
aHSCMaod n beloii"iii'' to iliikiMinn or iiiui-rcHi-
diMit uxr ut;rs. 'I liat tin; tinu; of ri-il-nitiiii of
sam (iiiMiieief iroin sain i-aic. will rMim- on I lit-,
lilHt day ul l eUi nary, ,. i. l:isj, and I hat nn-!;-s
ntdi'iiinlioi: bi- made fioni sin ' a!-., on o,.
lit-lore said aslu, :. lux Jiiied for slild (UTiili-r
will ho isstieU hy IU.- 'lreaaiini of s;iid roieil l
anu aiale lu llii; midcisini-d.
XX M. XV. lilt AX K'
Xovctiilier ill, li?.-.'.-3at:i,
Legal Notice.
.lohu iitiMinie, ilaiiitirf, v. The Rcoiii
Aniiili'aii Murtj;a-'e t'oiniiany l.i in it ; . aj
-iiih-iwii anut.mi K iai liters, ni'M nai. I
niiKiiowii, ui-ieiinaius.
'J lio ahove iiitiiiL-d Uefi'iulaiitH will lake
tiee, that on the i::lh day of Ocioln-r, i
iiimva uaiiii'ti inaiiuiii Hied Iih nelilioii 'i
disliiet court of C-auii eoiuily, Nt ln ai-ka. a;!"
ou, fcyr iiuil.":i Jlllfl oriij-.-r UP. 111 .tie 1st
llavtr a-.'i lin iimU-';;:i!, lH-ai-inir d iti; of
einherJil. Ihi. lnda yon a-ainsl .In'1
uu nirMiiiminii; il tne 1101111-1.1 ijiiai l
srtTiioii h;ii. iow n-snip ii-ii. rani; leu, 111
eouiuy, senrufKii, aiinuilL-j,.ani lied am.
iniea 01 leeorn.
Jd. To have yq ri.' diicil (r
or Ii'm.ij'-Iit) iii tiio ol onti-;;-v Ii
naid iiiJiliiaLV. iiinl a! I'.tS Ilnal hua
nisi; to have eaid licivs oihi-ii-iI dt-linl