The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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DBOBMBE, ttr922
ueparates anan -at Ms ibost Strom ;man
at his worfit. &Jt his Obodt nan 1s but
a "little uawor ttihan itihe angels,"
while man -at Oris worst may, in some
respects, too ilowor than the beasts
about .him. And - awe-inspiring
thought every Airman being is
traveling in one direction or the
other, upward toward the highest
plane to which man can aspire -or
downward toward tibe lowest level
teward wtliich man 'can fall!
Christ haspower :to rescue man at
any point on 'the 'downward "Way and,
by forgivoness, start him on his as
cer.t toward 1'he sides.
'Lord, 'to -Whom shall we .go.? Thou
hast the words of eternal life."
(Iiiflco 8:13, 2G-83, 88, 39)
And it -came to pass afterwara, that
Trr went throughout cvery city and
village, proachincr and' shewing . 'the
Blod tiflinefB tit the fcineruom of Qod:
xind the twolve wore with him,
And certain women, Which had been
healed of evil spirits and inlirmitioH,
Mary called Otfa'gdalene, out of wOiom
wont sevon devils.
rTAn. Joa"?tt the wife of Churn
Ht rods steward, and .Susanna, :&rrO
many others, Which ministered unto
iiim of -their substance. -"
And they arcived at the country of
the ; Gadarones Whidh is over asainst
Galilee. r
And when he went tforth to land,
there met him out of the city a cer
tain man, wlrioh haa devils long time,
and -wore -no tilothes, neither ;al)ttde in
any bouse, b.ut Jin the tombs.
When lie saw Jesus, he cried out.
and fell down lbefore him, and with a
loud voice snjid. 'What have I ltd do with
'n JrrCUS' hU ?SOn f 'God JnOSt
? 1 Tacneodh thee, torment me not.
.J I?1'"0 'hafl 'oommandod the unclean
$lritto ome out of the man. (For
nitimel jt 'hafl .cojuBht him: and Tie
was Isqpt bound ,w.ith chains, and in if ot
ters; and ho .brake" The bands, and wan
driven of the devil into the wilder-
.4nd Jobub asked Ir'im. Baying. What
JB thy name? Anfl -he said, Legion: be
cause many Qovils nvore entered into
And thqy besought Mm that he
would not command tfhom to pro out
into the .deejh,
JtH $hf? aB an herd of jnany
nvine foecling on the mountain: and
they besought fliim ithat he would suf-
Tr.rJKmJ.Q eutcr inio hem. - And he
fcuff ?rod, .them.
Then -WtATlt 1ln.(1ni( ., . 4.V.
ana, entered into -the swine:- and the
herd ran violently down n steep place
I? the iakq, ,and were chtfkoB.
f;wlie mun ,ou of wfiom the devils
fE t6Jia,?,ld besought 'him that he
might be with him: but Jesus sent 'him
away Baying,
v.11 to titilne own liouse. and shew
fw BPaoat MEs God hath done unto
i-rL JSferv0u!?oait !tlle "hole city now
ei eat things , Jesus iiad done unto Mm,
. , ",Alld t ame to ipass afterward,
that lie went rthrooighout .every city
and village; jpreaclijing and shewing
the glad itidlngs of the .kingdom f
God. '
Thus LiiHiie, rt(he .disciple, be
gins liis, account of Christ's rnrst ex
tended tour. - '
Christ Regain Hiis preaching upon
the shores of 4he Sea .of .Galilee .with
apemaum as ihead quarters. .-Then,
m the .second year of His ministry, he
undertook more extended missionary
prk, traveling from place to place.
And rfche twelve were with Him."'
Luke mentions three women by
aame (and gives .credit to others
Kieraj) Who ,of their -Bubstamce
inmistered iunto Christ and the Apos
tles .at this .time. One of these women
gas Many Magdalene, out of whom
He liad .past seven devils another
was the wife qf Herod'js steward; of
buBauna noithing is loLowin fieyond
the mention of lier name. They were
'women ,and rthey save of their sub
Btance fcwo facts which deserve &
ord in passing.
Christ was the emancipator of
woine. ahose wtho live in the United
Mates and see what women's posi
tion is today can hardly understand
;flhe world's former treatment of tho
"motihors of men."
,Pri m aPoatles wore mod, but
the New Testament has given to his
tory and to litorature the nnmes and
descriptions of a toumbor of women
who have exerted an incacula'ble in
fluence in the lifting ot woman from
a life of degradation to a place as
maus companion, oomrado, and
The name Mary w!ll never shine
amomg the names given to womon. It
was the name of the woman singled
out and given the supronie honor of
mothering the child Jesus. This name
was borne also by Mary, tho sistor
of Martha, and liy Mary Magdalono.
The heart oT woman scorned to re
spond to the teachings of Christ even
when men shouted, "Crucify him!"
His appeal was to the annftRinnnp n-nti
His call was to the doing of kind
aeetiB ana the showing of mercy.
Wherever Christ's, cosnol has hnnn
'carried it has brought lione in wnm-
lan; slie stands erect bonoath the ban
ner of the cross. Her advance though
sometimes slow, has been continuous,
and t'her'e will be no turning hack.
The women mentioned in todav's
text --proved their devotion by their
donations. Many Christian women
have -.consecrated their imoney to the
cause of Christ and, by doing so have
proven the value of money when it is
the servant of the heart.
Sometimes the question is asked,
How much money can a Christian
ihave and yet remain if Christian?
The answer is easy. If the money
is made lionesty thaiis, if it repre-
fsents the value of .service rendered
to tsoe'ety a Christian, ican have any
amount of money so long as he as in
-command of the money that is, so
long as he is the .master und money
the servant.
Whenever money becomes the
master and man ds it servant. Chris
tianity is Impossible, no matter how
nonestly the man may liaye acduired
Some may bp. afale to use more
money than others without yielding
tolits mastery, but wltetber the ;sum
possessed be much or little it must
be available for such -uses as the
lieart resires to make of it.
A little money may make a miser
of one whose heart 5ias not been
brought 4nto harmony with the spirit
All 1 - T-'l
oi ine jviaster ana wno nas no vision
of the coming of God's kingdom,
while .a,very large sum 'of money may
ihave no corroding influence upon
fone who finds a pleasure in fasten
ing the day When God's will will ne
:done on earth as it is done in neaven.
In recording the facts of this first
extended missionary ftour, Luke pre
sents some very important incidents
in Christ's life. There is given, for
example, one of the most TaluaDle of
Uhe many recorded parables spoken
iby Jesus.
In a very life-like way, Chrisirde
scribes the sower wiho "went out o
,sow liis seed.J' Commentators Who
give a description of the locality in
wliich the words were spoken reveal
the appropriateness of the classifica
tion made. Some of the seed fell by
the wayside, some upon a rock;
.other seed fell among the thorns,
while some fell on good ground.
In a sentence Christ brings before
Wia TionrPTR ITin .iTrmrvrta'nne of the
so'l into which ithe seed falls. The
seed that fell by the wayside was
partly trodden down and partly
picked up ny the fowls before it
could take root. That which fell up
on the rock awakened into life, but
did not mature because of lack of
If .comparison .can oe made among
lessons of such great importance,
the thought presented in connection
with the seed falling among thorns
would seem to be .even more practi
cal' than the others. The eed that
Ml-iflnne -Hinrm: .tW not latek Boil:
its chance was better than that of'
the seed that toll by thoToaUutaoor
Upon tho rnnlr hut l ..! it...
Bamo; it brought no harvost boaauBo
TMn T am HK.U ...
v muKiiB uprung up anu cuokGtl it.
This la one of tho parnbloa that
Christ oxplalnod to His disciple.
Tho K'ood is tho Word of Cod; the
fowls represent tho dovil Chat oarylo
away the seed that is oxposod. '
The KGOtI flint frill itrtnti n ynn1r n
resontod tho Word whon it is re-
colve'd with tfoy ibiit tdooa noM tt&ko
root. '
Thon'wooomo to'tho seed that 411
among thorns; It la "ahdjd with
oaro and riuh'os and pl(iasuro of
this Hfo" so that It brings no fruit to
porfootion. TMatthow, in raaording
this parnblo, imya that ''tho oaro of
this world, and tho docoitfulnoMi of
rlchog, choko tho word," so that tho
ono who ha roooivad it boaomoo un
fruitful. Whoro 'did 'this young man, Ohnrft,
,. ...
Ponrt Sendl Me One Snmvililltellass
i . t . 'OKk . ''t'.'ft . r"- '.Hii - -
S Am o!nB To Rffall You m Pair olh
iLatent-Styl, Exftra-Lareo, Round-
Eyr Sinhl-Improvinr? Spectacles
Abcolutely Free o Chnirrei
X Tratit; VOtt tn talrn n mvul fnsJ. a.k ..-.l. it i.
IiesdilUr. NotieothciFllznnnilahanA rVmniM hm i(H. ik l...u
aroa i or yoor triando may bo muriate riaht now. Notloo tha xtra.Urm
l???1 ?70' .a tb? lateatitylo aliriiutmiiravlne coUcl. One MteriM bhiIm
"uno waDuraraoiiar. n yoa can oso Jn th abor Dtetow: and comoUuly cover er(frrnrt of ttoo
nomin ova ico van iinn't hnmtn ni.n..ii,...u.. .u .i- .-- .. ii..- .. ...;l:
OI Bmm WtO yon nnVO t HO Tlhen vrnarlntf tho nM.Kttn cmallwmi (vtlvl fm.- mLn mt-mtfm
The UUsirStos,SitrhtImpToointi Snsotaclas HavoTaktn ifwCttwtttVlivStflrM
iLhamuntim at atvu,.tiLlttita&TaTt frnm Uaffln fn rjllfnrnln hiMrniliuliu. (
pId-fltyloBmalH)7oe3r'hapeJ alutmmi aw novrrrtaiiasf tho UtMtHtilo mtn
larso rouna-fjyo sicnt-improvinc rpactaslesrrmch navo pnetieaur talon Va
country bv a to; ni -unci 1 am crainrr tnntmixati arnlpof thacn nntnwla.ti sUnw
innvarr neat and bandsomo 10-srat irold.otlad anataIa trama tilth trxfT. lar.o !
cgmioriaoio ear nooxa, 10 try iiuiy icn oaya on yoor own eyeo io yoar onn
I bomtf' without axnt in tdrtnea or oven urcfarenea.
An noon tu ran rratthem X want von to not them on gem area -no mattar Imhv
vroal: thov nuv be from nnw -and vou rrlll ho oTraaalilv nrrrnrtaad to dinnarar that '
'von eanairalnraad thaflnoatnrintlnvntn'naitinanarortnajrazino; vnn Trill ht.U tn
thraad ilioamalleAt.avedneedUianclrin ihnflRcek(iulaf nmhraliiArvmruemrhAitniftllh
r r .-,, T . , .. . -. . ,, ,. , ....,
niom on ana no i c nu mens. lontr it yoa nico vritnoac any ueaaaebeo or eye poioo snu trim as
much oaae nnd comfort aa you ovar did In yoor Ufa.
You Can UsoThem Whan Out !iunling,DrivingortoiIio Movies If You So Oeslra
If yoa Hko toffo hantlnjr oecaiionaily, pat on thaio latectatyta a(1t
Impmvlncr anoctaclm. (to out into tho yrooti soma bright canny mornine
end yoa vriir bo ritiahtd to find how frreaUy they hIp you in a&btinff
yonr cun end tailing aim at yoor ffatna. Or, It you bo to tho mortee
ones in a Trbilo, yon can tako n ee&t array In tho back awl of tho thwatro
to avoid tho alltnmer of tho Ilalita and yoa will bo pleasd to notica
that oven tho imalleat vrorda and pietarto on tho screen loolc JtKtaa ctoay
l-'- ith tho aid of thcaa latMttvlo. aJflhWrnorovbiE fpofttscias .
Soolnc 6c Believing
TfniaBJ)rin)rbael:toyontheabaolntanarectalffhtofyoaryoansrrdaYa. lint you knorr tho old saylafr
"aoeina: W bellovintr" and I uooltivaly trill not eecapt onoafnaaoUurypannyfnwiyoamtajaboTO
mn AL... 1a..a. . .4,..! ...Jl .t 1A 4 t.. MMMb. alal.t.lMHBuuilxirfA g1' I AVikM lkfk flfHt
rwWM.ii uu V "J iwuitttv mj me w wa JL: mwvi-wi w v-1 -. w -" r - - " " "
h ffll
I1WubUjWbb& J
MlmtttAlWTK MS J
on to nil oat and mall me the coupon balorr, and I nlll ImniwJlaUJy and you "a handsom4'l(Kcarat eotd-
iimi nairnr tim miwitytrv in. uzrrit-iartrg.TnunuaTa.igiitinmrpviPirBnBctcii.PT ui.ii. mciurawmB-
-" w -" "' " " -. " " f - .:".. ' " , ' .
PBia to try xuliy 10 uaya on your orm eyes in yoar oTm nomo wiinouc a cane m luivanco or ora o raicraaaw.
Genuine LoatiierCoIn Purso and Spectacle Wiper Htrcautttiy t-rc o? liHtr't
I Trent to trot as many spectacle vr earera as powtbla to sand ror my
nlM.f.lmtinivlnv wnartnMim nn th ohrtvn JO-rfnv free trial offer at Onca
and 1 am thareiaro colmr to inclado a fftnnino leather coin pane in
which it cnekwed a ,maffic" spectaclo Tlpar vhieh will kp tho
'Slasaco from ffattlnc seratchetf np and marred abaolutaly freo of
ehartro vIth overy pah of opectaclaa I send oat on frao trial If yoa order
km f nnM Thi min -nnnui ennui nlth a Btronn- motal antD-button
1 astcnor and U naarly threo timea as bl tr an tho picture alongside bsreof.
Cut oat thin coupon and mail itrJKhtnorr this varjrmlnuto bafpre 700
t,. ifTiii 1 will indniia thia fcnulno Uatliercoln nururand "maffic'
-.-io irun ntvcnlntdiv fran of charcro vihich vcu may icsao trltncut
i n nn vrrariiMH nf Trhnthor vou kean Iho unMetaclei or cot.
Don't dolfiS. Sand tho coapon today-rlaht norr bcoro yoa by tfaia panar aiid.1
eaBeaeuatCut OUZ thlS COZIpOn OH thl Lino iBHiBHBMi
fflEfflcnN SPECTACLE HOUSE. Room 8 55th & Dorchester Ave ChicsK. UJL.
nni...n.? hv nn4 vnnr llhaml nffcp orM miant van to cnd me bv mall all chaivM nraDcid a bs&d
some 10-karat 0oldnilod pair of your loteat-otyla. cxtra-lartro, ronndy. olit.lmprovliisr spaetaalas
complata with nnup-'to-date leatherette aprlne-back poeket'boolc speUle-ae vbieh yoa ar offariajr
on ten days abioldte free trial. Jam eolne totry them oatforreadlnsror looking away off In the dlstsneo,
for far or near, Indoors or ontdoora, anywhara overywhero and if I Hnd themallyoaelalrathamtoKo
after a ten days trial. 1 willp&y you your advertiainr price of three dollars and nlnetytbrae cents (S.eS)
Sndno more. I want yoa. however, to disUnetly understand that If they do not restore th abioluto wir
ft viiion of my younger days. 1 will return them to yoa without a cent of pay aa I dori't Intand to ktfo
them unless they are much better than anypeetaeUsT have ever njed before and you will Have to Uko
my word aa (lnal In this matter. AUo be aufo and'lnelude the cenulno laather coin pursn and 'nslc;
Snyuwle wlner. which I am golnff to keep absolutely free of charge for my trouble In answering thfa
anvorttoement reffnrdless of Whether I keep and pay for the srweudes or not. just sxoctiyex yen bar
promisad m the above announcement. Co Sure tcAn.wr tho r'aJowtarQooattattss
i flow manv 1eart havtiyou
Mow aldare voul JLno i wtdglattu Ufanv)tUm ..., ,..
County ..... v
5 Rural Routo
Xo. (if any).
( Street and
1 N(h iifarnn
XPjf Of
'IficeTovm, j Box No.
.(, (if any)...
IC'HL. t-un cm ernlnrr tn Include a aenulne laaibsr
WTI ZOU Will nniico in U "7 - ""V .--"JT.-li, ..l-V .k.iIii
coin nurse end a magic" spectacle wiper abaoiuta iy i-oi cn 5n.ft ,ou tooer w tra
VEBrilVIP'ORTAWTi Vcu will notice In
send out on tree trial lora snort time oniy na Jt. ," J' 7,Vr Valfrhujband.wife or
5? ffl?.a!H? "a "SHJHr r'T'' TirnT.n'artScTas right 'now - and I will ilw scad
ffiTlSSWnta neeVof a wgJKffgig fTfc. fti K 5S2
lorwlwm this extra pair la betaffordVnredoB tale lino;
iJCMC...... ' ''
i4&L. - 4isaftss?af -
1 MU) OTTMmr -.m.
11 ji jji.'J.h1 iKiiv,'. Nni
BL IP?. 3 Mfaj-HM --..n .... -r- : .-
ij'ft BaAljftiMfiiYifi-r r"faW. ...lAf. 'fcaAftift'flu. ,V.k-!tA,.MaVM.
. ..J