The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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    n 4) vT" "ffF- TwSfg WfTTf ' yy
The Commoner
VOL. 22, NO. 12
Three Talented Artists
Joined in Designing
I his Lamp -
v JaalHHMBHak
a.JJ "fr HBair-r.7B -
Thrt line, irrODortlonsi
hpd colprlmr of moat of
Uw Ifttuta ypii soo In Uiwo
X , 'f commercialism
are thfl .H0r!c of Uenlpnlnjc
UeparunenU or larttc fac
torics. They aro lhe
frulU pf R ilceii knowlctlzo
of what make;! a "popular
nolIer" In Uie atorea.
lWt Uila cxtjuliltc little
lamp "Avirora" u It haj
be$n named by im artiat
bcoAoso of Um purity or
lU'OrncK lino -wan tic
nlfrned lijr tho United
talents' of mi architect
and k Interior decorator.
a painter, and ft
r m o u a cctup
trela. yso were!
wormnut not to
inako a cheap"
iaropora"Ulitsor .
but solely to design V
a, lamp or truly artistic
PX opdr tloiiH. wth
rrial uraco. aymmctry and
bonuty yet thorouahly
durahlo and practicable.
The prleo of thlartbttr
Dcm M 53.5U, TfllnK DI
It I In tbo few shops
Where lampa of this char
fccter can ha foutid Its
oual would cost 'from
$15 to $20. Only tho
Docorntlro Arts Lcaguu
could offer such n price
and such a lamp.
"Aurora" to 10 Inches
high, banc and cap cant In
solid Mcdallium. shaft
of Pcamkta braaflnlshed
cither lit rich utatuary
brormi with adjusuwe
parchment stude of neu-
urovm or in ivory
V It 1 1 o, Rhado
eoldefl yellow.
Insula of shades
Old rose to
fiiTo mellow
llaht. Kiulpped
rOia for. electricity, wire.
,50 tfdnjc W liulb' Bend
no money, alpiply alsn
and mall tho coupon ' to
DeoafAtlVe.' Arts, 'Leanuo,
175 Flffh AVbhuc. New York
tojacoitATrvndJ XlWcs LEACttrfs, ,
17K FIftk Ave, New YorkJN. W "
Boii'd' hio at the Loafcnjo members' opeclal 'price,' in
"Aurora" and I wlllpay postman $3.50..plun the
postage when dellrcrcd. (Shlpplnt: ueltht only 5 lbs.)
If not satisfactory I can return lamp within are day?
and you aro to refund my money.
Check finish desired Statuary Tlrorp-r lurTorjj Wliltet
"" , -?. "tri'
I '! J- jl
?lty. StateJ-r j
Hinnnil ,- .. . V
'Address"-!. . ja&.rv.? ii-
a cenulno
Inderwood or L.
, C. Smith rebuilt Typewriter. Hare
520 to $30 on famous Larklu Easy
, Payment Plan, naudsomely finished.
a 5 Year Guarantee. 30 Days Tila,h
ffcsenu lor must: uuuit tuliai, i
sZttfkmtcte. Dk.Tcrt.222l
Bqlftlo, N. Y. Peoria & Chictto. III.
t w.vffr " A&5'ay
Und tlip wisdom that Is condensed
Into this parable, especially Into tho
third illustration tho seed that fell
ambng thorns?
Ho gives us an epitome of history.
Ho know nothing personally about
the "care of this world" and "the
deceitfulness of riches." He had no
opportunity to learn from, all people
in all ages and in all lands that truth
has always been choked by "the care
of this world and tho deceitfulness
of riches." In one short sentence
Ho reveals a knowledge that must
have jjome from fin h!gh.
This is the outstanding social
truth with which tho good of every
generation have had to deal. Reforms
of every naturo come up from those
who suffer, not down from tliose who
profit by the abuses that need to be
Occasionally a .great soul comes
out from among tho aristocrats to
thunder against aristocracy. Oc
casionally some scholar comes out
from among the educated to plead
tho causo of the uneducated. Oc
casionally some rjcli man comes out
from among the wealthy to plead the
cause of the poor. But such figures
are rare in history.
"Tho heart knoweth his, own bit
terness," and much bitterness,
mingled together, creates the pres
suro that ilhally sweeps away ob
stacles to justice?
Strange that intelligent people
should speak . lightly of One whose
philosophy covers all the conditions
of life and Bupplios rules' for the
solving of alour problems!
In this same chapter of Luke is tho
record of that experience at sea
which afforded Christ an opportun
ity to calm the storm the miracle
.that awakened tho inquiry, "What
manner of man is this! ftfr He coin
mandeth even the winds and water
and they obey him."
Then comes a description of the
man who had for a long time been
possessed of dovils. He wore no
clothes and made his home among
the tombs. Ho, like others thus pos
sessed, recognized Jesus as the Son
of tho Most High God and besought
tne Master Jiot to torment him.
I ValHLflafe'': Jl
inrra, mTaawT
i!ifnfTiuniiuAtfn OIm 1
ytara. urflet 13 pickisea 1
Hlnrorrfuined Ironlnir I
Wax.Bellat too each Rsey
to pall. Ulc drmand. Order
loaar. aenn no mom..
Cat i haintiful ninnt Vrnn.
tJaai am( (1a,a,b '
i . . via.uil LAU ""MWU UIM
IjUGER pis
tols, barrels
A tt Q 14 ,1 i ft I . "
MAUSER pistols, lonjr barrels:.
holster stocks for both. MATT.
SCHOENAUER sporting: rifles. Catalog
'ten cents.
PpCific Arum Corporation, Sun FranclMco
return, to hia own house that he
might witness among his own people
"how great thimgs God hath done
unto thee."
And so the fame of the Great Mis
sionary spread far and wide as He
journeyed from city to city and from
village to village. He went about
healing those who were sick, forgiv
ing the sins of those whe repented,
and bringing hope and peace into the
lives of men and women who came
within His influence.
What a wonderful gospel is His
health to the afflicted, happiness to
thdse whose sins are forgiven, a vi
sion of usefulness to those who have
been idle, and the joy of giving to
those who have known only the less
er satisfactions that come with re
ceiving. And everyone can follow in His
footsteps and partake of the life that
He revealed to men.
After threso things the Lord ap
pointed ojther seventy also, and sent
them two and two before His face into
every city and place, whither He Him
self would come.
Therefore, He said unto them, Tho
harvest is truly great, but the laborers
are few: - "rt'ray ye therefore the Lord
of the harvest, that Ho would' send
forth labourers into Hls-haitvesU
Go your ways: behold. I send you
forth as lambs among wolves.
Carry neither purse, nor sdrip, nor
shoesr and salute no man by tho "way
And into .whatsoever house ye, .enter,
first say, Peace be to this housje.
And if .tho Son of Peaco be there,
your peaco shall rest upon It: if not,
it shall turn to yoU again., . .
And in the same house remain, 'eat
ing and drinking such things as thoy
glvo; for tho labourer is wor.thy of his
hire. Go not from house to 'house.
And into whatsoever city yo enter;
and they receive yc;Ur eat such things
as are set before you: ''
And heal the sick that -are therein,
and isay unto them, Tho kingdom tit
God is come nigh unto you.
But into whatsoever city" ye enter,
and they receive -ydu not, go-your ways
lut into tno streets 'of the same, and
Even tile very dust of your city.
This unclean spirit which Christ! against you: . notwithstanding bo yo
sure ot tnis. nat to Kingaom or God
is come high unto you.
And the seventy returned again with
joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are
:?.WiJi?Au"KRi5KiJiew.V anil .mmm .. 1- m 1.'wu
(UhorDronroSprfrjCT. Year's Kaarnn-
tt . - . -L .w.-vwj ,
,iumi; uuuivuu UUPIiei. DOnQ
airoct, oiTinB aoaior nomo It
bo faaan't there. t
JDopt. II 49 12 Adrian. Mich". ,
Lore Shirt Manufacturer
ireoti Rxenta to eell complete line of
shirts, direct-to wearer. Advertlied
Drmnd. xclasire pfttterni. No cap!.
tal or experience required. me
Tlatt, Entirely new proposilion.
Writs for fr momplio
W3 Brodwajr New York
Write cmicic for new oroodsiUoo
You can ern $8.00 a day in spur
tiroo and ict fine new Bnick tour
irijj car. lie the roprcientative
for Comer AINWcathcr Rain
coats. Noerpericocercquircdt
Samplooutfitfrco. Writonow.
Comer MfsCoDept. S-68
. Tyx. jjWT W-tt&mr
SeUina: from our All "Wool tailonna
.I4ne. Now low prices. lOxprcaa pre
paid. Satisfaction Ruarantecd. Prof" ,
'ita in advance. You collect a deposit
bc;n you mako tho aalo and keep itj
as your proui. inowbiubk.
& SeJesman'a Outfit Fre (
No deposit required for bis sam-s
Ele outfit, Our Golden Rule Clothes
. bn -worn bv arood drensers for 25
yearfr. Th Old Woolen ToOorinjr Co. la
Ub old rclIaWa bona. We Ucat you rishu
Work upATtt titno or full' time- and taruueo
S20.O0 to 375.00 a wenk. Get your owa
clotbea at loir wholcaaJo prices.
SendnoMony Jiutwrito a letter ttt-
'imr iw what you Iiav Bold. W1!! Knd
eosiploto e&mpla outfit by. propaiu pot.
Wrlto ua today. -.
had co-mmanded to come out had not
only afflicted the poor man for years,
but had rendered him so violent that
he was often bound in chains; ho had
sometimes broken them and been
driven into tho wilderness. Tol
Christ's question, "What: is thy
name?" he answered that it was
"Legion" because many devils were
entered into him.
Tho description of this extraordi
nary case of healing is quite extended
and ends with the drowning of a
herd of swine into which the devils
' A few years ago I heard a speaker,
at a meeting held in the interest of a
mission, make a new use 6f this par
ticular exhibition .of Chrit's power.
He measured the value of a soul by
the value of the swine. It was ii time
when the price of hogs was higher
than now and he estimated the num
bor of swine and the value -of the
herd, setting spiritual' values over
against pecuniary values.
While it was a unique way of cast
ing up an account it was a very in
adequate way of -expressing tho price
of soul peace. Here was a man who
was not only utterly worthless, but -a
danger to society, and yet Josub was
able to set him free from the evil
spirits that possessed him. The pos
sibilities,of a "restored mail are in
"Wjien those who were drawn to
tho. place by the report of the mira
cle spught the man they found him
"sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed,
and in his right mind." So great
was the poor man's gratitude and af
fection that h,e wanted to remain
with, Jesus'j but the Master bade him
AHFNTS pick i .winner.
Z-IVII4II 3 V, Everybody needs
,.A now combination. Of double strength
, rubbing and penetrating oils for in
stant reiiei irom xtneumausm, jjum
bago ,and all bodily aches pains and
lameness. .Tho only , safe headache
remedy. Clears cold v In the head or
throat as quick -as a. -flash and prevents
in1uenza and pneumonia Golden Balm
is mailed in generous size tubes, Post
Paid, for 50 cents:' We want Agents
everywhere -for' out- rieW -advertising
and selling plan, jbjg commissions
lowed. "Write" to.
4021.1.4th Ave; ' Detroit, Mich.
Cuireci Her
subject unto us through Thy name.
r " '
Last week we considered Christ aq
the Great Missionary. To-day we see
Him taking command of the mission
ary work of the word that has not
ceased to spread the glad tidings of
great joy even to this day.
In the time that elapsed between
these two events in our Saviour's!
life, Ho had taken the live loaves and
the two fishes and fed the five thou
sand. He had walked on the waters of
Galilee to His storm tossed disciples.
- He had foretold to the 1J2 his be
trayal, death and resurrection.
Peter and James and John.
He had healed a little boy griev
ously striken; He had called a little
child to Him and enshrined- child
hood forever in the kingdom?of God
and the heart of the world.
It was after these things that He
appointed 70 other disciples, taking
command of the world's missionaiy
work, "sent them two and two before
his face into every city and place
whither .he himself would come "
And a sentence that He spake unto
the 70 as He sent them forth de
scribes the need of the pjesent hour
as accurately as it did tho need when
Christ was upon the earth: '
"The harvest is truly great,. but
the labourers are few: pray ye
therefore the Lord of tho harvest
that He would send forth labourers
into His harvest."
Luke pictures Jesus giylng instruc-
-. .Knawlhg-ftbm terrible experience tho
Buffering' caused. by rJjeumatism, Mrs. J.
B. Hurst, "who- llyes at 608 E. Douglas
Street, X3-47, Bloomlngton, 111., is so
thankful at having, cured herself that
out of pure gratiude She Is .anxious to
tell all-other sufferers just 'how to get
rid of their torture by a- simple way at
home. '
-Mrs, Hurst has nothing to sell. Mere
ly cut out "this notice, mall It to her
with your own name and address, and
she will gladly Bend- you this valuable
infefrmation entirely free. Write her at
once before you.'forget. -'
Rupture Kills
7,000 Annually
Seven- thousand persons each year are
laid away -tho .burial certificate being
marked "Rupture." Why? Because the
unfortunate ones had neglected them-
i i A i- i-A1r1nM nnTA
He had been transfigured before4 of the slgS" (swelilw rSfhTafflictJon
ana paying no attention io niv. ."-
What aro vou dolnir? Aro you neglect
ing yourself by wearing a truss, ap
pliance, or whatever' name you choose
to call-Jt? At best, the truss is only a
makeshlft-rr-a false vprop against a col
lapsing wall and cannot bo expected
.to act as more than a mere mechanical
support. Tho binding pressure retards
blood circulation, ; thus rdbtaing the
weakeniJ muscles of '"that wliloh tlicy
need most nourishment. ,
But science ha? found a. way. ana
every truss sufferer in tba land is in
vited to make a FREEest right in t e
privacy of their . own homo, e
PJLAPAO method is unayestionably the
most scientific, logical. and -successful
self-treatment for rupjuro the world
has ever known. , , ,. ,
Tho PLAPAO FAD when adhqrjng
closely to tlio body cannot possibly slip
or shift out of. place, therefore, cannot
chafe or pinch. Soft as velvet-easy to
apply inoxpqnslvo, . To be used whilst
you work and whlistr you Sleep, wo
straps, buckles or springs, a?0.110"
Learn how' to close tho hernial open
ing as naturo intended so the ruptuio
' CAN'T come down. ISend your name to
day to PIAPAO CO.. Mock 1338, St.
Louis, MoTfor FREE, trial Plf pao and
the information necessary.