rW?prmFwwKivi - - icy iWi'wmi pr t-AH'IMhmi'.. if- The Commoner NOVEMBER, 1922 ia II N- fc. I HOOKS AND PERIODICALS - iHB FINISHED MYSTERY,"' Cloth bound volume, ,600 paces, 55 cents. Millions Now Living Will Never Pie," 6 cents. "Can the giving Talk .With the Dead?", 25 cent's. These books are nil on the Bible. Special offer: The three books uoV. for 78 cents. B. E. Keith, R.6, Washington, Indiana. . - i -' , in ii iVitEE BOOK Prophet EHJaii Coming riofore Christ.. Convincing Bible Evidence. T. ,C. Megiddo Mission, Rochester, NewYorl BROCHuREl(oJ' Verse; Should lie in ' every home; Twenty-five cents brings sample copy. Ralph S; Wood wortli, Elkhart, Indiana. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS 'Fuel Snvcr 1IOW To Prevent Colds. Easy, simple method. No medicine used. Price only 25c per; -copy prepaid .Q. W. Taylor, 1812 Main .St., Dallas, Texas. HARLAN Eugene Read's great book "The Abolition of Inheritances." Cloth, Two Dollars, . Paper Fifty Cents. St. Louis Book Company, St. Louis, Mo. SA"VE COAL. Cut your coal bills In half rX?1,1?, wlnKr- Spnd 50c coin at once ror my great coal saving formula. Bel cher Specialty Co., Lcesburg, Florida? DON'T MISS THIS A white linen col- Jar. Wash with your hand stfme as your face. Saves laundry. Keeps Its shape. Sample 40c; 3 'for $1.00. William- buh, iai in. oznu, unieago, Illinois. roil SALE FARMS AND LANDS FOR SALE FA 1131 A NORLANDS ArknnNnn ARKANSAS farm, and timber lands, splendid climate, good towns, roads, markets, for cattle, sheep, hog, and fruit raising. Land surprisingly cheap. Literature free. Frank H. Crary, Fordyce, Arkansas. SWEATERS Write me for .sweaters and leggings for children. Splendid values, alj sixes and colors. AddrcsB Jones, Box 5833, Westport, Station, Kansas City, Missouri. OIL portraits of yourself or dear onel w-str.,.kin,y beautiful and wonderfully life-like. Nothing like them anywherel Agents. Samples free, any photo. Chas. Bruck Artist, 210 North 8th, Phila delphia, Pa. Cnnndn North Dakoin OFFER ten good Improved, black sqll farms, from half mile to fivo miles from this town, telephone and rural mall tb each; flno soil. Write fbr bo8lC let and full information. W. F. Ehlern, Dougluh, North Dakota. GREAT fun magazine, 40 pages, 15c vpnr. Family Herald. 3442 Glcason Ave., Los Angeles, California. EDUCATIONAL AND INSTRUCTION LEARN rapid, artistic, broad-pefi-let- terlng and . earn at home. Tex,t-book $3.50. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Hausam School, Box 574R, Emporia, Kansas. ..... HYPNOTISM EasilytJearned by practi cal lessons complete instruction, the base of Psychology. Postpaid for $1.10. Smith Publishing Co., Dept. 28, Sprlng- Held, Mass. ,j, THE most profitable' irt as well as the easiest to learn. Sign painting and. ' Bhow-card writing. Complete course 2.50. Hall's Sign Shop, Franklin Square, Worcester,. Mass., Box 27. DOUBLE ENTRY "bookkeeping mas tered In 60 hours; guaranteed; di plomas. International Bookkeeping In stitute, Springfield, Mo. ept. 21. HEMSTITICHING and picoting attach . ment, works on any sewing machine. Easily adjusted. Price $2.50. with full Instructions. Oriental Novelty Co.,. Box 11, Corpus ChrlstI, Texas. IRRIGATED FARMS ISO-acre farms, Improved or unimproved; 30 to 160 acres Irrigable land on oach parcel; near Lethbrldge, in sunny 'southern Alberta, can be bought for $15 to $40 an acre. No need for pioneering. Well settled' country, .good roads, railways, schools, telephones; agreeable social conditions; fertile land; success of Ir rigation farmlnc hero nlreadv demon strated; irrigation system being con structed under government supervision. Water available In 1923. Write for Information concerning crops grown and description and location of farms to the province of Alberta, Irrigation 1 council, iy Provincial Building, L,etn- nriuge, Canada. MEN'S all wool home knit socks, $1 per pair prepaid. George MacElree, Bclle fontalne, 'Ohio. THIRTY FilnTStar photo's Fifty Cents. Fulton System, PadUcah, Kentucky. FINLAY ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Kansas City, Mo. Mechanical, electri cal, armature winding, auto-olec, " weeks to 2 years. . Write for catalog. Enroll any time. IF interested In Southeastern Colorado wheat land write for circular and prices; $15 to $25 per acre. J. G. Wadb worth, Holly, Colorado. IRRIGATED RANCHES hi famous Mlfldln Pnrlr TTnllmttorl rrvnua n.twl INFORMATION. Positively anything wafer. No destructive hall, blizzards or you need know, scientific, business, snakes. W. J.'Harsha, Kremmllng, Colo, medical, legal, agricultural, formulas, . recipes, addresses, miscellaneous. Where buy, sell. Ten cents per ques tion answered, none higher. Satisfac tion guaranteed or money returned. Address 'General Information, Ann Arbor, Michigan." m Colorado FOR SALE Boundary farnf, adjoining Mdlda, North Dakota. Bank, fttorc, elevator and post office 1-4 mile. 400 acres cultivated, 45 acres meadow and pasture. Abundance water. Good build1 Ingrt, "good soli, reasonable price. Wrlto John J. Power, Langdon, North Dakota; Oklnliomn FARMS FOR SALE GOOD FARMS, well Improved, located aH sections Oklahoma, offered at forced sjilo prices and on vary liberal terms. Only smu-11 cash payment nec essary. J lave farms of all sizes from 40 acres to 060 acros. Wonderful op-j portunlty to double your monct In short time. Tenants can becomo land owners. Farms will never be as ohoan J again. Act quickly whllo -I have 60 farms for you to choose from. Write immediately for booklet fully describ ing these farms. ' V. H. STEVENS, V' 307 Southeast National Bank Building,, Oklahoma City. Okla. , f HONEY FINEST Light, Extracted -Hortey, 60-lb. can $6.50; two $12 here. Amber, Strained, can $5.50; two $10. Frank H. Drexel &Sons, Beekeepers, Crawford, Colorado.. j PHOTO FINISHING TOUR first "Roir Doveioiiedvand prjnted for 25c Glossy finish. $ We copy? old pictures, enlarge ajid.hand color Jlat lett Studio, FalrfieldrXllinqls. ' 1 KODAK films developed freet -sprint 2 l-2c each. Kodak: Studio; Denlson, Texas. ' S- . KODAK FINISHING. Send for free trial offer and sample. Fraut&chy. Photog rapher. Box 31, Monroe, Wisconnin. SAMPLE Enlargement, dime, and nega tive (returned). Sample roll develop ed and six glaco prints, 25c silver. Brown Studio, Lake Elmo, Minnesota. KODAK PRINTS 3c, Postcards 5c, de . vcloping 5c. Altinfc Photo Co., Dept. X, 1982 Kinney, Cincinnati, Ohio. BUYER'S GUIDE NEW BOOK ShaYer's Mail Qrder D1-. rectory tells where to buy almost everything imaginable at wholesale, will save you many- dollars. Price 35c prepaid. Cppy of boolc and plan for earning big money at" home for 65c Money Order. Plan, suitable for either sox; work pleasant. G. O. Shaver, T. O. 20, Oil City, Louisiana. Special: Big formula budget free, with plan; worth many times cost; of all. .Contains many rare and valuable formulas. Refer ence: oil City Bank. f. NEW Clover Alfalfa Honey. GuarT anteed pure. 60 pound can $7.50, liquid if requested. Blackwell Honey Co.,aRapid City South Dakota. WHITE CLOVER or Basswood' honey. 60-pound can $8.00, . 2 for 15.00. Prices on pails upon request. F. A. Crowell, Granger, Minnesota. p Florida TIP-TOP OF FLORIDA Book of 40 big pages, 300 pictures, truth about farms, orange groves, climate, churches, schools, health, sanitation, etc., in county of 1,400 lakes, center state, highest elevation, three rail roads, 40(T miles improved 'highways; fastest growing most talked-of Florida nniintvi Iwmltli tiiirlot rnarirt a tlirnft VUUIlbJ I ,,.C.t, hUU.IUI. ,Msv', . "golf courses'," million dollar hotel and scores smaller pnes; write tor, rree copy this most comprehensive, .book stating what about Florida Interests you most. Address Lake County Cham ber Commerce, Box 595, Tavares, Fla. For FARMS, rentals, business Snn'rrcsl- dence property In Oklahoma, address Hansen & Hayes, Hobart, Oklahoma. . INVESTORS' EYEOPENER Informa tion: best Combination on Earth: Plgs-Peas-Pcaches-Paper Shell Pecans: Prospectus Free.. Southern Iand Syndicate, PIchcr, Oklahoma. HONEY HEiMDr.rCKS' MOUNTAIN HONEY. Most delicious table' honey produced. Guaranteed pure. Send fouc cents for sample and parcels post de' liVered-pricc. John Hendricks Honey- hill. Farm, jfowou, Wyoming. DELICIOUS New Clover Honey, 60 pounds, $5.50; two 60s, $9.75; lique fied. Kingsbury, Twin Falls, Idaho. PURE FOOD PRODUCTS OREGON PRUNES Direct, medium size, $7.75 per hundred. Special 12 lb. sample bag, express paid, $1:80. King wood 'Orchards, Sale'm, Oregon. ft SALAMi:CERVELAT WURST 35 cents; Excelsior Bacon, best in market. 35 cents; Kewanec Bacon, 20 .to 5 cents; shipped by parcel post in 5 to 10 lb. packets; home-nade, alL sugar-cured, finest quality in market; direct to con sumer. Remit by money order or cer tified check The Schneider Shipping Co., Smoked Meat, Summer Sausages; Kewahce. Illinois. . FOR SALE IN. NORTHWESTERN FLORIDA FINE OLD ESTATE 3 miles south of DcFunink Springs on main Unci L & N Railway). 20 miles north of Gulf of Mexico, 550 acres high grade land, lying solid body, all under, fronting one mile on main highway'. ' Comfortable residenco (9 large rooms, spacious verandas7 surrounded by magnificent shade trees; live oak. mag nolia, holly, champhor, etc. Two unusually large dairy barns, poultry houses, etc. About 75 pecan trees, many bearing heavily. 60 acres Jn cultivation,' cross fenced, balance woodland and pasture, practically all of which can be put in cultivation or or chard, t . ,x. Threft springs or crystal water witn in 150 yards of house and barns. Wonderful opportunity forgone desir ing a real home amid congenial sur roundings and unexcelled year round climate. Priced for Quick acceptance at $lQ,000.00-r-$5, 000.00 cash $5,000.00 five years G interest. McCASKlLL INVESTMENT COMPANY, DeFuniak Springs, Florida Oregon SOME OF THE BEST dalrytancf stpek . farms In the nortjiwest. Suitable, also for fruit and vegetable gcowlng. Write for descriptive matter. -I, 8. Kaufman & Co., Marsh field, Oregon; .South Dnkotn HEMSTITCHING, PICOTING, ETC. WELL IMPROVED 320 acres, .T-4 mile from Ilerreid. South Dakota. Good black soil. Best alfalfa land in th'o stale, 3 cuttings yearly. Good grain cropn. Price $59 acre. Easy terms', or crop payment would take in trauo stock of goods or other Income prop erty. Write J. Rcgner, Howard, South Dakota. Pennsylvania THREE ACRES $100. Bungalow at cost. Employment Provided.. Moral Community. Write Educational Pro moting Company. Warren, Penna; Vlrglnln HOMESEEICERS, send for Virginia farm list. Finest climate. Dept. 0, Emporia. Va. Washington Georgia CHRISTMAS CARDS 18 STEEL Engraved Colored Christmas Cards and Envelopes for $1 postpaid. 5 largq and 12 small. Retail value $2. Letterhead Press, 1451 Broadway, New CLEANING AND PRESSING "Sweaters," cleaned and pressed, for one dollar. Send no money, just the Bweator. O. M; Crum Cleaning Co., Virginia, Illinois. - SEEDS -AND PLANTS 12 CONCORD GRAPEVINES, 2 years, lnfl: 36 one. year, 52. 25 rhubarb, $1. 100 asparagus, $1. (Prepaid). Checks accepted. Catalog free. Welch Nursery, HEMSTITCHING & Picoting Attach "r". dimrinr bovine: fits any sew-- ing inachlnVAttaches firmly; easily U?dor fence. 1 four room house, 2 three adjusted. Price $8.00 ao'ivereu , wuu complete nsiruuuuna "'",, ' , work. Orders filled promptly. Superior Hemstitching Attachment Co.. 509 Starr St., Corpus Christ!, Texas. ' OF INTEREST TO WOMEN" Shenandoah, Iowa. INVENTIONS INVENTIONS COMMERCIALIZED, Pat ented or unpatented. Write Adam Fisher Mfg. Co,, 102, St. Louis, Mo. CROPWHATHER FORECASTS CROPWEATHER FORECASTS 'FREE for noxt month. Foster's Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. ?.VJ f J:',nif thn blue. fuel. Iaborr starch or weaV on clothes, return, get 5rcnA.r vrvfTAnln Washing Tablets loth- . 4 nr -m nil ii&fc00 jSa&'BSr'off Oakland. California. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Located 1 mile from Alma, Bacon County, Georgia, In heart of tobacco belt. Also fine for growing cotton, sugar cane, peanuts, or any crop gener ally grown in this section. Consists of 253 acres, wen uraineu sunuy i" ". 150 acres under cultivation 200 acres save much soap, time, rubbing, cloth room houses, barns, etc. Hard surface highway, (Woodpecker Route) runs thfough farm for half mile. Good schools and churches. ,., This farm is worth much more than xu -;: tiro,i nf n of which we dsk $2,000.00 cash! $ in 2 years, and assume o,uuu.uu mui iBabi, due five years. Reason for selling, un able to give it personal attention. Wilson-Mason Co., Jacksonville, Tia. RICH MEN'S FARMS at poor men's prices!- Low taxes, best markets. New York Agency, Westfleld, N. Y. LOCATE in the best climate on earth, Puget Sound. Ten ' acres enough to support a family. Our frco folder ox- Dlalns. Island County Information Bureau, Clinton, Washington. FARMS WANTED WANT to hear from owner having farm for sale; give particulars ana lowest price. John J. Black, 12 Street, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS FOR TIIE HOME nrATriT" -Tnexnensive Iceless Refrigera Mtor. Blueprint 35cl William Quemore, Camden, JNew juiow CANDY-MAKING Maryland 50-ACRE, 11-ycar-old orchard, mostly Jonathans, located at top of Blue Ridge Mountains 6t Maryland. Bulld lngsff and equipment, including 4 mules. Price $18)00.00. Easy terms. L. Jacques; Sr., Hagerstown, Maryland. POULTRY SPECIALTIES SPENCER TURKEN FOWL Half turkey and half chicken. Meat turkey chicken blend. Averages 200 eggs. Photo booklet 10c.r Spencer, R. 1, Santa Cruz, Calif. FERRETS Missouri FOXES SSSK cnTTTTlEAST MISSOURI'S best drained l?ndT reduced prices, good terms, i 1 Ainrnti Write for price list. g?nesf &C&. Popular Bluft? Missouri. Tennessee TEfEaScSr?sB liSSSSSJt Mof5 LSI Company, Knoxville, Tenn. FERRETS FOR KILLING rats, and hunting rabbits. Instruction book and price list free. Levi Famsworth, New London, Ohio. RAZOR BLADES RESHARPENED FREE One Cake Williams Shaving Road With One dozen Blades Re sharp? ned 3c each. Send Ad. Standard Safety Razor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. FARMERS, ATTENTIONf After several years I have compiled what is con sidered to be the most comprehensive book of farmers' problems yet pub lished. Tells In plain language how to , write mortgages, contracts, etc., inter pretation of legal terms, all kinds agri cultural helps, first aid to injured, re ceipts, tables of .measure and weights. In fact solves any other problem that confronts thn fanner. Send $1 today for your copy Farmers Guide rind En cyclopedia, to P. W. Custer. II West Tabb St., Petersburg, Virginia. ' Additional classified ads may be found on page 14. !4 mi ki 1 m JWi At -v 1$ A 1 H" . V L'&a i'.''' ia: