"PHK'Wi0'1$!Z? . .. -a y v : '; ' The Commoner I. . , -!- - V YOL22, NO. 11 J y.. . j .. -? " v Subscribers' Advertising Department This department of small classified advertisements In for tho benefit of Commoner -subscribers, and a special ratef six cents a word per inaer-tlon the lowest ratehas beon inudo for tliflm. This department Is also open to any legitimate aCvertisar. No misleading medical or financial advertising will be accepted. Cash must accompany all orders. Write for special xates tot thrco, six or twelve 'insertions. Address all communications to Tho Commoner Suite 207, Press Bldg., Lincoln, Nebraska. HELP WANTED DETECTIVES Earn Biff Money. Ex cellent opportunity. Travel. Fasol nating work. Experience unnecessary. Particulars free. Write, American Do tectivo System, 19 C8 Broadway, N. Y. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS $192 month ly.' Mcn; boys over 17, Experience unnecessary." Expense allowance. Other Government positions. Writo Suito 406, 271 Wost125th St., Now York City. . - WANT man or woman to demonstrate, marcel dlcctric hair waver. Needed by every woman. Now in big demand. Wonderful opportunity to make $25 to $75 weekly. Wrlto Midland Electric Co., 220 So. Stato Street, Chicago, 111. ESTABLISH A PERMANENT, pleasant, profitable business of your own In your own home. No money working for others; big money In this. Wc fur nish everything. A postalwill bring full information. Tho Merrythought Co.y Box' 281, Alhambra, California. GOVERNMENT CLERKS Many nced od; railway mr.ll, postmasters, rural and city carriers! list and how to se cure positions free. Secretary, 1722 Newton St., Washington, D. C. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS-BeccW independent; 'own your business; $40-$60 a week easily made selling Heberllng's medicines, extracts, spices, toilet articles, etc., di rect to consumers; experience and capi tal not required; old established com pany; complete lino of necessities used in tho homo every day; largo repeat sales; liboral profits; excluslvo territory, write today for full particulars and se cure your homo county. Hcberllng Medicino Co., Dept.. 54, Bloomington, Illinois. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS I hav a pocket article that can bo worked in spare time. Sample and terms, 10c. F. J. Keeley, 601 Fit st Avenue, Now YorkNew York, koBNTS, .600 PROFIT. Wko fend Guaranteed Formula 25c. Chcmidal Co., Steger, Illinois. WANTED Canvassers for our famous low-priced visiting, business, profes sional cards and special stationery. .Equal to engraved at one-third cost. Big commissions, genteel work. Ex perienced lady canvassers solicited-. All orders postpaid. Forman Prlntery, Sta tion D, Pluntsville, Conn. REPRESENTATIVES: Each county to call on physicians and merchants' to obtain outstanding accounts; Pleasant work: Good pay. Field-manager, Room 343 Wells Bldg., Qulncy, Illinois. HEM' WANTED MALE MEN WANTED for dectectivc work. Experience unnecessary. Wrlto for details explaining guaranteed position. J. Gttnor, former Gov't Detective, St. Louis, Missouri. BE A DETECTIVE $50-$100 wee'kly; travel over world; experience unnec essary. American Deteetlvo Agency, 1107 Lucas, St, Louis, Missouri. WANTED Ambitious men to work at home. Entirely new business; local or mail order. Previous experience unes sential. Ordinary man mndo $15 day. Write immediately. Krafft, Box 896 Com., San Francisco, California. HELP WANTED FEMALE THE NEW FRUIT DATE MARVEL PRUNE contains fifty per cent sugar. Sells to every lot owner, every 'farmer. Trees succeed wherever tho plum grows. Selling experience not neces sary. Write quick- for protected ter ritory. Big commissions paid. Big money made. Biggest tiling ever. .Ad dress Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco. Oregon. HOME employment eYenlpgs, Start little Mall Order business anywhero. Stamp brings Instruction. Alvln Pier, 72 Cortlandt Street, Now fork, N. Y. WANTED AGENTS, men-wonun, sell Shopping Bags, Ironing Board Covers, Waterproof Aprons. The more you try. tho more they buy! Why? Lowest Prices, Highest Quality 1 Wrlto Quick. Flomar, 2530 Drake, Chicago, HI. , 'BUSINESS ..OPPORTUNITIES U? FACTORY-Sewlng HuT Malfo all sqft waterproof dolls Vt home: 3 'sizes. nhnn i.mA.- "8..a formula, patterns, face stencils, sclllmr Novelty Shop, tfrairie du Chlen, wis". AGENTS make 100 per cent profit, sell ing National Fibre house brooms. Re tails fdr" $1.00. Free sample proposi tion. National FIbro Broom Company, St. Louis, Missouri. AGENTS WANTED. - Repeat orders sure; 40 commission. Sells to every home and business house. Sample 10c. -O. F. Strong, 1120 Kendal Ave., Portsmouth, . Ohio. AGENTS Introduce the new $1.25 guar anteed Gas-saver for . Fords:- and make money. Writo Automotive Sales & Mfg. Co., Palladium Bldg., St, Louis, Missouri. .. - '!; AGENTS Now and Fast Selling novel ty; Hand Woaving and vdarning ap paratus. Sample outfit vlth direc tions, 25o. H. J. Bremer, 3213 Vernon Ave., Chicago, Illinois. WHY SELL tho other fellow's goods; make and sell your own; wo furnish formulas. 35 money makers, $1.00; list free. Southern Formula Co., Lawtenco burg, Tennessee. OFFICE Necessity. Costs 25c, sells $1.00. Big repeater. Agents coining money. 3240 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. MAKE photographs In natural colors' 1 wIth co"1"10"! camera. Ask for book let Address today! J. Herzoc 21 p. Pearl Street, Ypsllantl, Michigan START a cleaning, pressing, dyoine shop. Splendid field, big profits. Plan! free. International System, Dent. 23 Excelsior Springs, Missouri. ' -BIG MONEY For one person In eacn town or county, bottling and selling Hartman's flavoring extracts wo torlnt voiir namri rtrl oii. labels free. Write for samples. J. p, xuiriiuun, u, ran Jtuver, Mass. SELL MBNTHOLENE under your own name. .Build up your own business. Instant relief for nose, throat, catarrh. QuaYter brings regular box, particulars. Worth dollar. W?lte Du Berry Labora tories, Pleasantvillo, New Jersey. TO EARN BIG PROFITS -with our quick-selling non-alcoholic . extracts, toilet articles and household neces sities. Opert territory. No money required.-We trust you. .Hurry! Wrlto today. Dept. 245, The Llnro Co., St Louis, Mo. WANTED Spectacle agents; big, pay, Nu-Way Co., Birmingham, Illinois. 'AGENTS' double your money. iPOlmet .ronsning Jiotn cieana an iuuluib. Retails 25c. SamDlfi free. Gale & CO., 17 Edinboro St., Boston. Massachusetts. MAKE money at homo" making toys una novelties;- particulars iree. New Specialty Company, 417 East 71st Street, New York. START'a Mall Order Business or Trust Scheme. Sample and particulars 10c. A. Cadby Got, 129 Woodward Road, Providence, Rhode Island. AGENTS' Wonderful Opportunity. Big Margin selling our Comb Cleaner. Sample 25 cents, $10ia gross, uuperlor Novelty Co., 95 Commerce St., Hartford, Connecticut. SALESMAN Acquainted with bankers, "and who can obtain "orders for bank deposit slips; can make favorable com mission arrangements with leading Chicago concern In this line. Chicago Sales Book Qo., 337 W. Madison St, Chicago. ANTI-MIST Big demand; prevents steaming and frosting of eyeglasses. Windshields, goggles, headlights,' mir rors, etc.;. try it; price 35c and 15c; samples and .terms 10c. C. Fleming & Sont E. Watertown, Massachusetts. AGENTS, Mall Dealers, Beginners, send dime for Mail Order Magazine con taining business building plans, new ideas, opportunities. Christiansen, Box 183, S. O. Sta., Omaha,, Nebraska. HOME WORKERS Big lists of firms supjyying various nomo work 10c. Universal Information Bureau, Seattle, Washington. , , HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE MAKE $15-$50 WEEKLY Writing anow uarus. iiiarn wnuo learning at home. No canvassing. Experience un necessary. 'Wo train you. Write TO DAY for valuable Free proposition. Show-Rite Sign System, 2342, Detroit, Michigan. BECOME INDEPENDENT on valuable . formula, -Address envelopes. Either sox, young or old. Send dollar bill for plan and formula. Charles Laboratory, Box 168, Hesston, Kansas. EVERYBODY uses extracts. ' Sell Duo jjouoie strength Extracts. Complete line household necessities Big repeat ers. Write today. Duo Co., Dept E3. Attica, New York. FASTEST Selling jSbto Specialty 6n Market; 500,000 will be sold next six months. Splendid proposition; write quick; $5 brings samples and fletails; samples sell at sight OV B. Herith Mfg. Co.; Inc., Hartford, Conn. MSS or STORIES WANTED STORIES; POEMS, PLANTS, ctc.y arc wanted for publication. Submit Mss or write Literary Bureau. 137, Hanni bal, Mo. ' . . ARTIFICIAL Marble, sanitary flooring instructions, ornamental casting, concrete plaster, papier-mache decora tions, garden furniture, statuary, Rubber-moulds, Eledtro-metallurgy, parti culars and 200 illustrations free. Chris. Mahler, Huntington, New York. -- - ' 1 1 ', 1 "MONEY-MAKING SCHEMES," C4 pages. 20c (coin. Joe Tlllberg, Proc tor, Vermont. MAKE RUBBER STAMPS. We furnish everything. -Big Profits. Enormoua Demand Everywhere.. Write. Sears, Main St., Ashland,: Ohio. BUSINESS SERVICE MUSICAL USED PIANOS $85 Upward. Month's trial. Wrlto for Bulletin 67. Piano Mart, Box 784, St. Louis, Missouri. "MUSIC COMPOSED'1 to' words. Bauer Bros, (formerly of Sousa's Band), Oshkosh, Wisconsin. ' CORNETiSTS. TROMBONISTS. SAXO PHONISTS, Clarinetists, Send for "Free Pointers." Name Instrument. Virtuosi School, Buffalo, New York.. POST CARDS, GAMES, NOVELTIES, ETC. . RADIO PUZZLE! latest thing' out, 12 tents prepaid. Nifty Novelty Mfg. VVSM IbTTlVi iVf AVSVT UUAOfJJ fRUMMAGE SALES make $50.00 dally. we start you. itepresoutatlves wanted everywhere.- "Wholesale Dis tributors," Dept. 48, 609 Division Street, Chicago. ALL men, women, boys, girls, 17 to 60, ivllllng to accept Government Posi tions, $117-$19D, traveling or stationary, write Mr. Ozment, 238, St. Louis, im mediately. EARN $25 WEEKLY, spare time, writ ing for newspapers, magazines. Ex perience unnCessary; details free. Pross Syndicate, 1050. St Louis, Mo. SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS: Learn about the profits sup , Plying perfume to families by ad dressing Leffldr & Co., 781 Walton, St uuuia, uiiBsoun. AGENTS WANTED Men and Women. Our "Dalntee-Dri" Watorproof Aprons contain no rubber. May be boiled and Ironed. Absolutely, guaran teed. Beautiful patterns. Excluslvo ter ritory, Liberal commission. Write for details. Marengo Company, Rdckford, Illinois. ' POSTCARDS Six beautiful Maine, views, 10c. A. W. Thompson, 85 Fal mouth Street, Portland, Maine. COLLECTIONS, Accounts, Notes, claims ; collected everywhere on commission; no collection, no pay. Allen Mercantile Service, 249 Lathrop Bldg., Kansas City, Missouri. ACCOUNTS, Notes, ' Claims collected anywhere In world. No charges un less collected. May's Collection Agency, somerset, aventucKy. PRINTING, CAUDWIUTING, ETC. 500 TWO-COLOR Letterheads $2.65. Samples free. Adverprcss," Station C-52, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 2000 LETTERHEADS or Envelopes $6.25. Complete - lino of attractive samples Free. We print everything. Quality Prlntshop, Marietta, Ohio. 106 ENVELOPES and paper neatly .printed with your name and address $1.10 postpaid Berry Printers, Mattoon, Illinois. r LANGUAGES WORLD-ROMIC SYSTEM, masterkeyH i.u .tt.11 JjiniKUiib-ua. oix lextDOOKS, 51. 73. French Chart, 37c; Spanish, 37c: Speech-Organs. 37c Prpnunciation Tables, 73 languages, 30c each. Lan- 5u,gea.KTPuLls,,iln. Company, 8 West 40 St., Now York, N. Y. TIRE SALESMEN. Mako Big Money. $100 per week and up. All on spare time. No experience or capital needed. Sell bost, guaranteed Akron standard make cord und fabric tires below deal ers prices. Save auto owners money. Dignified, profitable work. Federal Rubber Goods Co., Dept. 15, Akron, O. ' DISTRICT MANAGERS WANTED 160,000 SALES of a $12.50 household appliance in Nw England have paid salesmen $25 -to $150 weekly. Wo want District managers of exclusive small town territory elsewhere to sell direct obtain suD-agents. xno "iteoves AGENTS! Sell JovrJel! Honvort canned, dried nnrl frpnh fmifu i perfect j6111es and jams. Joy-Jel Com pany, ot. autjupu, xvxissoun. AGENTS' Wonderful Opportunity. Big "Ja,,s"' ocmus uur vomo uieaner. Sample 25, cents. $10 a gross. Superior NovoUy Go., 95 Commerce St., Hartford. Connecticut. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS, all-fltandard makes, $10 up. Guaranteed two years. Free trial. Wri6 for illustrated Bargain list Northwestern Typewriter Ex change, Dept. 2, 320 West Goothe St, Chicago, 111. LANDSCAPE GARDENING or Company, 86 Broad Stir Mljford, Conn. MAKE $2 an Hour, .Article that re moves iron rust, grass, medicine, fruit, mildew stains. Cleans Panama and Straw Hats, Bleaches clothes Sells Every home. . Write for free demonstrating outfit and start takinir orders at onco. Christy, 57 Union, New ark, New York. SALEMEN: Something Entirely New in Advertising pencils. Complete line, oldest and largest pencil concern in the business. Write for our propo sition today. Souvenir .Lead Pencil Co.. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. " DAHLKEN-JEANNIN. Landscape Gar den Designers. We draw plans for city and country homo grounds. Write for.lnformation. J. F, Jeannln, 2248 Lawrence Ave., Toledo-, Ohfo." 200 NOTE HEADS and 150 Envelopes, printed three or four lines, $1.00 pre paid. Samples free. Burrlll Printing Co., Kankakee, Illinois. 500 Letterheads and envelopes Bond '$4.75. Rubber stamps mado to order. The Automatic Prlrjt Shop, Newcastle. Indiana. WEDDING Invitations and Announce- ments neatly printed. Write for samples, prices. .i.William Helm, 213S . aayro Ave., unicago, .iujuuio. 250 Letterheads, 250" white envelopes printed and mailed, $3.00. Samples printing free. Sunco, Mohawk, N. ? MONEY-MAKING FORMULAS GREAT seller, Luminous Paint . I orm Ula. 15 cents. Eagle Novelty Co., 37 Weybosset Street, Providence, It. i. 1K000,000 FOMULAS, recipes, trade se crets 1016 pages," $2;00. Hillside Lab oratories, "7021-J. So. Winchester, Chicago. Stamps, coins, etc. WATCH REPAIRING I CAN make your watch keepcorreot time. Swiss or American, Large or small. Get my estimate first, nYalllmr box free on request J, A. Plotkin Voi W. 42nd St., New York. IOCKn, 101 ! I-,,. MONUMENTS, IRON PENCE, ETC, MONUMENTS, Iron Fence, Factory to customer. Save 40 to 60 per cent Catalogue free. Roberts Monument Co Main St, English, Indiana. " CALIFORNIA GOLD; $ size 53c , U si7,e 27c. Dollar siae $1.10. RarQehXn and Catalogue 10c. Norman Snuitz, Colorado. Springs, uoio. FOREIGN Stamp Collection Sent Free. Cornish Company, Schenectady, - FDR ADVERTISERS ADVERTISE In 100 Magazines 4c word. . $2.00 inch, Sample 10c. Westornhllls. 8 West Canal, uinoinrnm, w'u- POCKET KNOTE HANDLE for OWette Safety glade Pocket Knife. A. Tubbff & Co., " mond, Indiana. n .-' rtitaWv"