MAY, 1922- Hvnes. Treaties were desired, explained, to handle the Cana dian border situation and to better eontrol exports of liquor from Cuba, Jo Bahamas, Bermuda and to this 'prohibition officials also, have un der discussion a proposal for decli ne rum-running vessels to be pi rates through negotiation with for eign nations looking to the cancella tion of the registry of such ships. Many of the larger liquor ships carry ing illicit cargoes of alcohol, it was eaid, anchor just outside the limit of customs jurisdiction ahd send the cargo ashore in small boats. The war upon these craft is being successfully waged, officials asserted, but the car go vessels are beyond the reach of the law. If they sailed without proper registry papers they would be HEAVEN AND HELL Swedonbore'a jrreat work, 400 panes, 25 cents poitpatd. PftitorLandenbersor, Windsor TIace, St. tyalo, Mo. Distributors wanted for the CAMCO Turbine Water pump for Fords. For full information write The C-A-M- Cor poration, 300 Southwest- Blvd., Kansas City. Mo. t PATIENTS. Write for free Guide Book & Evldenco of Conception Blank. Send model or sketch of Invention for free opinion of its patentable nature. High est references. Reasonable Terms. Vic tor J. Evans & Co., 722 9th, Washing ton. D. C. FOOTOLIHE ? W JSS vents odor of feet and armpits. De creases perspiration. 1 trial convinces anybody. Guaranteed. Send 25c coin. Agents wanted. Breithaupt, 3155 Mel drum, Detroit, Mich. They Make Others Hear-Why Net Yn? Ttn ooderttsod rar ecobunuiaeet. TBI DKAF HAN KNOWS. WR KNOW. I1KAR-AID3 oPbr wbara natur full. They ttop hed oelsea, are cotofortablo, cannot bo ca ud mak joa bear In nature' war. ApproTed br prominent pbjvlehuis. Write today for frtt information .THE HEAR-AID COMPANY DPt. go Humber B., I3B3S Weedward Ave. DETROIT. MICHIGAN You Can Cure Your Rupture Capt. Pollings Will Send You Free His pnn by Which Ho Cured Himself. Thousands of ruptured men and )vomen will rejoice to know that Capt. 1 01 ings who was helpless and bed ridden for years with double rupture i 'J isc.nd freo to a11 the ful1 Plan y it le cured himself at home. Merely send your name and address to Capt. W. A. Collines, Inc., Box 578 P, Wajertown, N. Y. It won't cost you a St i un.d may be worth a fortune. Hun dreds have already cured themselves y JU8t this freo information. Rheumatism A Remarkable Homo Treatment Given by OucWlio Unci It hvInxT.Vo0 y,ear of 893 x was attacked nwitKmCUlar n Sub-Acute Rheu wftn a1?' .f 8uffered as only those tffiLa? ths afflicted know for over remo,JeaKSV 1 trI,ed remedy after tffi?' but ?uoh relief as 1 b nm,iVMlonIy temporary. Finally, coSM a trcitmont that cured me t?onP ' ely and sucn a pitiful condl effin itsf never returned. I have rlhiv ima,number who wero ter" of tL?mictediovon bedridden,- some am in L &eve,nty to eighty years old, Snv nl5results were the same as In ly own case. , formVaJ ovory sufferer from any KiHnl oInH?culaF Ana sub-acuto to tri ? at thQ olnU) rheumatism, Prolyl tt Brca valuo of my Jm KrnnrlQIon?0'l'eatment' for its EXf ?XJS . te"P.? P9.wer. Don't and n,i,io ' ow"iy man your name to trv drA5? and I,win send II freo ithT?'m.fter.?ou havo used and oo&Pfreii "80" Jo be that Ions- such fnrmB .J i,B oc petting Tid or send th?8 . rheuma?ism, you may but un w J?rIc? tS " no Dollar, monfVvdenriSQtand d0 not wantrour isn2dy tnlfsav9P RrQ Perfectly sat ffy ,. on,d ? Is"'t that fair? is thiw nftr aniy loneer, when relief iSy wh?oV.ou freo Don,t de" S" ""on I11,1C., Syracuse, N.-Y. The Commoner branded as pirates, outside the law uu mo lawiui prize or every navy in the world. At the State dpnnvimnnf f .,. said no proposal for negotiations of luid ouu aro unuer consideration as yet. International discussion of American prohibition would involve many difficult diplomatic questions, it was declared. 13 J RESPONSIBILITY FOR CRIMK On April 4 Fritz Meinhauson kilted Mrs. Anna Peters and wounded his wife. Friday a coroner's jury rec ommended his discharge from police custody. The jury "do not hold him' criminally responsible for the death" because Meinhauson was intoxicated when he did the killing. The killer was drunk. The jury, presumably, was sober. We can un derstand how a vicious man will kill v,hen inflamed with drink. We do not understand how a jury of sober men of normal intelligence can absolve him from blame and let him ,go free. No wonder Chicago enjoys a record of a killing a day. This verdict is an invitation to every brute to go as far he likes. No one need hang for killing. Patronize a bootlegger and get a license to shoot any one who may displease you. Of course, this jury was excep tional. Chicago would indeed be hopeless if it were not. But the call ousness to the taking of life, the per version of moral standards, the sloppy and misdirected sentiment, the lack of common sense, and of any clear conception of moral or social responsibility exhibited in this verdict appear persistently in our dealing with offenders. We complain, and justly, of many evils in the adminis tration of criminal justice. But they would soon be corrected if our social attitude toward crime were what it ought to be. The moral fuddlement shown in the discharge of Meinhausen is likely to defeat justice in any case. It may appear again to cheat the gallows in the sordid tragedy of the unknown unfortunate, murdered by the con ductor, Rtfach. By his own confes sion this man is without decency. His wife had gone to a hospital. He said, therefore, lie was "free," free to take another woman into their home and kill her there. If he was drunk while he did this and has the good luck to fall into the hands of such men as freed the slayer of Anna Peters, he will soon be free again, free to drink and kill. A jury that frees a criminal be cause he has committed crime while drunk is as dangerous to the com munity as the criminal himself. Be ing sober in its offense, we rather think it is more dangerous. If sober men will hold a man not responsible because he has by his own will parted with his responsibility, there is no re sponsibility for any one, drunk or sober. There is something radically wrong with a good many of us in our at titude toward crime and punishment, a social disease that calls for drastic treatment. Chicago Tribune. GOAT GLAND TREATMENT San Francisco, dispatch, dated March 12 says: Warden J. A. John son of San Quentin penitentiary doesn't know what makes the wom en wild but he knows what makes his convicts wild. Goat glands! ,, Ever since Mr. Johnson allowed Dr. L. L. Stanley, prison physician to rejuvenate Uzy Prisoners by the goat gland process he has been losing thAfter being given the glands of the crag-leaping goat the most pep loofl.i prisoners just naturally scaic he wans and all the warden's men :a .; i. o1,1b to find them. "rr-saassrs; were siageu uj ...-, ported lizard" to be before a "rogular loungo trio nnninnn .i Willis Knowles. one of thn wnwinn'a most experienced robbors. dfo'!?nUttG" ,thc Eoat Stands, Dr. Stanley has been advised. CORONA OAR Cm. rtio apmrt car OK LifXK ThoOarfrYoungMmrt0m Klghty Mllmm t0UtmUan A Omy'a tld fro mollar Hair iff 9 mrlem arm ntvvar 1913 aOUTNWrASAH AVfc.CHICM M'NIDER LAYS FIGHT ON BONUS JLU mu BUSINESS a , Washl"Ston dispatch, dated uiors honus comes from a small mi nority constituting what may be termed "big business" and financial Interests, Han ford MacNider, national i i , er 0L l,le American Legion, told the Senate llnnnpo nnmmittnn ay. Mr. MacNider says these interests have used every form of argument available to prevent passage of a bonus bill. He called attention to the "referendum" of the Chambor of Commerce of the United States, a leader of the onnosltlnn nn,i n. serted the referendum was not fair ly taken and does not represent the country's sentiment. He submitted a long list of chambers of commerce, civic organizations and state legisla tures which have indorsed the bonus. ECZEMA Also caHed Tetter, Salt Rhswn, Pruritus, MM Crust, Wat Pel sen, WeapKig skm, eic; I believe eczema can be cured to stay. I mean just what I say C-U-R-E-D and NOT rterely patched up to rettlrn again. Re member, I make this statement after handling over half a mil lion cases of eczema and deyot ing over 20 years of my life to its treatment. I don't care what you have used nor how many doctors have told you that you could not bo cured, all I ack to just a chance to prove my claims. Don't be discouraged but write me TODAY and I will send you a rK&is ikial. or mua aoou t.j.B.cAHHAfi inc. guaranteed treatment that will surely convince you as it has me. If you art disgusted and discouraged juat chrome one chance to nrave mv claims. Ilv writinir me today I believe' f you will enjoy more real comfort than you reaXy tnoucnt tuts world neia tor you. just try u, ana s feel sure you will agree with me. DR. I. E. CANHADAY, !7l8Crt Mfc, StaKft, Mi. References: Third National Bank, Sedalia, Mo. Sond This Natiea to Soma Ecxma Smffarag. The Ball is -the Secret of its Success $3.50 Vacuum-Washer $1.50 THIS AD. WORTH 52.00 IF SENT IMMEDIATELY No More Boiling. No Moro Rubbing. Throw Awny Your Washboard. Get a .Duplex Vacuum Washer. This Is What You Have Been Waiting For. FOR $1.50 YOU WILL GET A WASHER THAT: Will wash a tubful of anything washable in 3 minutes. lias been awarded prizes over $r0 ma chines in competition. Will wash the heaviest blankets in three minutes. Will save you many dollars a year by not wearing out your clothes. Is the best and strongest made. Is the easiest machine to work. Is capable of washing anything from laoe to carpets. Can bo operated by a child of ten. Will save you many hours of needless toil and will last you a lifetime. Can be used equally well In boiler or wa.shtub. Can bo dried with a cloth In ten seconds. (Nothing to take apart, nothing to lose.. WJ11 do all wo claim for it or we will return every cent of your money. .Send tli If, ad, and only $l.f0 cash today before the price goes up and wo will send you the $3.50 Duplex Vacuum Wash er bv narcel nost to any address. Agents PATENT PENDING wanted. DUPLEX MFG. CO., I)EPT. W-82, DETROIT, MICH. This 23 CQ the5folveJA TnmiocsTxrziwm, -.i JiArr7& TOC- Ii GsS2P nStaaWamX&KBm3rW ynSS; amKoSamSlaam .Zw In His Image By William Jennings Bryan This volume, which will be issued in March by Fleming H. Revell Company, publishers, will contain the nine lec tures delivered by Mr. Bryan at the Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia, last October under the fol lowing titles: First : , In the Beginning, God. Second : The Bible. Third : What Think Ye of Christ? . Fourth: The Origin of Man. Fifth: The Larger Life. Sixth : The Value of a Soul. Seventh: Three Priceless Gifts. ' Eighth: "His Government and Peace." Ninth: The Spoken Word. These lectures cover the fundamentals of the Chris tian faith and present from the standpoint of a layman" Christianity's appeal to the ayerage man, special atten tion being given to students. The price of the book is $1.75, postage prepaid, to any part of the country. Those desiring this book can order through The Commoner if they do not find it in local book stores. Address The Commoner, 207 Press Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. 1 w 4 1 tS I. d m i :4 1 'M ,ij 4 '. A t. y m r '3 V ) f "I n $ W