The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner
VOL. 21, NO. 12
I - ' '
Copyright: 1921: By The Chicago Tribune.
'Ml V'-'
When I Preached Saving Money,
;Not Souls
(Paul M. Kamamorio in the Sun
day School Times.)
In olden days God sent the Ori
ental taujl to take' the' Gospel, to
.Europe; in those latter days in
Which we live the history of His
providential, guidance 4s. repeating
itself. In the earlier months of last
year He ' sent the saffron-robed
Oriental, the Sadhui Sundar Singh,
from India to. the Occident with a
fresh message about how to pray;
and he has sent another Oriental
Paul Kanamori, from Japan, to warn
us, out of a bitter personal experi
ence, that there is nothing in the
destructive criticism of the Bible to
help the pagans of the Far East, but
that there is everything in it to make
of ourselves cultured pagans like
those of ancient Greece. Thank
God for these needed gospelfjrs, from
4he East, and their fidelity to the di
vine Oriental, their Lord and outs,
ana Ms glorious Book! Ed Sunday
School Times.
In the preceding article I gave a
brief account of the "Kumamoto
Band," but now I must turn to my
own p&rt in it,, because I am to toll
you the story of my own Chiislian
life. But when I turn to mv own
part I am sorry to say that I cannot
give the good part only, but 1 must
give the bad part to. I was not a good
boy, as some of my friends were,
working faithfully during half a conn
tury. I was a blacksliding prodigal
son of my heavenly Father for many
years. My life was ship-wrecked on
the rocks of doubt and unbelief. I
have nothing to glory of, but only
to confess my sins and failures. It
is not a pleasant thing for a man
to speak of his own sins and fail
ings. But I think It is our first duty
Fre Proof To You
AMI want Is vanr mum and sAm --. .
tafltmn. TwnnfwAlTfr;in"!Aan8na.yoaarrco trial j. e. umi-vi-.
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as Christians to confess our sins to
one another. So I herd wish to dis
charge that first duty, and if possible
warn my young friends who are to
danger of treading the same path.
I was the first ono of the Kumam
oto Band who came to Doshisha
ntifvArnltv. in thft aummer of 1876.
Also I was a member of the first
graduating class, of. 187 u. After
graduating from this school I went
down to the Province of Okayama
as a missionary. 'mere was an
American board mission station in
Okayama, and I worked in connec
tion with it, and after a year there
sprang up a Congregational church
of about fifty members, and I became
its first pastor.
Then I was called back by Dr.
Neeshima to his school as a profes
sor of theology. So I came back to
my alma mater and assisted Dr.
Neeshima in teaching, and also in
Uio work of the presidency.
During my stay in Doshisha uni
versity as a professor of theology 1
read many books on that subject.
Among them were the books of
German New Theology and the High-?
er Criticism. To me, brought up in
almost Puritan strictness of doc
trine and practise, ' their easy and
free way of handling the Word of
God and interpreting the doctrines
of the Bible were so interesting and
rascinating that I was completely
carried" away by ttieir cunning argu
ment. Finally I became a convert
to this new doctrine, and a very
zealous propagandist of it.
In those days all the Congrega
tional churches were orthodox and
evangelical, and I was looked at jir
a very dangerous heretic, and was al
most excommunicated. I could not
conscientiously stay in the orthodox
church, since my theology so great
ly differed from theirs, and nn T latr
the Congregational church in order
io mase iny position clear to the
world; but when I left the church x
loft the Christian ministry also. I
did so because New Theology ana
Higher Criticism had destroyed my
faith in the perfect Divine authority
of the Bible, and the perfect Deity
of Christ. When I had lost these
two things I had lost everything.
In those days there were many
liberals who were saying, "You may
have your own theology in your
study, but retain the commonly ac
cepted Christian doctrine in thn ,i-
pit. There is no need of entering'
""" " umuussion or theological
questions in the pulpit, because it is
for the common people, and not for
the scholars."
B I said, "I cannot use two
theologies in my ministry, one for
myself, and the other for the people
I cannot handle the word of God in
such a double-handed way; what
I have learned in my study that I will
preach in my pulpit." But such was
quite a common practise among the
liberals of those days.
Some liberal churches invited me
to come to their side and help the
X?ad0f 1lberal Christianity in Ja-
fett fhUt ,dflined a11 invitations,
left the ministry, and joined a p0I
litico-social reform campaign in my
country Now I became a poHtteS
and social reformer; and in this ch
Pac ty Spent more than twenty years
mSw n't?? to11 h0 tllQ st"dy of
Higher Criticism and New Theolocv
destroyed mv vnnii-i ,.?Oi0S7.
252 IJ. T
depths of doubt and unbSEf thG
I was a lover of the Bible. I loved
it and revered it as the word of God
T ELCOn,y?ted by wading tfteBlbte
I believed the Bible was the word of
God, given by the Holy Snirif
through holy men of old. The B iwfc
contains truth only an i A hl
The Holy Spirit cannot be the ZiV'
of error. God c.nnlVt&l
1 believed in the absoluTrnZT'
authority of the Bible, an l n
Dtvino Book, as on the rock o? th,a
I built ray faith in Christ?anity8teha'
, "I am eighty-throo vrarn n '
doctored for AeunitlJS ever R.nd X
camo out of the army, over Kn1?60 l
ago. Like many others i Rn6f yca"
freely for so-called 'cures' Tmi t
read about "Uric Acid' until L1 avo
moat taste It. I could Sot fliLc,?u,,d ?
or walk Without pin; my hanI?inlBht8
so soro and stiff I coufd not hnw8 Were
But now I am again in aetivn fi.aipcn
and can walk with eio or w?Uoin
day with comfort. Friends ni ,n
prised at the change." Y?5 mRrA ur;
as well attempt to put out a Iw1 JVil
oil as try to get rid of your rhlurB
tisrn, neuritis and like cVmplIinK;
taking treatment supposed to drivJiiS
Acid out of your blood and I bod? t?
took Mr. Ashelman Of ty years tn nJi
Jitf iVf rUt.h' Hc Earned hJw to ct
nd of the true cause of his rhmim
tism, other disorders, and recSve? hto
strength fremi "Tho Inner Mysteries"
V??111? aiatributed free by SJ m
thority who devoted over twenty yearn
to the scientlflc study of this" trouble
If any reader1 . of The romm;
wishes' "The Inner MysterTe?0"
Rheumatism; overlooked by docto?a
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Clearwater. Xo. 1272-B Street, HallowcH
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S2La AH? cut out this notice and
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If you are sick and want to Get Well
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ing a healthy circulation, overcom'ng
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Sold on a test proposition. You aro
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ing to do but wear it No trouble or
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No matter how bad your ailment, or
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to have you try it at our risk. For
full information write today not to
morrow. Radium Appliance Co.. 711
Bradbury Bldg., Lo& Angeles, Calif.
I was badly ruptured while lifting a
trunk several years ago. Doctors said
t"j vnujr iiouo vi. VU1U WiiH Ull ujjciuuuw;
Trusses did me no good. Finally I got
uujtu ui someuung xnai quiCKiy u"
completely. Cured, mo. Years have passed
and the rupture has never returned,
although I am doing hard work ag a
carpenter. There was no operation, no
lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to
sell, but will give full information
about how you may find a completo
cure without operation, if you write
9. JIPSv Eugene- M. Pullen, Carpenter,
43-H Marcellus Avenue, Manasquan, N.
J. Better 'cut out this notice. and show
it to any others who aro rupturea
you may save a life or at least stop the
misery of rupture and the worry and
danger of an operation.
fjflB&k Goitre Qutq
Hyo your Gollre remoted wHhcW
ttfln inedldn or lirta it oa
out. Wo bare ft conTcnient. ootn;
lag tppuanco wiucn ""'"mi.
tho neck t night and curej
you Bleep. It checkn the wyUu
reduces Uio enlantement. and m
all pain and distress taJLyg!
.jCsv1 win o jwio pun.""' . v. n nil'
V day for UU bookUt d fullP
tICUlan. fnoTnillnv tMtlmnnlita from tltTf "
trice, etc. Not sold In iitorea. ...
VOa hau Fernando nidg'.I.oa Angclog.Callf'
PATENTS. Write for free Gnlde Dook A
ivjucnco or conception ian.
fmodel or sketch of invention for free
opinion of its patentable nature. High-
lour rnfninnnn t .-.,. ui,.. mr-mR VIC
tor J. Evans & Qo 722 0th, Washing
ton, D. C. , ' ,
Tmi fi n&3
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