The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 01, 1921, Page 15, Image 15

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The Commoner
JUNE, 1921
;s i i
rlf"WP-VM tf 'v?y71 T ""Vr"' vrT'
Buffercrs from Weak, tired or Ick
sterven, trembling1, dlxxlucnn, headache
should write at onco for generous Free
Sample of now treatment a boon to
nerve sufferers. Send no money Jut
name and addrenn. NBRVATONE, Dept.
jit, ColurabuH, O.
ehort. But when we think of orators,
of Burke, Pitt, Sheridan, of Webster,
Clav. Calhoun, we think naturally of.
parliamentary eloquence, of the great
debates of legislative assemblies.
From this company and this arena
we shall have to eliminate Mr. Bryan.
We cannot Anally say it is because
his eloquence was not adapted to that
forum, that parliamentary eloquence
must be addressed to the understand
ing and not to the heart. Probably
that is not wholly true. The specta
tors who fainted under the spell of
Sheridan's oratory in the Hastings
impeachment proceedings were not
moved by eloquence addressed to
their understanding. But in Amer
ica at least there is another form
of assemblage that we must take in
to consideration in estimating the ef
fectiveness of oratory. It. differs in
irake-up from almost every assem
blage which orators have wrought
upon in other countries in the great
peiiods of the past. Senates, courts,
the mob have been moved by varied
kinds of eloquence, from the stately
periods of a Chatham to the wild,
rude bursts of a Camile Desmoulins,
but probably there has been nothing
quite comparable to the form of elo
quence an orator must nave wno
hopes to sway an American political
It is that assemblage before which
we believe Mr. Bryan's eloquence is
most effective, 'but Ave do not believe
Mr. Bryan hiniselfi. would say that in
the moments when he has stirred
such assemblages his eloquence has
come from the heart or gone to the
heart. We mean in the sense of a
purely emotional appeal. The heart
must be engaged, of course, to the
extent that the speaker must have
sincerity and conviction, which Mr.
Bryan always has. But when he
mounted the platform at the Balti
more convention of 1912, no person
Who saw his face or heard the defi
ance he hurled would say he had
set himself to play upon the softer
sensibilities of his hearers. This was
not a winning out a conquering fig
ure, if the distinction conveys a right
meaning. He did not plead, he
struck. This was not a Clay seek
ing by gentle arts to win a compro
mise, but a roused Mirabeau, with
what Carlyle has called the brool of
a Mirabeau, charging angered and
impassioned into the skrinking front
of his adversaries. What was it Mira
beau said to the king's . trembling
messenger come to warn him of the
royal order closing the session?
"Yes, Monsieur, we have heard the
order, and it is not for you who have
no right or voice here to remind us
of it. Go. Monsieur, and-say to those
who sent you that we are here by the
cuff rage of the French people, whose
representatives we are, and that
nought but the force of arms shall
uend us hence!" That was the Bryan
who stood in that cave of the winds
at Baltimore and raised a voice that
compelled a silence in which his every
syllable fell like the clear stroke of
a vibrating bell over moonlit waters.
An angry sea surged beneath, but its
highest crest did not reach nor drown
that dominant note. The convention
seemed on the point of nominating
Champ Clark. The Nebraska delega
tion was instructed for Clark. Mr.
Bryan, after the Missourian had re
ceived more than a majority bf all
the votes cast on many successive bal
lots, rose to change his vote and
that of a number of his fellow dele
gates, to Woodrow Wilson. , What he
said to and of tho.Ryanst Bqlrnonts,
and Murphys who sat in . the-convention,
and whom he charged with be
ing in a deal to deliver the Demo
cratic party, with their chosen candi
date, to privileged interests, consti
tutes one of the great climaxes in
American political convention his
tory. Like that other figure in the
French states-general, here stood one
with pointing finger and in a voice
that rose like the swell of an organ
bade these conspirators go and re
port to their masters that a Demo
cratic convention never would nomi
nate a man who must' owe his elec
tion to their support.
We believe Mr. Bryan never has
revealed greater powers, either to
oratory or of personality though in
deed they are one than on that
day. He defeated for the nomination
for President the only man who ever
has been defeated in a Democratic
convention after receiving a majority
of the votes. But we must add, if
only to get back where we started,
that it was not a revelation of elo
quence coming from the heart and
going to the heart. It was the com
plusion of a tense passion re-enforced
by a powerful personality operating
on passions as tense and overpower
ing them. Kansas City Star.
Wo are born for a higher destiny
than earth, thero is a realm whore
the rainbow fades, rhero the stars
will be spread before us liko islands
that slumber on the ocean and whore
the beings that pass before us liko
shadows will stay in our presence
forever. Bulwer-Lytton.
PATENTS. Write for free Guide DonkA
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opinion of Its patentable nature. High
est references. Reasonable Terms. Vic
tor J. Evans & Co., 722 9th, Washing
ton, D C.
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A liquid compound which will keep the
glass clear, regardless of Rain, Fog or
Mist. Easily applied. Will not freeze
or stain. Send 40c for largo bottle.
ItY-IIY MFG. CO. Sinnifor.l, Conn.
Subscribers' Advertising Department
WAftTFSD misci:i,ianihh;h
Through newspaperman with fifteen
years practical experience and ca-sh
nnd first mortgages In sum of forty
thousand dollars available, would pur
chase controlling or half Interest in
democratic or independent dally in first
class western field. Location In Inter
mountaln or coast states profcrrod.
Would consider publication operating
at a loss If prospects for development
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tive. Addross "J. D. N." care of. The
INVENTIONS WANTED. Cash or royalty,
for id -as. Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 102
St. Louis, Mo.
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SACRIFICE 7 quarters unimproved
good land near railroad. Edmonton
district. To close an estate. Cash and
terms. Write, A. G. K-'oetch, Wetaskl
wln, Alberta, Canada.
In the
as We Ship It.
The choice of Ken
tucky's finest crops direct
from our farms to yoa. This
FAMOUS OLD KENTUCKY HOMESPUN is no more like the manufactured tobacco than day is like night-
free from chemicals and all other adulterations that undermine the health, that conceal imperfections and
delude the sense of taste. Grown and nurtured in Kentucky's finest soil, cut at the proper time, carefully
selected, aged and mellowed for chewing and smoking. Like old vino in the cellar, its rich, rare
fragrance permeates the air. Cured and "sweated" by the same
method as employed in the early days, the method our grandfathers
used in preparing tobacco for their own use every trace of harsh
ness leaves it nothing to"bite"your tongue or parch your mouth;
nothing to tire your taste. No fancy packages, no decorations
just QUALITY and lots of it. Throughout the country North,
East, South and West, men nave tested tins line old to
bacco and spread the news of its inimitable quality.
Grown right here m the greatest tobacco producing
district in the world. We bank on it you have
never tasted a finer f lavored,more satisfying to-
bacco in all your life. Give the old "cob a treat
Send No
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"I have used the best toboccothey hove in Canada, Eng
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"i nm n retired nhvBlcian. 82 years old. Have used tobacco
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TTiMniinh anffafnrtlnn ns Old Kentucky Homes Dim Leaf Tobacco. It is not
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Read These Money Saving Prices. We Pay Postage
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$ pounds of our tobacco will make SS sacks of smoking, or 6S chewing or smoking twists,
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mNtF Kentuckians make tho old-fashion chewing and smoking twist, granulated, smoking eta &&&.
Which do yoa prefer? The high-priced manufactured tobacco that has been adulterated, sweetened, chemically treated, or
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fay only the price above when tobacco arrives, try the
TOBACCO 10 DAYS and if it doesn't please you If it doesn't suit
bade It
Mdn9nr a'v- tar--- KfW'xtxa' njrrz.'Tvi -JWfi '
your toto if It doesn't lave you money-
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y tuuAtLU uftuwuta vaauuiA-iiurn ur uvx.
Y Wat nffUiaUd tcitit nV Otkir tohaeco anorialion.)
"Wareliotifie 100 Mayfield, Kentucky
Serid me pounds of Old Kentucky Homespun Tobacco
'J7 by parcel post prepaid. I will pay the price ox on
? arrival. If not satisfied after a 10-DAY TRIAL, I will return tho
' tobacco and yoa will refund my money.
Check-whether chewine3, JmaiirttrO, strong D, tnedtumU tntldO)
1 1- AwdSL. ... vAjTifiih if- '