The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 01, 1921, Image 1

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VOL-21; NO. 3
Lincoln, Nebraska, March, 1921
Whole Number 743
4 . m
in History
?i'- GOD GIVE US MEN . -
L - ; v,
tike all men. of positive character, President
Wilson had ardent friends and hitter enemies j
he could not have one without the other; ' Both
groups are large because gigantic tasks have
fallen to him and his ' audience has been the
Tested as few men have been, he has exhibited
great ability and a rare courage he has written
a conspicuous page In history at a momentous
It is too early to pass judgment on the merit;
.of the "measures with which litis name is identified
. .. .-,-- .Ll X- JT-J. I .V.IX.- -X"U, - .
ll' iaKB3 ume iu ueiuruiiuu fruoiuci iuu- id
permanent. He did not, like Jefferson, Madteon
and Jackson, turn over the administration to a
Successor of his own choice, but. the vyears will
Ll i , , - -
ppasajthe Jihal verdict on his etforis. - ..
M& retires with avast accumuiat.ioib.QK ,jinrorr
Ration nclwJtlJ.-a'lricli'store of wisdom; derived -
from experience. 4t would be a graceful thmg-
and a biessingtq ihe contry-it Congress .wjt&ld
give to Wmnd'oPrerident'att'itnlolfrlY "
leges of Congress to the extent of allowing them -
to speak to the country through the Senate and -House.
' ' W.J. BRYAN.
K . 'r
Vice?Presideht Marshall has been a success.!.
He has, thanks to his goodjjense met the- re
quirements" of an "office bf greafactUal impor
tance and of still greater contingent importance.
His sense of .humor has rescued" him from ratny
embarrassing positions. He retires with honor
after having won the affections of the people;
'The Commoner wishes him and his very, help-:;
ful helpmeet many years in which to enjoy 'the '
distinction they have so fairly .earned. ; ". r
God give us men. A time like this demands
STRONG minds, GREAT heaftsTRUE faith and
ready hands. "' ,
God give us men.
MEN whom the -lust of office does not fill!
.MEN whom the spoils of office CANNOT buy!
-MEN who possess opinions and a will! """ "
MEN who have honor! Men who will not lie! , .
MEN who can stand before a demagogue
. And damn his treacherous flatteries without
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog,
In public duty and in 'private thinking.
For While the rabble, with their thumb-worn
creeds -.''.'"..
Their laifep professions and their little deeds, .
Mjngle iik selfish strife -Jo Freedom weeps,
yrpnJriUes tyiQ land, andaziMtlng Justice weepa;
.".. -. GODGWB US MEN " ' "
-J" '"
In the death of ex-Speaker Clark the nation
loses one of its most conspicuous public servants
and the Democratic party one of its most :inr
fluential leaders. He was a member of Congress f
for twenty-six years and rose by merit until he;
became the speaker of that body. He wasa
unique character his place will be hard to'filf.
' The Presidents veto of the tariff bill yas
proper and tobe expectedThe Democratic party
i . . !.-. '- .) ' r
wohld stultify itself jpmect-tne Kepupiicans . cabiuet., A man's, tecord may serve to indicate
n restoring protective rates. The Republicans his future course, where he acts on his own voli
Will, of course, put through a high- tariiZJbjlf jat tfon aria is free to follow his judgment (e,ven
the first opportunity, but it will be well to let, than ; hjs sense of responsibility must be -taken"
them take the whole respohsibHity. The Demo-;" into account), but a cablet, officer carries out
cratic party can afford to wait until the Rqpublip the wiH.of the President who, In any important
can tide recedes,, as it will. Then the peoplejna; must render the final decision.
will return to a low tariff. They can not be ? '?.. -
i.Vi Secretary Hoover enters the office of. Rtrf -
The program published by; the laboV organiza
tions will, for the most part, appeal, to the
general public. But why were peace plans over
looked? The right to organize and, persuade will.
n'6t be questioned, The right to strike can not
;.be deniedand the right of employees to with
draw -trade is surely as indisputable as- the right
of. the employers to withdraw employment. But
what of the third party the people who furnish
the money for both employers and employees?
Have; they not a right to be informed as to the
,fcacts., in. industrial controversies?- How can .they
..sympathize intelligently unless they know what
'. the dispute is about. If labor wants to win all
the fair-minded and disinterested public' to its
side, it should insist upon a tribunal that can.
The lockout and the strike are cruel they
are to industry what war Is to the nations. They
are a.last; resort and should be avoided if pos
sible. "Machinery for investigation is necessary
if w arevto have peace In Industry. v
The country will not prejudge Mr. .Harding's
Secretary Hughes
President Harding begins well In selecting for
the highest place in his cabinet, Charles Evans
Hughed,' ex-governor of the state xf Now York,
ex-member of the Supreme Court of tho United
States, and ox-Republican candidate for presi
dent, Tho premier of the now administration
has. fairly won the great honor conforred upon
him. He was a lawyer of prominence before ho
became chief executivo of the largest state in
the union. From that office he was raised to
tho supreme bench and from that position was
.called to the leadership of his party In 1916, Ifc
is-betraying no secret to say that the Demo
crats even yet shudder when they think how
near he came to defeating the Democratic candi
date. This Is rather an unusual record for a public
man in the United States. ' Secretary Hughei
also has , a record in international affairs that
strengthens'' his, claim! to-tho positiorUgfvjailhira
.....He favors tho. promotion of World Peace through
"cfo-oporation with other nations, thus reflecting
-in' bverwholming sohtlmont,
Secrotary Hughes is in harmony with a larg
majority of people on another question with
which liis department will have to deal; ho is
in favor of the, enforcement of the prohibition
amendment. He was chief counsel for the drys
In their last fight before the Supreme Court and
helped to secure the decision that overthrow
every-contentlon advancedby the wote. As soon
as internal sources of supply dry up, the enforce
ment of prohibition will depend largely upon
the success of the government's efforts .to pre
vent smuggling, and It will not bfc long before
the state department will be called upon to taka
up this subject with the nations that allow their
flag to protect conspiracies against our law.
In" assigning Mr. Hughes to this important
position. President Harding has performed an
act which will be generally confmen'ded and
against which there can be little criticism.
W. 3. BRYAN.
In insisting that all the Allies have equal
rights in the mandatories, whether In the League
or not, .President Wilson has only done what
the Allies should have done without prompting;
mandates aro not special privileges they aro
international responsibilities.
trigntened as they were in years gonV-byrg-
inerce in President HardingJi. cabinet
ol: friends; it, .wllUbSliiwnc fauU
. ' V - ' ' it. ' 1 mm . ' Si '' ""-"V'
Birenginen mmseir zn ounce.
' -TViarch ,4th?. i'921, will be remembered -afc a
"day of sntimpnt. As President Wilson retires
fn broken health a nation forgets differences of
opinion and the bitterness of the fights that have
characterized the past .years and bestows un
stinted sympathy upon him. It wishes him a
. return to health and years of usefulness.
The welcome extended to President Harding
is &b universal as the kindly feeling thaV follows
the retiring executive;. He enters upon his duties
in 'the 'full strength of a.vlgorous manhood, and,
every citizen wishes him well. W. J, BRYAN.