ffflTf - .v ,&& Wl J , y nv r K SEPTEMBERM920 dissipated-employeea "have .opened bank accounts." - Sea View Ifospital and Sanitarium Fewer patients, fewer "alcoholics"; the "intoxicated lodglng-house-and-hospital rounder, formerly the rule, Rupture Kills 7 $00 Annually Serea tkoasewl persoas each year are laid away the burial certificate being marked Rupture." Why? Because the unfortunate ones had neglected themselves or had bocn merely taking care of tbealgn (swelling) of the affliction and paying o attention to the cause. What ore yoa dolngT Are you neglecting yourself by wearing a truss, appliance, or whatever mbis you choose to call it? At beat, tho truss is only makeshift a false prop against a collapsing wall -and cannot bo ex pected to act as more than ft were mechanical support. The binding pressure retards blood circulation, tints robbing the weakened muscles of , that which they need most nourishment. But science has found a-way, and every truso sufferer in the landia invited to make a FREE teat right in the privacy qt their own home. The PLAPAO method is unquestionably the most scientific, logical and successful self treatment fer rupture tke world has ever known. The PLAPAO-PAD when adhering olosely to the body cannot possibly slip or shift out of place, therefore, oannob chafe or pinch. Bof E as velvet easy to apply inexpensive. To be used whilst you work" and whilst you sleep. No straps, buckles or springs attached. Learn how tp close tho hernial open In? as nature Intended so tho rupture CAN'T come down. Send your name to day to PLAPAO CO., Block 4040, St. Louis, Mo., for XKBEy trial, Plapao and tho information necessary. Subscribers' Adrcrtismg Department This department is for the benefit of Commoner subscribers', and a special rate of six cents Jtti 'word per Insertion tho lowest rate has been made for them. Addi;essAU communications to The Comoniner, Lincoln, Nebraska. '" : ' '-; "r HELP WANTED AGENTS Mason sold 18 Sprayers and Autowasher'a one Saturday; Profits $2.50 each; Square Deal; Particulars Free. Busier Company, Johnstown. Ohio. - s m " " ' I - ! W Aft TDD - MISCELLANEOUS STORIES. POEMS, PLAYS, etc., arc wanted -for publication. Good Ideas bring big money. Submit Mss. or write Jjiterary Bureau, 137 Hannibal, mo. EARN $25 SLEEKLY, spare time, writ ing ,for newspapers, magaz.'.Ejc- j'trnenuu unnecessary; j?iuii& new. nuap Syndicate,- 1058 St Louis. Mo. - . .... ) ,Jir. ... i ii FJaHMS WANTED IP YOU WANT $& sell or exchange your property write . mo. , John J. Black, 12th. St., ChJppewa. Falls. Wis. MISCKliLANKOUS "TORN-MUSIC-CURE" 10,000 Free Samples, Stewajrt, Sari Jose, Cal. FOOD PRODUCTS BUY HONEY direct from producer. Pure - alfalfa honey; thick, rich and delicious; 'absolutely guaranteed; 1 CO lb. can, $12fC0;, 2 60 lb. cans, $24.00. G. A. Koger. Meridian, Idaho. , . toW BOOKS " THE REV. E.'W. PFAFFENBERGER, editor of . the Western Christian Union, Boonvlllc, Mo., JijSe published a new and. improved edition of his book let, on "OKeayen and Our Sainted Loved Ones." It la a sweet gospel message for tho bereaved, and is becoming a blessing'to multitudes. The booklet iay oe naa ror -ten cents or zm cupi for $1.00 by addressing E. W. Pfaffen oerger, Boo..villo. Mo. INVENTIONS , H i i - mm INVENTIONS vWANTED. Cash o royalty for idsasTTAdam Fisher MfgCo., 102 Bt. Louis, Mo. The Commoner uijw nn . . Ployees''- at thbr ter in Cl" " rJn i ' i ," tho arm Colony tho formerlv L,n? titJitIonal transient," pToST111 " -1 nnIUI!lcli)al LoKing House "An Plicants for shelter a better, clearer and healthier class"; lodges, Jim quarter of ioi, included 20 "o in0e2n0an3V62264 WmSo; 1920, 3,462 men, 391 women, no "drunks0.- nCeded l Cntro1 the City Children's Hospital "Nota bly small number of admissions of high grade feoble-minded"; increase of low grade feeble-minded attri buted to mothers' desire to be inde pendent and earn high wages. City Home and Neurological Hos pital An exceptional report; de creased admissions since 1916, but more last year than In 1918;. City Chiof Magistrate's Offlce ro portR Arrests of intoxicated .men, first half of last year, ,3,012, second half, 1,575; intoxicated women, 765 and 305 respectively. Department of Corrections Re ports population of city prisons in 1918, 4,204; in 1919, 3,567. "And yc4," as Commissioner Color reminds us, "prohibition wag not thoroughly enforced during the first seven of the last ten months, so that its possible full effects have not been tested." WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN Apollo, Tuneful Twin of Dlan, We sing of William Jennings Bryan, Whom neither. Fate nor Time may quell, Our Phoenix-bird, our Immortelle! A hundred Times his -Bones are - planted, "T His Mournful Threnody is chanted, Yet up he'll hob, tho Lord knows when, To chortle, "Here We Are Again!" When Diplomatical Errata Had made him Non Persona Grata, Propelled by no Rude Force behind, He Blandly, Tactfully Resigned. Say he, "My Views, I know, distress - you. t ,r;ri, that's xl hat.) .Goodbye. God bless you!" ; . And off he goes, alas, alack! But don't worry. He'll bo back. Whore Boards are spread with Snowy Tissue' He reappears and brings an Issue, While all the Diners cry.'Tolice! Here comes that dratted Dove of Peace!" Arthur Guiterman in Life. s Hampshire Hogs If you want one, Of the best Hamp Rhlre boars on the market write to F. B. Manntngr Fairmont, Nebr,, you will he prpudfji, 6wn t -6nof' Their Grand Bhlw HVo.ya .Giant. , , ;-. - ,- BRYAN MISQUOTED (The Catholic Columbian, Columbus, Ohio.) My dear Columbian; On August 6th The Columbian contained a clip ping frdm "America," credited by that magazine to the "Salt Lake Tribune," charging William J. Bryan with having made the following un kind reference to the Vatican in one of his letters: "But the lights are out in tho capl tol, so to speak; the advocates of wine and beer have come up against wail. Tiiev nave uuum.cu noses, regardless of color, and they find that they can not hope to poll a majority, probably not a third in favor'of any wot plank, no matter how ambiguous its terms m igh t be. Nothing having the odor of the Vati can can hope ULrtcftlvo the approval of the ".onvention." I have been a constant reader of the "Commoner," Bryan's paper, from its first issue to the present llZ and never saw a gy"e uwtar Uable reference to tue Latnouc Ghurcu L it, but I have seen many words of commendation' of the an it institutions, conse X ?, y' 7h.on l roa1 th,s x Mt that x8 ot truo and thRt m Calrnoss .4. Bryan l 8hould aH ft to his attention, and ask him whether he was correctly quoted. I addressed Mm at Lincoln, Nebraska, and promptly roCetvod thn nnr-lncwl ! ter and marked copy of u page of tho' tm T i. ,u,u "'s "roiner. I think that no Catbqlic paper can afford to do tho humblest citizen an injustice, and I foel that this unjust mmuiuuon against Mr. Bryan should ho wunarawn. I am, very truly yours, p. b. tfonnov. Celina, O., Aug. 24, 1920. -10 , jaafc, ts Tho letterjreferred to by Mr, Kwfcu nay was not enclosed,, but a qopy ry tho original Kpeech wg. Hn what Mr. Bryan said tig quoted ii "Tho Commoner:" "But tho 'Lights are out in t , ;: Capltor ho to flpoak; the advocates of wJno and boor have com up against a Btono wall. Thoy count! noses, regardless of color, and they . find that they cannot hope to poll a majority, ''probably not a third In ' ravor of any wet plank, no maltar how ambiguous itgtormu miht ho. Nothing having the odor of the vat can hope to -ucelvo tho approval of this convention." ectocles ONTR1AL Tee Don't Send Me A Pen Just Mail the Coupon Btlow. Friend : I could fill up a blff book with the testimonial and words of nralso I havo t-ecivAd fmm ih fhnn.anj of spectacle i wearers i all over tho United State who tell wu auuui. mo Bpiuuuja oyeniRtic nicy are again enjoy In hcffan using my large-giro ''Perfect VjBjon" epeutaolM. ut tho old BayinK". "fleoinr 1a bllovlnc." nrf that i tum since thfey you know why I am making you thia very remarkable offer. This is nil I ask you to do: Sunt fill out tho cou pon at the bottom of this advertisement and Bond it to mo without a cent of monoy. and I will imme diately mail you a pair of my hnndsome 30-karat gold-filled, large size "Perfect Vlalon" upcctacles to try in your own homo fully ten daya without a penny in advance or even a reference. Aa soon as you get them X want you to put them on your eyes when you come ln from your day's work out on tho field or factory, and you'll be agreeably surprised to discover that with thcao larce-olzo "Perfect Vision" spectacles of mino you can again read tho finest print in your Clblo; you will find that tho smallcnt typo in your newspaper or magazlno looks Just as sharp and as clear to you as It ever did in your younger daya. If you aro fond of sewing, by hand or machine, you will bo happy to notlco that you can again thread your needlo os easily os if It wero as large-eyod as the needlo held by tho lady In tho picture alongside hereof: they will enable you to do tno lnest kind of embroidery and-crocUot- (work, with as much caso and com fort as you ever am in your me. w ion'' spectacle. Uut 1 id that U the reason I Aii. 1 TJBsW sS mMmsm I wlllfmSKHm I f T IFWIbbSIbBBBBbV r mmmaammu s BaBTWBjBaeBeeBk ; o-ii-.it "r ,mKmmpm0' If you ko huntlnr occasionally or follow other out-of-door r sports, Just put on this pair of large-size "Perfect Vision'' spec- clearly as ever, take perfect aim at your game, and bring' down your gun one of theoo bright sunsniny Imornlnga, and you will find you can again sight your srun a taclea of mine, shoulder a sparrow Just as if It were as big as the hen-hawlc shown on the tree in tnie picture; ana in the evening wncn tue snaaows ere gaincng m tho dusk, you will bavo no troubla to distinguish your horsee from cows and other livestock away out In the pasture and cs far as the ye can reach with the aid of a pair of my Iarfllze "Perfect Vision" iistanc spectacles. Sit Down Right Novi This Very; Minute and fill out the below coupon at once, and I will send you a pair of ray, nanasone au karat gold-filled, Taroe-elze "PcMect, Vis ion" spectacles m a -veiieen-jinea eprjoB hnrlr. tiocket-book BDectaclo case, for Ww jg- - - m- m S5KSw J jmmmmmw iW?SSI jh B .. '.i rJuif c ' ' .. ' T.-. - . t' .'' sKIkk v :zs?; rtiwxr - .. m -?.':ivTva5v;v. ..-.. Am:i9 cc muss ir ;.v::f.v.:..v.v -jSizvMjr n mW'Wfi s ;7M.rr.sj5,u-iiv a h mvi,zmm,iv' vs:',:i'vjt v- wtMstfe55-:. , JDC I nnf find mail it at one Without a cent of money, St,LouuSpeideHo,se MO. kMV Spectacle Hotiac, "Room 59 SU JxmlsMo, Mail mm &' Tiafr of your 10-karat, cold-filled. Iarge-lz rr viHinn1' KOffctaclea: also a flni velteen-llned, spring-back, pocket- book spectacle case, bo I can try mem pur. under your own offer, of a run cn aays ciu .. tent. This free trial Is not to cost roe one penny, and if I like the glasses and keep them, I am i toWT ou ft? 15 only Eut if. for any reason whatsoever, I aon t wisli te keep them? I will return themto you without paying you a aingte them. Don't fall to answer tho following questions: Ml Jil . t'H u $ cent for them. How old aro Vou? How many years have you used glasses (If any)?... j . Kama ..',... , .. .,...,..... ' f i Post Office .. j d.,1 "Rfluta .. ....Box N...w,.J.,.,.81t..M '..$ " 7 JtiAT&'Witil -j i ''-''?