The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 01, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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The Commoner t' ,
Mniin I Norr methods explained In FARM KNOWLKnnu will vimlv 9 riiimwrini UHWMiBBWiiiwnmMiHMiMiMiiBMmnn
gm mini- . a ttU fr.M vk fc.rd fr. r. Increase TonroflVfrou boil 9 ift,ilMlHi n nh in kHkM rf m rw ifi. M
lttrl!4kJJptihUitTtr(prHlrr. XwMitUi BMHMBMMBBMWBBEMR .Maira Wfeaffifffpq njyi 4a I mitkwkll. refd. TOi' fcl I. t. Ur T).Mt
jtfie mof approved methods of fertilizing soil
r. ,,,t ' ffce soundest principles for improving the dairy herd
' 'l ',' the greatest discoveries for growing record crops ' .' ....
tfje mo.? practical methods of increasing livestock profits
the most profitable marketing plans
Told by More Than 100 of America's Greatest Farming Authorities
rA thousand and on new farming dis
coveries have been made by men who are
revolutionizing crop and live stock results.
These new ideas are producing record
breaking yields of corn; are quickly re
claiming soils thought hopeless; are securing
startling butter fat production; are forcing
hogs to market earlier, on less .feed; are
doubling and trebling profits in practically
every farming operation, in every climate
and locality.
These new methods are cutting down labor
needs by saving work in a hundred ways.
They are chopping out waste in every farm
ing operation. They are perfecting new kinds
of crops which outrank the old. And now
these secrets have been made public.
The Discoveries of Specialists
Just as we have the physician who specializes
on one particular branch of medicine, so we have
tho farmer who specializes on ono particular
branch of farming. Some have made a lifetime
Btudy of corn. Others have confined their study
to soils. Still others have specialized on growing
of wheat. And bo on farming has its special
ists on live stock, poultry, veterinary matters,
cotton, hay, dairy and all other branches.
These specialists are continually conducting
experiments to discover methods that will pro
duce better results. When an experiment is
provod successful, again and again, it is used
on a large scale, In a practical way. No one
farmer can hope to learn, through his own ex
perience, as much about all branches of farming
&3 all those specialists together have learned,
each specializing in one thing. ?he road to
Quick success in farming is to take full advant
Qga of what all-these specialists have discovered.
Learn their secrets!
4 A $50,000 Work
At an expense of over $50,000 for editorial
material alone, .the successful farming experi
ences of recognized authorities in all parts of
too country have been collected and placed with
to the covers of FARM KNOWLEDGE a com"
plete manual of Successful Farming; basod on
sound principles and tho actual experiences of
real farmers the Farmer's Own Cyclopedia.
Never before has a work of this scope and value
been produced. There is nothing tlse like it.
It is the most complete and the most practical
work ever prepared for tho farmer. It helps to
eliminate costly personal experimenting. It is
a. clearing house of answers to the problems you
must lolve every year.
Above all, FARM KNOWLEDGE Is practical.
It is not a collection of theories; it does not
present plans and me.thods which are out of
reach of the average farmer. Instead, FARM
KNOWLEDGE contains the results of actual ex
perience in improving methods and Increasing
profits. It 13 up to the mlnuto In every way, yet
it upholds every old time method that has
proved its merit; It contains the help you want,
instantly available when you want it.
100 Experts on Your Farm
Just think of having at your finger tips tho
help of Hugh G. Van Pelt, one of the foremost
authorities in tho country on Dairy Matters; of
having the help of Prof. F. C. Minkler on Hog
Raising, the advice of Prof. C. H. Hutchison on
Corn, organizer of the Corn Growers' Association
of Missouri and former head of the department
of Farm Crops at Missouri College of Agricul
ture; think of having, in your own home, the
boiled-down knowledge of men like Dr. A. S.
Alexander on tho diseases of live stock, of Prof.
Eckles on the handling of milk, of Alva Agee on
Soil Fertilization, of J. K. Wright on tho Silo,
of J. S. Hackelman on Small Grains, of Raymond
Olney on the Farm Tractor, of H. H Ne mann
on Barn Construction, of over a hundred others
of equal prominence on subjects on which they
have specialized.
These men have won their places as great
farmers - they not only know how to secure
unual results, but they have the ability to tell
YOU how to do it. Surely, help like this must
be of benefit to every farmer, no matter how
?ong he has been farming, or how much money
bo fs making, or how extensively he has studied.
Free Booklet Explains All
FARM KNOWLEDGE contains over 2,000
pages in-all, 128 full page. photographic repro-.
ductions, frontispiece In each volume in colon
and over 3,000 other ilhiBtrations. Tho volume
are 0 inches high by 7 inches wido and each
book is nearly 2 inches. thick. Tho green buck
ram binding is both handsome and durable.
It is impos8lblo to describe so important ft
work in tho space of one pago. But wo liavo
prepared a special booklet which shows the com
plete list of contents, names of authors, with
brief descriptions of each, and shows sample
pages to give you an Idea of how tho subjects
are treated, size of type and tho kind of illustra-,
tions. In addition, wo have prepared a largo
folder illustrating tho four volumos In actual
colors, so you can see how beautiful they aro.
Mail Coupon
We want every farmer who in interested I
Increasing his production and profits and
ov.ery man planning to own a farm, to send!
for a copy of the free booklet and folder.
Read what FARM
means to you. Read
about the new farm
ing secrets which
have revolutionized
old methods, doubl
ing and trebling
profits. We will also
quote you our low
price, easy terms of
payment and free
examination offer.
Write NOW. Just
say "Send me your
EDGE Booklet No.
73-C-92 C. Mail cou
pon, postal or letter.
Secret of
Success isi
Bond me your free Booklet No. 73-C-92 C. lllus
tratlng and describing FARM KNOWLEDGE the
Farmers' Own Cyclopodla.
Post Office
R. F. D. No.
Box No.
Street and No.
Or. It easier, send a postal card for FATttf
KNOWLEDGE Booklet No. 73-C-92C, Bears. Itoe
buck and Co., Chicago..
..? W!