- fTOwrvfFi,IT''wiw - wf5 m . M MM ' ! The VOL 19, NO. 6 WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Lincoln, Nebraska, June, 1919 Whole Number 722 RA TIFY MM ED I A TEL Y . . . Suffrage for women is submitted ratification should follow immediately. In states favorable to ratification special sessions should be called at once, unless remlar or adjourned sessions are ekdion of 1920. We to mssr vr l&lfl!l CXU VCj ' "' ' ore fk Llsl nee d th e 0 conscience 1 jua gmentm se C or woman i me moDl 9 7 o ata man s ems o f today. u r Woman Suffrage Near The Suffrage amendment is now before - the Btfctes for ratification. Sever.al governors have called special sessions and others will. No ex cuso for delay. EVERY "pTATE FAVORABLE TO SUFFRAGE SHOULD ACT AT ONCE so that tho 'fight can he concentrated on the states where it ig necessary. Woman's conscience is needed in politics as never before; it is needed here and in other nations which will be influenced by our example. Woman's conscience is needed to' make complete and permanent the nation's victory over the saloon; it is needed to deal successfully with tho social evil tho next great moral issue; and it is needed to abolish war. Woman is coming into her own, and her en trance into politics will hasten the triumph of' W righteous cause. Welcome, woman t i t0 leavo th0 Cross; first to reach th0 w She riU S-ard tho home with her bal- Qu, by uakln- the young secure, strengthen ne next generation for its problems. ' W. J. BRYAN. Tho publication of the treaty over tho protest 01 the President i ,, , r it J,m a ChanCQ t0 saow theIr partisanship, but i u Will not lini.- i.u . ., . . .... republi resident or strengthen tno THE ROLL OP HONOR List -of States That Have Ratified tho National Woman Suffrage Con- stitutional Amendment IWISCONSIN, Juno 10, 1919. 2 ILLINOIS, Juno 10, 1919. 3 MICHIGAN, Juno 10, 1919. 4 KANSAS, June 10. 1919. 5 OHIO, Juno 1C, 1919. 6NEW YORK, June lr, 1919. CONTENTS WOMAN SUFFRAGE NEAR LABOR AND BEER BOTH SIDES DISPLEASED DEPORT UNDESIRABLES A FAR-REACHING IDEA CLEMENCEAU, THE REACTIONARY PRESIDENT OPPOSES THE LIMITATION OF TERMS VOTES FOR WOMEN: WHY AND WHY NOT2 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE TO SPECIAL LEAGUE OF NJIONS TO AVERT . INTERNATIONAL ANARCHY- Labor and Beer The Federation of Labor has doclared against war prohibition and for 2 A per cent beer. Whether the action of tho federation was in fluenced by tho branches pecuniarily interested in making beer, or represented tho individual opinion of the members, it will bo weighed x.'.'.lx other evidence and have influence according to tho number for which tho federation speaks, but there is no reason to believe that it will cause any return to tho saloon. Tho federation represents but a part of labor, and labor repre sents but a part of the population. In this coun try tho PEOPL": rule laws are made and en forced, not by a class element, but by a majority of all the people. The laboring men vote as individuals, not as an organization. If, on tho liquor quastlon, they voted for the saloon, they have boon out voted and have no more reason for protest than the farmers have when they are outvoted. Be ing in a minority on this subject, the laboring men will acquiesce In tho will of tho majority as others do when In the minority. W. J. BRYAN. War prohibition will not bo repealed. If tho saloons ao reopened after July 1st tho Presi dent will have to take the responsibility. Let us hope that ho will not do so. ' :i I-11 'Itt' W c PM mid&isssiiiJ -"--.-.,.