VTS .' The Commoner FEBRUARY, 1910 13 IV . v Jtrv " , - t ur Truss! row , Ruptured?- M Away Yo in For Many Years We Have BeeaTeUing You That No Truss Will Ever Help You - Wo Have Told You the Harm That Trusses Are DW Wo Have Told .You That the Only Trulv Comfortable aur) ),. n .. 4r ..i,?ll..iruMM &xe Ooto' -".- Brooks Rupture Appliance -and That It Is - Pml " B ' Sent on Trial to Prove It mfitt&&BMBmb I m mmva&F&m&MKm&&i ffMemBWti t .,.. in vo trlfl most cV&rvthlnrr PflBC, come to us. Where bthore -fail sis where wo nave uui giuaium, oum. Ifi-na. attaencu coupon .."m- "'. , hviil Bend you free our illustrated book Son liupiuro unu no uua, ouib !. UppHance ana giving you pne nuu 'names 01 many J"u Y1 u Jim,.u ,, , ?i .,i nrn onrofl. It la instant relief when all others fall. Remember, we fuse no calves, no harness, no lies. We send on trial to prove what wo L 10 trim. You aro tho iudere and loneo having seen our illustrated book land read it you will bo as enthusiastic Us our hundreds of patients whose let ters you can also read. Fill out freo 'coupon below and mall today. It's- well (worth your time whether you try our Appliance or not. Soundly Cured At the Age of 81 Mr. C, E. Brobks, Marshall, Mien. Dear Sir: V- Lesd than a year ago I sent to you for an appliance which came promptly. - I at once put it on and it fitted perfectly. I have- worn the appliance not quite 10 months. It, Itna cured my rupture. I tried the other day while the an- pllance was off, to see if I could force anything out of the open- Trlrl I,"10,1"0 bUt J C0Uld n0t thOUgh I NOW I think thin nittfrt mnJ'vu t ;vil my t'hty-flrstyear. I am an old r jetfran of the Civil War. born and raised t?0;I10 t,wn ?f Now Boston. State of New Ilampslilro. from which place I enlis&d nJA"N. tt Vol. Inft. in Co. C, ......umiiu oy uoi. in. t. uonanue. I ennnnt fnnl Im.i- j-i, . t .... t- .. ' 4r.n wui. liju.1. x owe you L1I15 i,7;,?l0?yTr0r 1 nad nover expected to fnnmi ccL llovfc?' thanks bo to God,' I SLa cure through tho valuable appliance you made for me. ; Holly Hill, Fla. B. A. mniTATlTIS. Cured Without Operation Wbm Sure He Would Be n Cripple" ; Mr o c Brooks, Marshall, M?ch. " mu Enclosed is a picture of my m ldrcn- ana tlrc "Ule nun you "e caUd on the chair is tho one 'no was cured w your Appli ancr, H; lad been u,p, u,'fd luite a Mlo b. fore wo wrote jou, and I l?,,8". that he jouia be a crlp- n i V rcst o ol,"fr .How- .-I auiue neip- teDfraniu8uh0 me an ad. In a news- Perfect hca tw, re8ult' ,that ho was in rooks Anniint?ftro.Ufif,5 the wearing of a T d?ctornCnifo,r just tnree months. hlch i woul.i 5XSed an. operation, vlco wna .Sot con8ent to. Your pdancoS h,mPn,ianr AIr Cusn Ap- 18 vorth ten Hm lu"lV?t 0ft5r that Jt t ,..i" lcn times whn.f ii- .At Sym ylirrr Jsv WWoPt(T ByTB?v ore ra could have seenhim Tdo ?hen h '"li "10 Appliance and now. wuia bo uuy as sound ps apyone for tAfL' . much Yours respectfully ' - OLrvTSRliANSON, ' ,,1e?' , '""-SSnr,, tcseCR' - FI .' s-mmrwr, a. v ri9 Ttsrv .; 5T -V . "fc. 0 " Ten Reasons Why The Above Im C. IS. llrooka, Inventor o the Appltnucp. Mr. Ilrookw Cnrcd lllninelf of Ilunturc Over 30 YenrM Ago nnd Pntcniod lic Appliancti from HI Vextioiml ISxpcrlence. If' Iliipturcil "Write Today in the BrookH Appliance Co., ainraltall, Mich. Cured in Three Months Doctor Pronounces Him Cured Salem, Ohio. 430 Cleveland Ave. Mr. C. E. Brooksf, Marshall, Mich. Dear Mr. Brooks: I am Bending you a small picture of my son who is now five years old. We ordered your Appliance for him when' he was only two months old, and yet 'want to say in about thiee months all signs of rupture were gone, and he is somo boy today. I shall bo very glad to say a good word for you when ever tho opportun ity presents itself. Yours very truly. T. A. McCLAIN. You Should fiend for IlrookM lliipdu'o Ai?Uueo 1. It is absolutely the only AppUanoo pf the kind on tlfo market today, and in it aro embodied tho principloB that inventors havo sought after for yoarn, 2. Tho Appliance for retaining the rupture cannot bo thrown out of poMl tlon. 3. Being an air cushion of soft rub bor it clings closely to tho body, yot never blisters or causes Irritation. 4. Unlike th.o ordinary so-oallod pad, used in other trussos, it is not cumber some or ungainly. 5. It is small, soft and pllnblo, nnd positively cannot bo dotootod through tho clothing. G. Tho soft, pi In hi a bands holding- the Appliance uo not give one tiho unploas- UAHUfii ln . kb oa Kff j 4. 7. There is nothing about it to get foul, and when It bocomus soiled it can bo washod without injuring it In tho loast. 8. There aro no metal springs In tho Apnllance to torture. ono by cutting and bruising tho Ilesh. 9. All of the material of which tho Appliances aro made Is of tho very best that money can buy, making it a dur able and safe Appliance to woar. 10. Our reputation for honesty and fair dealing Ja so thoroughly estab lished by an experience of over thirty years of dealing with tho public, and' our prices aro so reasonable, our terms so fair, that there certainly should be no hositancy lii sending free coupon today, 119 Towlo Avenue, Mlshawaka, Ind. L Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Mr. Brooks: Answering your letter, will say wo nood no more Appliances, as our son has been completely cured by wearing your Appliance. Wo recently had him examined, and the doctor said the opening was en tirely closed and that it wasn't necessary to woar it longor.. Thanking you for your kindness, I am, Yours very truly, MRS. II. TOLLMAN. t-Sf smmmte ; m Re'm ember Veteran Cured Mr. Wm. McAdams, of Kansas, 111., is a veteran of Co. "H" 69 Itogt. 111. Vol. of which he was Sec ond Lieutenant. Ho has fought against tho suffer ing and torment of Rupture for years and has finally won tho victory as the following brief let ter tells: Mr. C. E.Brooko, Marshall, Mich. Dear Slr;I laid your appliance aside March Smo: and nave . T not worn it for twenty-flyo days, for l think that 'I am cured. I hope that l may nover have t wear it again. - . Yours truly, . Kansas, 111. .""VM. McADAMS, SR. met 7jW ws"w"a "Wo send our Appliance on trial to prove what we say Is true. You are to bo the judge. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. Pennsylvania Man Thankful Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: Perhaps it will interest j'ou to know that I have bean ruptured six years and have always had trouble with it till I got your Appllnnc. It is very easy to voar, fits neat and nug, and is not In tho way at any Um day orwniffht. In fact, at times I did not know I had It on; it just adapted It- ! self to the shapp i ot me uouy ami seemed to be a part of tho body, as it olun&r to tho j spot, no matter , what position I was m. It would be a to the unfortunate who suffer from rupture if all could procure Uie JirooKH i Runturo Anolianco and wear Jt. They would certainly never regret it. My rupture Is now all healrd up nnd nothing ever did It but your Appliance Whenever tie opportunity present it self I will say a good word for oi.r Appliance, and alao the honorable wiy Jn which you deal" with ruptured v'" ie. It in a pleasure to recommend a good, thing among your friends or stranger. I. am, Your very sincerely. JAMBS A. BIUTTON". 80 Spring Sit., Bthlahem, Pa, r- rjmr Mel Free Information Conpoe BROOKS APPLIANCE CO., 193 Cf State St., Marshall, Michigan Please send me by mail in plain wrapper youjr Jllualratod book and fuU information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. Name, Addross. r. F. D.j - City.. t-f.... State.-. (i M - ' ' t 1 i "fi iV. m S ! . i r- - If til '. 'I i rl ;.l-n ." i I !, t ' I :& ' Wf Air if .1 K xh ilj fe,t i i J hijtnt V, i- JUi. J- -. ,r, -ff-L. , ,". j - ,nrljri oi ,o 4 'tj .