P'w Hr-n Tl"iT,'',,"" The Commoner VOtfl6NT9 32 0 I TT--. F - v 4 1 ftV Bi BV HL W i w M BIB PB V IHW M l ft 1 B If iTiB iBililaiiiiSy1-' 3BBPI1111111111111111111111111111MmWMMP c . ft A v ftw b ftV 1 Tl ftm b J ft.J kl LJ 1 1 "1 ftW ffivfgiftiBE BftftftftftVlftftHliftHHftftlftftaftHHIHMBHHBHilftBHftBftWjftftMWJftHftV nJMHCr HiErTTIjicTJlMMEcBjl Ku -t pr- 2apyr cry BE MY GENERAL AGENT IN YOUR COUNTY tj ' jKv t 4 Ajlu'VBftftv vJm, ' VjVBUBftviSB 5 ftV I want aquaro men to act as my Special Sales represent atives in every county. I want hustling, energetic, ambi tious follows, anxious to mako big money, who aTe willing to work with mo. I want to show you and every other honost man who believes in fair play and a square deal how to mako $300 profit and expenses very month. I want .to show you how to mako more money, easier, quicker, nioro suro and certain than you ever did before in all your lifo. I want you to advertise, sell, and appoint locafc ngonts for tho most sensational seller in fifty years tho startling invention that has sot the entire country oaog The Robinson Folding Bath Tub Hero's an absolutely new invention. Nothing else like it. Has takou tho ontiro country by storm. Solves the bathing problem. Gives every homo a modern, up-to-date bathroom in any part of tho house. No plumbing, no waterworks needed. Take full length baths in any room; upstairs, downstairs, bed room, sick room, parlor, kitchen, any room in tho house. Tho Robinson Tub folds in small roll,, handy as an umbrella. Rivals expensive "bathroom. Constructed of tho wonderful "Steelino" material. I tell you it's Great! Remember it is needed in every home. Moaii3 modern bathing facilities for a'l'P the people.' A godsend to humanity. '" I want you to handle your county. I'll furnish demon strating tub on a liboral basis.'Tm positive, yes, I'm abso lutely certain that you can mako bigger money in a ft, week with mo than you ever made in a month before. J Hustlers, east, west, north, south, aro simnlv tnin 1 money. Orders, orders, everywhere. For remember fully 70 per cent of tho people have no bathrooms. You can take tho orders right and left. Quick sales and im mense profits. Two sales a day means $300 a month profit. Stop and realize the tremendous possibilities Look around you. Bo amazed. Your neighbors, friends relatives, have no bathrooms. They are eager for one' never had the opportunity to install one. You step in' show the tub. Sale's made, profit sure. ' No Bxperienco Needed Why, I don't care if you never sold anything before in .all your life, you can make good big money with me You're honest? You're square? Of course you are You've got grit, ginger, gumption? Of course you have You want to make good? You want to make big money' Suro you do. Well, that's all I ask. If you are willing to do your best, backed by my co-operation and help, you can blast out the .biggest financial success of your career. I grant credit, you know, so money can't hold you back. I furnish sample on liberal plan. I help you out and back you up. So don't let doubt drag, you back. You have nothing to lose. My other men are building homes starting bank accounts, so can you; ' SonHndonal Snlen Siicccmm! .ylultA0thor?.ftro dolne Y0U can (l0 Rcad theso records. N. T. Smith. Ohio, $00 weekly profit. Moycrs, Wis.. $250 first month, Beasley, Neb., $35 profit first 4 hours. Nowton, Calif., $C0 in 3 days. Mathlas, Florida, $120 In I clays. Corrlffan. N. Y. $114 In CO hours. C. II. Tromor, Ind., $35 profit first C hours. W. P. Hlncard. New Mexico, $35 in 2 days. Avorago men, avorago o.iivo, urt-iuB" tuwnu. uiiufiimiiiu rrooi cu me uig Money to oo made uiwuHTH evorywnore. xno xiootnson tuu is badly wantod and bought. by eagerly Customers' Words of Pruino Sep how pleased these people are:. "Delighted' with Tub; will recommend it," Mrs. Jennie Hall, Miss. "Bath Tub O. K. Just right size " Wm Bonz Ohio. "Our Tub has been in dally use. Finfe," Mrs? J. E 1 Randan' NY "Have been. using your Tub. Could not do without it.'f.Mrs. G C Monov Iowa "Robinson Tub first class," Chas. A. Massie, Wash Sub arrived' Children and all delighted." C. R. Loucks. La. "We all took a bath It sure is a daisy," O L Morris, Ore. "After testing your Tub can Say tt surely X a wonder and gives entire satisfaction," O. P. Morgan, Ohio . Empties Itself Krmemlicr lilu The Rol.lnson I'otdlnir Hath Tub, cejit'ppcil with our 'ii-clal Out let Itiupttliiir Uevlic m.ikes the tub post tlvily scl! emptying. Ilu entiVenleiu ami timely this Is. Alter the bath it') luss ixt bother emptying the tub, lly Hie time . jtfi'rn rtremtcil tho tub In emptied, ready to i lay ii w y, A I the con vi n'enn ol a modern up-lu.tlutcU tliroom, ant jet tho Folding Tub (lorn no take up t pace or be li the way when not In iuc. No special room need be et aside a a bulirootu imlejs tlc&lrcit. Arty room run tie made Into a ba broom In S mini tss tlnir. Is It any W3udervi;serii ar dellutiteil, a d otteiitt arc intluisl.istlr? Tie KoUIn on holding Hath Tub deiiiotutra.es Its value liiimedlntely Jipo.i showing. It is tho 'dcalliathtng e lulpmeiit lot o ery Jiouie,' Ct y. coun'.ry or town tor camping, e c, as wcila.s Hie one itts'raWe tub iunlie Xck room, .bed-room, pailor, IMpg r.iotrt or kitchen) any room (an tie made lutoa.tiath roqm In a Jiffy. All h without ph-mblng, waterworki or. extra rxrens.'. Alter the Initial env there arc no lurther rxprntex to pay liver hi me everywlierf !h J ut wait ing for the Uobliison I'oldlnz Tub. Guaranteed for 10 Ytirs! Cannot Leak! Every Robinson Folding Bath Tub that leaves our factory is guaranteed for tea year against any defect in manufacture This Is due to the remarkable invention Steeltne," the material used In the con struction of the Uoblnson Folding Tub. Constructed with this material the tub can be, and is, guaranteed for 10 years. Should it prove, defective a new tub t Immediately furnished in its place. This guarantee protects every customer for a period of ten years, Steellne makes the Tub soft and pliable, yet strong and last ing. The tub cannot ,spltl, Up or splash. Just as strong and durable in use as the ordinary enameled tub, but In conven ience so far superior. In buying the Robinson Tub, customers take absolute ly no risk. They aro guaranteed against defects by our liberal, binding guaran tee. Families everywhere boost the Rob inson Tub to their friends which makes the sates come fast and sure for our representatives. Surely the Ideal bath Ing equipment without one objectionable feature. JOIN ROBINSON'S MULTITUDE OF MtNEY-MAKERS ' Yes. loin tho mativ who aro mnlcn, hlrro-or mnnnv rlinn thov nvoi' ii hn fore. You tlon'i need tt unit your regular Job rlrrhl now. Try tho business out ovonlngs, Saturday afternoons, whenever you have a Uttlo spare time. See that all I tell you Is oo. Then quit your job, Say crood-byo to tho timo olock; say good-bye to grinding work and meager pay. Bid your pay-check pals, farewell forever. Just for a change you bo tho lion.i. You can do u. I know after ono week of spare time effort you will bo eagor to devote all your tlmo to tho salo of tho Robinson Folding Bath Tub. You will bo amazed. You will say: "My luck was surely with mo when I got acquainted with Robinson." A SUUI0 CIIANCK FOR AMBITIOUS PEOPLE X wish that I might call a meeting of all ambitious pooplo in America that I might talk to them and tell them of tho tremendous possibilities in this business.; show them tho sales my othor representatives aro making; con vlnco them beyond tho possibility of doubt that hero at last is the chanco they havo been waiting' for; the "Opportunity" that is said to knock at overy man's door onoo. If I could only look you squarely In tho eye and tell you nil rhrt fiintu nnnnt this wnnilnrfnl lmalnnaa If T nnni.i i.. i.. t. .. undeniable proof stacks of letters and ordors on my desk; If I could show you enthusiastic letters from Robinson Representatives Hesitate? Why Special Commoner Coupon I li. s. uoniNsoiv, PrcMU. E llobluNon Cnbtnet BIfK, Co., IfKU Fne(orle.s IUiIk., Toledo, Ohio. second. You would hot potato," and say U. 1I1UUL-1II Hum tnrln v. nn article the average Amer- person, so senu r . $300 a. month looks good to mo. Wrlto mo and tell mo ail nu,,, ,. " '. I clal plan and hpw I can ipako this big monQyacilSe-MourLX T ' S" , ;, This obligates mo In no .way.., . " as your reProsontative. vM ' . - ,v .. ;'y ' ,.- . .vji, N , ,. .". i hSamn. ' " ' '- '" ' ' ' ' .' "' .j arno .'v... i.,', .;..: . . :. Street and-.No....V.V....".;'. .'...'.f.'. .'4,..r.;;!; - ' V-"' '" l' drS oVtnyngyoVo th? thousandth part of a 'llobinson T',r,J.Ul.J9: yur other business like a i . Sign tho COUDOn hr.ln..f T i..- x .. jet mo tell you of that int?)n; you the amazing story of "Stccline"; Jet me tell you of the yeirf of r f a,V'ctQn l.hat makpa tne tu self-ciniitylns of unremitting effort In tlS"wftr?3fc2lor,.flc!.ns experimental work; the years ties for overy home that thAHS1"? oul of an I(3eal5 Perfect bathing facill l0W?4w Jl "l?,1.? "0. Jowly, mlffhthave :","."';. ,Aj.ut mo ten you rtf thl w7.flr.rr; ""!. "u.rf. ?l .a moaern uuu the coupon belov SlSofoUe ,n I want to t ' EL,J YOU AhlL you appreciate th?Lmon?!fn,S;. Then you can decide whether or not in. You will rSd of ?uimiri,?siVIHUeB.of tno husiness I want you to start skeptical, thon I curious l rTJ fdf?f m,on. n yur Position who were at first today than ever though't possibYo iW0' wlV arc niaklng bigger money tell you how ono "ami mm?! il?- n theIr most roseate day dreams. I will "Opportunity," g?t n strnffinP?,Si0in !n cach community can connect with of financial lndenendpSnAVn,,101!!!01 succesa: know tho blessed stimulus fact that ionoag and ? ,iTho, vi11 lh,en rca'e. know, a,nd appreciate the hacked byconSJSnfiSuqoffiVifI?n c,?mb,n,ed with the right proposition and uy conscientious effort are the only requisites to an abundant success. MAIL THIS COMMONER COUPON TODAY seJme'anySSifiSl "T- Don,t aed a single-penny. Don't and mall tho coiin i vZ: ,n7" a"y fomuneration at;ali. Jiwi "b ino.cnanco to pn ,Lqt mo toll you . mondous world- and mail tho cbupon noir! H. S. ROBINSON Pres't The RlilaNdn Cnbluet MS, Co. 4031 .FaojUttJcH Illdx., VoIcjIo, Ol.l" tv 40 LLii 1 11.N k iiv cnnriinrv 1 r nmnAtt ifmi 'ivif mu ove every word I have said. Letrjrio proo oyery statement. wlin SS-0l,ttel!n5' ambMfeakoii!iur utotyf a tre- . wii you uo nusfiJt counio ypu wm. "" v"-" atate v.;v..-' ' ; ". ! Jt uuinfcJli'V ' HIITTTfWMMliirMMTiriiMii Ln - rniJil-tf"'