.ww i m r ' The Commorilr 32 VOL. 15, NO. 12 Put a Grafonola in Your Home d HNMMMHHi I r S'v - &' M E$ : TT K - f w ! Mvtli,n Enjoy the Pleasures of the One "Incom parable" Musical Instrument A musical instrument of some sort has always been a recognized necessity in every home. Not a great many years back nearly every home had the old fashioned cottage organ. Later tho piano became the most widely used musical instrument. NOW it's the COLUMBIA GEAPONOLA. The GRAFONOLA of today represents thirty years of continuous progress and development, and has become the most popular musical instrument in the world. Tho secret of its popularity is its wonderful adaptability to every musical requirement of the home, lodge or school. A Grafonola opens the door to all that is best in the world of music and will satisfy every musical longing of your soul. A GRAFONOLA will bring into your home an abundance of joy and good cheer. It will aid in the education of your children ; it will gratify the natural longing for diversion and amusement, and will satisfy the children with home life ; it will help settle the unrest, and bring about a state of contentment and happiness never known before. It will receive a hearty welcome from every member of tho family, and will bless tho home 365 days in the year. The GRAFANOLA is the instrument you want and need. It's the only instru ment on the market that will measure up to 100 per cent efficiency. All the sweetness and naturalness is left in the music when reproduced on a Grafonola. It's tho ono instrument you ought to buy and its the instrument you can not afford to be without, Prices That Make It Possible for Everyone to Own a GRAFONOLA Tho best thing about the GRAFONOLA is it is so priced that it Is possible for every home, no matter how humble, to have one. There is a range of styles and prices to suit every family purse., 'There is a COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA to suit every requirement of cost or surroundings. Between $15 and $200, the price you wish to pay is met by an instrument that gives you tho money's worth. Every COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA must conform to the Columbia standard of efficiency, no matter what the price. Even tho lowest priced Columbia model at $15 will play any selection and any class of music perfectly far beyond anything you may have expected. You may rest assured that whatever nrin.G vn An nnv whofhor fa tt k $25, or $50, or $75, or $100, or even $200, you are buying a musical instrument that will bring to you and your family "all the music of all the world, and most of the fun of it, too," played as you want to hear it and as often as you want it. Cplumbia Double-Disc Records give you an unlimited variety of music and en tertainment. Not only the best in sacred muBic. tho n.nfhnm nt tii roaf ofin,i yjhoira, but the favorite old songs of long ago, in solo and quartette. Not only the rujvico ui biiu Ktcai ui iiqiq ul u joiu hi huiii iLTin nnnnp.rrnn TniTn- bers; not only the recordings of the world's great masters of the ' violin and piano; but the music of the great orchestras and bands, and the soloists of those organizations, and the songs and humor of the stars of every stage music for your every mood and for every occasion that music meets; music for the quiet family hour, for tho cheer of visitors, for the dance, for indoors and outdoors, at home, at the club, in the church and in the school. All of this and more, with a Grafonola. Send Coupon. Our New Grafonola Catalog Sent FREE Lqt us send you our new Grafonola Catalog. Your name and address on a post card or in a letter (or just the coupon) is enough. No obligations in asking for a Catalog. We want you to get full information concerning tho COLUMBIA GRAFON OLAS, see the beautiful styles illustrated, and learn about the wonderful tone qualities of theso superb instruments, as well as the remarkable range of prices. There's an instrument described in this book that will suit you, and greatly add to the fine ap pearance of your home. Mail Coupon today. Two Popular-Price Columbia Graf onolas ""UteteSSfflBHB Free Information Coupon namxmiwi: The Grafonola Comnnnv. 1S41 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Dept. O., 1541 O St., Lincoln, Neb. : JPlnaflA stand mn vmir -now nrlinvilJo n-r.p-.?-J. i ii i. . .. ''full particulars, prices, styles, etc., of the Columbia Grafoholaa. - m r . Name .v ECLIPSE This little wonder will be a big sur prise in tone quality. It la equipped with our latest No 6 reproducer. -Ha' a large one-spring motor, it comes In Oak and Mahogany. If y0u can only put $25.00 In an instrument, this iyLup greatest opportunity. Possesses all the essentials that go to make up a real Instrument of music the Colum bia full, clear, natural tone; strong m?toF Plays two records with ono winding); exclusive tone-control shut-1 tors. Every Grafonola Is fully guaran teed against breakages for one year. FAVORITE This is a favorite In many homes. A splendid value for homos with small rooms, and for schools. A popular In strument, and a fast seller. Tho con struction is tho same as the "Leader" without tho recojrd cabinet. The finish la first class, and it cornea in Golden Oak and Mahogany. This instrument will not disappoint you. Price, f50. 'fThii n-i a ikY r.iF?4UW3,0 rIsk whon you buy a Columbia Vlir VJIUara.ntCC GRAFONOLA. We guarantee absolute satisfaction, refunded W hin oiiwwi, if not exactly as represented your money will bo GRAFONOLA catat n h? av.nd Prepay alt, charges. Mail the coupon today for ZrrsrFf. : VSF'H'0V' Which glVOS full lnfoi'mfitlnn nnncAPnlne' iuy tyieH not uustrated In this advertisement Bond today. THE GRAFONOLA COMPANY, ("Wholesale and Retail. Est. 1002. Paid up Capital 100,000.) Dept C, 1541 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. vJnjsS I &' Ar1iJML ' S a I I g 8 u -M