The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1915, Page 21, Image 21

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The Commoner
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Don't Wear A Truss Any Longer
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After 30 Years' ExDorianca i Have PrnrWar! 9n a!u.. u.M ur .. n.n . .... .
t-, .rrv.T -nppnHWGiui men, nuniBnaiaumiartninifiiciuaiiy uuresKliptlfrt
mado for You; You and all other Men,
Women and Children who are sufferers
from this annoying and dangerous
trouble. That truss you have been
wearing one of many you have tried
chafed and irritated you and was worse
than nothing. It had springs and pads
and hafness and straps and fixings
galore and was continually getting out
of shape slipping down or working up
and always needing attention. Then,
there wero salves nnd washes and
ointments to make tho case worse and
harder to bear. I want to say that you
will find none of these annoyances and
vexations in tho BROOKS APPLI
ANCE. At least' they aro reduced to a
minimum. This APPLIANCE was mado
with a view to eliminate, to do away
with, just such. trouble. I would have
been foolish t6 work half a lifotime,
thinking out and perfecting a thing
that had no adyantage or was not bet
ter than scores of other inventions
upon tho market. In my APPLIANCE
you will find the old objectionable
features LEIfT OUT. You will find It
easy to wear. You will scarcely re
alize you aro wearing it. There is no
binding, drawing and slipping out of
place. It does its work effectively and
with comfort to the wearer. I want
you to read my book, in which I have
taken pains to give full particulars
about ,it. Then, there are a few letters
printed in it, selected at random from
among hundreds written by men and
wbmen who have been cured. You can
write these folks and see what they
say. If I were you I would see to this
matter without waiting. You can put
off some, things without running much
risk, but a rupture is a dangerous
proposition to neglect. A rupture is
not only bad and serious of Itself, but
It leads to thihgs Infinitely worse. Fill
out coupon and mail TODAY. Tomor
row will do, but today is better.
l Want to Reach the Fnrents of Every
Ruptured Child In the Country.
tB vr
fctotf & . . Mt"
The above 1m C. E. Brook of Miirftluill, 31lcli., I lie Inventor, irlio htin been
curing rupture for over UO year. If ruptured urlle him ioiluy.
If you havo tried most everything else, come to me. Where others fail is
whero I have my greatest success. Send attached coupon today and I will send
you free my illustrated book on rupture and its cure, showing my Appliance and
giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured.
It is instant relief when all others fall. Remember, I use no salves, no harness,
no lies.
I send on trial to prove what I say Is true. You aro the Judge and once hav
ing seen my illustrated book and read It you will be as enthusiastic as my hun
dreds of patients whoso letters you may also read. Fill out free coupon below
and mall today. It's well worth your time whether you try my Appliance or not.
The Truss In a Flesh Torturing Inven
tion Fit Only As a Relic of Bnrlmrlty.
I want them to know about the Auto
matic Air Cushion- Rupture Appliance
that I make for children who aro af
flicted in this way.
The Itrooku Appliance Cured Ills Rup
ture. Now He Is As Sound and Whole
Am If He Had Never Been Ruptured
My appliance can be put on any child
"with perfect safety to the little one.
For growing children there is nothing
better to bo had no matter how much
you pay than my Appliance. I want
tho parents or others who may have
children in their caro to understand
that there should be no delay In getting
Proper help for ruptured children.
Every day that tho rupturo is al
lowed to go on without tho right means
of correcting it just so much harder
will it bo for tho child to get rid of it.
No ruptured child can ever be free
from the thought of tho rupturo and it
is not fair to any child not to have
an equal chanco with other children.
No matter what wo may wish to think
ruptured children do not have an
equal chance.
Common trusses do not help.
Thousands of men and women know
that from their own experience with
such trusses.
But it Is not necessary for children
to wear harsh cumbersome, steel
trusses any more. ,
You may have had to wear something
like this but don't make your child do
It. Give the child something better.
My Appliance is better and I want to
prove it to you. .
I will make an Applianco to the
child's measure, send It on TRlALr
put it Into your hands to see and use--and
then you can say whether it is
what I claim or not. .
The Automatic Air Cushion conforms
with every movement of the child; there
Is an even, gentle Pressure which grad
ually binds tho broken parts together--as
you would bind a broken limb-an;
then no matter how much tho child
jumps" runs, rolls over or falls down
the pressure is kept up just the Fame
always drawing the Prts together
Write me today and Ret all the In
formationsend tho coupon.
Pennsylvania Man Thankful
Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir: Perhaps it will interest you
to know that I have been ruptured six
years and havo always had trouble with
It till I got your Appliance. It Is very
easy to wear, fits neat and snug, and
Is not In tho way at any time, day or
night. In fact, at times I did not know
I had it on; It Just adapted itself to
the shape of the body and seemed to
bo a part of the body, as it clung to
the spot, no matter what position I was
It would bo a veritable God-send to
the unfortunates who suffer from rup
turo if all could procure tho Brooks
Rupturo Applianco and wear it. They
would certainly never regret it.
My rupturo Is now all healed up and
nothing ever did It but your appliance.
Whenever tho opportunity presents It
self I will say a good word for your
Appliance, and also the honorable way
In which you deal with ruptured peo
ple. It is a pleasure to recommend a
good thing among your friends or
strangers. I am, yours very sincerely.
80 Spring St., Bethlehem, Pa.
Others Failed but the
Appliance Cured;:
C B Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir: Your Appliance did all you jj
claWthe little boy and mor . for It ;
fdendsfTor we surely owe it to you.
rncnua, respectfully,
No. 717 S. Main St., Akron, O.
I send my Applianco on trial to prove
what I say is true. You aro to be tho
judge. Fill out freo coupon below and
mall today.
Ten Reasons Why
J;.11.1? auHolutcly tho only Appliance
of tho kind on tho market today, and in
It aro embodied tho principles fiat in
ventors havo sought after for years.
2. Tho Applianco for retaining tho rup
turo cannot bo thrown out of position,
3. Jiving an ulr cushion of soft rubber
It clings cJoncly to tho body, yet never
blisters or causes irritation.
4. Unlike tho ordinary so-oallrd pad,
usod in other trusses, it Is not cum
bersome or ungainly.
5. It is small, soft nnd pliable, and
positively cannot bo detected through
tho clothing.
C. Tho soft, pllablo bands holding the
Applianco do not give one tho unpleas
ant sensation of wearing a harness,
7. Thoro is nothing about it to got foul,
and when it bocomcH soiled it can bo
washed without injuring It in tho least.
8. There aro not metal springs In tho
Applianco to torturo ono by cutting
and bruising tho flesh.
9. All of tho material of which tho
Appliances aro mado is of tho very best
that money ran buy, making It a dur
able and fcafo Applianco to wear.
10. My reputation for honesty and fair
dealing is so thoroughly established by
an vxporlenco of over thirty years of
dealing with tho public, and my prices
aro so reasonable, my terms so fair,
that tlmro certainly should bo no hes
itancy in sending freo coupon today,
Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich.
Dear Sir: I began uitlng your Appli
ance for the euro of rupture (I had a
pretty bad case) I think In May, lQOb,
On November 20, 190C, I quit using it.
Slnco that tlmo I havo not needed or
used it. I am well of rupturo and rank,,
myself among those cured by th
Brooks Discovery, which, considering
my age, 10 years, I regard as remark
able. Very sincerely yours,
High Point, N. C.
C. E. Brooks.
Dear Sir: Tho baby's rupturo is al
together cured, thanks to your Appli
ance, and wo aro so thankful to you.
If wo could only have known of it
sooner our little boy vould not have
had to suffer near as much as ho did.
Ho woro your brace a little over four
months and has not worn it now far
six weeks. Yours very truly.
21 Jancen St., Dubuque, Iowa.
Veteran Cured
Commerce, Ga., R. F, D. No. 11,
Mr. C. E. Brookh.
Dear Sir: I am glad to tell you that.X
am now sound and well and can plough
or do any heavy work. I can cay your
Appliance has effected a permanent
cure. Before getting your Applianco I
was in a terriblo condition and had
given up all hopo of ever being any
better. If it hadn't been for your Ap
plianco I would never have been cured,
I am jlxty-elght years old and served
threo years in Ecklo's Artillery, Ogle
thorpe Co. I hope God will reward you
for the good you are doing for suffer
ing humanity. Yours sincerely.
C. E. BROOKS, 1736C State St, Marshall, Mich.
Pleaso send me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated bopk aud.ful
iniormauun auuui yuur yvyyutuiuu tor ine cure ut luiauiv.
City .
- H. F. D State.
-Lift'bd&ftwfc' L.