..,,.., - fH-T-l.Kgffftj I -i . f.I The Commoner VOL. 15, NO. 5 o '. T1' th'" The Country's Greatest Craze! This is a of the Uncle Sam Sugar Spoon slfghily enlarged If is given Free m nil per SI offer HI below Mim Jf IVvviW" nBfiT.vyft V yP" 7VKsV4l U aP tifBBBmi BjaB"BBBBPBa Bll IdBBBBBBBJnaa iBhfl I l'JJJJJJJfi a BfffffffffffffJ B m ' lllU afBBBBBBBBa f TBTBBBBBfB a a bbbbbbbbbbV J 1BBflyfaUiaa aaa a a a aaa tiiiittiiiitttaayfffffX H f"BBBBBat" rtiiMtaBBBTfl I if&f'Ba iiittittiiiBaH f B BBavaBBBB . aBB9999999SI 1 PPBiiiittti(iMiiriiiiMiMiti.H I ; 4 a.aaa.BBBBBBBBBH Mll4MaiBl jBffBBaiHittiliaiiti tialBBBBBBBll faBBBVfHaliiil 41K BHf MM (tIMtll MIIIMtdllttlt BBBBBBBBBBBB J&BBBBVlMlMMlffttll(4Mlll TbBBBBBBBTbbTM. ABBBBBBBBBJfjiaaa)a I """""""""""""""". 1L BBBBBVfM"lllMttMIMMrllll t IkBBBBBBBBBBBsV -fBBBBBBBBBBFj'",a'a a 3f"B"BBBBBBBBm aBBBMfMIMIIMMIlMMMMI VBBBBBBBBBBbVX f ABBBBBBBaV'l' ! MiiMiiti aaiaaasBBBBBBBBBBBBBV fBBBBBBaVfiiMiitiMiiii aaaaaaaataaaaait t aaTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBBm aBaBBBBBBBBBB,H iiMMiii bbbbbbbbbbbbtmV ffBBBBBBBBffliiit ltiiittitatia3alBBlBBBll VaBBBBBBBBBBBBJaaaaaaaaaaaaaa TBBPalBBBBBBT&m aBBBBBBBBBTf f lftl a aBVtBBBBBBBBBBBBt T Jl """BbTbT l.lallllllllltf at( Wf IvrSVTBBBBBBBBKV T BBBBBBBatfri 4ittitit .Hal UbTbTbTbTbTbtM 1 I J BBBBSff''"' '! iMaiamlBTMBBBBBBBBl I BBBBBBBBBW if '& 'ajKBtTBaBBBBBBBBBal J IbIbbTbbTbVM V ('ll bIbbbII aTBBfafafaV i MiaJl IbbbbTbbTbB 1 """""" utMtiiimitiiiif ft alafl IbbbbbbjbTbB I ' Ja MlMjfll IfaTBBBBBBBBl I I lMi . .3' . fnl IbIbbTbbTbbTbI I . """""""""M A laBBBBBBBBBi I 1 B BaBBaKV V i 7 bbbbbbbbbII VffBBBBBBBaaa.aaaaaaaaaa, ? Mm .a bTbTbTbTbTbTbTb! B lfBBBBBtllttt)IIMtllil.r , 13 aBBBBBBBBfl1 VBBBBBBBBBlaaaaaaaaJ bbbbbbbbbbbI fl TaBBBBaMV ' rr . ff bbbbbbbbbbV af lBBHl af yBTaBBBBBBWaT -; . y9BBBBBBBBBTaf fffffV' - abbbbbbbbVA itfHVVk; rf'tlllUtMI Vi ZaBBBBBBBBVaV XIbBBBbAYM ' yCB7BBBBBBBBVir HkVatatt4ltiittt jflafr BBaBTfaBBBrr flBffBBVN BTT BBBBBBBBBJrJ7 KaBBBBBTaV" BB7' aaBBBBBBBBTr bT "aVBBBBBBBBBBBBV tbTbb BBBBBBBBBTJaY ( aBBBBBavlBBBBBBBBWr .. .. M'H"TJt ABBBBBBalBBBaBBBair CLbbLbbbbBbbIbVbVbbbU t mJbbVbbbBb1bbBHP State Souvenir Spoon Collections The Country is State Souvenir Spoon Crazy! The fad has swept from Ocean to Ocean, from Lakes to Gulf. Millions have been sold to loyal and patriotic Americans who desire these beautiful and valuable souvenirs of this greatest period in the history of the world. We want our READERS to share in this fad. We want them to get the FINEST State Seal Souvenir Spoons made, and we have succeeded in making arrangements to give YOU the richest and handsomest State Seal Souvenir Spoons on the maricet. xnese are tne lamous K. Wallace & Son's make, and owing to our tremendous circulation and the placing of an enormous order we have been able to make such a favorable contract that we are enabled to offer you WITHOUT EXTRA COST, a wonderfully beautiful Patriotic Uncle Sam Sugar Spoon as a premium. Start a Collection With This Beautiful UNCLE SAM SUGAR SPOON Thjs exquisite Uncle Sam Sugar Spoon, which we are dis tributing WITHOUT EXTRA COST to our readers, is a real triumph of the silversmith's art. You shtfuld start your collec- uiuxi jx kjcaue occti ouuveuu apuuiis Willi 1L. JA. piam drawing of it is shown here. No drawing could do justice to its loveliness, richness or quality. It must be seen to oe appreciated. The bowl is large, smooth and free of ornamentation. This makes it easy to clean. At the head of the stem or handle is the eagle-shield of the United States with the National motto, "E Pluribus Unum." Under this is the head of George Washing ton surmounting the emblem of tlie District of Columbia, seat of the government, a figure of Justice holding the sword and book of the constitution with the motto, "Jus- titia Omnibus." justice for all. "Relnw it is the Fascia emblematic of the power of the law. The encrravinor nnrl chasing are exquisite. Examined under a magnifying glass they show a depth and perfection rarely found in silverware. Many etc. Thoy children's FINEST WALLACE QUALITY STATE SEAL SOUVENIR SPOONS R. Wallace & Sons are the leadlner alivprHmm,., . The firm was established by Robert Wallace In 1835 during the dive of Dolly Madison, and Jiastbeon the leading house of iiv - SUSSS this country for nearly a century. Any Jewell? win l?iraroauflU.ty in LACE QUALITY is the standard of excellence Thl nmthat,W,fL Stato Seal Souvenir Spoons is known as "I 1 i wi,tWllft of these you would have to pay $2.50 for anywhere for a anf ?f -ft S th uallty spoons are fully guaranteed by the manufacturers L?Ix sPons- These stamped "Wallace A I4.," and wupSJnTSn SP''n beInff that the spoons will bo replaced Swany tlm? thov do b,nd ln?Flngr tion. They are the heaviest kind of sllverSlatc anS n tBlvo lao and an ornment to any sllvorchest. B11VLrPiato and a thing of beauty V rki-k1 V a. uaaIimIm rm nk 1 rrv4- r r rrl4-a 4r wlnnrln v n1 i. I . j. are a ROYAL GIFT. They are the kind of spoons you will be proud to B ffin WQflaInsS anniversaries, emiaren as neiriooms. "" - u"i cniiaren or your III II I II I II IM 1 Mllll I II iil--lirKV IV43l7K-3ll SKpO iM 111 i30v inffii how m mis ? CVfiswE VTOVV TSM' Y7 VVW WWS M(WA W ar, 3SS lrV mxm l2 K mlM vxB If RwBwmvv m 111 I K'i-: :MhBlilitllfff XSKS: . vv.lBll 1 km W':;'v V::HVIAff k.k.v. :;.'. . .vin 1 tiiim nHwiBB HOW TO GET THESE FINE SPOONS We aro offoring these beautiful Stato Seal Souvenir Spoons, full regulation teasnnnn t ... , , handles showing tho National emblem, the Seal of each Stato and the nameof the state on the t largo, smooth bowls and exquisitely decorated a CLIP THIS COUPON, MAIL AT ONC1S 'Ml STATE SOUVENIR SPOON COUPON THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD, LINCOLN, NEBR., Pleaso send mo Stato Souvenir Spoons checked off on margin. I am taking advantago of Offer No and enclose Cut out this Coupon, pin it to a piece of paper with your name and address written plainly, and mall at once to us. Put a cross "X" against tno name 01 tno oiuio or states, representing tne aeais you want. Mont an PciiHsylvaula tne stem as shown in the following Offer: -Alabama -Ala Mica Arizona Arkansna Calllornla Colorado .Connecticut .Delaware Indiana Iowa Krunhn Kentucky -LoiilHtana Maine " Maryland ManHHcluiMcttH Nebraska Rhodu Inlaiul -Nevada S, Carolina . New HnmiiHulre S, Dakota uD. of Columbia Mlchlg;aa Florida MInneMota Georgia MInmImmIdii! IdHHO MlNMOUrl .IUUolft New Jcrey New Mexico New York N. Carolina N. Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Uncle Sam Suar Spoon TenncMMce .Texan Utak Vermont Virginia . Wanhln:ton W. Virginia "WImcouhIh Wyoming Offer NO. I AW'teo th Uncle Sam Sugar Spoon Qrs.subscrlPtIon to THE AMERICAN HOME Ht b at 25c- Understand, your choice of any Mate Spoon or the Undo Sam Sugar Spoon. Enclose H- " --" ior postage and packing. Off! NOi 2 7TOnT0T 8e,t i G state Spoons (all different States) and w" the Uncle S.i.m Hno-oci, i ,iti-inn 7 snoons in alf given without extra cost aa a premium with wnJmbom?,f.Ji subscriptions to TPIE AMERICAN SS2CEiSTFAD at 2c oach- Send n-50 with the 6 subscriptions and you get 6 State Spoons and the packf Spoon 7 ln all ' Enclose 4c for postage and Two sets of Stato Spoons (12 different States) and uncle Sam Sugar Spoons without extra c; AwrwfT&SJ1 for a club ot 12 subscriptions to THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD at 25c each, or $3.00. En- V"UBU oa extra for postage and packing. a Stato Spoon o 1 Sugar Spoon 0 State Spoons and One Sugar Spoon Offer No, 3 12 Stntc SpoonH and 3 Sugar Spoona m mgmmmm , . V " J.V W uJLSXXtlk