The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 01, 1915, Page 24, Image 24

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The Commoner
VOL. 15VN0.y6-
Florida Passes New Liquor Law
(By John L. McWhortor)
Tallahassee, April 29. This id the
Davis bill which now waits only the
governor's signature to become the
An act to regulato tho sale or fur
nishing of intoxicating liquors, wines,
or beer, and prescribing a penalty for
tho violation of certain of its provi
sions and ropealing laws in conflict
Be It enacted by tho legislature of
the state of Florida:
Section 1. That no intoxicating
liquors, wines, or beer shall be sold
inji counties whore the sale of same is
allowed by law, in less quantities
than one-half of a pint, and no one
shall sell any liquors, wines or beer
that aro not contained in securely
sealed receptacles.
Sec 2 That no person who is a
dqalor in intoxicating liquors, wines
or, beers, shall sell or furnish any in
toxicating liquors, wines or" beer in
any quantity to an habitual drunkard
personally known to him, of whose
intomperato habits such person has
beeji;iiotifled in writing protesting
against tho selling or furnishing of
such intoxicating liquors, wines or
betjr. by the wife, father, nibther,
brother or sister of such drunkard.
Sec 8. That no person who is a
dealer in intoxicating liquors, wines
or boer by himself or another, shall
sell or cause to be sold or furnished
or '.tydmlt any' person in his employ
to .seizor furnish any minor, female,
or any; person who is at the time in
toxicated or drunk, intoxicating li
quor, wine or beer, in any quantity.
Sec. 4. That it shall be unlawful
for any person keeping or carrying
on', either by himself or another, a
place, -1 where intoxicating liquors,
wines or bder aro sold by1 retail or
wholesale to employ a minor or' fe
male in his place of business.
Seci 6. That it shall bo unlawful
fof any person to sell intoxicating li
quors,1 wines or beer, between the
hours of 6 o'clock p. m., and 7 a. m.
ec.. .6. It shall be unlawful for
anyt.perspn to soil liquors, wines, or
beer.. on "Sunday, or on general, spe
cial or primary election days, either
state, county or municipal.
Section 7. That no dealer in in
toxicating liquors, wines or beer shall
himself drink, consume, or give
away any intoxicating liquor, wine
or beer in any quantity on the prem
ises "yhere such, liquor, wine or beer
is sold, nor shall he permit or suiter
any assistant, servant, employe, pur
chaser or any person whatsoever to
drihjt, consume or give away any in
toxicating liquor, wine or beer .on
such premises, nor shall he provide
any other premises with the intent
to defeat the policy of this act.
Sect 8. That no gates, doors, win
dowS or' openings of any kind shall
connect the place of business of any
dealer in intoxicating liquors, wines
or beer with any adjacent house or
lot -so as to permit ingress into or
egress out of such house or lot from
or into such place of business; that
no blinds or screens, chairs, settees,
benches pr tables shall be set up or
used in such place of business; that
no musical, vaudeville or other at
tractions shall be permitted to be car
ried on in such place of business, nor
Bhall any loitering be allowed therein;
that no obscene, sensuous picture
or statuary shall be displayed Ih any
such place of business; that through
out the night a light or lights shall
be kept burning in such place of
business, and no doors, blinds, cur
tains, shades, screens or other things
shall be allowed to prevent persons
on the outside of such place of busi
ness from seeing inside thereof at all
hours of the day and night, 'aiul it
hall bo the duty of the proprietor
of. such- place of business to see that
this section is complied with.
Sec. 9. That no retail dealer
shall trust, or give credit to any per
son or persons whomsoever for in
toxicating liquors, wines or beer, and
for a violation of the provision of this
section no debt or demand for intox
icating liquor, wine or beer shall be
enforced in a court of , law.
Sec. 10. That it shall bo unlaw
ful to sell, dispose of or distribute
or keep for sale, disposal or distribu
tion any meals, lunches or victuals of
aiiy kind whatsoever in any room or
place whero intoxicating liquors,
wines or beer aro sold or kept for
Sec. 11. That intoxicating li
quors, -wines or beer shall not bo sold
or exposed for sale in any 'room 'of
any building the floor of which room
shall be more than three feet above
or below the sidewalk immediately
in front of such room or in the ab
scenco of such sidewalk, the floor of
such room shall not be more than
three feet above or below the ground.
Sec. 12. In this act, unless the
context otherwise requires, "per
sons" includes a body of persons
whether incorporated or not.
Sec 13. That any person violat
ing any of the foregoing provisions
of this act, shall be deemed guilty Of
a misdemeanor, and upon convictibn
thereof, his license shall be forfeited
and he shall be fined not more than
one thousand dollars ($1,000), or
imprisoned in the county jail not ex
ceeding twelve (12) months.
Sec 14. That this act is not in
tended to repeal any existing law in
reference to the sale of intoxicating
liquors, wines or beer unless .in con
flict . herewith,, but chapter 6516, of
the laws of 1913j;and all other. laws
in eppflict herewith are hereby re
pealed., Sec. 15. That this act shall take
effect at midnight of the night of
September .30, A. D., 1915.
1 r ':'-"-,,; ;'.r'.J"",; i' K? Vii:!'''
Col. Wm. H. Dunphy, attorney and
democratic leadei died at his home
in Walla WaUa, Wash., April 7. Col
onel Dunphy was born in Illinois
June 27, 1860. He was one of the
best known democrats in the west,
having always taken an active inter
est in public affairs, both in state and
nation. He was prominent in the
national councils of his , party and
for many years was the warm per
sonal friend of Secretary of State
Bryan, whom he always supported.
He was also a close friend of both
Secretary of the Interior Lane and
Secretary of the Navy Daniels, The
loiiowtng tribute to Col. Dunphy is
taken from the Walla Walla Union:
"The death of Col. William H.
Dunphy,. though expected for several
days, comes as a shock to the com
munity. The people of ,the. Walla
Walla valley, who have known him
best for the past 20 years, will feel
a personal loss in the death of a
man who was widely known, and
.whose friends were as njany as his
acquaintances. The state has lost
mi honored citizen, arid his chosen
political party a leader whoso coun
sel was sought in. questions of na
tional as well as stato importance.
"Colonel Dunphy's disposition was
unique in that he enjoyed the con
fidence and whole-souled friendshin
of all who knew him, irrespective of
whether his views accorded wini
those of the other fellow. -Ho prob
ably had as many friends and as few
enemies as any Walla Walla man or
woman. In his death tho lawyers of
the city and state have lo3t a respect
ed and able1 practitioner,' his family a
worthy and devoted husband, father
;,,, ,. ', ...CHARLES A. BRYAN,
Associate Editor' and PublisbJbr of Tho Commoner
Mayor of Lincolni Nebraska
After one of the most interesting employed citizens in the interest of
and , exciting campaigns ever held in humanity and business.
Lincoln, Charles W. Bryan. was elect-- Consolidation of the' Offices, of City
ed as one. of 'five city commissioners Physicia'ri"alrid"City Health' Officer, in
May 4, 1915, and -was 'uhan- the interest of efficiency and. econ-
.x,MU,, ujr lUU UlUtil' oiuy.
commissioners as. mayor, May
10. Lincoln is. operating un
der a .commission form of govern
Consolidation of City and County
Treasurer's Office,, and save $6,000
Tier vfJir in mntiflv find $10,000 a
AT V ww m.m, m.. m, Tr jv. w " T - r
although .the candidates year in time and convenience,
tnmissioners. Mr. Rrvnn'a . oii t.aiv.'.-. n&iAnt' rinr
ment and
filed as commissioners, Mr. Bryan's Sell Lincoln's Paving' Bonds in
ugliest was ror mayor against Mayor Small Denominations, as an invest-
Zehrung, who was a, candidate for rnnt to Lincoln people, and make
re-election. Mr. , Bryai, received a siieh bonds non-taxable,
majority of 1418 votes, over his op- 'Establish City Market to lower
p(?JJ,nt- -cost of living and provide a market
Ihe progressive, platform upon for truck gardeners,
which Mr. Bryan made his campaign Supply Cheaper ' Water to Enable
provided for: . T.tnin rannia nhmn with otli-
Dollar Gas- effective at once. , er :cities in securing factories. .
A Free Employment Bureau, con- ! Garbage Disposal Plant for the
ducted by the city for the laboring ..Health and Comfort of Lincoln Ped
people. pl
A City Attorney, whom laboring 'Extend Antelorie' Park from L St.
people can consult about legal mat- to.0 St. ' " '
ters, without pay, and who will rep- ; Provide a Landscape Architect,
resent in the courts without charge,. Establish Additional Comfort Sta
in i are Unable t0 emPlQy a. tioris at convenient points in business
lawyer. , , , , . section
T?SPPly 1ork. by BulWing Better . Enforcement of, Weights and Meas
Rpads and Streets, with Lincoln's, un- ui$s Ordinances,;,
and brother, the state of Washington
one of its distinguished citizens, and
the people of this n
whose taking off .all, will, sincerely
uiuui 11,
iAn American lady called upon' Am
bassador fierrick in Paris last Au
gust and gave him a piece of 'her
mind. She said; . "Now look here;
this war must stop before the first of
September, because 'Mary Ann haB
simply g?t to g0'U-ciirte! uvusisier. ,
iLucille was a carefully brought up
little girl of five, and sjie returned in
high glee from her first party. (
wa$ a good girl," she announced, an
I talked nica all the time."
' H'Did you remember tosay some
thing nice to Mrs. Applegate just be
fore leaving?" asked her. mother.
" 'Oh, y'esi I 'did," . Wponddd hii-
.i iit . -. . t A afllfl !
cuie. "i smuea at nor u """ 'in
mra. '
ertjoyed 'myself' very much, Mrs. -i
pl&gate. I 'had 'lots mbre'tb' eat tuan
I fspected to have.' "Chicago ag