'nw Wi &? - ' The Commoner VOL. 14, NO. 12 r (if 32 , ' r i I If 1'reBidoiit Mc K 1 n 1 oy said: "I am familiar with Ridpath's History of tho World, unci cor dially commend it to tho scholar as'woll as to the people gen erally." r re fossae . Anicellf I MichJgtfil - XJnlvcwUy, I Miltl: "I have oxamined Ridpath's. History of the W)rld. As a pop ular history of the world it may well be o o m m o nd o d ii tho public," I "IF 7k i I, imPWii i1 ii HMnl VilHJ liillllffh HPP'i1 W HM picIont Cleveland I rati&SffiSft said: "X unhesttat- I President Cleveland said: "1 unhesitat ingly recommend Rid path's History of the World as a work of . great merit and believe that it should have a prominent place in every library." .tteislibp Vincent "said: "Ridpath's History is in cleai and agreeable style, comprehensive in treatment, readable type and admirable illustrations." THE PRESENT EUROPEAN WAR is tho greatest tragedy in human history. The great monarchies of Europe, as illustrated here with by "the "crowned eagles, are engaged in an awful conflict of destruction. The Goddess of Liberty may well try to protect the fallen soldiers, with theilags of their nations trailing in the dust. If you would care to know the underlying causes which have led up to this conflict, the great racial antipathies, the commercial rivalries, the sting of past defeats, the vaulting ambitions for world empire, then embrace this opportunity to place in your home the world-famed publication, I lb World Vll the underlying causes of the present conflict Austria's memory of defeat by Napoleon on a hundred battlefields, France's defeat v Germany under the leadership of the Iron Chancellor Bismark, Russia's loss of tho Dardenelles, closing her outlet to the sea, MAIL COUPON FOR SPECIMEN PAGES AND FULL INFORMATION We will name our price only in direct letters to those sending in the coupon below. Tear off coupon, write name ang address plainly and mail now before you forget it. Dr. Ridpath's family derive their income from his History, and to print our price broadcast for the sake of more quickly selling these few sets would cause great injury to future sales. SEND COUPON TODAY. DR. JOHN CLARK RIDPATH is universally recognized as the world's greatest historian. He was the friend and advocateofthe masses of the common people. In 1 896 he was the democratic nom inee for congress m his home dis trict and received the warm sup pprt of the leader of the Party. I Rltlniith's History of tho World is 8 endorsed by the Presidents of the U TTs-i.t-Arl C4-n n lx IDMirti r sx.i r r sv uuuou ouima, uj i icaiuunw ul practically all colleges and uni versities, and by over a quarter of a million Americans who own artd love it. Hundreds who read this i . ,i " i i i vi-i,.-: GfcW 1IST0RY: . CfTMEv' WORLD': tlDPATHl Bi?on? WATM'J-.:.? 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I Hlr .2 v.a m sr: ,cr, i gzzFrnmWx l:Y: w rioi.'.v :rit; . rforv ?.s ??'"? : NSTOfiYf storVJ Ai wMM '. ; i' II UU; :- K .nUHLDV! :V: WOD I n ,l r. ffil"' ' v : ... J fiTIHS . . .VA '&m m Wfcte W Wm RiSTri h: :t HI SUit MH.W. P. WM 'ymti''Xi.VmijM.. .-tWim - II ta-iiiu;. .-. , srZrn.. W7 ' wm ( ' Mi ', mm ?i TsTohVfc oriM.'i;.-i WQRLD. M&'AiM 1 M'Vfc IV.''Ma: m PI W7M im WMM, :M WMHMII ' r ?JK.t2 . i J lfffliliur J'tV -.VOL.IX- h.v ..V ,'"' "' H7.7V T'NIMCTClNTtfl ?. 'oawu Af'zl.V'ii ry.vr. 'lV;-. 7? tWlNTIUHJ-i NTUdV.''A 2,000 Illustrations 4,000 Pages History tlic Wrlrt. containing nhotocrravures of Nanoledn, Caesar. and other crrcnt characters In history, diagram of Panama Canal, and write moffull particulars of your special offer to The. Commoner readers Six Thousand Years of History Here you read of the Rise and Pall of. Nations, the splen aor that was Greece and the glory that was Rome. You discern the causes which have led to the overthrow of mighty monarchies and kingdoms, peoples and races, and t he thoughtful mind can not fail to discern through it nil the steady and powerful march toward Republican and , tree -institutions. The birthright of man is Freedom, and m.this solemn hour the closing words of Dr. Ridpath's nr0PiOi! tl,e World fal1 uPon us almost like a benedic ; ey-are as follows : "May the day soon dawn when y -4 'I111 01ent t0 cident, from pole to pole, from mountain lo shore, and from" shore tp the fartherest island ot tho sounding sea show only the glad sunshine of Pree- Pie of Vi niCast , ? fcho dfty soon coie when the peo ?Sblt SS ari8,l?s at laat irow U avy slumbers and mind, n? reans, wllIoh he so lonff haunted the benighted "ra of0 al.1 j0in ln glad wto to share in the 'Golden , ' """ me universal Monarcny oc " i r inc. guMMUNtK i