li UA IkH.Irt ifc 11 J'- J B' & rf ups" ,w ..,.q,1frnTK.arvjt5J 32 The Commoner VOL. 14, NO. H WMm II WSgr8m& s MARK ANTONY DELIVERING THE FUNERAL ORATION OVER THE BODY-OF JULIUS CAESAR rAESAB'S name has stood through all the ages as the embodiment of imperial power. Sis untimely end, after reaching the pin naole of earthlv fflorv. is one of the great tragedies of history. The -picture herewith, from Ridpath's History, is but ONE of TWO v- THOUSAND in the complete work, and serves to illustrate but one event out of all the THOUSANDS which make up the . . . rt 1 Jl i 1 Ui.. J TVT4.i 11 .....nnln n, nn Aniniviiwln 4-ntA i-n U nrMllJ fnmnil -nl-iWi; nn4-Z History 01 every empire, mngaom, pnilUipuilly U.UU HHWUU, uu uuuuicijr iwiu cjuuci vauuLUgiy wm ah iuc wuim-xaiucu jJuuAxuaium, o l . 1 Q T w - J - 1 m m F 1 ine vv on IB"flI-fcfrI& jl viupa si.i i s loLOI V Oi USTORYja Of mr. !;,...' PggTT ffiPI i"THT.W lYLONIA-,t.V ll"!.-; 1.-J.V: im ilSTORV; CfTMr ; ' 'JfAlH. 'M, ...; SUMLUs ;.'. i:ft oc:iiv,i :ponu PSMWtffl H Mjory$ ii'CrTHt mm ! !' mmm (ISTORV X3.W8 m m '90$- mmmm mm fan 9ttmH f 9n t"Slllt vtjCJLfl II h- ajiui rryni& f fdSSsBffift Nino Royal Octavo Volumes' Trt .fc, ,! " OWA0A M'OUON I. ftt. ! IIIIMlMII 'II ! Mil ltIMIllIMl BT-fe. We wm mrf e "ortuurni ? w v oookiof : iU"Paen nnwo . SamnJrt HfafoV.Kidpath to fivl' u' ?? Worlrt estfiri ', reaier intfir: mnfi.. !t our offer whn boin, ,.s tbe coming tmffa ' .' cntains nor. sar. M;LJ?ocrates, CaG- DanrA :i-u,,eon Shako . rtQ i.. -Hiiaracters fn i., ?reat 1-" xntJCnry Cf. bfc c .it' 14 PRT1E COUPON, Professor Ridpath's Graphic Style thP fpnv'ni a. iP-16 yet glows with tne leivency of the nraim- tt ,,r, i:-.- j.t.i j . bones of hfi.nt 51' Cri f..1-1" r , i. z ' TT A1CU IltJ writes tne departed gteat are ija real to you as your own neiih. 'f'A 5 wm i Dr. John Clark Riclpath is universally recognized as the world's greatest historian. He was the friend and advocate of the masses of the common people. In 1896 ho was the democratic nominee forcongress in his home district and received the warm support of the Leader of tho Party. Hundreds have already availed themselves of this remarkable opportunity to secure the greatest History of tiie "World ever written. We have only a few sets of the last edition remaining, which we offer at a low price and on easy terms. MAIL COUPON FOR SPECIMEN PA6ES AND FULL INFORMATION Wo will name our price only in direct letters to those sending in the coupon below. Tear off coupon, write name and address plainly and mail now before you forget it. Dr. Ridpath's family derive their income from his History, and to print our price broadcast for the sake of more quickly selling these few sets would cause great injury to future sales. SEND COUPON TODAY. - The European War Tho groat monarchies of Europe aro now engaged in the groatest tragedy of human history. If you would know tho underlying causes which have lead up to this great conflict, the deep, racial antipa thies, the mutual jealousies, the commercial rivalries, the sting of past defeats, the vaulting ambi tions for world empire, then you should placr Ridpath's History of tho World in your homo.. Ridpath's is the One Great His tory, the one Authentic History to which you can turn and enlighten yourself on these past events. It is endorsed by the scholarship of the world anJ by the great Amer ican people as the greatest' History of the world ever written. If you act promptly, we will send you 46 pages for free examination, -:,. A '. S: :: ' 1 "" . K ' J-iJ i Hi itt ; -- '-' :- ', j.-V.v ' ta4 V. fSSSx iZm lm' 'SSSSSSy. J-i. T -:-'. . '' fffffSSf i ! --u- ,'Sf. " 'I. 'fJfZffiJ, r - r'- ,' -i .v-. A' YJTA ;-7T- n-ir M: 'J Si ' -"g :K ', ? ' - ... ', jn ... . , -rryr ," A w , i'v ff . : ::; '. 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It is a work you will Tf ?na? as you liv and read over d over aain your do Creafse your fund of knowledge, and improve .' . ; . wTciaanuu ana ennooie your cnarautcx. ,- . J. U MtLmti.thfJ.i.